Thermal Engineering MCQ

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1. In a thermodynamic system, a process in which volume remains constant is called _____ process.

A. isobaric
B. isometric
C. adiabatic
D. isotropic

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

In heat transfer analysis, thermal diffusivity is the thermal conductivity divided by density and specific
heat capacity at constant pressure. It measures the rate of transfer of heat of a material from the hot
side to the cold side. It has the SI derived unit of m²/s.


2. Coefficient of performance of a commercially used refrigerator would be close to

A. 40 %
B. 85 %
C. 15
D. 35

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Fins are used to increase heat transfer rate.

3. In a thermodynamic system, thermal equilibrium is achieved when two bodies reach

A. same thermal energy

B. same entropy
C. same temperature
D. same molecular energy

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Heat is mainly transferred by conduction, convection and radiation in Boiler furnaces.

4. A hot body follows Newton’s law of cooling. Typical temperature-time graph of the cooling body would




Answer – Option D

Explanation –

Heat can be transferred from one place to another by three methods: conduction in solids, convection
of fluids (liquids or gases), and radiation through anything that will allow radiation to pass. The
method used to transfer heat is usually the one that is the most efficient.

5. Consider the following graph :

Which portion represents the ‘Latent heat of fusion’?


Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Collisions and diffusion.

6. Which of the following does not sublimate?

A. Ice
B. Ammonium chloride
C. Naphthalene
D. Camphor

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Heat transfer between two bodies only takes place when temperature of one body is different from
temperature of other body.

7. The pressure exerted on the walls of a container by a gas is due to the fact that Gas molecules :

A. Stick to the walls of the container

B. Lose their kinetic energy
C. Get accelerated towards the wall
D. Change their momentum due to collision with the wall.

Answer – Option D

Explanation –
Stephan Boltzmann law is applicable to black body, theoretical surfaces that absorb all incident heat

8. Zeroth Law of thermodynamics forms the basis of measurement.

A. Pressure
B. Temperature
C. Work
D. Momentum

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Heat transfer takes place in boiler furnaces through three modes, namely conduction, convection and

9. Boyle’s law states that:

A. The pressure of a gas varies directly with temperature at constant volume i.e. PαT.
B. The product of pressure and volume of a given mass of a gas is constant at constant
C. The volume of a gas varies directly with temperature at constant pressure i.e. VαT.
D. The pressure of a gas varies directly with
volume at constant temperature i.e. PαV.

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Overall heat transfer concept is used in the combined mode of heat transfer of conduction and

10. The entropy of universe tends to be :

A. Minimum
B. Zero
C. Average
D. Maximum

Answer – Option D

Explanation –

Unit of thermal conductivity in S.I. unit i W/mk.

11. At what temperature, both Celsius and Fahrenheit scales will show the identical readings ?

A. 100°
B. -40°
C. 0°
D. 40°

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

An object that absorbs all radiation falling on it, at all wavelength is called a black body.

12. A closed thermodynamic system is one in which

A. There is no energy or mass transfer across the boundary

B. There is no mass transfer, but energy transfer exists
C. There is no energy transfer, but mass transfer exists
D. Both energy and mass transfer take place across the boundary, but mass transfer is controlled by

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Fourier’s law of heat conduction is applicable only for one dimensional cases.
13. Pressure reaches a value of absolute zero

A. at a temperature of –273 K

B. under vacuum condition
C. at the earth’s centre
D. when molecular momentum of system becomes zero

Answer – Option D

Explanation –

When the body is under thermal equilibrium, then its absorptivity is equal to its emissivity.

14. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics states that

A. Two thermodynamic systems are always in thermal equilibrium with each other
B. If two systems are in thermal equilibrium, then the third system will also be in thermal
C. Two systems not in thermal equilibrium with a third system will also not be in thermal
equilibrium with each other
D. When two systems are in thermal equilibrium with a third system they are in thermal equilibrium with
each other

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Metallic bonds are made from a lattice of irons in a ‘cloud’ of free electrons. These free electrons are
responsible for the ability of metals to conduct heat.

