Mary Hansen Resume 2021

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1214 2 Mi racl e Mil e Driv e , Riv erv i ew F L, 33578 – (815) 9 93-2 352 – mh ansen1 33@gma m
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EDUC AT I O N Un i versi ty o f Cen tral F l o ri d a O rl ando, F l ori da Decem ber 202 2

Bachel or s i n Sci ence, I nt erdi sci pl i nary St udi es G PA: 3. 5
Conce nt rat i on s: Heal t h Sci ence s, Proj ect Manage m ent
Mi nor: T echni cal Educat i on and I ndu st ry T rai ni ng

Rel ev ant Course s

Docum ent at i on and Proj ect Mana gem ent T echni cal W ri t i ng St yl e
Cl i ent -Base d Proj ect Managem ent Docum ent De si gn and Pu bl i cat i on
Curri cul um Dev el opm ent - I ndust ry T rai ni ng Ev al uat i on of CT E I nst ruct i on

SKI L L S Mi crosof t Program s – Ex cel, W ord, PowerPoi nt , O ut l ook , O neNot e

Am azon Progr am s – RTW t ool , G ensui t e, AUST I N, Am azon Proj ect s
Proj ect Managem ent T ool s – G ant t chart s, LPI , RT L, Q ui p
T rai ni ng Ex peri ence – BLS I nst ruct or, O MR Inst ruct or, Launc h I n st ruct or

EXPERI ENCE Amazon Fu lf illmen t Nort h Am eri ca

Prof ession al Aw ay T eam O MR Aug. 2020 – Curre nt

• Re spo n si bl e f or coordi nat i ng succe ssf ul W ellne ss Cent er l au nche s, wh i ch

i ncl udes t eam t rai ni ng and dev e l opm ent , pol icy im pl em ent at i on, and driv i ng
cont i nuou s i m prov em ent of t he l aunch proce ss.
• Driv e ef f ectiv e t eam work, com m uni cati on, and col l aborat i on acro ss m ul ti pl e
t eam s wi t h com pet i ng pri ori t i e s.
• Lead a nd col l aborat e wi t h key st akeh ol der s t o dev el op and de pl oy proce dural
docum ent s a nd t ech ni cal t rai ni ng f or new an d exi st i ng rol es.
• Col l aborat ed a cr o ss t eam s t o rede si gn t h e L BD f ram ework, i m prov i ng
ef f i ci ency of t he OMR onboar di ng proce ss
• Dev el oped i nst ruct i onal doc um ent s f or t he OMR net work t o e st abl i sh n et work
st an dard s, i m prov e OMR ef f i ci ency and redu ce docum ent at i on error s.

O nsit e Medica l Re prese nt at ive Aug. 2017 – Aug. 20 20

• Site AMCARE Project leader, launched pilot programs and developed training
material for the NA WHS Team
• Trained and developed WHS team members, reducing RIR 50% and mitigating 120
program gaps
• Developed metric tracking tool to consolidate and streamline data management
between W HS departments, improving efficiency by 30%
• Performed deep dive analysis into root cause trends and developed corrective
actions across sites business functions to reduce RIR and LTI

Peru Ambulance Service Peru, Illinois

Emergency Med ica l T echnic ia n Dec. 2014-Jul y 2017
• Developed and implemented an Explorers Program for teens interested in the
emergency medical field
• Assisted in the training and supervision program for new hire Emergency Medical

W ellness Corporate Solutions North America

Ev ent Lead and Scre ener June 2016 – Aug 202 0
• Successfully managed 12 events for high profile clients
• Responsible for event management and coordination
• Travel when needed to lead and support high profile screening events

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