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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

In Jackson hearings, GOP senators see a stage Ukraine

Four who may have eye on 2024 try to make their mark
By Jim Puzzanghera below federal guidelines and cases “very seriously as a moth-
GLOBE STAFF prosecutor recommendations. It er” and explained she was fol-

back and
WASHINGTON — Flashing a was a misleading attack on her lowing congressional require-
red marker and his desire for a record, and Jackson was well ments in calculating those sen-
larger stage, Texas Senator Ted prepared for it. tences.
Cruz was in full viral video mode “Do you believe the voice of “In every case,” she conclud-
Tuesday at Judge Ketanji Brown the children is heard when 100 ed, “I did my duty.”

Jackson’s Supreme Court nomi- percent of the time you’re sen- The line of questioning may
nation hearing. tencing those in possession of seem surprisingly ugly for a
With a big placard listing child pornography to far below highly qualified Supreme Court
child pornography cases Jackson what the prosecutor’s asking nominee whose confirmation
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on Tuesday had adjudicated, the Texas Re- for?” Cruz asked. would not alter the court’s con-
defended her record and presented herself
as a firm believer in judicial restraint. A5.
publican wrote beside each one
the amount her sentences fell
“Yes, I do,” Jackson respond-
ed coolly. She said she takes the
servative majority but would
Russian forces show
losses, Pentagon says
By Neil MacFarquhar

Ukrainian forces pressed to thwart the Rus-

sian invasion, mounting counteroffensives on
multiple fronts and retaking a town outside of
Kyiv on Tuesday, while the more heavily
armed Russians, unable to gain a decisive up-
per hand, tried to pound Ukraine’s cities and
people into submission.
As the fighting seesawed around Kyiv,
Ukrainian soldiers prevailed in Makariv, a key
crossroads on the western approaches to the
city, while in the south of the country they
sought to reclaim the Kherson region. The
southern port of Mariupol still endured a bru-
tal siege, however, with the government saying
that some 100,000 civilians remained trapped
in that ruined city with little food, water, pow-
er, or heat.
“This war will not end easily or rapidly,”
Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser,
told reporters on the eve of President Biden’s
departure for a NATO summit in Europe.
In Russia, President Vladimir Putin’s gov-
ernment, which had apparently expected a
lightning conquest, responded to its setbacks
in Ukraine and its plummeting reputation in
the West by expanding its recent draconian
crackdown on dissent, making it a criminal of-
fense to discredit the activities of all state
agencies working abroad, like embassies. A
Russian court sentenced the already impris-
oned opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who

Wu urges

Dr. Peter Tatum, shown spray-painting in Central Square’s Graffiti Alley, says he considers himself an artist first.

state to give
An artist takes a creative path city a chance
to an unlikely destination with schools
Painting and music were Peter Tatum’s Testifies a takeover would
life, until he decided he wanted to be a be ‘counterproductive’
doctor. His struggles were far from over. By Naomi Martin

Just four months into her term, Mayor Mi-

By Brian MacQuarrie stopping to admire the murals. chelle Wu found herself Tuesday launching a
GLOBE STAFF “A little bit,” Tatum, 37, replies defense against a possible state takeover of Bos-
CAMBRIDGE — It’s a sunny in a thick New Jersey accent, a ton Public Schools, becoming the first sitting
Saturday afternoon, snow melt hint of a smile creasing his lips. Boston mayor in recent memory to speak be-
dripping onto the slick bricks As Tatum bends to his work, fore the state board of education.
of Graffiti Alley in Central his baggy black pants, paint- As state education officials prepare a broad
Square. Peter Tatum, quiet and speckled pullover, and close- review of Boston schools, Wu urged the Massa-
intense, already has been at cropped Mohawk don’t yield chusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary
work for hours, spray-painting any clues about his day job — Education to give her administration — and its
a long, horizontal tribute to a as a fourth-year resident at new yet-to-be-hired superintendent — a chance
cherished mentor who recently Tufts Medical Center in Boston, to improve the schools.
died of COVID-19. in neurology, no less. “Receivership would be counterproductive
Tatum has another mural By any measure, Tatum has in light of our ongoing transition and in light of
going on the opposite wall, led an improbable life. He was the progress we’re making in collaboration with
where he is applying the finish- born dependent on heroin and the state,” Wu said. “No one is better equipped
ing touches to a work that fea- cocaine, lived in foster care, im- ‘I thought the brain was cool. I like areas to accelerate the progress Boston has made
tures his artist nickname, Hy-
mersed himself in New York’s
hip-hop world, and bounced
that aren’t known 100 percent.’ than our Boston Public Schools communities
and I’m confident this review will suggest the
“ I t s m e l l s l i k e v i c t o r y, from one dead-end job to an- DR. PETER TATUM (CENTER), shown with Dr. David Thaler and same.”
doesn’t it?” a passerby asks, DOCTOR, Page A7 patient Loyda Ortiz at Tufts Medical Center The impending review has sparked specula-
tion the state could be building a case for receiv-
ership under the control of an appointed leader
from outside the system, undermining the deci-
WU, Page B4
Raw, hide
Wednesday: Chilly, rain late.
Elected officials and orga-
nizers decried the atten- Addicted to nicotine, more teens
finding they can’t quit vaping
dance of about 20 people
High 43-48. Low 35-40. wearing neo-Nazi insignia
Thursday: More rain. at South Boston’s St. Pat-
High 41-46. Low 38-43. rick’s Day Parade. B1.
High tide: 3:24 a.m., 4:01 p.m. By Kay Lazar “If anything, concerns about the level
The rate of eviction GLOBE STAFF of addiction have been understated,” My-
Sunrise: 6:42 Sunset: 7:00
filings in Massachusetts Terrifying. ers said. “This demonstrates that kids try-
Weather and Comics, G6-7. during the pandemic was That’s how Matthew Myers, president ing to quit e-cigarettes are failing at levels
Obituaries, C9. nearly twice as high in of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, we haven’t seen in years.”
communities of color as describes new research that indicates The research, from the University of
it was in predominantly teens are increasingly struggling with nic- Michigan’s annual Monitoring the Future
VOL . 301, NO. 82
white neighborhoods, otine addiction, largely from vaping e-cig- survey, comes at a pivotal time in nicotine
* a report found. B5. arettes. regulation in the United States. Congress
Suggested retail price The research, published Tuesday in earlier this month adopted legislation DAVID L. RYAN/GLOBE STAFF
$3.50 Emergency workers in the Journal of the American Medical As- that gives the Food and Drug Administra- CHECK IT OUT — As grocery prices
southern China found no sociation, finds much of the progress tion new, explicit authority over synthetic
continue to soar (just like everything else),
survivors more than 24 made in nearly two decades of getting nicotine, which is made in a laboratory
hours after a Boeing 737 kids to quit smoking may be backsliding and is increasingly used in e-cigarettes,
it’s good to know there are still bargains to
plane carrying 132 people as so many teens are trying — but failing particularly sweet and fruit-flavored be had at Market Basket. Here’s what to
crashed, officials said. A3. — to quit vaping nicotine. VAPING, Page A7 buy, and what to avoid. Food, G1.
A2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

The Nation
N.M. official guilty of illegally entering Capitol
Judge rules grounds restricted, drops disorderly charge bench trial, in which judges de-
cide a case without a jury. Griffin
By Michael Kunzelman ing help from others or a ladder ing other Capitol riot defendants said he doesn’t regret waiving
ASSOCIATED PRESS to get over them, the judge not- decide whether to let a judge or a his right to a jury trial.
WASHINGTON — A federal ed. jury decide their case. Loyola Law School professor
judge on Tuesday convicted an “All of this would suggest to a But the case against Griffin is Laurie Levenson said the convic-
elected official from New Mexico normal person that perhaps you unlike most Jan. 6 cases and tion for entering restricted
of illegally entering restricted US should not be entering the area,” may not be a bellwether for de- grounds helps establish for the
Capitol grounds but acquitted McFadden said from the bench. fendants who are charged with government that the area was off
him of engaging in disorderly But the judge said prosecu- storming the Capitol. limits to the public and will dis-
conduct during the riot that dis- tors didn’t meet their burden to Griffin is one of the few riot courage other defendants from
rupted Congress from certifying prove that Griffin engaged in defendants who wasn’t accused using similar arguments.
Joe Biden’s presidential election disorderly conduct. of entering the Capitol building “This will send a message to
victory. “Arguably, he was trying to or engaging in any violent or de- other defendants that they are
District Court Judge Trevor calm people down, not rile them structive behavior. His lawyers unlikely to win on a technical ar-
McFadden heard one day of tes- up,” he said. argued that he was selectively gument that the areas outside
timony without a jury on Mon- Griffin’s trial in Washington, prosecuted for his political the Capitol were not off limits,”
day before handing down a ver- D.C., was the second among the views. Otero County Commissioner Couy Griffin of New Mexico Levenson said.
dict in the misdemeanor case hundreds of federal cases arising Griffin was charged with two spoke outside US court after his trial in Washington Tuesday. The verdicts also may lead
against Otero County Commis- from the Jan. 6, 2021, siege. Ear- misdemeanors: entering and re- some defendants facing the
sioner Couy Griffin, a 48-year- lier this month, in the first trial, maining in a restricted building Griffin described himself as Griffin, one of three members same charges as Griffin to go to
old former rodeo rider who a jury convicted a Texas man, or grounds and disorderly and “halfway pleased” with the split of the Otero County Commission trial if they believe the judge de-
helped found a group called Guy Wesley Reffitt, of storming disruptive conduct in a restrict- verdict and said he will continue in southern New Mexico, is ciding their fate has a high stan-
Cowboys for Trump. the Capitol with a holstered ed building or grounds. Both to view his involvement in Jan. 6 among a handful of riot defen- dard of what constitutes disor-
McFadden, a nominee of handgun, interfering with police carry maximum sentences of as “a badge of honor.” dants who either held public of- derly conduct, Levenson said.
then-president Trump, said and obstructing Congress’ joint one year imprisonment. “I stand proud of where I’m fice or ran for a government Still, Levenson said the argu-
there was ample evidence that session to certify the Electoral Griffin is scheduled to be sen- at today and the fight that I’ve leadership post in the 2 ½ years ment wouldn’t be helpful to de-
Griffin knew he was in a restrict- College vote. tenced on June 17. He was jailed been in over the course of the before the attack. fendants who entered the Capi-
ed area and didn’t leave. Griffin The outcome of Griffin’s trial for more than two weeks after last year-and-a-half,” he told re- He is among only three riot tol building or committed vio-
crossed over three walls, need- could have a ripple effect, help- his arrest on Jan. 19, 2021. porters outside the courthouse. defendants who have asked for a lence on Capitol grounds.

Daily Briefing
deaths have spiked,
a study shows
First year of the sion, and planetwide uncer-
tainty about what was coming
pandemic saw a next,” he said. “That’s a lot of
pressure on people who are try-
25 percent rise ing to maintain recovery.”
Among adults younger than
By Roni Caryn Rabin 65, alcohol-related deaths actu-
NEW YORK TIMES ally outnumbered deaths from
The number of Americans COVID-19 in 2020; 74,408
who died of alcohol-related Americans ages 16-64 died of
causes increased precipitously alcohol-related causes, while
during the first year of the 74,075 individuals younger
COVID-19 pandemic, as rou- than 65 died of COVID-19. The
tines were disrupted, support rate of increase for alcohol-re-
networks frayed, and treatment lated deaths in 2020 — 25 per-
was delayed, a study found. cent — outpaced the rate of in-
The startling report comes crease of deaths from all causes,
amid a growing realization that which was 16.6 percent.
COVID-19’s toll extends be- The alcohol-related deaths
yond the lives of nearly 1 mil- went up for everybody — men,
lion Americans claimed direct- women, as well as every ethnic
ly by the disease to the excess and racial group.
VICIOUS STORMS — J-Bo Moore assessed the damage to his house Tuesday after a tornado tore through parts deaths caused by illnesses left Drug-overdose deaths also
of Round Rock, Texas. A series of storms and tornadoes killed one person and injured more than two dozen in untreated and a surge in drug reached record levels during
overdoses. the first year of the pandemic,
Texas and Oklahoma. The storms continued their destructive path into Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
Numerous reports have sug- with more than 100,000 Amer-
gested that Americans drank icans dying of overdoses dur-
more to cope with the stress of ing the 12-month period that
Six Oklahoma high school students killed in crash with tractor-trailer the pandemic. Binge drinking
increased, as did emergency
ended in April, a nearly 30 per-
cent increase over the previous
TISHOMINGO, Okla. — Six City, according to a highway pa- stroyed black vehicle with what dents and staff,” said Waitman, room visits for alcohol with- year, according to reports is-
teenage students were killed in trol spokeswoman Sarah Stew- appeared to be a pink steering who did not immediately return drawal. But the new report sued in November. The num-
a collision with a semi tractor- art. wheel among the rubble. a phone call on Tuesday. found that the number of alco- ber of deaths from opioids in
trailer killed in southern Okla- Stewart said that she did not Tishomingo school superin- Waitman said that counsel- hol-related deaths, including which alcohol played a role al-
homa, the Oklahoma Highway have details of the collision or tendent Bobby Waitman said in ors would be available at the from liver disease and acci- so increased.
Patrol said Tuesday. the exact ages of the students, a Facebook post that the district high school throughout the dents, soared, rising to 99,017 Adults ages 25-44 experi-
The students were in a pas- but that all six victims were fe- had “a great loss” involving stu- night Tuesday, and that school in 2020 from 78,927 in 2019 — enced the greatest increases in
senger vehicle that collided with male. The condition of the semi dents from the district’s high would be open on Wednesday an increase of 25 percent in the alcohol-related deaths in 2020,
a semi about 12:30 p.m. in driver was not known. school. with a focus on “the emotional number of deaths in one year. rising nearly 40 percent over
Tishomingo, which is about 100 Images from the scene of the “Our hearts are broken, and well-being of our students.” That compares with an av- the previous year, according to
miles southwest of Oklahoma crash showed a virtually de- we are grieving with our stu- ASSOCIATED PRESS erage annual increase of 3.6 the new report.
percent in alcohol-related Available data for 2021 in-
deaths be tween 1999 and dicate that alcohol-related
N.Y. bail reform fears unrealized, report says Four La. teens charged in fatal carjacking 2019. Deaths started inching deaths remained elevated,
up in recent years but in- White said, but he added that it
NEW YORK — Two years er. In most months, it is still NEW ORLEANS — Four “That’s a conversation that creased only 5 percent between was hard to say whether that
ago, New York joined a growing right around 4 percent. teenagers face murder charges my team will have with the dis- 2018 and 2019. indicated a continuation of the
number of states scaling back Both before and after the in connection with a carjack- trict attorney’s office,’’ Fergu- The study, done by research- trend because alcohol con-
the use of cash bail for criminal change, only a small fraction of ing that left a 73-year-old son said at a news conference. ers with the National Institute sumption and deaths generally
defendants. Ever since then, the people released while woman dying on a New Or- ‘‘I would say absolutely, I en- on Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol- drop in February after the holi-
critics of the practice have awaiting trial — less than 1 per- leans street, her arm severed courage, I will ask, that they be ism, a division of the National days and then trend back up.
warned it would lead to danger- cent — were rearrested for vio- after she was dragged down a charged as adults. . . . I mean, Institutes of Health, was pub- “ May b e t h e y ’ l l go bac k
ous people being released to lent felonies. city block by her own car while look at the nature of the lished in The Journal of the down,” he said, “but this could
commit more crimes. The report’s release comes neighbors looked on helplessly, crime.” American Medical Association be the new norm.”
A new report by New York as some New York officials have officials said Tuesday. Ferguson confirmed that on Friday. Using information The crisis has been brewing
City’s fiscal watchdog says that considered rolling back the bail Police Chief Shaun Fergu- Linda Frickey died after she from death certificates, the re- for years, as drinking among
predicted wave of recidivism changes, which were enacted as son said tips led to the arrests become entangled in a seatbelt searchers included all deaths in adults has been increasing
hasn’t happened. part of an effort to address the of the teens — a 17-year-old as carjackers sped away with which alcohol was listed as an even as drinking among ado-
While far more people are inequity of poor people being boy, a 16-year-old girl, and two her vehicle. underlying or contributing lescents has fallen off, said
being diverted from jail while jailed because they couldn’t af- 15-year-old girls — in the hours On Tuesday, Ferguson cred- cause. (Only a very small num- Katherine Keyes, a professor of
awaiting trial, the percentage ford bail. after the Monday carjacking. ited the arrests to police work- ber also involved COVID-19.) epidemiology at Columbia Uni-
who get rearrested for new of- “We think it’s important Two were turned in by their ing throughout the night and “The assumption is that versity.
fenses remained virtually un- that policy making follows facts parents. All face second-degree information from a variety of there were lots of people who “As with many pandemic-
changed after the change took rather than fear,” Lander, a murder charges, and Ferguson sources, including two sus- were in recovery and had re- related outcomes, this is an ex-
effect, according to the analysis Democrat, said. said he will recommend that pects’ parents. duced access to support that acerbation of issues that were
by City Comptroller Brad Land- ASSOCIATED PRESS they be charged as adults. ASSOCIATED PRESS spring and relapsed,” said Aar- beginning before the pandemic
on White, the report’s first au- for many people,” Keyes said.
thor and a senior scientific ad- “Drinking has been going up
Utah governor vetoes bill banning transgender girls from sports viser at the alcohol abuse insti- for 10 or 15 years among
tute. adults, and the trend accelerat-
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah similar ban on Monday. Hol- The vetoes come as Cox and “Stress is the primary factor ed in 2020, as some of the mo-
Governor Spencer Cox vetoed a comb said Indiana’s Legislature Holcomb’s counterparts in near- in relapse, and there is no ques- tivations to drink changed:
bill that would have banned had not demonstrated that ly a dozen states have enacted tion there was a big increase in Stress-related drinking in-
transgender students from play- transgender children had un- similar legislation and politi- self-reported stress, and big in- creased, and drinking due to
ing girls’ sports on Tuesday, be- dermined fairness in sports. cians have honed in on trans- creases in anxiety and depres- boredom increased.”
coming the second Republican ‘‘I struggle to understand so gender children in sports as a
governor to overrule state law- much of it, and the science is campaign issue.
makers who have taken aim at conflicting,” Cox wrote in a letter In Utah, minutes after the
youth sports in a broader cul- to Utah legislative leaders. veto, legislative leaders said they Reporting corrections
ture war over how Americans “When in doubt, however, I al- would convene lawmakers on
view gender. ways try to err on the side of Friday to discuss overriding the Governor Spencer Cox of The Globe welcomes information about errors that call for
Cox joins Governor Eric Hol- kindness, mercy, and compas- veto. Utah called the science on corrections. Information may be sent to or
comb of Indiana, who vetoed a sion.’’ ASSOCIATED PRESS the issue conflicting. left in a message at 617-929-8230.
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e A3

The World
No survivors found in China plane crash Pakistan
Rescue workers ministration of China, said at a officials, and comfort for travel-
fights for
news conference in Wuzhou ers.
still search city, near the crash site. Black The Chinese government,
boxes are flight data and voice China Eastern Airlines and Boe-
into the night
recorders that will be crucial to ing will all be under pressure to
determining what caused the help explain how a plane could
By Chris Buckley crash. Zhu acknowledged that speed earthward with such de-
and Keith Bradsher officials had uncovered little in- structive force.
NEW YORK TIMES formation so far. China’s civil aviation author- Demands grow
Emergency workers have “The aircraft was severely ity announced a two-week drive
found no survivors more than damaged in this accident, and of intensified safety checks on for his resignation
24 hours after a Boeing 737 the investigation is very diffi- planes. Nearly three-quarters of
plane carr ying 132 people cult,” he said. “With the infor- 11,800 flights that had been By Salman Masood
crashed in southern China, offi- mation currently available, it is scheduled for Tuesday in China NEW YORK TIMES

cials said Tuesday. still impossible to make a clear were canceled, Bloomberg re- ISLAMABAD — Prime Minis-
Hundreds of firefighters, po- judgment on the cause.” ported, citing VariFlight, an avi- ter Imran Khan of Pakistan is
lice officers, and paramilitary Zhu confirmed a few details ation data firm. fighting for his political survival
troops scoured the hillsides for about the trajectory of the plane Many people on Chinese so- after opposition political parties
survivors, using flashlights into that had emerged in flight data cial media sites have noted that have moved for a no-confidence
the night Tuesday. But the likeli- shared by Flightradar24, a China had gone 4,226 days motion in Parliament and the
hood that anyone made it out tracking platform, while also In this photo released by Xinhua News Agency, rescuers without a major aviation acci- country’s powerful military has
alive appeared increasingly slim. describing for the first time how conducted search operations at the crash site Tuesday. dent, an enviable record after a withdrawn its support for his
The China Eastern Airlines air traffic controllers had tried string of disasters in the 1990s government.
plane, Flight MU5735, had to contact the plane when they the remains of passengers. Late dent investigator who now and early 2000s. Khan, the former cricket-
plunged from 29,000 feet in the noticed something amiss. Monday, Ou Ling, a local fire de- works as an industry consul- The crash has already at- star-turned-politician, has an-
air to earth Monday in Teng The plane been cruising at partment official involved in the tant. tracted a rush of speculation on- nounced plans to gather 1 mil-
County in the region of about 29,000 feet around 2:17 search, told the state broadcast- “With that kind of crash — line about the cause. lion supporters in Islamabad,
Guangxi, scattering burning de- p.m. Monday, he said, but a few er that his team had not found that amount of speed and Aviation experts have said appealed to the Supreme Court
bris across the remote country- minutes later, air traffic control- any survivors but had seen “rel- downward velocity — the re- the unusual trajectory of the to disqualify lawmakers who
side. At the crash site, workers lers had noticed that the plane at i v e l y l a r ge f ra g m e n t s o f corders are going to be dam- plane — flying steadily, then have defected from his party and
found parts of the plane, as well had suddenly lost altitude. He wings, as well as remains.” aged,” he said. turning sharply downward — denounced his critics as part of a
as personal belongings such as said the controllers immediately Investigators will also be “Even if they find the record- opened up a range of possible US-influenced conspiracy.
identity cards, purses, and cell- called the plane crew but did not searching for evidence of what ers, are they actually going to be explanations, including foul But as demands for his resig-
phones, news reports said. receive a reply after several at- caused the crash. able to read them?” he said. play or catastrophic equipment nation mount, critics and ana-
Emergency workers were al- tempts. By 2:23 p.m., the plane’s It is unclear how much data “That’s going to be a huge chal- failure. But they emphasized lysts say he has lost his majority
so foc used on locating the radar signal disappeared, he could be retrieved from the lenge.” that it was too early to do more in Parliament and these mea-
plane’s so-called black boxes, said, and it had crashed. flight recorders, according to China’s record of safe air than hypothesize about why the sures are unlikely to change that.
Zhu Tao, director of aviation The search effort is likely to Mike Daniels, a former Federal travel in the past two decades plane sped downward without “He rightly senses that the
safety at the Civil Aviation Ad- increasingly turn to looking for Aviation Administration acci- has become a point of pride for any apparent warning signs. end could be near,” said Arif
Rafiq, president of Vizier Con-
sulting, a political risk advisory
company in New York. “And he’s
Daily Briefing a fighter. But it simply just
doesn’t look like he’ll have the
numbers to survive a vote of no
Trudeau forms confidence.”
Pakistan, the world’s second-
coalition with largest Muslim country, has

opposition party been a reluctant if important US

partner in the campaign against
terrorism. A nuclear-armed
OTTAWA — Prime Minis- country that backs the Taliban
ter Justin Trudeau of Canada government in neighboring Af-
on Tuesday announced an al- ghanistan, it has drifted further
liance with a left-of-center from the United States under
opposition party that will Khan, embracing a strategic
give him the secure hold on partnership with China and clos-
power that eluded him in last er ties with Russia.
year’s election. But the political threats to
Trudeau said he has for- Khan are primarily domestic.
mally agreed to advance is- Pakistan has been buffeted by
sues important to that oppo- double-digit inflation, leading to
sition party, the New Demo- widespread dissatisfaction and
crats, in exchange for its fueling criticism that he has mis-
continued support of his Lib- managed the economy.
eral Party on key votes in the In addition, he has lost the
House of Commons until backing of the military, seeming-
2025. ly over his effort to place a loyal
“This agreement is not aide and former spy chief, Lieu-
about compromising the tenant General Faiz Hamid, in
core beliefs of either of our charge of the army over the ob-
parties or denying the differ- jections of the top brass.
ences between us,” Trudeau And as opposition parties ex-
said at a news conference. ploit these weaknesses, Khan’s
“What it is about is making scorched-earth politics have left
sure that those differences him with few friends and little
don’t stand in the way of de- negotiating room. He has at one
livering for Canadians.” time or another jailed most of
In the election in the fall, the major opposition leaders.
Trudeau failed to get a ma- Emergency responders cleaned up bloodstains at the scene of a knife attack outside a shopping mall in Beersheba, Israel. They are now out on bail, but
jority of seats in the House of Khan has threatened to lock
Commons for the second
consecutive time. As a result,
Four Jews killed in rampage in southern Israel; attacker killed by witnesses them up again.
The denouement is likely to
he has had to rely on the ad JERUSALEM — Four Israe- commander, Peretz Amar, said. shooting him when he tried to their ancestral land, a disagree- come in a vote in Parliament as
hoc support of opposition lis were killed in a knife and The attacker next returned stab one of them, according to ment that to many Palestinians soon as next week that, if it goes
parties to pass legislation, car-ramming attack in Beershe- to his car, drove to a shopping video uploaded to social media. is emblematic of the Israeli-Pal- as expected, would extend Paki-
leaving open the prospect ba, in southern Israel, Tuesday center and stabbed three more The attacker later died of his estinian conflict. Israel says the stan’s record of never allowing a
that his government could afternoon, in the third attack women, one of whom died, wounds, police said. families never had legal owner- prime minister to serve a full
fall at any moment. on Israeli Jews in less than a Amar said. The attacker then The attacks followed pro- ship of the plots. five-year term. But Khan’s heavy-
The agreement, Trudeau week. drove to a nearby roundabout, tests and clashes between Arab The attack Tuesday was handed tactics and the prospect
said, “is a responsible answer The attacker rammed and crashed into a second car, got citizens of Israel and the Israeli praised by two Islamist militant of competing mass rallies in Is-
to the uncertainty we’re in, to killed a cyclist with his car out- out and fatally stabbed a fourth police. Bedouin residents of the groups, Hamas and Islamic Ji- lamabad this weekend have also
the challenges facing democ- side a gas station before enter- civilian, Amar said. area are resisting attempts by had, though neither claimed re- raised fears of violence that
racies with hyper partisan- ing the gas station and stabbing Two armed passersby tried Israel to plant a forest on what sponsibility. could upend any democratic
ship and toxic polarization.” a woman to death, a police to pacify the attacker before some Bedouin families say is NEW YORK TIMES process.
As a result of the agree- Three major allied political
ment with the New Demo- parties that are part of the gov-
crats, Trudeau said, the gov-
ernment would work toward
2 teachers killed at Swedish school 9m children to get polio vaccines in Africa erning coalition have now indi-
cated that they could side with
adding drug and dental care BASTAD, Sweden — Two for a forensic examination to CAPE TOWN — A drive to the opposition in the parliamen-
to the public health system, teachers were killed at a high determine the weapon used. vaccinate more than 9 mil- tary vote. That would be enough
further develop a national school in Malmo in southern Such crimes are uncom- lion children against polio to topple Khan’s government.
day-care program, and ad- Sweden, and a student was ar- mon in Sweden, but in the has been launched this week Opposition leaders also claim
vance affordable housing rested on suspicion of murder, past year, there has been a se- in four countries in southern to have the support of dozens of
plans promoted by the New police said Tuesday. The mo- ries of attacks in the country’s and eastern Africa after an dissidents within Khan’s party,
Democrats. tive for the attack was unclear. schools. outbreak was confirmed in Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. Last
At a separate news con- Police found both victims, On Jan. 10, police arrested Malawi. week, his party was rocked by
ference, Jagmeet Singh, lead- two women in their 50s, in- a 16-year-old student after he The vaccination campaign the defection of at least a dozen
er of the New Democrats, jured at Malmo Latin School stabbed a teacher and a fellow has started in Malawi, where lawmakers who accused their
said that having a formal late Monday, after getting a re- student at a high school in the drops of the inoculation are leader of failing to tackle infla-
agreement was critical to his port of an attack there, Petra city of Kristianstad in south- being placed in the mouths of tion. “The ruling coalition has ef-
decision to back the Liberals. Stenkula, the head of the Mal- ern Sweden. In August, a children across the country. A baby received a polio fectively lost the majority,” said
“If they fall short on what mo police, said at a news con- masked 15-year-old boy with a The campaign will be ex- vaccine in Lilongwe, Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, a sena-
we’ve agreed to, then the ference. The women died of camera on his helmet stabbed panded on Thursday to in- Malawi this week tor belonging to the opposition
deal doesn’t continue,” Singh their injuries later Monday. a teacher at a middle school in clude the neighboring coun- Pakistan Peoples Party. “The mil-
said. “But I’m going into this Police arrested an 18-year- Eslov, an attack that a prose- tries of Mozambique, Tanza- wild polio detected in Africa itary also appears to be uninter-
with a strong conviction that old man on the scene, and cutor said was a hate crime, nia, and Zambia, according for more than five years, and ested in saving Imran Khan.”
we can get this done.” Stenkula said they were inves- according to the Aftonbladet to UNICEF, which is working UNICEF is working closely Khan was elected in 2018,
Even before the agree- tigating whether he called the newspaper. Both victims sur- with the governments and with governments and part- running as a nationalist promis-
ment was formally an- police himself. Police declined vived the attacks. other partners. ners to do everything possi- ing to fight corruption, put the
nounced, the Conservatives to identify the man. Stenkula said it was too Three more rounds of vac- ble to stop the virus in its country’s anemic economy back
were characterizing it as a Swedish news media re- early to determine the motive cinations will follow in the tracks,” says Mohamed M. on track and maintain an inde-
betrayal of voters and as the ported that the attacker had for Monday’s killings or the re- coming months with a goal of Fall, UNICEF’s regional direc- pendent, anti-American foreign
formation of a joint Liberal- been carrying an ax, a knife, lationship between the teach- reaching more than 20 mil- tor for Eastern and Southern policy. But aside from the last, he
New Democrat government. and a hammer, but Stenkula ers and the student. lion children. Africa. has struggled to fulfill those
NEW YORK TIMES said police were still waiting NEW YORK TIMES “This is the first case of ASSOCIATED PRESS promises.
A4 World/Nation T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

Fears grow subvariant may push up US cases Report:

With coronavirus cases ris-
ing in parts of Europe and Asia,
scientists worry that an extra-
VIRUS version of the
NOTEBOOK Omicron vari-
ant may soon
push cases up in the United
States, too.
hate ads
Experts are also keeping
their eyes on another mutant: a
Messages attack
rare Delta-Omicron hybrid that Rohingya group
they say doesn’t pose much of a
threat right now but shows how By Victoria Milko
wily the coronavirus can be. and Barbara Ortutay
The United States is likely to ASSOCIATED PRESS

see an uptick in cases caused by JAKARTA, Indonesia — A

the Omicron descendant BA.2 new report has found that Face-
starting in the next few weeks, book failed to detect blatant hate
according to Dr. Eric Topol, speech and calls to violence
head of Scripps Research Trans- against Myanmar’s Rohingya
lational Institute. Muslim minority years after
“It’s inevitable we will see a such behavior was found to have
BA.2 wave here,” he said. played a determining role in the
One reason? After about two genocide against them.
months of falling COVID-19 The report shared exclusively
cases, pandemic restrictions with the Associated Press
have been lifted across the showed the rights group Global
country. Many people are taking Witness submitted eight paid
off their masks and returning to ads for approval to Facebook,
indoor spaces like restaurants each including different versions
and theaters. of hate speech against Rohingya.
And the latest data from the All eight ads were approved by
Centers for Disease Control and Facebook to be published.
Prevention shows the share The group pulled the ads be-
caused by BA.2 is up significant- fore they were posted or paid for,
ly. The CDC reported Tuesday An aerial picture showed the construction site of a hospital to treat COVID-19 patients at the Lok Ma Chau loop in Hong Kong but the results confirmed that,
that the variant accounted for in early March. A total of 33 makeshift hospitals have been built, or are currently under construction, an official said. despite its promises to do better,
about 35 percent of new infec- Facebook’s leaky controls still
tions last week. In the North- the 18 countries “are lifting Federal regulators and ment with UNICEF, an arm of The move is sure to create fail to detect hate speech and
east, it was about half. those restrictions brutally, from health officials have not yet de- the United Nations, covers all some controversy in New York, calls for violence on its platform.
Keri Althoff, a researcher at too much to too few.” termined whether a fourth shot countries classified as low- or where virus cases have in- Myanmar’s army conducted
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Despite the most recent is needed, and some experts lower-middle-income, as well as creased slightly in the past what it called a clearance cam-
School of Public Health, cau- surge in cases, he said he saw question whether the extra dose some upper-middle-income week, and some health experts paign in western Rakhine state
tioned that CDC case counts un- reasons for optimism, because will be necessary to boost pro- countries in sub-Saharan Africa worry that an Omicron subvari- in 2017 after an attack by a Roh-
derestimate the true numbers of the large proportion of people tection for the general popula- and other parts of the world. ant, which is known as BA.2 ingya insurgent group. More
because some people are no lon- in most of the countries who tion. The pills will most probably and is fueling a rise in cases in than 700,000 Rohingya fled into
ger getting tested and others are may have some level of immuni- But administration officials be the first COVID drugs avail- Europe, could lead to another neighboring Bangladesh and se-
testing at home and not report- ty either from a past infection or said placing orders for addition- able in some of the poorest surge in the city. curity forces were accused of
ing the results. Also, she said, from being vaccinated. Scien- al doses ahead of time, rather parts of the world. But they are NEW YORK TIMES mass rapes, killings, and torch-
not every specimen is genetical- tists have cautioned that the than waiting for the United enough for only a small fraction ing thousands of homes.
ly sequenced to determine the protection against infection States to be swamped by anoth- of the patients who could bene- China building makeshift On Monday, Secretary of
variant. may wane over time, and future er wave of the virus, was imper- fit. hospitals to tackle COVID State Antony Blinken an-
It’s clear, she said, ‘‘BA.2 is variants may be better able to ative and a key lesson from the Pfizer has said it can make Each of China’s provinces nounced that the United States
coming onto the scene.” sidestep our defenses. Kluge al- pandemic’s past two years. They 120 million treatment courses should set up at least two to views the violence against Roh-
One reason the variant has so noted that warming spring also noted that the fast-moving of Paxlovid this year. Wealthy three makeshift hospitals to ingya as genocide. The declara-
gained ground, scientists say, is weather would help, as people Omicron variant evaded some countries have locked up much treat COVID infections amid tion is intended to both generate
that it’s about 30 percent more spend more time outdoors and immune protection conferred of Pfizer’s early supplies. Omicron’s explosive spread in international pressure and lay
contagious than the original less in crowded indoor spaces by existing vaccines, demon- NEW YORK TIMES the country, according to the the groundwork for potential le-
Omicron. In rare cases, research where the virus spreads the strating the need to invest in country’s National Health Com- gal action, Blinken said.
shows it can sicken people even most readily. more targeted shots that could NYC preschoolers can shed mission. Experts say that hate ads
if they’ve already had an Omi- Kluge noted that mortality better fend off Omicron and po- their masks, mayor says The move came after China have continued to appear on Fa-
cron infection. from COVID-19 was still declin- tential future variants. NEW YORK — In his first updated its COVID treatment cebook and that, despite assur-
ASSOCIATED PRESS ing in the 18 countries. Even so, Analysts at Kaiser Family months as mayor, Eric Adams guidelines last week to reserve ances that it has taken its role in
he said, it remains a deadly Foundation, a nonpartisan has been almost singularly fo- designated hospitals for those the genocide seriously, the com-
WHO official: Europeans threat in the WHO’s 53-country health research organization, cused on New York City’s recov- with severe conditions, while pany still fails even the simplest
eased restrictions too soon Europe region, which also in- independently confirmed that ery from the pandemic, urging patients with mild symptoms of tests — ensuring that paid ads
Daily reports of new corona- cludes Israel and all of the for- the United States would need to workers to return to offices and should be sent to isolation facili- that run on its site do not con-
virus cases are increasing in 18 mer Soviet Union. Some 20,000 buy hundreds of millions of ad- ending mask mandates for ties to avoid overwhelming the tain hate speech calling for the
European countries, including deaths related to the coronavi- ditional doses to ensure that ev- school-age children and vaccine medical system. killing of Rohingya Muslims.
Britain, France, Germany, and rus were reported in the region ery American could receive four mandates for restaurants and A total of 33 makeshift hos- “The current killing of the
Italy, because authorities are re- last week, he said. shots. gyms. pitals have been built, or are Kalar is not enough, we need to
laxing pandemic restrictions too NEW YORK TIMES WASHINGTON POST Adams forged ahead with currently under construction, to kill more!” read one proposed
quickly, a senior World Health that effort Tuesday, declaring an provide 35,000 beds, Jiao Yahui, paid post from Global Witness,
Organization official in the re- White House says US has Pfizer to send 4m courses of end to the city’s school mask an official with National Health using a slur often used in Myan-
gion said Tuesday. used all funds for boosters its pill to poorer countries mandate for children younger Commission, said at a Tuesday mar to refer to people of east In-
The official — Dr. Hans WASHINGTON — The Biden Pfizer said on Tuesday that it than 5 — his latest move to re- briefing. Some 31 local govern- dian or Muslim origin.
Kluge, the organization’s region- administration lacks the funds has agreed to sell up to 4 million store a sense of normalcy in a ments are required to come up “They are very dirty. The Ben-
al director for Europe — said the to buy a potential fourth coro- treatment courses of its COVID- city battered by the coronavirus. with plans to ensure the hospi- gali/Rohingya women have a
increase in new cases was navirus vaccine dose for every- 19 pills for use in 95 lower-in- “We want to see our babies’ tals can be put into use within very low standard of living and
linked to the recent spread of one, even as other countries come countries that are home to faces,” Adams said at a news two days when needed. poor hygiene. They are not at-
the Omicron subvariant known place their own orders and po- about 4 billion people, with the conference at City Hall, an- China’s COVID Zero policy tractive,” read another.
as BA.2. tentially move ahead of the first supplies expected to be- nouncing that the mandate requires all those infected to be “These posts are shocking in
Rather than take a gradual, United States in line, adminis- come available next month. would end April 4 if cases re- admitted to hospitals. what they encourage and are a
measured approach, Kluge said, tration officials said Monday. The company’s supply agree- main low. BLOOMBERG NEWS clear sign that Facebook has not
changed or done what they told
the public what they would do:
properly regulate themselves,”

Fungus-ravaged bat may be called endangered said Ronan Lee, a research fel-
low at the Institute for Media
a n d C r e at i v e In d u s t r i e s at
Loughborough University, Lon-
Extinction is The population has plum-
meted since colonies infected
and give birth, Wooley said.
Winter hibernation areas also
The eight ads from Global
likely without with white-nose syndrome were need security, he said. Witness all used hate speech lan-
spotted in New York caves in the “We have a strong founda- guage taken directly from the
action, US says mid-2000s. The bat is likely to tion in place for working with United Nations Independent In-
go extinct without a dramatic stakeholders to conserve the bat ternational Fact-Finding Mis-
By John Flesher turnaround, the US Fish and while allowing economic activi- sion on Myanmar in their report
ASSOCIATED PRESS Wildlife Service said. ties within the range to continue to the Human Rights Council.
TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — “It’s going to be difficult but to occur, and will continue to Several examples were from past
Federal officials on Tuesday pro- we're going to do everything hu- build on these,” an agency state- Facebook posts.
posed designating the northern manly possible to stop the de- ment said. The fact that Facebook ap-
long-eared bat, once common cline,” said Charlie Wooley, di- Wind turbines also pose a proved all eight ads is especially
but ravaged by a deadly fungus, rector of the service's Midwest danger to migrating bats, al- concerning because the compa-
as an endangered species. region. though much less than white- ny claims to hold advertise-
Named for white, fuzzy spots nose syndrome, Marquardt said. ments to an “even stricter” stan-
that appear on infected bats, The wind energy industry has 16 dard than regular, unpaid posts,
BOSTON GLOBE MEDIA white-nose syndrome attacks habitat conservation plans and according to their help center
1 Exchange Place, Suite 201 their wings, muzzles, and ears as is developing 13 others, she said. page for paid advertisements.
Boston, MA 02109-2132 they hibernate in caves and The Fish and Wildlife Service Facebook's parent company
abandoned mines. Northern long-eared bats are found in 37 central and is leading a campaign involving Meta Platforms Inc. said it has
The Boston Globe (USPS061-420) It causes them to become ac- Eastern states and much of Canada. more than 150 agencies, private invested in improving its safety
is published Monday–Saturday. tive and sometimes fly outside organizations and Native Ameri- and security controls in Myan-
Periodicals postage-paid at Boston, MA. too soon. They burn up their agriculture a $3 billion yearly thousands before and now we’re can tribes to research white- mar, including banning military
Postmaster, send address changes to: winter fat stores and eventually boost by gobbling pests and pol- seeing fewer than 100, and in nose syndrome, reduce its pres- accounts after the Tatmadaw, as
Mail Subscription Department starve. linating some plants. some cases they’re absent com- ence where bats hibernate, and the armed forces are locally
300 Constitution Dr. Where the fungus originated The Fish and Wildlife Service pletely,” Marquardt said. help the bats recover. Work on a known, seized power and im-
Taunton, MA 02783 is unknown, but scientists say it listed the northern long-eared as Officials will take public com- vaccine is underway, Marquardt prisoned elected leaders in a
may be carried on people’s threatened in 2015. Since then, ment through May 23 and de- said. February 2021 coup.
YEARLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES clothes and shoes. It has spread white-nose syndrome has cide in November whether to ap- Approval of the endangered “We’ve built a dedicated team
FOR NEW ENGLAND to a dozen US bat species, but spread across nearly 80 percent prove the “endangered” designa- status and stepped-up rescue ef- of Burmese speakers, banned
Seven days .....................$1,612.00 the nor thern long-eared is of its range and is expected to tion, which would make it illegal forts are urgently needed, said the Tatmadaw, disrupted net-
Daily (6 Days).................$1,060.80 among the hardest hit. cover it all by 2025. t o k i l l t h e b a t s . Un d e r t h e Winifred Frick, chief scientist works manipulating public de-
Sunday only.......................$520.00 Found in 37 central and East- Scientists have no estimate of “threatened” status, the agency for Bat Conservation Interna- bate, and taken action on harm-
ern states and much of Canada, how many remain, said Shauna sets rules to conserve them but tional, a research and advocacy ful misinformation to help keep
For all other mail subscription rates and it roosts alone or in small groups Marquardt, supervisor of the can allow small numbers to be group. people safe. We’ve also invested
information, call 1-888-MYGLOBE or visit during summer in tree cavities agency’s ecological field office sacrificed for economic develop- “We either need to find a so- in Burmese-language technology or crevices, or beneath the bark. for Minnesota and Wisconsin. ment projects. lution to white-nose syndrome to reduce the prevalence of vio-
Free newspaper reading service for Emerging at dusk, it flits But they’ve recorded drop-offs of Preservation efforts include or ways to improve the body lating content,” Rafael Frankel,
the visually impaired: Contact through forests to feed on 97 to 100 percent in caves where working with loggers, power conditions of the bats that are director of public policy for
Perkins Braille &Talking Book Library at moths, beetles, and other in- population surveys have been companies, road builders, and still remaining on the landscape emerging markets at Meta Asia
800-852-3133 or sects. taken for decades. other industries to protect trees to have the best chance of sur- Pacific wrote in an e-mailed
Bats are believed to give US “ T h e r e m i g h t h av e b e e n where the bats nest in summer vival,” Frick said. statement to AP on March 17.
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The Nation A5

Court partially halts Biden’s ‘priority’ deportation system

A federal judge in Ohio has crossers who arrive illegally. Un- But the Biden administration pursue a deportation. In other coronavirus Tuesday, according well-run school system above all
blocked some elements of the der President Trump, ICE offi- maintained that setting priori- cases, such as people with cer- to Psaki’s statement. else,’’ Mayor London Breed said
Biden administration’s attempt to cers were afforded broad lati- ties made enforcement more ef- tain criminal histories or recent Former secretary of state Hil- in a statement. He will appoint
limit deportations by giving nar- tude to deport immigrants, an- fective, such as targeting immi- removal orders, he wrote, Con- lary Clinton also said she tested board replacements to serve un-
rower “priori- gering many Democrats. grants who pose a threat to their gress has made clear that offi- positive and had mild symp- til an election in November.
POLITICAL ties” to Newman’s ruling said some communities instead of people cers should detain them. toms. On social media, the for- It was the first recall in San
NOTEBOOK Immigration immigration violators had to be who have quietly lived and ICE officials did not respond mer Democratic presidential Francisco since 1983, since a
and Customs exempted from the narrower worked in the country for years. to questions about the ruling. candidate said former president failed attempt to remove then-
Enforcement officers, a ruling priorities, including those whose Newman said he thought the WASHINGTON POST Bill Clinton had tested negative. mayor Dianne Feinstein.
that potentially leaves more im- immigration or criminal viola- states would likely succeed in GLOBE NEWS SERVICES The school board has seven
migrants subject to arrest. tions are subject to mandatory their contention that the nar- Hillary Clinton, Psaki test members, all Democrats, but
The preliminary injunction by detention rules and those with rower priorities ran afoul of con- positive for COVID S.F. votes to recall three only three were eligible to be re-
District Court Judge Michael J. pending orders to be deported gressional intent and placed an White House press secretary school board members called: school board President
Newman, a Trump appointee, within a 90-day period. unfair burden on state budgets. Jen Psaki tested positive for the SAN FRANCISCO — San Gabriela López, Vice President
sided with Republican officials in Newman's decision comes The breadth of the order's coronavirus Tuesday for the sec- Francisco residents overwhelm- Faauuga Moliga, and Commis-
Arizona, Montana, and Ohio who days after ICE issued a report impact was not immediately ond time in five months, one ingly recalled three members of sioner Alison Collins.
sued to reverse the enforcement confirming that civil immigra- clear, but it did not appear to day before she was scheduled to the city’s school board Tuesday Parents in the politically lib-
changes issued last year by De- tion arrests and deportations make all 11 million undocu- join President Biden on a diplo- for what critics called misplaced eral city launched the effort out
partment of Homeland Security from the interior of the United mented immigrants an equal matic trip to Europe. priorities and putting progres- of frustration over the slow re-
Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. States had reached their lowest target for arrest. Psaki took a test for the virus sive politics over the needs of opening of schools, while the
Mayorkas’s priority system levels in decades. Critics accused Instead, the judge laid out Tuesday morning, and it came children during the pandemic. board pursued the renaming of
directed ICE officers to focus on the Biden administration of fail- specific instances in which the back positive, she said in a state- “The voters of this city have 44 school sites and the elimina-
immigrants who pose public ing to deport immigrants who priorities may not apply. In ment, adding that she would not delivered a clear message that tion of competitive admissions
safety and national security committed crimes or remained some cases, Newman said ICE join Biden at a NATO summit. the school board must focus on at the elite Lowell High School.
threats, as well as recent border without permission. has discretion over whether to Biden tested negative for the the essentials of delivering a ASSOCIATED PRESS

GOP senators who

may have higher
ambitions see stage
uSENATORS show how conservative they are,
Continued from Page A1 how smart they are, to show
make history by adding the first how anti-liberal-Democrat they
Black woman to its ranks. One are, to show how anti-critical-
conservative former prosecutor race-theory they are,” said Stuart
even called such attacks on her Rothenberg, senior editor of the
record in those cases a “smear,” nonpartisan Inside Elections
and independent fact checkers newsletter.
have noted her sentencing does And Republican strategist
not appear to be out of the ordi- Ron Bonjean said the hearings
nary in these types of federal cas- offer something else: a stage de-
es. void of the party’s most domi-
Supreme Court nominations nating presence.
are one of the rare times when “This is the opportunity for
the business of Congress breaks Senate Republicans who get out-
through to average Americans — shined by Trump outside of
and lawmakers dreaming of the Washington to capture a moment
White House, as Cruz is widely inside of Washington where the
suspected to be, clearly didn’t spotlight is on them,” said Bon-
want to miss the moment. jean, who helped guide Supreme
In 2018, three Democratic Court Justice Neil Gorsuch’s Su- Republican Senator Ted Cruz tried to make a point about Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s child pornography sentences.
senators, including now-Vice preme Court nomination through
President Kamala Harris, used the Senate in 2017. “Those made- habits, which were related to the Then he began building his below the probation office’s rec- Brown for answers on several is-
their tough questioning of Su- for-TV sound bites can last forev- allegations. And Booker made a case against her nomination ommendation. sues as she wrapped up the ques-
preme Court Justice Brett Ka- er in somebody’s career.” point of noting during the hear- with a series of placards in In his opening statement, tioning Tuesday night. They in-
vanaugh, who was accused of Past high-profile hearings ings that he was violating Senate which he sought to show her in Cotton acc used President cluded abortion rights, critical
sexual assault, to propel them helped boost the name recogni- rules in releasing confidential support of critical race theory. Biden’s nominees of being soft race theory, and transgender
into 2020 Democratic primary tion, credentials, and platforms committee documents about Ka- Hawley, of Missouri, also fo- on crime. It was the same criti- rights.
bids. And this week, a quartet of of presidential candidates or vanaugh, leading the New Jersey cused Tuesday on the child por- cism he leveled against Rachael “Can you provide a definition
potential 2024 Republican presi- lawmakers considering running. senator to declare it an “‘I am nography cases, specifically a Rollins, the former Suffolk Dis- for the word ‘woman’? ” Black-
dential candidates appear to be In 2007, Hillary Clinton, Barack Spartacus’ moment,” a reference 2013 case in which Jackson sen- trict attorney nominated by burn asked. Brown responded
doing the same with the confir- Obama, and John McCain, all to the rebel gladiator in the clas- tenced an 18-year-old to three Biden to be the first Black wom- quizzically, saying she couldn’t
mation hearings for Jackson. declared White House candi- sic 1960 Hollywood film. months in federal prison, well be- an to serve as US attorney for and noting that “I’m not a biolo-
Cruz, who lost the 2016 GOP dates at that point, used Senate “They all got a lot of ink out low the recommendation of the Massachusetts. The Arkansas gist.”
nomination to Donald Trump, hearings on the surge of troops of it. They all got some pretty guidelines and the prosecutor. senator stalled Rollins’s ulti- “The fact that you can’t give
along with Republican Senators to Iraq to promote their views on good reviews out of it,” Rothen- “I am questioning your dis- mately successful confirmation me a straight answer about
Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, and the war. berg said of the Democratic sen- cretion and your judgment,” he vote last year. something as fundamental as
Marsha Blackburn signaled in And in 2018, the contentious ators. “I think smart politicians said. “Is it your view that society On Tuesday, Cotton peppered what a woman is underscores
their opening statements on Judiciary Committee hearings use these opportunities to show is too hard on sex offenders?” Jackson with questions about the dangers of the kind of pro-
Monday that they intend to be on Kavanaugh helped elevate what they’ve got.” Jackson said that she didn’t crime and attacked her decision gressive education that we are
the most pointed questioners of then-senators Harris, Cor y Cruz on Monday referred to remember all the details of the to reduce the mandatory 20-year hearing about,” Blackburn told
Jackson, even if it means turning Booker, and Amy Klobuchar. the Kavanaugh hearings as “a case but that it was unusual, sentence of a man convicted of Brown.
to a line of attack that indepen- They all touted their tough ques- circus that featured Spartacus partly because the defendant distributing heroin. Bonjean, the GOP strategist,
dent fact checkers have dis- tioning of Kavanaugh, who faced moments” and “one of the low- had just graduated from high “You twisted the law and you warned that senators looking for
missed as misleading. sexual assault allegations he ve- est moments in the history of school. She said she made the rewrote it so you could cut the “made-for-TV sound bites” need
And in their opening remarks hemently denied, as evidence of this committee,” echoing other decision to use her discretion for sentence of a drug kingpin,” Cot- to tread carefully.
and questions Tuesday, they their ability to challenge then- Republicans who have used a lower sentence, but noted that ton said. Jackson responded that If Republicans are “too over-
tried to paint her as soft on president Donald Trump. Jackson’s hearings to criticize she still “sent this 18-year-old to Congress had passed a law that bearing or aggressive” in their
crime, lenient on child pornog- A video clip of Harris chal- how Democrats handled past three months in federal prison.” allowed her to review the sen- questioning, it could backfire
raphy offenders, and in favor of lenging Kavanaugh on abortion conservative nominees. He be- Independent fact-checkers tence in the case and she decid- and help Democrats in their
imposing what they called left- rights went viral: “Can you think gan his questioning of Jackson have said the criticism of Jack- ed it had been too long. push to confirm Jackson, Bon-
wing policies such as “critical of any laws that give government on Monday, as other Republi- son’s child pornography sentenc- Blackburn, of Tennessee, jean said.
race theory” on the nation. the power to make decisions cans did, on a friendly note, con- es distorts the record, with The who recently spurred 2024 spec-
“This gives a real opportunity about the male body?” she asked gratulating her and even noting Washington Post noting that in ulation with a trip to New Jim Puzzanghera can be reached
for these presidential wannabes him. Klobuchar sparred with they were a year apart at Har- only two cases cited by Hawley Hampshire and plans for one to at jim.puzzanghera@
to show how tough they are, to Kavanaugh over his drinking vard Law School. did Jackson deliver a sentence Iowa, unsuccessfully pressed

Pledging to ‘stay in my lane,’ Jackson defends her record

By Carl Hulse look at my record and say it is truth,” Jackson responded. work with the probation office
and Katie Rogers pointing in one direction or an- “These are some of the most dif- when sentencing defendants.
NEW YORK TIMES other, that it is supporting one ficult cases that a judge has to And she insisted that a lighter
WASHINGTON — Judge Ket- viewpoint or another,” she told deal with, because we’re talking penalty did not signal tolerance
anji Brown Jackson on Tuesday senators. about sex abuse of children.” for child sex abuse.
pushed back on Republican at- While Republicans had ini- And she gave a lengthy expla- “As a judge who is a mom
tacks on her record, defending tially been wary of the optics of nation of how she arrived at sen- and has been tasked with the re-
her work representing terror de- attacking the first Black woman tences in such cases. sponsibility of actually review-
tainees and sentencing child sex to be put forward for the Su- “I impose a strict sentence ing the evidence, the evidence
abusers as she presented herself preme Court, some GOP mem- and all of the additional re- that you would not describe in
as a firm believer in judicial re- bers on the panel assailed Jack- straints that are available in the polite company, the evidence
straint fit to be confirmed to a son’s record in a series of tense law,” Jackson said. “I am impos- that you are pointing to, discuss-
seat on the Supreme Court. exchanges in which they implied ing all of those constraints be- ing, addressing in this context,
Under intense questioning that she was soft on crime, par- cause I understand how signifi- is evidence that I have seen in
from senators in a daylong hear- ticularly when it came to child cant, how damaging, how horri- my role as a judge,” she said. “It
ing on her nomination, Jackson sexual abuse, and an extremist ble this crime is.” is heinous. It is heinous. It is
said repeatedly that she under- on matters of race. But the issue surfaced again egregious.”
stood the narrow role that judg- Seeing an opening to score later Tuesday, when Senator Her supporters also empha-
es played in American govern- political points if not block her Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson listened to questions from Josh Hawley, Republican of Mis- sized the strong support Jackson
ment and refused to be drawn confirmation, they hit on mid- Senator Josh Hawley, Republican of Missouri. souri, grilled her about her deci- has received from law enforce-
into political fights such as term campaign themes that sion to sentence an 18-year-old ment groups, and noted that her
whether seats should be added have become rallying cries for activism and advocacy that con- Monday as she sat and listened, defendant to three months of family members served as police
to the Supreme Court. conservatives and their hard- cerns sexual predators, that with her family looking on, jail time for possession of imag- officers, a fact that Jackson said
“I am acutely aware that as a right base, returning often to stems back decades and is con- while a host of Republicans ac- es of child sexual abuse. Hawley, was a source of pride.
judge in our system, I have limit- the subject of pedophilia, the cerning.” cused her of having coddled sex who has led the charge to attack “As someone who has had
ed power, and I am trying in ev- central false allegation against Democrats, independent an- offenders in her rulings and sen- Jackson’s record on sentencing family members on patrol and
ery case to stay in my lane,” she Democrats that underlies the alysts, and some conservatives tencing recommendations. She such offenders, repeatedly asked in the line of fire, I care deeply
said, a formulation she repeated pro-Trump conspiracy theory have found the Republican at- used the moment to deliver an her why she gave the man a about public safety,” she said. “I
several times during hours of in- QAnon. tacks on her record on child sex emphatic response that tele- shorter sentence than the guide- know what it is like to have
terrogation in what Senator Pointing to her writings offenders to be distorted and graphed some of her anger at lines recommended. loved ones who go off to protect
Dick Durbin, Democrat of Illi- about and sentencing of child misleading. those attacks. Jackson, appearing exasper- and serve and the fear of not
nois and chair of the Judiciary sex offenders, Senator Ted Cruz, Durbin sought to get ahead “As a mother and a judge ated, argued that Congress had knowing whether or not they
Committee, called a “trial by or- Republican of Texas, a classmate of the issue Tuesday, opening who has had to deal with these required judges to take into ac- are going to come home again
deal.” of Jackson at Har vard L aw the hearing by asking Jackson cases, I was thinking that noth- count various factors, including because of crime in the commu-
“I don’t think anyone can School, said he saw “a record of what went through her mind ing could be further from the the age of the defendant, and nity.”
A6 The World T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2


