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Fundamental Movement Skills

1st Grade

5 Classes

25-30 Students

45-minute class periods

By Adam Bibbs

Fundamental Movement Skills are movement patterns that involve different body

parts such as the legs, arms, trunk and head, and include such skills as running, hopping,

catching, throwing, striking and balancing. They are the foundation movements or

precursor patterns to more specialized, complex skills used tin play games, sports, dance

gymnastics, outdoor education and physical recreation activities

(www.steps-pd, There are 3 main types of fundamental movement skills

and they are locomotors skills, non-locomotor skills, and manipulative skills. Locomotor

skills are used to move the body from one place to another or to project the body upward.

Non-locomotors are performed in place, without appreciable spatial movement.

Manipulatives are developed through handling some type of object with a variety of body

parts(Elementary Book).


It is clear that children and adults who are physically active on a regular basis are

healthier than those who are not active. It is also evident from research findings that

many children and adults do not regularly take part in physical activities that contribute to

a healthy lifestyle. There are many reasons for this lack of physical activity, the most

evident being the lack of exposure tat an early age to physical skill development

activities. If you do not possess the skills to strike a tennis ball you are probably not

going to play tennis. If you are not skilled in throwing or catching you will most likely

not participate in games where those skills are needed. Over the past 20 years we have

created a world of very young techno wizards who spend huge amounts of time watching

TV, playing video games, or surfing the internet instead of using and developing their
physical skills during outdoor play. Have we crated an entire generation of children who

do not know how to throw and catch a ball? If children do not learn to throw, catch,

jump and kick when they are young they will not possess the skills needed to participate

in physical activities as adults and thus most will not get appropriate amounts of physical

activity. Developmentally appropriate practice suggests that we as adults make

educational decisions based on what is known from research and experience about how

children learn and develop. For example, learning to strike a ball with a bat is not an easy

task especially when we use a regulation basketball and wooden bat. Using a plastic ball

and bat is more developmentally appropriate and will initially better help the child learn

the skill. In schools today, children find themselves focused on learning basic concepts

in math, reading and social studies. Physical activity, in many schools and in many

homes does not have the level of importance it deserves. Children who do not develop

physical skills are those who get left out of play with their friends and could be those who

remain physically inactive throughout life. The simple fact is that if you are going to

learn to read you have to spend time reading. If you are going to learn math skills you

need to practice calculations using numbers. If you are going to learn to catch a ball, you

have to participate in a developmentally appropriate and logical progression of catching

activities. We know that in order to develop physical skills children must spend time

practicing those skills ( In the year 2000

only one of the thirteen physical activity and fitness objectives were met, which led to

two new objectives: to eliminate health disparities and to increase the quantity and

quality of life (Healthy People 2010). Overall the primary focus of physical education is

the optimum health of the student for the present and in the future, and the curriculum
was designed to provide learning experiences that will help student realize their potential

in life (


Integration is bringing in or adding another subject area into your class such as

math and doing an activity in physical education that requires critical thinking to apply

math while doing a physical activity at the same time. An example of integration in

physical education would be to have the students keep score of their basketball game

while they are playing. Integration is a great thing because it reinforces what is learned

in other classes and might make it more fun doing it in a gym setting. Integrations have

proven success because of all the reinforcement it gives. The only reasons I can see why

integration is not included in a teachers lesson plan is because they are lazy, it is very

time consuming, or they don’t know exactly how to do it correctly.

Behavior Objectives
By the end of the unit students should know and be able to:
1. Psychomotor:
 Demonstrated how to perform the 3 basic types of fundamental movement
skills, which are locomotors, non-locomotors, and manipulative skills
assessed by teacher observation
2. Cognitive:
 Apply primary cues for each skill taught during the unit by passing a
multiple choice and true false test with a score of 70% or better
 Display a sense of rhythm with the fundamental movement skills