15. In fluid flow, the line of constant piezometric head passes through two points which have the same

A. Elevation
B. Pressure
C. Velocity
D. Velocity potential
Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Heat conduction in gases is due to elastic impact of molecules.

16. A man is standing on a boat in still water. If he walks in the boat towards the shore, the boat will

A. move away from the shore

B. remain stationary
C. move towards the shore
D. Sink

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

In solids, flow of heat is through conduction heat transfer method.

17. Relative Humidity is the percentage of the

A. absolute humidity value to the amount of humidity actually present

B. increase of humidity/absolute humidity
C. amount of humidity actually present to the absolute humidity
D. None of these

Answer – Option D

Explanation –

Black body is that type of body which absorbs all radiant energy at all wavelengths.

18. Which of the following is an extensive property?

A. Pressure
B. Heat capacity
C. Temperature
D. Specific volume

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Convection is the heat transfer due to bulk movement of molecules within fluids such as gases and

19. Kelvin Planck’s law deals with

A. Conservation of heat
B. Conservation of heat
C. Conservation of heat into work
D. Conservation of work into heat

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Solid ice has highest thermal conductivity than boiling water, steam and rain water. Thermal conductivity
is evaluated primarily in terms of the Fourier’s law for heat conduction.

20. Turbine used for low head is

A. Kaplan turbine
B. Francis turbine
C. Pelton Wheel turbine
D. Propeller turbine

Answer – Option A

Explanation –
Lorentz number is defined as the ratio of thermal conductivity to electrical conductivity at a given

L = kσT


L = Lorentz number

σ = electrical conductivity

K = Thermal conductivity

1. A system and its environment put together constitute

A. An adiabatic system

B. An isolated system
C. A segregated system
D. A homogeneous system

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Effectiveness of fin: Effectiveness of fin is defined as the ratio of actual heat transfer that takes place
from the fin to the heat that would be dissipated from the same surfaces area without fin. It will be
maximum with free convection

2. Slope of constant volume line on temperature entropy diagram is given by

A. CpT
B. TCp
C. CvT
D. TCv

Answer – Option D

Explanation –
Radiation is the heat transfer due to emission of electromagnetic waves. From boiler furnace to water
wall, radiation modes of heat transfer takes place.

3. Zeroth law of thermodynamics forms the basis of measurement of

A. Pressure
B. Temperature
C. Heat exchange
D. Work

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Heat pipe acts as a superconductor. Heat pipes are transport mechanisms that can carry heat fluxes
ranging from 10 w/cm2 to 20 kw/cm2 at nearly the speed of sound (340 m/sec.)

4. Internal energy is defined by

A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

B. First law of thermodynamics
C. Second law of thermodynamics
D. Law of entropy

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Ice is very close to black body because ice is a very good absorb-er of radiation outside the visible region.

5. The given P-V diagram indicates following cycle

A. Carnot cycle
B. Otto cycle
C. Diesel cycle
D. Dual cycle

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Because air has lowest value of thermal conductivity among-st given options.

6. Control volume refers to

A. A fixed region in space

B. A specified mass
C. An isolated system
D. A reversible process only

Answer – Option A

7. All of the following are intensive properties EXCEPT

A. Mass
B. Density
C. Pressure
D. Temperature

Answer – Option A

8. Kinematic viscosity of gases on increase of temperature

A. Decreases
B. Increases
C. Remains the same
D. First decreases then increases

Answer – Option B

9. First law of thermodynamics deals with

A. Conservation of heat
B. Conservation of momentum
C. Conservation of mass

D. Conservation of energy

Answer – Option D

10. An isothermal process is governed by

A. Boyle’s law
B. Charle’s law
C. Gay-lussac’s law
D. Avogadro’s law

Answer – Option A
11. Heat is closely related with

A. Energy
B. Temperature
C. Entropy
D. Enthalpy

Answer – Option B

12. An engine operates between temperature limits of 900 K and T2: and another between T2 and
400 K. For both the engines to be equally efficient. T2 should be equal to