Ukraine pushes back and sees gains


the odds,
Continued from Page A1
o p p o s e s R u s s i a’s w a r o n

Ukraine, to nine more years in
prison on fraud charges.
A Pentagon assessment con-

fight back
cluded that Russia’s “combat
power” in Ukraine had for the
first time dipped below 90 per-
cent of its original force — the
more than 150,000 troops
massed in western Russia and
An outgunned
Belarus before the Feb. 24 inva- air force persists
sion. That reflected steady loss-
es suffered by the Russian mili- By Maria Varenikova
tary, to an extent that US offi- and Andrew E. Kramer
cials say can leave units unable NEW YORK TIMES

to carry out combat duties. LVIV, Ukraine — Each night,

Russian forces were “strug- Ukrainian pilots such as Andriy
gling on many fronts,” including loiter in an undisclosed aircraft
routine supply lines and logis- hangar, waiting, waiting, until
tics, according to a senior De- the tension is broken with a
fense Department official, who shouted, one-word command:
was not authorized to discuss “Air!”
details of Russia’s actions in Andriy hustles into his Su-27
Ukraine on the record. The Pen- supersonic jet and hastily taxis
tagon had even seen indications toward the runway, getting air-
that some Russian troops had borne as quickly as possible. He
been e vac uated beca use of takes off so fast that he doesn’t
frostbite, the official said. yet know his mission for the
The official declined to ad- night, although the big picture is
dress Russian casualty num- always the same — to bring the
bers, though the Pentagon esti- fight to a Russian Air Force that
mated last week that at least is vastly superior in numbers but
7,000 Russians had been killed. has failed to win control of the
New satellite imagery ana- skies above Ukraine.
lyzed by The New York Times “I don’t do any checks,” said
showed that Russia had re- Andriy, a Ukrainian Air Force pi-
moved all of its aircraft from lot who as a condition of grant-
the airport of the southern city A Ukrainian evacuee and a child waited Tuesday in the train station in Przemysl, near the Polish border. ing an interview was not permit-
of Kherson, the largest city that ted to give his surname or rank.
the Russian forces have cap- sion of Ukraine has thrown pre- In U k r a i n e , t h e D e f e n s e Sea fleet is headquartered on join the European Union, and “I just take off.”
tured. Ukrainian forces have vious policy into question. Ministry announced that its the nearby Crimean Peninsula, praised the “heroic” resistance Ne a r l y a m o n t h i n t o t h e
claimed to hit the airport twice, It is hard to assess the cur- troops had raised the blue and and a dozen ships are plying the of the Ukrainians against the fighting, one of the biggest sur-
destroying an undetermined rent landscape of the war there, gold Ukrainian flag over Makar- waters off Ukraine, according to “ferociousness” of Putin. prises of the war in Ukraine is
number of helicopters. The re- with a senior US defense official iv, about 40 miles west of Kyiv, the Pentagon. Draghi said that Italy had Russia’s failure to defeat the
moval is a telltale sign that the only characterizing the fighting where control has repeatedly Zelensky, continuing to ad- frozen almos t $900 billion Ukrainian Air Force. Military
Russians are struggling as they as “a very dynamic, active bat- changed hands. The town abuts dress parliaments around the worth of assets from Russian analysts had expected Russian
seek to control the region, ex- tlefront.” the key highway that leads from world via video link, warned It- oligarchs and was working to forces to quickly destroy or para-
perts said. The Pentagon has seen no the capital to western Ukraine aly’s Parliament that famine overcome its dependency on lyze Ukraine’s air defenses and
The removal of the equip- indication that Russian forces and Lviv, so keeping it out of Russian energy supplies as fast military aircraft, yet neither has
ment, visible by comparing pic- are moving toward the use of Russian hands is important in as possible. h a p p e n e d . I n s t e a d , “ To p
tures taken by the space imag- chemical or biological weapons, the effort to prevent Kyiv from The Russians had At the United Nations, Sec- Gun”-style aerial dogfights, rare
ing company Planet Labs over the official said. being encircled. retary General António Gu- in modern warfare, are now rag-
six days, comes as the Ukraini- On Monday, Biden stressed The Russians had not been not been able to t e r r e s s a i d t h at 1 0 m i l l i o n ing above the country.
an army is pressing to reclaim
lost territory in the Kherson re-
the possibility that Putin might
turn to such weapons, which
able to advance beyond 9 miles
northwest of Kyiv or 18 miles
advance beyond Ukrainians had been displaced
from their homes, or just under
“Every time when I fly, it’s for
a real fight,” said Andriy, who is
gion. are banned by international from the city’s east — essentially 9 miles northwest one quarter of the population. 25 and has flown 10 missions in
Control over Kherson, taken
by Russia on March 2, is essen-
treaty. “His back is against the
wall,” Biden said at a meeting of
where they were last week, the
senior Pentagon official said.
of Kyiv or 18 miles Guterres called the war in
Ukraine unwinnable. Ukraini-
the war. “In every fight with Rus-
sian jets, there is no equality.
tial in any effort to control the US business leaders. The Ukrainian determina- from the city’s ans were “enduring a living hell They always have five times
south of Ukraine. But Russia Biden is due to attend a sum- tion to push back extended to — and the reverberations are more” planes in the air.
has failed to dominate the re- mit of NATO leaders in Brussels the air force and air defense east. being felt worldwide with sky- The success of Ukrainian pi-
gion as a whole. on Thursday that among other units, which have managed to rocketing food, energy, and fer- lots has helped protect Ukraini-
Dmitry Peskov, the spokes- issues will discuss a potential continue fighting despite being tilizer prices threatening to spi- an soldiers on the ground and
person for Putin, repeatedly re- response to any such weapons. vastly outnumbered and out- ral into a global hunger crisis,” prevented wider bombing in cit-
fused to rule out the possibility The United States will also an- gunned by the Russians. would strike parts of the world he said. Guterres repeated his ies since pilots have intercepted
of Russia using nuclear weap- nounce new sanctions on Rus- President Volodymyr Zel- if farmers in Ukraine, a major plea for Russia to stop the war, some Russian cruise missiles.
ons, during a television inter- sia in conjunction with its ensky of Ukraine said that the wheat producer, were unable to calling for serious negotiations. Ukrainian officials also say the
view Tuesday. When asked un- NATO allies, said Sullivan. besieged city of Mariupol, a port work. “Famine was approach- The conviction and sentenc- country’s military has shot down
d e r w h a t c o n d i t i o n s Pu t i n “For the past few months, on the Sea of Azov, was being ing for several countries” that ing of Navalny was widely seen 97 fixed-wing Russian aircraft.
would use such weapons, Pesk- the West has been united,” he “ r e d u c e d t o a s h e s .” S o m e depended on Ukrainian corn, as a way to keep him behind That number could not be veri-
ov told CNN, “if it is an existen- said. “The president is traveling 100,000 civilians, or 22 percent oil, and wheat, he said, includ- bars and further restrict his fied, but remnants of Russian
tial threat for our country, then to Europe to ensure we stay of the original population, re- ing North African states just ability to address the outside fighter jets have crashed into riv-
it can be.” While he did not de- united, to cement our collective main stuck there, the govern- across the Mediterranean Sea world, as the Kremlin tries to ers, fields, and houses.
fine “existential threat,” in the resolve, to send a powerful mes- ment said. The Pentagon official from Italy. tightly control the narrative The Ukrainian Air Force is op-
past Russian officials have sug- sage that we are prepared and said that Russian naval ships In response, Prime Minister about the war at home and erating in near-total secrecy. Its
gested that it meant an attack committed to this for as long as had joined land forces in bom- Mario Draghi of Italy said that stamp out glimmers of defi- fighter jets can fly from airstrips
on Russia itself, but the inva- it takes.” barding the city. Russia’s Black his country wanted Ukraine to ance. in western Ukraine, airports that
have been bombed yet retain
enough runway for takeoffs or
BOGGED DOWN landings — or even from high-
ways, analysts say. They are vast-

As Russia stalls, dissent brews over Putin’s leadership ly outnumbered: Russia is be-
lieved to fly about 200 sorties per
day while Ukraine flies five to 10.
Ukrainian pilots do have one
By Anton Troianovski sions and adapt to developments armies have seen such great loss- advantage. In most of the coun-
and Michael Schwirtz in real-time. es in such a short period of time.” try, Russian planes fly over terri-
NEW YORK TIMES The failures of Putin’s cam- Russia last announced its tory controlled by the Ukrainian
In Januar y, the head of a paign are apparent in the strik- combat losses three weeks ago — military, which can move anti-
group of serving and retired ing number of senior military 498 deaths as of March 2. US of- aircraft missiles to harass — and
Russian military officers de- commanders believed to have ficials now say that a conserva- shoot down — planes.
clared that invading Ukraine been killed in the fighting. tive estimate puts the Russian “Ukraine has been effective
would be “pointless and ex- Ukraine says it has killed at least military death toll at 7,000. Rus- in the sky because we operate on
tremely dangerous.” It would kill six Russian generals, while Rus- sia says it lost a total of 11,000 our own land,” said Yuriy Ihnat,
thousands, he said, make Rus- sia acknowledges one of their service members in nearly a de- a spokesperson for the Ukraini-
sians and Ukrainians enemies deaths, along with that of the cade of fighting in Chechnya. an Air Force. “The enemy flying
for life, risk a war with NATO, deputy commander of its Black The failures in Ukraine have into our airspace is flying into
and threaten “the existence of Sea fleet. US officials say they started to create fissures within the zone of our air defense sys-
Russia itself as a state.” cannot confirm the number of Russian leadership, according to tems.” He described the strategy
To m a n y R u s s i a n s , t h a t Russian troop deaths, but that Andrei Soldatov, an author and as luring Russian planes into air
seemed like a far-fetched scenar- Russia’s invasion plan appears to expert on Russia’s military and defense traps.
io, since few imagined that an have been stymied by bad intelli- security services. The top Rus- Dave Deptula, dean of the
invasion of Ukraine was really gence. sian intelligence official in charge Mitchell Institute for Aerospace
possible. But two months later, The lack of progress is so ap- of overseeing the recruitment of Studies, said the impressive per-
as Russia’s advance stalls in parent that a blame game has Russian Army tanks moved down a street on the outskirts of spies and diversionary opera- formance of the Ukrainian pilots
Ukraine, the prophecy looms begun among some Russian sup- Mariupol, Ukraine, on March 11. tions in Ukraine has been put un- had helped counter their disad-
large. Reached by phone this porters of the war — even as der house arrest along with his vantages in numbers. He said
week, the retired general who Russian propaganda claims that technologically advanced mili- weaker, though far more maneu- deputy, Soldatov said. Even Rus- Ukraine now has roughly 55 op-
authored the declaration, Le- the slog is a consequence of the tary would make short work of verable, Ukrainian military. sia’s defense minister, Sergei erational fighter jets, a number
onid Ivashov, said he stood by it, military’s care to avoid harming Ukraine. Putin himself seems to “ There was probably the Shoigu, who vacations with Pu- that is dwindling from shoot-
although he could not speak civilians. Igor Girkin, a former have counted on his troops hope that they wouldn’t resist so tin and has been spoken of as a downs and mechanical failures,
freely given Russia’s wartime colonel in Russia’s FSB intelli- quickly seizing major cities, in- intensely,” Evgeny Buzhinsky, a potential presidential successor, as Ukrainian pilots are “stress-
censorship: “I do not disavow gence agency and the former cluding the capital, Kyiv, decapi- retired lieutenant general and a has suffered a loss of standing, ing them to max performance.”
what I said.” “defense minister” of Russian- tating the government, and in- regular Russian state television according to Soldatov’s sources. Ukrainian President Volod-
In Russia, the slow going and backed separatists in eastern stalling a puppet regime under commentator, said of Ukraine’s “It looks like everybody is on ymyr Zelensky has appealed re-
the heavy toll of President Vladi- Ukraine, said in a video inter- the Kremlin’s control. forces. “They were expected to edge,” Soldatov said. peatedly to Western govern-
mir Putin’s war on Ukraine are view posted online on Monday “Take power into your own be more reasonable.” Soldatov’s claims could not ments to replenish the Ukraini-
setting off questions about his that Russia had made a “cata- hands,” Putin urged Ukrainian As if responding to criticism, be independently verified, and an Air Force and has asked
military’s planning capability, strophically incorrect assess- soldiers on the second day of the Putin has said repeatedly in his some independent experts have NATO to enforce a no-fly zone
his confidence in his top spies ment” of Ukraine’s forces. invasion, apparently hoping public comments about the war challenged them. But Shoigu has over the country, a step Western
and loyal defense minister, and “The enemy was underesti- Ukraine would go down without that it is going “according to not been shown meeting with leaders have refused to take. Slo-
the quality of the intelligence mated in every aspect,” Girkin a fight. plan.” Putin in person since Feb. 27. vakia and Poland have consid-
that reaches him. It also shows said. Instead, Ukraine fought “We can definitively say that “The war has shown that the ered sending MiG-29 fighter
the pitfalls of Putin’s top-down The Russian forces’ poor per- back. Nearly a month has nothing is going to plan,” coun- army fights poorly,” Luzin, the jets, which Ukrainian pilots
governance, in which officials formance has also surprised ana- passed, and Russian troops ap- tered Pavel Luzin, a Russian mili- Russian military analyst, said. could fly with minimal addition-
and military officers have little lysts, who predicted at the start pear bogged down in the face of tary analyst. “It has been decades “The defense minister is respon- al training, but as yet no trans-
leeway to make their own deci- of the war that Russia’s massive, relentless attacks from a much since the Soviet and Russian sible for this.” fers have been made.
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The World A7

Taking a creative path to an unlikely destination

uDOCTOR rology holds a parallel appeal.
Continued from Page A1 “I thought the brain was cool.
other before deciding that he I like areas that aren’t known
wanted to become a medical 100 percent,” he said.
doctor. Tatum’s artistry extends to
“I never really got along with music. At age 17, he recorded his
people who had regular dreams first original song. Two years lat-
and aspirations,” Tatum said. er, he was signed to a record la-
“I’m very surprised at how life bel and was the lead vocalist in a
turned out.” 10-piece funk band. He also per-
Tatum has been shot at, beat- formed beatbox — a form of vo-
en, and had his car repeatedly cal percussion — at Madison
vandalized during a chaotic peri- Square Garden and other large
od two decades ago that left him venues, Tatum said.
careering from confrontation to “It was music, 24/7, for like
confrontation in northern New nine years, traveling all over the
Jersey. Although he showed an place, recording all kinds of
aptitude for art, was a promising stuff, sleeping on couches,” he
basketball player, and had re- said.
leased a couple of hip-hop al- Painting also is a longtime
bums, he also had a succession refuge. Tatum won a high school
of menial jobs, including at Mc- art competition with the first
Donald’s. And none seemed to piece of art he ever created, an
presage a career in medicine. acrylic painting that he began on
Now, Tatum wears a white Sept. 11, 2001, and which com-
lab coat as he makes the rounds memorates the attacks.
at Tufts, visiting patients with “ This is like going to the
mentors who don’t seem fazed in beach for me,” Tatum said of the
the least at roaming the halls peace he finds in art. He’s even
with a doctor sporting a Mo- painted the once-drab cinder
hawk and loose-fitting black blocks that line the small room
pants. where neurology residents gath-
“Usually when I walk around, er at Tufts Medical Center.
I look like I’m delivering food,” “ Im a g i n e w h a t t h e w a l l
Tatum said with a grin. looked like before he did that,”
On a recent round, he was ac- said Thaler, the neurology chief,
companied by Dr. David Thaler, tilting his head toward a bright
Tufts’ chief of neurology, as they Dr. Peter Tatum was mural, dominated by blue and
visited a 37-year-old woman joined by his children white paint and the word
who had complained of vertigo Romeo, 3, Valentina, 5, “Tufts.”
the previous evening, couldn’t and Xander, 11, while “If you told me I could, I’d
walk, and had vomited through painting at Graffiti Alley. paint every wall in the whole
the night. Tatum has an unusual hospital,” Tatum said.
“How are you feeling? Are look when he’s making Sometimes, Tatum will travel
you still feeling dizzy?” Tatum his rounds. to Graffiti Alley from his Water-
asked the patient, Loyda Ortiz of town home between hospital
Revere, his voice a blend of con- As a result, Tatum received shifts, creating art there be-
geniality and concern. an honorable medical discharge tween 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. to take
He gently instructed Ortiz to from the Air Force with the rank advantage of the quiet and soli-
follow his finger from his fore- of captain. The discharge also tude.
head toward her eyes, tested her meant that a radiology residency One recent night, he painted
reflexes, and asked if she could scheduled for 2019 at the Ports- a portrait of Ukraine President
feel his touch. mouth Naval Medical Center in Volodymyr Zelensky.
“The vessels look good,” Tat- Virginia was rescinded. “If I can’t sleep, I’ll just get
um told Thaler after checking “I was a military doctor in a up, come paint, and then go to
her eyes. military residency in a military work at 7” in the morning at the
Later, Tatum flashed a big hospital,” Tatum explained. “The hospital, Tatum said. “If I’m ex-
smile as he met with Bobby Piz- only doctors that can continue in cited about something, I don’t
zarelli, a 32-year-old epilepsy pa- that residency are active duty.” need to sleep.”
tient from Portland, Maine. The discharge left him scram- Tatum will finish his residen-
Pizzarelli has had a device im- bling for new options, and he be- cy at Tufts in June. After that, he
planted in his head that monitors gan calling hospitals on his own. plans to pursue a fellowship at
brain activity and delivers coun- Tufts took an interest in Tatum’s Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
tershocks when he has seizures. striking background, inter- Center in clinical neurophysiolo-
While Dr. Joel Oster checked at medical school, Tatum en- got 100 on every test, studying program in the Air Force, which viewed him in the New York ar- gy.
with Pizzarelli about his condi- rolled in a post-bachelor’s pre- 16 hours a day at the g ym,” would pay his tuition at the ea, and accepted him. His goal in medicine is to be-
tion, Tatum intently observed the medicine program at Rutgers which had long been a sanctuary Rowan University School of Os- “We’re lucky to have him,” come an innovator in brain-re-
interaction. Pizzarelli’s seizure University-Newark. for Tatum. teopathic Medicine in Stratford, said Oster, the Tufts neurologist. lated technology.
dog, Zola, waited near his feet. “On the first day of the pro- While at Rutgers-Newark, he N.J. “Peter is an amazing person.” In the meantime, about that
“Our fingers are crossed,” Os- gram, I said, ‘Hello, I am here for was fired from a job yet again, He graduated in May 2018, Despite all the setbacks, Tat- Mohawk?
ter told Pizzarelli. the post-bachelorette program,’ ” this time as a direct-care em- but more obstacles arose. um said he has “always believed “It’s bug repellent,” Tatum
Tatum’s long road to Tufts be- Tatum recalled. “Everyone in a ployee at an orphanage. A month later, after finishing I could do whatever I could. My said. If someone doesn’t ap-
gan in 2010 with the birth of his room full of educators and pro- Afterward, “I realized I had his first week of an internship, goals are usually the ones that al- prove, he added with a smile,
first of four children, a life- spective doctors laughed at what two years of unemployment, Tatum suffered a saddle pulmo- low me to go the distance.” “they’ ll look right over me. I
changing event that prompted I said. I didn’t know why, and I maximum,” to somehow get into nary embolism, a life-threaten- Tatum said he is fascinated by don’t even have to think about
him to pursue a medical career. almost left that day.” medical school and find a way to ing blood clot in the lungs. neurology, by the creativity he having someone like that in my
But his undergraduate studies But he persevered, mastering pay the tuition and other bills, “I just laid down on the finds among neurologists, and by circle.”
were almost exclusively in art subjects that were “extra diffi- Tatum said. ground and couldn’t breathe,” the unknowns and innovation
and painting, at community col- cult because I literally never took The last unemployment Tatum recalled. “I thought to my- possible in its practice. At heart, Brian MacQuarrie can be
lege and Montclair State Univer- any math or physics or chemis- check arrived one month before self, ‘This is it,’ and tried to stay Tatum said, he considers himself reached at
sity. So, to give himself a chance try or biology or anything. But I he joined the officer training calm and conserve my energy.” an artist first and foremost. Neu-

More teens who vape find they’re getting addicted to nicotine

uVAPING from those struggling with e-cig- advocates say that helped reduce since e-cigarettes hit the US
Continued from Page A1 arettes. teen vaping, but the products market over a decade ago.
products popular with young “There has been all this prog- are still widely available in near- “If those ex-smokers go back
people. ress in reducing failed quit at- by states and seep into Massa- to smoking, that’s a disaster,” he
Now the industry and health tempts with cigarettes, but once chusetts. said.
advocates are anxiously waiting you include e-cigarette failed at- “I do treat a lot of kids who Even before the latest con-
to see how the FDA will inter- tempts, you see we have gone are using e-cigarettes, and I am gressional action to increase the
pret and enforce its new authori- backwards,” said Richard Miech, only successful in helping about FDA’s authority over e-ciga-
ty. a professor at the Institute for half of them,” said Dr. Jonathan rettes, the agency has moved to
Each year, researchers at the Social Research at the University Winickoff, director of pediatric tighten some sales of flavored
University of Michigan survey of Michigan and principal inves- research at Massachusetts Gen- nicotine products, which critics
thousands of eighth-, 10th-, and tigator of the new research. eral Hospital’s Tobacco Research say is a main culprit for hooking
12th-grade students nationally Shortly before the pandemic, and Treatment Center. kids.
about smoking and other sub- the National Youth Tobacco Sur- “They leave my practice un- But Siegel said 90 percent of
stance use habits. The latest sur- vey, through the FDA and Cen- able to quit nicotine products,” adult users prefer the flavored
ve y was conduc ted in early ters for Disease Control and Pre- he said. vapes to escape the nicotine
2020, in the months before vention, showed a steep rise in Nicotine can increase chil- taste, while still getting the nico-
schools closed because of the youth e-cigarette use, from more dren’s levels of anxiety, stress, tine kick. He suggests federal
COVID-19 pandemic. than 3.6 million reported users and depression, as well as aggra- regulators limit the high levels
The survey noted that since in 2018 to over 5 million in vate asthma and other respirato- of nicotine in vapes, which
1997, the prevalence of students 2019. As students return to schools, they are getting easier access ry illnesses, Winickoff said. health advocates say is also re-
reporting smoking traditional The survey’s recent findings to vaping devices from friends. But vaping manufacturers sponsible for addicting kids so
cigarettes, known as combusti- for 2021 found a decline, for a and other advocates say the re- quickly.
ble cigarettes, had declined, as total of over 2 million e-cigarette dent of Norton Public Schools. him, you name it, we have done cently approved federal legisla- “It’s like a tightrope,” Siegel
had the percentage of those re- users, but comes with a big cave- Baeta sent an e-mail to fami- it.” tion, which will likely prohibit said. “You have to balance the
porting failed attempts at quit- at: the authors said the data lies last week announcing She said her son gets head- many vaping products when en- need for adults to have access to
ting. But in 2020, the research- can’t be compared to previous stepped-up penalties, but also aches and nausea when he acted later this year, is misguid- these products, while still trying
ers added a new question: “Have years because the surveyors counseling, for any students weans off nicotine vapes and ed. They say it deprives millions to keep them out of the hands of
you ever tried to stop vaping nic- made significant changes to caught vaping. then is surrounded by tempta- of adults from a product that youth.”
otine and found that you could their format. They collected data “Kids have this feeling that tion with so many friends vaping can help them quit traditional Estes, the Connecticut moth-
not?” online because so many children it’s not as addictive, that it’s bet- at school and starts again. He combustible cigarettes, which er who has become an advocate
Their findings are worri- were not at school. Prior to ter than smoking [traditional has asthma, and the vaping has expose users to dozens of carci- for making vaping products less
some, health advocates say. The 2021, the survey was conducted cigarettes],” Baeta said. “We all impaired the function of his nogenic chemicals. attractive to kids, said banning
percentage of students who re- in person, inside classrooms. know that’s not true.” lungs, but still, he cannot stop, “I think they are throwing flavored nicotine e-cigarettes is
ported unsuccessfully trying to With kids back in school, and Kim Estes, a parent in Ox- she said. out the baby with the bathwa- the way to go.
quit either e-cigarettes or tradi- more opportunities to snag vap- ford, Conn., can attest to e-ciga- “If you are addicted to alco- ter,” said Dr. Michael Siegel, pro- “If it tastes and smells like
tional cigarettes, roughly 6 per- ing devices shared or sold by rettes’ powerful hold. She dis- hol, and you go to work every fessor of public health and com- Lucky Charms, who are you tar-
cent, was considerably higher friends, some administrators say covered her son was vaping day in a bar, it’s hard to quit,” Es- munity medicine at Tufts Uni- geting? You are not targeting a
than the prevalence of unsuc- they are seeing vaping climbing when he was 12. Four years lat- tes said. “That’s how I feel it is versity School of Medicine. 30-year-old. You are targeting a
cessful attempts to quit ciga- again. er, despite years of failed at- for kids and school and friends.” Siegel, who said he receives child,” she said. “I want to stop
rettes alone in each of the previ- “Now that we are back full tempts to quit, he is still vaping In June 2020, a sweeping no financial backing from vap- more kids from even starting.”
ous 13 years. (Some teens re- time, it’s a consistent discussion nicotine, she said. Massachusetts law went into ef- ing manufacturers or advocacy
p o r t e d u s i n g b o t h ty p e s o f with superintendents and prin- “We have done therapy, the fect restricting the sale of nico- organizations, said an estimated Kay Lazar can be reached at
products and tr ying to quit cipal groups across the state,” patch, gum,” Estes said. “We tine vaping and flavored vaping 3.5 million adults have quit Follow her
both.) Much of the increase was said Joseph Baeta, superinten- have punished, we grounded and tobacco products. Health smoking traditional cigarettes on Twitter @GlobeKayLazar.
A8 Editorial T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2



The midterms
are underway.
Do you know what
your party wants
to do if it wins?

t’s an odd story of a midterm election year with
dueling non-agendas.
The Democrats’ Build Back Better plan has
sunk, gradually but deeply, into the quicksand
of the Senate. Even the name has become prob-
lematic, so much so that Democrats are looking for
pithier slogans.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi favors “Democrats de-
liver,” according to The New York Times. One can see
why; the House, after all, has. Problem: Not so the Sen-
ate, where Build Back Better is hopelessly mired. There,
“Democrats dither” would be more apt. But accuracy
has the same effect in sloganeering as in portraiture. It
is, as a wag once observed, usually least appreciated Officer Joe Abasciano ( center, with beard and olive-green hat) protested with opponents of the city
when most achieved. of Boston’s vaccine mandate in front of the State House on Beacon Street on Jan. 5, 2022.
And on the Republican side? To reveal or not reveal,
that is the question. Senator Rick Scott of Florida, who
as chairman of the National Republican Senatorial

Accuracy has the same effect in

BPD foot-dragging on Jan. 6
sloganeering as in portraiture.
It is, as a wag once observed,
probe hits new lengths

usually least appreciated when oe Abasciano doesn’t seem to think the usu- check-in occurred.
al rules apply to him. The original Boston Police Patrolmen’s Association
most achieved. If he were just any civilian, that might contract also gives the commissioner the authority to
not matter. But he happens to be a Boston demand a physician’s certificate for any extended ill-
Committee is leading the party’s effort to win the Sen- police officer and, in a department that’s ness.
ate, has a refreshingly democratic idea: Why not tell been beset by rule-breakers lately, one more embar- It was in that same contract that the BPPA won
voters what policies the GOP would pursue if trusted rassment isn’t what it needs. the right for its members to be exempt from the city’s
with a Senate majority? Thus he released an 11-page Abasciano has been under investigation by the de- residency rules after 10 years of service. Boyle said
manifesto, with this admonition: “This plan is not for partment for more than a year in connection with his that 2013 legislative changes to the civil service laws
the faint of heart.” involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol Hill insurrection removed a cap on the distance public safety person-
A sampling: Scott proposes limiting not only federal and a Twitter rant against Vice President Mike Pence. nel could live from the city, and the department has
officeholders but also “government bureaucrats” to 12 Despite the fact that he has been out on paid med- since interpreted that collective bargaining agree-
years at their jobs. He would eliminate all federal pro- ical leave since 20 days after that insurrection, he has ment to permit out-of-state residency once that 10-
grams that could be done locally; sell off all nonessen-
been well enough to attend an anti-vaccination rally year mark has been reached.
tial government assets, buildings, and lands; quit pay-
at the State House this January and go knocking on Of course, woe to those who haven’t yet cleared
ing dues to the United Nations; treat socialism as “an
the locked door of his own police union with other the 10-year hurdle, like Officer Matthew P. Morrissey,
enemy combatant” (off to Gitmo with the Jacobin mag-
azine!); sunset all federal programs every five years; protesters, again demonstrating against COVID-19 who was put under surveillance last October by the
prohibit any increase in the debt-ceiling unless war has
been declared; and require every American to pay some
income tax. At what point does someone — the acting police commissioner, Mayor
Enter the faint of heart, in the person of Senate Re-
publican leader Mitch McConnell.
Michelle Wu, her Office of Police Accountability and Transparency —
“We will not have as part of our agenda a bill that demand an explanation of how and why an investigation goes on
raises taxes on half the American people and sunsets
Social Security and Medicare within five years,” McCon- forever and medical leave becomes the gift that keeps on giving?
nell declared.
McConnell’s strategy for electoral success isn’t to
put forth an agenda but rather to block most every- vaccine mandates for city employees. department’s Bureau of Professional Standards,
thing noteworthy that Democrats try to do, in the And while the taxpayers continue to foot the bill which suspected he actually lived over the city line, in
hopes of reaping the benefit of ricocheting anger for his salary and benefits (his base pay in 2020 was Milton. Morrissey didn’t take kindly to the surveil-
should casual voters stay home out of exasperation over $96,890), Abasciano has moved to a horse farm in lance and now faces criminal charges of intimidating
inaction. Milton, N.H., about a hundred miles from the city he and harassing the superior officer assigned to investi-
Thus McConnell has stressed that he, and not Scott, is alleged to be serving. gate him.
will decide the GOP agenda — and that he will keep his At what point does someone — the acting police Clearly, Abasciano doesn’t have a problem with
legislative plans under wraps until after the election. commissioner, Mayor Michelle Wu, her Office of Po- the 100-mile commute to pursue his current political
Because, after all, it’s best for the GOP, if not the citizen- lice Accountability and Transparency — demand an cause of opposition to vaccine mandates.
ry, that voters go to the polls having no idea what one of explanation of how and why an investigation goes on Meanwhile, that internal affairs investigation
the country’s two major parties would do if it prevails.
forever and medical leave becomes the gift that keeps about Abasciano’s conduct on and around Jan. 6 re-
Now for some good news/bad news: On the positive
on giving? mains open, according to Boyle. Last May, Acting
side, House minority leader Kevin McCarthy has actu-
ally set up committees that may develop an agenda that The department opened an investigation into Commissioner Gregory Long told a meeting of the
might be released at some pre-election point. The bad Abasciano, a 14-year veteran of the Boston Police De- City Council he expected the probe to conclude “in
news: McCarthy has tapped as an informal adviser to partment, back in January 2021, after he was identi- the next couple of weeks.”
that effort former speaker Newt Gingrich, whose prin- fied as Twitter user @mailboxjoe — an account since Ten months later, there’s still no resolution in
cipal, um, contribution to American politics has been to closed. It was there that he posted photos of the Jan. sight. There’s still no determination if Abasciano was
debase and coarsen the dialogue. 6 crowds and called it a “day for choosing.” He ac- simply exercising his First Amendment rights or en-
Against that backdrop, it would be nice to report cused Pence of treason for certifying the election of gaging in something more sinister. More than 725
that, some six months after their own domestic pack- Joe Biden, tweeting, “I hope you never sleep well people in 50 states have already been charged by fed-
age ran aground on the jagged reef that marks that en- again. eral authorities. That included some members of law
trance to the Straits of Manchin, Democrats have re- “[Y]our treasonous Act lead [sic] to the murder of enforcement. Police departments in Seattle, Florida,
grouped around a more realistic agenda. an innocent girl [presumably Ashli Babbitt, who was Houston, Virginia, and Pennsylvania conducted simi-
But no. Not yet, anyway. Instead, they have largely
shot and killed by Capitol Police] and the death of lar investigations of department members — now
moved on to other things. The president, of course, is
America.” long since concluded. Isn’t it time the BPD put this
consumed with Russia’s brutal war in Ukraine, while
congressional Democrats are trying to pass the Ameri-
Before the month was over, Abasciano was out on mess in its rearview mirror?
ca COMPETES Act to strengthen our research infra- medical leave. And surely the city’s Office of Police Accountability
structure, energy grid, and chip-making ability. Boston Police spokesman Sergeant Detective John and Transparency should play a role. But its Internal
A distracted White House seems only to have re- Boyle told the Globe editorial board that privacy rules Affairs Oversight Panel apparently doesn’t get the
ceived half the message about Build Back Better. In his prevented him from disclosing the nature of Abascia- case until after the BPD’s Internal Affairs Division fin-
State of the Union speech, Biden refrained from using no’s medical condition, adding, “But I can tell you he ishes up — making its watchdog role something of a
the phrase itself, but called again for lawmakers to pass is going to doctors. . . . The way this works is, you pe- lapdog to the existing closed-door process. An agency
most major parts of that agenda. riodically come in for doctors’ appointments with the charged with police transparency should be about
He did so even though, with centrist Senators Joe department doctor and also see your own physician.” more than data dashboards.
Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizo- Either could clear Abasciano for a return to, say, For a mayor who promised both a rebuilding of
na dug in against big parts of the plan, it isn’t any closer desk duty. But that has not happened either. Boyle the “culture and structure” at the BPD, the Abrascia-
to having even a slender pass-through-the-reconcilia-
did not know when Abasciano’s last department no case looks a lot like the same old, same old.
tion-process majority than it was last summer. Less so,
in fact, with supposedly temporary inflation lingering
like a toothache.
Indeed, one thing has become abundantly clear:

Manchin is more adamant in opposition than Senate
majority leader Charles Schumer is persuasive as a
herder of cats. Which means if Democrats are ever to SENIOR DEPUTY MANAGING EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGEMENT
reach a deal, at some point in the next few months Mark S. Morrow Dhiraj Nayar Chief Operating Officer & Chief Financial Officer
Fou nd e d 1 8 72
someone else will have to step in and whittle down the Dan Krockmalnic Executive Vice President,
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS New Media & General Counsel
party’s domestic agenda to something that Manchin
Marjorie Pritchard Editorial Page Kayvan Salmanpour Chief Commercial Officer
and Sinema will support. JOHN W. HENRY LINDA PIZZUTI HENRY Anthony Bonfiglio Chief Technology Officer
Veronica Chao Living/Arts
The most logical person for that task is, of course, Publisher Chief Executive Officer Anica Butler Local News Peggy Byrd Chief Marketing Officer
the president himself. Brian Bergstein Ideas Tom Brown Vice President, Consumer Analytics
“He does have that senatorial proclivity — I think he BRIAN McGRORY
actually likes that stuff,” House Ways and Means chair- Editor SENIOR ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITORS
Cynthia Needham Express Desk
man Richard Neal said in an interview. Gregory H. Lee Jr. Talent and Community
So how important is it that Biden lead the effort? Managing Editor, Digital Managing Editor Mary Creane Production
“I think it is critical,” said Neal. “No doubt about it.” Alan Wirzbicki Editorial Page

Charles H. Taylor Founder & Publisher 1873-1921 William O. Taylor Publisher 1978-1997 P. Steven Ainsley Publisher 2006-2009 Laurence L. Winship Editor 1955-1965
Scot Lehigh is a Globe columnist. He can be reached at
William O. Taylor Publisher 1921-1955 Benjamin B. Taylor Publisher 1997-1999 Christopher M. Mayer Publisher 2009-2014 Thomas Winship Editor 1965-1984 Follow him on Twitter Wm. Davis Taylor Publisher 1955-1977 Richard H. Gilman Publisher 1999-2006
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Opinion A9


Affordable, accessible
health care: piece of cake
Jackson’s public defender experience (no, not really)
can balance the Supreme Court Frustration is warranted, but Mass.
health plans are not the problem
By Dean A. Strang and in a criminal case, not just to the affluent one who claims to be concerned about In his March 21 op-ed, Abdallah Fayyad asked, “Does any-
Nancy Gertner but also to the poor. Since the Supreme the size and power of government, gov- one actually like their health care plan?” As it turns out,

Court’s 1963 decision in Gideon v. Wain- ernmental overreach, or individual most people actually do. A poll conducted last month found
t’s not that US senators are wright — nearly 60 years ago — that rights. that of 91 percent of Massachusetts residents who ex-
against all lawyers who defend amendment has applied to every poor If confirmed, Jackson will become the pressed satisfaction with their health plan, 59 percent are
clients, however savory or unsa- person charged with a felony. And for 50 only person ever to sit on the US Su- very or completely satisfied, and close to 3 out of 4 resi-
vory the clients may be. They years, with little controversy, it has ex- preme Court who worked as a public de- dents would recommend their plan to a friend or family
had no problem confirming cur- tended to almost all misdemeanors. fender. Surely in the long line of justices member.
rent US Supreme Court justices who de- Public defenders earn a fraction of who have served wealth, government, Maybe it’s because Massachusetts is home to some of the
fended large corporations for some of what many corporate lawyers make. and corporations — that is, most who best plans in the nation. Or maybe it was the tremendous
their careers (Chief Justice John Roberts They cannot pick their clients: Lawyers have sat on the Supreme Court — there is support the health plans gave their members, providers,
and Justices Elena Kagan, Neil Gorsuch, room for one former public defender. If and employers during the pandemic, including prompt ac-
Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Bar- the words inscribed on the Supreme cess to telehealth services and free testing and treatment.
rett). Nor was this an impediment to the Surely in the long line of Court’s pediment — Equal Justice Under This is not to say that Fayyad’s frustration with the
confirmation of appellate judges. About
6 in 10 appellate judges are former cor-
justices who have served Law — are more than a cynical deceit,
defending the poor cannot disqualify a
health system is unwarranted. A $1,000 bill for a 2-mile
ambulance ride is a real-life reflection of what our state’s
porate lawyers from large firms. Given wealth, government, and lawyer from becoming a justice. health care watchdogs have found repeatedly: It’s the prices
this profile, it is no surprise, then, that As to public defense in a broader charged for health care services, not the utilization of those
the parties that appeared before the Su-
corporations — that is, sense, Jackson would not be the first de- services, that remain the most significant factor driving
preme Court that were backed by the US most who have sat on fender of poor people on the Supreme health care costs.
Chamber of Commerce won 83 percent Court. Thurgood Marshall, the first If we really want to make health care more affordable,
of the time in the most recent term. the Supreme Court — Black justice, and an exceptional advo- we must address the underlying cost drivers, including
Senators have also confirmed justices
who defended controversial views on so-
there is room for one cate (including in the Supreme Court),
spent his early career defending, usually
reining in prices charged by providers, putting a stop to
skyrocketing prescription drug costs, prohibiting provider
cial issues like affirmative action and former public defender. for free, the desperately poor charged expansions or mergers that drive up costs without improv-
women’s reproductive rights (Justices with crimes. For the whole of the 20th ing quality, and ending surprise billing and facility fees by
Clarence Thomas and Barrett, for exam- century and into this century, he is the providers and ambulance companies.
ple). They even have confirmed justices of last resort, they fulfill a constitutional only justice on the Supreme Court who Only then will we truly make health care more afford-
who defended themselves against allega- mandate with every case they take. The ever directly defended a man on trial for able for all.
tions of sexual harassment or worse liberty of real people always is at stake. his life. LORA PELLEGRINI
(Thomas and Kavanaugh). They lose often. Sometimes their clients Marshall was confirmed in 1967, by a President and CEO
But Republican criticism of the cur- are human beings too damaged to ap- vote of 69-11. Of Republican senators, 32 Massachusetts Association of Health Plans
rent nominee, Judge Ketanji Brown preciate their work, or ungrateful. voted yes to confirm; only one voted no. Boston
Jackson, makes clear that some senators But US senators? Surely they are not One measure of our progress as a na-
object to one type of legal defense: de- too damaged or ungrateful to appreciate tion, on race and on equal justice gener-
fending the poor in criminal cases. Since what public defenders do. Every person ally, will be Jackson’s confirmation vote. Shed more light on single-payer push
most people charged with crimes in this accused of a crime confronts the govern- We will learn starkly whether, in 55 years
country are too poor to hire a lawyer, this ment. Even rare wealthy defendants can since Marshall’s confirmation, we have
in Massachusetts
comes down to an objection to serving as be overwhelmed and outspent by the gone backward rather than forward. Abdallah Fayyad’s op-ed “Does anyone actually like their
a public defender. government they face. The public de- health care plan?” illustrates the health-threatening bur-
It’s a remarkable objection, not only fender standing up in court, for shabby Dean A. Strang is a criminal defense dens faced even by those with “good” insurance, and why
because it demeans some of the most im- pay and against great odds, to speak for lawyer in Madison, Wis., a law professor we need a universal health care, or single-payer, system
portant work that lawyers do, but be- a poor man, woman, or teenager facing at Loyola University Chicago, and a such as those in every other industrialized country. Our
cause it demeans the US Constitution jail or prison should have the respect of former federal public defender. Nancy patchwork of for-profit employment-linked insurance is de-
senators swear to uphold. The Sixth every senator. That public defender es- Gertner is a retired federal judge in signed to minimize costs for insurance companies even if it
Amendment assures the right to counsel pecially should have the respect of each Boston and a law professor at Harvard. means raising costs for consumers, employers, and the gov-
However, Fayyad fails to mention the current legislative
efforts to pass “Medicare for All” bills in Massachusetts. He
writes that a “major health care overhaul is not on the
Democrats’ agenda for now.” This may be true at the federal
RENÉE GRAHAM level, but not in Massachusetts, where more than 40 per-
cent of legislators have cosponsored the Medicare for All

Graphic photos define the war in bills, and where the state party platform states that the
Democrats will fight for a single-payer program “because
health care is a human right.”

Ukraine; would similar images The Globe’s lack of coverage of these bills is disappoint-
ing and puzzling. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted
the urgent need for a universal public health system such as

reignite US gun reform efforts?

Medicare, and the Globe has covered the problems well.
Why not the solution that is being discussed right now in
the Massachusetts Legislature?

he young man is on his knees, his body crum- Beach, currently packed with college students on spring Wellfleet
pled into a fetal-like position. Blood-speckled break, two shootings that left five people injured compelled Cofounder, Cape Cod Coalition
hands cover his face as he weeps over the body Mayor Dan Gelber to declare a state of emergency in his for Universal Health Care
of his mother, who was killed when a Russian city. JON WEISSMAN
missile struck her apartment last week in Kyiv, “We can’t endure this anymore, we just simply can’t,” Granby
Ukraine’s capital. She is on the ground and covered by a Gelber said. But history has already proved that we will, Cochair, Mass-Care: the Massachusetts Campaign
bloody white sheet and surrounded by pieces of her neigh- and so will legislators. When not a single significant act of for Single Payer Health Care
borhood, now the detritus of an unprovoked war. gun reform was passed after 20 children and six educators
This ghastly moment is felt as much as seen. Watching it were slaughtered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in This letter was cosigned by six other people who are ac-
almost seems an intrusion on both the dignity of the dead Newtown, Conn., in 2012, that revealed an irreparable tive in this advocacy effort.
and those who mourn them. But since Russian President breach in this nation’s conscience. Somehow, Americans
Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine last had accepted that first-graders could be gunned down with
month, media have been inundated with the horrors of this a weapon of war in their classroom.
war — a father crying over the body of his teenage son in Nearly 10 years later, little has changed. Now only the
Mariupol; a mother and her two children dead in the street, shootings with the highest body counts garner attention. With proposed new mission statement,
Several people shot at a Milwaukee house party UMass Boston gets real
is background noise, the kind of event that
rarely earns more than a brief mention outside Re “UMass Boston’s idea of a new mission statement is aston-
of the communities directly affected. ishingly wrongheaded”: In response to the March 13 letter
Perhaps what was needed after Sandy Hook from Arthur Gelb, former member of the Board of Regents of
was graphic evidence of America’s murderous Higher Education in Massachusetts, who dismisses the Uni-
firearms folly. Every lawmaker who literally versity of Massachusetts Boston’s new draft mission state-
closed their office door to avoid meeting with ment as unworthy of inclusion for the “real world,” I have to
Sandy Hook parents in 2013 should have had to ask: What real world?
view crime scene photos of those children, their The very real world of poverty, hunger, homelessness, war,
principal, and their teachers. That is what legis- greed, hate, violence, racism, misogyny, injustice, famine,
lators, with their useless supply of thoughts and drought, inequality, prison, crime, lack of health care, and
prayers, should have to witness before defend- overconsumption side by side with desperate need?
ing their decisions to do absolutely nothing. A world incapable of doing what everybody knows needs
Well, not nothing. Several states are current- to be done regarding global warming and clean air and wa-
ly trying to pass laws that would allow citizens ter?
to legally carry concealed guns in public with- A world where we watch species after species go extinct,
out a permit. Though the Supreme Court is cur- knowing full well we are capable of preventing this? Knowing
rently discussing a concealed carry case full well it is both our fault and our fate?
brought by the NRA and two individuals chal- Perhaps the “real world” Gelb refers to is much more com-
A young man mourns his mother, who was killed when a Russian lenging a New York gun law, the state bills ar- fortable. But it is not the real world.
missile hit her apartment building in Kyiv on March 17. en’t receiving attention commensurate with All institutions, especially those involved in education,
their frightening implications. And silence only must urgently address this. Or we just fiddle our way through
victims of a Russian mortar strike in Irpin; the bodies of benefits perpetrators. the fire.
several people, including an American, shot to death in a This is why Ukrainians insist that war reporters keep JOHN LAMBIASE
breadline in Chernihiv. their cameras trained on Putin’s carnage. They want the Swampscott
Disclaimers about graphic or disturbing content are world to see how they are now forced to live and die in their
standard, but many Ukrainians have been adamant — they country. On CNN, Tanya Kozyreva, a Ukrainian journalist,
do not want journalists to shield what Putin’s war is inflict- told stories and shared photos of injured children she has
ing on their sovereign nation and its residents. visited. Though their faces were blurred, what their bodies
“We know the enemy. In the end, the world must see and suffered, such as amputated limbs, a multitude of shrapnel Hot market in NFL for QBs,
hear this,” a Ukrainian soldier told a CNN reporter after he wounds, and being hooked up to life-supporting machines, and still no Kaepernick
was injured when his barracks were struck by a Russian was obvious.
missile. “I don’t know. How many deaths will it take for ev- This, too, is obvious — that Ukrainians will not sanitize I was disappointed to see that nowhere in Christopher L.
eryone to see?” Putin’s atrocities. Every image of broken bodies or faces Gasper’s March 13 Sports column, “A quarterback league like
In his lament, I heard the echo of so many in this nation smeared with blood and tears is an indictment of the Rus- never before,” was there any mention of Colin Kaepernick.
tired of relentless gun violence and elected officials unwill- sian president’s barbarism. If Ukrainians must endure this, While the NFL continues to give jobs to others, including
ing to do anything about it. Would their collective hand fi- then we can bear witness and push for action. We should do some who have been accused of sexual misconduct, if not
nally be forced to action if the media were flooded with as much for Americans being sacrificed daily to feed this na- outright assault, there appears to be no team willing to give
graphic images of the toll of America’s addiction to guns? tion’s Second Amendment fix and say out loud what that Kaepernick a shot, despite his past performance that is at
Nationwide, there have been at least 107 mass shootings wounded Ukrainian solider asked of the world: “How many least as good as some of the current field of QBs.
so far in 2022, defined as an incident in which four or more deaths will it take for everyone to see?” This continued hypocrisy is a big part of why I no longer
people are hit by gunfire. Last weekend, multiple people watch football.
were shot at an Arkansas car show, a Virginia restaurant, a Renée Graham can be reached at RENA LEIB
North Carolina hotel, and a Texas birthday party. In Miami Follow her on Twitter @reneeygraham. Cambridge
A10 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

Auto Dealer Directory

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Business PAGE B5 Alnylam sues Moderna, Pfizer over COVID vaccine ingredient

T H E B O S T O N G L O B E W E D N E S DAY, M A R CH 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 | BOS T ON GL OB E .C O M / M E TR O

Adrian Walker CITY ON A (SOON TO BE

State needs tied to
to step back hate seen
Does anyone trust the
state to fix the Boston
Public Schools?
That is a question
at parade
that needs to be asked
loudly, now that state
Officials decry
officials have institut- those wearing
ed a “review” of the
school system that neo-Nazi insignia
could be a step on the road to the state as-
suming control. By Gal Tziperman Lotan
That explains why mayor Michelle Wu — GLOBE STAFF

along with City Councilor Julia Mejia — took Elected officials and organizers
the unusual step Tuesday of going to of South Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day
Malden to urge the Board of Elementary Parade are decrying the atten-
and Secondary Education to keep its hands dance of roughly 20 people wear-
off. ing neo-Nazi insignia who lined up
“Receivership would be counterproduc- along the route Sunday, unfurling
tive in light of our ongoing transition and in a banner that read, “Keep Boston
light of the progress we’re making in collab- Irish.”
oration with the state,” Wu said to the The South Boston Allied Veter-
board. “No one is better equipped to acceler- ans Council, which organizes the
ate the progress Boston has made than our parade, said the group — whose
Boston Public Schools communities and I’m presence was noted by people on

confident this review will suggest the same.” social media during the event —
This is certainly a perilous moment for aul Jodhan, was “neither invited, nor wel-
the city’s schools. For a host of reasons, dis- garden come.”
satisfaction is high. Too many schools are foreman, and “As a Jewish American, it hits
underperforming. The changes to exam Winfield especially close to home for me,”
school admissions aren’t especially popular. Clarke (right), Dave Falvey, commander of the
Superintendent Brenda Cassellius is depart- council, said in an e-mail Monday.
greenhouse manager,
ing, in what seems to be a reversal of Wu’s “Unfortunately, we only have con-
campaign trail pledge to support continuity
tended to flowers in trol over who can participate in
in the system. A search for a new superin- the greenhouse of the parade and cannot control
tendent is underway, with a goal of being Boston Parks and who attends. Such groups will nev-
completed by June. Recreation on Tuesday. er be welcome in any capacity at
Meanwhile, the push for an elected the South Boston St. Patrick’s Day
school committee, which Wu opposes, / Evacuation Day Parade.”
shows no sign of losing steam. The group were among the
Technically, the state’s review is a follow- spectators standing along West
up to one two years ago that found, to no Broadway Sunday, most with their
one’s surprise, serious failings in many as- faces covered. They wore the logo
pects of BPS. But it could also be a step to a of the Nationalist Social Club, de-
state takeover of the school system, giving scribed as a neo-Nazi group by
the state the right to appoint its leadership both the Counter Extremism Proj-
and control its funding. ect and the Anti-Defamation
Which would be a complete, unmitigated League.
disaster — not least because it would give “We were aware that they were
control of the BPS to an unaccountable present and we will conduct fol-
group of state bureaucrats who may know
little, and care less, about the needs of Bos-
ton’s schoolchildren. Judge cites ‘difficult position’ in low-up investigations,” Boston po-
lice spokesman Sergeant Detective
John Boyle said Tuesday.

dismissing suit against Baker

True to form, the state is playing coy Reports of white supremacist
about its intentions. Officials have main- propaganda — racist, antisemitic,
tained that receivership is just one of several and anti-LGBTQ messaging by
options that could be on the table after the hate groups — have risen sharply
review, along with more palatable ones like in the last five years, according to
providing the city with more resources. By Matt Stout Ex-advocate for deaf 1990s — which overlap with Florio’s the Anti-Defamation League,
But another wholesale change in leader- GLOBE STAFF time as a student there — also spread which tracks such reports. The or-
ship and priorities is the last thing BPS A federal judge this month dis- filed action over firing online, showing former members per- ganization’s researcher found
needs right now, at a time when everything missed a lawsuit the state’s former forming a gesture that resembled a 4,851 reported cases in 2021,
is already seemingly in flux. chief advocate for the deaf filed misconceptions” about his termina- Nazi salute. State officials later down about 5 percent from 2020
What would actually help out belea- against Governor Charlie Baker, rul- tion, she wrote. launched two investigations after the but way up from 294 cases in
guered schools? ing that Massachusetts law gave Bak- Florio alleged that he was fired to commission’s deputy legal counsel 2017.
The first order of business is getting the er’s administration “broad discretion” give Baker and Marylou Sudders, the flagged the photo and a “blogger’s” ul- PARADE, Page B3
choice of a new superintendent right. in terminating him after it investigat- state’s health and human services sec- timately false allegation that Florio
That means finding a leader who can ef- ed his ties to a fraternity where mem- retary, “political cover” after contro- was pictured in it, according to court
fectively manage (and cut) a bloated bureau- bers wore robes resembling Ku Klux versy erupted around Florio’s time de- documents. The situation burst into
cracy, communicate effectively with school
families and the broader community, and
straighten out the department’s terrible in-
Klan garb.
But in throwing out Steven A. Flo-
rio’s lawsuit, US District Court Judge
cades earlier with Kappa Gamma Fra-
ternity at Gallaudet University, a
private university in Washington,
public view that July after union offi-
cials sent a letter to Baker, alleging
that Florio “admitted to dressing as a
ternal operations.
This is a department that cannot accu-
Indira Talwani acknowledged the se-
ries of events had also left the former
D.C., for the deaf and hard of hearing.
Gallaudet University in the sum-
Nazi and saluting while wearing garb
resembling the uniforms of the Ku backs facial
rately calculate the graduation rate of its head of the Commission for the Deaf mer of 2020 suspended the fraternity Klux Klan” in meetings with staff. Flo-
students, or file the paperwork for its athlet- and Hard of Hearing in a “difficult po- after members were identified wear- rio denied ever making those state-
ic teams to participate in state tournaments, sition.” He was afforded no formal ing blue robes with pointed hoods. At ments. Days later, state officials

tech reform
or get all the students to the first day of hearing to clear his name even after the time, the school’s president de- placed Florio on administrative leave.
school on time. state officials cited other reasons for nounced the frat as the “face of sys- Yet, when state officials fired Flo-
So there’s some pretty basic work for the firing him in October 2020, effectively temic racism in our community.” rio months later, they did not cite his
new superintendent. precluding him from “debunking any A photo from the 1980s or early LAWSUIT, Page B3
Wu insists that great leaders will be By Samantha J. Gross
clamoring to run the BPS, that this city GLOBE STAFF

where public education was born is a land of A state commission probing

opportunity. To which I say: Maybe.
Why? Because this is also a city that has
chewed up and spit out a succession of su-
Wu, Pressley, Janey tout free buses the use of facial recognition tech-
nology released a 173-page report
Tuesday recommending that the
perintendents, where the politics are be- Massachusetts Legislature adopt
yond daunting, and where it isn’t clear what
sort of school committee you’ll be working
No fares on 23, 28, and 29 MBTA routes since March 1 new reforms on the use of such
tools for surveillance. The goal,
for two years from now. All of which could By Taylor Dolven the commission wrote, is to bal-
quite reasonably give applicants pause. GLOBE STAFF ance law enforcement’s use of the
So I am very curious to see what the pool Boston’s current mayor, her prede- technology to solve crimes with
of applicants really ends up looking like. cessor, and one of the city’s US repre- civil liberty protections.
But what this school system needs right sentatives gathered Tuesday to tout Some of the recommendations
now, besides a strong leader, is to set a the benefits of fare-free service on from the commission include re-
course and stick to it for a few years. The les- three MBTA buses launched by the quiring a warrant to use the tech-
son of the last decade of revolving-door city on March 1. nology, limiting facial recognition
leadership is that constant resetting hasn’t Mayor Michelle Wu, former acting searches to felony investigations,
improved anything. And I can’t think of one mayor Kim Janey, and Representative centralizing the technology’s use
good reason why state control would work Ayanna Pressley took a free ride on to a group within the Massachu-
any better. It doesn’t come with a magic the 23 bus, which runs from Ashmont setts State Police, and notifying
wand. station in Dorchester to Ruggles sta- people who were identified using
Receivership is a relic of a bygone era tion in Roxbury, with two Roxbury it.
when solons on Beacon Hill believed they Community College students before “This report gives us a solid
knew better than the rubes in the cities and speaking with students and media at road map in the drive to clarify
towns what broken agencies needed. the college. the laws around this,” Representa-
They didn’t, and still don’t. “I’m very excited that now making tive Michael Day, who cochaired
Boston’s schools are Boston’s crisis. The those multiple trips to school, to the commission, told the Globe.
city, not the state, is the right place to look home, to pick up the kids without “You’ve got the helpfulness of the
for solutions. having to worry about how that will tool on one side and invasive na-
add up or take away from your ability ture of it and privacy rights on the
Adrian Walker is a Globe columnist. He can to pay for food, or medicine or rent, From left, former Boston acting mayor Kim Janey, US Representative other side. The commission and
be reached at BUSES, Page B4 Ayanna Pressley, and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu on Tuesday. FACIAL RECOGNITION, Page B4
B2 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

Twin brother recalls slain Marine vet New England

By John R. Ellement
in brief

By Matt Yan BOSTON


His twin brother, Daniel, is Two homicide cases adjudicated

dead, fatally stabbed outside a One man pleaded guilty and another man was convicted by a jury
downtown Boston bar. So Mat- in two separate Boston homicide cases, Suffolk District Attorney
thew Martinez is focused on the Kevin Hayden’s office said Tuesday. Kiewann Watson of Mattapan
future they had planned to build pleaded guilty on Monday to manslaughter, unlawful possession
together in the Chicago area of a firearm, armed assault with intent to murder, and assault
where they were raised. and battery by discharging a firearm in the death of Michael
“For me, it’s like I don’t feel Miranda on Aug. 20, 2017. Watson, who was facing first-degree
angr y. I just feel like I have murder and other charges, was sentenced to 17 to 19 years in
things to do,’’ Matthew Martinez prison and four years probation, the district attorney’s office said.
said in a telephone interview Meanwhile, Richard Lugo of Dorchester was found guilty by a
Tuesday. “Now, I’ve got to figure jury on charges of manslaughter (as a lesser included offense of
out the things that he started, his indicted charge of first-degree murder), unlawful possession
and I feel his presence. We can of a firearm, and carrying a loaded firearm in the shooting death
cry, but after that’s done, we’ve of Pascual Casiano that also injured another man in 2019 in
got things to do. It’s my way of Roslindale, the district attorney’s office said. Lugo is scheduled
honoring him.” for sentencing on April 4. Prosecutors said Lugo shot Casiano on
Daniel Martinez, 23, who fin- Oct. 31, 2019, during an altercation outside an auto body shop
ished a four-year enlistment in Alvaro O. Larrama was charged with murder in the stabbing death of Daniel Martinez. on American Legion Highway where Lugo occasionally worked
the Marines last summer, was in auto repairs and Casiano sold cars.
killed Saturday, authorities say, pocket, being let into the kitchen having a full mustache — and
by Alvaro O. Larrama, a bouncer at the bar where he discarded his shared laughs at the confused BEDFORD
at Sons of Boston, a bar near Fa-
neuil Hall.
hat and sweatshirt, prosecutors
alleged. He turned his T-shirt in-
looks they drew.
Daniel Martinez finished his Man charged in 50-year-old murder
Larrama, 38, pleaded not side out before leaving through a enlistment last summer and was A 76-year-old Salem man was arrested Tuesday for allegedly kill-
guilty on Monday in Boston Mu- back exit, they said. preparing for the next phase of ing Natalie Scheublin, the wife of a prominent banking executive
nicipal Court, where he was or- “Now he has to live with the his life. The twins and a younger who was stabbed and bludgeoned to death in her Bedford home
dered held without bail. decisions he made,” Matthew brother planned to buy a house in June 1971, Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan said. Ar-
“I don’t feel angry,’' Matthew Martinez said. a n d l i v e t o g e t h e r. D a n i e l thur Louis Massei was taken into custody at his home and faces
Martinez said. “I just think Matthew said he was close to planned to pursue a business de- arraignment on a charge of first-degree murder Wednesday in
about it from a logical stand- his brother during their child- Marine Daniel Martinez gree and Matthew was looking Middlesex Superior Court in Woburn. Massei allegedly tied up
point — how do you think you hood, which they shared with (left) with his twin brother, to focus on software develop- Scheublin, then a 54-year-old mother of two children, “stabbing
could get away with it? There’s two older siblings and a younger Matthew Martinez. ment. her multiple times, and then striking her in the head causing her
cameras everywhere ... that’s brother. During stressful mo- “He kind of wanted to lead us death.” Ryan said that in the early evening on June 10, 1971, Sch-
what keeps us all from being ani- ments, like entering middle Matthew Martinez said. “He re- and [use] everything he learned eublin’s husband, Lexington Trust Bank President Raymond Sch-
mals, being logical. How do you school, it was reassuring to have ally just wanted to be around the in the Marine Corps leading oth- eublin, arrived home from work to find his wife lying face-down
think you could just do that?” someone by his side, he recalled. people he loves,the people he er people,” Matthew Martinez on the basement floor with her ankles tied together and a make-
Surveillance video shows the “For other people it would be calls his brothers.” said. “Because he did have peo- shift gag around her neck. Natalie Schueblin’s 1969 Chevrolet
stabbing on Union Street, a hard because, coming in, you Matthew Martinez recalled ple he was in charge of, the last Impala was missing and found later that night. Massei emerged
street lined with bars that runs don’t know anybody,’' he said. the last moment he saw Daniel. rank that he had earned was a as a suspect in 1999, when a fingerprint found on the car was
parallel to the New England Ho- “But for us, we came in and we “When I dropped him off at sergeant.” matched with him by a federal database, Ryan said. At the time,
locaust Memorial, officials said. had each other.” the airport, I didn’t say, like, a The twins also planned to Massei denied to State Police ever being in Bedford or having any
At Larrama’s arraignment, Daniel Martinez was about big goodbye,’' he said. “Are you continue working for the family knowledge of the murder. He later claimed he had been solicited
which Martinez’s father, Manu- 16 when he decided he wanted ready?” he asked his brother. business, the Martinez Funeral by an organized crime associate to kill the wife of a banker and
el, and other relatives attended, to join the Marines, and did so “Yep,” came the nonchalant re- Home in Chicago. Now, his ex- make the slaying look like a break-in. In recent years investiga-
prosecutors said footage showed after he graduated from high ply. “You got everything?” he tended family will be handling tors have been reexamining the case as part of the cold case unit
Martinez and a friend as they school in 2017. That meant the asked. “Yep,” Daniel said. arrangements for one of their Ryan launched in 2019. Police identified a woman, Ryan said,
walked away from the bar after twins were apart for an extended The brothers exchanged a fist own. And Matthew Martinez “who admitted that she had been involved with Massie in
being refused entry while Larra- period for the first time in years. bump and Daniel went to catch will have to figure out how to go schemes to defraud banks during the 1990s. She told the police
ma was working security at the “We talked every now and his plane to Boston, where he forward without his twin. that Mr. Massei habitually carried a knife, and that he had
door. then, but we were growing into met another Marine who was “I think that’s probably the bragged to her that he had previously killed someone with a
The cameras also recorded men on our own,’' Matthew Mar- with him Saturday at the bar, hardest part, trying to figure out knife.” Ryan said that information, along with evidence gathered,
Larrama as he followed Marti- tinez said. “He was just a free Matthew Martinez said. where to pick up the pieces,’' he prompted a grand jury to return the murder indictment Tuesday.
nez and his friends down the spirit, loving, and just wanted to Although they were not iden- said. “No complaining. You just
street, where Martinez raised his see the world.” tical twins, they were close got to get it done.” DEVENS
arm in a defensive move and
threw an aluminum beer can at
As he usually did, Matthew
Martinez drove his brother to
enough in appearance to con-
fuse friends sometimes. Mat- John R. Ellement can be reached Brush fire burns hundreds of acres
the bouncer. L arrama then O’Hare Airport last week to visit thew recalled how he had a mus- at A four-alarm brush fire believed to have been sparked by live mu-
stabbed him in the chest, au- Boston with another of his “Ma- tache when he visited his clean- Matt Yan can be reached at nitions used during a military training drill on Monday burned
thorities said. rine brothers.” shaven brother at a Marine base. through several hundred acres at the Fort Devens South Post
Larrama was seen on camera “He was all about connecting They took turns appearing — the Jeremiah Manion of the Globe Range Complex, officials said. The fire was isolated and under
putting his knife back in his with the people he felt loved by,“ clean-shaven Daniel suddenly staff contributed to this article. control but still burning as of Tuesday afternoon, Kelsey Schiller,
communications director for MassDevelopment, said in a state-
ment. Fire officials in Devens estimated the blaze consumed 300
acres at the complex that has held military training with live fire

Omicron subvariant accounts for most cases since 1918. The Devens Fire Department responded to the Delta
Range about 4:30 p.m. Monday where firefighters were met with
a multi-acre blaze that was spreading rapidly due to heavy wind,
March 20, 2020 March 22
By Martin Finucane, cases. But he said, “We’re not go- the statement said. Multiple firefighting units were sent to the
Daigo Fujiwara, In Mass: ing to see a full-blown surge due western edge of the range’s “Impact Area” to keep the fire from
Mass. COVID-19 cases 773 new
and Ryan Huddle Confirmed, by date case was Seven-day to BA.2.” spreading into a large wooded area, the statement said. Mem-
GLOBE STAFF reported to the state average Experts say that people bers of the Fort Devens Range Control staff who are trained in
A new Omicron subvariant, (Cumulative total: 1,555,089) positivity should prepare for BA.2 s ar- wildland firefighting monitored the fire as they allowed it to burn
which is believed to be one of the 85 rival by making sure they’re vac- overnight and into Tuesday, the statement said.
drivers of a COVID-19 resur- 1.88% cinated and boosted.
gence in Europe, now accounts “I still think the best thing
for more than half the new cases you can probably do for yourself,
Mass. COVID-19 deaths Patients with
in New England, according to es- if you haven’ t already had a
Confirmed, by date death was COVID-19
timates from the CDC. reported to the state 15 new booster, is you should go ahead
currently in
The subvariant, known as (Cumulative total: 18,954) and get one now,” said Larissa
BA.2, accounted for 55.4 percent Thackray, a virologist at Wash-
of cases in New England as of
237 ington University in St. Louis.
Saturday, continuing to elbow A Massachusetts Department
out other varieties of Omicron. As of July 13, 2021, the state reports coronavirus statistics Monday-Friday. of Public Health spokeswoman
Nationally, BA.2 has grown to
SOURCE: Mass. Department of Public Health GLOBE STAFF
said, “DPH reminds everyone News Advertising
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But is this the calm before the p r e s e n t h e r e i n t h e Un i t e d Dr. Dan Barouch, director of home delivery
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Sunday single copy $6.00 6.00 6.00
eyeing increases in cases and Some are acknowledging that cine Research at Beth Israel Dea- at
hospitalizations in Europe wari- there will be an impact from coness Medical Center, said, “It’s Daigo Fujiwara can be reached
ly, wondering if what is happen- BA.2 but saying it won’t be large. likely that BA.2 will become the at
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W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Metro B3

Another Group wearing neo-Nazi insignia at parade decried

protest uPARADE ‘I think it does
Continued from Page B1
send a message
outside a
Reports of hate crimes al-
that there’s
s o have climbed. In 2020, the
FBI reported its highest surge of
strength in the
hate crimes in 12 years.
Local elected officials reacted
to the group’s appearance with
against that kind
harsh words.

