Writing Practice

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Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.1 An Autobiographical Sketch

Directions: An autobiography is a true story that a person writes about himself

or herself. An autobiographical sketch is a short autobiography. Think about
your life. Answer the questions and write am autobiographical sketch.

1. When and where were you born? _______________________________


2. Describe yourself : __________________________________________



3. Name three things you like : __________________________________



4. Name three things you dislike :_________________________________



5. Describe yourself in one word: _________________________________

Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.2 Family Matters

Directions: Think about your family. What makes it special and different from
any other family?

1. Who are the members of your family?



2. Describe the members of your family: (Include physical traits and personalities.)




3. Explain how your family is special :



4. What do you feel is the best thing about your family?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.3 My Pet and Me

Directions: Think about a pet. (If you do not have a pet, imagine that you can
have any pet you wish.)

1. What kind of pet do you have?



2. What is its name? __________________________________________

3. Describe your pet’s appearance.



4. Describe the things your pet likes the most.



5. How do you take good care of your pet?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.4 Future Gazing

Directions: Pick a time in the future. Gaze into the future and imagine yourself
in that time.

1. What is the year and where will you be living? __ _____________________

2. Describe yourself in the future.



3. What will you be doing? (Will you still be going to school? Will you have a job?

What kind? )



4. Where will be living? Will you still be living with your parents? Or will you be

living alone?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.5 Ambition

Directions: Think of your ambitions. What do you most want to achieve?

1. What is your greatest ambition? _________________________________


2. Why do you want to achieve your ambition?



3. What must you do to achieve your ambition?



4. Do you expect to achieve this ambition one day?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.6 Happy Holidays

Directions: Think about all the holidays you enjoy and decide which one you like best.

1. What are some holidays you enjoy?



2. Which one is your favorite? Why?



3. With whom do you celebrate this holiday?



4. Describe how you celebrate this holiday?



5. If you could make this holiday even better, how would you do it?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.7 Time for a Hero

Directions: Think of a person you consider a hero. This might have lived in the past, or
might be living now.

1. Describe three qualities a hero must have:



2. Who is a hero to you?



3. Why do feel this person is a hero? Explain.



4. Do other people consider this person to be a hero? Explain.



5. Does the world need heroes? Why?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.8 Responsibilities

Directions: Think of your responsibilities. Some of your responsibilities might include

doing well in school, watching a younger brother or sister, or helping your parents with
the chores around the house.

1. What are some of your responsibilities?



2. How do you handle these responsibilities?



3. Why are responsibilities important?



4. How do you feel about your responsibilities?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.9 Big Thrill

Directions: Think of a time you took part in or watched an exciting event.

1. What was the event?



2. When and where did it take place?



3. Who was with you?



4. Describe what happened?



5. Why was the event thrilling?



6. What was the best part of this thrilling event?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.10 Big Thrill

Directions: Everyone has special talents. Think about what you do better than other

1. What is your special talent?



2. What skills, knowledge, or ability does this talent require?



3. How did you acquire or develop this talent?



4. What advice could you give others so that they may develop this talent?



5. How might you improve your special talent?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.11 Biographical Sketch of a Friend

Directions: A biography is a true story of a person’s life that is written by another

person. A biographical sketch is a short biography. Answer the questions and write a
biographical sketch of a friend.

Good friends are always willing to help each other. Think of a time you helped a

1. What is the name of your friend?



2. When and where was your friend born?



3. Describe your friend.



4. Describe some things your friend likes.



5. Describe some things your friend dislikes.


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.12 Great Times with Friends

Directions: Think of a great time you had with friends. Maybe you went to a party, a
sports event, or an amusement park or maybe you were just hanging out.

1. Who are your friends?



2. Where did you go?



3. When did you go?



4. Describe this great time. What did you do? What happened?



5. What was the best part of this great time?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.13 Helping a Friend

Directions: Good friends are always willing to help each other. Think of a time you
helped a friend.

1. Who is your friend?



2. How long have you been friends?



3. When did you help your friend?



4. Why did your friend need help?



5. How did you help your friend?



Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.14 My School

Directions: Schools around the country are a lot alike. But each is a little different, too.
Think about your school. What is it like?

1. What is the name of your school?


2. In what town is your school?


3. What grades attend your school?



4. Describe your school.



5. Describe an ordinary school day.



Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.14 Improving My School

Directions: Think about the good things in your school and things that can be

1. What can you say about your school?



2. What are the things that you like in your school?



3. What are the things that you don’t like in your school?



4. How can students help to improve or change it?



5. How can students help to improve or change it?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.16 School Uniforms

Directions: Many schools require students to wear uniforms but others don’t.
Think about your feelings about wearing a school uniform.

1. Does your school require students to wear uniforms?


2. Describe your school uniform or your dress code.



3. What are some benefits of wearing uniforms to school?



4. Why might students dislike wearing school uniform?



5. Do you like to wear school uniform? Explain


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.17 Lunchroom Food

Directions: Most students eat school food, but few like it. Imagine that you can
choose the food your school will serve for lunch. Answer the questions about
your choices for school lunches.

1. What kinds of food does your school serve for lunch?


2. What do you think about these foods? Do you like them?



3. What foods would you like your school to serve for the main part of lunch? Why?



4. What foods would you like for dessert? Why?



5. What types of beverages would you like served with lunch? Why?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.18 No or Yes to Homework

Directions: Most students receive homework at least a few times a week. Think
about how much homework you receive. Answer the questions and write about
your feeling about homework.

