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God's Kingdom On earth

By Axel A Seda

This is written for public servants. It is not intended in the context of preaching. It is to inform. If you
are like the vast majority, your education came from government. All you know is a direct result of
indoctrination. I strongly encourage you to seek true knowledge and wisdom. The founding fathers
understood the information that you are about to learn now.

Harvard university was over 100 years old in 1776. The belief that uncultured “woodsmen” dominated
the population during the founding of our country is a myth. In the early days, this land was inhabited by
men and women that understood true law. The population was intellectual, advanced and civilized. This
was a problem for government. In contrast, today, much of the population is highly ignorant, primitive,
uncultured and uneducated. What passes as education is nothing more than propaganda and
brainwashing. The government school system was used to destroy all memory of true civics.
Coincidentally, it took 400 years to erase the laws of God from the memories of Israel. Just about the
same amount of time that its taking to erase God's laws and civics here in this land of God, our land.

Much confusion and misunderstanding exist today about the law. Modern man has been blind to one of
the greatest and most profound realities since the beginning of man's consciousness. The reality that man
is property of God. God's laws are, and always have been, in full force for all mankind. Whether one
chooses to believe it, and/or accept it, is irrelevant. “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”.

God is our ruler. There is no other. Jesus Christ, The Son of God, is our King and our Saviour.
Simply stated, we and all that God created, are property of God. God's kingdom never ended - it is here
today and forever. It is irrefutable. It is an established fact.
In the first six days, God created the heavens, the earth and all that is in them. God Created Man and all
living things. He rested on the seventh day and proclaimed it as a Holy Sabbath; the link (umbilical cord,
lifeline) between God and man. God never changed the law of the Sabbath. Man did.

God gave Adam his first breath. Along with that breath, came all the wisdom of God. All His laws were
in that breath. Until Israel went into slavery and captivity in Egypt, all God's laws were preserved and
obeyed. It took the Pharaohs of Egypt over 400 years to force God's laws out of Israel. During the
Exodus, It took God, using Moses, 40 years to restore God's laws in Israel. Today, at the rate that the
destruction of family, morality, the land and freedom is happening, we don't have 40 years to teach Israel
again. Therefore, as written in the scriptures, only a remnant will be saved.

Through ignorance, history tends to repeat itself. Modern day “Egypt” has Israel in captivity again .
God's laws, and Israel, are again forgotten. Who is Israel? Good question. Chances are very good that
Israel is YOU. You don't believe that you are in slavery and captivity? Guess again.

The point is directly tied to the maxim: The Creator makes the law for His creation. Its fundamental.
This maxim is true whether we speak of God's laws or man-made law - also known as government law.

When you learn to, properly, read and understand man's (government) laws, you will discover that
special legal dictionaries are used, Bouvier's law dictionary and Black's law dictionary are, perhaps, the
most widely used. In addition to the definitions found in legal dictionaries, Government/man
incorporates special definitions that are found in government/man documents, and often, in the statutes
themselves. One very important concept to grasp is that “man”, “woman”, “child” or “we the people”

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will never be the subject of any of these pseudo-laws. Rightfully so, man has to obey God and his laws -
There is no compromise. Government/man cannot usurp God and/or the Laws and Statutes of God.
Persons, citizens, residents, fetus, drivers, taxpayers, real estate, motor vehicle, employee, employer, and
hundreds of other government/man defined subjects, are creations and properties of government/man.
Government/man has jurisdiction over its creations. But, man, woman and we the people are God's
creation and must obey God. Are you a creation of Government or are you a creation of God? You have
a choice. Life is nothing but a series of choices and decisions made along the way. I belong to God. It's
not a choice, it's a fact.

Everything belongs to God. This truth is enormous. The average mind will not, immediately, grasp the
ramifications and implications of this statement. When read correctly in proper context, the phrase,
“Give to Caesar what is Caesar's” now has an entirely new meaning. In other words, government has no
jurisdiction over anything, unless we the people specifically authorize it because all belong to God..

I Axel A. Seda, a man and property of God, one of we the people, do hereby claim all my properties and
full authority and jurisdiction over them as trustee for God, the true owner.

The Matrix (movie)

Man, Land and Earth belong to God. Government is a fiction. Government only exists in the minds of
man. Therefore, all government created fictions exist only in the minds of man. (Wake up Israel!!!) The
truth will set you free!!!

Diplomatic immunity.
A government/man recognizes that no jurisdiction exists over the subjects of another government/man.
Men, women, and children and we the people, domiciled in the Kingdom of God on Earth are
diplomats of God's Kingdom. We the people are not subject to government rules or pseudo-laws.

Family is the firm footing for the foundation of True Law. Hence, the destruction of families.
Government has no power or authority to challenge your faith and/or your allegiance to God. Jesus
Christ taught this, and Pontius Pilate understood it.

You have a choice to make

With this information, you are no longer blindly living your life. With open eyes, whatever you choose
now is, by acquiescence, “willful consent”. Man/Israel has been blind to one of the greatest realities
since the beginning of existence. Now, you are informed. Let your conscience be your guide.

To whom do you belong? To God or to man?

Judgment day is around the corner!!! This information did not make it to you by mere chance.
Man's understanding of God's laws (Bible) is a threat and a detriment to the power of organized religion
and government. Hence, the attack on TRUE Christianity and family.

When their power was threatened, men used government and organized religion to persecute true
Christians/Israel. It will happen again. We will be persecuted again. Its in the scriptures. Its
imperative that you/Israel awaken.

The Holy Bible is a contract/covenant.

God will fulfill and comply with His side of the contract. Will you fulfill and comply with your side?

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Civics for Public Servants
The training that Public Servants have been getting is opposite from the truth. The training consists of
categorizing men and women that know real law, as “right wing extremist”. They have been trained to
disrespect this group of men and women and treat them as adversaries. However. Public Servants are
also trained to gather the facts, get all sides of the stories and never come to any conclusion. Up to now,
most of their training in regards to true civics is non-existent. All their training comes from
“government”. They are trained on pseudo-law and they don't understand that true law is superior and
has never been rescinded and cannot be rescinded. The reality is that men and women that are
knowledgeable of true law, and Public Servants, are on the same side. The more men and women become
learned in the truth, the easier it becomes for Public Servants to do their jobs. This should not be an
adversarial relationship.

The less you know, the more you think you know everything. The more you learn, the more you
understand that you know nothing.

Did you know that the confederacy existed as independent countries for over 100 years before 1776,
when the constitution was established?

Did you know that each of the Republics still exist today and each is an independent country?

Facts do not disappear simply because they are omitted from the government education system.

The true purpose of the constitution is to control government/public servants. It has nothing to do with
we the people. All public servants must take an oath. This oath is for accountability.

It's time for you to decide. Educate yourself! Educate your children!

All rights reserved.

Axel A. Seda
Domicile: Kingdom of God on Earth
Near: 4067 Palm Way, Jacksonville Beach, Florida Republic.

All God given rights reserved.

April 3, 2011

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