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LESSON PLAN (45-minute)

Big Picture Module 3, Unit 1, week 2, lesson 1

I can analyze how dialogue between characters and incidents in Maus I reveal aspects of
Objective character or provoke a decision.

Direct instruction
 Go over what characterization is and how to find it in the text
o What is characterization?
 used step-by-step in literature to highlight and explain the details about a
character in a story
 How the characters are developed throughout the story
 Authors use dialogue a lot of times to help develop characters throughout the
book, especially when the book is told in the first person.
 Tony Stark from Marvel
 Lightning McQueen
 Darth Vadar in Star Wars
 The author for Maus uses this to develop some of the characters mentioned
 Let's look at an example of this in the book
o Vladek says, “For my condition, I must fight to save myself.
Doctors, they only give me junk food,” on page 26, panel 5.
What does this reveal about Vladek’s character?
 It reveals his sense of agency; he makes choices to help
 It reveals that he likes to make choices for himself rather
Instruction than letting the doctors tell him what to do
Guided practice
 The students will continue to practice finding character through different dialogues
o They will discuss it with a partner and then fill it out on canvas
 On page 31, panel 5, what does Vladek’s statement about Anja’s sickness, below,
reveal about his character? (RL.8.3)
 “I don’t understand. What’s the matter?”
 He is concerned and wants to know more about the health of his wife.
 What is implied by the statement “and no one heard from him again” as it is used on
page 33, panel 4? (RL.8.4)
 He was killed or taken by the police.
 What incident provokes Vladek and Anja to pack their belongings page 38,
panels 1–4? (RL.8.3)
o Vladek receives a draft notice in the mail and must report to serve in
the war.
 On page 43, panels 1–5, Vladek, Anja, and Art discuss leaving food at the end
of a meal. What does Vladek’s statement, below, reveal about his character?
 “Yes! So, it has to be. Always you must eat all what is on your plate.”
o He believes food is a critical resource and should not ever be wasted.
The students will complete the characterization check on canvas with their partner.

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