Edited EAPP Week 2 Module 3

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Introductory Message

For the Learner:

Welcome to the English for Academic and Professional Purposes Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM)
Module on Writing a Position Paper.

The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to depict skill, action and
purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning
resource signifies that you as a learner are capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant
competencies and skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the
learning resource while being an active learner.

This module will assist you to motivate, capacitate and enable the learners to realize the
importance of writing positions papers.
Please guide the learners so they may share their ideas and knowledge from their experiences and
thus, facilitate easy and enjoyable learning.
Answers are written at the back of this module. Let us be one in Inculcating among our learners
the value of honesty.

For the Learner:

In your academic journey, you will be required to read and write various academic texts, and among these
is the position paper. The ability to write a good position paper will greatly help in giving you the skill
and ability to make a stand on issues that merit contention and debate.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 Define position paper and its parts
 Appreciate the value of taking a position in deciding on persistent issues.
 Write various kinds of position papers

Choose from the box the word that is described by each of following sentences. Write your answers on
your paper.

1. It discusses one side of an issue
2. It strengthen the author’s claims
3. Statement that supports the author’s stand
4. Enumeration of arguments of opposing stand
5. Restatement of thesis and summarizes claims
6.The issue is posed as an interrogative statement
7. It contains background information concerning the issue
8. Similar to topic sentence, central concept up for contention
9. It elaborates the claims and include evidence to convince readers.
10. A sentence that takes a stand on the issue and includes claims to support your stand.

There are different issues surrounding us. We need to make a stand on one side of an issue. How
are you going to defend your side? How will you persuade others to believe your contention? This lesson
will help you learn how to write a position paper.

Read the statements. What can you comment about their statements? Write your answer on your paper.

Leonor Briones
President Rodrigo Duterte
Education Secretary
Philippine President
May 11, 2020
May 25, 2020
Press Conference
If you teach anxiety, if you teach fear, if you teach President Rodrigo Duterte not in favor of school
insecurity and you are so fearful that you cannot opening amid Covid-19 pandemic.
move anymore, let’s just wait for this thing to
blow over… but we don’t know when this thing “It’s useless to be talking about the opening
will blow over. classes. Para sa akin bakuna muna.”

So, in the meantime, you cannot have 9 months

of idle children being restrained in their
homes…. Making them stay at home and
having no classes, no learning at all because we
are afraid… We have to work around that

Guide Questions:
1. What is the issue in debate?
2. Who is in favor and who is against?
3. Who do you support? Briones or Duterte? Explain your answer.

Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow. Write your answer on your paper.

The increasing number of cases due to the Covid-19 pandemic is very alarming. Parents are
worried about the health of their children, that is why they would prefer not to send their children to
school this SY 2020-2021. Meanwhile, the Department of Education presented the Basic Education
Learning Continuity Plan so that this school year will not be wasted. The opening of the new school year
should push through in August because there are alternative ways of learning aside from face to face
interaction. These are blended learning, distance learning, online learning, and modular learning.
Although there are new modes of the teachinglearning process that are proposed, there are still problems
and challenges to be overcome.

Guide Questions:
1. Are you in favor of opening classes this school year despite the COVID-19 pandemic?
2. What are the positive effects of continuing with the opening of classes?
3. What problems could be brought about by the absence of face to face learning?

A Position paper is an academic paper that discusses one side of an issue. It can be likened to a debate
but arguments are presented in written form. The goal of the writer is to convince the readers to take
his/her position by presenting credible evidences.

There are several parts of position paper.

1. Issue - similar with topic sentence. It is the central concept for contention.
Example: Topic- School Year
Issue- Opening of the new school year
2. Argumentative Thesis- states the stand of the author on the issue.
Example: The opening of the new school year should be continued because education should not
be delayed and students can learn at home.
3. Claims - these are statements that support the author’s stand. In the previous example: Education
should not be delayed and students can learn at home are the points that strengthen his/her stand.
4. Evidence - These are proofs to strengthen the author’s claim. You can get evidence from surveys,
library research, experiments, informant interviews (direct experiences to the issue) and expert

To develop your position paper, you need to remember these four essential parts.

1. Introduction- provide a background information concerning the issue (who, what, where,
when, and why), a Yes or No question (issues are posed as interrogative statements)
containing the issue, and the argumentative thesis.

Background Information President Rodrigo Duterte declared that face to face class interactions
will only happen when a vaccine for COVID-2019 is developed. His spokesperson and other
officials have said that “learning could continue through various means”.

Reference: (https://www.onenews.ph/no-vaccine-no-classes-school-opening-in-limbo-

Yes or No Question:
Is the reopening of new school year beneficial or detrimental?

Argumentative Thesis The reopening of the new school year is beneficial because students’
education should not be quarantined and students can still learn at home using flexible
2. Summary of Counterclaims- it is the second paragraph of the position paper where you will
enumerate the arguments opposing your stand. This will allow you to refute these claims in the
body of an argument.


