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Lemos 1

Joseph Lemos

English ¾

Molly Fenn

March 10, 2022

Good To Great

Did you know alpha males are the leaders of wolf packs? Leaders assist themselves and

others in making the best decisions. They establish the tone, create a compelling vision, and

create something unique. Leadership is about determining where you need to go in order to

succeed. One leader is significant when running any society, directing others in the right way.

In a family, the adult parent is the leader of the house, taking care of the family and

shouldering the most responsibility. The adult in a family can be the guardian, mom or dad, and

eldest child. According to Smith, "Your parents love you and will sacrifice a lot for your well-

being…Your parents have lived a lot longer than you, and I’m positive they have learned their

fair share of lessons. They also know you very well" (Smith). Adults have been living in this

world for 30+ years and have experienced more than children. You are better off to follow their

advice and/or footsteps for successful growth.

Following one's own advice and footsteps leads to learning, which is key to success.

There is no such thing as learning too much. The more you learn, the more knowledge you bring

to others and yourself. George Washington even once said that his mom was his role model. In

the New Times article, Bishop states, "George Washington a man who ruled America, once said

that the greatest teacher he ever had was his mother…No one has a better opportunity to know

what you need to know than your parents" (Bishop). George Washington learned and listened to
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his mom and where did he end up? George was President of the United States of America. He

gained his knowledge from his mom because she was the leader of his family when his father

passed away when George was 11.

Not to mention, your parents will be there to comfort you and help you be a better person.

Having a great relationship with your parents, so that they can support and direct you is

important. Walker points out that "Parents and children have a unique relationship…It’s all about

creating a safe space for our children, teaching them how to treat others, and most importantly,

how to treat themselves"(Walker). Without a good relationship with your parents, there will be

no conversations and insights into each other. They don't know what you want in life, and

adults/parents being leaders can’t direct you down a path if they don't have information about


On the other hand, a point guard needs to be the leader to control the game and direct

where his/her teammates go in order to win a game. In Schleyer’s words, "The point guard is the

coach on the floor…To be a great leader, she must be the type of player her teammates respect

and want to follow"(Schleyer). The second leader to the coach in basketball is the point guard.

All people want in a leader are positivity, respect, and helping others. The coach on the floor

means that they take most of the responsibility for each play and give directions for their

teammates on the basketball floor.

Point guards are the only leaders on the team who will control and win the game. You

don't have to be the best player on your team, but you have to have the qualities to be a point

guard. For instance, Justice points out that, "The point guard runs the offense and is always

usually the team’s best dribbler and passer. The point guard defends the opponent’s point guard
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and tries to steal the ball"(Justice). The qualities of being a great point guard with the skills of

dribbling and passing will lead a basketball team to an outstanding win.

Leading your team to a win is nice and all, but the way you lead your team is always

important. There is a lot of weight on your shoulders when being the point guard and being a

leader in general. According to Shane, "He is responsible for putting the ball in the hands of the

shooters." You can be the best shooter in the world, but if you don't get the ball, you don't get to

score"(Shane). This is a very significant quote because it summarizes that there is only one

leader on the court and it should be the point guard.

The leader needs to be smart and civil with the power they hold, because they can't take

advantage of it in any negative way. In the book, Shakespeare writes, " I do not know the man I

should avoid So soon as that spare Cassius. He reads much…He is a great observer, and he looks

Quite through the deeds of men"(1.2, Line 199). Caesar is describing Cassius as an opponent to

him, and to have power in a society, you have to be civil with everybody and be confident that

you are leading others in the right way.

Additionally, there is a difference between being confident and being cocky. In my opinion, I

surround myself with humble people, and everyone would want a humble leader. For example, "I

could be well moved, if I were as you. If I could pray to move, prayers would move me. But I am

constant as the Northern Star" (3.1, Line 64). Caesar is trying to make himself seem like he's the

most reliable and consistent person, the best to fill the role as king. He is lowering his standards

to look good for others so that he will be chosen.

Furthermore, the negative energy somebody has is bad for your mental health and the

hatred towards others can affect you. Focusing on yourself to improve your weaknesses and
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better your strengths as a leader will help you in the long run rather than having a mindset on

something else. For instance, Cassius emphasized "He had a fever when he was in Spain, And

when the fit was on him, I did mark How he shook. 'Tis true, this god did shake"(1.2 Line 121).

The particular reason I chose this quote is that Cassius feels strongly that he is superior to

Caesar, so he explains Caesar's weaknesses to Brutus. That is a sign of the disparity between a

great leader and a good leader.

Individual leaders, some argue, abuse their influence and lead others in the wrong

direction. While this may be true, we need a leader who is for the people. As for Donald Trump,

as a prime example, he was not setting a good example by going against our democratic system.

In the AP Fact Check article by Hope Yen, Trump stated, "This election is about great voter

fraud, fraud that has never been seen like this before (Yen). As the president of the United States,

being one of the most powerful humans in the world. To have a passion to help all, not just a

certain group of people or yourself.

To sum it up, one true leader will shape and affect any society or group in the rightful

pathway. The leader should be confident and stay resilient to have successful results. Putting

trust and respect in the leader is the best way to get to where you want to be. The strongest and

wisest individuals should have the power to make decisions in a society.

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Work Cited
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