Group gathered “It was deeply disturbing to

see this display at a local celebra- of hate.’
near Arroyo’s tion of culture and heritage, as
we work to heal and build com-
mother’s house munity through our recovery,”
Mayor Michelle Wu of Boston,
who walked in the parade, said
By Nick Stoico in a statement. “With the grow- ical Research Associates, said
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT ing intensity of white suprema- the group seems to have formed
Nearly three months after cist groups nationally, we are in 2020 as opposition to antira-
demonstrators began gathering working closely with law en- cist protests that spread across
in the early mornings outside forcement at all levels — Boston the country in the wake of
Mayor Michelle Wu’s Roslindale will not tolerate hate crimes, and George Floyd’s murder. The
home to protest Boston’s vaccine we will not be intimidated in our groups tries to tap into a moral
mandates and coronavirus re- work to build a city for every- panic they can use to spread
strictions, City Councilor Ricar- one.” their racist, antisemitic, and ho-
do Arroyo says his family is be- A delegation of elected offi- mophobic messaging.
ing targeted cials from South Boston issued a A group of men stood along the St. Patrick’s Day Parade route along West Broadway Sunday. “Even though this group is
as well. joint statement condemning the They wore the logo of the Nationalist Social Club, described as a neo-Nazi group. relatively small in numbers, they
But when group’s presence. tap into the broader sentiment
a small group “We are disgusted by reports alist Social Club, said its The symbol, sometimes called a Sunday’s parade was not the felt by millions of white Ameri-
of demon- of outside hate groups descend- members typically focus on sun cross or incorrectly called a first time the group’s insignia ap- cans,” Lorber said. “While it’s
strators gath- ing into Boston for the St. Pat- spreading white supremacist Celtic cross, is a commonly used peared in the area. Similar dis- important to recognize that
ered outside rick’s Day Parade yesterday,” City messaging. That means their ac- white supremacist symbol, ac- plays have been held outside they’re small, they’re not coming
a Hyde Park Council President Ed Flynn, tions fall under constitutionally cording to the Anti-Defamation Brigham and Women’s Hospital, from nowhere.”
h o m e Mo n - Councilor Michael Flaherty, protected free speech, not illegal League. outside a nonprofit library in In the last year, their num-
City Councilor day morning, state Senator Nick Collins, state incitements of violence. The actual Celtic cross, a Providence, and at a theater bers have grown slightly, from
Ricardo A r r o y o Representative David Biele, US In other words, their actions symbol of Christianity in Ire- hosting a drag story hour for about 10 people at most demon-
Arroyo wasn’t there. Representative Stephen Lynch, are hateful but usually within land, is not a hate symbol. The children in Portsmouth, N.H. strations to about 20, he said.
denounced The house be- and Suffolk County clerk of civil the bounds of the law, Farley version of it used Sunday, in “There seems to be some in- Watching social media posts
the protest. longs to his courts Michael Donovan wrote said. which the cross is squared off in- tention in selecting the event,” from Sunday’s parade, Lorber
mother, a 70- in the Monday statement. “Their “ They ’re ver y much con- stead of tapered in ornately said Peggy Shukur, deputy re- said he was heartened by a small
year-old retired Boston Public ideology is repugnant and con- cerned with optics,” Farley said. within the circle, is one white su- gional director of ADL New Eng- number of people who stood up
Schools teacher, he said on Twit- trary to an event that celebrates “I’m not trying to say they’re premacist groups sometimes co- land. to the group. But he also won-
ter. our proud immigrant history harmless, obviously. But they opt, Farley said. Past demonstrations have dered how many people walked
“She told them it wasn’t my and is enjoyed by children, fami- don’t have the same violent rhet- The owners of Sully’s Brand, sometimes prompted powerful past them, read their sign, un-
home but they ignored her & lies, and people of all ethnicities oric that maybe other extremist a Beverly sports apparel compa- community displays against the derstood their message, and said
kept on for hours,” he wrote. and backgrounds. Their mes- groups do.” ny, said they were horrified to neo-Nazi group, she said. In nothing.
“City Hall is open and they can sage is repulsive to the South It can help if members of the see a member of the group wav- Portsmouth, for instance, the “It would be a mistake to rea-
protest there. It’s clear the goal Boston community and Gold public are able to identify hate ing a flag they created: A play on Seacoast Repertory Theatre re- son that if we just ignore a group
isn’t protest but targeted harass- Star Families who were at the symbols, so they can then make the Irish flag, with green and or- ceived an outpouring of support like this, they would just go
ment and its wrong.” parade to commend our veter- others in their communities ange fields and a large white after the neo-Nazi group showed away,” Lorber said. “It’s impor-
The councilor, who is run- ans and honor their service to aware of a hate group’s presence, shamrock in the middle. up outside with homophobic tant to be safe and to practice sit-
ning for Suffolk district attorney, our nation.” he said. “Sully’s Brand emphatically and antisemitic messages, she uational awareness. But it is also
shared a photo on Twitter that “A s a c i t y a n d C o m m o n - In this case, members of the denounces this group and their said. “I think it does send a mes- important to let groups like this
shows the group gathered on the wealth we must confront and group wore masks with the cause,” the owners said in a sage that there’s strength in the know that they aren’t welcome
sidewalk at the end of his moth- stop hate, racism and discrimi- number 131, which for mem- statement. “Irish immigrants community against that kind of in our communities.”
er’s driveway, some holding nation everywhere it exists,” the bers of the Nationalist Social were not met with compassion hate,” Shukur said. “And it also
signs and waving an American delegation declared. Club is alphanumeric code for and acceptance when they first sends a message to the hate Correspondent Nick Stoico
flag. There appear to be two Bos- Cal Farley, an investigative re- ACA, or Anti Communist Action. came here in the 18th century group that the community isn’t contributed to this report. Gal
ton police officers standing near- searcher with the Anti-Defama- A member of the group also was and the notion that we should afraid.” Tziperman Lotan can be reached
by and a third speaking to the tion League’s Center on Extrem- carr ying a black flag with a repeat that prejudiced behavior Ben Lorber, a research ana- at or at
group. ism who has studied the Nation- white plus sign inside a circle. is ridiculous and disgusting.” lyst with Boston think tank Polit- 617-929-2043.
Boston police confirmed that
officers responded to a home in
Hyde Park at 7:58 a.m. for a re-
port of protesters gathering.
“Once the protesters conclud-
ed their affair, they departed
Advocate in ‘difficult’
from the area,” the police report
said, according to Officer Ste-
phen McNulty, a Boston police
spot in Baker lawsuit UPGRADE TO CLEAN AIR
spokesman. The report did not uLAWSUIT
Continued from Page B1 COMPLAINT
indicate what time the demon-
strators left. time with the fraternity, but Steven
Wu, who has been subjected rather internal complaints they
to early morning protests out- said showed a pattern of dis- Florio’s
side her home on a routine basis
since early January, retweeted
criminatory behavior and ha-
rassment. State officials also lat-
suit said
Arroyo’s post with her own mes- er denied Florio’s request for a the state
sage. “name clearing hearing,” and he
“Cruel & disgusting. Leave has struggled to find work since, was biased toward
our moms, families & neighbors
out of it,” Wu wrote.
according to his lawyers.
In her March 7 decision, Tal-
him for being deaf.
In recent weeks, the city has wani dismissed Florio’s claims
rolled back some of its major Baker administration officials vi- lin Phillips and Philip Beaure- COOLER SAFER CLEANER
COVID-19 restrictions as cases olated his rights, writing that gard. That complaint, they said,
have dropped, including the Baker and state officials were is also likely to allege that Florio,
proof of vaccine mandate and the protected by qualified immunity who is profoundly deaf, was dis-
indoor masking requirement.
The City Council is currently
on some claims and that they
had wide discretion to fire him,
criminated against based upon
his disability.
weighing an ordinance proposed given his position was exempt Florio charged last year that
by Wu that would ban protests from state law requiring that of- he was discriminated against in N.E.T.R., Inc. provides clean, energy efficient, heating and
outside private residences be- ficials have just cause before ter- a complaint he filed with the cooling systems that can lower your utilities by 40%. We
tween 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. City minating someone. Massachusetts Commission
councilors will discuss the de- Talwani wrote that Florio al- Against Discrimination, arguing offer low and 0% financing options and can help you qualify
tails of the ordinance during a so failed to prove state officials the Baker administration’s inves- for rebates up to $10,000! With a ductless mini-split air
working session Friday before intentionally disseminated “false tigation of him “displayed a sig-
taking a vote on whether to and defamatory information” in nificant (possibly unconscious) conditioning system, you can achieve complete temperature
adopt the measure. connection with his termina- bias against me as a profoundly control, better indoor air quality, and lower energy bills.
Some of Arroyo’s City Council tion. Florio had charged that deaf and non-speaking person.”
colleagues also expressed their statements he read to employees “The practice of ‘audism’ was
objections to the demonstration, that summer disavowing ties to in fully play here,” the MCAD
including Council President Ed the fraternity and saying he was complaint reads.
Flynn. “unaware of his own privilege” Florio’s attorneys said Tues-
“Public protests at people’s had been drafted or heavily edit- day MCAD sent them a letter in-
homes must have limits,” Flynn ed by Sudders and others. dicating it had declined to take
wrote on Twitter. “These demon- But while Florio failed to up the complaint, citing a con-
strations are hurting our neigh- prove he was entitled to proce- flict of interest. “We don’t have a
bors, seniors, persons with dis- dural due process, the series of definite answer” on what it was,
abilities, veterans and young events nonetheless put Florio in Phillips said.
children. I agree with Councilor a tough spot, Talwani wrote. A commission official indi-
@RicardoNArroyo. Today ’s “Defendants announced an cated Tuesday that the agency
demonstration at the home of investigation into whether Flo- still considered it an active com-
his mother was targeted harass- rio was associated with alleged plaint, saying it “cannot discuss,
ment!” racism and antisemitism. Fol- confirm or deny matters under
City Councilor Brian Worrell lowing that investigation, Defen- active investigation.”
also chimed in on Twitter: “Un- dants terminated Florio without Before he was fired, Florio
believable and uncalled for! Ha- clearing his name,” she wrote. had led the commission since
rassment in any form is never “The explanation Florio was giv- February 2019. He alleged in his
okay.” en for his termination — which lawsuit his superiors had or-
At-large City Councilor Julia was unrelated to that investiga- dered him to read verbatim
Mejia called the protest “unac- tion and which Florio contends statements “produced by the de- Call 978-237-0563 or visit to
ceptable” in a tweet, while Coun- was pretextual and false — effec- fendants” to his staff disavowing schedule a free consultation today!
cilor and State Senator Lydia Ed- tively precludes him from de- his association with the frat in
wards said it was “ridiculous and bunking any misconceptions the summer of 2020. In the law-
disgusting.” about his termination.” suit, he described his 29-year-old
“His mother—Really? At this A B a ke r a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ties to the fraternity, which he
point it’s an excuse to harass & spokeswoman said Tuesday that belonged to for one year be- NEW INSTALLATIONS
abuse,” Edwards wrote on Twit- state officials do not comment tween 1991 and 1992, as an “in-
ter. “Harassers go home.” on litigation or personnel mat- nocent past association.” AND REPLACEMENTS
ters. Florio intends to file a sepa-
Nick Stoico can be reached at rate lawsuit in state superior Matt Stout can be reached at Follow court within the coming weeks, Follow
85 Flagship Drive, Unit E, North Andover, MA 01845
him on Twitter @NickStoico. according to his attorneys, Car- him on Twitter @mattpstout.
B4 Metro T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

Report Wu, Pressley, Janey tout fare-free bus service

backs uBUSES
Continued from Page B1

face tech
that is the ultimate goal
here,” Wu said.
The city of Boston is reim-

bursing the Massachusetts Bay
Transportation Authority for
fare revenue using $8 million in
federal COVID-19 relief funds
uFACIAL RECOGNITION on its 23, 28, and 29 bus routes
Continued from Page B1 for two years. The city previously
the report helped balance that eliminated fares for riders on the
interest. This report won’t go on 28 bus starting in August of last
a shelf and gather dust.” year, also using federal funding.
The state’s facial recognition Alberto Castro, a 36-year-old
commission was formed as a re- father of two who is studying en-
sult of a major police reform gineering at Roxbury Communi-
law in 2020, which notably did ty College, had heard that more
not include regulation of gov- bus routes may become free but
ernment use of the tool. The was still shocked when he
provision to limit the technolo- hopped on the 23 earlier this
gy was vetoed out of the bill by month and didn’t have to cough
Governor Charlie Baker and the up a fare.
Democrat-controlled Legisla- “It was a nice surprise,” he
ture did not override that deci- said. “It translates into more
sion. Attorney General Maura money in my pocket. It’s a little,
Healey, who is running for gov- but it adds up.”
ernor, was also resistant toward A recent city evaluation of
it. eliminating fares on the 28 bus
A spokesman for Baker found that ridership increased
didn’t return a request for com- 23 percent compared with other
ment. In a statement, Healey bus lines; eight percent of those
said she is thankful for the com- surveyed said they would have
mission’s work. walked or biked if the bus were
The report was sent to com- not free and five percent said
mission members March 14 and they would have used a car.
publicly released Tuesday. Around one-third of riders From left, Andrea Jonas, a Roxbury Community College student, Mayor Michelle Wu, and former acting mayor Kim Janey
The 21-member commission saved money, with around 23 arrived via a free ride on the 23 bus to the college on Tuesday.
included representatives from percent saving $20 or more per
the American Civil Liberties month, the evaluation found. The city chose the 23, 28, and In the State House, legisla- focus needs to be on how are we The 66 bus runs through
Union of Massachusetts and the Two-thirds of riders did not save 29 bus routes for the pilot be- tion that would require the MB- going to have the best operating Brookline from Harvard Square
state police, as well as Healey’s any money, either because they cause they either travel along the TA and regional transit authori- system.” in Cambridge to Nubian Square
and Baker ’s offices. Fifteen had already purchased a month- new center-running bus lanes on ties to create year-long fare-free Some regional transit author- in Boston.
members voted in favor of the ly pass or because they trans- Columbus Avenue or along Blue bus pilots, but wouldn’t provide ities are forging ahead without Cambridge Mayor Sumbul
report, four dissented, and two ferred to another bus or subway Hill Avenue, where the city plans any funding for the pilots, is support from the state. The Siddiqui recently formed a work-
did not vote, according to Day. that charged them a fare. to install center-running bus pending in the transportation Worcester RTA, Merrimack Val- ing group to determine the de-
Civil liberties groups say Eliminating fares on the 28 lanes, Wu said. committee. ley RTA, and Franklin RTA have tails of a fare-free bus pilot and
they support the recommenda- allowed riders to board through “We can make the roadway Representative Christine Bar- already eliminated fares on all of appointed City Councilor
tions to tighten regulation of all of the bus doors, speeding up changes to speed up service and ber, a Somerville Democrat and their buses through pilot pro- Burhan Azeem as chair. Azeem
the facial surveillance technolo- the boarding time per person by then continue to talk with the coauthor of the bill, said its pur- grams. expects the working group will
gy, citing the threats to privacy 20 percent, the city found. But MBTA about the need for in- pose is to study the benefits and Wu said she hasn’t discussed have a proposal by the beginning
and dangers to communities of because so many more riders creased service on these routes costs of fare-free bus service. fare-free bus service with Demo- of June.
color. boarded, service slowed. Aver- too,” she said. “We did not look at specific cratic gubernatorial candidates Wu said the more pilots that
“It is critical to get this bal- age trip time increased from 37 Wu wants to see bus service funding mechanisms,” she said. Sonia Chang-Díaz, a cosponsor are happening, the easier it will
ance right because face surveil- minutes to 41 minutes. become free for riders city-wide, “The pilot program is the best of Barber’s bill, or Maura Healey, be to secure long-term funding.
lance technology poses pro- Wu said that her bus ride on and to do that she’ ll need the way to figure out what will work the state attorney general. “Being able to shift what’s
found and unprecedented the 23 bus on Tuesday around 11 help of the state and federal gov- best.” Other municipalities border- possible, and then show what it
threats to our privacy and other a.m. was packed, showing there ernment. But the cochair of the Legisla- ing Boston are looking at mak- feels like . . . proves the case for
basic freedoms,” Kade Crock- is a high demand for bus service Pressley said she is working ture’s transportation committee, ing more MBTA bus routes fare- investment, “ she said.
ford, the ACLU’s Technology for once the cost barrier is removed. to pass a bill she introduced with Representative William Straus free. Brookline is considering a
Liberty program director, wrote To improve travel times, Wu said Senator Edward Markey that of Mattapoisett, called fare-free proposal to use $1.2 million of Taylor Dolven can be reached at
in a statement. more frequent bus service is would create a $5 billion com- transit a “potential distraction” its federal COVID-19 relief funds
In 2019 the ACLU of Massa- needed along with more dedicat- petitive grant program to offset from the “substantial financial to reimburse the MBTA for fares Follow her on Twitter
chusetts conducted a test that ed bus lanes that enable buses to fare revenues for transit agen- needs” of the MBTA. paid by people who board the 66 @taydolven.
falsely matched 27 well-known bypass traffic. cies. “I’m not sold,” he said. “The bus in Brookline for two years.
athletes from Boston sports
teams to a database of mug-
shots of real people who had
been arrested. Nearly one in six
athletes were falsely identified.
“[The technology] is particu-
Wu urges state to give city a chance with schools
larly dangerous for communi-
ties of color and other marginal- uWU side consultants to visit BPS of-
ized groups,” wrote Crockford, Continued from Page A1 fices and dozens of schools.
who served on the commission. s i o n - m a k i n g p o w e r o f B os - At Tuesday’s meeting, Boston
“These recommendations pro- ton’s mayor and School Com- Teachers Union president Jessi-
vide a balanced framework for mittee. ca Tang read aloud accounts of
strong legislation.” Boston ranks in the bottom teachers who have taught in
Legislation has already been 10 percent of school districts schools under state receivership,
filed to put guardrails around statewide, according to the which described negative effects
facial recognition technology, state’s accountability system, on services for multilingual stu-
though it’s unclear which cham- with one-third of students at- dents, teacher turnover, and
ber will act on the recommen- tending schools that are ranked family engagement.
dations from the commission in the bottom 10 percent in Mas- “Receivership cannot and
first. Day said the report will sachusetts. It has also been should not be a part of any con-
soon be disseminated to mem- plagued by shortcomings in its versation if your goal is truly to
bers of the Legislature for their services for students with dis- support Boston Public Schools,”
review. abilities and English language Tang said.
“I have been concerned for learners. Lawrence School Committee
some time on the issue of priva- State education leaders said member Jonathan Guzman tes-
cy and balancing public safety Tuesday that the review is aimed tified that the state’s “takeover
against one’s personal rights at assessing Boston schools’ cur- dictatorship” in his city has
and liberties,” said Senator Cyn- rent operations, two years after harmed students by forcing
thia Stone Creem, who first an initial audit found wide- teachers to focus on test prepa-
filed legislation in 2019 and spread problems, and could re- ration over meeting students’
then filed it again in 2021. “Un- sult in responses that range from educational needs. He called the
til we have better technology, increased state assistance to a 2010 law that enabled state re-
we have limitations on how we temporary takeover. ceivership “racist legislation.”
should use it.” Concerns about the state at- From left, Education Secretary James Peyser, Education Commissioner Jeff Riley, and Katherine “Why do you still believe that
Iván Espinoza-Madrigal, ex- tempting to place BPS into re- Craven, chair of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, at Tuesday’s hearing. takeovers are saving our educa-
ecutive director of the Lawyers ceivership mounted last week, tional system when you have
for Civil Rights, said the report after news broke that Massachu- to ensure children have access to school transportation system ic has added to those challenges. been in control of Lawrence
is detailed and thorough and setts officials would conduct a a quality education. He said the that’s frustrating for families, in Under Massachusetts law, the Public Schools for 10 years and
that the Legislature “would be review of the district, the second state could intervene through outdated facilities, and ongoing state can impose a receiver to you have failed us?” Guzman
well served by seriously consid- since March 2020. State law re- teacher training, technical assis- disparities that close off our stu- take control of a district that’s said. “If you as a body wish to be
ering the recommendations.” quires such reviews within a tance, grant funding, partner- dents from opportunity,” Wu found to be chronically underper- anti-racist, you must first show
“This is a middle-ground ap- year of the state moving to take ship agreements, “and yes, some- said. “We must do better, partic- forming on standardized tests. some respect for communities of
proach that could be sensible control of a district. times through receiverships.” ularly for our English learners, Many education advocates in color and recognize that we un-
and viable across different con- On Tuesday, Education Com- Boston, however, is not con- students with disabilities, and Boston opposed to receivership derstand the needs of our chil-
stituencies,” he said in an inter- missioner Jeff Riley said the re- sidered chronically underper- students living in poverty.” point to the fact that Boston out- dren better than any outsiders.”
view, noting that the recom- view was necessary to accurately forming by the state; in 2019, The debate over a possible performs all three districts cur- Not all Boston education ad-
mendations, however, are not update board members on con- the most recent year the issued takeover comes at a time of tran- rently under state control: Holy- vocates oppose the state’s recent
binding. ditions inside Boston schools. accountability ratings, Boston sition, as Wu and other city lead- oke, Southbridge, and Lawrence. actions. Roxann Harvey, chair of
Cape and Islands District At- Riley did praise the city’s prog- was not deemed to require state ers start new political terms, the Receivership “is the wrong the Boston Special Education
torney Michael O’Keefe, a mem- ress on boosting teacher diversi- intervention or assistance. district searches for a new super- move . . . not the least of which is Parent Advisory Council, said
ber of the commission, penned ty, raising academic standards, “I don’t know what the right intendent, the city takes steps to [the Department of Elementary last week that she was pleased
a dissent letter to Day and co- and upgrading school bath- path forward for Boston should move toward an elected School and Secondar y Education] the state is conducting another
chair Senator Jamie Eldridge. rooms. But he also noted ongo- be,” Peyser said. “But I’m abso- Committee, and Governor Char- doesn’t have the best track re- review, noting that BPS hasn’t
O ’ Ke e f e s a i d t h a t w h i l e h e ing concerns about special-edu- lutely convinced the department lie Baker serves his final months cord for improving schools,” said made significant changes in the
agrees with “much of the re- cation and English language cannot simply sit on the side- as governor. Boston City Councilor Julia Me- last two years.
port,” he believes limiting the learner services, as well as the lines. This district review is not The state’s March 2020 audit jia, chair of the council’s educa- “It is time to stop using
use of the technology could in- accuracy of BPS data on gradua- only appropriate. It’s essential to of BPS, released right before the tion committee. “You can swap COVID as a reason for continu-
hibit police from doing their tion rates and school bus arrival helping us and the city determine COVID -19 pandemic forced out the players at the top all that ing to fail our students since be-
jobs. performance. what needs to be done to fulfill school closures, found a special you want, but the instability cre- fore the pandemic and to deal
“The use of this technology, The board did not hold a dis- our shared responsibility to the education department in “sys- ated through that process trick- with the racism in the district
like all new technology, should cussion on the topic, which was children and families of Boston.” temic disarray,” inadequate ser- les down to the parents, stu- that is impacting our students,”
be regulated and appropriate not on its meeting agenda. But Wu, citing her experience as a vices for English language learn- dents, and teachers, and we’re she said.
guardrails established,” he following a parade of public mother of two young BPS stu- ers, practices that promoted seg- left exactly where we started, on- The state board plans to dis-
wrote, “but police must be al- speakers decrying a possible dents, acknowledged that BPS regation, inequitable funding of ly less engaged and less hopeful.” cuss Boston’s status later this
lowed to do their job.” takeover of BPS, Education Sec- has many problems, but stressed schools, crumbling buildings, and The state’s review will begin spring, after the review con-
retary James Peyser said the families and teachers know best other issues. Among them: one- the week of March 28. BPS will cludes.
Samantha J. Gross can be state had a “constitutional obli- how to solve them. third of BPS students attend postpone MCAS testing in
reached at gation” to take action in chroni- “I’ve seen the places where schools ranked in the bottom 10 grades 3-8 for a week to allow Naomi Martin can be reached at cally underperforming districts we fall short as a district, in a percent of the state. The pandem- state education experts and out-
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e B5

Alnylam suit highlights value of vaccines
Biotech says ingredient in Moderna, Pfizer and Pfizer expect to sell more than
$105 billion worth of those shots be-
COVID shots comes from its research tween 2021 and this year. Now Alnylam
wants a slice of the pie.
By Ryan Cross cle, RNA falls apart before it can get in- “Am I surprised? Not really,” said Ra-
GLOBE STAFF side our cells and do its job. ju Prasad, a biotechnology analyst at
Six years before the pandemic, fledg- In April 2014, Moderna executives, the investment firm William Blair.
ling Cambridge biotech Moderna was including the company’s current presi- “There are billions of dollars being
searching for a way to get its revolu- dent, Stephen Hoge, met with Alnylam made from these vaccines, so even a
tionary RNA technology to work in hu- to learn about the firm’s lipid nanopar- small royalty would be meaningful.”
mans. One of the biggest problems was ticles. Discussions continued through A 1 percent royalty, which experts
figuring out how to wrap up the fragile at least September, but Moderna ulti- say is plausible if Alnylam wins, could
molecule in a protective package that mately decided that it would develop its earn the company upwards of $1 bil-
would deliver it to the right parts of the own lipid nanoparticles without secur- lion, 50 percent more than the $662
body. Alnylam Pharmaceuticals had a ing a license to Alnylam’s technology, million it made from sales of its own
solution. according to a recent court filing. ALNYLAM, Page B8
The Kendall Square neighbor to Last Thursday, Alnylam announced
Moderna had spent a decade develop- it was suing Moderna and Pfizer for in-
ing a complex mixture of natural and fringing its lipid nanoparticle patents. A worker at Alnylam’s Kendall
synthetic fat molecules that cling to Both companies rely on lipid nanopar- Square headquarters. Alnylam’s
RNA like packing peanuts and protect ticles to protect mRNA — the main in- suit is focused on the lipid
it during transit. Without this protec- gredient of their COVID-19 vaccines — nanoparticles used to deliver the
tive packaging, called a lipid nanoparti- and deliver it into the body. Moderna mRNA vaccine.


Yoga, açaí,
and green
Cambridge one-stop
wellness cafe takes a
holistic approach to health
By Diti Kohli


ryan Timko wanted to create a space

for the yoga-loving, green juice-drink-
ing public in Boston — and so he did.
Early this month, Timko’s Life
Alive Cafes opened a hybrid vegetarian
Cambridge’s Life Alive is an ideal cafe for locals looking to stretch in the early hours and also have breakfast, the owner said. cafe and yoga studio in Harvard
Square. It sells açaí bowls and algae
smoothies on John F. Kennedy Street. But behind
and below the kitchen are two yoga studios,
equipped with heated hardwood floors, touch
screen televisions, and teachers from the Down Un-
der School of Yoga. In May, a second location will
open in the South End.
Timko, whose company also operates five din-
ing-only locations in Boston, Cambridge,
Brookline, Lowell, and Salem, said the new spot is
a “one-stop shop.” It’s ideal for locals, he said, look-
ing to stretch in the early hours and have breakfast
waiting for them immediately after — leafy greens
and all.
“People are looking for a wellness ally,” Timko
added. “Generationally, and especially during the
COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen how wellness has
expanded from just movement and exercise to in-
clude food, eating, and mental well-being. Here,
Trainee Kaitlyn Mailly poured hot water over coffee at Instructor Kyle Morgan conducted a class in one of the two studios you can put that all together.”
the hybrid vegetarian cafe and yoga studio which at the Down Under School of Yoga. The studios are equipped with The Life Alive Organic Cafe menu is “plant-for-
opened early this month. heated hardwood floors and touch screen televisions. TALKING SHOP, Page B6

Baker revisits funds for downtowns Eviction inequities worse

By Jon Chesto
in pandemic, report says
Lawmakers rebuffed Governor By Katie Johnston
Charlie Baker’s request last year to GLOBE STAFF

help Massachusetts’ struggling down- The rate of eviction filings in Massa-

towns. Now, the governor is gearing up chusetts during the pandemic was Eviction filings in
to make another push at the State nearly twice as high in communities of Massachusetts between
October 2020 and October 2021.
House. color as it was in predominantly white Of those:
Baker is planning to file a new eco- neighborhoods, according to a report

55% 42%
nomic development bill in the coming released Tuesday by the housing justice
weeks to help downtowns bounce back coalition Homes for All Massachusetts.
from the COVID-19 pandemic and the In the year following the expiration of state’s
occurred in areas where
related rise of remote work. He told of the state’s eviction and foreclosure renters live
the majority of residents
the Globe he will also address housing moratorium in October 2020, 55 per- identify as Black, Latino, in those
and workforce issues in the bill but cent of eviction filings in the state’s six Asian American/Pacific neighbor-
didn’t provide many specifics. He ex- housing courts occurred in areas where Islander, or Indigenous. hoods.
pects the bill would be funded by a the majority of residents identified as
combination of sources, including Black, Latino, Asian American/Pacific
bonding and the $2 billion-plus in Islander, or Indigenous, even though
American Rescue Plan Act funds the only 42 percent of the state’s renters live setts generally experienced higher rates
state still has available. Inevitably, the Governor Charlie Baker underscored Tuesday the urgency to reimagine in those neighborhoods. In particular, of both COVID infection and job loss,
bill will also include an array of busi- downtown areas at a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce meeting. evictions were more common in places relative to largely white neighborhoods.
ness-related policy issues, in addition with larger percentages of Black and And that, coupled with elevated evic-
to these various expenditures. from planning to redeveloping vacant able to deal with the consequences of Latino renters, among households tion rates, in a state with some of the
Speaking to the Greater Boston properties to helping agencies that di- the pandemic,” Baker told the crowd at headed by single mothers, and in places nation’s highest housing costs, could
Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, rectly assist these town and city cen- the Westin Copley Place hotel. “We will with higher concentrations of corporate add to an “unjust recovery that further
Baker underscored the urgency to rei- ters. But when state lawmakers sent file again shortly [for] significant re- landlords. entrenches racial, class, and gender in-
magine downtown areas. Baker re- back the final version of the spending sources for placemaking, reimagining, These trends are longstanding, but justices in Massachusetts,” according to
called how he asked lawmakers for bill to him last fall for his signature, and creativity around downtowns.” the pandemic exacerbated them, ac- the report.
$250 million for downtown revitaliza- they didn’t fund that request. It’s time, Baker said, to prepare for cording to the study, written by advoca- Ramon Cruz, a 71-year-old taxi driv-
tion, as part of a much bigger ARPA “The commonwealth has billions of downtowns that will be used different- cy groups and an MIT researcher. Black er from Lynn, saw his income dry up
spending bill, to be used for anything dollars in federal funds that are avail- BAKER, Page B8 and Latino communities in Massachu- EVICTIONS, Page B7
B6 Business T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

Firm launches with $175m for cancer therapies

By Ryan Cross about KRAS for decades, but that can recognize infections or Vida Ventures, a Boston-based
GLOBE STAFF drug designers have struggled to tumors with a homing beacon venture capital firm, and Leaps
Affini-T T herapeutics has find molecules that can selectivi- called a T cell receptor. by Bayer, the early-stage invest-
raised $175 million to develop ty target mutant versions of the Dr. Philip Greenberg, an im- ment arm of the German pharma
engineered T cell therapies for protein. “Everyone recognizes it munologist at the Fred Hutchin- company, co-led the $175 million
tough-to-treat cancers. It’s one of is a fundamental basis of cancer, son Cancer Research Center in financing.
the largest launches for a biotech but it is hard to get at,” Knowles Seattle, found T cell receptors “Everyone knows Boston for
startup so far this year. said. that target mutant forms of biotech, but not necessarily cell
The company, based in Boston That’s starting to change. Last KRAS in healthy young people. therapy. When investors think of
and Seattle, hopes that cell thera- year, the Food and Drug Adminis- Affini-T, which was cofounded by cell therapy, they think of Phila- Al Sandrock pushed to develop
pies — which have so far only Dr. Jak tration approved the first KRAS Greenberg and his colleagues, delphia or the West Coast,” said treatments that made billions
been approved for treating blood Knowles, inhibitor, a pill called Lumakras, will add those homing beacons to Dr. Arjun Goyal, managing direc- for Biogen but was pushed out
cancers — can help people with cofounder, for a form of lung cancer. But that the T cells of people with cancers tor of Vida and cofounder of Affi- over the Aduhelm controversy.
tumors caused by the notorious president, and drug only targets KRAS proteins caused by KRAS. ni-T. “But it was a very conscious
protein KRAS.
More than 30 percent of can-
chief executive
of Affini-T, cited
with a mutation called G12C. Af-
fini-T is focusing on two different
“ We p l a n t o h av e t h e p r o -
grams active in the clinic next
decision to base this company in
Boston.” Former top
cers have mutations in KRAS or
one of the protein’s close cousins,
according to the National Cancer
the talent in the
region for the
KRAS mutations called G12V and
G12D, which are common in pan-
creatic, colorectal, and lung can-
year,” Knowles said.
Affini-T is leasing lab space
from the gene therapy company
“It is where the talent is,”
Knowles said. “The management
teams are really exceptional in
scientist at
Institute. “It is what allows some
cancer cells to grow and divide
decision to base
in Boston.
cers. There are no approved ther-
apies for tumors with these muta-
Dyno Therapeutics in Water-
town, but will be moving into a
Biogen named
v e r y q u i c k l y,” s a i d D r. J a k
Knowles, cofounder, president,
Affini-T plans to tackle those
40,000-square-foot lab in a new
nine-story life sciences building
Ryan Cross can be reached at Follow Voyager’s CEO
and chief executive of Affini-T. tumors with help from T cells, in Watertown’s Arsenal Yards lat- him on Twitter
Oncologists have known the immune system sentinels er this year. @RLCscienceboss. By Adam Feuerstein
and Matthew Herper

Al Sandrock, the top scientist at

Wellness Biogen who exited last year in a dis-

pute over its controversial Alzheim-
er’s treatment, has landed a

cafe also STAT new job as the CEO of Voy-

ager Therapeutics, the com-
pany said Tuesday.

to open in
Voyager’s appointment of San-
drock as its new CEO is the latest in a
series of moves aimed at refocusing

South End
the Cambridge company on a new
gene therapy delivery technology,
following setbacks with its earlier
uTALKING SHOP For Sandrock, accepting the Voy-
Continued from Page B5 ager CEO post is a reset following a
ward,” rather than plant-based, long and distinguished career at Bio-
according to culinary director Le- gen that ended in crisis and his oust-
ah Dubois. That means the cafe er. His departure from Biogen last
avoids meat alternatives like Be- November was characterized by the
yond beef and Impossible burgers company as a retirement. But as
in favor of seasonal vegetables, STAT previously reported, Biogen
like — in springtime — peas and CEO Michel Vounatsos forced San-
asparagus. (Timko dubbed the drock out, faulting him for the con-
practice “positive eating.”) troversial approval and disastrous
Dubois crafted the menu with rollout of the Alzheimer ’s drug
organic greens and grains, includ- Aduhelm.
ing a “Forbidden Kale” salad and “I am excited to welcome Al San-
“Rainbow Harvest” bowl with drock as CEO. Al is a global thought
flaxseed brown rice and whipped leader in neuroscience with an im-
sweet potato. There are also soups pressive track record bringing trans-
— cashew cauliflower and chick- formative new medicines to pa-
pea miso, for example — dairy- tients,” Voyager chairman Michael
free coffees, and liquid alterna- Higgins said in a statement.
tives like spicy green cold-pressed Sandrock had previously been ap-
juice or wheatgrass shots. pointed to Voyager’s board of direc-
The attached yoga studios — tors in February, and he has experi-
one for 50 students, the other for ence developing gene therapies, albe-
28 — host regular classes in a vari- it unsuccessfully, during his time at
ety of techniques: hot yoga, restor- Biogen. As the company’s new CEO,
ative movement, and Iyengar, Sandrock will be tasked with advanc-
which focuses on physical align- ing a proprietary viral-delivery tech-
ment. Both rooms are stocked nology that promises to improve the
with rope hooks for suspended ex- performance of genetic medicines
ercises, weights, blocks, and blan- without the safety risks that have hin-
kets, said Kate Heffernan, an in- dered older technologies.
structor. Since the pandemic start- Voyager has gene therapy part-
ed, sessions operate both in- nerships with Novartis and Pfizer. Its
person and virtually. own pipeline is still in the preclinical
It’s all encompassed by a “com- stages, and is focused on neurologi-
forting and community-building cal and neuro-degenerative diseases
environment,” Timko said. The founders sprawled the collabora- tends for people to lounge by the Down Under has since expanded Chiara like Huntington’s, ALS, and spinal
Harvard Square spot has exposed tion’s “higher purpose:” “to ener- juice bar and take meetings at into three independent locations Trebalocchi of muscular atrophy.
brick walls around a collection of gize the vitality of all living beings two-person tables. in Brookline, Newton, and Cam- Italy, now living Shares of Voyager have more
wicker chairs, fluffed couches, and and the planet.” “Being in a physical space con- bridge’s Porter Square. in Cambridge, than doubled to $8 since early
wooden tables handmade in Timko sees the location as tributes to how you feel mentally, The upcoming South End col- stretched her March when the partnership with
northern Vermont. Downstairs, something in between a bustling how you move through the world,” laboration at 505 Tremont St. will feet during a Novartis was announced. But the
there’s a calming blue-toned seat- coffee shop and a sit-down restau- he said. look similar to the Harvard recent yoga company’s market value is still just
ing room, a massage space, show- rant. For Down Under, partnering Square spot, though slightly class. The cafe over $300 million and the stock
ers, and five bathrooms — each “In so many places today, it’s with Life Alive feels like a “natural smaller. Timko said it’ll also have offers organic price is down more than 50 percent
themed after a different geode, about how quickly you can come progression,” said Heffernan, a up to 60 outdoor seats from April drinks and over the last three years.
like calcite and opal. An abstract in, get your meal, and get out,” he longtime instructor at the studio. to November. unique seating Glenn Pierce, Voyager’s chief sci-
mural by Destiny Palmer, an assis- said. “Because really, Down Under was He’s betting that this partner- for clients. entific officer and a member of the
tant professor at the Massachu- The pandemic boosted interest born here.” ship “is the future of self-care, of company’s board, had known San-
setts College of Art and Design, in delivery services and grab-and- Its owner, Justine Cohen, wellness, and of health.” drock at Biogen. He said that he and
covers one wall, while a shortened go dining, so Life Alive customers hatched the idea for the business the rest of Voyager’s team were inter-
version of the menu decorates an- can preorder or get takeout in 2004 when dining at a Life Diti Kohli can be reached at e s t e d i n t u r n i n g t h e c o m p a ny
other. Near the entrance, the through DoorDash. But Timko in- Alive cafe after a yoga session, and around because of the proprietary
technology the company has around
developing adeno-associated virus
viral vectors – a key technology in

Disney employees walk out amid furor over Florida bill gene therapy – that are more effec-
tive than those currently in use.
Sandrock joined Biogen, also
By Brooks Barnes h a s h t a g # D i s n e y S ay G ay w a s al town hall Monday that was ded- based in Cambridge, in 1998, and
NEW YORK TIMES prominent midmorning. Sixty to icated to L GBTQ issues. T he put his fingerprints on research pro-
Several weeks ago, before The 70 Disne y employees briefly roughly 100-minute session fea- grams that became the company’s
Walt Disney Co. became entangled walked in a loop around Walt Dis- tured a panel discussion with top sellers. He championed the de-
in a battle over anti-LGBTQ legis- ney Studios in Burbank. eight Disney employees who spoke velopment of two treatments for
lation in Florida — one that con- In a statement about the walk- about their own LGBTQ experi- multiple sclerosis, Tysabri and Tec-
tinued on Tuesday with walkouts outs Tuesday, the company said, ence and why the company’s ini- fidera, that would become block-
by Disney employees — longtime “We respect our colleagues’ right tial silence on the bill was hurtful. bus ter medicines. In 2012, he
theme park executives worried to express their views, and we Chapek spoke briefly on cam- pushed for Biogen to in-license Spin-
there could be trouble ahead. pledge our ongoing support of the era, according to several people raza, a treatment for spinal muscu-
More than 150 companies had LGBTQ+ community in the fight who attended the meeting. lar atrophy that led to dramatic ben-
signed a Human Rights Campaign for equal rights.” “I understand where we have efits and has made Biogen billions.
letter opposing the legislation, It was impossible to gauge the made mistakes — and the pain Those three medicines, widely cred-
which restricts classroom instruc- ultimate level of participation; those mistakes caused,” he said. “I ited to Sandrock within Biogen, ac-
tion on sexual orientation and most Disney employees are still know that our silence wasn’t just count for more than two-thirds of
gender identity and has been la- working at home. Some participa- about the bill in Florida, but about the company’s revenue.
beled by opponents as the “Don’t work behind the scenes was better. Disney tion was virtual, one organizer every time an individual or institu- He also championed Aduhelm,
Say Gay” bill. Disney, with roughly For weeks, Disney lobbyists in employees said, with employees leaving an tion that should have stood up for pushing the drug toward approval at
80,000 theme park workers in Florida had been pressing to soft- walked out of “away” message on Slack or other this community didn’t. I and the the Food and Drug Administration
Florida, was not among them. en the legislation. their jobs at internal messaging systems to ex- leadership team are determined to even after its main trials were
Leaders at the Disney Parks, Expe- Faced with an employee upris- Disney press solidarity. use this moment as a catalyst for stopped for futility. The agency gave
riences and Products division ing. Chapek shifted course and headquarters in The creators of the WhereIs- more meaningful and lasting the drug a green light, but the ap-
urged action: Disney ’s name publicly disavowed the Florida Burbank, Calif., Chapek site said they were mem- change.” proval resulted in widespread criti-
should be on the list. legislation on March 9. on Tuesday to bers of Disney’s LGBTQ “commu- Disney also unveiled a task cism that the FDA had lowered its
They were rebuffed, according Last week, still-unsatisfied Dis- protest the nity and their allies.” The site list- force to develop an action plan for normal standards. Medicare is con-
to three people briefed on the mat- ney employees began organizing company’s ed demands, including Disney to be a more positive force sidering paying for the medicine on-
ter. Disney’s corporate affairs protests with a website, WhereIs- response to indefinitely ceasing — not pausing for the LGBTQ community, in- ly in clinical trials, and sales have
chief, Geoff Morrell, and Disney anti-LGBTQ and reevaluating, as Chapek has cluding through its content for been minimal.
legislative affairs executives — On Tuesday, the WhereIs- legislation in promised — political donations to families. In addition, Disney said
guided by the general desire of Chapek employee protests culmi- Florida. Florida lawmakers who were in- it had signed on to the Human Adam Feuerstein can be reached at
CEO Bob Chapek to avoid publicly nated with various actions. volved in the passage of the bill. Rights Campaign’s condemnation
weighing in on state political bat- Some Disney artists posted To get ahead of the walkout, of anti-transgender government Matthew Herper can be reached at
tles — decided that continuing to support on Twitter, where the Disney held an all-company virtu- actions in Texas.
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Business B7

CRYPTOCURRENCY A Florida bitcoin mining company was fined $1 million by Massachusetts regulators over
charges it sold fraudulent and unregistered securities. U.S. Data Mining Group raised $4
regulators fine
million from investors in Massachusetts last year without disclosing that several people
involved in the sale previously had been sanctioned by regulators for securities fraud, Report highlights
pandemic evictions
Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin said Tuesday. “I can’t stress enough the
bitcoin mining importance of knowing who you’re dealing with when you invest your money,” Galvin
company $1m said in a statement. “This is especially important when your investments involve Bitcoin
mining and cryptocurrency, which have in recent years been popular vehicles used by uEVICTIONS And my income is very low. I’m
scammers to defraud innocent investors.” Two of the people who assisted in forming the Continued from Page B5 by myself. I’m on the streets. I’m
company are classified as “bad actors” under securities law because they previously during the pandemic when rid- homeless.”
settled charges for fraud with the SEC, Galvin’s office said. On Tuesday, the company ership plummeted and family The study also found that
signed a consent decree with Galvin’s office including the $1 million fine. U.S. Data members who had been helping eviction rates were higher at
him pay his rent lost their jobs. rental units owned by absentee
Mining, which did not admit or deny the charges in the decree, also must offer to refund
“I spent every single cent I had,” corporate landlords, and lower
stock purchases by Massachusetts investors with interest. The bitcoin company raised a
Cruz said in Spanish through a in places where landlords lived
total of $25 million in the stock sale last year, according to the decree. A phone number translator during a virtual event on site — a finding consistent
listed on an SEC registration form for the company’s headquarters in Miami was out of about the report on Tuesday. with previous research.
service on Tuesday. A call to U.S. Data Mining’s lawyer was not returned. When Cruz found an eviction The report’s authors pointed
— AARON PRESSMAN notice on his door, he said: “I al- to decades-long history of mort-
most wanted to throw myself gage discrimination — so-called
from the fourth floor where I redlining — in many of the
lived.” His next court date is in neighborhoods that today have
FINANCE European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde (left) said there are signs that some May. high eviction rates, and argued
Russians are attempting to bypass sanctions over the war in Ukraine by converting rubles When the pandemic hit in that evictions “are the product of
Lagarde into cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. “When you see the volumes of rubles into stable, March 2020, the state closed power and property relation-
housing courts and halted near- ships between tenant, landlord,
says into cryptos, at the moment it is the highest level that we have seen since maybe 2021,”
Lagarde told a virtual event on Tuesday. Crypto assets “are certainly being used, as we
ly all evictions until October. In and finance which are struc-
Russians speak, as a way to try to circumvent the sanctions that have been decided by many
the 12 months after the housing
courts reopened, 21,768 eviction
tured by systemic racism — par-
ticularly anti-Black racism —
are using countries around the world against Russia,” she said. Measures announced by the United cases were filed according to the sexism, and classism.”
crypto States and European Union aim to limit Russia’s ability to do business in dollars and
other international currencies. They include penalties on major banks and restrictions on
report — nearly 15,000 for non-
payment, 3,500 no-fault, and
In all, since the state’s evic-
tion moratorium ended in Octo-
to avoid the country’s elite. As of last week, there was no evidence of Russia or President Vladimir 3,200 for cause. Those numbers ber 2020, more than 33,000 cas-
economic Putin using cryptocurrencies to evade curbs, according to Jonathan Levin, co-founder of don’t include so-called informal
evictions that happen outside
es have been filed in Massachu-
setts, the report notes. That
sanctions blockchain-analytics firm Chainalysis. He and several industry experts told the US Senate
Banking Committee that the crypto market is too small to facilitate any large-scale
the court system, which advo- number likely would have been
cates say were likely elevated much higher if not for $582 mil-
sanctions evasion by Russians. — BLOOMBERG NEWS due to the moratorium. lion in state and federal housing
In neighborhoods made up assistance provided to around
predominantly of people of col- 72,000 households since the be-
or, landlords filed 30 evictions ginning of the pandemic and
AUTO INDUSTRY Ford is recalling nearly 215,000 pickup trucks and large SUVs in the United States and
for every 1,000 renters, while various efforts by state housing
Canada because brake fluid can leak, causing longer stopping distances. The recall covers
majority-white neighborhoods courts to encourage mediation
Ford recalls the F-150 pickup from 2016 through 2018, as well as Ford Expedition and Lincoln had 18.5 evictions filed for every instead of eviction.
F-150 pickups Navigator SUVs from 2016 and 2017. All have 3.5-liter turbocharged six-cylinder engines.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says in documents released Tuesday
1,000 renters, according to re-
port coauthor Eric Robsky Hunt-
The federal funding is com-
ing to an end, however, and the
and SUVs to fix that fluid can leak from the brake master cylinder. That can increase brake pedal travel, ley, a lecturer in urban science state will stop accepting new ap-
brake fluid leak requiring greater effort and longer stopping distances. Documents say dealers will and planning at MIT.
In 16 cities and towns, evic-
plications next month. Resi-
dents will still be able to apply
replace the master cylinder and front brake booster if needed. Owners are to be notified
tion rates were more than 1.5 for the state-funded Residential
by letter starting April 25. — ASSOCIATED PRESS
times higher in predominantly Assistance for Families in Tran-
non-white neighborhoods than sition program, known as RAFT,
they were in largely white com- and other eviction prevention
AUTOMOTIVE Tesla officially began making cars in Europe on munities. In Randolph, there programs.
were 43.4 eviction filings per After trailing pre-pandemic
Tuesday, opening an assembly plant in a
Elon Musk opens critical market where Elon Musk, the
1,000 renters in communities of
color and no filings in white ar-
levels for much of the last 18
months, evictions have ticked up
Tesla’s first company’s CEO, plans to build 500,000 electric
vehicles a year. Musk escorted Chancellor Olaf
eas. The eviction filing rate in in recent weeks, according to
Norwood was more than six Massachusetts Trial Court data.
European plant Scholz of Germany and other officials on a tour times higher in majority non- They have been most prevalent
of the huge, low-slung $7 billion plant just white neighborhoods. In Boston, in Bristol County, with 958 “exe-
outside Berlin. It was constructed in little eviction filings were 2.4 times cutions” — the final step in the
more common in neighbor- state’s judicial eviction process
more than two years, a speed that amazed
hoods with more people of color. — since the moratorium was lift-
German officials and commentators. Musk
The fact that such high dis- ed in the fall of 2020, followed
celebrated the day by handing over the first 30 European-built Teslas to customers who parities existed both in cities by Middlesex with 899, Worces-
had ordered them and been invited to the event. Tesla will build its Model Y SUV at the that are largely white and cities ter with 794, and Essex with
plant. The plan for the factory, called Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg, was first revealed that are much more diverse 691.
in a surprise announcement by Musk a little over two years ago, and it overcame a shows that these racial inequi- With many people still strug-
number of legal and political challenges to attain its production certification. The 2.4- ties span the entire housing gling to make ends meet, Homes
market, Huntley said. for All Massachusetts is calling
million-square-foot plant places Tesla in one of the most important electric car markets in
Single mothers have tradi- for legislators to enact more
the world. More than 20 percent of new cars sold in Europe and Britain in December
tionally had higher eviction eviction, foreclosure, and renter
were powered solely by electricity. The German site is Tesla’s third major plant after rates, particularly low-income protections.
factories in Fremont, California, and Shanghai. Another plant, outside Austin, Texas, is women of color, the repor t In October 2020, the Baker
expected to open soon. The new plants are expected to double the company’s production notes, but the disparity was like- administration launched the
capacity to about 2 million vehicles a year. — NEW YORK TIMES ly exacerbated during the pan- Eviction Diversion Initiative,
demic, when women left their which is doling out some $800
jobs at higher rates than men million in federal money to
due in large part to lack of access struggling renters and home-
ENERGY US demand for natural gas that can be produced from waste and other renewable sources to child care. owners and beefing up housing
could jump 45-fold over the next two decades as utilities seek to reduce their carbon Esmirna Cruz, a single moth- counseling and mediation pro-
Demand for emissions, according to BloombergNEF. Consumption of so-called renewable gas, which er of three who lives in Law- grams that aim to keep people in
rence, was unemployed for nine their homes. The administration
‘renewable gas’ so far has been mostly used to replace diesel in truck and bus fleets, could reach as much
as 3.15 trillion cubic feet per year by 2040 as it becomes a “key decarbonization tool” for
months due to the pandemic. has also proposed another
expected to soar gas utilities, BNEF analyst Jade Patterson said in a report Tuesday. That would compare
She applied for rental aid but
didn’t receive any, she said, and
round of funding for the state
RAFT program with enough
over two with about 70 billion cubic feet in 2021. Renewable gas could potentially substitute as was evicted through the courts money to provide $7,000 per
decades much as 12 percent of current US demand, up from less than percent, if technologies still
in early stages of development are implemented in a commercial scale, according to the
four months ago. Finding a new
apartment with an eviction on
household to another 15,000
households, and extending evic-
report. — BLOOMBERG NEWS her record has been difficult, she tion protections if a tenant is ap-
said, and she and her children plying for rental assistance.
have been living with friends.
“I use my credit card to the Katie Johnston can be reached at
ECONOMY The global economy likely won’t be able to avoid a recession without a resumption of extreme,” said Cruz (no relation
Russian energy exports this year, according to a study by Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to Ramon), who works at a fac- Follow her on Twitter
Study says economists. “If the bulk of Russian energy exports is off the market for the remainder of tory. “Everything is so expensive. @ktkjohnston.