A. 600 K
B. 650 K
C. 625 K
D. 700 K

Answer – Option A

13. Work done in a free expansion process is

A. Zero
B. Positive
C. Negative
D. Maximum

Answer – Option A

14. The internal energy of an ideal gas is

A. A function of temperature only

B. A function of pressure
C. A function of volume
D. Both pressure and volume
Answer – Option A

15. The process in which no heat enters or leaves the system is called

A. Isobaric
B. Isothermal
C. Isentropic
D. Isochoric

Answer – Option C

16. Economiser used in power plants is used to heat

A. flue gases
B. intake air
C. steam
D. feed water

Answer – Option D

17. Which of the following is a high head turbine

A. Propeller turbine
B. Francis turbine
C. Kaplan turbine
D. Pelton wheel turbine

Answer – Option D

18. Which one of following expression is true for Tds equation

A. du – PdV
B. du + PdV
C. du – VdP
D. du + VdP

Answer – Option B

9. PMM 1 is closely related with

A. First law of thermodynamics

B. Second law of thermodynamics
C. Third law of thermodynamics
D. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

Answer – Option A

20. Isolated system indicates

A. Mass of substance cross the boundary

B. Energy of substance cross the boundary
C. Both mass and energy of substance cross the boundary
D. Both mass and energy substance does not cross the boundary

Answer – Option D

1. The thermal diffusivity of a substance is given by :

A. KρC
B. KCρ
C. KCρ
D. CρK

[Where K = Thermal conductivity; p = Mass density; C = Specific heat]

Answer – Option B
2. Fins are provided on heat transferring surface in order to increase :

A. Heat transfer area

B. Heat transfer coefficient
C. Temperature gradient
D. Mechanical strength of the equipment

Answer – Option A

3. Heat is mainly transferred by conduction, convection and radiation in

A. Insulated pipes carrying hot water

B. Refrigerator freezer coil
C. Boiler furnaces
D. Condensation of steam in a condenser

Answer – Option C

4. Heat transfer in liquids and gases is essentially due to

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Conduction and Radiation put together

Answer – Option B

5. In which of the following mechanisms, is heat conducted in liquid and gas

A. Lattice vibration
B. Transportation of free electrons
C. Collisions and diffusion
D. No heat conducted
Answer – Option C

6. An essential requirement for the transfer of heat from one body to another body is that

A. Both bodies must be solids

B. Both bodies must be in contact
C. Temperatures of the two bodies must be different
D. Temperatures of the two bodies must be same

Answer – Option C

7. Stefen Boltzman law is applicable to

A. Gray body
B. White body
C. Black body
D. Blue body

Answer – Option C

8. Heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation in

A. Insulated pipe carrying hot water

B. Refrigerator freezer coils
C. Melting of ice
D. Boiler furnaces

Answer – Option D

9. The concept of overall heat transfer is used in the heat transfer in the case of

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Combined mode of heat transfer of conduction and convection

Answer – Option D

10. The unit of thermal conductivity in S.I. unit is

A. W/mK
B. W2 /mK
C. W/m2k
D. W/m

Answer – Option A

11. All radiations in a black body are

A. Reflected
B. Refracted
C. Transmitted
D. Absorbed

Answer – Option D

12. Fourier’s law of heat conduction gives the heat flow for

A. Irregular surfaces
B. Non-uniform temperature surfaces
C. One dimensional cases only
D. Two dimensional cases only

Answer – Option C

13. Absorptivity of a body is equal to its emissivity

A. For a polished body
B. Under thermal equilibrium
C. At one particular temperature
D. At shorter wavelengths

Answer – Option B

14. Metals are good conductor of heat because

A. Their atoms collide frequently

B. Their atoms are relatively far apart
C. They contain free electron
D. They have high density

Answer – Option A

15. Heat conduction in gases is due to

A. Electromagnetic waves
B. Motion of electrons
C. Mixing motion of the different layers of the gas
D. Elastic impact of molecules

