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Investigation Into the Use of Qpcr To examine the Effect of Doxorubicin on Expression of

P53 And P21 in a Breast Cancer Cell Line


1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................4
2. Analysis of Data..................................................................................................................................4
2.1 Cell Culture and Treatments....................................................................................................5
2.2 Plasmid and siRNA Transfection.................................................................................................5
2.3 RT-qPCR.....................................................................................................................................5
2.4 Western Blot Analysis.................................................................................................................6
2.5 Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay............................................................................6
2.6 Cell Cycle Analysis by Flow Cytometry...................................................................................6
2.7 High Content Imaging Analysis...................................................................................................6
3. Results of Data analysis.......................................................................................................................8
3.1 TFEB Transcriptionally Regulates P21/WAF1 Expression.........................................................8
3.2. TFEB-Mediated Induction of P21 Requires p53..........................................................................9
3.3. P21 Modulation in Response to DNA Damage Requires TFEB.....................................................10
3.4. Absence of TFEB Promotes a Faster Arrest in G2/M Phase in Response to DNA Damage...........12
3.5. TFEB Promotes Cancer Cell Survival Upon DNA Damage Through P21 Upregulation................13
4. Discussion.........................................................................................................................................15
5. Conclusions..........................................................................................................................................17
6 References.............................................................................................................................................19

The MiT/TFE group of record factors (MITF, TFE3, and TFEB), which control transcriptional
programs for autophagy and lysosome biogenesis have arisen as controllers of energy digestion
in malignant growth. Subsequently, their actuation increments lysosomal catabolic capacity to
support disease cell development and endurance in pressure conditions. Here, we observed that
TFEB consumption drastically lessens basal articulation levels of the cyclin-subordinate kinase
(CDK) inhibitor P21/WAF1 in different cell types. Alternately, TFEB overexpression increments
P21 in a p53-subordinate way. Moreover, enlistment of DNA harm utilizing doxorubicin
instigates TFEB-intervened initiation of P21, defers G2/M stage capture, and advances cell
endurance. Pharmacological restraint of P21, all things being equal, repeals TFEB-interceded
insurance during the DNA harm reaction. Together, our discoveries uncover a novel and direct
job of TFEB in the guideline of P21 articulation in both consistent state conditions and during
the enlistment of DNA-harm reaction (DDR). Our perceptions may open novel restorative
techniques to advance malignant growth cell demise by focusing on the TFEB-P21 pathway
within the sight of genotoxic specialists.

keywords: TFEB; P21; DNA-harm reaction; cell cycle; autophagy; malignant growth; genotoxic
stress; doxorubicin

1. Introduction
P21/WAF1/P21, henceforth P21, has been initially distinguished as a significant effector of the
growth silencer quality p53. P21 is a widespread inhibitor of the cyclin kinases (Cdks) that are
vital for cell cycle movement. Nonetheless, amassing proof likewise shows that it can assume a
part in an assortment of cell capacities like the guideline of record, DNA fix, and the tweak of
apoptosis [1,2,3,4]. P21 ensures cells against apoptosis evoked by different boosts, apparently to
expand cell reasonability during the repayment of harmed DNA in development captured cells.
As the P21 protein has been shown overexpressed in numerous growth types, its enemy of
apoptotic movement might constrict the viability of restorative regimens depending on the
acceptance of apoptosis. This favorable to oncogenic movement of P21 has been exhibited for
prostate and bosom malignant growth, gliomas, cervical and ovarian carcinomas, and some
different cancers, where its expanded articulation is as often as possible related with negative
guess and helpless endurance [5,6]. Along these lines, P21 has been associated with both growth
suppressive and oncogenic properties [3,7,8,9]. In pigmented cells, the record of P21 is enacted
by MITF, an expert controller of melanocyte separation and multiplication [1]. Perplexingly,
overexpression of MiT individuals, including MITF TFEB and TFE3, and upregulation of their
transcriptional quality organizations can drive tumorigenesis in various tissues [10,11,12].
Hence, chromosomal movements including TFEB and TFE3 have been found in patients with
clear renal cell carcinoma (RCC) [13,14,15,16,17,18,19].