a recession is 2022, a global economic downturn seems unavoidable,”

economists Lutz Kilian and Michael Plante wrote in an
likely without
Russian oil
article posted by the Dallas Fed Tuesday. “This slowdown
could be more protracted than that in 1991.” The authors Boeing faces renewed upheaval
drew a parallel to the 1991 global recession, set off by Iraq’s
invasion of Kuwait in the year prior that caused an oil-supply
after crash of Chinese airliner
shock. Back then, Saudi Arabia partly reduced the impact by By Niraj Chokshi Dreamliner.
pledging to ramp up production, helping ensure what the
NEW YORK TIMES “I think it’s going to be very
The crash of a Boeing jet in important to see what actually
researchers called “only a brief US recession,” which lasted
China on Monday is the latest happened with this particular
less than a year. The refusal of financial institutions to
crisis for the American plane incident because there’s a credi-
support Russian energy exports has been the main manufacturer, raising the pros- bility concern,” said Rob Spin-
development putting those shipments at risk, the Dallas Fed economists wrote. Replacing pect of renewed regulatory scru- garn, a managing director at Me-
that supply may be challenging, given that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates tiny and confronting the compa- lius Research, a financial analy-
have signaled they won’t provide relief, the researchers said. — BLOOMBERG NEWS ny with another catastrophe in- sis firm. “I think the investment
volving its planes. community will pause to some
It could be weeks or even extent on Boeing until that infor-
months before investigators mation is out.”
ENTERTAINMENT Goldman Sachs Group Inc. chief executive David Solomon (right) is identify what caused the Boeing Thousands of 737-800 NG
set to take the stage at Chicago’s Lollapalooza music festival in July, 737-800 NG operated by China planes have safely traversed the
Goldman Sachs joining a roster headlined by artists including Machine Gun Kelly and Eastern Airlines to plunge from globe in recent decades, and
the sky with more than 130 peo- many industry analysts and ex-
CEO to perform Doja Cat. Solomon is among the musicians listed in the lineup
released Tuesday by organizers of the four-day event, which also
ple aboard. But the outcome of perts were disinclined to con-
at Lollapalooza includes legendary bands such as Metallica and Green Day. Solomon,
the investigation could weigh
heavily on Boeing, which recent-
clude that Monday’s crash indi-
cated any fundamental design
festival who started as DJ D-Sol, now just prefers using his CEO name as his ly overcame years of troubles in- flaw.
stage name. Since assuming the top spot at Goldman, he has played at volving a newer variant of the But Boeing’s stock fell 3.6
a variety of high-profile events, including a Super Bowl party this year single-aisle 737, the Max, and percent nonetheless. Shares of
and an Inc. confab in 2019. — BLOOMBERG NEWS has had long delays in producing China Eastern ended 6.5 percent
and delivering the twin-aisle 787 lower in trading in Hong Kong.
B8 Business T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

Suit highlights the value of vaccines THE BOSTON GLOBE

Continued from Page B5
three drugs last year.
Moderna was incensed by
the lawsuit. A spokeswomen for
the company accused Alnylam
of “blatant opportunism.” Al-
Index of publicly traded companies in Massachusetts

Globe 25 index
nylam shot back that it has a “fi-
duciary duty to shareholders to
seek fair compensation for the
use of our technology.”
The lawsuit is the most high-
profile case yet in a dizzying web
of accusations over who de-
serves credit for or, more impor-
tant, who deserves to profit
from lipid nanoparticle technol-
ogy. Arbutus Therapeutics and
its affiliate Genevant are suing
Moderna for infringing one of A worker held a dose each of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Both companies rely on lipid
its patents for the technology. nanoparticles to protect mRNA and deliver it into the body.
And a small Canadian firm
called Acuitas Therapeutics, cates a viral infection. Early iterations of nanoparti- that Alnylam’s nanoparticles
which licensed its lipid nanopar- Lipid nanoparticles solve cles with these ionizable lipids were designed for infusion in
ticle technology to Pfizer, recent- both problems. They effortlessly were toxic, so Alnylam’s chem- the blood and delivery to the liv-
ly sued Arbutus and Genevant. help sneak mRNA into cells and ists made biodegradable ver- er, whereas Moderna’s vaccines
The timing of these lawsuits shield the delicate molecule sions that break down more eas- needed nanoparticles that could
comes as the pandemic appears from destructive enzymes. “It is ily. Although Alnylam began fil- be injected into the arm.
to be receding in much of the because we have these lipid ing patent applications on those Alnylam didn’t invent its
United States and there is no nanoparticles that mRNA vac- l i p i d s i n 2 0 1 1 , t h e l aw s u i t lipid nanoparticles to deliver
longer a shortage of vaccines in cines became a reality,” Amiji against Moderna and Pfizer is mRNA. Onpattro is based on a
the country. None of the firms in said. based on a patent for lipids different kind of technology
these lawsuits are asking Moder- None of the companies in- granted in February 2022. called RNA interference, which
na and Pfizer to pull their shots volved in the lawsuits claim to Alnylam uses one of the lip- uses short RNA molecules to
off the market. have invented lipid nanoparti- ids in its commercial therapy turn off disease-causing genes.
“I think that is obviously a cles. The origins of the technolo- Onpattro. In an e-mail, Kathryn Early in the pandemic the com-
smart move,” said Zachary Sil- gy stretch back decades. The Whitehead, a nanoparticle sci- pany worked on an RNA inter-
bersher, a partner at the intellec- lawsuits instead center on par- entist at Carnegie Mellon Uni- ference therapy for COVID-19,
tual property-focused law firm ticular ingredients or recipes versity, said that the lipid nano- but the firm dropped the pro-
Kroub, Silbersher & Kolmykov. used in the COVID shots. particle formulation in mRNA gram last year.
If these firms tried to force Mod- Lipid nanoparticles are made vaccines is “essentially identi- Amiji said that the lawsuit is
erna and Pfizer to stop selling from specific ratios of four kinds cal” to Onpattro, except for the unlikely to affect distribution of
their vaccines, he added, “there of fat molecules, called lipids, ionizable lipid. COVID vaccines.
would be a huge PR backlash.” that encapsulate RNA. Arbutus Moderna uses its own ioniz- But the cases could have im-
Instead, Alnylam said it was has a patent for the recipe, able lipid and Pfizer uses one portant repercussions beyond
seeking “no less than a reason- which specifies how much the that it licensed from Acuitas. COVID shots. Most experimen-
able royalty.” Exactly what con- ratios of those four ingredients Curiously, the Moderna and tal mRNA therapies and vac-
stitutes “reasonable” is up for can be tweaked and still allow Acuitas lipids are more chemi- cines rely on lipid nanoparticle
debate, but Silbersher said that the nanoparticle to form, much cally similar to each other than ingredients and recipes that are
royalty sizes are usually deter- like different recipes for choco- either of them is to the Alnylam similar to those used in the
mined based on how important late chip cookies call for varying lipid. But people following the COVID shots. If Alnylam wins, it
a patent is to a product. And amounts of flour, sugar, and but- nanoparticle field closely cau- could be well poised to profit
there is little doubt that lipid ter. tion that it’s too soon to know from future mRNA products as
nanoparticles are key to making Alnylam has a patent for one how the lawsuit will play out in well.
mRNA vaccines work. of those four fat molecules, court. “You are not going to see this
“The lipid nanoparticles are which scientists call a cationic “It is really tough from where get dismissed very quickly,”
crucial,” said Mansoor Amiji, a
pharmaceutical scientist at
Northeastern University. In the
or ionizable lipid. These mole-
cules are positively charged and
are attracted to the negatively
we sit to say who came up with
it first,” Prasad said.
Moderna said that its lipid
Silbersher said. “It is hard to say
how strong the case is, but this
is not a bozo complaint. This is a
microscopic world of cells,
mRNA is a bulky molecule that
charged RNA. It is the key ingre-
dient that helps the nanoparti-
nanoparticles “do not resemble
Alnylam’s work, and any asser-
real lawsuit.”
Stocks gain, oil prices ease
can’t get into cells on its own. cle stick together. “Without this tion that the Alnylam patent Ryan Cross can be reached at Technology companies led a rally for stocks on Wall Street
Enzymes patrolling the perime- ionizable lipid, the mRNA lipid covers Moderna’s COVID-19 Follow Tuesday, as the market more than made up for a modest
ters of cells can also chew up nanoparticle will not form,” vaccine is specious.” him on Twitter pullback to start the week. Bond yields rose sharply for the
stray mRNA, which often indi- Amiji said. The firm also emphasized @RLCscienceboss. second day in a row, reflecting expectations of more
aggressive interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve as it
moves to squelch inflation. The yield on the 10-year Treasury
climbed to 2.38 percent from 2.30 percent late Monday. The
A push for yield, which influences interest rates on mortgages and other
consumer loans, was at 2.14 percent late Friday. Smaller
company stocks bounced back. The Russell 2000 index added

By virtue of and in execution of the Power of DOCKET NO. 22 SM 000705
Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Ronald A. ORDER OF NOTICE 22.41 points, or 1.1 percent, to 2,088.34. Apple rose 2.1
Tench and Phyllis A.R. Tench to Financial Freedom Senior
Funding Corporation, dated June 13, 2007 and recorded percent and Twitter gained 2.6 percent. Nike added 2.2
in Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 41993, Page TO: Diana C. Parcon

332 (the “Mortgage”) of which mortgage Bank of New York percent after reporting good third-quarter financial results.
Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee for Mortgage Assets and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Service-
Management Series I Trust is the present holder by Assign- members Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. C. 50 §3901 (et seq): Bank of America rose 3.1 percent and JPMorgan Chase
ment from Financial Freedom Senior Funding Corporation
to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., a Dela- Rocket Mortgage, LLC f/k/a Quicken Loans, LLC f/k/a Quick- gained 2.1 percent. The price of US benchmark crude oil fell
ware Corporation, its successors or assigns, as nominee en Loans Inc. for Financial Freedom Acquisition LLC dated September 25, 0.3 percent to settle at $111.76 per barrel, while Brent, the
2009 and recorded at said Registry of Deeds in Book 45581, claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real
classifieds Page 121, and Assignment from Mortgage Electronic Regis-
tration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee as nominee for Finan-
property in Boston (Dorchester), numbered 51 Willowwood
Street, Unit No. 51, of the Bradford Estates Condominium,
uBAKER international standard, slipped 0.1 percent to settle at
cial Freedom Acquisition LLC, its successors and assigns to given by Diana C. Parcon to Mortgage Electronic Registra- Continued from Page B5 $115.48 per barrel. Investors will soon ready for the next
Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee for tion Systems, Inc., as mortgagee, acting solely as a nominee
Mortgage Assets Management Series I Trust dated Septem-
ber 24, 2021 and recorded at said Registry of Deeds in Book
for Quicken Loans Inc., dated May 15, 2017, and recorded
in Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 57964, Page
ly by people than before the round of corporate earnings reports as the current quarter
66512, Page 167, for breach of conditions of said mortgage 261, and now held by the Plaintiff by assignment, has/have pandemic, particularly as few- closes at the end of March, and that could provide a clearer
LEGAL NOTICES and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, the mortgaged
premises located at 70 Whitfield Street, Dorchester Cen-
filed with this court a complaint for determination of Defen-
dant’s/Defendants Servicemembers status. er people go into the office each picture of how industries are handling rising costs.
ter (Boston), MA 02124 will be sold at a Public Auction at
2:00 PM on April 15, 2022, at the mortgaged premises, more If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military
particularly described below, all and singular the premises service of the United States of America, then you may be day. This is a big issue in Bos-
described in said mortgage, to wit: entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief
Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned ton right now, but Baker argues DOW JONES industrial average
AL—Action for Boston A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon now property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a
Community Develop- known as and numbered 70 Whitfield Street, situated in written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pem- it’s also an issue in many down-
ment, Inc. (ABCD’s) that part of Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, former- berton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before 5/2/2022 or
Weatherization Program
is accepting SEALED
ly Dorchester, being shown on a plan by William O. Badger you may lose the opportunity to challenge the foreclosure town areas across the state.
dated December 28, 1905, recorded with Suffolk Deeds, on the ground of noncompliance with the Act.
PROPOSALS for Residen-
tial Energy Conservation
Book 3100, Page 306, bounded and described as follows: “The future of downtowns
Witness, GORDON H. PIPER Chief Justice of this Court on
Work (insulation, etc.)
from Affirmative 3/17/2022. is going to be different, wheth-
EASTERLY by Whitfield Street, ninety-five and fifty-one
Action/EEO firms.
posal packages available
Pro- hundredths (95.51) feet; Attest: Deborah J. Patterson, Recorder er we like it or not,” Baker said.
at ABCD, Inc., 178 Trem-
ont St., 4th flr, Boston, MA
SOUTHERLY by an unnumbered lot on said plan, ninety-one “We need to start the process of
and eighty-five hundredths (91.85) feet;
02111. Contact Person: (SEAL)
Terri Dancause, X6422. WESTERLY by the same, seventy-six and sixty-one hun- COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS reimagining the placemaking
All proposals must be re- LAND COURT
ceived no later than 1:00
dredths (76. 61) feet;
DEPARTMENT OF THE TRIAL COURT of downtowns so the y can
PM on April 11th, 2022, Docket Number: 22 SM 000676
at which time they will
NORTHERLY by land of owners unknown, ninety-four and
six tenths (94.6) feet,
thrive and be successful in
be publicly opened. All ORDER OF NOTICE
proposals subject to ne- Containing, according to said plan, seven thousand nine
what will be a slightly different
gotiation. ABCD reserves hundred thirty (7, 930) square feet of land. TO: Christopher Robinson, Personal Representative of the
the right to accept or re- Estate of Ellen C. Robinson and Individually, Anne Sauer, world in many cases and a sig-
ject any and all propos- For title reference, see Book 8351, Page 100. Pyrgos Capital LLC and Massachusetts Division of Medical
als seemed in its best Assistance (Estate Recovery Unit) nificantly different world in
interest to do so. Small & For mortgagor’s title see deed recorded with
minority firms are encour- the Suffolk County Registry of Deeds in Book 8351, Page and to all persons entitled to the benefits of the Service- some cases.”
aged to submit proposals. 101. members Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C.c. 50 §3901 (et seq)
ABCD is an affirmative
action/equal opportunity
L obbyists have already
The premises will be sold subject to any and The City of Boston, a municipal corporation, duly existing
employer. This advertise-
ment subject in all re-
all unpaid taxes and other municipal assessments and liens, under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
acting by and through its Public Facilities Commission by
started to press Baker’s aides
and subject to prior liens or other enforceable encumbranc-
spects to the terms and es of record entitled to precedence over this mortgage, and the Director of the Department of Neighborhood Develop- for support as they craft the lat-
conditions of the Request
for Proposals.
subject to and with the benefit of all easements, restric-
tions, reservations and conditions of record and subject to
ment a/k/a Mayor’s Office of Housing
est economic development bill. NASDAQ Composite index
all tenancies and/or rights of parties in possession. claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real
property in Jamaica Plain, 28 Alveston Street, given by Ellen
C. Robinson to the City of Boston, a municipal corporation, Joe Kriesberg, president of the
Dish Wireless LLC is propos- Terms of the Sale: Cashier’s or certified check
duly existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Mas-
ing to install new wireless in the sum of $5,000.00 as a deposit must be shown at the
sachusetts, acting by and through its Public Facilities Com- Massachusetts Association of
telecommunications anten- time and place of the sale in order to qualify as a bidder
mission, dated September 23, 1988 and recorded in the
nas on an existing build- (the mortgage holder and its designee(s) are exempt from
this requirement); high bidder to sign written Memorandum Suffolk Registry of Deeds in Book 15051, Page 103 has filed Community Development Cor-
ing located at 125 Parker with this court a complaint for determination of Defendants
Hill Ave., Boston, Suffolk of Sale upon acceptance of bid; balance of purchase price
payable by certified check in thirty (30) days from the date Servicemembers status. porations, said community ad-
Co., MA 02120. The new
facility will consist of the of the sale at the offices of mortgagee’s attorney, Korde &
Associates, P.C., 900 Chelmsford Street, Suite 3102, Lowell, If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military vocates are asking for $300
collocation of antennas service of the United States of America, then you may be
at 85 feet above ground
level (measured to the top
MA or such other time as may be designated by mortgagee.
The description for the premises contained in said mort- entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief million in grants to help small
gage shall control in the event of a typographical error in Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned
of the antennas) on the
97.5-foot-tall building. Any this publication. property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file businesses over three or four
a written appearance and answer in this court at Three
interested party wishing to
submit comments regard- Other terms to be announced at the sale. Pemberton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before May years and $30 million to re-
2, 2022 or you may lose the opportunity to challenge the
ing the potential effects
the proposed facility may Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. as Trustee foreclosure on the ground of noncompliance with the Act. plenish the state’s brownfields
have on any historic prop- for Mortgage Assets Management Series I Trust
erty may do so by sending Korde & Associates, P.C. Witness, Gordon H. Piper, Chief Justice of this Court on
March 16, 2022.
remediation fund. Both will be
such comments to: Project 900 Chelmsford Street
6122002445 - KC EBI Con- Suite 3102
crucial sources of aid as the
sulting, 21 B Street, Burling- Lowell, MA 01851
ton, MA 01803, or via tele- (978) 256-1500 Deborah J. Patterson - Recorder state looks to rebound from the
phone at (512) 663-0478. Tench, Estate of Ronald A. and Phyllis A.R. Tench, 21-038981
pandemic, he said. But he also
Invitation for Bid
Door and Trim Replacement at Malone Apartments agrees that downtowns should
be a focus, too.
The Boston Housing Authority (BHA) invites sealed bids for
50 Oakland St., Wellesley DOCKET NO. 22 SM 000713
Door and Trim Replacement at Malone Apartments, “We’ve all seen that down-
Hills, MA 02481
BHA Job #1908-02, prepared by Sorensen Partners. The
work is estimated at $296,917. Bids will be received at the towns across the common- S&P 500 index
The College is seeking a BHA’s Contract Office, 52 Chauncy St, 6th fl, Boston, MA,
qualified contractor for the
Room 242 Renovation project
TO: Xiaoxiao Lu
and to all persons entitled to the benefit of the Service-
02111. Please register for virtual bid opening at links below. wealth have really been hit
Bids not received by the following times will be rejected:
members Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. C. 50 §3901 (et seq):
on the Wellesley campus.
Contractors are invited to
hard by the pandemic,” Kries-
JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Filed Sub-bid Opening: 12:00 pm on Wednesday
attend the pre-bid meeting
which will be held March 31,
4/13/2022. Register here: berg said. “We’ve had more va-
claiming to have an interest in a Mortgage covering real
2022, 12:00 PM.
Bids are available as of March property in Boston, numbered 19 South Street, Unit No. 19- Filed sub-bids apply to Electrical Work. cancies than we’ve had in a
8, of the Ivygate Gables Condominium, given by Xiaoxiao Lu
23, 2022; The specs can be
downloaded from www. to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mort-
General bid opening:
long time. ... That’s certainly
gagee, acting solely as a nominee for Leader Bank, N.A., BD-BD-22-
1064-1064-02481-72788. To dated September 8, 2015, and recorded in Suffolk County 12:00 pm on Wednesday 4/27/2022. Register here: https://
true for downtown Boston, but
request a copy email bids@ Registry of Deeds in Book 55034, Page 300, and now held and reference by the Plaintiff by assignment, has/have filed with this court
The general bid must be DCAMM certified in Doors/Win-
also for other downtowns and
BID#22-05. a complaint for determination of Defendant’s/Defendants
Servicemembers status. dows, and include a 5% bid deposit. The successful bidder
must furnish 100% Performance and Payment Bonds.
shopping districts, there needs
If you now are, or recently have been, in the active military
All bids are subject to MGL c. 149, Sections 44A-J. Wages
to be some reinvention for
service of the United States of America, then you may be
entitled to the benefits of the Servicemembers Civil Relief
Act. If you object to a foreclosure of the above-mentioned
are subject to minimum wage rates set by the US Depart-
ment of Labor. All general bidders must follow the BHA’s
these spaces. We know cities
property on that basis, then you or your attorney must file a
written appearance and answer in this court at Three Pem-
Minority and Women Participation Provision and Resident
Employment Provision. Bid package is only available to don’t thrive if their downtowns
berton Square, Boston, MA 02108 on or before 05/02/2022 download via email request to free of charge. don’t thrive.”
or you may lose the opportunity to challenge the fore-
closure on the ground of noncompliance with the Act. All bidders should attend the site visit at 10:30 AM, Wednes-
day, March 30, 2022 11 Gordon Ave., Hyde Park, MA 02136.
For all questions, Marie Sorensen, AIA, Sorensen Partners,
Witness, GORDON H. PIPER Chief Justice of this Court on The BHA reserves the right to Jon Chesto can be reached at
3/18/2022. waive any informalities or to reject any or all general bids, if
it be in the public interest to do so. Covid safety procedures Follow
Attest: Deborah J. Patterson, Recorder are in effect, see
him on Twitter @jonchesto. SOURCE: Bloomberg News
Sports C
Exhibition baseball: Twins-Red Sox, 1 p.m., NESN
PGA: WGC Dell Technologies Match Play, 2 p.m., Golf
NBA: Jazz-Celtics, 7:30 p.m., NBCSB
Listings, C6

T H E B O S T O N G L O B E W E D N E S DAY, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 | B O S T O N GL OB E .C O M / SP O RT S

With just two weeks left, taking a crack

at a Red Sox Opening Day roster
Peter Abraham ciation agreed to expand rosters to 28 players un- season will open with Eovaldi, Pivetta, and
til May 1 to account for the time missed during Houck. He also has acknowledged Wacha will be a
ON BASEBALL the lockout. The measure will be voted on by starter.
teams next week and is expected to pass, accord- If only to mix in a lefty, Hill makes sense as a
FORT MYERS, Fla. — It feels like spring train- ing to the New York Post. Rosters would go back No. 5. He has experience, and his being in the ro-
ing is just getting started. But the Red Sox have to 26 after May 1, with a maximum of 13 pitches. tation would allow Garrett Whitlock to work in a
only 15 days remaining before needing to select a multi-inning relief role.
roster to open the season against the Yankees on ºExtra-inning runner back in for 2022. C2 Bullpen (10): RHP Matt Barnes, RHP Ryan
April 7. Brasier, LHP Austin Davis, LHP Jake Diekman,
The complicated process of weighing immedi- With the caveat that the Sox may not yet be fin- LHP Darwinzon Hernandez, RHP Hansel Robles,
ate needs against maintaining depth in the minor ished adding players, here’s a projected 28-man RHP Hirokazu Sawamura, RHP Connor Seabold,
leagues has been thrown into a blender as teams roster for Opening Day: LHP Matt Strahm, RHP Garrett Whitlock.
try to prepare their players and make decisions in Rotation (5): RHP Nate Eovaldi, RHP Nick Piv- Explanation: Barnes, Brasier, and Sawamura
a condensed time frame. etta, RHP Tanner Houck, RHP Michael Wacha, will be there if healthy. Diekman and Strahm were
The Sox avoided arbitration with all their But it got a little easier Tuesday with the news LHP Rich Hill. signed this spring. Whitlock can take on different
eligibles, including Rafael Devers. Story, C2 that Major League Baseball and the Players Asso- Explanation: Manager Alex Cora has said the ON BASEBALL, Page C2

Christopher L.

reason to
have high
If only we could all
carry the sunny dispo-
sition of a Celtics fan
into all aspects of life,
what a wonderful
world it would be.
The glass would
David Andrews gets his hair cut at the “Saving by Shaving” event, just one of the charity appearances for the Patriots center during a busy offseason. never be half-full. It
would always be the

perfect amount of water one thirsts for.
That long TSA line at Logan would
merely be an opportunity to mingle
with others in a communal space. The
sticker shock at the gas pump would
simply be a windfall of credit card re-

From charity to workouts, no days off for Patriots’ Andrews

wards points.
Your Boston Celtics can’t lose on the
court or off it. They’re the Lego Celtics
— Everything is Awesome. They’ve
By Stan Grossfeld off the gridiron. In the trenches, he been the best team in the NBA for near-

GLOBE STAFF growls like a lion, and with children, ly two months, and, best of all, the Pa-
OXBOROUGH — It’s 14 he’s as gentle as a puppy dog. rishioners of the Parquet will commit to
degrees at 5:55 a.m. and He wears a reminder of how lucky zero playoff expectations or aspirations
the promise of daylight is he has been. for them, even as they tout them as the
overshadowed by the On his right wrist is a black band NBA’s elite. It’s all Green Team gravy,
headlights of a huge Ford honoring Marine Corporal Nicholas baby.
truck. Patriots center David Andrews G. Xiarhos of Yarmouth Port. He died The Patriots and Red Sox are expect-
arrives at Edge Performance Systems in 2009 at age 21 in Afghanistan ed to win offseasons and champion-
for his daily workout with a smile on while going to the rescue of fellow ships. The Bruins have a ticking Stanley
his face. Marines in combat. The wristband Cup biological clock with their core,
He wears shorts, a light jacket, was a gift from Xiarhos’s father. and we wonder if general manager Don
and he carries a Target tote bag. A “It’s just to remind me how lucky Sweeney should’ve done more at the
Georgia baseball cap covers his NFL we are, how blessed we are,” says An- NHL trade deadline. Even the Revolu-
— Not For Long — full head of hair. drews. “To not complain about chick- tion, coming off a record-setting 2021
By mid-morning, it will be shaved off en [expletive].” season, are held to a higher postseason
for charity. Center is perhaps the most thank- success standard than the local hoops
The five-time Patriots co-captain, less job in the NFL. Andrews is the team.
who has won two Super Bowls since player closest to the enemy. Sorry, but the Celtics are on such a
arriving as an undrafted free agent in “It’s the only thing in sports roll that we’re officially past the point of
2015, is in good spirits. He had right where it’s five guys in a phone booth just enjoying the ride. Save that for the
shoulder surgery five weeks ago and working together,” he says, sipping a GASPER, Page C4
was recently liberated from a sling. large black Dunkin’, no sugar, post-
He has two charitable appearanc- workout.
es on the calendar on this day. So “You’re only as good as your
why on Earth would he arise at 5 weakest link. So you can have a four INSIDE
a.m. to work with a personal trainer? All-Pro offensive alignment and one
Andrews shrugs. guy that’s not very good, you’re not To the top?
“Doing something hard and un- going to have a very good offensive Celtics have continued their improba-
comfortable,” he says. “Maybe in my line.” ble rise in the Eastern Conference. C4
sick and twisted mind [I think],
‘Does that give me some competitive Trusted captain Barty calls it quits
advantage over my opponent?’ ” After family, “Football is 1a” for In stunner, top-ranked women’s tennis
Follow Andrews around for a day, Andrews. “Charity is 1b.” player retires at age 25. Sports Log, C6
and it becomes clear that his passion That’s why he’s in Quincy at the
for football — and for making a dif- STAN GROSSFELD/GLOBE STAFF
“Saving by Shaving” event in early
Bentley eliminated
Men’s basketball team is ousted in the
ference — is paramount. Patriots center David Andrews shows his skills as he serves breakfast to March. It raises millions of dollars
NCAA Division 2 Elite Eight. C6
He’s a working-class hero on and residents of the Abby’s House women’s shelter in Worcester this month. ANDREWS, Page C3

Ben Volin Kevin Paul Dupont


Brown’s Perry a rarity: Should Bergeron’s future

Likely NFL draft pick be at center of Bruins’ plans?
WORCESTER — Brown stunk is you don’t have pads Playoffs aside, the next big event on ager Don Sweeney said during his post-
quarterback E.J. Perry held his and guys trying to hit you.” the Bruins calendar, the biggest of them trade-deadline presser Monday. “If he’s
Pro Day Tuesday at Holy Cross, But the workout was really all, in fact, is whether Patrice Bergeron healthy and he looks around at his team-
with 26 NFL teams in atten- just for show, as Perry’s stock decides in these next few weeks whether mates and enjoys it, he’s going to want to
dance. has been soaring during the he wants to keep on keeping on his ex- play hockey.”
Perry completed 47 of 49 pre-draft process. He was quisite playing career here. OK, great. More Bergy, please. Big ol’
passes, demonstrating a wide named MVP of the East-West No need here to detail the virtues, leg- scoops. The biggah the bettah.
variety — timing throws over Shrine Bowl in February, then acy, overall excellence, and divine duen- In fact, if Bergeron has it in the back
the middle, deep throws down had a terrific performance at de (copyright: George Frazier) of the of his head ultimately to give Zdeno
the sideline, throws on the run, the NFL Combine, where he Bruins captain. At age 36, though hin- Chara, the most recent former Bruins
throws against his body, and graded out as the most athletic dered lately by an arm/elbow injury, he captain, a run for his money as The Old-
back-shoulder throws that re- quarterback in this year’s draft remains the face of the franchise and the est Working NHLer in the whole wide
quire precise placement. class. center of the club’s success, both posi- Original 32 (or 33 . . . maybe 34 . . . ?), I
“Just every single throw that Perry was already getting at- tionally and figuratively. think we’re all good with that.
I’m going to throw in a game,” tention from NFL scouts, but Brown quarterback E.J. Perry has opened “I honestly believe that Patrice is play- But what if Bergeron is, to use the
Perry said. “The only thing that ON FOOTBALL, Page C3 eyes as a prospect for the NFL Draft. ing at the top of his game,” general man- ON HOCKEY, Page C5
C2 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2


Devers makes arbitration deal

Slugger gets $11.2m, Red Sox 4, Rays 2 Sox spring training report
team avoids hearing BOSTON
Arroyo 2b
At Charlotte Sports Park, Port Charlotte, Fla.
ab r h bi TAMPA BAY
1 1 1 0 JosLowe lf
ab r h bi
3 0 2 0 Score: Red Sox 4, Rays 2
Koss ss 1 1 0 0 Qsar lf 1 0 0 0
By Julian McWilliams Duran cf 2 0 0 0 Franco ss 3 0 0 0 Record: 6-0
Fitzgerald cf 2 0 0 0 Jones ss 2 0 1 0
GLOBE STAFF Dalbec 3b 3 0 1 2 BraLowe 2b 1 0 0 0 Breakdown: Rich Hill tossed two in-
PORT CHARLOTTE, Fla. — Rafael De-
Williams 3b
Shaw 1b
2 0 0 0 Mead 3b
3 0 0 0 Díaz dh
3 1 1 0
3 0 2 0 nings, striking out two and giving up
vers and the Red Sox reached an $11.2 mil-
Castellanos 1b
Plawecki c
2 0 1 0 Cardenas dh-of
3 0 0 0 Choi 1b
2 1 1 2
2 0 0 0
two hits and a walk. He didn’t yield a
lion agreement for the 2022 season to avoid
RHernández c
Baldwin c
1 0 1 1 Aranda 1b
1 0 0 0 Kiermaier cf
1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0
run. Garrett Whitlock tossed two in-
arbitration Tuesday, finding common
Cordero rf
Jimenez rf
2 0 0 0 Witherspoon cf
1 0 0 0 Phillips rf
3 0 1 0
2 0 0 0
nings of scoreless ball as well, allow-
ground after the 1 p.m. deadline for the Refsnyder lf
Dalton lf
2 0 0 0 Hulsizer rf
1 1 1 1 Walls 3b-2b
2 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
ing three hits and walking a pair. Bob-
sides to exchange filing figures. Ramos dh 2 0 0 0 Wisely 2b 2 0 0 0 by Dalbec registered a two-run double
Decker ph-dh-of 1 0 0 0 Pinto c 2 0 0 0
Devers, 25, had a bounce-back season Araúz ss-2b 3 1 2 0 Proctor c 2 0 1 0 in the third inning. Tampa Bay’s Ruben
Hamilton 2b 1 0 1 0
last year, batting .279 and leading the team Totals 34 4 8 4 Totals 37 2 10 2 Cardenas and the Sox’ Wil Dalton had
in both homers (38) and RBIs (113). The lat-
Boston...................................................................002 000 110 — 4 8 0
Tampa Bay...........................................................000 000 200 — 2 10 1
solo homers.
ter led all MLB third basemen.
E—Hulsizer (1). 2B—Dalbec (1), Hamilton (1), Díaz (1). HR—Dalton
(1), Cardenas (1). CS—Cordero (1).
Next: The Red Sox take on the Twins
Devers will be a free agent after the 2023
Hill W 1-0
at JetBlue Park at 1:05 p.m. Wednes-
season, and, according to a source, there Whitlock 2 3 0 0 2 3 day. The game will be on NESN, with
Barnes 1 0 0 0 0 1
have been no discussions surrounding a Cole 1 2 0 0 1 2 Nate Eovaldi the Sox starter.
Hartlieb 1 2 2 2 0 2
multiyear deal of any kind. Davis S 1 2 1 0 0 1 2 JULIAN MCWILLIAMS
Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO
The agreement means the Red Sox avoid- Mazza L 0-1 2‚ 2 2 2 0 3
De Horta 1„ 1 0 0 1 2 BARRY CHIN/GLOBE STAFF
ed arbitration with all five of their eligible Erwin 1 1 0 0 2 0
Ogando 1„ 0 1 1 3 0
players, also coming to terms with outfielder Sterner ‚ 2 0 0 0 0 After bouncing between the majors and minors last season,
Alex Verdugo ($3.55 million), righthander Labosky
close and almost having the opportunity to Tanner Houck will begin this season in the Red Sox’ rotation.
Nick Pivetta ($2.65 million), infielder Chris- raise the trophy is something that once you

Two weeks out,

Balk—Davis. WP—Cole. Umpires—Home, Chris Segal; First, Bill
Welke; Second, Jeremy Riggs; Third, Clint Vondrak. A—2,705.
tian Arroyo ($1.2 million), and lefthander get in there and you experience it, that’s the
Josh Taylor ($1.025 million). only thing that you think about,” Hill said. “I
In a normal year, players usually file for understand everyone’s in a different boat

a Sox roster read

arbitration around mid-January and sort [with contracts]. But when we get into the
out the numbers at the start of spring train- is uncharted waters.” season, those things are solidified and the
ing. However, the lockout delayed that pro- Whitlock was a force out of the bullpen only focus is winning.” Hill has faced his
cess. last year, registering a 1.96 ERA in 73‚ reg- share of injuries, and said with the short-
Had the Sox gone to arbitration with any ular-season innings. He believes he can ened spring, the main thing he’s looking to
of their players, it would have been even lon- start,having done so throughout his time in do in order to capture that championship is uON BASEBALL Refsnyder, who turns 31 on
ger. During arbitration hearings, both team the minors with the Yankees. Nonetheless, stay healthy. “The biggest thing is the health Continued from Page C1 Saturday and is in camp on a mi-
and player make cases for the salary they he’s OK with however the Sox utilize him. factor and making sure that guys are coming roles. Hernandez offers versatili- nor-league deal, has six years of
proposed, with an arbitrator deciding if the “I love the routine as a starter, but at the out ready to go for the season,” Hill said. “It’s ty and a mix that plays against major league experience. He’s a
player is worth more than the team’s num- same time, you know, I love the workhorse going to be a challenge across the board be- lefties and righties. He needs to mor e re li abl e ba ck up tha n
ber. mentality of a reliever, too,” he said. cause I know there are a lot of teams that are prove he belongs. Franchy Cordero, which isn’t
“We will see how many cases don’t get The Red Sox are stretching out Whitlock. dealing with little things right now” . . . Tay- Seabold, a starter, would be a saying much. The Twins used
settled,” one league source intimated. “The He made his spring debut Tuesday, allowing lor (back) threw a bullpen Tuesday, his first good choice to work as a long re- Refsnyder in center field last
number [of players] will determine how three hits and two walks in two scoreless in- action off the mound this spring . . . Follow- liever or spot starter. Kutter season and he hit lefties well.
long we need to resolve all of them. But it’s nings against the Rays. ing the opening three games of the season at Crawford could fill that role, too. Infield (6): UTIL Christian
fair to expect them to go into the season.” Yankee Stadium, it’s likely Michael Wacha Don’t focus too much on who Arroyo, SS Xander Bogaerts, 1B-
Hill looking for championship starts the opening game in Detroit vs. the Ti- goes to New York. The Sox will 3B Bobby Dalbec, 3B Rafael De-
Sox to honor Remy Rich Hill tossed two scoreless innings gers on April 11. want to keep as many pitching vers, 1B-3B Travis Shaw, 2B-SS
The Red Sox will wear commemorative against the Rays. He’s 42 years old and has options in the organization as Trevor Story.
patches with the name and No. 2 of the late withstood the test of time, but he’s still chas- Alex Speier of Globe Staff contributed to this possible. Explanation: Story, who has
Jerry Remy all season, and honor Remy dur- ing a championship that would put a cap on report. Julian McWilliams can be reached at Catcher (2): Christian not yet officially been added to
ing a ceremony April 20, before a game a commendable career. “Going into the post- Follow him Vázquez, Kevin Plawecki. the roster, brings power, speed,
against the Blue Jays. season, being in a World Series, coming so on Twitter @byJulianMack. Explanation: There’s no real and solid defense to the mix.
The Somerset native played with the competition here. The Sox have The Sox were next-to-last in the
team from 1978-84, then spent 33 years in Ronaldo Hernández and Connor majors with 40 stolen bases last
the broadcast booth until his death on Oct. Wong on the 40-man roster, but season. Story had 20 for the
30 at age 68 following multiple battles with they need more time in Triple A. Rockies.
cancer. The Red Sox Hall of Famer made his Wong gave the Sox five solid Bogaer ts and Devers are
final public appearance on Oct. 5, throwing games last season when needed. among the best hitters at their
out the ceremonial first pitch before the That earned him a lot of trust. positions in the majors. Devers
Wild-Card Game against the Yankees. Designated hitter (1): J.D. needs to make strides defensive-
“Obviously, this organization thinks the Martinez. ly to stay at third base. At 25,
world of Remy and his family what they Explanation: Cora likes to in- he’s getting too old for the Sox to
mean to us,” manager Alex Cora said. “Just a clude him among the outfield- blame it on needing more time.
great tribute. Not only to him but his family.” ers, and Martinez is likely to get Dalbec lost the job at first
some innings on defense. But base last season, but earned
Where to for Whitlock? less is more. more playing time with a good
It isn’t a sure bet that Garrett Whitlock is Martinez is a poor defender. finish. He’s looked sharp in
in the starting rotation to start the year, Co- His offensive numbers also re- spring training. Arroyo came up
ra said. Despite the obvious holes in that ar- cede sharply when he’s in the as a shortstop and should be
ea, Whitlock still has to show he can pitch in outfield. Since 2020, he has an valuable as a utility player who
that role. .874 OPS as a designated hitter can provide a spark to the of-
“I don’t think you guys know if he’s going and a .588 OPS as an outfielder. fense.
to be a good starter or not,” Cora said. “Say- Outfield (4): RF-CF Jackie Shaw can help as a platoon
ing he should be a starter, how do we know Bradley Jr., CF-LF Kiké Hernán- bat at first base and a solid pinch
that? One thing we do know is that he went dez, LF-CF-RF Rob Refsnyder, hitter.
multiple innings and he was really good last LF-RF Alex Verdugo. Injured list (3): LHP James
year. And, yeah, he’s done it before, but this Garrett Whitlock threw his first spring outing Tuesday, a pair of scoreless innings. Explanation: Cora has said he Paxton (Tommy John recovery),
favors an alignment of Verdugo LHP Chris Sale (rib fracture),
in left, Hernández in center, and LHP Josh Taylor (herniated
Bradley in right. disk).

Postcard from Fort Myers Bradley has started 831 ca-

reer games in center and is a
Gold Glove defender there.
Explanation: Only Paxton is
officially on the injured list at
this point, but the other two are
BY STAN GROSSFELD | Globe Staff Hernández has started 209 and expected to join him there. Tay-
has been an above-average de- lor is the closest to a return, per-
fender. He was particularly good haps in mid-April. Paxton is on a
last season. Bradley will be an ef- July timetable.
fective right fielder, especially at With Sale, who can say?
Fenway Park, so maybe it will The Sox will be ultra-conser-
work. But you could see Bradley vative with him. Maybe early
in center in some road parks. June.
Then again, if Bradley strug-
gles at the plate like he did last Peter Abraham can be reached
season for Milwaukee (.163/ at
.236/.261), you may not see him Follow him on Twitter
much at all. @PeteAbe.

MLB, union agree on

new rules for this year
Ghost runner following a compressed spring
training, the runner — which
remains in play has accelerated the conclusion of
extra-innings games — was rein-
By Alex Speier stated for next season.
GLOBE STAFF Additionally, according to the
Ghost runners will remain in Post, teams will be able to carry
2022. expanded rosters of 28 players
A major league source con- through May 1 in an effort to di-
firmed a report from the New minish early-season, workload-
York Post that MLB and the Play- related injury concerns. The ros-
ers Association have reached ters will return to the normal 26
Although fans routinely see the Red Sox stretching on the field, the players also do it under the agreement for the 2022 season for the bulk of the season.
stands, in an area adjacent to the dugout. It’s dark and cool down there, shelter from the relentless to reinstitute a runner on second MLB and the Players Associa-
sun. base at the start of all extra in- tion also agreed to a Shohei
Bobby Dalbec does a lot of stretching before a game. nings, beginning with the 10th. Ohtani-inspired change: In
“Big-body guys get really tight and slow, so I’ve got to get loose,” he says. While the rule has to be ap- games in which the starting
proved by a vote of MLB owners, pitcher is also the designated hit-
His father is an executive at Atlantic Records and Dalbec plays guitar. He also plays games.
it’s expected to pass. ter, the player will be allowed to
“No judgment here, but what are your favorite artists?” he asks. Red Sox manager Alex Cora remain in the game as a DH
Dalbec is definitely a classic rocker. Zeppelin, Hendrix, the Beatles, Rush, Cream, Eric Clapton, Ste- said MLB canvassed managers even after he exits the contest as
vie Ray Vaughan, and Van Halen are some of his favorites. and front offices in recent days a pitcher. The “Shohei Rule” will
As for the imaginary swing . . . about whether to resurrect the be in effect for the entire five-
“It’s just stretching,” he says. “I’m just trying to feel my lower body. I’m not thinking home runs rule, which was not part of the year term of the recently negoti-
here.” ne w Coll ec tive Bargaining ated CBA.
Agreement. Amidst concerns
No word on whether he plays air guitar down here.
about players’ physical pre- Alex Speier can be reached at
paredness for the 2022 season
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Sports C3


His charity work done, David Andrews gets on the exercise bike and puts in some preparations for his regular job with the Patriots at Edge Performance Systems New England.

For Andrews, no offdays in offseason

uANDREWS “We’re so spoiled as athletes,” Andrews says. of the time. That happened in December during the Patri-
Continued from Page C1 “There’s one guy at the Patriots whose sole job is It used to be worse. Take, for example, his first ots’ 33-21 loss to the Bills at Gillette. Andrews got
annually for cancer research at Boston Children’s to get me back on the field. How many people get NFL game in 2015. in the grill of Buffalo’s Matt Milano after a late hit
Hospital. to say they have that?” “I remember playing Pittsburgh,” he says. ”I’ve on Jones. He received a taunting penalty and was
Andrews has appeared at hospitals and play- Andrews is putting in the work so he’s ready to probably already thrown up 10 times right before later fined.
grounds. He has read at schools, honored veter- protect Jones when the season comes back the game and I’m trying not to throw up on my- “It’s never worth 15 yards,” he said. “It felt like
ans, and supported military dog rescues. In 2020, around. self on the sideline. the right thing to do at the time. [But] I can’t hurt
he was presented with the Patriots’ Ron Burton “The team goes as the quarterback goes,” An- “I mean, I was a kid. It’s Tom Brady. It’s the the football team.”
Community Service Award for leadership on and drews explains. “I think the same comes from the New England Patriots. They just won a Super
off the field. center because you’re right in the middle. Call it Bowl, and it’s one of the most famed organiza- Emphasis on giving back
Former Patriots lineman Matt Light calls An- his second-in-command.” tions in sports, against the Pittsburgh Steelers on He’s a man so focused on his sport. So why
drews a “throwback.” Jones and Andrews have a good relationship. Thursday night. Everybody’s watching.” does Andrews take a day in March to hit not one
“He’s a leader, which is why he’s a captain, After Georgia beat Alabama in the national One of the highlights of Andrews’s career was but two charity events? Because growing up, his
which is why he’s the guy that Bill [Belichick] championship in January, Andrews says he taped coming back from the 28-3 deficit against the Fal- parents emphasized giving back to the communi-
trusts to help make the best decisions for the Jones’s locker shut with Bulldog stickers to tease cons in his first Super Bowl. His direct snap to ty.
team,” Light explains. the former Crimson Tide QB. James White helped the Patriots score 2 points Andrews’s father, who was in the nursing
Light is in Quincy to get his head shaved. Fel- Jones has impressed Andrews as a natural and cut the Falcons’ lead to 8 in the fourth quar- home business, encouraged David to volunteer
low Patriots alumni Joe Andruzzi and Kyle Van leader. ter. and comfort those with Alzheimer’s and demen-
Noy are also there, alongside Andrews. “I think Mac does a really good job of buying But it almost didn’t happen. The play was in- tia.
Afterward, freshly clipped Governor Charlie into how we try to do things the ‘Patriot Way,’ ” stalled on the Friday before the game and it was a “I think anything you can do to just impact
Baker puts an arm around Andrews and takes a Andrews said. “You can’t imagine the pressure. disaster. people and put a smile on someone’s face at the
selfie. The media. The pressure you get put on by other “I snapped this ball in practice, I think it went end of the day is worth it,” he says.
Patriots quarterback Mac Jones, who chose people.” into orbit it was so bad,” Andrews said. “We didn’t At Abby’s House, a women’s and children’s
not to be clipped, sticks his tongue out at An- run it again. And I’m like, well, that play is out. shelter in Worcester, Andrews fumbles the first
drews, laughs, and gives him a hug. Not immune to nerves And I’ll be damned if we didn’t call it in that mo- pancakes he makes before changing spatulas and
Back in his truck, Andrews FaceTimes his Andrews remembers being “scared to death” ment.” finding the zone. Told he’ll never beat Bobby Flay,
wife, Mackenzie. She says the haircut is not as of Belichick as a rookie in 2015. In a preseason Although he is not yet 30, Andrews has the he laughs.
bad as she feared. scrimmage at Gillette Stadium, Andrews fum- wisdom of a coach. “I had to use my left hand,” he smirks.
“My hair grows back fast,” he says. bled. Both he and Tom Brady had to run a lap. His great uncle is Dan Reeves, who coached After distributing breakfasts, Andrews meets
Mackenzie and David met at the University of No. 12 was not happy. Afterward, Belichick called the Falcons. He used to let young David hang out privately with mothers and their children. He had
Georgia. She was a cheerleader, and he was smit- Andrews over to the bench. at training camp and play catch with Michael given a $10,000 donation in December so folks
ten, sending a photo of her to friends and pro- “I’m just about to get dog cussed, and I’m huff- Vick. could buy holiday presents, and he wanted to
claiming he was going to marry her. She finally ing and puffing and he’s like, ‘Look, David, when “He told me, ‘When you go in between those meet the families.
kissed him on a dare, and he eventually proposed you have this football, the fate of our organization lines, you have to be two different people,’ and On the way home, Andrews says it feels good
at the 50-yard line. They were married by one of is in your hands and we’re trusting you with it.’ that’s something that’s always stuck,” Andrews to help out.
his former coaches five years ago and have a 6- “It really challenged me,” Andrews says. “I said. ”I hate when people will be like, ‘Oh, I don’t
month-old son, two dogs, and a cat. think I can count on one hand of my seven “My wife laughs at it, because outside of foot- have enough time now,’ ” he says. “No, you’ve got
The family loves living in New England. years that I’ve had a bad snap. It really just ball, I’m not very confrontational. I like to party enough time. You get your butt up and you go do
“90 percent of our relationships are up here,” drives me to be as good as I can with it.” and have fun, but nothing gets under my skin. it.”
Andrews says. That incident was a long time ago. Andrews is Someone can call me a fat ass, I’m like, whatever.
He’s spending the offseason in the area be- a veteran now, but he still gets the nerves. He esti- But someone might touch a quarterback in the Stan Grossfeld can be reached at
cause he’s reporting to Gillette Stadium for rehab. mates he throws up before games 65-75 percent game, and I’m not going to like it.”

Brown’s Perry is on a rare path: Ivy QB to NFL Draft

uON FOOTBALL “He’s fun to watch,” the AFC execu- His uncle, John Perry, coached for the
Continued from Page C1 Top of the class tive said. “Gritty, tough-minded player Texans from 2014-20, and has been
now it’s nonstop. who will hang in under pressure. Dis- helping with his NFL connections. Per-
“I’ve never had anything like this, Ivy League QBs taken in NFL Draft since the 1970 merger: plays above-average ability to read de- ry has been working out with the Patri-
and I’ve coached some great players,” fenses from the pocket or on the move. ots’ Mac Jones and Jarrett Stidham at
Player School Year Round Team
said James Perry, Brown’s head coach Good athlete, has enough accuracy and Edge Performance Systems in Foxbor-
and E.J.’s uncle. “It’s been wild. The in- Ryan Fitzpatrick Harvard 2005 Seventh Rams arm strength to function in the NFL, ough. And he has connected a few
terest in E.J. was different before the John Witkowski Columbia 1984 Sixth Lions and certainly is mobile enough in the times with 17-year NFL quarterback
Shrine and the combine, and now it’s pocket to slide around the pocket and Matt Hasselbeck, who was present at
on an even different level.” Bob Holly Princeton 1982 11th Washington roll out.” Tuesday’s Pro Day.
Perry, who starred at Brown for two Brian Buckley Harvard 1981 11th Patriots But Perry also has impressed teams Perry met Hasselbeck at the com-
years after transferring from Boston with his personality and demeanor. At bine three weeks ago, and recently was
Bob Bateman Brown 1976 Seventh Bengals
College, almost certainly will hear his Brown, he was a leader who never got a guest at Hasselbeck’s house for din-
Source: Pro Football Reference
name called during the NFL Draft down on his teammates during their ner. Hasselbeck said he is helping Perry
April 28-30, which is no small feat. 2-8 season in 2021. Perry was named with everything off the field — how to
Only one Ivy League quarterback in the Ivy League’s Offensive Player of the prepare for interviews, how to handle
the last 37 years has been taken in the Year. official visits, and so on.
draft: Harvard’s Ryan Fitzpatrick in scheduled, Perry met with the Eagles One AFC executive said Perry is a “We had eight quarterbacks last At their dinner, Hasselbeck and his
the seventh round in 2005. Dart- after Tuesday’s workout, and his agent, bit undersized at 6 feet 2 inches, and year, and E.J. was such a great leader daughters held a mock interview/press
mouth’s Jay Fiedler and Jeff Kemp had Sean Stellato, has set up dozens of calls his 27 interceptions the last two sea- for them,” Brown QB coach Heather conference with Perry, peppering him
moderate success in the NFL, but both and Zooms for him. sons are a bit concerning. Marini said. “It was all about setting with questions to see how he handled
went undrafted. Brown has had only one quarter- But the executive had 10 positives the standard. We were a better pro- himself.
Perry, though, is well on his way to back drafted in program history: Bob for every negative. gram because of how he developed “I had a great time meeting him,”
becoming the next Ivy League QB to Bateman, who was taken in the sev- He loves the athleticism; Perry fin- over the last couple of years.” Hasselbeck said, “and he’s training
make his mark. enth round by the Bengals in 1976 and ished first among quarterbacks at the At the combine, a video of Perry here in Foxborough, so I said, ‘Hey, let’s
NFL teams are allowed to bring 30 never played an NFL game. Perry is ex- combine in the three-cone drill and 20- picking up trash on the sideline went hook up.’ A kid from Brown University?
draft prospects to their facilities for in- pected to be the second, but he doesn’t yard shuttle, and second in the 40-yard viral on social media. What a cool story.”
terviews (no on-field work), and Perry want to get ahead of himself. dash (4.65), vertical jump, and broad “He’s obviously a great kid, very And in a month’s time, the Ivy
has already had a visit with Nick Caser- “ When the draft comes around, jump. draft expert Lance Zi- good worker and leader,” the AFC exec- League should have its second quarter-
io and the Texans, and has one coming hopefully I get to hear my name erlein projects Perry to have a Taysom utive said. “I’m definitely rooting for back drafted in 38 years.
up with Josh McDaniels and the Raid- called,” he said. “And if not, hopefully Hill-like role as a Swiss Army knife him.”
ers. I’m in a camp and get to keep playing while he learns the quarterback posi- Perry has surrounded himself with Ben Volin can be reached at
While he waits for more visits to get football.” tion his rookie year. an experienced group of mentors, too.
C4 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

Celtics continue improbable rise

East contenders the 7-10 play-in tournament,
meaning it could end up seventh
After games played Jan. 28, 2022
at least publicly, does not believe
it will be a lingering problem. And
W L Pct. GB Streak Home Conf.
are on 20-3 tear or eighth in the East — or out of Miami

Boston has a three-day break after d-Miami

the playoffs altogether. If there Wednesday’s game against the
Cleveland 30 19 .612 2 Milwaukee 44 27 .620 2½ L1 24-12 26-18
By Adam Himmelsbach was a way to tank and guarantee Milwaukee 31 20 .608 2 Jazz. Still, the Celtics should limit Boston 45 28 .616 2½ W4 24-12 30-16
GLOBE STAFF avoiding the Nets, though, it prob- Brooklyn 29 19 .604 2½ Williams’s playing time the rest of Chicago 42 29 .592 4½ W1 26-10 27-17
Some scattered thoughts on ably would be worth it. Philadelphia 29 19 .604 2½ the regular season. Cleveland 41 31 .569 6 L1 23-13 24-19
Charlotte 28 22 .560 4½ Toronto 40 32 .556 7 L1 17-16 24-20
the Celtics as they continue their R As the Celtics’ fortunes have Boston 25 25 .500 7½
R Tatum missed out on about
Brooklyn 38 34 .528 9 W2 16-19 26-18
chase for the No. 1 seed in the shifted, so too has the perception Toronto 23 23 .500 7½ $32 million in bonuses in his max
Charlotte 37 35 .514 10 W5 19-17 22-22
Eastern Conference playoffs . . . of first-year coach Ime Udoka. Atlanta 23 25 .479 8½ contract extension when he was Atlanta 35 36 .493 11½ L1 23-14 21-23
R Before we begin, take a look Udoka insisted during the team’s Washington 23 25 .479 8½ not chosen for an All-NBA team
New York 23 27 .460 9½ Washington 30 41 .423 16½ L1 18-18 22-22
at that last sentence. A few slow start that his group could be- Indiana 18 32 .360 14½ last year. This year, he’s all but a New York 30 41 .423 16½ L1 15-20 15-26
months ago, Boston appeared to come dangerous when fully Detroit 11 37 .229 20½ lock to be chosen for one of the Indiana 25 47 .347 22 W2 16-20 11-34
Orlando 10 40 .200 22½ Orlando 20 53 .274 27½ W2 10-26 10-35
have almost zero chance of secur- healthy, and now that is clear. But three teams, but there are no ret- Detroit 19 53 .264 28 L2 11-24 15-29
ing the East’s top spot. Now, after he has improved as this season roactive bonuses. Tough timing.
winning 20 of 23 games, it’s cer- has progressed, too, and is a po- R Derrick White and Daniel R Look, it’s corny to give your- WESTERN CONFERENCE
tainly possible. The Celtics enter tential Coach of the Year finalist. Theis have been solid additions, self a nickname. And if you’re go- W L Pct. GB Streak Home Conf.
Tuesday night in a tie for second Suns coach Monty Williams but the reemergence of Payton ing to give yourself a nickname, at p-Phoenix 58 14 .806 — W5 30-8 34-9
Memphis 49 23 .681 9 W1 24-10 32-14
place with the Bucks and 76ers, should be a lock for one of the Pritchard has been perhaps the least come up with something
Golden State 47 25 .653 11 L3 29-9 28-17
2½ games behind the first-place three spots. His team is nearly most important benefit of last original. Utah 45 27 .625 13 L1 26-11 29-15
Heat. lapping the field and continues to month’s trades. Pritchard had fall- But after helping slow down Dallas 44 28 .611 14 W1 24-12 31-15
It won’t be easy. Boston’s final thrive without All-Star point en out of Boston’s rotation and Nuggets star Nikola Jokic — the *Denver 42 30 .583 16 L2 20-14 25-19
nine opponents have a combined guard Chris Paul. Grizzlies coach struggled during his brief oppor- Joker— for the second time this Minnesota 42 31 .575 16½ L1 24-12 28-19
*LA Clippers 36 37 .493 22½ L3 20-15 21-25
winning percentage of .563, the Taylor Jenkins, whose rejuvenat- tunities. But after the Celtics trad- season, Grant Williams sent Jay- LA Lakers 31 41 .431 27 W1 20-17 16-27
toughest remaining schedule in ed 49-23 squad has been one of ed away seven players and re- len Brown to his postgame news New Orleans 30 42 .417 28 L1 16-20 20-23
the league. The 76ers, meanwhile, the NBA’s feel-good stories, should ceived just White and Theis in re- conference Sunday and asked him San Antonio 28 44 .389 30 W1 14-23 18-24
have the 24th-easiest remaining take the second slot. After that, it turn, it was clear Pritchard would to put the word out that he should Portland 27 44 .380 30½ W1 17-18 11-30
schedule. The Celtics hold tie- likely will come down to Udoka get a larger chance, and he has be called Batman now. (Tatum Sacramento 25 48 .342 33½ L3 16-23 17-29
Okla. City 20 52 .278 38 L 10 9-27 14-31
breakers against the 76ers and and Cavaliers coach J.B. Bicker- seized it. had the best response when he Houston 18 54 .250 40 W1 11-25 9-36
Heat, and are in good position to staff. Bickerstaff has certainly He was shooting 37 percent heard about this request: “Grant * — Not including late game
d — Clinched division
win a tie against the Bucks. They done more with less, but Cleve- from beyond the 3-point line be- played great tonight, but I’m go- p — Clinched playoff berth

would win the season series by land (41-31) is stumbling down fore the Feb. 10 deals and has con- ing to call him Grant, not calling THE PLAYOFF FORMAT
winning at Milwaukee on April 7, the stretch. If the Celtics secure a nected on 45.8 percent since, in- him no damn Batman.”) The top six teams in each conference qualify; the next four teams will partici-
pate in a play-in tournament at the end of the regular season.
but even if they lose the series top-three seed and the Cavaliers cluding a stretch during this road Having said that, there’s no
would be tied, 2-2, and the next end up in the play-in tournament, trip in which he hit 10 in a row. harm in having some fun. Horford
tiebreaker would be conference it would be hard to quibble with Since Feb. 10, the Celtics have out- happily interrupted Williams’s At Orlando 94 Golden St. 90 At Milwaukee 126 Chicago 98

record. The Celtics currently hold Udoka being a finalist. Regard- scored opponents by 14.7 points postgame television interview af- Atlanta 117 at New York 111 LA Clippers at Denver
a two-game edge there. less, it’s been an impressive in- per 100 possessions with Prit- ter he scored a career-high 20
R The No. 1 seed holds consid- season turnaround by the first- chard on the court, trailing only points Monday and played along. Utah at BOSTON 7:30 Phoenix at Minnesota 8

erable value, obviously, because it year coach. Jayson Tatum and Horford among Then Williams came to his press Atlanta at Detroit 7 Orlando at Okla. City 8
Sacramento at Indiana 7 Houston at Dallas 8:30
results in home-court advantage R Al Horford played in just 28 Boston’s regular rotation players. conference with a list of Marvel
New York at Charlotte 7 Philadelphia at LA Lakers 10
throughout the conference play- games in his lone season with the R If this Celtics run is derailed, characters he associated with
Brooklyn at Memphis 7:30 San Antonio at Portland 10
offs. But this strange year of inju- Thunder, but there is clearly mu- health issues likely will play a role. each Celtics player and Udoka,
Golden St. at Miami 7:30
ries and COVID-related absences tual respect and admiration be- So the Celtics are probably hold- even including two-way contract
has made the true hierarchy less tween him and the organization. ing their breath after Robert Wil- player Matt Ryan on his list.
BOSTON 132 at Okla. City 123 At Brooklyn 114 Utah 106
clear. So look for teams at the top Horford received a hearty ovation liams’s latest knee tendinitis flare- Yes, Batman was sort of lame,
LA Lakers 131 at Cleveland 120 At Chicago 113 Toronto 99
to do all they can to avoid a poten- when he was introduced prior to up. but the camaraderie can’t hurt.
Portland 119 at Detroit 115 At Houston 115 Washington 97
tial first-round matchup against Monday’s game in Oklahoma City, Williams has battled the ail-
At Charlotte 106 New Orleans 103 At Dallas 110 Minnesota 108
the Nets. and nearly an hour after the final ment for much of this year but Adam Himmelsbach can be
At Philadelphia 113 Miami 106
The problem is that Brooklyn’s buzzer, Thunder coach Mark had had no issues recently. The reached at
final position will probably not be Daigneault was searching for Hor- fact it was agitated by an awkward
known when the regular season ford in the bowels of the arena to landing after jumping for an alley- Follow him on Twitter MAGIC 94, WARRIORS 90 BUCKS 126, BULLS 98
ends. It will almost certainly be in say hello. oop is slightly concerning. Udoka, @adamhimmelsbach. GOLDEN STATE CHICAGO
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
Green ....... 20 2-4 0-0 0-6 0 1 4