Answer – Option D

16. The heat flow through solids only by

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Does not flow

Answer – Option A
17. A perfect black body is

A. One which absorbs total radiant energy

B. Black in colour
C. One which does not reflect the radiant energy
D. One which absorbs all radiant energy at all wavelengths

Answer – Option D

18. Heat transfer by molecular collision in

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. Scattering

Answer – Option B

19. Which one of the following have a highest thermal conductivity

A. Boiling water
B. Steam
C. Solid ice
D. Rain water

Answer – Option C

20. The ratio of thermal conductivity to electrical conductivity is equal to

A. Prandtl number
B. Schmidt number
C. Lorentz number
D. Lewis number
Answer – Option C

1. The effectiveness of a fin will be maximum in an environment with

A. Free convection
B. Forced convection
C. Radiation
D. Convection and radiation

Answer – Option A

2. Which one of the following modes of heat transfer would takes place predominantly from
boiler furnace to water wall

A. Convection
B. Conduction
C. Radiation
D. Conduction and Convection

Answer – Option C

3. Heat pipe is widely used now a days, use

A. It acts as an insulator

B. It acts as conductor and insulator
C. It acts as a superconductor
D. It acts as afin

Answer – Option C

4. Ice is very close to a

A. Gray body
B. Black body
C. White body
D. Specular body

Answer – Option B

5. In which one of the following materials is the heat propagation minimum due to conduction
heat transfer?

A. Lead
B. Copper
C. Water
D. Air

Answer – Option D

6. Assume that a 1 ton air conditioner is required to cool a room of size 14′ × 14′ × 14′. How
many 1 ton ACs would be required for a hall of size of 24′ × 24′ of t he same roof height as that
of t he previous room?

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

1 tonne AC’s required

for size of room = 14 × 14 × 14 = 2744 unit

Now, for size of room = 24 × 24 × 14 = 8064 unit

So, number of tonne of AC’s required

for this = 80642744 = 2.938 = 3 unit(Approx)

7. Efficiency of Carnot cycle is:

A. 1–Q1Q1+Q2
C. 1–T1T1+T2
D. 1–Q1Q2

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

T2 is source temperature

T1 is sink temperature

Carnot cycle efficiency is a function of temperature limits only.

i.e, η=1–T1T2

8. In a building, water is to be pumped to a height of 10m at the rate of 1 litre/second. Power

requirement would be approx:
(Take ‘g’ 10 m/sec2)

A. 10 Watts
B. 100 Watts
C. 500 Watts
D. 1 kW

Answer – Option B

Explanation –


Height = 10 m

Discharge(Q) Rate = 1 litre/second

= 11000m3/sec

Here, Power = Work1000=mght=Qgh



= 100 watt

9. Which law of thermodynamics defines Entropy?

A. Zeroth
B. First
C. Second
D. Third

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

The second law of thermodynamics states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an
isolated system, will always increase overtime. The second law also states that the changes in the
entropy in the universe can never be negative.

10. If a system in equilibrium is subjected to a change of concentration; temperature or

pressure, the equilibrium shifts in a direction that tends to undo the effect of the change
imposed. This is known as:

A. Le Chatelier’s Principle

B. Law of Mass Action
C. Vander Waals Principle
D. None of these

Answer – Option A

Explanation –
Le-chatelier’s principle: A principle stating that if a constraint (such as a change in pressure,
temperature or concentration of a reactant) is applied to a system in equilibrium the equilibrium will
shift so as to tend to counteract the effect of the constraint.

11. 6. The value of ΣdQT for an irreversible process is:

A. Less than zero

B. Greater than zero
C. Equal to zero
D. Any one of these

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Value of ΣdQT for an irreversible process is less than zero.

