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We all know that water is one of the most important necessities in our day to day lives, most of our

activities require the use of water and obviously, we need water to survive. However, the constant use
of water affects our environment through many ways and today I am here to discuss those
environmental impacts of excessive and improper use of our water resources and the sustainable
solutions for these problems.

First is human activities and water collecting Structures such as dams disrupts biodiversity. These
structures are built in rivers; though they are helpful they can cause damage to environment by
disrupting the natural activities of aquatic biodiversity in the rivers, such as fish migrations. It also
disrupts other organisms that highly depend on freshwater forcing them to migrate to another places or
worst it may kill them. It also disrupts the natural growth and reproduction cycles of various species by
withholding flows for a long time and sudden release of water.

Next, these structures also affect water quality. Slow-moving or still waters such as in dams and
reservoirs can heat up and cause fluctuations in temperature that can affect the water quality. This can
lead to algal blooms and low oxygen levels in the water. Also, Mismanagement of wastes and dumping it
in the water will lead to water pollution; affecting the biodiversity, contaminating the waters that if
consumed will lead to diseases.

Excessive use of water in a fast pace can lead to its shrinkage and worst, drought. The best example of
this is the Aral Sea in Central Asia; human activities are the main cause of its shrinking. People have built
structures such as dams and dikes to divert the flow to a smaller river and the waters were intensively
used in agriculture for over 60 years until most of it had dried up.

Subsidence is the gradual setting or sudden sinking of land and one of the main causes of this is the
removal of underground water. The constant and excessive water withdrawal and failure to let it
replenish will cause it to dry up and eventually cause subsidence.

Eutrophication refers to the excessive plant and algal growth in a body of water caused by the increase
of nutrients in the water, commonly nitrogen and phosphorus. Whereas, the main source of the
nitrogen pollutants are the run-off from excessive irrigations from agricultural lands, and as for the
phosphorus pollutants, they are waste products from industries and households, mainly from
phosphorus based detergents.

Siltation is a type of water pollution that is caused by natural activities such as erosion and
sedimentation, but most often, is a result of human activities such as agriculture, construction and heavy
industrial processes. This affects the environment starting from reducing the water depth, then polluting
natural habitats and eventually harms aquatic life.

Lastly, As we continue to misuse our water resources, more life necessities are being affected, especially
our food resources; without water we cannot water our crops, our livestock would not have the means
to be hydrated and by that, us, humans will not have a source of nutrition.
Solving a problem starts with ourselves, changing our daily practices and ponder upon how our activities
can affect our surroundings and changing them to become better. Here are some of the sustainable
solutions we can do to protect our water resources:

 Educate to change consumption and lifestyle

Change begins with awareness; we should be aware and educate ourselves of how our practices
are affecting our surroundings specifically our resources. We should know if what we do in a
daily basis is contributing for the development and betterment of our society or are we a part of
the problem? We must educate ourselves and be mindful for the consequences of our actions.
This shouldn’t limit in protecting our water resources, but rather protecting our only home
 Recycle Wastewater
Recycling in general is a huge help in sustaining our resources, primarily to our water resources.
Since water is a necessity for almost all our daily activities, it constantly faces the threat of
drying up faster than expected, and our groundwater is used up faster than it is replenished.
Recycling water have significant benefits for our environment primarily because it significantly
reduced the demand and stress for freshwater supply, maintaining our water resources useable
and enough for this generation and the next.
 Invention of new water conservation technologies
In this present time, the era of innovation and discovery, technology can be our instrument for
conservation and sustainability. In the areas where resources are scarce, innovations are highly
needed and taking the consumption of energy in consideration. Water catchment system is
highly needed specifically for areas that have limited freshwater source such as in Pakistan and
India. This process is a very practical for the obvious reason that it can lessen the use of
groundwater by using the stored water for certain household activities such as watering plants
and for toilet use.

 Improve irrigation and agricultural practices

More than half of the world’s freshwater is used in the agriculture sector. It is important to
devise systematic strategies to prevent unnecessary water losses, land and water degradation
and to keep our water sources enough for the next years.

 Develop energy efficient desalination plants

Desalination refers to the process of removing salt from saltwater, it is an effective solution for
the constant need for freshwater, and however, tons of energy is needed for this process. What
is needed is a more energy efficient upgrade for this process. Upgrading the system not only
help the water sources but also cutting the use of energy thus saving it for another use.
 Address pollution
Constant monitoring of water quality is essential for human health and biodiversity. This
distinguished issue materializes in numerous forms which can be and should be addressed in
just as many ways. Aside from securing the quality of drinking water at the local level, it is also
vital to construct more extensive roads to solutions.
 Population Growth Control
As the world population continues to grow, the water sources are becoming insufficient for our
use. Up to date, at least two billion people have no access to clean water. And as the agriculture
sector uses more than half of world’s freshwater, water’s fundamental role in food production
should be taken care of as the world’s climate and resource conditions change.

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