Catayas Week5Preppin'Myself Purposive

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Name: Jerica A.

Catayas Section: BSBAOM


1.Various intercultural modes of communication (e.g., words/gestures used in a
particular region or country to show respect). Use the assigned country to you by the
instructor. Choose a country below

Japan, Mexico, Germany, China, France, Korea, Russia, Canada, Italy, Israel.

2.Find an article that discusses an issue in communication (e.g., use of politically correct
words, gender sensitivity through language) and compose a short reaction paper about

The country I choose is Japan patterns and styles can be confusing to Westerns. Americans are
used to straight talk. Americans make great efforts to convey the exact intent of their message.
Japanese interlocutors tend to use words as only part of the message they are trying to
communicate. Other factors, such as silence, subtle body language, mood lone, and intuition
imply communication styles. I would like to explore the aspects of communication styles in terms
of 1 body language and physical behaviors, 2 silence, 3 eye contact and 4 saving face. As for
political correctness in general well its hard to say really. Homogeneous in Japanese society is
what it used to be. The generation gaps are widening and Westernization is really taking hold in
profound ways, mainly driven by advent of the advent of the internet. If I had to make a rough
estimate, I would say that as of 2009 the vast majority of Japanese adults and children at lea
vaguely aware that racism is supposed to be a bad thing. They do have a specific word for it
taken seriously at least on paper discrimination of human races. Also is known for having a
gesture to show respect which is Bowing See Greeting for guidelines on how to bow People
Japan greet one another by bowing. A bow can be anything from a small head not to a deep
waist bend. A deeper, longer bow conveys respect, while a small not with the head conveys
casualness and informality. People get down on their knees to bow if the greeting takes place
on a tatami floor. Bowing can also be used to express gratitude; apologies make a request or
ask for a favor. It is often pointed out that throughout the long history of Japan have cultivated
their unique communication. Style which are based on their high-five context, collectivistic and
almost homogeneous society. The japan are reported to be reserved, cautious, evasive silent
and ambiguous placing emphasis on not hurting others and keeping harmonious relations with
each other. Japan norms behavior have traditionally been highly gendered Okamoto 2002 For
example, women often cover their mouths when they laugh because showing the teeth is not
considered aesthetically pleasing. Women are also expected to speak differently than men. This
emphasis on harmony has helped to mold a society where the ability to assimilate differences
and to engineer consensus is valued above a talent for argument People keep to themselves
when among strangers. Yet even among friends, there are always subtle codes or behavior to
consider a code for what you can and can not do with you hands and feet. Hand gestures are
plentiful and useful, especially when you want to.

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