Good reason to have high hopes for Celtics

Green ....... 29 1-3 0-0 0-3 7 3 2
Wiggins.... 36 5-19 1-2 3-8 0 3 13 DeRozan .. 36 10-23 0-0 1-4 2 3 21
Looney ..... 12 2-3 1-2 1-4 1 2 5 Vucevic.... 32 9-15 0-0 1-7 2 2 22
Thompsn . 32 6-15 1-1 0-2 3 3 15 Caruso ..... 30 1-5 0-2 1-5 6 1 3
LaVine...... 34 6-16 5-6 0-3 7 1 21
Poole ........ 40 9-23 3-3 0-2 6 2 26
Dosunmu . 27 3-8 0-0 0-0 1 0 7
Chiozza...... 4 0-1 0-0 0-0 1 0 0 White ....... 23 2-10 0-0 0-0 2 1 5
Porter Jr... 26 5-8 2-2 5-15 1 1 14 Williams... 18 2-6 1-3 1-4 1 1 6
Payton II.... 6 0-2 0-0 3-4 0 1 0 T.Tmpsn... 16 2-3 1-2 1-4 0 1 5
Bjelica ...... 14 0-1 1-2 0-4 1 2 1
uGASPER Kuminga .. 20 6-8 2-4 0-5 1 5 14
Brown Jr. ... 4 2-2 0-0 0-0 0 1
Totals .. ..... 39-92 7-13 5-33 21 12 98

Continued from Page C1 Lee............ 16 0-2 0-0 0-1 0 1 0 FG%: .424, FT%: .538. 3-pt. goals: 13-33,
Moody........ 5 0-0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 .394 (Green 0-2, DeRozan 1-5, Vucevic 4-5,
extended Green Line. With the Celtics’ sublime Totals .. ..... 34-85 11-16 12-48 21 23 90 Caruso 1-3, LaVine 4-7, Dosunmu 1-3, White
FG%: .400, FT%: .688. 3-pt. goals: 11-32, 1-6, Williams 1-2). Team rebounds: 5. Team
play come greater stakes and greater expecta- .344 (Wiggins 2-6, Thompson 2-7, Poole 5-13, turnovers: 7 (11 pts.). Blocks: 4 (Green 2,
tions, even if perpetually positive fans don’t Chiozza 0-1, Porter Jr. 2-3, Lee 0-2). Team re- DeRozan, Brown Jr.). Turnovers: 7 (DeRozan,
Vucevic, Caruso 2, LaVine 2, White). Steals: 9
bounds: 7. Team turnovers: 18 (12 pts.).
want to accept them, viewing every situation as Blocks: 3 (Porter Jr., Bjelica 2). Turnovers: 18 (Green 2, DeRozan, Caruso, LaVine, White 2,
Williams, T.Thompson). Technicals: DeRo-
(Green, Wiggins, Thompson, Poole 4, Chiozza
a no-lose proposition. 2, Porter Jr. 2, Payton II, Bjelica 3, Kuminga 2,
zan, 8:40/4th, T.Thompson, 2:54/4th.
The Boston basketball buzz saw carved up Moody). Steals: 6 (Green 2, Wiggins, Thomp-
son 2, Lee).
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
the Thunder, 132-123, Monday night to slice ORLANDO Matthws .. 24 4-8 1-2 1-2 2 0 11
through the Western swing a perfect 4-0. The Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
G.Antkpo.. 30 9-12
Lopez........ 24 4-9
6-9 1-17 5 3 25
0-0 2-6 2 2 10
Celtics’ rebirth after a 25-25 start has seen F.Wagner . 30 6-9 6-6 0-0 3 1 18 Allen ......... 23 5-7 0-0 0-2 2 1 10
Carter Jr. . 33 7-12 4-5 2-8 0 4 19 Holiday .... 32 12-17 1-2 0-0 7 0 27
them win an astonishing 20 of 23 games and Bamba...... 23 2-7 2-4 1-7 3 2 7 Portis........ 22 3-6 0-0 0-9 1 2 6
Hampton . 28 2-6 0-0 0-3 5 2 5 Hill ............ 16 1-3 0-0 0-1 0 1 2
nine of 10 in March, a supposed schedule heat Anthony... 29 5-12 1-1 0-5 5 2 14 Connghtn. 23 4-8 3-3 0-5 3 1 14
Ibaka ........ 19 4-6 2-2 0-4 2 1 11
check. M.Wagnr.. 15 2-6 2-2 0-4 1 2 7
Carter....... 18 3-4 0-0 0-4 2 0 7
Fultz ......... 19 4-9 0-0 0-1 2 0 8
For this incredible and incredibly entertain- Harris ....... 20 3-8 0-0 1-2 1 0 8 T.Antkpo.... 4
Nwora ........ 4
1-3 0 0
0-0 0 1
Okeke....... 24 3-8 1-2 1-5 4 0 8
ing stretch of basketball to represent signifi- Schofield . 18 0-2 0-0 1-4 1 1 0
Totals .. ..... 50-82 14-20 5-53 26 12 126
FG%: .610, FT%: .700. 3-pt. goals: 12-28,
cant, meaningful, and sustainable big-picture Totals .. ..... 34-79 16-20 6-39 25 14 94
.429 (Matthews 2-4, G.Antetokounmpo 1-2,
FG%: .430, FT%: .800. 3-pt. goals: 10-36,
Lopez 2-4, Holiday 2-5, Portis 0-1, Hill 0-2,
progress, the Celtics have to progress in the .278 (F.Wagner 0-1, Carter Jr. 1-4, Bamba 1-4, Connaughton 3-7, Ibaka 1-2, Carter 1-1).
Hampton 1-4, Anthony 3-6, M.Wagner 1-4,
playoffs. Harris 2-5, Okeke 1-6, Schofield 0-2). Team
Team rebounds: 6. Team turnovers: 15 (14
pts.). Blocks: 6 (G.Antetokounmpo 3, Lopez 2,
The Eastern Conference is loaded, so there’s rebounds: 11. Team turnovers: 14 (18 pts.). Ibaka). Turnovers: 14 (G.Antetokounmpo 9,
Blocks: 6 (F.Wagner, Bamba 2, M.Wagner, Lopez 2, Portis, Hill, Carter). Steals: 4 (G.An-
no shame in failing to get out of the East or los- Okeke, Schofield). Turnovers: 13 (F.Wagner, tetokounmpo, Holiday, Portis, Hill). Techni-
Carter Jr. 2, Bamba 4, Fultz 2, Harris, Okeke 2, cals: Ibaka, 2:54/4th.
ing a round before the conference finals, but Schofield). Steals: 9 (F.Wagner 2, Hampton 3, Chicago.......................20 23 26 29 — 98
there should be disappointment if all those nif- Harris 3, Okeke). Technicals: def. 3-second, Milwaukee .................33 26 32 35 — 126
11:16/3rd, team, 2:33/3rd. A — 17,983 (17,500). T — 2:00. Officials —
ty numbers and stats bandied about ordaining Golden State..............17 21 36 16 — 90 John Goble, Curtis Blair, JT Orr.
Orlando.......................25 21 19 29 — 94
the Celtics the best team in the NBA matter. A — 17,164 (18,500). T — 2:19. Officials — LEADERS
Nate Silver’s online analytics oracle Fiv- Tony Brothers, Jacyn Goble, Derek Richard-
Not including yesterday’s games
eThirtyEight gives the Celtics the best chance SCORING
of making the NBA Finals (43 percent) and HAWKS 117, KNICKS 111 Embiid, PHI...................544 564 1730 29.8
James, LAL....................613 241 1618 30.0
winning the championship (28 percent). ATLANTA Antetokunmpo, MIL ....600 492 1758 29.8
The Celtics are 22-14 against teams that are Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
Doncic, DAL ..................548 300 1563
Young, ATL ...................601 422 1816
.500 or better, the best in the East. Their net Gallinari ... 30 4-11 1-1 2-10 3 0 10 DeRozan, CHI ...............680 456 1859 27.7
Hunter...... 32 4-9 1-2 0-5 2 2 10 Morant, MEM ...............573 311 1543 27.6
rating in their last 23 games is a gaudy 14.9; Capela...... 29 1-1 0-0 1-6 2 2 2 Tatum, BOS ..................643 368 1863 27.0
Huerter .... 34 5-9 2-2 1-8 4 4 14 Jokic, DEN .....................646 310 1696 26.1
the next-highest one belongs to the Suns, own- Young....... 40 13-25 12-14 0-1 8 0 45 Booker, PHX .................579 260 1582 25.9
Mitchell, UTA................546 226 1532 26.0
ers of the NBA’s best record, at a meager 9.4. Bogdnvic . 34 11-20 6-6 1-4 3 4 32
Curry, GSW...................535 275 1630 25.5
Wright...... 17 1-4 0-0 1-1 2 1 2
Boston boasts the NBA’s best defense for the Okongwu . 19 1-2 0-2 4-7 0 4 2
Towns, MIN ..................574 357 1641
LaVine, CHI...................500 262 1425
L-Cabarrt ... 5 0-0 0-0 0-1 2 1 0
entire season with a rating of 105.8. Totals .. ..... 40-81 22-27 10-43 26 18 117
G.-Alexander, OKC ......477 328 1371 24.5
Fox, SAC........................516 261 1367 23.2
Yes, the Celtics are still a young team. MVP FG%: .494, FT%: .815. 3-pt. goals: 15-36, Brown, BOS ..................495 212 1345 23.2
.417 (Gallinari 1-6, Hunter 1-2, Huerter 2-3, Ingram, NOP.................421 226 1140 22.8
candidate Jayson Tatum just turned 24 this Young 7-15, Bogdanovic 4-10). Team re- Harden, PHI..................356 398 1236 22.5
bounds: 5. Team turnovers: 14 (25 pts.). McCollum, NOP ...........454 92 1157 22.3
month. Running mate Jaylen Brown is only 25. Blocks: 5 (Hunter, Capela, Huerter 2, Okong- REBOUNDS
Rim-rocking and rim-protecting center Robert wu). Turnovers: 14 (Gallinari, Hunter 2, Off. Def. Tot. Avg.
DAVID ZALUBOWSKI/ASSOCIATED PRESS Huerter 5, Young 4, Bogdanovic, Okongwu). Gobert, UTA ...................208 621 829 14.5
Williams is 24. But if you’re going to brag about Steals: 7 (Hunter, Huerter, Young, Bog- Jokic, DEN.......................182 703 885 13.6
danovic 3, Okongwu). Sabonis, SAC..................201 551 752 12.1
what they’re doing in the regular season with- At just 24, Robert Williams (right, with Al Horford) has become one of the fiercest NEW YORK Capela, ATL....................237 512 749 11.9
out regard to their age, it can’t be a built-in ex- around-the-rim defenders in the NBA, averaging 9.6 rebounds and 2.2 blocks. FG FT Reb Antetokounmpo, MIL....116 563 679
Valanciunas, NOP .........204 556 760
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
cuse if they falter in the playoffs. Toppin...... 24 5-7 0-0 2-7 3 5 10 Vucevic, CHI...................127 592 719 11.4
Embiid, PHI.....................119 539 658 11.3
Barrett ..... 42 9-25 11-17 3-13 3 2 30
We’re beyond that point with a team that During their 23-game high hoops renais- Williams drew from the Marvel Cinematic Robinson . 35 4-6 1-6 5-6 0 4 9
Nurkic, POR....................167 452 619 11.1
Allen, CLE .......................192 410 602 10.8
has advanced to three of the last five Eastern sance, the Celtics’ offense rating is 119.2, trail- Universe, even though he and all comic book Fournier ... 26 4-11 0-0 0-1 4 1 11 Carter Jr., ORL ...............136 492 628 10.5
Burks........ 36 9-16 0-0 1-1 4 5 21 Wood, HOU.....................110 549 659 10.1
Conference Finals, and features a core in Tat- ing only the Bucks and Timberwolves, tied for fans know Batman is a DC Comics character. It Quickley... 25 6-11 2-3 0-5 2 0 17 Randle, NYK ...................121 570 691 10.0
Grimes ..... 12 1-3 0-0 0-2 2 1 3
um, Brown, and Marcus Smart that has pow- the top spot at 119.8 points per 100 posses- was the best Celtics crossover of the season. J.Sims....... 13 1-1 0-0 1-1 1 1 2
Ayton, PHX.....................128 381 509
Adams, MEM..................314 359 673
ered them to two of the last four. sions. The league leader for the season is the Williams also proved wise when evaluating McBride ..... 8 1-1 0-0 0-0 1 2 3 ASSISTS
Gibson...... 20 2-5 0-0 2-5 0 2 5 G Tot. Avg.
We’re not even counting the Kyrie Irving Celtics’ next opponent, the Jazz, at 116.2. where his team stands. Totals .. ..... 42-86 14-26 14-41 20 23 111 Paul, PHX................................. 58 619 10.7
FG%: .488, FT%: .538. 3-pt. goals: 13-34, Young, ATL .............................. 65 617 9.5
Sabotage Season when the Celtics were dubbed Tatum, author of three straight 30-point “Proving ourselves right . . . just proving to .382 (Toppin 0-1, Barrett 1-7, Fournier 3-9, Murray, SAS ............................ 63 586 9.3
the East Coast Warriors and hailed as clear games, has been otherworldly since the Celtics ourselves that we can compete with the best Burks 3-7, Quickley 3-5, Grimes 1-3, McBride Harden, PHI............................. 55 562
Haliburton, IND....................... 67 525
1-1, Gibson 1-1). Team rebounds: 13. Team
conference favorites before immolating in a suffered an embarrassing home loss to the de- teams, the worst teams, anyone in the league,” turnovers: 14 (22 pts.). Blocks: 4 (Robinson Jokic, DEN ................................ 65 520 8.0
4). Turnovers: 13 (Toppin 2, Barrett 5, Robin- Westbrook, LAL ...................... 71 508 7.2
bonfire of egos. pleted Trail Blazers Jan. 21, the last time their said Williams, when asked what the team has son 2, Fournier, Burks, Quickley 2). Steals: 12
Garland, CLE............................ 58 500 8.6
Ball, CHA.................................. 65 480 7.4
Some Celtics supporters, media members record dipped below .500. learned. “It’s just a matter of maintaining con- (Toppin, Barrett 2, Robinson 3, Fournier,
Doncic, DAL ............................. 56 479 8.6
Burks 3, Grimes 2). Lowry, MIA .............................. 55 424 7.7
(hi, Felger), and team personnel don’t want to The next game, he produced a 51-point out- sistency and not riding the highs and the lows.” Atlanta........................30 34 23 30 — 117 Russell, MIN ............................ 58 412 7.1
New York ...................34 24 31 22 — 111
hear this. It harshes their green mellow. It’s al- burst against the Wizards. That commenced a The Celtics are on the highest of highs right A — 19,812 (19,763). T — 2:20. Officials —
Curry, GSW.............................. 64 404
Holiday, MIL ............................ 58 387
ways sunny at the Auerbach Center. torrid 26-game span in which Tatum has aver- now. Assigning expectations to that should Kane Fitzgerald, JB DeRosa, Leon Wood. VanVleet, TOR......................... 58 393 6.8

They’ll tell you you’re wrong for favoring aged 29.9 points, 7.6 rebounds, and 5 assists make it more meaningful and enjoyable, not
virtually any team in the East over the Celtics while shooting 50 percent from the field and less.
in a playoff series, but then say you can’t use 40.5 percent from 3-point range. The context of this organization is, like the Jazz thumbnails
the d-word (disappointing) if they lose to any of Fetishized hustle guy Smart is proving ev- MCU villain Thanos, inevitable. The Celtics
R When, where: Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., at TD Garden.
those teams. eryone, including the original Point God, Bob hang banners for one thing and one thing only, R TV, radio: NBCSB, WBZ-FM (98.5).
It’s like the zealot Patriot fan who predicts Cousy, wrong. championships. That’s the goal. That’s the R Scoring: Donovan Mitchell 26.0, Bojan Bogdanovic 18.1, Jordan
the team will go 12-5, but then picks them to There is so much to like about this Green standard. It always has been. It always will be. Clarkson 16.2.
R Rebounding: Rudy Gobert 14.5, Hassan Whiteside 7.7, Royce
win every week and is indignant if you don’t Team. They play an appealing brand of basket- Whether the Celtics reach that bar this year O’Neale 5.0.
too. ball, showcase young superstars, display per- or next year or two years from now is part of R Assists: Mitchell 5.4, Mike Conley 5.3, O’Neale 2.6.
What’s stopping the Celtics from breaking sonality, and they’re having fun. the journey — enjoy it — but that’s the only R Head to head: This is the second and final meeting. Utah won
the first, 137-130, Dec. 3 behind 27 3-pointers.
through to an NBA Finals? The highlight of this season was versatile long-term destination. R Miscellany: Utah had won three straight before Monday’s loss
With their stingy defense, they’re nearly un- and valuable forward Grant Williams, who like at Brooklyn . . . Bogdanovic (calf) has missed the last five games
. . . Gobert leads the NBA in rebounding and is second in blocks
beatable when they execute with the offensive George Costanza of “Seinfeld” fame is trying to Christopher L. Gasper is a Globe columnist. He (2.2) . . . The Jazz shoot the second-most 3-pointers per game
efficiency and potency they’ve displayed re- coin his own nickname (Batman), listing off su- can be reached at (40.6) . . . Clarkson is averaging 23.5 points over his last six
cently. The Celtics have scored 110 points or perhero sobriquets for his teammates after Follow him on games.
more in eight of their 10 games this month. beating the Thunder. Twitter @cgasper.
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Sports C5

St. Louis..............................2 2 1 — 5
Washington .......................2 0 0 — 2
First period — 1. Washington, Kuznetsov 22
(Carlson, Wilson), 8:22 (pp). 2. St. Louis, Saad
19, 11:48. 3. Washington, Wilson 19 (Mantha),
13:01. 4. St. Louis, O'Reilly 14 (Saad, Perron),
17:15 (pp). Penalties — Bortuzzo, StL (cross
EASTERN CONFERENCE check), 8:10. Kempny, Was (interference),
ATLANTIC GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA Second period — 5. St. Louis, Walker 5
(Schenn, Parayko), 10:31. 6. St. Louis, Schenn
Florida 62 42 14 6 90 40 254 180 18 (Kyrou, Buchnevich), 17:13. Penalties —
Tampa Bay 62 39 17 6 84 37 207 177 Bortuzzo, StL (cross check), 1:05. Toropchen-
Toronto 62 39 18 5 83 37 229 189 ko, StL (tripping), 1:05. Hathaway, Was
(roughing), 1:05. Kempny, Was (tripping),
METROPOLITAN GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA 8:00. Mantha, Was (holding stick), 12:31.
Faulk, StL (roughing), 17:44. Mantha, Was
Carolina 63 42 15 6 90 41 206 150 (roughing), 17:44.
Pittsburgh 64 39 16 9 87 36 210 168 Third period — 7. St. Louis, Perron 22
(Schenn), 19:31 (en). Penalties — Wilson,
NY Rangers 64 40 19 5 85 36 193 167 Was (cross check), 10:52.
Shots on goal — St. Louis 15-10-13 — 38.
WILD-CARD GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA Washington 13-4-4 — 21.
Power plays — St. Louis 1-4; Washington
Boston 63 39 19 5 83 37 191 169 1-2.
Washington 65 35 20 10 80 31 216 185 Goalies — St. Louis, Husso 16-5-4 (21 shots-
19 saves). Washington, Vanecek 16-9-5 (37
Columbus 64 32 29 3 67 28 211 239 shots-33 saves).
NY Islanders 61 27 25 9 63 26 165 166 Referees — Chris Schlenker, Kevin Pollock.
Linesmen — James Tobias, Andrew Smith.
Detroit 63 26 30 7 59 23 184 235 A — 18,573 (18,398). T — 2:18.
Buffalo 63 22 33 8 52 20 167 220
New Jersey 63 23 35 5 51 21 195 230 HURRICANES 3, LIGHTNING 2
Philadelphia 63 20 32 11 51 20 159 220
Ottawa 63 22 36 5 49 21 162 207 Tampa Bay.........................0 1 1 — 2
Carolina ..............................0 2 1 — 3
Montreal 63 17 36 10 44 15 160 238 First period — None. Penalties — DeAngelo,
Car (cross check), 16:38.
WESTERN CONFERENCE Second period — 1. Carolina, Necas 10
(Bear, Jarvis), 6:56 (pp). 2. Tampa Bay, Paul
CENTRAL GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA 12 (Colton), 9:39. 3. Carolina, DeAngelo 10
(Svechnikov, Teravainen), 13:55 (pp). Penal-
Colorado 63 45 13 5 95 42 244 175 ties — , TB, served by Perry (too many men
on ice), 5:15. Stamkos, TB (slashing), 12:39.
St. Louis 62 35 18 9 79 33 222 175 Cole, Car (roughing), 19:47. Cole, Car, served
Minnesota 61 37 20 4 78 32 228 196 by Niederreiter (holding), 19:47. Cirelli, TB
(roughing), 19:47.
PACIFIC GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA Third period — 4. Carolina, Aho 28 (Jarvis,
Slavin), 8:07. 5. Tampa Bay, Killorn 19 (Hed-
Calgary 63 38 17 8 84 36 218 153 man, Kucherov), 19:00. Penalties —
*Los Angeles 64 34 22 8 76 31 182 181 Kucherov, TB (holding), 1:01. Sergachev, TB
Edmonton 64 35 24 5 75 32 217 204 (roughing), 17:19. Staal, Car (cross check),
17:19. Kucherov, TB (interference), 19:34.
WILD-CARD GP W L OL Pts. ROW GF GA Shots on goal — Tampa Bay 10-9-10 — 29.
Carolina 7-20-14 — 41.
*Nashville 63 37 22 4 78 35 210 178 Power plays — Tampa Bay 0-2; Carolina
Dallas 62 35 24 3 73 32 184 185 Goalies — Tampa Bay, Vasilevskiy 32-13-4
Vegas 66 34 28 4 72 30 205 201 (41 shots-38 saves). Carolina, Andersen 31-
10-2 (29 shots-27 saves).
Winnipeg 64 30 24 10 70 29 201 198 Referees — Marc Joannette, Dan O'Rourke. FILE/MADDIE MEYER/GETTY IMAGES
Vancouver 64 30 26 8 68 27 183 186 Linesmen — Ryan Gibbons, Libor Suchanek.
Anaheim 65 27 27 11 65 23 186 210 A — 16,783 (18,680). T — 2:42.
Bruins GM Don Sweeney said he wasn’t concerned with Patrice Bergeron’s future at the trade deadline.
San Jose 63 28 27 8 64 26 167 198
Chicago 63 22 32 9 53 19 167 219

What is the plan for Bergeron?

*Arizona 62 20 38 4 44 19 162 224 Ottawa................................0 0 0 — 0
*Seattle 63 19 38 6 44 17 164 226 NY Islanders ......................0 0 3 — 3
* — Not including late game; ROW — Regulation plus overtime wins First period — None. Penalties — Holden,
Ott (slashing), 4:34. Tkachuk, Ott (interfer-
TUESDAY’S RESULTS ence on the goaltender), 7:55. Dobson, NYI
(holding stick), 16:00.
At New Jersey 7 NY Rangers 4 At Winnipeg 4 Vegas 0 Second period — None. Penalties —
Cizikas, NYI (cross check), 10:54.
At Pittsburgh 5 Columbus 1 At Dallas 5 Edmonton 3 Third period — 1. NY Islanders, Mayfield 3
(Nelson, Lee), 9:49. 2. NY Islanders, Lee 24 uON HOCKEY If Bergeron is a goner, Sweeney For Sweeney not to be assessing
St. Louis 5 at Washington 2 San Jose 4 at Calgary 3 (Cizikas, Nelson), 17:25. 3. NY Islanders, Continued from Page C1
Parise 9 (Nelson, Mayfield), 19:14 (en). Penal- well knows the course to a Stanley things through a “With Bergy” or
At Carolina 3 Tampa Bay 2 Seattle at Arizona
ties — None. words of Bruins goaltending great Cup for the Bruins moves from an “Without Bergy” prism could be the
At NY Islanders 3 Ottawa 0 Nashville at Los Angeles Shots on goal — Ottawa 13-5-6 — 24. NY Is-

At Detroit 6 Philadelphia 3
landers 8-7-12 — 27. Gerry Cheevers, tutti finooti? What ever-tricky par-3 track to one with GM’s way of saying that he knows
Power plays — Ottawa 0-2; NY Islanders
WEDNESDAY’S GAMES 0-2. if he soon informs Sweeney et al that 18 holes of Amen Corners covered deep down that his elite pivot is
Goalies — Ottawa, Forsberg 14-13-2 (26
shots-24 saves). NY Islanders, Varlamov 6- he’s had enough, that his head and ankle-deep with goose muck. coming back. Or perhaps Bergeron
New Jersey at Toronto 7 Vancouver at Colorado 9:30 12-2 (24 shots-24 saves).
Pittsburgh at Buffalo 7:30 Chicago at Anaheim 10 Referees — Beau Halkidis, Chris Rooney. heart are full up on pucks, that he’s Which is also to say he absolutely already has told him that he intends
Linesmen — Caleb Apperson, Matt MacPher-
grateful still to enjoy reasonably had to be thinking about the pros- to return.
A — 15,856 (17,113). T — 2:17. good health and a sharp, sound pect of Bergeron’s departure as he So I asked, any gut read on what
Boston 3 at Montreal 2 (OT) At Colorado 3 Edmonton 2 (OT)
At Minnesota 3 Vegas 0 Nashville 6 at Anaheim 3 RED WINGS 6, FLYERS 3 mind and, well . . . he has a life to assessed his roster Monday morn- Bergeron will do?
catch and he’s outta here? ing, Monday afternoon, and then as “Spidey sense doesn’t exist for
Philadelphia.......................0 2 1 — 3
Detroit.................................2 2 2 — 6 Not a pleasant thought, is it? he drove home Monday night, hav- me,” Sweeney said. “That’s only for
PENGUINS 5, BLUE JACKETS 1 DEVILS 7, RANGERS 4 First period — 1. Detroit, Veleno 7 (Smith,
Hronek), 5:17. 2. Detroit, Vrana 4 (Suter, Ber- It is also one, quite surprisingly, ing said before he left Warrior Ice Patrice to make that declaration, not
tuzzi), 9:15. Penalties — Smith, Det (slash-
Columbus...........................1 0 0 — 1 NY Rangers........................2 0 2 — 4 ing), 14:47. that Sweeney said Monday he did Arena that he regretted not swing- me.”
Pittsburgh..........................0 4 1 — 5 New Jersey........................0 5 2 — 7
First period — 1. Columbus, Nyquist 16 First period — 1. NY Rangers, Zibanejad 26
Second period — 3. Detroit, Raymond 20
(Larkin, Lindstrom), 1:07. 4. Philadelphia,
not entertain as he made his trade ing a deal to add depth to his for- Well, there we go, the NHL fran-
(Werenski, Voracek), 8:37 (pp). Penalties — (Kreider, Lafreniere), 7:10. 2. NY Rangers,
Carlsson, Cls (interference), 4:44. Matheson, Fox 10 (Zibanejad, Copp), 13:55. Penalties —
Farabee 13 (Hayes, Konecny), 1:32. 5. Phila- calls in recent days, specifically as he wards. chise Charles Adams landed here in
delphia, Lindblom 11 (Konecny, Hayes), 7:56.
Pit, double minor (hi stick), 7:27. Danforth,
Cls (holding), 19:36.
Zibanejad, NYR (hi stick), 9:53.
Second period — 3. New Jersey, Graves 6
6. Detroit, Vrana 5 (Larkin, Bertuzzi), 18:51. addressed his club’s needs at for- If he truly wasn’t factoring in the 1924 is not running on Spider-Man’s
Penalties — None.
Second period — 2. Pittsburgh, Zohorna 2 (Bratt), 7:12. 4. New Jersey, Subban 5 (Johns- Third period — 7. Philadelphia, van Riems- ward in the closing hours of the “Bergeron Factor,” then something magical powers. Huge relief. But,
(Boyle, Ruhwedel), 2:40. 3. Pittsburgh, son, Smith), 8:30. 5. New Jersey, Mercer 16 dyk 15 (Atkinson, Farabee), 11:23. 8. Detroit,
Guentzel 30 (Crosby, Rodrigues), 3:16. 4. (Graves), 12:40. 6. New Jersey, Tatar 12 (Sev- Sundqvist 5 (Suter, Hronek), 17:09 (en). 9. De- deadline. just ain’t right. geez Robin, gas up the Batmobile,
Pittsburgh, Rust 21 (Malkin, Dumoulin), 7:28. erson, Bratt), 13:13. 7. New Jersey, Sharan- troit, Bertuzzi 25 (Sundqvist, Staal), 18:49
5. Pittsburgh, Guentzel 31 (Crosby, govich 16 (Hischier, Hamilton), 18:07. Penal- (en). Penalties — MacEwen, Phi, major (fight-
“I haven’ t really given much “That’s his decision — he’s the on- because this could be a long, rough
Matheson), 14:06. Penalties — None. ties — Reaves, NYR (slashing), 13:32.
Third period — 6. Pittsburgh, Malkin 12 Third period — 8. NY Rangers, Strome 15
ing), 6:10. Smith, Det, major (fighting), 6:10.
Lindstrom, Det (tripping), 6:36. MacEwen,
thought about the Patrice factor,” ly one that can have a timeline on it,” ride if Bergeron is about to say
(Rust, Crosby), 8:54 (pp). Penalties — Zohor- (Panarin, Lindgren), 3:46. 9. New Jersey,
na, Pit (interference), 1:22. Bean, Cls (trip- Hughes 20 (Hischier), 9:36 (pp). 10. New Jer-
Phi, major (fighting), 18:51. Smith, Det, major said Sweeney, who in May will cele- Sweeney said. “I’ve never asked him adieu.
(fighting), 18:51.
ping), 7:44. Peeke, Cls (tripping), 8:50. Mal-
kin, Pit (roughing), 13:24.
sey, Hughes 21 (Sharangovich, Subban),
10:46. 11. NY Rangers, Kreider 42 (Copp,
Shots on goal — Philadelphia 7-10-16 — 33. brate his seventh anniversary as the since he made his statement since “He’s pretty invested,” Sweeney
Detroit 8-10-13 — 31.
Shots on goal — Columbus 7-7-13 — 27.
Pittsburgh 12-20-5 — 37.
Fox), 14:56 (pp). Penalties — Strome, NYR
(roughing), 7:53. Vesey, NJ (hooking), 14:32.
Power plays — Philadelphia 0-2; Detroit one who occupies the Black-and- the first of the year. I just take my said. “And I think that being excited
Power plays — Columbus 1-4; Pittsburgh Shots on goal — NY Rangers 14-9-12 — 35.
Goalies — Philadelphia, Hart 13-20-7 (29 Gold corner office on Causeway cues from how he’s doing and how about adding a player to our hockey
1-4. New Jersey 11-13-7 — 31.
Goalies — Columbus, Korpisalo 7-11-0 (37 Power plays — NY Rangers 1-1; New Jer- shots-25 saves). Detroit, Nedeljkovic 17-19-6
(33 shots-30 saves).
Street. “My job is to put together the invested he is.” club like Hampus [Lindholm], and
shots-32 saves). Pittsburgh, Jarry 32-12-6 (27 sey 1-3.
shots-26 saves). Goalies — NY Rangers, Georgiev 9-9-2 (7 Referees — Ian Walsh, Francois St.Laurent.
Linesmen — Steve Barton, Devin Berg.
best team I possibly can.” For those catching up, Bergeron the long term . . . hopefully it sends
Referees — TJ Luxmore, Pierre Lambert. shots-5 saves). NY Rangers, Shesterkin 30-
Linesmen — Mitch Hunt, Derek Nansen. 9-3 (24 shots-19 saves). New Jersey, Daws 7- A — 15,521 (20,000). T — 2:30. Amen and hockey hallelujah to is playing on an expiring contract, the right message, not just to your
A — 18,196 (18,087). T — 2:22. 6-0 (35 shots-31 saves).
Referees — Eric Furlatt, Jake Brenk. Lines- SHARKS 4, FLAMES 3 that. No one who has watched him the eight-year, $55 million deal he club, but obviously to one of the im-
STARS 5, OILERS 3 men — CJ Murray, Brad Kovachik.
A — 16,514 (17,625). T — 2:25.
on the GM job would question signed in July 2013 when Peter portant players in the history of the
San Jose .............................1 1 2 — 4
Edmonton ..........................1 0 2 — 3 Calgary ...............................2 1 0 — 3 Sweeney’s attention to detail, his de- Chiarelli was GM and Sweeney his organization.”
Dallas..................................0 2 3 — 5 JETS 4, GOLDEN KNIGHTS 0 First period — 1. Calgary, Gaudreau 29
votion to due diligence. lieutenant. The agent who negotiat- So no doubt Sweeney gets
First period — 1. Edmonton, Yamamoto 17 (Tkachuk, Lindholm), 4:17 (pp). 2. Calgary,
(Bouchard, McDavid), 16:31. Penalties — Vegas..................................0 0 0 — 0 Dube 8 (Tkachuk), 8:16. 3. San Jose, Vlasic 2,
14:54. Penalties — Meloche, SJ (slashing),
But something doesn’t ring quite ed that deal for Bergeron, Kent Bergeron’s importance, his stature.
Keith, Edm (tripping), 12:10. Winnipeg............................0 2 2 — 4
Second period — 2. Dallas, Robertson 31 First period — None. Penalties — Cotter, 3:52. Meier, SJ (boarding), 12:19. Markstrom, right there. Not much thought about Hughes, is now the GM of the Cana- It sounds as if the GM hopes the
(Benn, Lindell), 6:37. 3. Dallas, Pavelski 24 VGK (hooking), 13:27. Wheeler, Wpg (hook- Cgy, served by Tkachuk (slashing), 17:28.
(Klingberg, Hintz), 7:57 (pp). Penalties — ing), 14:28. Second period — 4. Calgary, Backlund 10 the Patrice factor? Huh? diens. Life and careers and rosters Lindholm acquisition is, in part, a
Sekera, Dal (hooking), 3:22. Nurse, Edm (in- Second period — 1. Winnipeg, Dubois 25 (Gaudreau), 4:08. 5. San Jose, Meier 27
terference), 7:41. Kassian, Edm (interfer- (Wheeler, Connor), 6:16 (pp). 2. Winnipeg, (Burns, Barabanov), 17:30. Penalties — Lucic, If Sweeney tried that play on the move on, the pace and twists of sell job, enough to keep Bergeron
Cgy (hooking), 8:51.
ence), 12:13. Klingberg, Dal (hooking), 19:07.
Third period — 4. Edmonton, Kane 14 (Mc-
Scheifele 24 (Ehlers, DeMelo), 15:14. Penal-
ties — Miromanov, VGK (holding), 5:38. Third period — 6. San Jose, Barabanov 10 ice, the ref would blow the whistle those decisions often capricious. here for another year, two, or three.
David, Ceci), 6:14. 5. Edmonton, Draisaitl 42
(Shore), 6:57. 6. Dallas, Hintz 26 (Klingberg,
Svechnikov, Wpg (slashing), 8:45.
Third period — 3. Winnipeg, Pionk 3 (Con-
(Hertl), 11:07. 7. San Jose, Couture 21
(Gregor, Chmelevski), 11:35. Penalties — Viel,
and point to the center-ice faceoff Bergeron has maintained, stead- We w i l l f i n d o u t s o o n w h a t
Robertson), 14:38. 7. Dallas, Gurianov 11 nor, Stastny), 11:06. 4. Winnipeg, Ehlers 19 SJ, served by Gadjovich (roughing), 6:17.
Gudbranson, Cgy (roughing), 6:17. Viel, SJ
dot, signaling for a penalty shot. fastly, that he’ll decide his future at Bergeron decides. We found out
(Seguin, Benn), 15:02. 8. Dallas, Seguin 19 (Scheifele, Wheeler), 13:51. Penalties — Pi-
(Pavelski), 19:41 (en). Penalties — Shore, onk, Wpg (hooking), 1:02. Dubois, Wpg (misconduct), 6:17. Correct, the GM’s job is to put to- season’s end, that out of loyalty and Monday that the roster decisions of
Edm (tripping), 4:47. Seguin, Dal (tripping), (cross check), 9:24. Patrick, VGK (cross Shots on goal — San Jose 14-10-14 — 38.
11:36. check), 9:24. Calgary 9-12-10 — 31. gether the best team possible, but al- respect “on both sides,” he wouldn’t today didn’t factor into what that to-
Shots on goal — Edmonton 9-11-5 — 25. Shots on goal — Vegas 17-12-13 — 42. Win- Power plays — San Jose 0-2; Calgary 1-2.
Dallas 7-11-10 — 28. nipeg 4-11-11 — 26. Goalies — San Jose, Kahkonen 12-8-3 (0 ways, like a good golfer, with an eye have interest in signing anywhere morrow may bring , or whom it
Power plays — Edmonton 0-3; Dallas 1-4. Power plays — Vegas 0-3; Winnipeg 1-2. shots-0 saves). San Jose, Reimer 17-13-6 (31
Goalies — Edmonton, Koskinen 23-10-3 (27 Goalies — Vegas, Thompson 3-4-0 (26 shots-28 saves). Calgary, Markstrom 29-12-7 on how the next shot will play, what other than here, the city where he might take away.
shots-23 saves). Dallas, Oettinger 22-10-1 (25
shots-22 saves).
shots-22 saves). Winnipeg, Hellebuyck 23-
22-9 (42 shots-42 saves).
(38 shots-34 saves).
Referees — Frederick L'Ecuyer, Kelly
the course will give and what it will launched his brilliant NHL career as
Referees — Gord Dwyer, Wes McCauley. Referees — Reid Anderson, Chris Lee. Sutherland. Linesmen — Travis Toomey, Ry- take away after that next shot, and an 18-year-old rookie in the fall of Kevin Paul Dupont can be reached
Linesmen — David Brisebois, Kiel Murchison. Linesmen — Mark Shewchyk, Vaughan Rody. an Daisy.
A — 18,532 (18,532). T — 2:28. A — 13,690 (15,294). T — 2:23. A — 15,594 (19,289). T — 2:29. the one after that. 2003. at


Hopkinton gallery tells race’s story through Globe’s pages

By Matt Pepin visual changes in the paper.” Vanderbilt football and soccer player
GLOBE STAFF Consideration also was given to the Sarah Fuller; US women’s national soc-
A story on the front page of the varying types of coverage of the Mara- cer team alum Kristine Lilly; Guinness
Globe on April 20, 1897, about the first thon, the other stories on the pages, world record-holder as youngest wom-
Boston Marathon proclaimed the race and the first time something appeared an to run 100 marathons Jocelyn Rivas;
“a great success” and predicted it would in coverage. and Verna Volker, founder of Native
be “an annual fixture of the same kind.” “The designs of the paper, the color Women Running.
Fifteen men ran the inaugural race, ones, are just so gorgeous,” Waldman
which began in Ashland and covered 25 said. “They are like artwork in and of it- Start times determined
miles to Boston. The next day’s Globe self, I think.” The Marathon will return to the fa-
was 12 pages, and also featured front- There also are panels within the pre- miliar waves-start format this year. The
page coverage of the opening day of sentation that add historical context to October race used a rolling start as part
baseball season and the capture of a things such as the frequent use in early of its COVID protocol to space out the
wanted man. coverage of racial and ethnic identifica- 20,000-athlete field, but that is not pos-
There have since been 124 more tion of non-white runners, the treat- sible with approximately 30,000 expect-
Boston Marathons, and in April, ap- ment of female runners, and the 2013 ed this year, BAA officials said.
proximately 30,000 runners are expect- bombing. Waldman has been pleased There will be an athletes village in
ed in Hopkinton to start the 126th race. with the reactions and impressions of Hopkinton, and proof of vaccination is
The Globe will have a team of journal- visitors so far. required.
ists throughout the course to chronicle “The biggest surprise for me is that Start times are: Men’s wheelchair,
the events in real time for its website I’ve seen many young people study it 9:02 a.m.; women’s wheelchair, 9:05
and for a newspaper the next day that really carefully,” Waldman said. a.m.; handcycle and duo participants,
will have multiple sections and be con- The town of Hopkinton is preparing for the 126th Boston Marathon, with 9:30 a.m.; professional men, 9:37 a.m.;
siderably more than 12 pages. a full field of 30,000 runners expected to toe the line on Patriots Day. Women’s honorary team professional women, 9:45 a.m.; para
More of the intertwined history of One theme the Boston Athletic Asso- athletics divisions, 9:50 a.m.; Wave 1,
the two Boston institutions is on dis- “It was very challenging to pore heavy, so my goal was to make it really ciation will be promoting is the 50th 10:00 a.m.; Wave 2, 10:25 a.m.; Wave 3,
play in a recently opened exhibit called though almost 250 images that we were enticing to people in spite of the fact anniversary of the first official women’s 10:50 a.m.; Wave 4, 11:15 a.m.
“Coverage: The Boston Marathon as Re- so kindly given to pluck out 29-30 and they weren’t looking at ‘beautiful art,’ ” division in 1972. To recognize those
ported by the Boston Globe” at the tell some kind of story, because there’s Waldman said. original eight finishers from 1972, the Celebrity watch
Hopkinton Center for the Arts through so many juicy things along the way,” Waldman said she and Dion took a BAA has named an honorary team of Among the celebrities BAA officials
April 23. said Kris Waldman, a former HCA di- number of approaches to winnowing eight women who will run April 18. said are planning to run are NASCAR
Located in the HCA’s Lotvin Family rector who co-produced the exhibit the coverage of 125 races to the final set Valerie Rogosheske, one of the eight driver Matt Kenseth, US women’s na-
Gallery, the presentation of large post- along with HCA volunteer Arthur Dion. of images. finishers in 1972, headlines the group, tional soccer team players Leslie Os-
er-sized Globe pages featuring Mara- The HCA usually has a Boston Mara- “The first time through, we made and will be joined by several family bourne and Heather O’Reilly, “The
thon coverage is not intended to be a thon-themed exhibit in the weeks prior notes about what popped out immedi- members. The other honorary athletes Bachelorette” contestant Zac Clark and
comprehensive history of the race, but to the race each April. “Coverage” was ately to us,” she said. “It might have are: Elite marathoner and advocate for “The Bachelor” star Matt James, Patri-
instead aims to show the progression of initially planned for 2020, but was de- been a moment in history that will nev- domestic violence awareness Mary ots radio voice Bob Socci; and bombing
both the Marathon and the Globe, layed by the pandemic. er be repeated, like the Notre Dame Ngugi; three-time wheelchair champi- survivor Adrianne Haslet, who will be
which is celebrating the 150th anniver- “It’s unusual, in an art gallery, to fire, or some news about World War II. on Manuela Schär; Paralympics swim- accompanied by Olympian Shalane
sary of its first edition in 1872. have these images that are so type- Other things that prompted us were the mer and triathlete Melissa Stockwell; Flanagan as her support runner.
C6 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2



3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27 3/28 3/29
(exh.) (exh.) (exh.) (exh.) (exh.) (exh.)
NCAA Div. 1 tourney 1:05 6:05 1:05 1:05 1:05 1:05
Thu., March 24 — Third round
Arkansas vs. Gonzaga, 7:09; Texas
Tech vs. Duke, 9:39. TB NYI TOR
EAST REGIONAL 7:00 12:30 7:00
Fri., March 25 — Third round
Saint Peter’s vs. Purdue, 7:09; North NESN NESN, NESN
Carolina vs. UCLA, 9:39.
Thu., March 24 — Third round
Michigan vs. Villanova, 7:29; Hous-
ton vs. Arizona, 9:59.
Fri., March 25 — Third round 7:30 6:00 7:30
Providence vs. Kansas, 7:29; Iowa
State vs. Miami, 9:59. NBCSB NBCSB NBCSB
Fri., March 25 — Third round
North Carolina vs. South Carolina, 7;
Creighton vs. Iowa State, 9:30.
Sat., March 26 — Third round
Tennessee vs. Louisville, 4; South
Dakota vs. Michigan, 6:30.
Fri., March 25 — Third round
Ohio State vs. Texas, 7; Maryland vs. Home games shaded For updated scores:
Stanford, 9:30.
BRIDGEPORT REGIONAL Radio: Red Sox, WEEI-FM 93.7 or WEEI-AM 850; Bruins, Celtics, and Revolution, WBZ-FM 98.5
Sat., March 26 — Third round
Notre Dame vs. N.C. State, 11:30a; In-
diana vs. UConn, 2.
Tue., March 22 — Quarterfinal 1 p.m. Tampa Bay at Atlanta MLB Sports Betting Line
St. Bonaventure 52................Virginia 51 College Basketball
Xavier 75............................ Vanderbilt 73 1 p.m. Minnesota at Boston NESN Wednesday
Wed., March 23 — Quarterfinal 4 p.m. Oakland at Chicago Cubs MLB Favorite Line Underdog
Wake Forest vs. Texas A&M, 7; At Texas A&M......2½ ........Wake Forest
Washington St. vs. BYU, 9. 9 p.m. Milwaukee at Cincinnati MLB At BYU...................3½ ...Washington St.
WOMEN At Fresno St........13 ..Youngstown St.
Thu., March 24 — Third round PRO BASKETBALL NBA
Houston vs. Alabama, 7; Boston Col- Wednesday
lege vs. Columbia, 7; Drexel vs. Seton 7:30 p.m. Brooklyn at Memphis ESPN Favorite Line Underdog
DENNY SIMMONS/EVANSVILLE COURIER & PRESS VIA AP Hall, 7; Vanderbilt vs. Middle Tenn., At Charlotte..........7 .............New York
7:30; Toledo vs. Marquette, 8; Drake vs. 7:30 p.m. Utah at Boston NBCSB At Indiana..............6 .........Sacramento
South Dakota St., 8; UCLA vs. Wyo- Atlanta...................6 .............At Detroit
Mitch Mascari (left) and Brian Wright-Kinsey of Bentley had their hands full in this battle. ming, 8:30; New Mexico vs. Oregon St., 10 p.m. Philadelphia at LA Lakers ESPN At Memphis..........2 ...............Brooklyn
10. At Miami...............8½ .......Golden State
MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL At Boston..............6½ ......................Utah
NCAA MEN’S DIVISION 2 ELITE EIGHT CBI tourney 5 p.m. CBI championship ESPN2
At Minnesota........1½ ................Phoenix
Orlando..................1 ........At Okla. City
Tue., March 22 — Semifinal At Dallas................8½ ................Houston
7 p.m. NIT: Wake Forest at Texas A&M ESPN2

Bentley comes up short

UNCW 80........................No. Colorado 64 San Antonio..........6½ ..........At Portland
Middle Tenn. 85....Abilene Christian 69 9 p.m. NIT: Washington State at BYU ESPN2 Philadelphia..........7 ........At LA Lakers
The Basketball Classic WOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Favorite Line Underdog Line
Southern Utah 82.......................UTEP 69 7 p.m. Div. 2 semi: Glenville vs. Grand Valley CBSSN At Toronto.......OFF New Jersey..... OFF
Pittsburgh.......-210 At Buffalo......+172
9:30 p.m. Div. 2 semi: W. Wash. vs. N. Georgia CBSSN At Colorado....-260 Vancouver.....+210
At Anaheim....-120 Chicago..........+100

Soccer GOLF

Falcons’ poor shooting,

2 p.m. PGA: WGC Dell Technologies Match Play Golf
and Jordan Mello-Klein added 10.
“We don’t play a lot of athletes like that who MLS
PRO HOCKEY Transactions
19 turnovers prove costly can stay in front of their men,” said Mello-Klein. SATURDAY’S GAMES
FC Cincinnati at Charlotte FC...............5
7:30 p.m. Pittsburgh at Buffalo
8 p.m. CHL/NHL Top Prospects Game
Baltimore (MLB): Signed P Tanner
Scott on a one-year contract. Reas-
“It usually loosens up as the game goes on. But Real Salt Lake at Sporting KC..............7 10 p.m. Chicago at Anaheim TNT signed P Ryan Hartman, RHPs Blaine
SUNDAY’S GAME Knight, Ofelky Peralta and Denyi reyes
By Matt Doherty that stayed throughout the whole game and Orlando City SC at Portland.................4 TENNIS to minor league camp.
Boston (MLB): Claimed P Kyle Tyler
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT they did a good job of preventing us from get- 11 a.m. Miami Open Tennis off waivers from Los Angeles Angels
NWSL and optioned him to Worcester (Tri-
NW Missouri State 61 The memorable ting the ball moving.” FRIDAY’S GAMES VOLLEYBALL ple-A East). Designated INF Hudson
Potts for assignment. Signed INF Chris-
postseason run by Bentley never led, but sliced the deficit to 32- Houston at Louisville........................7:30 8:30 p.m. Athletes Unlimited: Gold vs. Blue NESN+ tian Arroyo, 3B Rafael Devers, OF Alex
Bentley 43 the Bentley men’s 27 early in the second half. Northwest (32-5) re-
NJ/NY Gotham at Washington........7:30
Kansas City at Chicago....................8:30 (schedule subject to change)
Verdugo, P Nick Pivetta and P Josh
Taylor on one-year contracts.
SATURDAY’S GAMES Detroit (MLB): Optioned P Angel De
basketball team ended Tuesday in the Division 2 sponded with a 19-5 run over the next six min- OL Reign at Angel City..........................4
Orlando at North Carolina....................7
Jesus to Toledo (Triple-A East), P Elvin
Rodriguez to Erie (Double-A Northeast)
Elite Eight. utes to pull away. Portland at San Diego..........................10 and P Alex Faedo to Lakeland (Low-A
Southeast). Reassigned P Nivaldo Ro-
The fourth-seeded Falcons lost to fifth-seed- Trevor Hudgins, a first-team All-American, WORLD CUP QUALIFIERS
driguez to minor league camp.
Houston (MLB): Signed IF/OF Aled-
mys Diaz, RHPs Josh James, Phil Maton,
ed Northwest Missouri State, 61-43, in a nation- led the Bearcats with 24 points and Diego Ber- AFRICA Rafael Montero, Ryne Stanek and P
Framber Valdez on one-year contracts.
al quarterfinal at the Ford Center in Evansville, nard filled the stat sheet with 12 points, 13 re- Third Round

Ind. bounds, 5 steals, and 4 assists.