 Display a positive attitude while fully participating in all activities

assessed by teacher observation
 Encourage other classmates by giving 3 specific comments of what is
being done well and this will also be assessed by teacher observation
Listing of Skills
1. Locomotors
 Jumping – taking off with both feet and landing on both feet.
 Hopping – Propelling the body up and down on the same foot.
 Walking – Each foot moves alternately, with one foot always in contact with the
ground or floor. Your weight is transferred from the heel of your foot to the balls
of the foot. The body is straight ant tall; your eyes are looking directly forward
and the arms swinging in opposition with your legs.
 Running – Same as walking but done at a much faster pace. At one moment both
feet may be off the ground and should be done with a slight body lean forward.
 Skipping – A series of step hops done with alternate feet
 Leaping – elongated step designed to cover distance or move over a low obstacle
 Sliding – going form one side to another by a one-count movement with the
leading foot stepping to the side and the other foot following quickly.
 Galloping – similar to sliding but progress is in a forward direction. One foot
leads and the other is brought rapidly forward to it.
2. Non-Locomotors
 Bending – movement at a joint
 Stretching – a movement that moves body parts away from the body center
 Pushing – controlled and forceful action performed against an object to move the
body away from the object or move the object in a desired direction by applying
force to it.
 Pulling – Controlled and forceful action that moves an object closer to the body or
the body closer to an object
 Twisting – the rotation of a selected body part around its own long axis
 Turning – rotation around the long axis of the body (body as a whole)
3. Manipulatives
 Propulsion
-Throwing – an object is thrust into space and is accelerated through the
movement of the arm and the total coordination of the body
-Striking – to hit sharply with hand, fist, weapon, or foot
-Kicking – striking with the feet
 Reception
-Catching – using the hands to stop and control a moving object
 Redirecting an object in flight
Listing of skill drills and application activities
 Simple drill: Stand in a stationary spot then performs a jump.
 Compound drill: Run for 10 feet then perform a jump
 Application: Free movements – The students will be in there own area where
they can perform any movement they have learned in the day and they will move
in any direction then they will change to a new movement when the whistle
 Simple drill: Stand and hop on one foot straight up and down
 Compound drill: Hop on one foot forwards and backwards
 Application: Free movements, and High fives – Students move in different
directions throughout the area. On signal, they are challenged to run toward
partner, jump or hop, and give a “high five” while moving. Emphasis should be
place on timing so that the “high five” is given at the top of the jump or hop.
Combinations of changing the level as well as changing the speed of the
movement can be developed.
 Simple drill: the students will walk on a straight line
 Compound drill: students will walk through obstacle course of cones
 Application: Free movements

 Simple drill: students will run on a straight line
 Compound drill: students will run through an obstacle course of cones
 Application: Free running – students run in any direction, changing direction at
 Simple drill: students will skip on a straight line
 Compound drill: students will skip through an obstacle course of cones
 Application: Free movements
 Simple drill: The students will start running then leap
 Compound drill: the students will start running then leap over cones
 Application: High fives
 Simple drill: students will slide on a straight line
 Compound drill: students will slide through an obstacle course of cones
 Application: Rhythm movements – Rhythm can guide locomotor movements,
with changes in tempo being part of the activity. The intensity of the sound can
be translated into light or heavy movements
 Simple drill: students will gallop on a straight line
 Compound drill: students will gallop through an obstacle course of cones
 Application: Free movements, and Relays – the teacher will split the class into
groups then have them perform a relay race. The students must do whatever
movement they are asked to do then tag the next person to go. The teacher may
change the movement at any time.
 Simple drill: Bend at the waist and then other body parts
 Compound drill: Bend at the waist then jump into air (repeat)
 Application: Secret movement – the teacher has written a number of movements
on cards and selects one. Direction is given by saying “I want you to show me the
secret movement.” The children select a movement and continue the movement
with out change until they are signaled to stop, whereupon the teacher identifies
those who performed the movement on the card. The movement is then
demonstrating by those who chance upon it, and all perform it together. If no one
comes up with the movement pattern on the card, repeat the activity by asking the
children to change their responses.
 Simple drill: Students stretch one body part
 Compound drill: Students stretch more than one body part at the same time
 Application: Student led stretches for warm-ups
 Simple drill: Push a ball to a partner
 Compound drill: student perform a push up
 Application: Ball activities – youngsters dribble balls as in basketball or as in
soccer. When a change is signaled, they stop, balance on one leg, and push the
ball under the other leg, around the back, and overhead, keeping both control and
balance. Other challenges can be supplied that involve both movements with the
ball are manipulative actions performed in place.
 Simple drill: have a partner, grab hands and pull against each other
 Compound drill: Pull your partner on a scooter
 Application: Play a game of tug of war – the class is split into two teams and they
try to gain the majority of the rope. The maximum amount of time for this is 40
seconds. If a team doesn’t win by this 40 seconds then the team that has the most
rope wins. Parachute activity – the students will play with the parachute having
bean bags pop up in the middle with out them falling off the parachute.
 Simple drill: Stand up tall then twist your body
 Compound drill: Start running then jump and twist your body
 Application: Secret movement, and Athletic movements – students move and
stop on signal. They then perform an athletic skill move, such as a basketball
jump shot, leaping football pass catch, volleyball spike, or soccer kick. Students
should place emphasis on correct form and timing. A variation of the activity is
for students to move with a partner and throw a pass on signal, punt a ball, or
shoot a basket. The partner catches the ball or rebounds the shot.
 Simple drill: Stand up tall and turn your body
 Compound drill: Run then Turn your body
 Application: Athletic movements
 Simple drill: Throw a bean bag in the air
 Compound drill: Throw a bean bag to your partner
 Application: Accuracy throw – the students will be in groups of two and try to
throw as many beanbags through a hula hoop in 30 seconds. After the 30 seconds
the students have 10 seconds to switch and get ready to throw again. Each person
will go three times then we will see which group has the most accuracy.
 Simple drill: Kick the ball
 Compound drill: Kick the ball on a spot at the wall
 Application: Kick the ball to a partner under control
 Simple drill: Throw bean bags in the air and catch it with one or two hands
 Compound drill: Move and throw the bean bag up and then catch it with one or
two hands
 Application: Play catch with a partner, move around and try to catch on the run