While concentrating on the impacts of TFEB regulation in cell cycle proteins, we observed that
the exhaustion of TFEB seriously weakens the basal articulation levels of P21, while its
overexpression transcriptionally upregulates P21 through direct restricting to its advertiser in a
p53-subordinate way. Most curiously, pharmacological enlistment of DNA harm utilizing
doxorubicin can incite TFEB/P21 pathway, uncovering a physiological job of TFEB in managing
the phone cycle during pressure reactions.

2. Analysis of Data
2.1 Cell Culture and Treatments

HeLa and ARPE-19 cells were bought from ATCC. ARPE-19 is a precipitously deified cell line
of human retinal shade epithelium. These cells are diploid and non-changed. HeLa TFEB and
TFEB/TFE3 knockout and p53-invalid human osteosarcoma (SAOS-2 p53-invalid) cells were
generously given by Richard J. Youle (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA) and
Dr. Caterina Missero (Centro di Ingegneria Genetica e Biotecnologie Avanzate, Naples, Italy),
separately. HeLa cells steadily communicating TFEB-GFP or TFEB 3xflag were acquired as
recently depicted [22,28]. Cells were refined at 37 °C and 5% CO2 in DMEM (Sigma-Aldrich,
St. Louis, MO, USA, D6429) enhanced with fetal cow-like serum (10%) and Pen/Strep (1%).
Medicines with doxorubicin (D1515, Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA, D6429), Torin (Tocris,
Bristol, UK), or UC2288 (ab146969, Abcam, Cambridge, UK) were performed at showed time
focuses and fixations and contrasted and control DMSO. For province arrangement examine,
around 200 cells for every well were cultivated in a 6-well plate. Following day cells were dealt
with, and kept up with in culture 8 days more, supplanting medium at regular intervals.

2.2 Plasmid and siRNA Transfection

Cells were transfected utilizing Trans-IT reagent (Mirus-Bio, Madison, WI, USA) as per the
producer's convention with plasmids encoding TFEBS211A x3flag [22], CMVp53 (given by Dr.
Caterina Missero), banner P21 (Addgene, Watertown, MA, USA), or 3xflagCMV14 vacant
(Sigma-Aldrich St. Louis, Missuri, USA). siRNA transfection was performed with
Lipofectamine RNA iMAX (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) following the producer's
convention. Quieting was performed for 72 h at 20 nM with either P21-focusing on siRNA (L-
003471-00-0005, Dharmacon, Lafayette, Colorado, USA) or non-focusing on siRNA (D-
001810-10-50, Dharmacon, Lafayette, CO, USA) as the negative control.

2.3 RT-qPCR
All out RNA was decontaminated from cells by utilizing the RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden,
Germany). Switch record was performed utilizing the QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit
(Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). qPCR was performed with a LightCycler. (Roche Applied Science,
Penzberg, Germany), utilizing SYBR Green PCR ace blend (Applied Biosystems, Foster City,

CA, USA). Relative quality articulation was determined by the 2-ΔΔCt technique. HPRT was
utilized as the reference quality for the standardization of target quality articulation levels.

2.4 Western Blot Analysis

Cells were flushed twice with cold PBS, resuspended in lysis cushion (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8,
0.2% SDS) containing protease (Roche, Basilea, Switzerland) and phosphatase (Sigma, St.
Louis, MO, USA) inhibitors, and sonicated. Protein fixation was controlled by the Bradford
strategy. Then, at that point, protein tests were isolated by SDS–PAGE, moved to nitrocellulose
films, and immunoblotted with explicit essential antibodies followed by peroxidase-formed
enemy of hare or against mouse auxiliary antibodies (Millipore, Burlingtone, MA, USA).
Chemiluminescence was identified by a chemiluminescence imager (Amersham Imager 600,
Amersham, Little Chalfont, UK).

2.5 Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Assay

Chromatin immunoprecipitation measure in HeLa cells transfected with either 3xflagCMV14
unfilled or TFEB S211A 3xflag plasmids and in HeLa cells steadily communicating TFEB
3xflag was proceeded as recently depicted [29]. Hostile to signal counter acting agent (F7425,
Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA) was utilized to immunoprecipitate TFEB. qPCR was performed
with a LightCycler® System 2.0 (Roche Applied Science, Penzberg, Germany), utilizing SYBR
Green PCR ace blend (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Introductions for ATP6V1H
and HPRT advertisers were utilized as sure and negative controls, separately [30].