Fri., March 25 - Leg 1 of 2
Morocco at DR Congo...................11 am NBA G League MLB Preseason Kansas City (MLB): Signed OFs Ed-
ward Olivares, Kyle Isbel, INFs Maikel
Garcia, Nick Pratto, Emmanuel Rivera,
Tunisia at Mali.........................................1 TUESDAY'S RESULTS Standings Cs MJ Melendez, Sebastion Rivero,
Bentley finished 25-5. Northwest, the two- “I thought it showed today that they have a Algeria at Cameroon..............................1
Nigeria at Ghana................................3:30 College Park 136.....................Maine 127 GRAPEFRUIT LEAGUE RHP’s Ronald Bolanos, Jonathan Bow-
Sioux Falls 143.............Birmingham 129 W L Pct. GB lan, Dylan Coleman, Jonathan Heasley,
time defending national champion, will play couple players that we’re not going to see at our Senegal at Egypt............................... 3:30
Tue., March 29 - Leg 2 of 2 Texas 113..........................South Bay 112 Boston........................6 0 1.000 — Carlos Hernandez, Jackson Kowar, Joel
WEDNESDAY'S GAMES Payamps, Brady Singer, Collin Snider,
No. 8 Black Hills State, which beat top seed No- level in the Northeast,” said Lawson. Ghana at Nigeria.....................................1
Egypt at Senegal.....................................1 Stockton at Oklahoma City.................. 1
St. Louis.....................4
0 1.000
1 .800 1½
1 Josh Staumont, Domingo Tapia, Nate
Webb, Tyler Zuber, LHPs Jake Brentz,
Delaware at Capital City.......................7
va Southeastern, 77-67, in the Final Four Thurs- Despite the defeat, Lawson praised his team Cameroon at Algeria.........................3:30
DR Congo at Morocco...................... 3:30 Lakeland at Greensboro........................7
Atlanta .......................3
1 .750
1 .750
Kris Bubic, Daniel Lynch, Gabe Speier,
Daniel Tillo and Angel Zerpa on one-
day. for a terrific season, especially after sitting out Mali at Tunisia...................................3:30
NOTE: The five winners from the
Cleveland at Windy City........................8
Raptors at Wisconsin.............................8
Pittsburgh .................3 2 .600 2½ year contracts.
LA Dodgers (MLB): Signed OF Kevin
Baltimore...................2 2 .500 3
“I’m really proud of my team, but we ran into all of last year because of COVID-19. third round home-and-away matchups
will qualify for the 2022 World Cup.
Sioux Falls at Birmingham....................8
Austin at Agua Caliente......................10
Philadelphia..............2 2 .500 3 Pillar on a minor league contract.
Miami (MLB): Signed OF Jorge Soler
NY Mets.....................1 2 .333 3½ on a three-year contract. Signed P
a buzz saw today,” said Bentley coach Jay Law- Mello-Klein, Lawrence, and forward Pete ASIA
Third Round
Iowa at Santa Cruz...............................10
Detroit........................1 3 .250 4 Richard Bleier on a two-year contract.
NY Yankees...............1 3 .250 4 Minnesota (MLB): Signed SS Carlos
son. “As always, our guys fought as much as we Blust were graduate students who opted to re- Group A Motor City at Fort Wayne............11 am
Washington...............1 3 .250 4 Correa on a three-year contract.
MP W D L GF GA Pts. Salt Lake City at Agua Caliente.........10 NY Yankees (MLB): Optioned P Luis
Minnesota .................1 5 .167 5
could. Our struggles came on the offensive end, turn to Bentley for a fifth year offered by the Iran .................. 8 7 1 0 13 2 22 FRIDAY'S GAMES
Houston .....................0 3 .000 4½ Medina to Somerset (Double-A North-
South Korea ... 8 6 2 0 11 2 20 Cleveland at Delaware.......................... 7 east). Optioned OF Everson Pereira to
and a lot of that was attributed to their defense.” NCAA. The veteran unit helped lead the Falcons U.A.E. ............... 8 2 3 3 6 6 9
Lebanon .......... 8 1 3 4 5 8 6
Lakeland at Capital City........................7 Tampa Bay................0 4 .000 5
Hudson Valley (High-A East). Optioned
Motor City at Fort Wayne.....................7 CACTUS LEAGUE P Yoendrys Gomez to Tampa (Single-A
Bentley’s scoring output was its lowest of the to Northeast 10 regular-season and conference Iraq .................. 8 0 5 3 4 11 5
Syria ................ 8 0 2 6 5 15 2
Westchester at Greensboro................. 7 W L Pct. GB East). Signed INF/OF Miguel Andujar,
College Park at Windy City.................. 8 Kansas City...............3 0 1.000 ½ OF Joey Gallo, INFs Isiah Kiner-Falefa,
season. titles as well as the program’s first Elite Eight Group B Raptors at Wisconsin.............................8 Chi. White Sox..........5 1 .833 — Gleyber Torres, C Kyle Higashioka,
MP W D L GF GA Pts. Memphis at Texas.............................8:30 Milwaukee.................3 1 .750 1 RHPs Chad Green, Clay Holmes, Jona-
The Falcons uncharacteristically committed appearance since 2010. Saudi Arabia... 8 6 1 1 10 5 19 Stockton at Rio Grande Valley........8:30 Cleveland ..................3 1 .750 1
than Loaisiga, Jameson Taillon, LHPs
Jordan Montgomery and Wandy Peral-
Japan ............... 8 6 0 2 9 3 18 Austin at South Bay.............................10 Texas..........................2 1 .667 1½
19 turnovers and shot just 30.2 percent from “I’ve been at Bentley 37 years, and no other Australia ......... 8 4 3 1 15 6 15 Iowa at Santa Cruz...............................10 Chi. Cubs ...................3 2 .600 1½
ta on one-year contracts.
Oakland (MLB): Signed P Sean Ma-
Oman............... 8 2 2 4 8 10 8
the field as they struggled to create separation team has been a symbol of our program more China ............... 8 1 2 5 8 16 5
Lakeland at Capital City........................7
Cincinnati ..................3
LA Angels ..................3
2 .600 1½
2 .600 1½
naea, RHPs Frankie Montas, Lou Trivi-
no and OF Ramon Laureano on one-
Vietnam .......... 8 1 0 7 7 17 3
from an athletic Bearcats unit. than this team,” said Lawson. “I’m really, really NOTE: The top two teams in each
Long Island at Greensboro...................7
Oklahoma City at Sioux Falls...............8
Colorado....................3 3 .500 2 year contracts.
Philadelphia (MLB): Signed OF Nick
group will qualify for the 2022 World Oakland .....................1 2 .333 2½
Castellanos on a five-year contract.
Colton Lawrence led Bentley with 12 points proud of them.” Cup. The third-placed team in each
Stockton at Rio Grande Valley........8:30 Seattle........................1 3 .250 3 Signed P Jose Alvarado and 1B Rhys
group will play each other in a single Austin at Santa Cruz............................10 San Francisco...........1 3 .250 3 Hoskins on one-year contracts.
elimination match in the fourth round. MONDAY'S RESULTS San Diego..................1 4 .200 3½ Pittsburgh (MLB): Optioned OFs
Thu., March 24 - Matchday 9 of 10 Westchester 113......... Grand Rapids 94 Arizona ......................1 5 .167 4 Travis Swaggerty, Jack Sucinski and
Japan at Australia...................... 5:10 am Fort Wayne 100...............Long Island 80 LA Dodgers ...............0 3 .000 3½ INFs Tucupita Marcano and Liover
Iran at South Korea.........................7 am Memphis 128....Rio Grande V. 126 (OT) Peguero to Indianapolis (Triple-A

Syria at Lebanon..............................8 am Stockton 119...........................Austin 100 East). Reassigned INFs Ji-hwan Bae,
Boston 4..............................Tampa Bay 2 Nick Gonzales, Jared Triolo, RHPs Cody
Oman at Vietnam............................8 am
Atlanta 4...............................Minnesota 0 Bolton, Mike Burrows, Adrian Floren-
Saudi Arabia at China...................11 am
United Arab Emirates at Iraq...............1 Baltimore 10........................Pittsburgh 9 cio, Kyle Nicolas, Carmen Miodzinski,
Philadelphia 7............................Detroit 2 Quinn Priester, Tahnaj Thomas, OF
Tue., March 29 - Matchday 10 of 10
Vietnam at Japan....................... 6:35 am St. Louis 4....................................Miami 3 Matt Frazier and Cs Henry Davis, Cart-
Lebanon at Iran.......................... 7:30 am Toronto 9...........................NY Yankees 2 er Bins and Endy Rodriguez to minor
South Korea at U.A.E.................9:45 am Cincinnati 10......................LA Dodgers 8 league camp. Signed P Chris Stratton
on a one-year contract.
Iraq at Syria...........................................12 Kansas City 5...........................Oakland 3 St. Louis (MLB): Signed RHPs Jack
China at Oman......................................12 AHL
Top-ranked tennis star Barty, 25, retires
Cleveland 6...........................San Diego 1 Flaherty, Giovanny Gallegos, Jordan
Australia at Saudi Arabia......................2 Chi. Cubs 5.................................Seattle 5 Hicks, Dakota Hudson and Alex Reyes
Qualified for the World Cup: Qatar TUESDAY'S RESULTS Chi. White Sox 4.................Milwaukee 3 on one-year contracts. Optioned P
(host), Iran, South Korea. W-B/Scranton 5.......................Toronto 1 LA Angels 7............................ Colorado 4 Brandon Waddell to Memphis (Triple-A
EUROPE Chicago 3......................................Texas 1 Texas 4...................................... Arizona 1 East). Reassigned P Trent Baker, 1B
Second Round Grand Ontario NY Mets 2................................Houston 0 Luken Baker, INFs Delvin Perez, Jordan
Thu., March 24 - Play-off Semifinals San Jose Walker and C Pedro Pages to minor
WEDNESDAY'S GAMES league camp.
Bracket A San Diego
Austria at Wales................................3:45 Minnesota at Boston.........................1:05 San Francisco (MLB): Signed OF
World No. 1-ranked Ash Barty has announced 2019 and 2020 with a combined 26 sacks in 32 Ukraine at Scotland..............Postponed
Belleville at Laval....................................7
Pittsburgh at Detroit.........................1:05 Darin Ruf on a two-year contract.
Bracket B St. Louis at Houston..........................1:05 Signed C Curt Casali, P Dominic Leone
her retirement from tennis at the age of 25. Barty games, but he had a major back injury last sea- Czech Republic at Sweden..............3:45 Bridgeport at Utica.................................7 Tampa Bay at Atlanta...................... 1:05 and OF Mike Yastrzemski on one-year
Poland at Russia...........................Forfeit Cleveland at Syracuse...........................7 Toronto at Philadelphia....................1:05 contracts.
said in an emotional video posted Tuesday on so- son and appeared in only one games. The Packers Bracket C Lehigh Valley at Hershey......................7 Washington at Miami.......................1:05 Seattle (MLB): Signed RHPs Matt
Turkey at Portugal............................3:45 Springfield at Hartford..........................7 Brash, Joey Gerber, Logan Gilbert, Wy-
Arizona at San Francisco.................4:05
cial media: “I’m so happy and I’m so ready. I just released Smith last week. North Macedonia at Italy.................3:45 W-B/Scranton at Toronto.....................7 Chi. White Sox at Texas...................4:05
att Mills, Anthony Misiewicz, Yohan
Ramirez, Erik Swanson, Juan Then, Di-
Tue., March 29 - Play-off Finals Manitoba at Rockford............................8
know at the moment in my heart for me as a per- Cleveland at LA Dodgers.................4:05 ego Castillo, Paul Sewald, Drew Steck-

son this is right.” The announcement comes less Armstead joining Dolphins Bracket A
Austria/Wales vs. Ukraine/Scotland,
Colorado at Bakersfield................... 9:30
Tucson at San Diego............................10
LA Angels at San Diego....................4:05
Oakland at Chi. Cubs........................4:05
enrider, INFs Ty France, Abraham Toro,
Donovan Walton, J.P. Crawford, INF/OF
Dylan Moore, OFs Jarred Kelenic, Kyle
Bracket B Abbotsford at San Jose.......................10 Kansas City at Colorado..................4:10
than two months after she won her home Austra- Terron Armstead has become the Dolphins’ Poland vs. Czech Republic/Sweden, FRIDAY'S GAMES Baltimore at NY Yankees.................6:35 Lewis, Alberto Rodriguez, Julio Rodri-
guez, Taylor Trammell, LHPs Nick Mar-
2:45. Charlotte at Cleveland...........................7 Milwaukee at Cincinnati..................9:05
lian Open, her third Grand Slam singles title. “It’s latest big free agent move, announcing that he’s Bracket C Lehigh Valley at Laval...........................7 THURSDAY'S GAMES
gevicius, Justus Sheffield and Cs Cal
Raleigh, Tom Murphy and Luis Torrens
Turkey/Portugal vs. North Macedo- Philadelphia at Pittsburgh...............1:05 on one-year contracts. Signed P Sal
the first time I’ve actually said it out loud and, joining the team after spending his first nine nia/Italy, 2:45.
Springfield at Hartford..........................7
Syracuse at Utica................................... 7 NY Yankees at Detroit......................1:05 Romano on a minor league contract.
NOTE: The three bracket winners of Tampa Bay at Minnesota.................1:05 Toronto (MLB): Signed 3B Matt
yeah, it’s hard to say,” Barty told her former dou- NFL seasons with the Saints. Armstead instantly the play-off finals will qualify for the
W-B/Scranton at Belleville................... 7
Hershey at Providence.....................7:05 Atlanta at Toronto.............................1:07 Chapman on a two-year contract.
2022 World Cup. Poland received a bye Signed INF Cavan Biggio, Vladimir
bles partner Casey Dellacqua in the video inter- becomes the presumed starter at left tackle for to the Bracket B final after FIFA sus- Toronto at Rochester........................7:05 San Francisco at Chi. White Sox....4:05
Seattle at Cleveland..........................4:05 Guerrero Jr., P Ryan Borucki, Tim May-
pended Russia. Manitoba at Chicago............................. 8 za, RHPs Adam Cimber, Trevor Rich-
view. “But I’m so happy, and I’m so ready . . . I the Dolphins, whose offensive line struggled at Qualified for the World Cup: Germa- Milwaukee at Texas...............................8 Texas at Oakland...............................4:05
Cincinnati at Kansas City.................4:05
ards, Ross Stripling, Trent Thornton,
ny, Denmark, France, Belgium, Croatia, Rockford at Iowa....................................8 OF Teoscar Hernandez and C Danny
don’t have the physical drive, the emotional want times last season. A person with knowledge of Spain, Serbia, England, Switzerland, Abbotsford at Stockton.........................9 LA Dodgers at Colorado...................4:10 Jansen on one-year contracts.
Netherlands. Grand Rapids at Bakersfield...............10 Chi. Cubs at LA Angels.....................4:10 Washington (MLB): Signed RHPs Joe
and everything it takes to challenge yourself at the agreement said Armstead will sign a five-year NORTH AMERICA Tucson at Henderson...........................10 Arizona at Milwaukee.......................4:10 Ross, Erick Fedde, Austin Voth and
Tanner Rainey, OF Juan Soto and 1B
Third Round SATURDAY'S GAMES Boston at Baltimore..........................6:05
the very top of the level any more. I am spent.” deal worth nearly $75 million, with about $44 MP W D L GF GA Pts. W-B/Scranton at Laval..........................3 Houston at Washington...................6:05 Josh Bell on one-year contracts. Op-
tioned LHPs Seth Romero, Evan Lee, P
Bridgeport at Toronto............................4 Miami at NY Mets............................. 6:10
Barty, won her three major singles at the 2019 million guaranteed. Canada.......... 11 7 4 0 19 5 25
U.S.A. ............. 11 6 3 2 16 7 21 Colorado at San Jose........................4:15 MONDAY'S RESULTS
Gabe Klobosits and OF Yasel Antuna to
Rochester (Triple-A East). Reassigned
Tucson at Henderson.............................6 Boston 5.....................................Atlanta 0
French Open, Wimbledon last year, at the Austra- Mexico .......... 11 6 3 2 14 8 21
Panama......... 11 5 2 4 14 13 17 Lehigh Valley at Belleville.....................7 Baltimore 10........................Minnesota 8
RHPs Jackson Rutledge, Jefry Rodri-
guez, P Alberto Baldonado, INFs Jack-
lian Open in January. Barty has held the No. 1 BASEBALL Costa Rica .... 11 4 4 3 8 7 16
El Salvador ... 11 2 3 6 6 13 9
Hershey at Hartford...............................7
Manitoba at Rockford............................7
Miami 3....................................NY Mets 0
NY Yankees 5...................Philadelphia 2
son Cluff, Andrew Young and C Israel
Pineda to minor league camp.
Jamaica......... 11 1 4 6 9 16 7 BASKETBALL
ranking for 114 consecutive weeks. Rochester at Syracuse...........................7 Pittsburgh 5....................... Tampa Bay 1
Braves’ Acuña to miss spring Honduras...... 11 0 3 8 5 22 3
NOTE: The top three teams will qual-
ify for the 2022 World Cup. The fourth-
Springfield at Providence................7:05
Milwaukee at Texas...............................8
Toronto 3....................................Detroit 1
Chi. Cubs 3............................Cincinnati 2
Charlotte (NBA): Signed G Isaiah
Thomas to a rest-of-season contract.
Orlando (NBA): Signed G Jeff Dowtin
Grand Rapids at Bakersfield...............10 Colorado 8............................San Diego 4 to a 10-day contract.
BASKETBALL Braves outfielder Ronald Acuña Jr. won’t see placed team will advance to the inter-
confederation play-offs.
Ontario at San Diego........................... 10
Chi. White Sox 8...............LA Dodgers 6 FOOTBALL
Texas 25.............................. Cleveland 12 Arizona (NFL): Signed LB Nick Vigil
game action in spring training, even as a designat- Thu., March 24 - Matchday 12 of 14
Nurkic fined $40k by NBA
Cleveland 3.......................... Utica 2 (SO) Kansas City 8.......................LA Angels 5 to a one-year contract.
El Salvador at Jamaica.....................7:05 Chicago (NFL): Signed FB Khari
Arizona 9.................................... Seattle 1
ed hitter, as it becomes increasingly likely he will Honduras at Panama........................9:05
U.S.A. at Mexico....................................10 ECHL St. Louis 7..........................Washington 3
Blasingame to a one-year contract.
Cincinnati (NFL): Waived OT Fred
The NBA fined Jusuf Nurkic of the Trail Blaz- miss at least the first month of the regular season. Canada at Costa Rica.....................10:05
Sun., March 27 - Matchday 13 of 14 TUESDAY'S RESULT
Milwaukee 13................San Francisco 6 Johnson.
Dallas (NFL): Re-signed P Bryan An-
ers $40,000 for confronting a fan at a game at In- “No. You won’t see him in a spring game,” manag- Jamaica at Canada............................4:05
Costa Rica at El Salvador................ 5:05
Reading 6............................. Worcester 3
ger to a three-year contract.
Green Bay (NFL): Signed DT Jarran
diana and throwing the person’s cellphone. The er Brian Snitker said. Acuña, recovering from a
Panama at U.S.A.....................................7 Cincinnati at Kalamazoo.........10:30 am Reed.
Mexico at Honduras..........................7:05 Newfoundland at Adirondack..............7 Houston (NFL): Released G Jake El-
incident happened shortly after Sunday’s game torn ACL in his right knee suffered midway Wed., March 30 - Matchday 14 of 14
Canada at Panama............................9:05
Wheeling at Indy.................................... 7 drenkamp, LB Connor Stachan and DB
T.J. Green.
Worcester at Reading............................7 Kansas City (NFL): Signed WR Corey
between the Blazers and the Pacers. Nurkic ap- through last season, expressed hope at the start of U.S.A. at Costa Rica..........................9:05
Trois-Rivieres at Greenville.............7:05
El Salvador at Mexico.......................9:05
Fort Wayne at Iowa............................... 8 MIAMI OPEN Coleman, LB Elijah Lee and CB Luq Bar-
coo to one-year contracts.
proached the fan, walked within a few inches of spring training that he would be ready for the de- Honduras at Jamaica........................9:05
OCEANIA Tulsa at Utah......................................9:10 Minnesota (NFL): Re-signed QB
Wichita at Idaho................................9:10 At Miami, Florida Sean Mannion to a one-year contract.
the person, grabbed the person’s cellphone and fending World Series champion Braves’ opener on First Round
Thu., March 24 - Matchday 3 of 3 THURSDAY'S GAME Women’s singles Signed Za'Darius Smith to a three-year
Florida at Orlando.................................. 7 First Round contract.
tossed it into nearby seats. It was not clear what April 7. Tahiti at Solomon Islands............10 am
New Caledonia at New Zealand..........1 FRIDAY'S GAMES Marta Kostyuk, def. Alison Van Uyt- NY Jets (NFL): Signed QB Mike
Florida at Jacksonville...........................7 vanck, 4-6, 6-2, 6-1; Heather Watson, White to a tendered contract.
preceded the incident, which lasted only a few Papua New Guinea at Fiji......................1
Judge to salary arbitration def. Arantxa Rus, 6-7 (5), 7-5, 6-4; Anna Tampa Bay (NFL): Re-signed RB
Sun., March 27 - Semifinals Fort Wayne at Indy................................ 7 Leonard Fournette to a three-year con-
Bondar, def. Caroline Garcia, 7-5, 0-0,
seconds. A security guard walked between Nur- TBD vs. TBD, 10 am; TBD vs. TBD,
Greenville at Orlando.............................7
Norfolk at Reading................................. 7 walkover; Kaia Kanepi, def. Maryna
kic and the fan after the phone was tossed, at Yankees slugger Aaron Judge and five players Wed., March 30 - Finals
TBD vs. TBD, 1.
Worcester at Adirondack......................7
Trois-Rivieres at South Carolina.....7:05
Zanevska, 6-2, 0-0, walkover; Daria
Saville, def. Greet Minnen, 7-5, 6-3;
Arizona (NHL): Recalled D Cam
Dineen from Tucson (AHL) from loan.
which point the Blazers center walked away . . . from the World Series champion Braves are NOTE: The winner of the first round
will advance to the inter-confederation
Kalamazoo at Wheeling...................7:10 Ekaterina Alexandrova, def. Jasmine
Paolini, 6-1, 6-2; Shelby Rogers, def.
Detroit (NHL): Recalled LW Taro Hi-
rose from Grand Rapids (AHL) from
Allen at Toledo...................................7:15
The NBA fined Warriors forward Draymond among 31 players headed toward salary arbitra- play-offs.
Newfoundland at Maine...................7:15 Amanda Anisimova, 3-6, 6-0, 6-3; Elena- loan. Reassigned D Seth Barton to
Grand Rapids (AHL).
Cincinnati at Iowa..................................8 Gabriela Ruse, def. Ana Konjuh, 6-3,
Green $25,000 for directing profane language to- tion hearings that will occur during the regular First Round Atlanta at Rapid City........................9:05 6-4; Magda Linette, def. Qinwen Zheng,
Edmonton (NHL): Recalled C Brad
Malone from Bakersfield (AHL) from
MP W D L GF GA Pts. Tulsa at Utah......................................9:10 7-6 (4), 6-4; Ann Li, def. Mayar Sherif, loan.
ward a game official. Green was ejected in the season after they failed to reach contracts and ex- Brazil ............. 15 12 3 0 32 5 39 Wichita at Idaho................................9:10 2-6, 6-3, 6-4; Yulia Putintseva, def. Nas- Philadelphia (NHL): Signed RW
Argentina...... 15 10 5 0 23 7 35 SATURDAY'S GAMES tasja Schunk, 4-6, 6-3, 6-1; Beatriz Hayden Hodgson to a one-year con-
third quarter Sunday night after getting called changed figures with their teams. Judge can be- Ecuador......... 16 7 4 5 25 15 25 Norfolk at Reading.................................4 Haddad Maia, def. Nuria Parrizas-Diaz, tract and reassigned him to Lehigh
Uruguay ........ 16 6 4 6 19 22 22 Newfoundland at Maine........................6 Valley (AHL).
7-6 (2), 6-2.
for two technical fouls in an eight-second span. come a free agent after the World Series, and the Peru ............... 16 6 3 7 17 21 21 Trois-Rivieres at South Carolina.....6:05 Pittsburgh (NHL): Recalled C Radim
Chile .............. 16 5 4 7 19 20 19 Zohorna from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
outfielder and the team want to discuss a long- Colombia ...... 16 3 8 5 16 19 17
Worcester at Adirondack......................7 Anisimova-Rogers (AHL).
Bolivia ........... 16 4 3 9 23 35 15 Florida at Jacksonville...........................7
Anisimova Rogers St. Louis (NHL): Recalled LW Nathan
FOOTBALL term deal. Judge has asked for $21 million, while Paraguay ...... 16 2 7 7 9 23 13
Venezuela..... 16 3 1 12 14 30 10
Indy at Wheeling...............................7:10
Allen at Toledo...................................7:15 1st-serve percentage.............66 73 Walker from Springfield (AHL) from
1st-serve winning pct............64 71 loan.
the Yankees have offered $17 million. Atlanta GM Kalamazoo at Fort Wayne...............7:30 Tampa Bay (NHL): Reassigned G
Vikings pick up LB Smith
NOTE: The top four teams will quali- 2nd-serve winning pct...........32 50
fy for the 2022 World Cup. The fifth- Cincinnati at Iowa..................................8 Amir Miftakhov from Orlando (ECHL)
Alex Anthopoulos could wind up with awkward placed team will advance to the inter- Atlanta at Rapid City........................9:05
Tulsa at Utah......................................9:10
Double faults.............................7
to Syracuse (AHL).
Toronto (NHL): Signed C Curtis
confederation play-offs.
The Minnesota Vikings and free agent outside hearings against third baseman Austin Riley, Thu., March 24 - Matchday 17 of 18 Wichita at Idaho................................9:10 Break points...........................3-4
Receiving points................23-66 30-64
6-6 Douglas to a two-year, entry-level con-
Bolivia at Colombia...........................7:30 MONDAY'S RESULT
linebacker Za’Darius Smith agreed to terms on a shortstop Dansby Swanson, outfielder Adam Du- Ecuador at Paraguay........................7:30 Toledo 2.........................................Tulsa 1 Total points won.....................57 73 Vancouver (NHL): Reassigned D No-
ah Juulsen and RW Sheldon Rempal to
Chile at Brazil.....................................7:30
three-year, $42 million contract, giving the team vall and pitchers Max Fried and Luke Jackson. Peru at Uruguay................................ 7:30 Li-Sherif Abbotsford (AHL) on loan.
Fri., March 25 - Matchday 17 of 18 PHF Li Sherif
Winnipeg (NHL): Recalled D Ville
Heinola from Manitoba (AHL) from
a pass-rushing boost from a player recently let go Anthopoulos told The Athletic Atlanta’s club- Venezuela at Argentina....................7:30
GP W L OTL Pts. 1st-serve percentage.............61 81 loan. Signed C Kristian Reichel to a
Tue., March 29 - Matchday 18 of 18 1st-serve winning pct............66 63 two-year, two-way contract.
by their biggest rival. Smith, who spent the last house was “rattled” when popular slugger Freddie Paraguay at Peru...............................7:30 Connecticut.........20 15 3 2 47
2nd-serve winning pct...........52 60 SOCCER
Argentina at Ecuador........................7:30 Toronto.................20 16 3 1 46 LA Galaxy (MLS): Released Ds Julian
three seasons with the Packers, has incentives to Freeman left for the Dodgers as a free agent . . . Colombia at Venezuela....................7:30 Boston ..................20 10 5 5 32 Aces.............................................1
Double faults.............................2
Araujo, Marcus Ferkranus, Kelvin Leer-
Uruguay at Chile................................7:30 Metropolitan .......20 7 12 1 21 dam, Jalen Neal, Eriq Zavaleta and F
earn up to $47 million over the life of the deal. Pete Alonso and the Mets agreed to one-year con- Brazil at Bolivia..................................7:30 Minnesota............20 6 13 1 19 Break points...........................3-8 3-12 Jonathan Perez to represent their re-
Qualified for the World Cup: Brazil, Buffalo..................20 6 14 0 15 Receiving points................30-79 42-107 spective national teams during the in-
The 29-year-old Smith was a Pro Bowl pick in tracts that avoided arbitration. Argentina. Total points won.....................95 91 ternational window.
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C7



EVANS, James F. JOYCE, John E. LoCONTE, Americo SHUBOW, Morris JOYCE, Anna M. (DiPaolo) FLYNN, Thomas F.
RUDZINSKY, Muriel (Baltimore) McGRATH, Michael F. PYE, Patricia (Sheehan) CALIFORNIA
STAMAS, James T. EVERETT MALDEN DANGELO, Frances (Pellegrini) McINTYRE, Robert K. MD DOHERTY, Muriel F.
FLYNN, Thomas F. KELLIHER, Kevin A. SIMARD, Donald J. WHITNEY, Betty DiMella SIMARD, Donald J. McINTYRE, Robert K. MD TINE, Victor
RUDZINSKY, Muriel (Baltimore) CONNOLLY, Noreen B. DANGELO, Frances (Pellegrini) PYE, Patricia (Sheehan) RHODE ISLAND
EICHER, Marie (Rose) MORELLO, Christina NEWTON, Robert R.
DANGELO, Frances (Pellegrini) FOXBORO CONNOLLY, Noreen B. EICHER, Marie (Rose) MORELLO, Christina JOYCE, John E.
CASEY, William S. II DANGELO, Frances (Pellegrini) MORELLO, Christina NORWOOD WAKEFIELD
CAMBRIDGE JOYCE, Anna M. (DiPaolo) TINE, Victor EVANS, James F.
DeLELLO, Kathleen M. (McGowan) JOYCE, John E. RUDZINSKY, Muriel (Baltimore) WATERTOWN WOBURN
CHESTNUT HILL DANGELO, Frances (Pellegrini) STAMAS, James T. JOYCE, John E.
TINE, Victor
WHITNEY, Betty DiMella LANGEVIN, Constance (Nicholas)

CASEY, William S. II DANGELO, Frances HARRINGTON, Dorothy (Leahy)

A life well lived.

orothy Harrington passed Nantucket for their honeymoon with
away from colon cancer at neither a plane nor a hotel reservation.
her home in Beverly, MA They were married for 62 years and
on February 24, 2022. together for 69.
Born Sept. 24, 1937, Dot loved telling stories and all
in Danvers, Dottie Leahy would make who knew and loved her, especially
both an immediate and lasting impact her husband and children, already
on the world. There was an 11-year miss hearing those tales. Including
difference between Dot and her only when she received a “merry widow.”
Of Medford, March 18, 2022. Beloved sibling Richard, and, according to Dot, What is a merry widow?” As a
husband of the late Eleanore M.
Beloved mother, grandmother, and
her parents “never really knew what wedding gift, when she was fired after
(Murphy) Casey. Devoted father of
friend. Passed peacefully on March to make of me.” She was an emphatic, getting engaged, when her son Keith never an officer!) of “The Book Club,”
Mary Lou Seidner and her husband
Marc of Boston, William S. Casey, III 20, 2022 surrounded by her children: often exuberant, person for whom life got “stuck” on the beach wall, and comprised of friends spanning much
James Dangelo, Jr. and his wife
of Pleasant Hill, CA, Joseph W. Casey was often an adventure — or a comedy. when she was almost fired from her of her adult lifetime. She was an active
and his wife Susan of Medford, James Nancy of Billerica, Nancy Dangelo
of Maynard, Ken Dangelo of Natick, Dot grew up in North Salem, volunteer job at Salem Hospital. There participant even through it’s most
W. Casey and his wife Mary Caddle
of Melrose. Loving grandfather of and Deb Dempsey and her husband remaining an expert in all things are many, many more. recent meeting, though memory issues
Jillian, Casey, John, Lexi, Piper, and Brian of Framingham. Frances leaves Salem. She frequented the city’s A character in the best sense, she made reading the book impossible.
her grandchildren Melanie, James,
Henry. Cherished brother of Francis P. basketball and tennis courts, often was a master of malapropisms, which (Reading the book, however, per
Marchese and her husband Vincent, Keith, Joseph, Jake, Luke, Anthony
and Daniel, her great-grandchildren preferring to play with the boys. Sports were hilarious and often repeated. She Dot was never a requirement for
and the late Patricia M. Casey. Brother-
in-law of Vincent Murphy and his Christopher, Kamryn, Kristyn, Daniel and physical activity remained a big loved to laugh, often at herself, and attendance.) During the last several
Cash, Madison, Harper, Emma, part of Dot’s life until health issues had an infectious, more than slightly
late wife Marjorie K. of Woburn, and years of her life, Dot dealt with
the late James Murphy and James Jack and Evan, and her great-great
grandchild on the way. Fran spent her
curtailed those activities in recent offbeat, sense of humor. multiple health challenges including
H. McCaffrey. A Funeral Mass will
be in St. Raphael Church, 512 High early years living in The Lake with her years. “The Pit” at McGlew Park Dot was widely viewed as her back issues and cognitive decline. She
St., Medford, Saturday, March 26th husband James Dangelo, Sr. She was featured prominently in Dot’s early life, husband’s best political asset and he was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon
an active member in the community as did Greenlawn Cemetery, which was often noted (correctly!) that people
at 12 PM. Relatives and friends are cancer in September 2021, chose to
invited. Calling Hours will be held in including the Nonantum Children’s
Christmas Party Association, Fiore
basically in her backyard,and where preferred her to him. forgo palliative chemotherapy and
the George L. Doherty Funeral Home,
855 Broadway (Powder House Sq.), D’Italia, and the American Legion Post her father worked as a groundskeeper. The mother of five children, she was, spent the months after her diagnosis
Saturday morning from 10 to 11:30 440 Auxiliary. She lived in Framingham Despite living across the street, Dot in the parlance of the day,” housewife” in relative comfort and in the company
with her longtime partner Richard
AM. Services will conclude with Burial was late to the Pickering School most when her children were growing up. of family and friends. She and her
at Oak Grove Cemetery, Medford. Late DiGregorio for many years. While
caring for her grandchildren and days. On her first day, she noted that That was a misnomer, though, as family were blessed with remarkable
U.S Army Vet, Vietnam, and Former
Commodore of the Medford boat club. spending time with her family, she the kindergarten teacher in the other she was rarely homeless, as her son caregivers, including Marie Nies,
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be was involved in her church serving as classroom seemed to be the younger Michael can attest. She could often Angela Willoughby, Care Dimensions
made in William’s name to Beth Israel a Eucharistic minister. She enjoyed
and potentially more amusing choice, be found either on a tennis court or and Aberdeen, which allowed her
Lahey Health, Office of Philanthropy, her last few years at Hastings House
330 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. where she enjoyed happy hour and the and so she simply moved her chair to a golf course, the setting for some of to stay at home during her illness.
To leave a message of condolence, visit many social events with her friends. where the action was. Indeed, often her most enduring friendships, or Providing unforgettable love and Fran was always on the go and helped Dot’s mere presence defined where the caring for her own mother and other support to Dot and her family.
everyone in any way she could. She
George L. Doherty Funeral Home touched so many lives and she will be
action was. family members, including Aunt Mary In Dot’s memory, the family
Somerville, MA forever remembered, forever cherished, Dottie met the young Michael and Elliott. Dot’s physical decline and encourages everyone to have regular
and forever loved. Donations in Fran’s J. Harrington at a St. John’s Prep her loss of the ability to play sports colonoscopies. Donations in her name
CONNOLLY, Noreen B. memory can be made to the pulmonary football dance, when she was a Salem was a difficult transition for her. She can be made to Beverly Bootstraps, St.
“Reeny” Fibrosis Foundation https://www.
High freshman. Michael remembers frequently noted that she “hated Jude Children’s Hospital or the Friends Visitation in
Age 78, died January 7, 2022 at The the Magni FH, 365 Watertown St., spending the next several years aging.” Even absent athletics, though, of the Salem Common.
Landings of Genesee in Flint, Michigan NEWTON from 10:30AM to 11:30AM “chasing her around North Salem.” the friendships continued.
after a lengthy illness. Born in Nor- on Friday, March 25th. Funeral Mass
They married in 1959 and headed to Dot was a charter member (though
wood, MA, she was the daughter of Wil- to follow in Our Lady’s Church, 573
liam S. and Nora V. Connolly. She was a Washington St., Newton at 12 Noon.
graduate of Norwood High School and Burial after Mass at Calvary Cemetery,
then earned a diploma in Nursing from Waltham.
The Worcester City Hospital School of
Nursing. She then earned a Bachelor of Andrew J. Magni & Son FH, Newton
Science in Nursing degree from Boston
College and in 1979, she received a
Master’s of Science in Nursing and
Health Care Administration degree
from The University of Michigan as a
DeLELLO, Kathleen M.
Kellogg’s Fellow. She held many posi- “Kate” (McGowan) McINTYRE, Robert K. MD
tions over the years from staff R.N. ,
staff development director, and nursing
and hospital administrator. Reeny was Dr. Bob

the Vice President for Nursing Ser-
vices at Saint Joseph Hospital in Flint’ obert K. McIntyre, MD, St. Michael’s College 1986, Boston
Michigan and retired as Chief Nursing “Dr. Bob,” of Westwood, University Medical School 1992.
Officer at The West Branch Regional
Medical Center. She is survived by her
March 17, 2022. Beloved He served as a captain in the
brother William S. Connolly of Walpole; and loving husband of Medical Corps of the Massachusetts
nieces Christine Libby and her husband Susan (Brennan) McIntyre. Army National Guard. He was an
Arthur of Walpole, Noreen Kostka and
Loving and cherished father of Connor, extraordinarily gifted physician who
her husband Kenneth of Falmouth,
Maribeth Hughes and her husband Ste- Luke, Brennan and Graham, all of cared deeply about his patients and
ven of Foxboro, Erin Bardanis and her Westwood. Loving son of Marguerite colleagues and was a mentor and
husband Emanuel of Medfield; nephew L. (Millette) McIntyre and the late Dr. educator to many. He was a Primary
Thomas Connolly and his wife Jennifer
of Norwood. She was predeceased by Of Canton, passed away March 22nd
Robert E. McIntyre. Devoted brother Care Physician with Waltham Hospital,
her brother Thomas F. Connolly and at home surrounded by her loving of Kathleen Golden and her husband St. Elizabeth’s/Caritas Medical Center,
his wife Martha and sister-in-law Mary family. Beloved wife of Robert A. Timothy of Scituate, Helen Golden Beth Israel Deaconess, and Newton A Mass of Christian Burial will be
Connolly. The Family would like to Mother of Annie, Tommy, James, and and her husband Peter of Scituate, Wellesley Primary Care. He was a celebrated in the church on Saturday,
thank her dear friend Janet Westhoff Billy DeLello all of Canton. Daughter
of Flint, Michigan for many years of of Jean Marie McGowan of Canton and Drs. Stephen McIntyre and his wife Hospitalist at Cape Cod Hospital March 26, at 10:00am. Relatives and
friendship and care for Reeny. Relatives the late Gerald McGowan. Sister of Deb Gina of Stuart, FL, James McIntyre and then became Chief of Internal friends are invited to attend. Interment
and friends are kindly invited to attend Connolly and her husband Chris of and his wife Maria of Mequon, WI, Medicine for South Shore Hospital. Dr. New Westwood cemetery.
Visiting Hours on March 26, 2022 Canton and Trish Goyetch of Canton.
from 9-10 a.m. at the Kraw Kornack Fu-
David McIntyre and his wife Kerry Bob was extremely proud to serve as Bob’s Funeral Mass will be available
Daughter-in-law of Richard and Patricia
neral Home, 1248 Washington Street, DeLello of Canton. Also survived by of Mansfield, Carolyn Mayen and her Medical Director for many years at the via live stream at www.saintmmparish.
NORWOOD, MA, followed by a Funeral 7 nieces and 10 nephews. Visiting husband Gustavo of Milton, Mary Campion Center. org
Mass at 10:30 a.m. in Saint Timothy Hours at St. Oscar Romero Parish, 700 Garrett and her husband John of Bob loved traveling, reading, hockey, Please omit flowers. Donations may
Parish, 650 Nichols St., Norwood. Washington St., Canton, Friday from
Burial will be at Highland Cemetery, 4:00 to 8:00 pm. Funeral Mass at St.
Scituate, and Christopher McIntyre tennis, golf and had a passion for be made in Bob’s name to Boston
Norwood, MA. In lieu of flowers, dona- Oscar Romero Parish Saturday morning and his wife Jenn of Cohasset. Also exploring the ocean. Above all, his Health Care for the Homeless Program,
tions in Noreen’s name may be made to at 10:00 am. Burial, Canton Corner survived by loving aunts, uncles, greatest love and devotion was for his 780 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118,
the Alzheimer’s Association, 309 Waver- Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations
ley Oaks Rd. Waltham, MA 02452.
sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, wife Susan and “his boys.”
may be made in Kate’s memory to the
Canton High School Boosters, P.O. Box nephews and cousins. Visiting Hours will be held in St.
36, Canton, MA 02021. For complete Bob was known for his compassion, Margaret Mary Church, 845 High St.
obituary and guestbook, see www. intelligence, kindness and sense (Route 109), Westwood, on Friday, Lawler and Crosby Funeral Home
of humor. He was a graduate of March 25, from 2:00 to 7:00pm.
C8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2


DOHERTY, Muriel F. FLYNN, Thomas F. JOYCE, Anna M. (DiPaolo) KELLIHER, Kevin A. LoCONTE, Americo “Rico” McINTYRE, Robert K. MD
Of Saugus, formerly of Malden, passed See Enhanced Listing
away peacefully on Sunday, March 20,
2022. Anna was born in Portland, ME
in 1937 to Rosario and Laura DiPaolo.
In 1958, Anna married her high school
sweetheart, Robert (Bob) J. Joyce. In MORELLO, Christina
1963 the couple moved to Malden, MA
where Anna and Bob would remain
longtime residents. They shared a
wonderful life together for 57 years
until Bob’s passing in 2015, rich with
the blessings of their family and many
close friends.
First and foremost, Anna was
a devoted mother and loving
Of Watertown, formerly of Fessenden
Of Wakefield, formerly of grandmother. Nothing gave her more Of Reading, formerly of Melrose, Of Winthrop, March 18, 2022. Beloved
St., Newton, passed on March 20, 2022
Arlington, March 19. pleasure than spending time with died Sunday, March 20th, age 81. son of the late Maryann (Lombardi)
at the age of 88. Daughter of the late
Beloved husband of the late her family, her four grandchildren Born and raised in Everett, Kevin was and Antonio LoConte. Dear brother of
James and Frances (Jones) Doherty. She
Gertrude “Trudy” (O’Brien) Flynn. were her pride and joy. Holidays and predeceased by his parents Elwin and Carmella Luizza and the late Angelo
was deeply loved by the Feeley, Fisher
Loving father of Mary Myers of West family get-togethers were particularly Kathleen (McAuliffe) Kelliher. Beloved and John LoConte. Also survived by
and DiMarzio families. Generations
Roxbury & Michael Fritz, Noreen Weihe important to Anna where special meals husband of Frances (Carrabis) with many loving nieces, nephews, great-
of generosity was the theme of her life
& husband Edwin of Seattle, WA, were shared and enjoyed. Italian food whom he shared 58 years of marriage. nieces and great-nephews. Family
and that of her family. She was never Of Reading, died peacefully after a long
Thomas Flynn & his fiancée Elizete of specialties and New England seafood Loving father of Jim Kelliher of Beverly, and friends are cordially invited to
alone -- humble, joyous and grateful, battle with brain cancer at the age of
Wakefield, John Flynn & wife Lauren of were her favorites. Despite living in Chris Kelliher & his wife Sherese of attend the Visitation from the Ernest
caretaker for all. Her unshakable faith 57 on March 19th. Beloved daughter
and belief in all things taught by her Woburn, Julie Norton & husband Mark MA for almost 60 years, Anna was a South Dakota and Paula Antonevich & P. Caggiano and Son Funeral Home,
true Mainer at heart. She often spent her Husband Russ of Boston. Cherished 147 Winthrop St., WINTHROP on of Richard and June (Elias) Morello.
Catholic faith. led her to all corners of of Melrose, and Joseph Flynn & wife
time with family and friends in the grandfather of Michael, Kevin, Allison, Thursday, March 24, 2022 from Devoted sister of Maria Morello and
the earth. Her missionary work, almost Anabel of Wakefield. Brother of the late
Portland area. Anna and Bob were avid Brooke and Ashlyn. Proud great- 11:00 to 11:30 AM. A Funeral Service her wife Kathy Hebert- Morello of
like a great-grandmother, was with her Evelyn Barrett, Dorothy MacDonald,
train travelers and visited almost all grandfather of Madden. Caring brother will be held in the funeral home Northwood, NH, Richard Morello, Jr.
family and friends, the deaf and blind, and Donald Flynn. Grandfather to 16
50 states. She loved being in the sun of John Kelliher & his wife Joyce of immediately following the Visitation and his wife Michele of Cranston, RI,
both near and far. God gave her and she adoring grandchildren: Tom, Kate,
and relaxing on the deck in her favorite Swampscott, Colin Kelliher & his wife at 11:30 AM. Committal will be and Christopher Morello and his wife
knew her calling. Animals and children Max, Honor, Nick, Morgan, Jenn, Matt,
Adrienne of Marblehead, Mary Veno & private. Memorial donations may be Sandra of Westford. Loving aunt to
brought her immense joy. Friends and Andrew, Mallory, Patrick, Taylor, Anna, chair. Anna found all types of history
her husband Lenny of Tewksbury and made to Bay Cove Human Services several nieces and nephews. A Funeral
family will gather in the Magni Funeral Isabella, Michael, and Alexa; as well as fascinating and enjoyed reading and
Richard Kelliher & his wife Yvette of at www.baycovehumanservices. Service will be conducted in the Dello
Home, 365 Watertown St., NEWTON 3 great-grandchildren: James, Colin & listening to books on tape. She was a
Norwood. Caring brother-in-law of Bill org. For directions or to sign the Russo Funeral Home, 306 Main St.,
on Thurs., March 24th from 9-10am. A Heir. Also survived by many nieces, dedicated member of the St. Joseph
Carrabis & his partner Patricia Francis online guestbook, go to www. MEDFORD Saturday, March 26th at 11
10:30AM. Funeral Mass will follow in nephews and friends. He was Parish and was involved with many
of Norwood. Also survived by many AM. Relatives and friends are respect-
Our Lady Help of Christians Church, predeceased by his daughter-in-law clubs and groups at the church. Along
573 Washington St., Newton. Burial nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. fully invited to attend. Visiting Hours
Deborah Flynn. Funeral Mass in St. with Bob, Anna was also active with the
Caggiano-O’Maley-Frazier Friday 4 – 7 PM. In lieu of flowers,
after Mass at Newton Cemetery. Joseph Church, 173 Albion St., Moose Lodge of Malden and the Italian Kevin graduated BC High in 1957 and
inspired by his cousin Henry Schlegel Winthrop contributions may be sent in Christina’s
Wakefield, Friday at 10am. Visitation American Citizens Club of Wakefield.
Andrew J. Magni & Son FH, Newton name to St. Jude Children’s Research
for relatives and friends at the Anna leaves her loving children enlisted in the Marines, proudly serving for six years. In 1963, he joined NE Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis,
McDonald Funeral Home, 19 Yale Ave.,
WAKEFIELD on Thursday from 4-7pm.
Catherine Hult and husband Joseph of
Telephone and had a successful thirty-
LOCONZOLO, Joseph C. TN 38105-9959. To leave a message of
Hanover, Steven Joyce of Mission Viejo,
year career that started in the mail- condolence, visit
Interment, St. Patrick Cemetery, CA, Thomas Joyce and wife Stacey of Of Wakefield, March 14th.
Stoneham. In lieu of flowers, contribu- West Roxbury, Elizabeth Buckley of room and ended as a regional manager. Beloved husband of Dello Russo Family Funeral Homes
tions in Tom’s name may be made to Melrose; her cherished grandchildren, With a young family to support, Kevin Josephine (Loguidice) Medford-Woburn
the Thomas and Gertrude Flynn Casey and Ryan Hult, and Stephen still pursued his education part-time, Loconzolo. Loving father of Linda
EICHER, Marie (Rose) Scholarship Fund, Campaign for and Timothy Buckley. Anna was earning a BS from Merrimack College Dennis and husband Les of Londonder-
Catholic Schools, 66 Brooks Dr., preceded in death by her husband and an MBA from Suffolk University. A ry, NH, Donna DePierro and husband
Of Stoneham, March 20, 2022 at age
highlight of his career was the oppor-
101. Beloved wife of the late James W.
Braintree, MA 02184. For obit/
Bob, and her siblings, John DiPaolo,
tunity to live and work in Gibraltar for
Vincent of Tewksbury, and Debbie NEWTON, Robert R.
Eicher. Devoted mother of James T. Mary Rosetti, and Lucy Hubner. She Loconzolo of Franklin. Brother of the
deeply appreciated the kindness of her three years, expanding his and Fran’s late Cecelia Magliozzi, and George and
Eicher and his wife Deborah, Donna M.
Pratt and her late husband Robert, the JOYCE, John E. “Jack” neighbors and community at Sheffield wide circle of friends and igniting a
love of travel throughout Europe. Kevin
William Loconzolo. Also survived by his
late Charles N. Eicher, Judith E. Hogan, Heights and especially, the Imbrogna 5 grandchildren Melissa, Michelle,
family. Her family would like to thank loved his family fiercely, and was happi- Vinny, Jr., Danielle and Nicole. His
John W. Eicher and his late wife Nancy,
the wonderful caregivers at Hebrew est in their company. He will be remem- Funeral Service will be held at the Bear
Thomas J. Eicher and his wife Susan,
Rehabilitation Center at NewBridge on bered for his kindness and for his in- Hill Golf Club, 2 North St., Stoneham
William A. Eicher and his wife Bonne,
the Charles in Dedham who provided tegrity, for whom doing the right thing, on Friday at 11 a.m. Visitation for
Marie L. Brown and her husband Doug-
such compassionate care making her no matter how difficult, was of utmost relatives and friends will be held at
las, Helen E. Allen and her husband
final days happy and comfortable. importance. Fondest memories were Bear Hill Golf Club prior to the service
Joshua. Cherished grandmother of 30
made with family vacations at Goose from 10 to 11 a.m. For obit/guestbook/
grandchildren and 10 great-grandchil- Visitation will be held on Thursday,
Rocks Beach in Maine and at La Piola
dren. Funeral from the Barile Family March 24th from 4-7pm at the Weir-
in Volterra, Italy. Kevin was a voracious
Funeral Home, 482 Main St. (RT. 28), MacCuish Golden Rule Funeral Home,
reader with a deep passion for world
STONEHAM on Saturday, March 26, 144 Salem St., MALDEN. Funeral
and local history and a knack for re-
2022 at 9am followed by a Funeral Services will be held on Friday, March
membering details and dates. After his
McGRATH, Michael F.
Mass Celebrating Marie’s Eternal Life 25th at 9am the Weir-MacCuish
retirement, he volunteered as a guide
in St. Patrick Church, 71 Central St., Golden Rule Funeral Home followed Age 86, of Newport, RI, passed away
with Boston by Foot. In spite of serious
Stoneham at 10am. Interment Linden- by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10am surrounded by his loving family on
medical challenges diagnosed in his
wood Cemetery. Family and friends at St. Joseph’s Church, 770 Salem St., March 19, 2022. Born on September
Of Weston and South 20’s, Kevin was willing to try medical
are kindly invited to gather and share Malden. Interment will follow at Holy 8, 1935, in Scranton, PA, he was a
Harwich, formerly of interventions that would improve and
memories with the family on Friday, Cross Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, gifts son of the late Charles Noble Newton
Wellesley, March 19, 2022. prolong his health. The family is grate-
March 25, 2022 from 3pm to 7pm in may be made in memory of Anna Joyce and Mary Agnes (Ryan) Newton.
Beloved husband of Nancy (McElaney) ful for the medical staff at Lahey Clinic
the funeral home. Parking attendants to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, P.O. After graduating from the University
Joyce for 54 years. Devoted father of who gave him a lifetime of quality care.
and elevator available. Please consider Box 84916, Boston, MA 02284 or via of Scranton, he earned his master’s
Nancy Joyce and her husband Rene In lieu of flowers, please honor Kevin’s
donations in memory of Marie to First or to Hebrew degree from Yale University and a
Jarquin of Wellesley and Kathleen Joyce memory with a donation to the Melrose
Church Food Pantry, 1 Church St., SeniorLife, Development Department, doctorate in Education from Harvard
Coney and her husband Edward Coney Veteran’s Fund, c/o Veterans Office, 201
Stoneham, MA 02180. For directions or 1200 Centre Street, Boston, MA 02131 University. He became a dedicated
of Oak Hill, VA. West Foster St., Melrose, MA 02176, to
to send a memorial condolence, www. or via educator, first serving as Headmaster
the New England Animal Shelter, 595 or www.facebook. Visiting Hours at the George F. TributeGift of Regis High School in New York City,
West Center St., W. Bridgewater, MA
com/BarileFamilyFuneralHome Doherty & Sons Funeral Home, 477 and later teaching at the University
02379 or to a Charity of Choice. Semper
Washington St., WELLESLEY on of San Francisco. For the last 40 years
Barile Family Funeral Home Fi. Visitation will be held at the Gately
Saturday, March 26th from 2-5pm Age 56, of Milton and Falmouth, was
Celebrating Life ~ Sharing Memo- Funeral Home, 79 W. Foster St., MEL- of his career, prior to his retirement
and Sunday, March 27th 2-4pm and killed in a car accident while driving
ries in 2020, he was an administrator at
Share a memory
ROSE on Thursday, March 24, 2022 his son to hockey practice Tuesday
7-9pm. Funeral Mass on Monday in Boston College, most recently as Special
781-438-2280 from 4:00-7:00PM. Family & friends
St. Ignatius Church, Chestnut Hill at evening March 8, 2022. He heroically
can gather at the funeral home on Fri- Assistant and Senior Adviser to the
11am. Complete notice on Thursday. saved the life of his son Michael Jr. in
Or add a condolensece day morning, March 25th at 10:00AM President.
For online guestbook, the accident.
to the guestbook at prior to the Mass of Christian Burial at A devoted husband, father, and
Michael was born in Dorchester
George F. Doherty & Sons Most Blessed Sacrament Church, 1155 friend, Bob was admired for his energy,
and was raised in Quincy, spending
Wellesley 781 235 4100 Main St., Wakefield at 11:00AM. Rela- determination, and hospitality. He
his summers at his family’s cottage in
EVANS, James F. “Jim” tives & friends are respectfully invited Falmouth. He graduated high school
was a gifted writer, loved cooking
to attend. Interment at Wyoming from Don Bosco in Boston and then and gardening, and was always fixing
Age 80, of Wilmington, passed away Cemetery in Melrose will be private. To something around the house. He leaves
went on to graduate from Merrimack
peacefully at home surrounded by his send a message of condolence please behind his wife of 39 years, Karen
College, paying for his tuition by
loving family on March 21, 2022. Jim visit von Kunes Newton; his son Ryan von
mowing lawns and landscaping during
was the beloved husband of Mary E.
(Capachietti) Evans, devoted father Honor your Gately Funeral Home
his summers in Falmouth. Michael
worked in the commercial real estate
Kunes Newton; his daughter Alexis von
Kunes Newton and her husband James
of Karen Davey & her husband Bryan Piereson (Will); his siblings Charles
loved one
Family Owned Since 1889 industry in Boston for many years but
of Wilmington, Cheryl Surrette & her Newton, Marianne Scanlan, and Noel
his true passion and purpose in life was
husband David of Woburn and James Kuschke; as well as many nieces and
as a father to his daughter Anna and to
H. Evans of Andover. Loving “Bupa” of
LANGEVIN, Constance nephews and their children.
with a photo in
his son Michael, Jr.
Jimmy, Jenna, Bryan & Jason Davey, A Mass of Christian Burial will
Michael had a lifelong love of playing
Caroline, Jonathan & Hannah Surrette, (Nicholas) and watching the game of hockey and be held at Saint Ignatius of Loyola
Allysha & Doug Moores, Jimmy & Church, 28 Commonwealth Avenue,
The Boston Globe. A longtime resident of Wellesley, coached Anna and Michael, as well
Joseph Evans and great-granddaughter as many of their friends. He loved Chestnut Hill, MA on Friday, March
Mila Moores. Cherished son of the passed away Monday, March 21,
everything about his summer home in 25th at 11:30 AM. In the absence of
late Harold and Florence (Patterson) 2022 at the age of 92. Beloved wife
Falmouth and was happiest being on a wake, all are invited to a reception
Evans, dear brother of Dorothy Keefe of the late Robert J. Langevin, she is
the ocean on his boat fishing with his immediately prior to the Mass at 2101
of Chelmsford. Jim is also survived by survived by many nieces and nephews.
son, or shuttling family and friends by Commonwealth Avenue, Brighton, MA
The youngest of 9 children, she
cousins, nieces, nephews and his cat boat to his favorite spots. He told his between 9:30 and 11:00 AM. Burial at
was predeceased by her 8 siblings:
Rocky. wife often that he had everything he the Island Cemetery in Newport, RI will
Christopher Nicholas, Jenny Johan,
Visiting Hours: Family and friends ever wanted in life by having his family. be private.
Nicholas S. Nicholas, Alexander
will gather at the Nichols Funeral There are no words that can In lieu of flowers, donations in
Nicholas, George Nicholas, Bessie
Home, 187 Middlesex Ave. (Rte. adequately express how much he will Robert Newton’s memory may be made
Nicholas, Michael Nicholas and Phyllis
62), WILMINGTON on Saturday, be missed by his wife and children. to the Boston College Fund.
March 26th at 9:00 a.m. followed Michael was adored by his wife Amy
A graduate of New Bedford High
by a Funeral Mass at St. Thomas of who felt loved and supported by him
School, she attended Katharine Gibbs
Villanova Church, 126 Middlesex Ave., every day. He was a sensitive and loving
Secretarial School and worked for many
Wilmington at 10:00 a.m. Visiting dad to his children and told them every
years as a secretary for the Raytheon
Hours will be held at the funeral home day how much he loved them. He was
on Friday, March 25th from 4:00-8:00 the son of the late Francis McGrath,
Constance will be remembered as To submit a paid death
a warm and loving wife, sister, aunt, and of Margaret McGrath of Falmouth.
In lieu of flowers, donations in Jim’s He was the son-in-law of Robin Murphy
notice for publication in
and friend. She was committed to her
memory may be made to the MSPCA at of Milton and Falmouth, and of Bruce The Boston Globe and
family by whom she will be dearly
Nevins Farm, 400 Broadway, Methuen,
missed. and Suzanne Moody of West Palm on,
MA 01844. Beach. He was the older brother of contact your funeral director,
A Funeral Service will be held
Thursday, March 24th at 11AM in Paul (Kelly) McGrath and Thomas visit
Nichols Funeral Home
the Henry J. Burke & Sons Funeral McGrath (Karen Eames) of Quincy,
978-658-4744 or call 617.929.1500. Ask your funeral Home, 56 Washington St., WELLESELY
followed by Interment in Woodlawn
and the brother-in-law of Jessica
and John Toffey of Winchendon and To submit an obituary for
Barnstable. He was also loved by his
director for details. Cemetery, Wellesley.
In lieu of flowers, donations in aunt Maryanne Nourse of Canton.
editorial consideration,
please send the informa-
her memory may be made to Caring A Mass of Christian Burial will be
Hospice, 1208A VFW Parkway, West celebrated in Saint Elizabeth Church, tion and a photo by e-mail to
350 Reedsdale Road, Milton, Friday,, or
Funeral Services Roxbury, MA 02132.
March 25th at 10:00am. Relatives and information by fax to
Henry J. Burke & Sons friends invited. Visiting Hours at Dolan 617.929.3186. If you need
Funeral Home, 460 Granite Avenue,
EAST MILTON SQUARE, Thursday, further assistance about
Funeral Services March 24th from 4-8:00pm. a news obituary, please
Donations in Michael’s memory call 617.929.3400.
may be made to Xaverian Brothers
To access death notices and
Affordable Cremation High School, 800 Clapboard Street,
obituaries online, visit
1310 complete Westwood, Massachusetts, 02090
617 782 1000 Attn: Annual Fund or via the link here:
Lehman Reen & McNamara support/the-fund-for-xaverian
500 Canterbury St.
Boston, MA 02131 617-524-1036
Funeral Home To send a condolence message to the McGrath family, please visit www. Serving Greater Boston
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C9