1. Do you like homework?



2. Why is homework important?



3. How much homework do you feel should be given each night?



4. Do you think homework should be given on the weekends or during holidays?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.19 Favorite Subjects

Directions: Think of all subjects you are studying in school this year. Which are
your favorites?

1. What subjects are you studying this year?



2. Which are your favorites?



3. Why are these subjects your favorites?



4. How might learning these subjects now help you in the future?



5. Do you ever use what you learn in these subjects outside school? How?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.20 Least Favorite Subjects

Directions: Think of all subjects you are studying in school this year. Which are
your least favorite subjects?

1. What are the subjects you least like?



2. Why do you hate these subjects?



3. How might learning these subjects now help you in the future?



4. What should you do to like these subjects?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.21 Special Event

Directions: Your school probably has special events throughout the year such as
book fairs, science exhibits, and many more. Think about one special event and
answer the questions.

1. What is this event? _________________________________________

2. When and where did the event take place? __________________________


3. Who attended the event?



4. Describe at least one thing you liked about the event and explain why.



5. Describe at least one thing you didn’t like about the event and explain why.


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.22 School Rules

Directions: Imagine that you could set up your school’s rules. What rules would
you make?

1. Write at least three rules you would like make for your school.




2. How would these rules help your school run smoothly?



3. Do you think most students would agree with these rules?



4. What will happen if students will break the school rules?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.24 Perfect School

Directions: Imagine that can create a perfect school. This school could have
everything you would want it to be.

1. Where would be the perfect school be located? Why?



2. How long would the school day be? How many hours?



3. What grades would attend the school? About how many students would be in

each class?



4. What subjects would the students in this school study?



5. What special features would the school have? (For example, a big gymnasium, a

swimming pool, tennis courts, computer lab?)


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.25 Home Sweet Home

Directions: Think about where you live and what makes your home special.

1. Where do you live?



2. Describe the neighborhood or the area around your home.



3. Describe the climate where you live.



4. Describe your home.



5. Do you like living here? Why? Or Why not?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.26 Customs and Traditions

Directions: Think about some of the customs or traditions in the city where you

1. What is a custom or tradition of your city or town?



2. How often is this custom or tradition celebrated?



3. Where is it celebrated?


4. When is it celebrated?

5. What special preparations are made before the celebration?



6. What is your favorite part of this custom or tradition? Explain.


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.27 City Improvements

Directions: Think about how your city or town could be improved. Maybe more
parks could be opened or a public swimming pool.

1. What is the name of your city or town, and where is it located?



2. Describe your city or town.



3. Name at least one thing that can be improved.



4. Why should this be improved?



5. How might it be improved?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.28 My Special Place

Directions: Think about how your special place where you can relax and be alone.

1. Where is your special place?



2. Describe the place.



3. When do you go to this place?



4. Why do you go there?



5. How does this place make you feel?Explain


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.29 Incredible Vacation

Directions: Vacations can be times of great fun. Think of a vacation that you had.

1. Where did you go for this vacation?


2. When did you go?


3. With whom did you go?


4. How did you travel to your destination?


5. How long was your vacation?


6. Describe where you stayed.


7. How did you travel to your destination?


8. Did you have fun?

Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.32 Song

Directions: Think of your favorite song and answer the questions below.

1. What is your favorite song?



2. Describe this song.



3. What makes this song different from other kinds of music?



4. Is this song popular?



5. Who sang the song?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.33 Star Singers

Directions: Think about popular singers and musical groups. Who or which is
your favorite?

1. Who is your favorite singer or musical group?



2. Is this singer or group popular?



3. What type of music does this singer or group perform?



4. What do you feel is the best song of this singer or group? Why?



5. Why is this singer or group your favorite? Explain


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.34 What the Songs Says to Me

Directions: Choose a favorite song and think about the message of the

1. What is the title of the song?



2. Who sang it?



3. What is the song about?



4. What do you like best about the song? Lyrics? Music?



5. What is the message the songwriter is trying to share?


6. Why do you like this song?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.50 Big Switch

Directions: Imagine that you could switch places with a plant or an animal for a
day. You would become that plant or animal for twenty-four hours.

1. With what plant or animal would switch places? Why?



2. Describe your “new” self.



3. What would you do?



4. Describe your senses. What you would see, hear, feel, smell, and taste?




5. Do you think you would switch places again? Why?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.51 The Shoes

Directions: Imagine if you were given a pair of running shoes that made you the
fastest in the world.

1. Who gave you the pair of running shoes?



2. How did you discover their super speed?



3. What did you do after you learned about the speed?



4. Will you use these running shoes in a marathon? Explain.




5. Will you tell anyone about the secret? Why or Why not?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.52 Animal Diary

Directions: Imagine if an animal could read and write and it kept a diary.
Answer the following questions.

1. What animal is the writer of the diary?



2. Describe what this animal does most of the day.



3. Describe what it hears throughout the day



4. What is the best part of this animal’s day?




5. What is the worst part of its day?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.53 Making Magic

Directions: Imagine being given magic power that will allow you to cast only one

1. How did you receive the magic power?



2. Why do you think it was given to you?



3. What one magic spell did you perform?



4. Why did you perform this magic spell?




5. Do you wish to have permanent magic power? Why?


Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

1.54 Chilling Nightmare

Directions: Everybody has nightmares. Some nightmares can be so frightening

that we wake up in the night shaking and terrified. Answer the following
questions about your nightmare.

1. What was your nightmare about?



2. Who, or what, was in your nightmare?



3. Describe what happened in your nightmare.



4. Did you wake up during your nightmare? If yes, how did you feel?




5. Were you afraid to go back to sleep after waking up? Why or Why not?



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