4 5 Geo of Pop Spatial Analysis Population Growth - Forecast - 2

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Dosen pengampu
Puji Hardati dan Saptonoo Putro
Meeting 4-5
Spatial and population growth

Puji Hardati
Concept: spatial analysis of Population growth and forecasts

• Population growth is the change in the number of inhabitants in an

area from time to time

• The main Concept

• 1. Time : 2 period or 2 time
• 2. Area-location
• 3. population
• A. Definition of Projection
• 1. Population projection is the calculation of the total population
(according to the composition of age and sex) in the future based on
the assumption of the direction of development of fertility, mortality
and migration.
• Projections can be used to estimate population, labor force, etc. (BPS,
BAPPENAS) for development planning.
• Projections of the Indonesian population from 2015 to 2045 have
been carried out by BPS and BAPPENAS
• Prediction or forecasting or forecasting
• Prediction is a process of systematically estimating something that is
most likely to happen in the future based on past and present
information held, so that the error (difference between something
that happened and the forecast result) can be minimized.
a. exponential

Pt = P0.ert

Pt = population t
P0 = population 0
r = population growth
t = time period
e = 2,7182818
B. geometric

Pt = P0 (1+r)

Pt = population t
P0 = population 0
r = population growth
t = time period

• Equation and difference between projections and population

• What variables are used in population projections and population
• What are the benefits of population projections and population
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages between population
projection and population prediction
• Look for population projection data in Indonesia for each province

• What are the benefits after studying and having population forecast
rates in a region
• How many classifications of population growth are said to be high,
medium and low

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