Remembered STAMAS, James T. Obituaries


Chris Madden, 73, lifestyle personality
By Penelope Green

Chris Madden, a lifestyle and

PYE, Patricia (Sheehan) SIMARD, Donald J. decorating author and personal-
On Sunday, March 20, 2022, Patri- “Grumpy” ity who lent her name to furni-
cia (Sheehan) Pye, of North Easton, ture and housewares, including
formerly of Hyde Park, passed away a collection for J.C. Penney, and
after a long illness, surrounded by the
was an early program host on
love of family. Patty was 67 yrs. old, Of Andover, Massachusetts,
and was the daughter of the late Paul passed away after a brief HGTV, the addictive cable net-
and Rose Sheehan. She was born on illness on March 21, 2022. work devoted to the home, died
March 19, 1955, raised in Hyde Park Jim was born in Greenfield, MA, the March 2 in Vero Beach, Fla. She
and graduated in 1974 from Hyde Park second of four children. was 73.
High School. Jim attended the University of
Her husband, Kevin, said she
As a mother with two children, Patty Massachusetts Amherst where he
returned to school at Southeastern earned a BA, and met his wife, Barbara. died in a hospital from head in-
Regional Vocational Technical School Married in 1955 and remaining happily juries she had suffered in a fall at
to obtain her LPN and then went on married until she passed away in their home. Chris Madden had a
to Quincy College and received her 2001 from ALS. Jim was a Veteran rare genetic disorder, hereditary
associate’s degree in science, and and served in the U.S. Army and was hemorrhagic telangiectasia, or
became a registered nurse. Patty’s stationed for a time at Fort Knox,
early career in nursing began at West Of Malden, formerly of Somerville, Kentucky.
HHT, which causes malforma-
Acres Nursing Home in Brockton, but March 14th. Beloved husband of Jean After serving in the Army, Jim tions of the blood vessels.
she soon found her calling, at her job (Clark) Simard. Devoted father of worked for Raytheon for a time Ms. Madden, a telegenic for-
at the Massachusetts Hospital School David Simard and his wife Laurie of before finding his true calling in the mer model and publishing exec-
in Canton, where she cared for some San Diego, CA and Kelly Ciluffo and hospitality field. His first hospitality utive who wrote books on deco-
of the most vulnerable physically and her husband Joseph of Billerica. Lov- job was in Human Resources
intellectually challenged children in ing grandpa of David, Taylor, Jenna,
rating, was sometimes com-
Administration with Hotel Corporation
the Commonwealth. Patty greeted her Nicholas, Isabella and Megan. Caring of America, which became Sonesta pared to Martha Stewart, the
patient’s each morning with a smile and stepfather of Jeannine Childress and Hotels. In 1973, he joined Dunfey steely lifestyle guru — but a
a song. In 2016, she received the Nurse her husband Michael, Daniel and Hotels in their corporate office, which kinder, gentler version, as Joyce
of the Year award, an honor bestowed Paul Murdock. Dear brother of Nancy became Omni Hotels until retiring in Wadler of The New York Times
on her through a vote by her peers. She Poirier of Winslow, Maine. Donald 1988 as the company’s Executive VP
retired after twenty years of Service was predeceased by many brothers
put it in 2007.
in charge of Administration. Upon his
in 2019. Patty enjoyed volunteering, and sisters. Relatives and friends are retirement, he started Stamas Partners, “She helps them impress,”
working out, gardening, traveling, and respectfully invited to visit with the a consulting firm for the hospitality Ms. Madden said of Stewart. “I
the beach. family on Saturday, March 26th from 2 industry. One of Stamas Partners help them decompress.” Ms. Madden told Parade magazine in 2004: “I really believe
Patty’s love of the beach was only to 4 PM, followed by a Funeral Service clients was the fledgling Boston She had already written a col- everyone in America deserves a good home.”
surpassed by her love of family. She is celebrated in the Dello Russo Funeral University Hospitality program which
predeceased by her son Michael Pye, Home, 306 Main St., MEDFORD at
lection of books on interiors —
invited Jim to become The Schools
her brother Dennis Sheehan, and her 4 PM. Interment will be private. In first Dean and lead its development.
including “Kitchens” (1993) and lieve everyone in America de- Street. Her clients included book
sister Anne Fallo. She is survived by her lieu of flowers, contributions may be Among his achievements as Dean “Bathrooms” (1996) — when, in serves a good home. Not a man- publishers, an anti-censorship
cherished daughter Colleen of Stough- made in Donald’s name to the Kaplan were a substantial increase in the 1997, she published what sion but a good home.” nonprofit, and Ford Models.
ton; her brothers Paul Sheehan of Family Hospice House, 78 Liberty St., number of students enrolled, and a proved to be her most successful Her magazine At Home With At the same time, she began
Wrentham, Michael Sheehan of Boston, Danvers, MA 01923. To leave a mes- highly successful fund-raising effort
Jerry Sheehan and wife Laura of Hing- sage of condolence please visit, www.
book by far: “A Room of Her Chris Madden was published by to produce coffee-table books.
dedicated to the School of Hospitality.
ham, Phil Sheehan and wife Michelle of Own,” about women’s private Hearst and sent to subscribers of She first wrote a cookbook (“The
As a proponent of the program, he was
Tamworth, NH; her sisters Kathy South- Dello Russo Family Funeral Homes known to drive all over New England spaces, from Oprah Winfrey’s to Good Housekeeping for about Compleat Lemon,” with Susan
well and husband Ted of Watertown, Medford-Woburn to conduct one on one interviews even a nun’s. It was inspired by her two years starting in 2005. Lee, published in 1979) and
NY, and Susan McAllister and husband with a single prospective student for own sanctuary: Grieving after a She married Kevin Madden, then a book on New York City
Jim of North Easton; as well as many
cousins, nieces and nephews.
SINGLETON, Kenneth C. the program. Jim served as Dean from sister’s death by suicide in 1995, then advertising director of New (“Manhattan,” with Jean-Claude
1995 until his retirement in 2010.
Visitation will be held on Friday, Ms. Madden created a retreat of York magazine, in 1974. He Suares, published in 1981). Af-
However significant his professional
March 25, 2022 from 8:00am-9:30am accomplishments, Jim’s greatest sorts in a closet of her would go on to be publisher of ter her book on decorators, “In-
at Kane Funeral Home, 605 Washington passion was always his family. For Westchester County home in Self, House & Garden, and Bon terior Visions: Great American
St. (route 138), EASTON, followed by a anyone visiting from out of town there New York, a place to meditate Appétit, and then CEO of his Designers and the Showcase
Funeral Mass at 10:00am at Immacu- was always a place to stay with him and
late Conception Church, 193 Main St.,
and mourn. wife’s company, Chris Madden House,” was published in 1988,
Barbara if you were family. In 1988, he
North Easton. “ I d i d n’ t h av e a p l a c e t o Inc. she began to focus on interior
and Barbara purchased a condominium
It should be noted that flowers
in Waterville Valley for the family
mourn her,” she told The New Ann Christine Casson was design.
are not allowed in church during the York Times in 2007, “so I creat- born June 1, 1948, in Rockville In addition to her books, she
to use when they weren’t there, and
Lenten season, so in lieu of flowers,
often, when they were. It made him ed my own personal space.” Centre, N.Y., on Long Island, one was a host on HGTV almost
please consider making a donation in
smile knowing each of his children The book touched a nerve of nine children. Her father, Ed- from its beginnings in 1994. She
Patty’s name to either: the Easton Food
today have places of their own in the and sold more than 100,000 ward Gaynor Casson, was a sales oversaw the program “Interiors
Pantry, 136 Elm St., North Easton,
Valley. One of his favorite pastimes
MA 02356 or the National Alliance copies. Ms. Madden became a executive at the Mohawk Brush by Design,” which covered the
was to give updates to his children and
for the Mentally ILL (NAMI) MA, 331 sought-after speaker and guest Co. Her mother, Ann Marie work of decorators around the
their spouses about his grandchildren
Montvale Ave., 2nd floor, Woburn, MA on television. Bed Bath & Be- (Hill) Casson, was a homemaker country, from 1995 until 2003.
Of Cambridge, Wed., March 11th. which he had gleaned from frequent
Beloved husband of Adean (Anderson). communications with the younger yond sold her Sanctuary collec- who taught her children to sew Along with her husband, she
Devoted father of Kesing, Kysha and generation. tion, a line of decorative throws and cook and even upholster leaves two sons, Patrick and
Kenneth, Jr. He also leaves 2 brothers Jim is survived by his brother,
and pillows inspired by the furniture. Nicholas, and three grandchil-
CORRECTION Clayton and Paul Singleton; 7 grand- Stephen Stamas of Scarsdale, NY, his
sister Kathy of Lower Gwynedd, PA; book. She also lent her name to Chris was a model as a child dren.
children; and a host of nieces, nephews,
RUDZINSKY, Muriel his three children, TJ, his wife Kim, candles, baby furniture, and a and a teenager. She majored in Ms. Madden was in her 30s
cousins, other relatives and friends.
(Baltimore) Funeral Service Fri., March 25th, 11 Kathy, her husband Alex, and Jimmy, rug collection. In 2002, she be- fashion merchandising at the when she was diagnosed with
AM at St. Bartholomew’s Episopical and his wife, Susan; five grandchildren gan a furniture and housewares Fashion Institute of Technology HHT, which caused her to suffer
Muriel Rudzinsky, 85, most recently of Nicholas, Allison, Jacob, Jennifer and
Andover, MA and formerly of Revere,
Church, 239 Harvard St., Cambridge. line for J.C. Penney, which grew in Manhattan, although she from massive nosebleeds. Over
Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Visit- Matthew; and four great-grandchildren
MA and Hypoluxo, FL, passed away Eva, Zoey, Sam, & Charlie. He was
to a collection of more than dropped out in her senior year to the years she had three brain
ing Hours at the church Fri. 10- 11
March 21, 2022 after a brief illness.
AM. Relatives and friends most kindly predeceased by his wife of 45 years, 2,000 pieces that the company work as an assistant in the photo surgeries, among other treat-
She was born and raised in Lynn and Barbara, and a brother Spelios, “Spike” sold until 2012. department of Sports Illustrat- ments.
graduated from Lynn English class of invited.
in 2018. “Her furniture’s dark wood ed. In recent years she was an
1953 and Simmons College, class of A.J. Spears Funeral Home
The family would like to extend tones, muted Scottish plaids and She worked in the publicity advocate for people with her
1957. She was the daughter of the late Cambridge 617-876-4047
a special thank you to the entire
Bess and Mark Baltimore. She was the English cabbage rose patterns departments at several publish- condition and for the National
Immaculate Healthcare team for the
sister of Lester Baltimore and the late are meant to convey a haven ing houses — when she was just Organization for Rare Disor-
assistance you gave to our father over
Warren Baltimore and his wife Judy.
the past few months. from stress,” The New York 24, she was hired as director of ders. She was extremely proud,
She married her husband Louis the
day after her college graduation and
they were married for 53 years until Have the Family and friends are invited to
Calling Hours on Thursday March 24,
2022 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Conte
Times wrote in 2002. “They are
also meant to appeal to a broad
publicity at Farrar, Straus & Gir-
oux — until being fired by Simon
her husband said, of her arrest
in 2017 at a demonstration in
Louis’ death in 2011. Muriel was the market. Her $24.99 pillows, for & Schuster in the late 1970s, Washington inside the Senate of-
devoted mother to Howard Rudzinsky,
Jeff Rudzinsky and his wife Dee Dee, talk of a Funeral Home, 28 Florence Street,
ANDOVER, MA 01810. A Mass of
Christian Burial will be celebrated on
example, are not stuffed with
down and covered in Irish linen;
Kevin Madden said, for not be-
ing aggressive enough. She then
fice buildings protesting the
threatened repeal of the Afford-
David Rudzinsky, and Lisa Keeler and
her husband Chuck. The light and joy
of her life were her grandchildren and
lifetime Friday at 12 Noon in St. Augustine’s
Church, 43 Essex Street, Andover, MA
they are polyester, covered in
synthetic fabrics.”
started her own publicity com-
pany, Chris Madden & Associ-
able Care Act.
She wore a T-shirt that de-
great grandchildren. Danny (Kellee), 01810. Burial will follow in West Parish
Ms. Madden told Parade ates (there were no associates), clared, “I am a preexisting con-
Kelsey, Nick, Jessie, Kelsie, Michael Garden Cemetery in Andover, MA. For
(Maddie), Max, Jack, Sophie, Abe and You talk about many online condolences, please visit www.
magazine in 2004: “I really be- in their apartment on East 84th dition.”
Sam, Nora and D.J. Service will be things with your loved In lieu of
private. Donations in Muriel’s memory flowers, the family requests donations
may be made to Franciscan Hospital
for Children, 30 Warren Street Boston,
MA 02135 or to For the
ones: from day-to-day
details to big events.
be made to the Barbara R. Stamas
Endowed fund for ALS Research, C/O Sierra Jenkins, journalist
‘where she needed to be’
Mass General Hospital, 100 Charles
online guestbook, please visit www. Sharing stories with River Plaza, Boston, MA 02114.
those who matter most
TINE, Victor
isn’t just important By Ben Finley ‘‘We are absolutely heartbro-
Of Haverhill, MA, died on
SHUBOW, Morris today; it will be
Friday, March 18, 2022.
ASSOCIATED PRESS ken,” the newspaper’s editor-in-
especially significant Born and raised in NORFOLK, Va. — Sierra Jen- chief, Kris Worrell, said in a
Morris Samuel Shubow of Quincy and
Needham, MA passed away with family Wakefield, MA and previously resided kins was a young Black journal- statement.
when it’s time to honor
by his side on March 22, 2022 at the in the Seacoast area of New Hampshire ist working in a rapidly shrink- “Her passion for journalism
age of 78. He was born in White Plains, and commemorate for many years. Victor is survived by his ing industry where colleagues was undeniable and our com-
NY to the late Rabbi Leo Shubow and loving wife of 67 years, Helen Jones
your lives. often didn’t look like her. But munity is better because of her
Pauline (Kniznik) Shubow. Morris Tine of Haverhill, MA; son Russell Tine
and wife Cheryl of Groveland, MA; Jenkins, 25, was exactly where reporting,” Worrell said.
earned an undergraduate degree from
the University of Massachusetts at Meaningful memorial- granddaughters Jayme Haddad and she wanted to be, covering social The profession has lost a fear-
Amherst and a JD from Boston College husband Doug of Greenland, NH and issues and education for her less reporter who was more self-
Law School. He practiced family law for
ization starts when Mallory Tine and fiancé Joshua Faro of hometown newspaper in Nor- actualized than most journalists CHRIS TAYLOR VIA AP

all of his professional career. Morris is loved ones talk about Utica, NY; and adored great-grand-
folk, Va. her age, current and former col- Ms. Jenkins was a reporter
survived by his beloved partner Nancy daughter Harper Haddad. Services will
what matters most: be held at a later date. For guestbook, “She felt like she was where leagues said. at the Virginian-Pilot.
Teel, loving children Kimberly Burd
visit she needed to be,” said Denise Ms. Jenkins covered educa-
(Jeffrey), Amanda Gold (Brad), David memories made,
Shubow, and Michael Shubow, as well Driscoll Funeral Home Watson, features editor for The tion at a time when school board are trying to juggle (teachers
as his adoring grandchildren Sarah
lessons learned and Haverhill (978) 374-0000 Virginian-Pilot newspaper and members were being threatened would be more sympathetic). It
Burd, and Samantha and Jack Gold. how they hope to be an unofficial mentor. “She loved in the region — and across the was this opportunity to show the
He is also survived by his cherished
WHITNEY, Betty DiMella finding good stories, telling good country — over coronavirus world what’s going on and how
sister Dorothy Nelson (Jim), brother
Of Chestnut Hill, MA, died March 20, stories and the idea that what restrictions and how the nation’s we can maybe all try to work to
Charles Shubow (Lisa) as well as many
nieces and nephews. Services are 2022 at the age of 81. Wife of the late you write can make a differ- history of race can be taught. make it better.”
Download a free Pat Petronelli, manager of famed boxer ence.” “One of the pieces that she Ms. Jenkins grew up in Nor-
private. Donations in his memory may
be made to the Lewy Body Dementia brochure and have the Marvin Hagler, and sister of the late Ms. Jenkins’s ambitions, was proudest of was looking at folk, according to the Pilot. Her
Association, Inc online at www.lbda. Barbara Struzenski. Betty is survived by
talk of a lifetime today. which included becoming an in- what divisive curriculum is and father, Maurice Jenkins, told the
org. Arrangements by her brother and sister-in-law, Francis
vestigative reporter, were cut what it means for teachers and newspaper that she was always a
It can make the and Nancy DiMella, her brother-in-law
William Struzenski; her nieces Karen short Saturday when she was classrooms,’’ said Sara Gregory, a responsible child, someone who
difference of a lifetime. Koym, Andrea and Leslie DiMella; caught in the crossfire of a former Pilot colleague. “She didn’t need to be told to do her
her grandnephews Oscar and Jonah shooting outside a bar, Norfolk wasn’t writing about the politics homework. She had already paid Hammarlund, and her grandnieces police said. of it. She was writing about how off her student loans from col-
Estelle Hammarlund and Harley
Ms. Jenkins and her best individual teachers are trying to lege and had bought her third
Frietas. Her Mass will be held at Mary
friend had gone out with a group figure out what this means for car.
Funeral Services Massachusetts Funeral Immaculate of Lourdes Church, 270
Elliot St., Newton Upper Falls on Friday, of people Friday evening, the teaching intellectually honest “Sierra — and I don’t say this
March 25th at 10:30 am followed by Pilot reported. An argument history to their students.” because she was my daughter —
Directors Association Interment at Newton Cemetery. In over a spilled drink led to the Watson, the features editor, she was the perfect child,” Mau-
lieu of flowers, please consider making
shooting that killed Jenkins and said Ms. Jenkins also was inter- rice Jenkins told the Pilot. “An
CANNIFF MONUMENT a donation to her church or charity
of your choice in Betty’s honor. For a
another person and wounded
three others, police said.
ested in showing the stresses
that both teachers and parents
absolute Daddy’s girl. Just a car-
ing and a loving individual.”
(617) 323-3690 compete obituary, or to share a memory
of Betty, please www.eatonandmackay. Ms. Jenkins was scheduled have faced during the pandemic. Ms. Jenkins attended Tide-
800-439-3690 • 617-876-9110 Funeral and Memorial
531 Cummings Highway, Roslindale com for the breaking news shift that “Maybe if parents saw what it water Community College be-
Information Council
583 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge Eaton & Mackay Funeral Home day, and editors had reached out was like for teachers, parents fore transferring to Georgia
MON-FRI 9-9; SAT 9-5, SUNDAY 12-5 Newton Corner 617-244-2034 to her to cover the shooting be- would be more sympathetic,’’ State University, where she ma-
fore they learned of her death, Watson said. “And if teachers jored in journalism with a minor
the Pilot reported. read stories about what parents in African American studies.
C10 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2


In Boston’s
new season to
include ‘Tina,’
‘Six,’ ‘Jagged
Little Pill’
Heroines ranging from Tina Turner
to Eliza Doolittle to the six wives of
Henry VIII will be featured in the slate
of eight musicals Broadway In Boston
will present in the 2022-23 season.
The lineup announced Tuesday in-
cludes two shows that will be making a
return to Boston: the previously an-
nounced “Hamilton,” which enjoyed a
sold-out run here in the fall of 2018,
and “Come From Away,” presented at
Citizens Bank Opera House in autumn
The Opera House will be the site of
all but one of the shows announced by
Broadway In Boston, the local present-
ing organization for touring Broadway Paul Mecurio takes a seat at “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” in 2018. Off-camera, Mecurio warms up audiences before the tapings.
Its season will kick off Sept. 20-Oct.
2 with “Tina: The Tina Turner Musical,” By Nick A. Zaino III COMEDY aspect of what Mecurio does. The

followed by “Hairspray” Oct. 18-30. GLOBE CORRESPONDENT Providence native has been writing
Next up will be “Six,” a musical previ- f Paul Mecurio happens to jokes since he left a lucrative job as a
ously staged at Cambridge’s American call you out of the audience Wall Street lawyer for stand-up. He
Repertory Theater, in which Henry
VIII’s wives get their long-overdue say.
It will be presented by Broadway In
this weekend at Off Cabot,
the new comedy club in
Beverly, you don’t need to
From ‘Colbert’ decided to pursue comedy after land-
ing some jokes in Jay Leno’s “Tonight
Show” monologues. He moved to a
Boston at the Emerson Colonial The-
atre Nov. 9-Jan. 15, 2023.
worry. He’s not going to make fun of
your shirt or your job or make you
the butt of the joke. He wants to hear
to the clubs, cheap apartment in New Rochelle,
N.Y., and played clubs in New York
City and Boston.
your story, and he’s got a particular
skill for drawing it out, something
he’s honed on club and theater stages
Paul Mecurio is the “I was always the funniest lawyer
in my law firm,” he said in a “Late
Show” stand-up appearance, “which
and from warming up crowds at tap-
ings of “The Daily Show” and “The chattiest comic you is kind of like being the sexiest IT
guy.” He riffs on people’s reaction to

might ever meet

Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” finding out he specialized in corpo-
“I just like to talk to people and rate law. “That’s the worst, the lowest
then see where it goes,” he says, of the low, you’re evil, you kill kit-
speaking by Zoom. “And then it tens,” he imagines them saying. “And
sometimes might feed me into some- I’m like, ‘Uh, we would outsource
thing that I want to do, that I had forming in a stand-up club, Mecurio Speak.” At one show, he talked to a that.’ ”
“Six” will begin its run at the planned to talk about.” adjusted and started bringing audi- couple who he thought looked to be Longtime fans may remember
Emerson Colonial Theatre Nov. 9. In addition to appearing on cam- ence members at his shows onstage in their 70s. “I said, ‘How’d you him as Paul “Mercurio.” He dropped
era in sketches, Mecurio’s job at “The for conversations. “If they know meet?’ and they said, ‘An S&M web- the first “r” when he started acting
Another British monarch, King Late Show” is to welcome the audi- you’re not going to compromise site.’ I said, ‘When you were in your because there was another actor with
George III, plays a small but memora- ence into the Ed Sullivan Theater them, and they know you’re not go- 20s?’ ‘Oh, no, no, we just met like a that name. Film work, like shooting a
ble part in “Hamilton,” Lin-Manuel and get them ing to be obnoxious, they’ll give you small role in the upcoming Megan
Miranda’s blockbuster musical about PAUL MECURIO ready to see the the world,” he says. “In fact, they Fox movie “Johnny & Clyde,” helped
Alexander Hamilton and the other At Off Cabot, show. He sees want to, because most people have a ‘I don’t know why fill some of the space for Mecurio
Founding Fathers, which will sweep 9 Wallis St., himself as a host little bit of a performer in them and during the pandemic when he
across the stage of the Opera House Beverly. Friday at and the crowd now they’re on this stage.” when I go on stage, I couldn’t be in front of people.
Jan. 17–March 12, 2023.
From April 18-30, 2023, it’s back to
7 p.m., Saturday
at 7 and 9 p.m.
as his house
guests. Mecurio
Mecurio’s people-friendly ap-
proach has paid off. They open up to
can’t not talk to the There were points in Mecurio’s
career when he could have stayed
England again as the Opera House $25, explains the him about their lives and work, and people. . . . So instead put. He could have kept his job in
plays host to the Lincoln Center The-
ater production of the Lerner and
ground rules,
the most impor-
occasionally follow up with him on
social media. In early 2018, some
of me denying that law and stayed in his cushy apart-
ment. He could have kept writing for
Loewe classic “My Fair Lady,” followed tant of which is theater producers saw his interac- and suppressing that, TV after “The Daily Show” and main-
from May 2-14, 2023, by “Beetlejuice.” that the audience can’t be passive tions with the audience and thought tained a stable career without having
“Jagged Little Pill,” which was in- like they would be at home in front of it was a trick, that the people he it’s just owning it.’ to go on the road. Ultimately, Mecu-
spired by Alanis Morissette’s 1995 al- their televisions. spoke to were plants and the dia- PAUL MECURIO rio knows that wouldn’t have
bum and premiered at the ART before He says he and Colbert give the logue was worked out beforehand. worked. He needs the interaction.
transferring to Broadway, will make its audience a similar pre-show mes- When Mecurio assured them it “I don’t know why when I go on
way back to the 617 area code from sage. “We say the same thing — we wasn’t, he went to work on his off- stage, I can’t not talk to the people,”
June 13-25, 2023. do the show with you, not for you,” Broadway one-man show, “Permis- year ago.’ Now the whole place is he says. “There’s something about
Rounding out the Broadway In Bos- says Mecurio. “I tell them, look, sion to Speak.” Its run at the Actors’ leaning forward, and they start to tell me that likes to talk to people, right?
ton season will be the uplifting “Come you’re going to drive this with your Temple Theatre had to shut down me this incredible story.” So instead of me denying that and
From Away,” a musical about a small energy, you’re going to create this during the pandemic, but Mecurio is Mecurio also applies his conversa- suppressing that, it’s just owning it.”
Canadian town that welcomed thou- wave, and we’re going to surf it, but working on bringing the live show tional skills on his podcast, “Inside Comedy wasn’t a decision, it was
sands of plane passengers who had you guys have to be there for us. And back this year and developing a pitch Out with Paul Mecurio,” for which he a calling. “I kept thinking that I
been diverted on 9/11. It will be at the then I have to be funny, because they for a TV show. has interviewed everyone from Paul picked it,” he says, “but it picked me.”
Opera House Aug. 8-13, 2023. have to laugh.” On the Zoom call, Mecurio looks McCartney to Spike Lee to Neil de-
Details about the upcoming season Since warming up the “Late truly tickled relating some of the sto- Grasse Tyson. Nick A. Zaino III can be reached at
can be found at broadwayinbos- Show” crowd is different from per- ries he’s gotten from “Permission to Talking to the crowd is just one

COVID in Zendaya and Tom Holland spotted in Boston

touring party t’s every “Spider-Man” fan’s dream, and we’re liv-

forces Mitski
ing it.
Superstar actress Zendaya and actor-boy-
friend Tom Holland were spotted on Sunday at
to postpone the downtown location of Tatte Bakery & Cafe on
Boylston Street. The pair sat at the cafe counter, chatting

Boston shows BAO NGO

over beverages and small bites.
The A-listers may have been easy to miss, looking so
very much like the rest of us in their plain white T’s, re-
Pandemic restrictions may be over, Mitski says new Boston dates will laxed jeans, and coffees to-go. Zendaya also had her dog,
but COVID-19 is still upending the best be set and tickets will be honored. Noon, in tow.
laid plans. The “Euphoria” star has been in town since at least
On Monday, indie darling Mitski an- at Radio City Music Hall in New York last Monday filming the new movie “Challengers,” direct-
nounced just a few hours before show- scheduled for Thursday and a sold-out ed by Luca Guadagnino of “Call Me By Your Name” fame.
time that she was postponing her two show at the Franklin Music Hall in Phil- The upcoming film also features costars Josh O’Connor of
Boston concerts because someone on adelphia on Friday. “The Crown” and Mike Faist of “West Side Story.” “Chal-
her tour had tested positive for the vi- One silver lining for Boston fans: lengers” tells the story of Tashi, a tennis player-turned
rus. The Mitski pop-up merch shop will be coach who helps her husband, Art, go from a mediocre
“Due to a positive Covid test in the open from noon to 6 p.m. Tuesday at tennis player to a world-famous Grand Slam champion,
Mitski touring party, the Boston shows 100 Guest St. in Brighton, just across according to Deadline.
tonight and tomorrow will be post- from Roadrunner. Last week, Zendaya, 25, was seen shop- Tom Holland and Zendaya at the premiere of
poned,” the singer-songwriter posted on Mitski’s not the only art- ping on Newbury Street, sharing the experi- “Spider-Man: No Way Home” in LA in December.
Twitter. “New dates will be announced ist seeing tour dates scram- NAMES ence via Instagram with her 133 million fol-
soon and all tickets will be honored.” bled because of COVID. lowers. Since then, fans have likely been chatter.
The sold-out Boston shows, original- Grammy winner John Mayer also had wondering about the Emmy winner’s whereabouts, and “I was just trying to make beats like what the [exple-
ly scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, to postpone a handful of shows this were thrilled not only to see her still in Boston, but with tive]?” Drew Monson tweeted, adding that the stars came
were two of the first scheduled at Road- month, including two concerts at TD Holland, 25 — a love interest that everyone can seem to in for “about 15 minutes, got a mocha frappe to share,
runner, the shiny new music venue at Garden, because he and several band get behind. and then left.”
Boston Landing. The 3,500-capacity members tested positive. It marked the “Life goal: find someone that looks at you the way In a recent interview, Guadagnino said “Challengers”
hall had its inaugural show just last second time in two months that Mayer Tom Holland looks at Zendaya,” one person tweeted. would be filming in Boston through May and June, and
week with bluegrass artist Billy Strings. had tested positive for COVID. The pair met in 2016 while working on “Spider-Man: that it would premiere in 2023. MGM Studios recently
The “Washing Machine Heart” sing- “We’ll give you everything we’ve got Homecoming,” and their romantic relationship was made acquired rights to the film, according to Deadline, and
er is touring behind her most recent al- at these upcoming shows, just as soon public in summer 2021. Looks like they’re still going Amy Pascal, Guadagnino, Zendaya, and Rachel O’Connor
bum, “Laurel Hell.” It’s not clear how as we rest up and regroup,” Mayer told strong. of Pascal Pictures are producing. Justin Kuritzkes wrote
the COVID news will impact Mitski’s fans at the time on Instagram. Meanwhile, the guy photographed sitting to the left the script, according to Deadline.
upcoming tour dates — a sold-out show HAYLEY KAUFMAN of Zendaya and Holland at Tatte got in on the Twitter BRITTANY BOWKER
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T H E B O S T O N G L O B E W E D N E S DAY, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / F O O D

We are all
1 2 Chowhounds now
It’s the end of an era for the website.
But its influence lives on.
By Devra First ite cookware brands, travel tips,
GLOBE STAFF desert-island cookbooks, obscure
RIP Chowhound, born 1997, liqueurs, and so much more. In
deceased 2022 — although some the process, over its 25 years, it
say its demise began when the shaped a different kind of food ob-
scrappy, independent food web- sessive — not a “foodie” but a
site was purchased by CNET in chowhound, or, simply, hound —
3 4 2006. Or perhaps it was in 2015, and became a real community.
when a redesign by then-owner “Chowhounds know where the
CBS Interactive rendered the site good stuff is, and they never settle
so difficult to use that many long- for less than optimal delicious-
time devotees simply left. In 2020, ness, whether dining in splendor
it was acquired by Red Ventures, or grabbing a quick slice,” reads
which recently announced it will t h e C h o w h o u n d Ma n i f e s t o .
shut the site down forever on “We’re not talking about foodies.
March 28. Foodies eat where they’re told.
An artifact of the early food In- Chowhounds blaze trails. They
ternet, with a barely designed in- comb through neighborhoods for
terface and simple, photo-free culinary treasure. They despise
message-board format, Chow- hype. And while they appreciate
hound appears highly quaint be- ambiance and service, they can’t
side today’s TikToks, Instagrams, be fooled by flash.”
5 6 and the like. But it functioned — At the time, this was revolu-
and how — exactly as it was tionary. Food Network was only
meant to. It gave users an early four years old. Yelp launched in
space to congregate online and 2004, Eater the year after that. Co-
engage in passionate, sometimes founders Jim Leff and Bob Oku-
heated, conversations about far- mura started Chowhound months
flung cuisines, little-known res- before the term “weblog” was
taurants, foolproof recipes, favor- CHOWHOUND, Page G5

7 8

Patio season is
here, so Project
9 10 Takeout is a wrap

But first, our final batch

Grocery prices are rising. of Globe staff recommendations

for supporting local restaurants

But at Market Basket, you can still get

SHANTI, Roslindale arind) and crunch (homemade
At our place, there are takeout chips), with medium spice.
nights — and then there are Shan- Saag Paneer is in nearly every
ti nights. Because everything order we’ve placed with Shanti:

more for your dollar (usually).

about this Indian food is elevated: Those roughly cut cubes of the
The flavors are layered, the spices specialty cheese, immersed in a
are pronounced, and the servings fragrant spinach sauce, are both
are outsized. We frequent the res- good that evening and for lunch a
What to buy and, yes, avoid at New England’s own bargain chain taurant’s Roslindale outpost,
which has an ample dining room
few days later. For vegetarians and
vegetable lovers alike, the Aloo
right off of Adams Park. There’s al- Gobi — a dish filled with cauli-
BY KARA BASK IN | G LO B E COR RE S P O N DE N T so a location open in Dorchester. flower, potatoes, and peas — is al-

Favorites, to start, are the sa- so worth your while.
mosas or the vegetarian Shanti For meat-based dishes, we re-
here are disruptions in the global food chain. Energy prices are Platter, which includes delicious cently enjoyed the Shrimp Rogan
and filling pakora — our toddler, Josh, with its pungent cilantro
skyrocketing. Inflation is upon us, and food costs continue to
especially, appreciates these chick- and creamy tomato sauce (you can
climb. In January, the consumer price index showed that US pea battered-and-fried delights. order it without cilantro). But
prices rose at a rate of 7.5 percent, the fastest growth since
Market Basket For a more adventurous opener, when we’re feeling decadent or
1982. brand items try one of their varieties of chaat, c e l e b r a t o r y, w e g o w i t h t h e
It’s prime time, then, to examine the best store-brand super- (pictured) an Indian street food. We recently
enjoyed the Papri’s balance of fla-
Shrimp Korma — a preparation
that, like the Rogan Josh, can go
market products. And where better to conduct this experiment include: vor (sweet, but not too sweet, tam- TAKEOUT, Page G4
than Market Basket, the pride of Lowell? After all, their motto is
“more for your dollar.” Take heart in knowing that it’s still 1977 here, from 1. Italian sub
Jennifer Warnes on the speakers to the mauve parquet tiling — right down
2. cream soda
to the rock-bottom prices. Ahead, here’s what to buy (and, yes, a few things
3. salt and vinegar
to avoid).
potato chips
Calzones: This is a mixed bag. Hot, chive essence, and mystical sea salt, 4. doughnuts
cheesy calzones at my local pizzeria move along. These are thin, crackly 5. sushi
run about $11. These $4.29 plastic- chips the way God intended, sandblast-
wrapped ones are pre-cooked, meaning ed with flavor, the kind you’d find in a 6. peanut butter
you’re left to your own devices for re- Fiestaware bowl at a summertime cook- 7. rotisserie chickens
heating. Use the microwave, and you’ll out in your tipsy aunt’s backyard circa
be rewarded with a floppy triangle of 1981. Salt and vinegar was the winner
8. pizza
goo. Baking is probably the way to go. with my mixed-age crowd: powerful, al- 9. calzones
My crowd enjoyed the Italian calzone, most numbing, tangy enough to make 10. chocolate chunk
which had a peppery kick, but thought your mouth water on contact. A large
that the meager steak-and-cheese ver- bag is just $2 (compare that with party- cookies
sion needed one more ingredient for size Doritos for $4.19 or so). As one of
oomph. As for sizing: This is a one-spin- my younger taste-testers opined: “If you
through-the-cycle deal; no leftovers. were a poor college student, which one
Chips: Here’s where MB truly shines. would you choose?” The answer is clear.
If you are looking for wholesome crisps Cheeses: Market Basket stocks a
sprinkled with artisan cheese dust, MARKET BASKET, Page G5 Takeout from Shanti, in Roslindale: This is Chicken Biryani.
G2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

A funny thing
happened in the Everything
bathroom. Bagel ice
Her guest towel cream is back.
made us laugh. Will it bowl
Barbara Litwin’s knack for
inventing puns and quips led you over?
her to launch her online busi-
ness, Sense & Humor (sense- From loving it and search- On the site, ing for more to being grossed
the Newton resident sells col- out and aghast, Instagramers
lections of gift items with wit- went wild last year when Je-
ty sayings and wisecracks, ni’s Splendid Ice Cream rolled
many of them her own. “Even out its most polarizing flavor:
as a kid, I always loved mak- Everything Bagel ice cream.
ing people laugh,” says Lit- The sweet and savory concoc-
win. For instance, several tion is made with a cream
years ago, she had printed on cheese ice cream that’s laced

You’ve mastered sourdough;

guest towels her original say- with a buttery streusel of ses-
ing “Hurry back . . . we’re ame and poppy seeds and
talking about you.” A produc- studded with onion and gar-
er for Whoopi Goldberg lic bits. Founder Jeni Britton

time to try bagels, bialys,

stumbled on the towels and Bauer from Columbus, Ohio,
featured some of Litwin’s is an innovator in the artisan
products on a segment of ice cream movement, and has
“The View.” “My website long offered creative flavor

and home-cured lox

crashed, and my business cat- combinations — goat cheese
apulted,” she says. Before with cherries; maple soaked
that, she designed towels to pancakes; fluffernutter pie.

give Passover hosts a chuckle This is the most surprising
that said, “Let My People Go,” combo. Love or hate it, it
addressing what Moses told athy Barrow was raised in Toledo, (six bialys, six bagels), so you don’t find yourself quickly sold out. But now, Je-
the Pharaoh and at the same Ohio, on bagels her Grandmother shaping a dozen pieces of dough and then filling ni’s is bringing back Every-
time jesting about matzah’s Bea bought in Brookline, where your freezer with baked goods. They’re meant to thing Bagel and the flavor
reputation for causing consti- she lived, packed into a big hat- eat right now, with a schmear — chive or scallion will be available on the com-
pation. “I use life experiences box, and carried on the plane on cheese are two choices — and a slice or two of fish. pany website ( on
that speak to me,” says Lit- visits to her Midwestern family. The recipe for home-cured lox, for which you start March 21, and after March
win. The site has a number of As an adult, because of those with a piece of salmon and refrigerate it covered 23 at Formaggio Kitchen, 358
fun gifts for the upcoming warm memories, Barrow decided with salt and sugar (the only three ingredients), is Huron Ave., Cambridge; 617-
Passover and Easter holidays: to start making her own. “Bagels, spectacular. Lox is not smoked fish. It’s more like 354-4750; Pemberton Farms
10 plagues coasters, egg- Schmears, and a Nice Piece of gravlax, which is herbier. The only thing you need Marketplace, 2225 Mass.
shaped salt and pepper shak- Fish: A Whole Brunch of Recipes to Make at Home” for lox is time: Ave., Cambridge, 617-491-
ers, Easter boxes filled with is the result of years of bagel experiments. That ºRecipes for Bialys and two to three days. 2244; and Dave’s Fresh Pasta,
handcrafted toffee, and more evolved into preparing traditional creamy spreads Home-Cured Lox are below. You turn the fish 81 Holland St., Somerville,
— all to put a smile on your for the chewy rounds, and then cured and smoked every 24 hours, 617-623-0867 (about $12 a
face. “I try to do anything I fish, also essential on a classic Jewish deli platter. and like wizardry, you achieve silky, smooth, pint).
can to lighten up the world a Barrow is a skilled storyteller and an exceptionally brightly colored fish. Making lox felt like magic; it ANN TRIEGER
bit,” says Litwin. $8 and up. good recipe writer whose formulas work (in this re- cured exactly as Barrow said. The most difficult KURLAND
ANN TRIEGER spect, she is part of a very small club, even among part was slicing thinly enough “to read the newspa-
KURLAND best-selling authors). per through the slice,” according to the author’s
There are many good bagel shops in the Boston grandfather. Just follow her instructions.
area, so I never had the urge to make my own, but Barrow also has recipes for salads, such as
bialys, lost treasures of the Jewish table, are diffi- smoked whitefish, and an egg salad mixed with
cult to find. These yeasty disks are filled with sau- pickle relish, chives, sour cream, and Balaboosta
teed onions and poppyseeds. It turns out they’re Mayonnaise (balaboosta is a Yiddish term for a
quite easy to make, shape, and bake, best on a pizza good homemaker). Photos by Linda Xiao are sim-
stone, and the results are impressive. To get the ple and splendid, though I started to obsess about
right texture and shiny exterior on bagels, Barrow’s getting my bialys to look just like the ones on the
secret is to mix a little gluten booster, called vital page. Relax, I told myself. They’re not going to
wheat gluten, with all-purpose flour (you can buy it hang in a gallery. They’re going into your tummy,
at Elmendorf Baking Supplies in Cambridge). I warm, with or without a schmear.
made bialys successfully without it — they were ter- “Bagels, Schmears, and a Nice Piece of Fish: A
rific — but in another batch, where I did use the Whole Brunch of Recipes to Make at Home,” by
gluten boost, the texture was remarkably good. Cathy Barrow, Chronicle Books ($24.95).
All of of Barrow’s recipes yield small amounts SHERYL JULIAN

Bialys ly clean. Leave the mixer bowl on the Home-Cured Lox (Cured Salmon)
Makes 6 stand. Cover the bowl with a clean Serves 6
kitchen towel. Let the dough rest for
“There was a time when bialys were ubiquitous in ba- 10 minutes to allow the flour to hy- Ideally, to make lox (cured salmon), you need salmon
gel shops,” writes Cathy Barrow in “Bagels, Schmears, drate evenly. belly, writes Cathy Barrow in “Bagels, Schmears, and a
and a Nice Piece of Fish.” Bialys are made from a 2. Uncover the bowl, turn the mixer Nice Piece of Fish,” “but I’ll cure any part of the salmon
yeast dough that is shaped into disks and flattened in speed to medium, and let it run for a I'm given. If it’s a thinner tail end, I simply plan for less
the center to make space for sauteed onions and pop- full 5 minutes (do not leave the mixer; time to achieve the silky, firm joy that is lox. Lox is nev-
pyseeds. Barrow writes that the dough can overproof it can “walk” across the counter), or er smoked, only cured in a simple mixture of salt and
and puff into dinner rolls, so watch them during the until the dough is smooth and satiny sugar.” Allow three days for the salmon to cure, though
second proof. You want the centers to be open so you and the sides of the bowl are clean. it may only take two. It will keep for a week in the fridge
can fill them with onions just before baking. They are The dough will be slightly sticky. and three months in the freezer (freeze already sliced,
best eaten within a day (and don't freeze well). The 3. Remove the bowl from the mixer in small portions). The slices should be so thin, writes
dough is made in a heavy-duty mixer with a dough stand. Cover tightly with plastic wrap Barrow, “You should be able to read the newspaper
hook. Barrow calls for adding vital wheat gluten to and leave to rise in a warm place for through the slice, according to my grandfather, Allan.”
all-purpose flour to make a high-protein flour. To use 45 to 60 minutes, or until doubled in Stir trimmings into scrambled eggs.
vital wheat gluten, add 2 teaspoons per 1 cup flour. size.
The recipe made with King Arthur All-Purpose Flour 4. Place a pizza stone, baking steel, or
1 pound skin-on, center-cut boneless salmon
also works well without the extra gluten. You need to inverted baking sheet on the center
¼ cup sugar
heat a pizza stone in the middle rack of the oven for rack of the oven. Set the oven at 450
¼ cup kosher salt
30 minutes before baking the bialys. degrees and let it heat for at least 30
minutes. Have on hand a 9-by-13-inch 1. Place an 18-inch sheet of foil on the counter and cov-
TOPPING sheet of parchment paper. Place it on er it with a sheet of plastic wrap about the same size.
a pizza peel, large cutting board, or an Set the salmon skin-side down on the wrap. Use fingers
2 tablespoons olive oil
inverted baking sheet. Dust with corn- to inspect the fish for pin bones and remove them with
2 medium onions, halved and thinly sliced
meal. tweezers.
½ teaspoon kosher salt
5. Generously flour a counter and 2. In a small bowl, combine the sugar and salt. Press the
2 tablespoons plain dried white breadcrumbs
turn the dough out onto it. Coat the mixture into the flesh side of the salmon. Use the wrap
½ teaspoon poppyseeds
dough all over with flour, deflating it to snugly enclose the fillet, then double wrap with foil.
1. In a large deep skillet over medium-high heat, heat and pressing it into a rectangle. Divide the dough in- Sheryl Julian tried these recipes from 3. Place the packet in a shallow glass or ceramic dish.
the oil until it shimmers. Add the onions and salt. to 6 equal pieces. Working with 1 piece at a time, flat- Cathy Barrow’s “Bagels, Schmears, and a Place another dish on top of the packet and add cans of
Stir well. Turn the heat to medium-low and cook, ten it into a disk, then lift and pull the edges toward Nice Piece of Fish: A Whole Brunch of tomatoes or jars of pickles to weight it down. After 24
stirring often, for 25 minutes, or until the onions are the center to form a ball. Place it seams down on the Recipes to Make at Home” (featured at top hours, tip out any juices that accumulate in the dish.
softened and only slightly tan. counter. Roll it under your cupped palm to form a of page). Turn the fish and add the top dish and weights. Refrig-
2. Transfer the onions to a bowl and stir in the bread- snug, smooth exterior. Repeat with the other 5 piec- erate for 24 hours more. (Total time so far: 48 hours;
crumbs and poppyseeds. Set aside to cool. es, lining them up in the order in which you're work- the fish may not be done curing.)
ing on them. 4. Unwrap the fish and check it; it should be firm all the
DOUGH 6. Starting with the first ball, flatten it into a 5-inch 8. Repeat the dimpling process in the rounds, press- way through. Press with your fingertips to check the
disk. Lift it up, holding it by the edge and continue to ing out a 2-to-3-inch area in the middle of the rounds thickest part of the fish to see if the texture has changed
2¾ cups high-gluten flour
turn it to form an outer rim. Place it on the parch- for the topping with a chubby edge. Place about ¼ from tender to firm, raw to cured. There should be
¾ cup water
ment paper. Use your fingertips to flatten the center cup of the onion mixture in the center of each disk. some resistance and the color will deepen. If it seems to
1½ teaspoon kosher salt
of the round, pressing out any air bubbles, dimpling Spread it until it touches the rim. need more time, rewrap, turn over, and replace the dish
½ teaspoon instant yeast
it, and pressing down hard until you feel the surface 9. Carefully slide the parchment paper with the bi- and weights. Check again in 12 hours, and again 12
3 tablespoons cornmeal (for sprinkling)
under the dough. The bialy should be flat in the cen- alys onto the hot surface in the oven. Bake the bialys hours later, if needed. The fish will never take more
Extra flour (for sprinkling)
ter with a rim. Repeat with the remaining balls in the for 13 to 16 minutes, or until the rounds are pale tan. than 72 hours to cure. The fish should be firm and
1. In a mixer fitted with the dough hook, combine the order you shaped them originally. By the time you 10. Transfer the bialys on the paper to a wire rack for deeply pink.
flour, water, salt, and yeast. On low speed, mix until shape the last ball, the first one will have shrunk to 5 minutes. Cover with a clean kitchen towel so they 5. Unwrap the fish and rinse under cold water to re-
there are no dry patches of flour showing. Stop to 3¼ to 4 inches; that’s OK. steam a little and stay soft. Eat as soon as they are move the salt-sugar mixture. Pat dry with paper towels.
scrape down the sides of the bowl once or twice. If 7. Cover the rounds with a clean kitchen towel. Let just warm, or room temperature, or store in a cov- Slice very thinly on an angle. You should be able to read
you still see dry patches of flour, add a few drops of them proof at room temperature for 15 to 30 min- ered container and eat within 1 day. a newspaper through the slices. Arrange overlapping on
water to the bowl. Turn the speed to medium. Mix for utes, or until they are puffy and a fingerprint remains Sheryl Julian. Adapted from “Bagels, Schmears, and a platter. Sheryl Julian. Adapted from “Bagels,
2 to 3 minutes, or until the sides of the bowl are near- in the dough when it's pressed. a Nice Piece of Fish” Schmears, and a Nice Piece of Fish”
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e G3

She keeps things hopping at High Street Place Favorite restaurants in New-
My favorite restaurant is ac-
tually my whole family’s favorite
By Kara Baskin been awesome. The food hall is Melt Away Session IPA. They’re restaurant: The Black Cow. We
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT just been really, really well-re- a little bit lighter alcohol, so you love it there. We go quite often.
Newburyport Brewing Co. ceived. People are excited to get can drink a little bit more, but If I ask the kids where they want
gets an all-female spinoff, Ale- out and come in the morning, you still get that flavorful citrus. to go, that’s usually the first
get some breakfast on their way place that they want. We get the
wives, at downtown food hall to the office, stop down for It’s a spring day. You’re out- sushi, which is a big hit — and
High Street Place thanks to lunch. At night, there’s a DJ side. What’s your favorite beer the firecracker shrimp has be-
Allison Fisher and Crystal sometimes, and there was an and food pairing? come a big family favorite.
Rimoczy. Their husbands, Bill après-ski event the other night.
So people are excited to come What’s your best hangover
Fisher and Chris Webb, run
the original North Shore
out. I think it’s only going to ‘People are excited cure? I’m not implying that you
move in a positive direction, es- get hangovers. But if you did?
brewery. The duo met as part pecially as the weather gets nic- to come out. I I think a nice cold glass of or-
of a seven-piece funk band, er. I really think people are ready
to get back out there to meet up
think it’s only ange juice.
Das Pintos, where Bill played
with friends. … I continue to going to move in a Is there one dish that really
trumpet and Chris was the
lead singer. Alewives was a
think it’s going to do well.
positive direction, struck you as something you’ve
tried and absolutely loved at
pandemic pivot, featuring a I know you want your beers especially as the High Street?
to pair well with some of the I’m usually having lunch
handful of Newburyport orig-
other foods at High Street, and weather gets nicer. down here, so I’ve been having
inals and other local favorites.
When Fisher isn’t pouring
there’s quite a variety of foods
in the mix. Any pairing recom-
. . . People are the chicken sandwich over at
Pennypacker’s lately. I really like
beer with Rimoczy, she’s run- mendations? ready to get back that chicken sandwich. There’s
One of the beers that we an aioli, there’s a sauce on there,
ning 10Ks (she has a master’s
chose was the Boulevard Tank 7, out there to meet that’s got some kick to it. It’s
degree in exercise physiology)
and caring for three teenagers
and we chose that because it’s up with friends.’ pretty spicy. It’s a nice lunch.
notoriously a beer that pairs re- And I like the Farmacy: They
in Newburyport. ally well with different foods. It’s have nice, healthy bowls with
very light-finishing. It’s not too greens, and you pick your pro-
overpowering. It’s a little bit A session IPA and a nice char- tein, and some rice. I haven’t
How did Alewives come into
GETTING SALTY higher alcohol, but it will pair re-
ally well with more robust food
cuterie board with cheese, crack-
ers, fig jam, and maybe some al-
tried everything yet.
So, it was originally branded offerings, like a chicken sand- monds. Have your kids tried beer in
to be Newbur ypor t Tasting wich from Haley Jane’s or maybe moderation?
Room. But, as you know, the a burger at Wheelhouse. I just If you’re home snacking, They have not tried beer. Be-
f o o d h a l l d i d n’ t o p e n w i t h just what you would think of: a have everything from light, easy- spoke with Abby over at Wheel- watching Netflix, what are you lieve it or not, they have not.
COVID. There were many uncer- dark brew pub, kind of an older drinking, lower ABVs, to hoppy house about possibly doing eating?
tainties around opening and lots building, and they had local beer beers with a little bit higher AB- something with wings for the I usually find myself with
of moving parts. So, during that — some Ithaca breweries. I real- Vs. So it really it covers the gam- bar, which would be really cool something salty sweet — I like to Kara Baskin can be reached at
time, we really kind of sat down ly found that I liked hoppy IPAs, ut of anything that somebody — or possibly doing a beer make my own trail mix with Follow
as families and thought about real flavorful beers. It just was a might be looking for. And then cheese with our Green Head IPA pretzels and nice chocolate. her on Twitter @kcbaskin.
what would work best for us. We coincidence when I met my hus- we have a gluten-free option in a from Newburyport.
thought about how Crystal and I band, and he was a giant beer cider, which is great for people
could make this our own and
make a brand that reflected us.
We started to think: The boys
lover. He had studied in Belgium
during college and really became
a lover of craft beer. He contin-
who don’t want a beer, and we
offer seltzer as well.
Let’s talk about the yin and
yang of exercise and beer.
What’s your secret?
The Forgotten Foot
are having so much fun with the ued to introduce me to more What it’s like to run a stall at Exercise is a really big piece “It’s Worth the Trip!”
brewery, and we could do our craft beers. When I moved back a food hall in the current cli- of who I am. It’s something
own thing here at High Street to Boston, we used to go to Pad- mate? Who’s the clientele? that’s important to me, and my
Women’s Fashion Shoes in hard to find sizes
Place. dy Burke’s and drink Guinness, Who’s coming in, and what’s three kids are all involved in Sizes 6.5ww – 11ww, also 12m
and he would always have me your sense about the future of sports. I like to run more in the
Did you meet your husband trying different things. downtown? summer. I’m a little bit more of a
through a love of beer, or is it That was one of the uncer- summer runner. So, you know, I
something that you grew to like What’s your niche at Ale- tainties with High Street Place keep it in check that way — I like
as a couple? wives? and the bar itself opening. We to run some local 10Ks down the
I kind of found craft beer pri- We offer a wide variety of really weren’t sure, because the Cape and up in Maine, and I do
or to meeting my husband. I beer. We have 12 draft lines, and city is still kind of opening back CrossFit. It helps balance every-
went to graduate school out in five of those are dedicated to up, and the occupancy rate with- thing out.
Ithaca, New York, and I used to Newburyport beers, because in the building is actually still
We’ve Moved! Hours: Mon-Sat 11- 6
go to this local brew pub called those are our favorites. We have pretty low. But, you know, peo- Favorite style of beer?
1255 Worcester Rd • Framingham, MA Sunday 12-4
the Chapter House. And it was five other options as well. We ple are coming out, and it’s just A session IPA. I drink [our]



Make a simple French coq au vin

part of your weekly repertoire LET SHELFGENIE KICKSTART
Throughout the endless
pandemic, home cooks decided
to teach themselves dishes they
might not otherwise have had Transform your existing cabinets with our custom-designed pull-out shelves
time for. Some were wildly am-
bitious, as a scroll through any
social media will tell you. But if
those cooks made a list of tech-
niques that are essential to
learn, and ticked them off one
by one, they would certainly
have mastered a simple chick-
en saute. The most famous is a

classic coq au vin, a very old
French dish in which a tough
bird simmered in wine with
small onions, lardons of bacon,
My Weekly Coq au Vin for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the chick- and mushrooms until the meat NO

50% OFF
Serves 4 en pieces move easily and the skin was finally tender.
no longer sticks to the pan. Turn and My weekly coq au vin is a PAYMENTS
8 chicken thighs or drumsticks
brown the undersides for 3 minutes. pared down version, beginning *On Approved Credit*

(skin and bones intact) or 4

Transfer the chicken to a bowl. with chicken parts (take your
split breasts (skin and bones
4. Add the onion to the pan, and pick: thighs, drumsticks, or
intact), or a combination (3

cook, stirring often, for 5 minutes. split breasts), a chopped onion
pounds total)
Add the garlic and cook 1 minute instead of small ones, which
Salt and pepper, to taste
more. are a nuisance to peel, chopped
2 strips thick-cut bacon, cut into
5. Add the mushrooms to the pan fire-roasted canned tomatoes,
1-inch pieces
and cook, stirring, for 5 minutes, or sliced mushrooms, and both
1 large onion, coarsely chopped
until they lose their liquid. Turn the chicken stock and wine, red or *Limit one offer per household. Must purchase 5+
1 clove garlic, smashed with the
heat to medium-high and cook, stir- white. Everything goes into the Classic/Designer Shelves. MA HIC License #165040.
side of a knife
ring, until the liquid evaporates. Stir pan in stages, so bacon renders FOLLOW
EXP 4/30/22
8 ounces button, shiitake, or ba- RE
the flour into the mushrooms and first, chicken is browned in the


by bella mushrooms, thinly


cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. bacon fat, and you always have
6. Stir the tomatoes, stock, and wine a few minutes while elements


1 tablespoon flour SA

into the pan and cook, scraping the are in the saute pan to line up FET EL
1 cup canned fire-roasted toma-
bottom of the pan, until the mixture the remaining ingredients.
toes or other chopped canned
comes to a boil. Typically I insist on an orga-
7. Return the bacon and chicken to nized mise en place (every-
¾ cup chicken stock
the pan with any juices that accumu- thing in its place), but on coq
¾ cup red or white wine
lated in the bowl. Add the thyme au vin nights, I'm prepping as I
2 sprigs fresh thyme
sprigs and bring to a boil. Lower the go because the dish is so forgiv-
2 tablespoons chopped fresh
heat and simmer gently for 30 min- ing. So is the cooking time. Coq
parsley (for garnish)
utes, or until the chicken is cooked au vin meat should be falling
1. Remove any pockets of fat on the through and a meat thermometer off the bone. The best ones I've
chicken thighs, if using. Sprinkle inserted into the thickest part of the had in France were near the
thighs and breasts with salt and pieces (not the bone) registers 165 end of service in a cafe that has
pepper. degrees. left the dish on a back burner
2. In a large flameproof casserole 8. Lift out and discard the thyme most of the evening. By the Schedule your FREE design consultation today!
over medium heat, render the ba- sprigs from the pan. Taste the sauce time I order it, the sauce is a
con, stirring often, until it is golden
brown. Remove from the pan and
transfer to a plate lined with paper
for seasoning and add more salt and
pepper, if you like. Use scissors to
cut the breasts in half horizontally
little concentrated and the
meat is spoon tender and the
onions have practically melted.
(888) 780-0113
towels. and return to the pan. Sprinkle with It tastes like centuries of cooks Visit our showroom in Woburn. For more information,
3. Discard all but 2 tablespoons fat parsley. Divide the mixture among 4 have been perfecting the dish. see
from the pan. Add the chicken, skin shallow bowls. They have.
side down. Cook without disturbing Sheryl Julian SHERYL JULIAN
G4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2


o keep a family business —
or any business, really —
operational for the past two
years is a colossal achieve-
ment . To keep a family This
business running through two world
wars and 130 years’ worth of economic
and natural disasters is a triumph of ep-

ic proportions. Since 1897 — the year
the Tremont Street subway, our young
nation’s first underground metro, start-
ed running — a little distillery in Italy’s
Friuli region has been distilling grapes.
In the early days, grappa was the house
is for
product. Today, the company is run by
three sisters who account for the fifth adults
generation of the founding family, and
one of their daughters, Francesca. In ad-
dition to various grappas, they produce
Amaro Nonino, an herbal digestif, on
antique stills. I visited the sepia-toned,
brick-walled distillery six years ago and
the musty, cooked-plum aromas of the
new distillate running off the still re-
main lodged in my gray matter like an The Paper Plane is a modern classic that illuminates the nuances of a
Italian madeleine. generations-old amaro.
Yet traditional operations like this
remind me of that old truism of aca- rique casks. and it’s like I’m discovering it all over
demia: “Publish or perish.” Generations- I asked her how she feels about mix- again.”
old distillers are no exception. While ing her ancestral amaro in cocktails and
nobody can deny the low-fi delight of she excitedly told me about the Paper PAPER PLANE
sipping an amaro after dinner, tastes Plane. Developed by New York bartend- ¾ ounce bourbon
change and social customs mutate. Un- er Sam Ross, it’s well-known enough to- ¾ ounce Aperol
less you’ve been hiding under a rock day to qualify as a modern classic. Mix- ¾ ounce Amaro Nonino Quintessentia
Turkey Zucchini Skillet Burgers since Ben and Jen’s first breakup, in ing the amaro with bourbon, Aperol, ¾ ounce fresh lemon juice
Serves 4 2004, you know the ubiquity of and fresh lemon achieves the holy trini-
thoughtfully crafted cocktails — classic ty of bitter, sour, and herbaceous. And a 1. Pour all ingredients into a cocktail
Before it’s time to pull out the grill and dust it off, make these turkey burgers in a skillet and original. It’s a movement the Noni- revelation. shaker over ice. Shake vigorously for 10
on the stovetop. Stir a single grated zucchini into a mixture of ground turkey to keep no family embraces. “The lemon acidity makes the or- seconds.
them from becoming dry, and add onion, lemon rind and juice, and parsley to perk up the Francesca visited the United States ange notes pop. Put an ingredient in the 2. Strain into a coupe glass.
meat. Burgers in a skillet can become too dark on the outside before the interior is done, recently in preparation for the summer- hands of a good bartender, an artist,
so cook them low and slow once they turn golden. Serve on buns with ketchup, mayo, and time launch of the distillery’s new and they can highlight nuances of the Liza Weisstuch can be reached at
pickles, or take a minimalist approach and place them on a bed of salad greens. Good Quintessentia Riserva, a version of the ingredients,” she told me. “I’ve been Follow her
burgers aren’t seasonal. Don't wait until summer to enjoy one. original that’s aged two years in bar- drinking Amaro Nonino my whole life, on Twitter @livingtheproof.
1 egg
ni, onion, lemon rind and juice, parsley,
1 medium (8 ounces) zucchini, grated
the ½ teaspoon salt, and ¼ teaspoon pep-
(to make about 2 cups)
per until combined. Add the ground turkey
¼ medium onion, finely chopped
and mix well.

Putting a wrap on
Grated rind of 1 lemon
2. Using a light touch, form the turkey
2 tablespoons lemon juice
mixture into 4 patties.
3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley

Project Takeout
3. In a large nonstick skillet over medium
½ cup panko or other dry white unsea-
heat, heat 2 tablespoons of the oil. Add the
soned breadcrumbs
patties. Lower the heat to medium-low and
½ teaspoon salt, and more to taste
cook for 4 to 5 minutes. Turn carefully and
¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pep-
cook 4 to 5 minutes more, or until the uTAKEOUT
per, and more to taste Continued from Page G1
burgers are golden on the outside and a
1 pound ground dark meat turkey
meat thermometer inserted into the center with any protein, and features cream, ginger, and cashew
4 tablespoons olive oil, or more if
of the burgers registers 165 degrees. for a richness and crunch. We’ve also loved the Chicken Biry-
4. Meanwhile, in a bowl, toss the arugula ani, though we round down on the spice level and use ample
4 handfuls of arugula or mixed greens
or greens, tomatoes, remaining 2 table- yogurt sauce to cool the heat.
1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved
spoons olive oil, vinegar, and a pinch each While you can’t go wrong with any of the naan offerings,
2 teaspoons sherry vinegar or white
of salt and pepper. the straight-up garlic variety never disappoints, and it is espe-
wine vinegar, or more to taste
5. Divide the salad among 4 plates and top cially useful for picking up the leftover sauce of the aforemen-
1. In a bowl large enough to hold all the in- each with a burger. tioned Korma dish. On a more adventurous kick, we’ve also
gredients, whisk the egg. Stir in the zucchi- Sally Pasley Vargas tried the Peshawary Naan, a sweeter variety with raisins and
And no Shanti takeout meal is complete without their
sauces, which add so much to that meal and beyond: The
mixed pickle is different and delicious, but the first container
to empty at our table is always mint chutney. We’ve used the
remnants in these little plastic containers to spice up our own
meals, such as regular rice and beans.
It’s worth noting that Shanti recently announced they
would add a 4 percent “kitchen appreciation fee” to boost the
back-of-the-house staff — an increasingly common addition
to the tab at many restaurants in Jamaica Plain or Roslindale.
And keep an eye out for their specials, which are more like cu-
linary programming than blue-plate dishes: We loved their
Diwali Feast To-Go, and now they also offer DIY meal kits.
Shanti Restaurant, 4197 Washington St., Roslindale, 617-
325-3900, Appetizers $6-$12, soups
and salads $4-$8, roti $3-$6, entrees $14-$23.