Other games to play during this unit

 Animal shapes – have the students at an time pick an animal and have them
mimic what that animal would do, then on the whistle have them pick a new
 Airplanes – children pretend to be airplanes. When told to take off, they zoom
with arms out swooping, turning, and gliding. When they are commanded to
land, thy drop to the floor in prone position, simulation a plane at rest. To start
their engines and take off, they can perform a series of push-ups, and move up
and down whole simulating engine noise.
 Crossing the river – a river can be set up as the space between tow parallel lines
about 40 feet apart, or it can be the crosswise area in a gymnasium. Each time the
children cross the river, they use a different type of locomotor movement.
Children should be encouraged not to repeat a movement. Play is continuous over
a minute or so.
 Beanbag touch and go – beanbags are spread throughout the area. On signal
youngsters move and touch as many different beanbags as possible with their
hands. Different body parts can be specified for children to use for touching.
Different colors of beanbags can be selected, and the command might be “touch
as many blue beanbags as possible with your elbow.” Children can also move to
and around a beanbag. The type of movement can be varied.
 Medic tag – Three or four students are designated as “taggers.” They try to tag
other students; when tagged, a student kneels as if injured. Another student can
‘rehabilitate” the injured player with a touch, enabling the student to resume play.

Health and Safety Precautions

 Inspect area before games or activities are started

 Warm up and stretch
 Stop on the whistle
 Wait until directions or commands are given
 No gum
 No jewelry
 No grabbing, pushing, tripping, or horseplay
 Act in a safe and healthy manor
 Report injuries to instructor
 Proper dress
 Treat everyone and the equipment with respect
Block Plan
Day 1 Day 2
Beginning Beginning
Anticipatory set – good morning class Anticipatory set – who can tell me what
today we are going to learn about we did yesterday and what are locomotors?
locomotor skills. Introductory activity – Give examples of
Introductory activity – Go over example the locomotors being covered today.
of locomotors. Establish freeze signal Middle
Middle Major Tasks
Major Tasks 1. Leaping
1. Walking 2. Jumping
2. Running 3. Hopping
3. Skipping 4. Sliding
4. Galloping Game – High fives, Medic tag
(Tape a line on the floor and have cones) End
Game – Free running with a whistle Closure of lesson – Bring everyone
change, Animal shapes, and relay races together
End Recap of lesson – Review locomotor skills
Closure of lesson – Bring everyone Assessment – Observation of participation
together. and knowledge in review
Recap of lesson – Review cues for Preview next class period – Tomorrow we
Locomotors will be learning about non-locomotors.
Assessment – Observation of participation
and knowledge in review
Preview next class period – tomorrow we
will learn more locomotors.
Day 3 Day 4
Beginning Beginning
Anticipatory set – Who thinks they know Anticipatory set – Who thinks they know
what a non-locomotors are? what manipulatives are?
Introductory activity – Define non- Introductory activity – Define
locomotors and give examples of the ones manipulatives and give examples of the
being covered today ones being covered today
Middle Middle
Major Tasks Major Tasks
1. Bending 1. Catching
2. Stretching 2. Throwing
3. Twisting/Turning 3. Kicking
4. Pulling/Pushing Game – Athletic movements, Moving to
Game – Secret movement, tug of war, rhythm, ball activities, playing catch with a
Parachute activity partner
End End
Closure of lesson – Bring everyone Closure of lesson – Bring everyone
together together
Recap of lesson – Review non-locomotor Recap of lesson – Review manipulative
skills skills
Assessment – Observation of participation Assessment – Observation of participation
and knowledge in review and knowledge in review
Preview of next class period – Tomorrow Preview of next class period – Tomorrow
we will be learning a few new non- we will be reviewing everything we have
locomotor skills learned and tie it all together
Day 5
Anticipatory set – today we are going to
play games
Introductory activity – Review
locomotors, non-locomotors, and
Major Tasks
1. Review skills
2. Play Games
Game – Ball activities, beanbag touch and
go, airplane, parachute activity, and
crossing the river
Closure of lesson –Bring everyone
Recap of lesson –Review games played
Assessment – Observation of participation
and knowledge in review
Preview of next class period – End of

