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At Library

Librarian : Good morning, May I help you?

student : Good morning sir . I am looking for some books on English language and I would like to enroll as
a member too.
Librarian : Oh! Sure. We have plenty of material on English language. Please have a look at the available
range and if you are satisfied, you can surely enrol as a member.
student : Oh! That’s splendid! Where can I find them?
Librarian : Please go to the middle section and there is a full section to your right.
student : Oke. Thank you sir.


Sani : In which class are you studying?

Surya : I am in Eighth B. What about you?
Sani : I am in Ninth C.
Surya : Do you come to school by bus?
Sani : Yes. I go to school by bus. I have to catch Route No. 24 bus.
Surya : It has passed on just 15 minutes before.
Sani : There is another bus at 4.45 p.m.
Surya : I will wait then.

A : Do you have cat at home?

B : Last time I had, but now no. My mother doesn’t like cat. How about you?
A : I have one male cat. The hair is yellow and white. I like him very much. I often play with him.
B : Do you make a special house for him?
A : No, I don’t make it for him.
B : Where does he sleep?
A : More often outside the house. But, if it rains, in the living room.
B : What do you usually feed him?
A : He likes salted fish. Sometimes I buy special cat food for him.
B : Actually I want to have a cat again, but my mother doesn’t allow/prohibit me.
A : Temporary don’t have it first. Maybe later, if she has changed her mind.
B : Thank you for your advice.

Reading a Newspaper

A : Do you often read newspaper?

B : Sometimes. My mother sometimes brings it from her working place.
A : What do you like to read most?
B : I like news most, especially news about other country. Someday I want to go overseas.
A : You should be able to speak English if you want to go overseas.
B : Yes, I will learn it from now.
A : Is there also English lesson in the newspaper?
B : Yes, but very little.
A : Oh ya, what paper do you often read?
B : Pos Kota paper. How about you? Do you also like to read newspaper?
A : Actually I like, but I don’t have newspaper to read. My mother never brings it for me.
B : One day I will bring it for you.
A : Thank you.
At Library 2
Librarian : Good morning, May I help you?
student : Good morning sir . I would like to enroll as a member.
Librarian : Well. You need to fill in this application form.
student : By the way, what is the membership fee?
Librarian : It is five thousand rupiah annually.
student : How many books can I take at one time?
Librarian : You can take three books and two journals at one time.
student : How long can I keep them?
Librarian : Two weeks are the limit and after that there is a late fee of two hundred rupiah per book
per day.
student : That’s okay. Do you have a card-catalogue?
Librarian : No. It’s computerised. You can check the titles and authors in the computer.
student : Oh! That’s fine. Tell me, do you have any other facility?
Librarian : Yes. We have a microfilm section and you can also watch videos.
student : Very good! Are you open on Sundays?
Librarian : No. We are open from Monday to Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
student : I will come back tomorrow with the filled in application. Thank you very much. You have
been a great help.
Librarian : You are most welcome. Good day!

Birthday party

Rasyid : Hi martin, How are you?

martin : Quite O.K. You look happy.
Rasyid : I am celebrating my sixteen Birthday day after tomorrow. I making a party. Would you come?
martin : Sure. Where is the party?
Rasyid : It is arranged in a SS Restaurant.
martin : Where is it?
Rasyid : It is just next to my house.
martin : Will your uncle from America attend the Party?
Rasyid : No. He is unable. But he has sent me a camera as his birthday present.

At parking area

Security : What is the matter, boy?

Student : My cycle is stolen.
Security : Where did you place your cycle?
Student : I placed my cycle under a tree near the entrance.
Security : Did you lock the cycle?
Student : No sir. I forgot to lock it.
Security : Then, it is your fault. Any way give particulars about it.
Student : It is a green bycycle.
Security : Do you know your parent number? I will call them.
Student : Yes sir. The number is 433221.

MEETING A TOURIST (bertemu seorang pelancong)

Fauzi as student
Marcus as tourist
F : Excuse me, sir! I'm a student of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
I have a task about interviewing a foreign tourist.
Do you mind if I talk with you for a minute?
M : Sure.
F : Would you tell me why are you visiting Indonesia?
M : Well, I like to see the beautiful scenery of Indonesia.
Besides, I'm a geographer. I come to see Indonesia's geography.
F : Where do you come from?
M : I'm from Germany.
F : Who did you come here with?
M : I came here with my wife and children. They're enjoying the sunset right now.
F : How long are you going to stay in Indonesia?
M : Not more than a month, about three weeks.
F : Alright, sir. Thank you for your cooperation. See you later.
M : You're welcome. See you later.

Roasted Fish

A : Do you like eating fish?

B : Yes, I like salted fish. How about you?
A : I also like eating fish. I like roasted fish.
B : Where do you usually buy it?
A : If I have time, I usually buy it in a small warung/shop on the beach.
B : What time do you usually go there?
A : It opens from 03.00 PM (three o’clock) until about 10.00 – 11.00 PM (ten or eleven o’clock/PM).
B : How much is it?
A : If it’s small / The small one is, around Rp 20.000 (twenty thousand Rupiahs), and the big one is around
Rp 35.000 (thirty five thousand Rupiahs) up to Rp 50.000 (fifty thousand Rupiahs).
B : Is the price including rice and vegetable?
A : Yes, including rice, vegetable, and hot or sweet sauce.
B : How about (the) drink?
A : Drink is not included. You should pay extra for the drink.
B : One day, please take me there.
A : Yes, my pleasure.
B : Thank you.

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