2.6 Cell Cycle Analysis by Flow Cytometry

HeLa cells were gathered and resuspended in PBS. For the obsession, 9-crease volume of ethanol
70% was added and brooded a 4 °C for something like 1 h. Then, cells were centrifuged, washed
in PBS and resuspended in PBS containing RNase A 0.1 mg/ml. After hatching for 1 h at 37 °C,
propidium iodide was added to a last centralization of 10 µg/ml and tests were dissected in a
stream cytometer Accuri C6 or with BD FACSAriaIII.

2.7 High Content Imaging Analysis

Cell cycle investigation by high substance imaging was performed by utilizing the Click-iT Plus
EdU Alexa Fluor 488 Imaging Kit (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA) as indicated by
maker guidelines. Likewise, immunofluorescence discovery of histone phosphorylation to
distinguish cells in mitosis was performed by utilizing an enemy of pHH3 (Ser28) immunizer
(H9908, Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA), in blend with an Alexa Fluor 647 enemy of rodent

neutralizer (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA). Pictures were obtained with a computerized
confocal microscopy (Opera System, Perkin Elmer, Walltham, MA, USA) and examined through
Columbus Image Data Storage and Analysis System (Perkin-Elmer, Walltham, MA, USA), by
applying an explained script. Fundamentally, cells in S-stage, which have consolidated EdU (5-
ethynyl-2'- deoxyuridine, a nucleoside simple of thymidine), are envisioned in green; cells with
low Hoechst 33342 aggregate force (low DNA) and EdU/pHH3 negative are G1-stage cells; cells
with high Hoechst 33342 total power (high DNA) and EdU/pHH3 negative are G2-stage cells; at
long last, cells in mitosis are pictured in red (pHH3 positive).

3. Results of Data analysis

3.1 TFEB Transcriptionally Regulates P21/WAF1 Expression
Ongoing proof proposes that exhaustion of TFEB/TFE3 record elements can dysregulate the
statement of qualities associated with the DNA-harm reaction actuated by etoposide treatment
[26]. Consequently, we found out if the balance of TFEB levels could impact the declaration of
cell cycle proteins. To this point, we looked at the basal articulation of a bunch of cell cycle
proteins in WT cells or cells drained of TFEB (HeLa TFEB KO cells) by genome altering [32].
While the degrees of most cell cycle proteins didn't change fundamentally, we tracked down a
sensational downregulation of P21 at the degree of both mRNA and protein in HeLa TFEB KO
cells (Figure 1A–D, Supplementary Figure S1A,B). On the other hand, the overexpression of a
constitutively dynamic atomic type of (TFEB-S211A) expanded both mRNA and protein
articulation of P21 in WT HeLa cells just as protected P21 articulation on HeLa TFEB KO cells
(Figure 1C,D, Supplementary Figure S1C). Comparable tweak was seen in a non-disease cell
line, the human retinal pigmented epithelial cell ARPE-19 (Figure 1E,F). Above all, by utilizing
chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) examine, we observed that TFEB ties to the advertiser of
P21 in HeLa cells transfected with a plasmid encoding TFEB-S211A (Figure 1G). We affirmed
the presence of one MiT theme around here just as the putative restricting theme for notable
factors that ties the advertiser of P21 including p53, VDR, and SP1 [33,34,35,36]
(Supplementary Figure S1D). Together, these outcomes demonstrate that TFEB decidedly
manages the basal articulation of the cell cycle inhibitor P21 by direct restricting to its advertiser.

3.2. TFEB-Mediated Induction of P21 Requires p53

P21 has been initially distinguished as a downstream effector of the growth silencer record factor
p53 [5]. p53 initiates fundamental objective qualities associated with cell cycle capture, DNA
fix, and apoptosis during the DNA-harm reaction (DDR) [37]. Curiously, ongoing work shows
that TFE3 and TFEB can add to support a p53-subordinate reaction upon genotoxic stress by
etoposide [26]. Along these lines, we found out if the adjustment of P21 by TFEB requires p53
articulation. While in WT cells, TFEB overexpression raises both the mRNA and protein of P21
without altogether modifying p53 protein levels (Supplementary Figure S2A–C), the TFEB-
intervened enlistment of P21 was totally hindered in the p53 invalid cell line (SAOS-2 p53-
invalid) (Figure 2A,B and Supplementary Figure S2D). True to form, the overexpression of p53
had the option to safeguard P21 protein and mRNA levels in p53 invalid cells, and we likewise