Government officials appear to have differing views on the specific circumstances that
will allow the reopening of classes in the country. The debates were heightened with
President Duterte’s pronouncement that it is useless to be talking about the resumption of
classes without a vaccine for coronavirus disease 2019.
“I will not allow the opening of classes na magdikit-dikit iyang mga bata na ’yan (where
children would go near each other) Bahala na hindi na makatapos (We would leave it to fate
if they don’t graduate). For this generation, wala na matapos na doktor pati engineer (no
doctor or engineer will graduate),” the President said.
“Wala nang aral. Laro na lang (No more studying. Just play). Unless I am sure that they
are really safe…That’s what I meant. Para sa akin, bakuna muna. ’Pag nandiyan na ang
bakuna, OK na (For me, there should be a vaccine first. Once there’s a vaccine, it would be
OK),” he added.
Some parents agreed with Duterte, saying they were worried about sending their children
to school amid the pandemic. This is despite the Department of Education (DepEd)’s
announcement that only 15 to 20 students will be allowed to attend physical classes in
There are also concerns about internet connection and lack of preparedness for home
schooling or online learning for many students in the country.

Reference: (https://www.onenews.ph/no-vaccine-no-classes-school-opening-in-limbo-alternative-modes-

3. Arguments- for the succeeding sections of the body of the paper, elaborate the claims in your
argumentative thesis and include evidence that will convince readers on the strength of your


Presidential spokesman Harry Roque, in his virtual press briefing on May 26, offered a
different take on when classes can physically resume. In the absence of what he described as
a new normal, he said the government would turn to flexible learning modes using
television, radio and the internet.
“I’m advising all types of schools to prepare for the new normal. The possibility really is
we will have to be more creative. They will have to adopt more blended or flexible learning.
The President was right when he said we are not safe until there is a vaccine,” Roque said.
At a Senate hearing on Tuesday, May 26, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said it is
safe to reopen classes on August 24 provided that minimum health standards are followed.
In a statement on May 22, Education Secretary Leonor Briones had reiterated the
department’s commitment to prioritize the health and safety of students, teachers and other

Reference: (https://www.onenews.ph/no-vaccine-no-classes-school-opening-in-limbo-alternative-modes-
4. Conclusion- restate your thesis and summarize your main claims.


“Education must continue even in times of crisis whether it may be a calamity, disaster,
emergency, quarantine, or even war.” – Sec. Briones. Adoption of various learning delivery
options such as but not limited to face-to-face, blended learnings, distance learnings, and
homeschooling and other modes of delivery shall be implemented depending on the local
COVID Risk Severity Classification and compliance with minimum health standards. There
are many challenges we face in ensuring the continuity of education, but one thing is for sure,
DepEd is steadily moving forward even in this extremely difficult situation.

Independent Activity 1

From the following list of topics, think of issues that can be the subject of a position paper.

Topic Issue
1. Freedom of Information
2. Same Sex Marriage
3. Anti-Terrorism Bill 2020
4. Divorce
5. Online Learning

Independent Assessment 1

Given the issue, stand, and claims, write a thesis statement.

Issue: Implementing K to 12 Educational System in the Philippines
Stand: Against
Claims: Lack of facilities, inadequacy of teacher training, increased expenses of parents.
Thesis Statement: Implementation of K to 12 Education in the Philippines should be stopped because of
lack of facilities, inadequacy of teacher training, and increase of expenses of parents.

Issue Stand Claims Thesis Statement

Division of money
among SAP
1. Distribution of Social
Amelioration Program of Against
“palakasan system”,
corrupt government
Speed in spreading
2. Use of social media
In favor , possible venue to air
web sites in school
concerns, classroom
Strengthen the faith
3. Opening of Church
In favor and lessen the
Independent Activity 2

Write a sample Yes or No question and an argumentative thesis statement on the issue
“Shutting down of the ABS-CBN network.”

Yes or No Question: ___________________________________________________________________

Argumentative Thesis Statement:

Independent Assessment 2

Below are the claims for the issue “Shutting down of ABS-CBN”. Think of counterclaims for each and
draft a short paragraph to reflect these.

Claims Counterclaims/Claims of the Opponent

Biased news reporting
Labor-related contraventions and breaches
Broadcasting for a fee and operating a "pay-per-
view channel in ABS-CBN TV Plus, the KBO
Channel, without prior approval or permit from
the NTC

Independent Activity 3

Complete the table below by putting the needed information about the issue, “Shutting down of ABS-
CBN”. Remember that you are in favor of the shutdown of the network.

Claims Topic Sentence for Paragraph Evidence Needed

Biased news reporting
Labor-related contraventions and
Broadcasting for a fee and
operating a "pay-perview channel
in ABS-CBN TV Plus, the KBO
Channel, without prior approval or
permit from the NTC

Independent Assessment 3

Draft a short paragraph that contains the restatement of the thesis as well as main claims for the issue
“Shutting down of ABS-CBN.”
Match Column A with Column B. Write your answers on your paper.

Column A Column B
1. The issue is posed as an interrogative statement A. Arguments
2. Enumeration of arguments of opposing stand B. Argumentative Thesis
3. It discusses on side of an issue C. Claims
4. Similar to topic sentence, central concept up for D. Conclusion
contention E. Evidence
5. It contains background information concerning F. Introduction
the issue G. Issue
6. It strengthens the author’s claims H. Position Paper
7. Restatement of thesis and summarizes claims I. Summary of Counterclaims
8. Statement that supports the author’s stand J. Yes or No Question
9. A sentence that takes a stand on the issue and
includes claims to support your stand
10. It elaborates the claims and include evidence
to convince readers.

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