Sometimes it takes an outsider to introduce you to the cu- Takeout from Shaking Seafood (top) and Steel & Rye.
linary delights in your own backyard.
When my niece from Arkansas was here over the holidays,
she asked if we could have a seafood boil for New Year’s Eve, STEEL & RYE, Milton
and a little Googling led us to Shaking Seafood in Roslindale. A seemingly long, long time ago, my husband and I ven-
Suddenly, our takeout world got a lot more exciting. This New tured south from Cambridge to the wilds of the Dorchester/
Orleans-style boil is nothing like the corned beef and cabbage Milton border to try a new restaurant we’d heard raves about:
variety of New England. This is Cajun food, with crawfish, Steel & Rye. I wandered into the retrofitted ambulance ga-
Vegetable and Bean Stew crab, mussels, or almost any type of shellfish you desire rage, ordered the bucatini, and have been raving about the
Serves 6 doused in garlicky, buttery, salty, Old Bay-y goodness, cooked place myself ever since.
with corn on the cob and potatoes, and delivered in a big plas- Flash forward seven years, and Steel & Rye is now one of
A thick, warming stew is a satisfying winter 1. In a soup pot over medium heat, heat tic bag. my neighborhood restaurants, but it still feels special, per-
supper. This one is filled with vegetables and 1 tablespoon of the oil. Add the sausage It’s not glamorous, but it’s gooood. haps even moreso now as the pandemic pushes on into its
just enough fresh sausage to flavor the pot. and cook, stirring and breaking it into So who’s making Cajun food in Boston? A Chinese family, third year. In the warmer months, I’ve lingered for hours out
Cut up carrots, bell pepper, turnip, and cele- small clumps with the edge of a large it turns out — one that fell in love with Cajun food after mov- on the patios co-owners Dan Kerrigan and Bill Scannell have
riac (celery root), or use whatever vegetables spoon, for 6 minutes, or until browned. ing to the United States and applied it to their seafood exper- expanded out into the parking lot. But when the temperature
you prefer. Near the end of simmering, add Transfer the sausage to a plate. tise. They live in Boston and Philadelphia, and operate Shak- drops and I feel like staying in, I’m happy to go ham on their
white beans — some whole and some 2. Add the remaining 1½ tablespoons oil ing Seafood restaurants in both cities. take-out menu, knowing it will feed me for days.
mashed — but you can do the same thing to the pot. Add the onion, bell pepper, For New Year’s, we got a combo of snow crab legs and That’s thanks in part to the fact that in the spring of 2020,
with chickpeas or pinto beans. Make sure and generous pinch each of salt and shrimp with sausages and boiled eggs, all drenched in Shak- Kerrigan and Scannell made the brilliant move to open a bak-
the stew is well seasoned, hot, and thick (it’s black pepper. Cook, stirring often, for 8 ing Sauce, which combines all the sauce offerings: Cajun, gar- ery and cafe inside the restaurant, which for me means that
not a soup), and cooked just enough so the minutes, or until they soften. Stir in the lic butter, and lemon pepper. I can’t imagine having to pick any takeout order also involves a loaf of crusty lemon, rose-
vegetables are tender but not mushy. The carrots, turnip, celeriac, thyme sprigs, just one. We were skeptical of the eggs, but my niece insisted, mary, and garlic flecked sourdough. And probably some pizza
mashed beans help thicken the liquid and and crushed red pepper. Cook, stirring and we were won over after just one bite. They’re soft and dough, too.
give it a long-simmered taste. Sprinkle bowls occasionally, for 5 minutes. creamy and absorb just the right amount of that addictive But I’m hard-pressed to try and recreate what they’ve mas-
with olive oil and serve with Parmesan and 3. Add the tomatoes, breaking them up sauce. We dumped everything in one big bowl, cooked up a tered. Their margarita pies have a perfectly charred thin
crusty bread. with the edge of the spoon. Add the 3 pot of rice, and chowed down. This is a messy, eat-with-your- crust, and are spiked with garlic and a tomato sauce so sweet
cups of stock. Bring to a boil, lower the fingers affair, though we largely ignored the bibs, plastic it feels like dessert. My kids devour it instantly, so I’m lucky if
2½ tablespoons olive oil
heat, and cover the pan. Simmer for 25 gloves, and wet naps in our takeout bag. I get a bite.
½ pound fresh pork or chicken sausage,
minutes, or until the vegetables are ten- When we ordered again recently, we treated ourselves to a Luckily, the pizza serves to distract them from our grown-
removed from the casings
der. If the stew seems too thick, add lobster and shrimp combo, again with sausages, and extra up fare. I still go weak in the knees for their pastas, so for me
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
more stock, ½ cup at a time, to make it eggs this time, along with corn, potatoes, and broccoli. The it’s the crave-worthy lobster cavatelli, blanketed in bread-
1 red or yellow bell pepper, halved,
the consistency you prefer. broccoli seemed like a healthy addition at the time, although crumbs and with chunks of lobster mingled throughout. My
cored, seeded, and cut into 1-inch
4. Meanwhile, place 1 cup of beans on a it was swimming in so much sauce it hardly seemed like a veg- husband caves whenever gnocchi is on the menu, so he ducks
plate. Mash with a potato masher or etable — and we didn’t mind at all. Our 6-year-old went for into the pillowy potato dumplings luxuriating in Bolognese
Salt and black pepper, to taste
fork. the eggs immediately, but thankfully she wasn’t interested in and mingling with swiss chard. The Caesar salad we ordered
2 medium carrots, cut into 1-inch slices
5. Remove the thyme sprigs from the the sweet, meaty lobster. to be “healthy” comes with a perfectly sunny soft-boiled egg,
1 medium turnip, cut into 1-inch pieces
pot. Stir the mashed beans into the stew. A seafood boil is a great celebration meal, provided every- and is studded with thick parmesan shavings. Delicious, all of
1 medium celeriac, cut into 1-inch piec-
Add the remaining whole beans and re- one likes Old Bay and doesn’t mind getting a little messy. The it.
turn the sausage to the pot. Cook, stir- restaurant doesn’t deliver to us, so we went through Grub- Did I mention the chips? The thick-cut, salty potato slices
Few sprigs fresh thyme
ring occasionally, for 5 minutes, or until hub, which meant not only higher prices but a limited menu. are so good we always order two bags, with the pimento
ƒ teaspoon crushed red pepper, or more
the stew is slightly thickened and hot. Someday I’ll get to try the frozen mango smoothie and limon- cheese dip, of course. And part of the fun of getting Steel &
to taste
Stir in the parsley. Taste for seasoning cello cake. But for now I’m content to turn the leftovers into a Rye takeout is also tacking on something surprising for the
1 can (28 ounces) whole peeled toma-
and add more salt and red pepper, if you tremendous shrimp po’boy lunch — another perk of our fleet- rest of the week. Maybe it’s a six-pack of ginger molasses cook-
like. ing work-from-home world. ies, a bottle of Vietnamese cold brew coffee or pre-mixed Ne-
3 cups chicken or vegetable stock, or
6. Ladle the stew into bowls and sprinkle Shaking Seafood, 19 Poplar St., Roslindale, 617-553-2751, gronis, or a container of house-made lemon bucatini.
more to taste
with olive oil. Serve with Parmesan and (also 1616 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester, 617-506-8823) shak- I can only hope to draw some of the same raves at home.
2 cans (15 ounces each) white beans,
crusty bread. (Shaking boil bags, with three types of sea- Steel & Rye, 95 Eliot St., Milton. 617-690-2787,
Lisa Zwirn food, $23-$49; fried baskets $12.95-$20.95; desserts $6.95) Appetizers $3.25-$16, entrees $15-$38.
½ cup chopped fresh parsley
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e G5

What to mendable: shrimp California,

shrimp tempura with fried on-

buy, and
ions, spicy tuna, salmon.
Other musts: a $2.59 gallon
of fat-free milk (really, how can

to avoid
you mess up milk?); $1.19 no-
boil lasagna noodles (ditto); and
a $5.99 tub of olive oil that will
probably last until the next pan-
Continued from Page G1 A few show notes: Visiting
wide variety of fancy cheeses, here on a weekend is an Olympic
but they also carry their own sport. You will need to arrive
mainstream store brands. I early and exercise patience while
stocked up on a large bag of MB- the oblivious shopper in front of
brand shaved parmesan ($4.99) you analyzes the ingredient list
for lasagna, a four-cheese Mexi- on a can of Campbell’s cream of
can blend ($3.99) for taco night, mushroom soup, marveling
and a 16-pack of mozzarella aloud if it would be good with
string cheese ($3.99) for school fruit salad.
lunches. Do I feel like I’m tour- The aisles are a bit narrow.
ing the Italian countryside when The checkout lines can stretch
snapping into one of ’em? Nope. A Market Basket store in Salem, N.H., in 2020. on for miles. The staffers are al-
Are they milky, flavorful, and most uniformly kind, but this is
mild enough to keep my kids cakier, with a thoughtful icing- Steaming trays of honey chicken iceberg); banana-pepper ring- rant, it would be a hit. (Are you also a first-job spot for many a
happy? M-hmm. to-carb ratio. Second, the lines at drumettes, piles of bready onion lets; hot relish spread; streams listening, DeMoulas execs?) fresh-faced teen, so don’t be sur-
Cola: MB’s endless cola aisle Market’s Café — where you can rings, tubs of velvety butternut of oil; vinegar; and a generous Sushi: Don’t turn up your prised if a young bagger com-
is something to behold, a portal buy said doughnuts before navi- squash, subs piled high with all coating of mayonnaise slapped nose. It might not be O Ya, but mingles your kale with deter-
to a Reagan-era netherworld of gating the store — are never the fixings — this is nirvana for onto both sides of a sub roll, if Market Basket sushi is reliably gent and then shoves 10 bags in-
fluorescent carbonated beverag- long. Thirdly, there’s the home- the gourmet proletariat. Here, you’re into it. No one will look fresh and tightly rolled, served to one tiny carriage in a feat of
es. I was instantly transported to spun customer service: On a re- you can eat like a king for mere askance, and nobody’s going to at just the right temperature. Of- aspirational engineering. But
my Nana’s fridge, stocked with cent visit, I discovered a taped- charge you extra for your favor- ten, supermarket sushi is ice when you emerge victorious into
bright orange DeMoulas tonic. up note attached to the bakery ite add-on. It is a salty, meaty cold and therefore flavorless, or the parking lot, sub in hand and
Get the 99-cent bottle of Chelms- case, apologizing for a jelly Visiting here on a condiment bomb worthy of a mystifyingly gray, wan, and some cash still in wallet, you’ll
ford golden ginger ale, which
tastes like flat, amber molasses
doughnut shortage: “We are so
sorr y. S om e of our beloved
weekend is an knife and fork.
But subs are only part of the
warm. Not here. The rolls are
plump, the fish is almost always
know it was worth it.

(ingredients: caramel and corn doughnuts are out of stock.” Olympic sport. equation here. My husband and fresh, the prices are right Kara Baskin can be reached at
syrup). A hit with young chil- Won’t find that at the drive-thru, kids like the honey-coated chick- ($7.99), and the variety is com-
dren or hungover adults. Also will ya? Did I mention they’re 79 You will need to en wings, gloriously craggy and
worth a nod: crème soda, butter cents? arrive early. crisp (and about $1 each), best
set to a symphony of bubbles. Lo m e i n : G u m my, g l u e y, swiped through a generous pud-
Doughnuts: Dunkin’ might bland. Nothing to see here. Ditto dle of sweet butternut squash —
be the signature New England spring rolls, which are probably dollars. I’m partial to a half Ital- available as a side or on its own
doughnut brand, but I’d argue delicious when eaten fresh — ian sub, an absolute steal at for $4.99 per pound. The other RELAX.
that Market Basket is the better but after they’ve been wilting $3.99. It’s stacked with capicola; sleeper hit? Grilled cheese and
value. First, their 79-cent dough- und er a heat la mp for lon g mortadella; cooked ham; Genoa tomato on buttery white bread
nuts are bigger and taste better enough, it’s like eating a tube of salami; your choice of cheese (I for $2.99, with a melt-to-crunch
than their rivals. Dunkin’ tends string. My group swallowed go for provolone); and toppings ratio that would put any diner to
to specialize in yeasty, frosty both items with a collective galore: chopped tomatoes, on- shame.
UFOs riddled with air pockets. shrug. ions, and pickles; olives; shred- You heard it here first: If
Market Basket’s are denser and Market’s Kitchen: Bliss! ded lettuce (the real kind, as in: Market Basket opened a restau- OR DON’T

Chowhound is shutting down “authenticity.” When restaurant

critics laud Chinese noodle
joints or pho pop-ups or road- YOU’R E ON
but its influence lives on side taquerias, they are doing so
because Chowhound helped
blaze a trail of viability for these
uCHOWHOUND day at the end of my paper route ed the wedding of a good friend establishments. N OW.
Continued from Page G1 when I was a kid. It was this he made through Chowhound. And we eat at them with joy,
c o i n e d , a n d t h e “ W h at Ji m very joy-driven kind of experi- He even worked for the website because we are all Chowhounds
Had for Dinner” thread, a diary ence. The pre-Internet aspect of for a fe w years, and posted now, in pursuit of optimal deli-
of Leff’s meals, could be consid- it meant it was a much more civ- about the first date he went on ciousness.
ered the first food blog. Leff, a il kind of place.” with his now-husband. G O TOL A KESR EGION.ORG/
jazz trombonist and writer, was The usernames were part of “It’s had a major impact on Devra First can be reached at GLOBE-SPRING TO PL A N
the site’s spiritual leader, re- Chowhound’s beauty: You could m y l i f e ,” h e s a y s . “ W h a t i s Follow YOU R GE TAWAY !
ferred to as Alpha Dog. His writ- be talking about burgers or unique about it, and why I’m her on Twitter @devrafirst.
ing — itself a series of jazzy riffs banh mi with a magazine editor, sad about it going away, is that it @NHL AKESREGION   
bubbling with ideas, a reflection schoolteacher, molecular biolo- has really knowledgeable people
of a busy, big-picture thinker gist, chef, radio DJ, or politician, who can answer really specific
with an inexhaustible appetite but you wouldn’t know it. You’d questions and come up with
and a sense of humor — helped simply know it was Allstonian, ideas. It’s still not really possible
popularize food finds such as hotoynoodle, Joanie, Limster, to do that through Yelp or any
SriPraPhai, a now-renowned Nab, or any of the score of other site. These were people
Thai restaurant in Queens; Di names that became familiar to who were so passionate and so
Fara Pizza, a Brooklyn haven for posters (and lurkers, myself excited to share what they liked.
pie snobs (when founder Do- among them) over the years. On the Home Cooking board, MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC
menico DeMarco died last week, Last week, I was talking about you’d post a random cooking
he was saluted by all of New Chowhound’s demise with a question, and people would
York media); and the Arepa La- food writer friend when he casu- come up with ideas and a lot of
dy, Maria Piedad Cano, who sold ally dropped his username: No strong opinions.”
her Colombian corn cakes from way! That was you? There are some alternatives
a street cart (now a brick-and- out there, like eGullet Forums, HANDEL AND HAYDN SOCIETY A LARK, A JOKE, THE SUBLIME MAHLER 3RD SYMPHONY
mortar run by her family). Much Food Talk Central, and Hungry Jonathan Cohen, conductor Haydn Quartets, “The Lark” and “The Joke” The Boston Philharmonic, conducted by Maestro
the way Pulitzer Prize-winning ‘It was a very, very Onion. But they don’t have the Joélle Harvey, soprano
Schubert String Quintet in C with two Cellos
Benjamin Zander, closes their season at
restaurant critic Jonathan Gold traffic that Chowhound saw at Jennifer Johnson Cano, mezzo-soprano
did in LA, Leff boosted the pro- different world for its peak. At the time of the rede- Nicholas Phan, tenor Fri., March 25, 8 PM, Hamilton Hall, Salem
Symphony Hall with Mahler’s vast and profound
Third Symphony.
files of small, immigrant-owned
businesses, helping ensure their
a food geek sign, according to a 2015 Globe
story, it had 10.2 million unique
Tyler Duncan, baritone
Sun., March 27, 3 PM St. Pauls, Brookline The Orchestra is joined by Chorus Pro Musica,

success. He also invited every- looking to find users per month, versus 7.8 mil- J.S. Bach: Orchestral Suite No. 1 Lucia Lin, Julianne Lee, vlns, Rebecca Gitter, vla,
the Choristers of St. Paul’s Choir School, and
renowned mezzo-soprano Susan Platts, returning
one else to join him, spreading
the Chowhound ethos and shin-
fellow travelers.’ lion for, and was still
growing at a good clip.
Vivaldi: Gloria
C.P.E. Bach: Magnificat Jonathan Miller, Marcy Rosen, cellos to sing Mahler’s poignant setting of Nietzsche’s

ing its spotlight on the whole Former Chowhound user Midnight Song.
MC SLIM JB, restaurant Tickets at
country and beyond. critic who got started as a Sampson Shen started the not- Friday, April 1, 2022 at 7:30PM APR 8, 8pm | Symphony Hall, Talk 6:45pm
“It was a very, very different food writer on Chowhound for-profit Hungry Onion in re- Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 3:00PM proof of vaccination mandatory | 617.236.0999
world for a food geek looking to sponse to the redesign. It has
find fellow travelers, obsessives seen an influx of users since the
who would spend an inordinate The online conversations announcement of Chowhound’s THEATER
chunk of their disposable in- turned into IRL meetups, too: closure. “I went into Chow-
come dining out,” says MC Slim dim sum feasts, taco crawls, Pe- hound looking for that in-depth
JB, a restaurant critic whose king duck extravaganzas — knowledge. That’s what I think
writing has appeared at Bos- meals eaten in mom-and-pops we’ll miss about Chowhound,” APRIL 20 • 7:30PM WITH WHAMMER JAMMER, Boston Magazine, the all over the city. Angela’s Cafe, he says. “There isn’t really a WE ARE HYDROGEN APRIL 8 • 8PM
Boston Phoenix, and other local Chacarero, King Fung Garden great successor to replace it. I A TRIBUTE TO THE MUSIC OF PHISH VYNTYGE SKYNYRD pays tribute to Lynyrd
outlets. That nom de plume? It’s (whose co-owner Doris Huang would like Hungry Onion to be Opening Act: WOOD & BONE Skynyrd & WHAMMER JAMMER pays tribute to EVERYDAY LIFE AND OTHER
his Chowhound username. The took her Chowhound-famous that, but obviously it’s not oper- NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE
the J. Geils Band. ODDS AND ENDS
NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE This World Premiere play reveals the resilience,
website is how he got started as duck with her to China King), ating on the same scale as dur- 54 Dunham Road | Beverly | MA 54 Dunham Road | Beverly | MA courage, and laughter experienced by 3 couples
a professional food writer: Edi- Peach Farm, Strip-T’s, Taqueria ing Chowhound’s golden age. At TICKETS: WWW.NSMT.ORG or 978.232.7200 TICKETS: WWW.NSMT.ORG or 978.232.7200 impacted by Parkinson’s. It’s a love story in
tors at DigBoston and Stuff Mag- Jalisco … all were ballyhooed on the same time, I don’t know if I progress. March 12th to 27th, at the Emerson
Paramount Theater. Get tickets:
azine who frequented the Bos- the board. really want it to be as big.” It’s a 617.824.8400
ton board read his prolific posts “Taiwan Cafe I feel like I first hobby, after all, a labor of love,
and asked him to contribute. found out about on Chow- run by a group of about 10 vol-
Chowhound was Yelp before hound. That became one of my unteers.
Yelp, but crowd-sourced from favorite restaurants. I still like But the Chowhound spirit is
people who were deeply knowl- going there when I go to Bos- far from dead, even as the web- April 10 • 2pM TOM PETTY TRIBUTE NIGHT
edgeable about food. It was also ton,” says David Pistrang, a.k.a. site fades away. As that artifact Enjoy the NSMT Orchestra as a 17-piece Big Use Code: yougotlucky
an inexhaustible, flexible digital Dave MP, who came to the web- of the early food Internet, it Band as they present “From Stardust to Penny SAVE: $5.00-OFF List Prices BTA: ROBERTA FLACK &
cookbook that came with its site when he was a student at bridged the print and online Lane; A Celebration of the Popular Trumpet.” SHOW STARTS: 8:00pm DONNY HATHAWAY
own vast support team, ready to Tufts, after his grandparents eras, shepherding in the transi- NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE DATE: Friday, March 25th Back Together Again: Roberta Flack & Donny
54 Dunham Road | Beverly | MA This show sold out before the pandemic! Hathaway
offer culinary advice. sent him a 2001 article Calvin tion from fine dining to a more Concert Live MAR 30-APR 16
“Nobody can know every- Trillin wrote about it in The New populist notion of what restau- TICKETS: WWW.NSMT.ORG or 978.232.7200 Greg Klyma and Makin’ Some Noise band. Merrimack Repertory Theatre
thing about everything, so it was Yorker. “Everywhere I ate, prac- rant-going could and should be Tickets start at $21
WWW.MRT.ORG or 978-654-4678
great to find someone like [user] tically, after 2001 was a place I — what we wanted it to be.
Galangatron, who had great found out about on Chow- What we wanted, and want, it to
depth of knowledge about hound.” He started going to be has been shaped by Chow- COMEDY
Southeast Asian cuisine and had meetups in Boston, and contin- hound’s boards, frequented by
haunted all these Southeast ued when he relocated to the so many in its heyday, including
Asian places in Lowell, or people Bay Area, where he’s now an ele- the food writers who would in- THE ULTIMATE TRIBUTE BAND THE ULTIMATE JIMMY TINGLE LIVE!
who had deep expertise because mentary school math specialist. fluence the food writers and on- APRIL 9 • 8PM DISCO TRIBUTE SHOW! Coming to The Cabot in Beverly on March 26:
they grew up in a Taiwanese When he spent time in London, line influencers of today: They Opening Act: FRANCOIX SIMARD April 1 • 8PM comedian, commentator, and the founder of
Buckle up and get ready to enjoy a stunning The band delivers infectious dance floor classics Humor for Humanity, Jimmy Tingle weaves the
American household,” MC Slim he met up with former Boston were all on Chowhound. When tribute to The Eagles. with confidence, groove, style & attitude.
JB says. “I could claim a certain hound Limster, who recom- we talk about cultural appropri- NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE NORTH SHORE MUSIC THEATRE good, the bad and the ugly of the pandemic with
connoisseurship of Coney Island mended one of Pistrang’s favor- ation, we are continuing an old 54 Dunham Road | Beverly | MA 54 Dunham Road | Beverly | MA the humor, hope and humanity the world so
TICKETS: NSMT.ORG or 978.232.7200 TICKETS: WWW.NSMT.ORG or 978.232.7200 desperately needs in 2022.
hot dogs because I ate one every ite restaurants there. He attend- Chowhound conversation about
G6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2

PLUGGERS by Rick McKee

DILBERT by Scott Adams
ZITS by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau DUSTIN by Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

RED & ROVER by Brian Basset ARCTIC CIRCLE by Alex Hallatt

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston CURTIS by Ray Billingsley

RHYMES WITH ORANGE by Hilary Price ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ACROSS 52 “Twist, Lick, Dunk”
1 Sign up cookie
5 Corp. shuffle 54 TikTok star Addison
10 Orangutans, e.g. 56 Intentions
14 Bone, on an Italian 59 Give in
menu 63 Off-kilter
15 Fighting 65 Avoid elimination, or
16 Folk knowledge a hint to 17-, 31- and
17 Hundred-to-one shot, 46-Across
e.g. (In this clue’s 67 Show of hands, maybe
answer, note the first 68 Full of energy
3 letters + the last 2) 69 Gets an A+ on
19 Filet mignon source 70 Anna’s sister in
20 Empty talk “Frozen”
21 Word after “aisle” or 71 Unit of volume
“window” 72 Prying
23 Christmas bulb,
briefly DOWN
24 Tie in chess 1 Tease playfully
26 “NCIS” actor Murray 2 Capital of Norway
28 Trade-___ 3 “That so?”
(certain cars) 4 Wanderer
31 Bad place to see 5 Enthusiastic ... or
a fox (... first 2 letters a sarcastic laugh
+ last 2) backward
36 “Las Vegas of Asia” 6 Greek H
38 Greek X 7 Takes responsibility
39 Circle dance for
40 Rings around castles 8 Drag strip event
41 Cattrall of 9 Pink Ladies’ rock
“Sex and the City” musical
42 Fanta and Sprite 10 The whole shebang
43 Arrows, to an archer 11 Foam flotation device
44 Rock grp. hidden in 12 Lake that sounds 28 “Grr!” 37 Make amends 57 Neighbor of
“free love” chilling 29 Osaka of tennis 42 Gettysburg Address, Algeria
45 Election predictors 13 Word by a paper plane 30 Phishing for one 58 Funny sketch
46 Wonder Woman’s icon, in Outlook notifications, e.g. 47 Roadside boost org. 60 Danish shoe brand
secret identity (... first 18 Unicycle site 32 Spicy topping for a 48 Like basic instincts 61 Club payments
2 letters + last 2) 22 You may count to it hot dog 49 Earthen bowl? 62 Amazon Handmade
50 Dallas-to-New Orleans 25 Porch furniture 33 Japan’s national dress 53 Humpback’s home competitor
dir. material 34 Spoken exams 54 Great review 64 Formal affirmative
51 King of tragedy 27 Sound an allergist hears 35 Out of style 55 Deserter’s acronym 66 December 24 or 31
W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e G7
Boston’s forecast SUDOKU

9 1
6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M.

HIGH Some sunshine giving Brisk and quite chilly Not quite as chilly; Clouds and some Sunshine mixing with
1 4 5 6
43-48 way to clouds; quite 41-46 with periods of rain 52-57 clouds breaking for 50-55 sunny breaks, brisk 47-52 clouds, brisk and
LOW chilly. Cloudy at night LOW and drizzle. More rain LOW some sunshine. Still LOW and chilly with a pop- LOW chilly with a couple of

6 7
35-40 with some rain at 38-43 at times expected at 40-45 the chance for a 36-41 up shower or two, 24-29 showers possible; wet
times, some sleet or ice can night, though rain likely tapers shower or two. Partly to mostly especially in the afternoon. snowflakes could mix in to the
mix in well to the northwest. off toward daybreak. cloudy and chilly at night. Clouds and a shower around north and west of the city.

New England forecast Almanac

at night.
Boston snowfall (5 p.m. yesterday)
5 2
TODAY: High pressure will promote dry weather, though
more clouds will be streaming in. Rain expected at night
Yesterday’s high/low
6:42 a.m.
Total for March
Normal for March
3 7 1 8
9 7
Sunset 7:00 p.m.
with an icy mix inland. Season total 54.0”
Moonrise 12:25 a.m. Season normal 49.2”
TOMORROW: Rain, some of it heavy, can be
anticipated in the south. Mostly rain in the north Mount Washington (5 p.m. yesterday) Degree days Heat
4 6
with pockets of sleet and ice. Weather Snow showers
38/14 Yesterday 21
EXTENDED: Some rain Friday morn- Visibility 0 miles Monthly total 509
ing across Maine. Snow showers over Wind west-northwest at 85 m.p.h.

8 1 3
Normal to date 615
the mountains of Vermont and New
Hampshire. Dry in the south Friday.
High/low temperature
Snow depth at 5 p.m.
Season total (normal)
Last year to date
4132 (4556)
4362 6
24 Hr. Precipitation
Precip days in March
(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)
Month to date 1.44”
Norm. month to date 2.93”
Year to date
Norm. year to date
7 3
Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
BERLIN 48/31 BAR HARBOR 3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
47/28 44/33
Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
Boston high 3:24 4:01 Gloucester 3:24 4:01 Hyannis Port 4:30 5:20
47/33 MT. WASHINGTON and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
23/17 Height 10.6 9.4 Marblehead 3:24 4:01 Chatham 4:14 4:58
computer program at
RUTLAND LEBANON Boston low 9:51 10:06 Lynn 3:19 3:59 Wellfleet 3:38 4:15
46/33 48/33 Height -0.4 0.5 Scituate 3:30 4:07 Provincetown 3:34 4:12
LACONIA Plymouth 3:42 4:16 Nantucket

High tides
Old Orchard ME 3:07 3:48 Cape Cod
Canal East 3:20 3:57
Oak Bluffs
50/36 Hampton
48/34 Cape Cod New Bedford 12:13 12:42 BY FRANK STEWART
Temperatures are Beach NH 3:21 4:02
NASHUA 50/34 Canal West 2:17 Newport RI 12:06 12:35
PITTSFIELD today’s highs and Plum Island 3:46 4:23 North dealer — N-S vulnerable
44/32 BOSTON 44/37 tonight’s lows. Ipswich 3:06 3:47 Falmouth 3:08 3:45
WORCESTER  Small craft advisory
New England marine forecast  Gale warning  Storm warning ♠ 83
Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp
HARTFORD 48/36 48/36 HYANNIS 45/36 ♥ K 10
48/36 Boston Harbor NE 4-8 kts. 0-2 ft. 45/37 Martha’s
BRIDGEPORT 42/40 OAK BLUFFS NANTUCKET 44/37 East Cape Vineyard NE 4-8 kts. 1-2 ft. 46/34
45/38 45/38 Cod Canal N 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 44/38 Nantucket N 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 44/36
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2022 Buzzards Bay N 4-8 kts. 1-2 ft. 44/38 Provincetown N 6-12 kts. 1-3 ft. 44/35 West East
Cities Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to ♠K62 ♠4
 Travel delays possible, C Clouds, F Fog, H Haze, I Ice, Pc Partly Cloudy, R Rain, Sh Showers, S Sun, Sn Snow, Fl Flurries, T Thunderstorms, W Windy ♥8 7 5 4 2 ♥AQ96
Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow ♦QJ74 ♦ 10 9 8 3 2
Atlanta 73/47 T 66/47 Pc Los Angeles 87/61 S 85/58 S  Seattle 53/37 R 55/41 Pc  Jerusalem 50/43 Sh 46/44 R
 Atlantic City 51/48 R 66/48 R  Miami 85/77 Pc 85/70 T  Washington 58/56 R 71/49 R London 65/39 S 64/40 Pc
♣4 ♣ 10 7 2
 Charlotte 70/59 T 68/43 C  New Orleans 66/48 Pc 71/51 Pc Beijing 54/30 Pc 59/41 Pc Moscow 48/25 S 49/33 S
 Chicago 60/39 R 46/36 C  New York City 48/40 R 50/46 R  Cancun 88/75 S 88/69 S Paris 63/41 S 65/42 S South
 Dallas 65/40 Pc 69/39 S  Philadelphia 55/48 R 65/50 R  Mexico City 80/49 S 78/47 S Rome 61/39 S 62/39 S ♠ A Q J 10 9 7 5
 Denver 54/33 S 65/36 Pc Phoenix 81/55 S 86/58 S Montreal 42/34 C 43/36 R  San Juan 84/73 S 84/73 S ♥J3
 Detroit 54/45 R 53/40 Sh Salt Lake City 58/40 S 67/46 S  Toronto 38/37 Sn 50/38 C Stockholm 51/35 S 56/36 Pc
 Fort Myers 88/74 Pc 86/62 T  San Francisco 66/50 Pc 63/48 Pc  Vancouver 52/38 R 51/41 C  Tokyo 52/44 C 59/47 R
♦ A6
North East South West
1♣ Pass 1♠ Pass
HOROSCOPE one way, your ability to tune in to is lined up with Neptune today, family member about something 3♣ Pass 4♠ All Pass
the wants and needs of bosses, and this can create confused that might be a sensitive concern. Opening lead — ♣ 4
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Wednesday, parents and authority figures is thinking, along with imaginative Tonight: You run the meeting.
March 23, 2022: finely calibrated. And yet in an- ideas. (Goes both ways.) Note: It CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Cy the Cynic defines a partner as someone who sticks by
You are energetic, impulsive and other way, this sensitivity could also can erode your confidence. You might spend time daydream- you in troubles you wouldn’t have had if your partner were
adventurous. You have excellent create some confusion. You might Tonight: Entertain. ing today or being lost in a fantasy someone else.
communication skills. You have a read signals that are actually un- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) world, which is quite all right. We Cy was today’s West in a penny game and led his
strong work ethic and strive for intended. Tread carefully. Tonight: A co-worker might come to you all need to take a mental health singleton club against four spades. South won, and East
perfection. Stay light on your feet Cooperate with others. with their problems today because day now and then to ‘‘slip the sur- played the deuce. South then let the eight of trumps ride.
this year, because change is in the CANCER (June 21-July 22) they need to confide in someone. ly bonds of Earth.’’ Therefore, cut Cy took his king, pondered and led ... the queen of dia-
wind. You will experience new di- Today you are interested in un- Or possibly you have the need to yourself some slack today. Take it monds. South produced the ace, drew trumps and ran the
rections and new growth, which usual topics, spiritual philosophy, confide in someone. Meanwhile, easy and enjoy your life. Tonight: clubs, making six.
will come to you easily. parapsychology and mysterious you will make headway if you are Enjoy solitude in pleasant sur- “Thanks, partner, for that helpful deuce of clubs,” the
explanations for things that go working on a creative project that roundings. Cynic growled.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) bump in the night. You’re in- requires imagination. Tonight: AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) “Well, I sure as heck didn’t like clubs,” East retorted.
Today you’re intrigued by hidden trigued! Nevertheless, if you think Share your ideas. Be careful about financial matters Cy’s lead was clearly a singleton, and just as clearly,
knowledge or secretive ideas. This someone is trying to sell you some SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) today, because you might be influ- East’s “attitude” about clubs was obvious. So East’s play at
also could be why you want to snake oil, be alert. Tonight: Boost It’s possible you might be disap- enced by wishful thinking, which Trick One should be “suit-preference,” telling Cy what to
study mysterious subjects, the oc- your health. Enjoy pets. pointed with a romantic partner is not always wise when it comes lead if he gets back in.
cult, paranormal events or explore LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) today. This could be because your to money matters. Make sure you East must follow with the 10 of clubs — a high club
past life regressions. Get out your This is a poor day for financial de- expectations were unrealistic. Re- get your facts. If shopping, guard to show strength in the high-ranking side suit. When Cy
tinfoil hat -- it’s that kinda day. To- cisions about estates, wills, shared member that unexpressed expec- against being too extravagant. To- takes his king of trumps, he can lead a heart. East gets two
night: Explore or travel! property and such, because al- tations almost always lead to dis- night: Be friendly! hearts, and Cy gets a club ruff for down one.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) though your mind is very sensitive appointment. Nevertheless, this is PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
A conversation with a friend will to creative and artistic projects to- a good day for playful and imagi- Although you are very finely
DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ K 6 2 ♥ 8 7 5 4 2 ♦ Q J 7 4
be intriguing today, because you day, you might not have the pa- native activities with children. To- tuned to the subtle nuances of ev-
♣ 4. The dealer, at your left, opens one heart. Your partner
are tuned in more than usual due tience to deal with financial de- night: Commerce and money are erything around you, neverthe-
doubles, you bid two diamonds and he bids two spades.
to the fact that your antennas are tails and red-tape issues. Postpone favored. less, this is a poor day for any kind
What do you say?
highly receptive. This is why you these decisions for another day. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) of verbal confrontation, because
can ‘‘read’’ the feelings or motiva- Tonight: Socialize! Family members will likely be mu- you might lack the confidence to ANSWER: If partner had an average hand or a minimum
tions of a friend or even a group. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) tually sympathetic to each other stick up for yourself. It’s easier to opening bid with a spade suit, he would have overcalled
Trust your hunches. Tonight: Be extra careful in all your person- today because they know what it’s dodge the question. ‘‘Who, me? I
one spade at his first turn. By doubling before bidding his
Check your finances. al communications with others to- like to walk a mile in each other’s wasn’t even there.’’ Tonight: Relax
suit, he promises extra strength. Bid four spades. If your
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) day, because misunderstandings wedges. This is a good day for a (c) 2022 by King Features Syndi-
partner has his bid, you can expect an overtrick.
This is a curious day because, in are likely. This is because Mercury discussion with a relative or a cate Inc.

ZIPPY “Fishy” by Bill Griffith ADAM@HOME by Rob Harrell

ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

BIZARRO by Wayno & Piraro

2 1 4 9 8 5 3 6 7
6 9 7 3 4 1 8 5 2
5 3 8 7 2 6 1 9 4
Today’s Crossword Solution

Today’s Sudoku Solution

4 6 3 8 7 2 9 1 5
8 5 1 4 6 9 7 2 3
9 7 2 1 5 3 6 4 8
7 2 5 6 1 8 4 3 9
3 8 6 5 9 4 2 7 1
1 4 9 2 3 7 5 8 6
G8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, M A R C H 2 3 , 2 0 2 2



‘Best of ’ column concerns adoption

Dear Readers: Every year I step away another family member will tell your sister tives. (July 2012)
from my column for two weeks to work on the truth, and this would turn a wonderful
other creative projects. (Anyone interested story into a confusing and traumatic event Q. “Distressed Sister” was a 16-year-old sis-
in my personal essays and photographs can for everyone. ter of an adopted sibling whose mother re-
subscribe to my free newsletter: amydickin- I assume that because of the difference quired her to keep the adoption a secret. It I’ll be back next week. in your ages, you have your own quite dis- makes me cringe to think of what that child
Today’s “Best of ” column, from 10 years tinct memories of your sister’s adoption in- has missed.
ago, is about adoption, and the potential to the family. My son has known of his adoption since
fallout from keeping adoption a secret. You should tell your mother that you will he was old enough to understand the con-
never lie about this and that if asked you cept.
Q. I am a 16-year-old girl. I have a 13-year- will tell the truth. You don’t mention your This is what he understands: He was
old biological brother, “Paul,” and a 10-year- father, but he would be the obvious choice chosen; he has two birthdays (he brings
old adopted sister, “Natty.” to help you advocate for the truth. cupcakes to school on his birthday and
My parents have never told Natty she’s A book that would provide inspiration to cookies on his “gotcha day”); he didn’t have
adopted. She resembles our family, so I your parents is “Talking with Young Chil- to get stuck with my short, nonathletic
don’t think she suspects anything. Howev- dren about Adoption,” by Mary Watkins genes; he gets to celebrate both Mother’s
er, she’s recently started asking questions and Dr. Susan Fisher (1995, Yale University Day and Birth Mother’s Day (the day before
about her birth, and my mom has made up Press). This book not only suggests ways to Mother’s Day); and he’s loved within an
elaborate lies to cover up the fact of her have this talk, but also anticipates the many inch of his life by not only his adoptive fam-
adoption. questions that children frequently ask. ily, but by his birth mother and her family.
Margherita Mazzucco as Elena in “My Brilliant Friend.” My mom says she’ll tell her when she’s (June 2012) He also benefits hugely by a positive re-
old enough. Paul and I think she deserves to lationship between our two families.
know now, but don’t want to defy our mom. Q. I disagree with your advice to “Distressed Being adopted is nothing to be ashamed
HBO’s ‘My Brilliant Friend’ Can you help?
Sister.” Adoption is between the parents
and the child. Everybody else should stay
of! It’s something to be celebrated.
continues to shine in season 3 A. Your mother’s refusal to tell your sister out of it. A. Not all adoptees have access to their birth
her adoption story has now devolved from This sister should be told, “If you ever family the way your son does, but all adopt-
The third season of HBO’s “My Brilliant Friend” is, so far, a treat. lying by omission to outright lying. Your adopt a child, you can handle it the way you ees should be told the truth about their lives
The friendship between Elena and Lila continues to grate on both of mom is putting all of you in a terrible posi- like.” — starting in an age-appropriate way when
them, and they drift a bit — and yet the early Naples bond is so com- tion, and it has the potential to profoundly ALSO DISTRESSED they are very young.
pelling that there’s always a thread of contact and loyalty between affect everyone. A. Adoption is not only between the parents This subject will come up in various con-
them. Elena is willing to help Lila, who is at odds with her family and Your sister is old enough to learn her and the child. Keeping this a secret affects texts throughout a child’s life, whether or
falling apart, but Lila’s abrasiveness and her inability to soften her adoption story. She was always old enough the entire family system. not the child chooses to raise it. Parents
tough-minded insights, her jealousy, and her contempt makes it to know this story, because her story tells Adoption can be a painful and emotion- (and other relatives) should always convey
hard. the truth about her life. This story is noth- al subject for parents, in part because they that they are open and honest, even when
Their friendship is now set against the backdrop of an Italy in the ing to be ashamed of or worried about, ex- cannot imagine that the child they chose to the subject is painful to discuss. (July 2012)
midst of political division and cultural liberation. Lila and Elena live cept, of course, when it becomes this big join their family wasn’t always in their fam-
in a stubbornly patriarchal country, and they persist in trying to exer- and powerful secret that the whole family ily. They also worry about any future com-
cise independence and power despite strong resistance from their must keep. plications regarding the child’s curiosity Amy Dickinson can be reached at
families. Elena has written a successful novel (even while those in her Tell your mother you are worried that about — or contact with — biological rela-
old neighborhood consider it smut), but her husband pressures her
to focus more on motherhood than writing. At one point, she goes to
get birth control, and the doctor says to her, “There’s no better medi-
cine for a woman than pregnancy.”
I’ve liked Margherita Mazzucco as Elena all along. She has played
the lead as interior and shy — but with intelligent, watchful eyes un-
able to hide her true feelings. She keeps moving further away from
her origins — her poor neighborhood and her brusque mother — but Recent sightings (through March 15) as Birds at Race Point in Provincetown in- Mashpee, 29 ruddy turnstones at Dowse’s
they stay with her, within her. This season, though, Mazzucco shines reported to Mass Audubon. cluded 3 Pacific loons, 5 dovekies, 10 com- Beach in Osterville, 2 harlequin ducks at
even more as Elena becomes more expressive and formed, and as her Ospreys are coming back a bit ahead of mon murres, 5 thick-billed murres, 700 ra- Nauset Beach in Orleans, and a short-eared
intellectual life doesn’t become the panacea she’d hoped for. schedule with several reported from Fal- zorbills, a glaucous gull, 50 Iceland gulls, owl in Wellfleet.
By the way, the series has been renewed for a fourth and final sea- mouth to Orleans. and 150 red-throated loons.
son, so that all four of Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels will have A Western willet continued to overwin- Other sightings around the Cape includ- If you have questions about these sightings,
ultimately been adapted. That’s great news for fans, a (sadly) small- ter at West Dennis Beach, where other ed an orange-crowned warbler in Woods or want to report a sighting, call the
ish group in this country. “My Brilliant Friend” continues to trans- sightings included a black-bellied plover, 3 Hole, a rough-legged hawk and 4 Eastern Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary at 508-
port with its gorgeous cinematography and set design, and to chal- killdeer, a great cormorant, a lesser black- meadowlarks in Falmouth, 2 blue-winged 349-2615 or send e-mail to cape.sightings
lenge with its realism and honesty. backed gull, and a common raven. teal in Sandwich, a brown thrasher in

Wednesday March 23, 2022 Movies Sports News Specials

7:00p.m. 7:30p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:30p.m. 9:00p.m. 9:30p.m. 10:00p.m. 10:30p.m. 11:00p.m. 11:30p.m. 7:00p.m. 7:30p.m. 8:00p.m. 8:30p.m. 9:00p.m. 9:30p.m. 10:00p.m. 10:30p.m. 11:00p.m. 11:30p.m.
2 WGBH Greater R. Steves’ Nature The abilities NOVA (CC) HD TV-G Expedition With Steve Amanpour and BASIC CABLE
PBS Boston Europe of butterflies. TV-PG Backshall: Unpacked Company HD NEW A&E Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Court Cam Neigh- Neigh- (11:04) (11:34)
4 WBZ Wheel of Jeopardy! Survivor (CC) HD Beyond the Edge HD Good Sam (CC) HD WBZ Late-Col- TV-14 TV-14-L,V TV-14 TV-14 TV-14 TV-14 borhood borhood Court Cam Court Cam
CBS Fortune TV-G NEW TV-PG NEW TV-PG NEW TV-14-D,L,S News 11p bert AMC (5:00) U.S. Marshals ››› Die Hard (1988) (CC) Die Hard 2
5 WCVB NewsCen- Chronicle The Gold- The Won- The Con- Home A Million Little Things NewsCen- Jimmy Animal Planet River Monsters River Monsters: Deadliest Man-Eaters River Mysterious Creatures Mysterious Creatures
ABC ter 5 (CC) bergs der Years ners NEW Econ. HD TV-14-D,L NEW ter 5 Kimmel TV-PG monsters constructed to kill. TV-PG NEW With Forrest Galante With Forrest Galante
6 WLNE ABC You Bet Inside Ed. Goldbergs Wonder Conners Home E. A Million Little Things News J. Kimmel BBC America Law & Order (CC) Law & Order TV-14 Law & Order TV-14 Law & Order TV-14-L Law & Order TV-14
7 WHDH Inside Edi- Extra TV- Family Family 7 News at 9PM (CC) 7 News at 10PM 7 News at Inside Edi- BET (6:32) ›› Nutty Professor II: The Klumps House of Assisted The Ms. House of Assisted The Ms.
tion TV-PG PG NEW Feud Feud NEW (CC) NEW 11PM NEW tion TV-PG (2000) (CC) Payne Living Pat Show Payne Living Pat Show
9 WMUR ABC Chronicle News Goldbergs Wonder Conners Home E. A Million Little Things News J. Kimmel Bravo The Real Housewives The Real Housewives The Real Housewives of Orange The Real Housewives House-
10 NBC Boston Boston Access Chicago Med (CC) Chicago Fire (CC) Chicago P.D. HD TV- Boston Tonight
of Orange County of Orange County County (CC) TV-14-D,L NEW of Orange County wives
News Hollywood HD TV-14 HD TV-14 14-L,S,V News Show
CMT Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Mom (CC) Mom (CC) Mom (CC) Mom (CC) Mom (CC) Mom (CC)
10 WJAR NBC 10 Extra TV- Chicago Med (CC) Chicago Fire (CC) Chicago P.D. HD TV- News Tonight
CNN Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight (CC) NEW Don Lemon Tonight Don Lemon Tonight
NBC News PG NEW HD TV-14 HD TV-14 14-L,S,V Show
Comedy Central South South South Fairview South South South South South South
11 WENH Greater Windows Nature The abilities NOVA (CC) HD TV-G Expedition With Steve Amanpour and
PBS Boston Wild of butterflies. TV-PG Backshall: Unpacked Company HD NEW Park (CC) Park (CC) Park (CC) TV-MA Park (CC) Park (CC) Park (CC) Park (CC) Park (CC) Park (CC)
12 WPRI CSPAN (3:00) Public Affairs Events (CC) Politics and Public Policy Today (CC)
Wheel of Jeopardy! Survivor (CC) HD Beyond the Edge HD Good Sam (CC) HD 12 News Late-Col-
CBS CSPAN2 US Senate Public Affairs Events
Fortune TV-G NEW TV-PG NEW TV-PG NEW TV-14-D,L,S at 11 NEW bert
25 WFXT Dest. America Buying the Buying the Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach Beach
Ent. TMZ (CC) The Masked Singer (9:01) Domino Mas- Boston 25 News at Boston 25 National
FOX Tonight TV-PG NEW HD TV-PG-D,L ters HD TV-PG-D,L 10PM HD NEW Tonight News Discovery Moonshiners Moonshiners (CC) TV-14-L (10:03) Bee Czar (CC) Master Distiller
27 WUNI Discovery Life ER Files (CC) TV-PG Paramedics TV-PG Paramedics TV-PG Mystery ER TV-PG Mystery ER TV-PG
La rosa de Guada- Soltero con hijas HD Mi fortuna es ama- Madre HD NEW Noticias Noticiero
lupe HD TV-14 TV-14 rte HD TV-14 NEW Univisión Univision: E! ››› Superbad (2007) (CC) › The Waterboy (1998) (CC) Nightly
36 WSBE Kimball’s Rhode Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli Live in Central Park (CC) World Waiting Encore (7:03) ››› The American President ››› The King’s Speech (2010) (11:02) Commando R
PBS Milk Street Island The popular Italian tenor performs. TV-G News for God Food Guy’s Grocery Guy’s Grocery Guy’s Grocery Guy’s Grocery Guy’s Grocery
38 WSBK Big Bang Big Bang WBZ News 8p (CC) Dateline (CC) HD Dateline (CC) HD Seinfeld Big Bang Games (CC) TV-G Games (CC) TV-G Games (CC) TV-G Games (CC) TV-G Games (CC) TV-G
Theory Theory HD NEW TV-PG Theory Fox News Jesse Watters Tucker Carlson Hannity (CC) Live. NEW The Ingraham Angle Gutfeld! (CC) NEW
44 WGBX Mexican Kimball’s The Coroner (CC) Delicious (CC) The Seaside Hotel PBS NewsHour (CC) Freeform The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Good Trouble TV-14 The 700 Club (CC)
PBS Table Milk Street TV-PG TV-PG TV-PG HD NEW FUSE Rock Steady Row Hang Loose (2012) (CC) TallBoyz White The Feels (2017) (CC)
50 WWJE The Last 24 TV-14 Dateline (CC) Dateline (CC) TV-14-V Killer in Killer in FX ›› Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) (CC) Snowfall (CC) TV-MA Snowfall (CC) TV-MA
56 WLVI Young Young The Flash (CC) HD Kung Fu (CC) HD 7 News at 10PM on Schitt’s Schitt’s FXM BlacKkKlansman (CC) (8:10) ››› Green Book (2018) (CC) (10:50) Green Book
CW Sheldon Sheldon TV-PG-L,V TV-PG-D,L,V CW56 (CC) NEW Creek Creek Hallmark Boyfriend’s Back Love and Sunshine (2019) (CC) TV-G Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls
64 WNAC Family Family The Masked Singer (9:01) Domino Mas- 12 News on Fox Provi- Big Bang Seinfeld Hallmark M.&M. Fixer Upper Mysteries (CC) TV-G Fixer Upper Mysteries (CC) TV-G Murder, She Wrote
FOX Feud Feud HD TV-PG-D,L ters HD TV-PG-D,L dence at 10pm NEW Theory TV-PG HGTV Home Inspector Joe House House Home Inspector Joe House House House House
68 WBPX Blue Bloods (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) (CC) Hunters Hunters (CC) NEW Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters
ION TV-14-L,V TV-14-D,L TV-14-D,L,V TV-14-D,L,V TV-14-L,V History Forged in Fire Forged in Fire (CC) (9:01) Forged in Fire (10:03) Forged in (11:03) Forged in
Cinemax (6:00) ››› Collateral › Robin Hood (2018) (CC) PG-13 (9:58) ›› Snitch (2013) (CC) PG-13 HLN Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic
(2004) R HSN MarlaWynne Fashions MarlaWynne Fashions Beauty Report Beauty Report Teeter FitForm
Flix (6:15) Shuttlecock: Di- ››› Night Falls on Manhattan (1996) ›› Jennifer Eight (1992) A maverick de- ID See No Evil (CC) See No Evil (CC) The Blood on the SignsPsy- SignsPsy- Evil Lives Here (CC)
rector’s Cut (2020) NR (CC) R tective stalks a serial killer in California. R
TV-14 TV-14 Van (CC) TV-14 chopath chopath TV-14
HBO Winning Game ›› F9 The Fast Saga (2021) (CC) Dom and his crew The Gilded Age (CC) French IFC Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond
Time Theory join forces to battle his deadly brother. PG-13 TV-MA Dispat
Lifetime Married at First Sight Married at First Sight ›› The Proposal (2009) (CC) Married
HBO 2 (6:05) ››› Bend It REAL Sports With My Brilliant Friend: › R.I.P.D. (2013) (CC) PG-13 Disap- LMN (6:00) Friends Who Kill Single Black Female (2022) (CC) Premiere. You Can Never Go Home Again (2021) (CC)
Like Beckham Bryant Gumbel TV-PG Those Who Leave pearance
MAGN Fixer Upper TV-G Fixer Upper: Welcome Fixer Upper: Welcome Fixer Upper TV-G Fixer Upper TV-G
Showtime (6:00) ›› Whiskey ››› Minari (2020) A Korean American fami- ››› The Farewell (2019) (CC) Midsom-
MSNBC The ReidOut (CC) NEW All In With Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word With 11th Hour
Tango Foxtrot R ly searches for the American dream. PG-13 PG mar (2019)
MTV Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous Ridiculous
Showtime 2 (6:30) ››› Seabiscuit (2003) Three men ››› Attica (2021) (CC) The 1971 riot at Mainstream (2020)
National To Catch a Smug- To Catch a Smug- To Catch a Smug- (10:15) To Catch a (11:15) To Catch a
lead a racehorse to glory in the 1930s. the Attica Correctional Facility. NR (CC) R
Geographic gler: Brazil (CC) gler: Brazil (CC) gler (CC) TV-14 Smuggler: Brazil (CC) Smuggler: Brazil (CC)
Starz! (6:03) ›› French Exit Outlander (CC) Jamie’s au- (9:24) Outlander (10:39) Outlander Fergus wor-
NatGeoWild Ramsay: Uncharted Ramsay: Uncharted Ramsay: Uncharted Ramsay: Uncharted Ramsay: Uncharted
(2020) R thority is tested. TV-MA-L (CC) TV-MA ries about his new son. TV-MA
TMC NECN necn NOW NEW Dateline (CC) TV-PG Dateline (CC) TV-PG LX Current-NECN 1st Look Rescue
(5:50) ›› What Lies ››› Misery (1990) (CC) A missing injured ››› House of Sand and Fog (2003) An
Beneath author has a twisted fan for a nurse. R evicted woman tries to get her house back. NewsNation On Balance Marni Hughes Dan Abrams Live NEW Banfield (CC) NEW NewsNation
Ovation Hart to Hart TV-PG Hart to Hart TV-PG Hart to Hart TV-PG Hart to Hart TV-PG The Green Mommie
CBSSN OWN Fatal Vows Love It or List It TV-G Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It TV-G
Women’s College Basketball NCAA Division II Beyond Women’s College Basketball NCAA Division II 2022 Tour-
Oxygen Dateline: Secrets Dateline: Secrets Dateline: Secrets Uncovered TV-PG Dateline: Secrets
Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. NEW Limits Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. nament
ESPN Paramount ››› Independence Day (1996) (CC) ››› Top Gun (1986) (CC)
NBA NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at Memphis Grizzlies. (10:05) NBA Basketball Philadelphia
QVC Rastelli’s Fam In the Kitchen with David: Holiday Gourmet Holiday (CC) TV-G
From the FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tenn. Live. NEW 76ers at Los Angeles Lakers. Live. NEW
ESPN2 Science Blk.-Declass. Blk.-Declass. Blk.-Declass. Blk.-Declass. Blk.-Declass.
2022 NIT Basketball Tournament Quarter- 2022 NIT Basketball Tournament Quarter- SportsCenter (CC)
final: Teams TBA. Live. NEW final: Teams TBA. Live. NEW Live. NEW Sundance Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC)
Fox Sports 1 NASCAR Race Hub Motorcycle Race Boxing (CC) Luis Ortiz vs. Charles Martin. TV-14-D,L,S,V TV-14-L,V TV-14-D,L,S,V TV-14-L,V TV-14-L,V
(CC) TV-14 SyFy (6:45) ››› Captain America: Civil War (2016) (CC) Astrid & Lilly ›› Jennifer’s Body
Golf PGA Golf Golf Central TV-G NEW PGA Tour Golf (CC) WGC - Dell Technologies Match Play, Day 1. TBS Big Bang Big Bang All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (CC) TV-14 NEW Wipeout TV-14 Sheldon Sheldon
NBA NBA GameTime Live NBA GameTime Live TCM Cyrano de Bergerac ››› Harvey (1950) (CC) ›››› Lust for Life (1956) (CC)
NBC Sports Celtics NBA Basketball (CC) Utah Jazz at Boston Celtics. Celtics Celtics Boston Sports Tonight TLC Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Pimple Popper Dr. Mercy TV-14 Feet-Killing Me
Boston Pregame From TD Garden in Boston. Live. NEW Postgame Post with Felger and Holley TNT Tarzan NHL Hockey (CC) Pittsburgh Penguins at Buffalo Sabres. NHL Hockey: Blackhawks at Ducks
NESN To Be Announced Hours Hours NESN After Hours NEW Travel Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures (CC) TV-PG Ghost Adventures
FAMILY TruTV Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokers Jokers
Cartoon Bears Total King/Hill King/Hill Burgers Burgers Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Rick TV Land Andy G. Andy G. Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King
Disney Big City Big City Big City Big City Bizaard- Bizaard- Big City Big City Ladybug Ladybug TV One Cosby Cosby Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford
Greens Greens Greens Greens vark TV-G vark TV-G Greens Greens & Cat & Cat USA Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Spe- Law & Order: Special Temptation Island (11:01) The Court-
Encore Family (6:18) Sidekicks (1993) ››› Titan A.E. Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild G Buttons: Tale Victims Unit TV-14-L cial Victims Unit Victims Unit TV-14-D,L TV-14 ship (CC) TV-14-L
Nickelodeon Nick News Warped! Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends VH-1 ›› Boo! A Madea Halloween (2016) (CC) › Tyler Perry’s Boo 2! A Madea Halloween (2017)
Nick Jr. PAW PAW PAW Blaze Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Santiago Blaze Blaze WE NCIS TV-PG-L,V NCIS TV-PG-L,V NCIS TV-14-L,V NCIS TV-14-D,L,V NCIS TV-14-D,L,V

Content Ratings: TV-Y Appropriate for all children; TV-Y7 For children age 7 and older; TV-G General audience; TV-PG Parental guidance suggested; TV-14 May be unsuitable for children under 14;
TV-MA Mature audience only Additional symbols: D Suggestive dialogue; FV Fantasy violence; L Strong language; S Sexual activity; V Violence; HD High-Definition; (CC) Close-Captioned

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