noticed a further increment of P21 by co-communicating both p53 and TFEB S211A (Figure 2
A,B and Supplementary Figure S2D). Then again, the overexpression of p53 didn't alter TFEB
protein levels in HeLa WT cells yet expanded P21 in both HeLa WT and HeLa TFEB KO cells
(Figure 2 C,D, Supplementary Figure S2E). Also, p53 overexpression had the option to actuate
P21 protein in HeLa cells twofold KO for TFEB and TFE3 (Figure 2 D–F). Subsequently, we
can reason that p53 is needed for the enlistment of TFEB-subordinate P21 articulation.

3.3. P21 Modulation in Response to DNA Damage Requires TFEB

Captivated by the TFEB-intervened tweak of P21, we tried whether genotoxic acceptance
utilizing the chemotherapeutic specialist doxorubicin could enact the TFEB-P21 pathway.

Doxorubicin causes extreme DNA twofold strand breaks, advancing p53-subordinate enlistment
of P21 and prompting a square of the cell in the G2-period of the cell cycle [38]. True to form,
the treatment with doxorubicin caused a period subordinate increment of p53 and P21
articulation that arrives at the maximal enlistment at 8 hours to then rot at 24 h, in all probability
through the proposed debasement by the proteasome [39] (Figure 3A). Strangely, while
doxorubicin-interceded upregulation of p53 was practically the same in both WT and HeLa
TFEB KO cells, the enlistment of P21 was seriously debilitated in TFEB KO cells (Figure
3A,B). Comparative outcomes were gotten utilizing HeLa cells twofold KO for TFEB and TFE3
(Figure 3C,D), proposing that the doxorubicin-intervened upregulation of P21 requires TFEB.
Alternately, HeLa cells steadily overexpressing TFEB-GFP protein showed a superior reaction,
hoisting P21, upon doxorubicin treatment (Figure 3A). By utilizing ChIP investigation, we
additionally affirmed an increment of TFEB restricting to the P21 advertiser (Figure 3E) and P21
mRNA rise upon doxorubicin treatment (Supplementary Figure S3A), recommending a
transcriptional control.

3.4. Absence of TFEB Promotes a Faster Arrest in G2/M Phase in Response to DNA Damage
Then, at that point, we found out if the adjustment of TFEB protein levels could be pertinent
regulating the cell pattern of malignant growth cells in untreated conditions or after the treatment
with doxorubicin, which causes a square of G2-period of the cell cycle [38] (Figure 4A). We
observed that cells exhausted of TFEB, and in this manner having lower basal degrees of P21
(Figure 1A,B), go through a quicker G2-stage capture after the treatment with two unique
convergences of doxorubicin for 24 h (Figure 4A).

3.5. TFEB Promotes Cancer Cell Survival Upon DNA Damage Through P21 Upregulation
To assess the job of the TFEB-P21 pathway in disease cell endurance, we performed settlement
arrangement measures utilizing cells with various degrees of TFEB and P21 (WT, TFEB KO,
and HeLa cells steadily overexpressing TFEB-GFP), in presence or nonappearance of
doxorubicin. While the quantity of states framed was comparable in all phone lines treated with
DMSO, the normal size of these provinces was drastically diminished in cells drained of TFEB
(Figure 5A,B). All the more curiously, treatment with doxorubicin diminished both number and
size of settlements in a further degree in cells with lower levels of TFEB-P21 articulation. These
outcomes propose that more significant levels of TFEB articulation emphatically associate with
better cell endurance within the sight of genotoxic stress. To check whether these impacts are
interceded by P21 upregulation, we treated cells with the P21 inhibitor UC2288, which incites an

abatement in both P21 mRNA and protein levels [40] (Supplementary Figure S3A,B). We found
that the treatment with UC2288 alone for 8 days fundamentally diminishes the quantity of
provinces in HeLa TFEB KO cells and the normal size of these states in all cell lines treated.
Strangely, the co-treatment with doxorubicin and UC2288 essentially decreases the quantity of
settlements in HeLa WT and Hela TFEB KO yet not in cells overexpressing TFEB (Figure
5A,B). Also, the normal size of the settlements was continuously decreased in all cell lines,
albeit steadily HeLa cells overexpressing TFEB were less touchy to the co-treatment (Figure