Special Activities and Alternative Plans

 If the gymnasium was used I could go outside if the weather is nice
 I could schedule a field trip if I knew it was needed ahead of time
 If half the class was missing I could have a free day of games or do relays where
every we could have class
 The class could watch a video

Equipment and Supplies/Space Requirements

 40 beanbags
 2 parachutes
 Tumbling mats (enough to fill the entire gym)
 1 tape/CD player
 20 jumping boxes
 1 portable chalk board
 40 rubber balls
 30 hula hoops
 30 jump ropes
 1 long rope
 I will need the entire elementary gymnasium for these activities or I could go
outside if the weather is nice
Interdisciplinary Connection/Motivational Techniques
 I could incorporate math by having them do addition relays
 I could incorporate music and rhythm by playing it while they are doing skills
in class.
 I can modify activities and skills to fit needs of everyone
 I could let the children pick their partners every once in a while

Teacher Behavior
 Free exploration – most child centered style of learning, guided by teacher it is
limited to the selection the instructional materials to be used and designation
of the area to be explored. DAY 1
 Cooperative learning – focuses on the importance of people working together
to accomplish common goals. Groups of students working together to achieve
a goal. DAY 2
 Guided discovery – when there is a predetermined choice or result that the
teacher wants students to discover. DAY 3
 Task – arranging and presenting learning tasks at several learning areas or
stations. DAY 4
 Mastery of learning – takes a general program outcome and breaks it into
smaller parts providing a progression of skills. DAY 5
 Direct – providing instruction to either the entire class or small groups and
guides the pace and direction of the class. Explain, demonstrate, then have the
students perform. EVERY DAY

Evaluation of Student learning

Daily Participation 1 2 3 4 5
Acts in a Safe and healthy manor Y or N
Displays knowledge of skills Y or N

Attendance Day Day Day Day Day

list 1 2 3 4 5
 Displays correct movements
 Participates
 Assessed by daily points awarded by teacher observation
 Able to identify cues for movements
 Teacher asks questions for class discussion
 Assessed by teacher observation
 Able to work together, get along with others, and has respect for everything and
everyone, which is assessed by teacher observation.

Skills Check list for each student

Skills Yes No Comments

 Jumping
 Hopping
 Walking
 Running
 Skipping
 Leaping
 Sliding
 Galloping
 Bending
 Stretching
 Pushing
 Pulling
 Twisting
 Turning
 Throwing
 Kicking
 Catching


Pangrazi, Robert. (2004). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children
14th ed. San Fransico, CA. Pearson Education Publishing.

Unknown. (Unknown). Fundamental Movement Skills. Retrieved April 2, 2005, From

the World Wide Web:

Unknown. (Unknown). Importance of Physical Education. Retrieved April 3, 2005,

From the World Wide Web: (google images)

Unknown. (Unknown). Healthy People. Retrieved October 23, 2004, Fro mthe World
Wide Web:

Unknown. (Unknown). Physical Education. Retrieved April 2, 2005, From the World
Wide Web:

Unknown. (2005). Retrieved April 2, 2005, From the World Wide

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