4. Discussion
In ordinary cells, the acceptance of DNA harm or other pressure signals initiate the growth
silencer p53, prompting transient articulation of the cyclin-subordinate kinase inhibitor (CKI)
P21. In these conditions, P21 assumes a part as an antiproliferative effector and go between of
cell senescence. In any case, late proof proposes that P21 can secure either growth silencer or
oncogenic properties relying upon cell type, cell limitation, p53 status, and the sort and level of
genotoxic stress. In disease cells, the overexpression of P21 may advance the age of malignant
growth cell clones that getaway from senescence, harbor outrageous genome flimsiness, and
present a medication safe aggregate [7]. Subsequently, a clever remedial procedure might
comprise of focusing on explicit disease cell types in which P21 is upregulated. Here, we found
that P21 is a transcriptional focus of TFEB, an expert controller of lysosomal work [28,30]. We
observed that TFEB exhaustion drastically downregulates the basal articulation of P21 protein in
both ordinary and disease cell types. On the other hand, the overexpression of TFEB raises both
mRNA and protein levels of P21. Strangely, a tissue-limited individual from the TFEB family,
MITF, is a notable activator of P21 articulation, an interaction that might add to the cell cycle
exit and actuation of the separation program of melanocyte genealogy [1]. Critically, MITF can
go about as an enhanced oncogene in a negligible part of human melanomas and that it
additionally has an oncogenic job in human clear cell sarcoma. Also, deviant overexpression of
TFEB has been accounted for in patients with renal cell carcinoma [41]. Whether or not the
adjustment of P21 additionally assumes a part in the oncogenic movement of TFEB/TFE3-
initiated renal carcinoma, will be the subject of future examinations.

Then, at that point, we tracked down that one of the significant controllers of P21, the growth
silencer p53 [16,27,28,42,43,44], is needed for TFEB-intervened rise of P21. Curiously, a
leftover yet huge enactment of P21 was seen upon the overexpression of TFEB in p53 exhausted
foundation. This perception might show a p53-autonomous component of P21 acceptance
through TFEB that requirements further examination. Albeit not at the very level that its
overexpression in WT cells, exogenous p53 can increment P21 protein levels in TFEB KO just
as in twofold TFEB/TFE3 KO cells, showing that p53 can in any case actuate P21 in a TFEB-
autonomous way. Furthermore, co-articulation of p53 and TFEB came about in a synergic
impact lifting P21. In this way, despite the fact that p53 may not need TFEB to incite P21

articulation, it might help out TFEB to tweak P21 levels in some malignant growth types or
under explicit upgrades.

5. Conclusions
Comparative outcomes were acquired at 48 h (Supplementary Figure S4). On the other hand, in
HeLa cells steadily overexpressing TFEB, and thusly having more significant levels of P21
(Figure 1C,D), we noticed a more slow G2-stage capture upon doxorubicin treatment (Figure
4A). These outcomes showed that TFEB may be associated with the movement of the cell cycle
through the balance of P21 levels. This thought is upheld by the critical decrease in the level of
HeLa cells in the S-stage with a huge expansion in the G2/M-stage when TFEB isn't
communicated, as uncovered the investigation of the periods of the cell cycle by High Content
Imaging (Figure 4B). In accordance with this finding, the over-articulation of P21 in TFEB KO
cells prompts a deferral in the movement of the cell cycle to the G2-stage after doxorubicin
treatment (Figure 4C). Then again, in HeLa WT cells, decrease of P21 levels by explicit siRNAs
prompts a quicker capture in the G2-stage, copying the impact of doxorubicin in TFEB KO HeLa
cells (Figure 4D). Additionally, overexpression of the TFEB S211A freak, which impressively
lifts P21 levels, advanced a huge expansion in the level of cells in the G1-stage (Figure 4E).
Together, these outcomes show that TFEB assumes a significant part in doxorubicin-interceded
DDR by balancing the cell cycle through the declaration of P21 protein.

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