12. Which of the following cycles is used in thermal power plants ?

A. Rankine
B. Carnot
C. Otto
D. Joule

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Rankine cycle is used in thermal power plants.

13. The characteristic equation of Gases PV = nRT holds good for :

A. Mono-atomic Gases
B. Diatomic Gases
C. Ideal Gases
D. Real Gases
Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Ideal Gas equation is given by PV = nRT

14. For an Ideal Gas, the change in Enthalpy (△H) for an elemental change in temperature
(△T) is given by:
(where Cp = Heat capacity at Constant Pressure; Cv = Heat capacity at Constant Volume)

A. Cv△T
B. CpCv△T
C. CvCp△T
D. Cp△T

Answer – Option D

Explanation –

The change in enthalpy( △ H) is given by, Cp△T.

15. A perfect gas at 27 °C is heated at constant pressure till its volume is doubled. The final
temperature is :

A. 54°C
B. 108°C
C. 327°C
D. 600°C

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

T1 = 27 + 273 = 300K

V1 = V
V2 = 2V

T2 = ?

By using,


Given, P1=P2

So, ⇒V1300=2VT2

T2 = 300 × 2 = 600K = (600 – 273) °C = 327°C

16. Zeroth law of thermodynamics is the basis of

A. Pressure measurement
B. Temperature measurement
C. Density measurement
D. Viscosity measurement

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

The zeroth law is incredibly important as it allows us to define the concept of temperature scale. If
two systems are each in thermal equilibrium with third, they are also in thermal equilibrium with
each other.

17. A process in which no heat crosses the boundary of the system is called

A. Ideal process
B. Adiabatic process
C. Isothermal process
D. Isobaric process

Answer – Option B
Explanation –

In thermodynamics, an adiabatic process is one that occurs without transfer of heat or mass of
substances between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings. In an adiabatic process, energy is
transferred to the surrounding only as work.

18. The enthalpy of a substance is defined as

A. h = pv+RT
B. h = u+pT
C. h = u+pv
D. h = u-pv

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Enthalpy of a system is equal to the system’s internal energy plus the product of its pressure and

h = u + pv

19. Cyclic integral of any property is

A. 0
B. 1
C. Infinite
D. 2

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Cyclic integral of any property is zero

20. The machine which violates the first law of thermodynamics is known as
D. Heat engine

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

PMM-I ⇒ PMM-I stands for perpetual motion machine-I . It is a hypothetical machine which can
produce useful energy (work) without any source or which can produce more energy than consumed.
It violates the first law of thermodynamics.

1. The device in which the work is done by the fluid at the expense of its enthalpy is known as

A. Compressor
B. Throttling device
C. Turbine
D. Heat exchanger

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Turbine is a device designed to do work at the expense of a decrease in either the enthalpy of a fluid
or the kinetic energy of the fluid or both.

2. A device which increases the velocity of a fluid at the expense of its pressure drop is known as

A. Diffuser
B. Nozzle
C. Throttling device
D. Heat transfer

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Nozzle increases the velocity of the fluid at the expense of its pressure drop

3. The Prandtl number for liquid, which has velocity boundary layer much thicker than
thermal boundary layer, is

A. Pr≫1
B. Pr≪1
C. Pr≈1
D. Pr=0

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Prandtl number for liquid, which has velocity boundary layer much thicker than ther mal boundary layer,
is given by “Pr≫1”.

4. A fluid flow in which the density of the fluid does not change during flowing is called as

A. In compressible
B. Uniform
C. Compressible
D. Non-linear

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Incompressible fluid is a fluid whose density does not change when the pressure changes. In in
compressible flow, the material density is constant within a fluid parcel.

5.The formation of bubbles of vapor in a flowing fluid is called as

A. Cavitation
B. Corrosion
C. Gasification
D. Boiling

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Formation of bubbles of vapour in a flowing fluid is called as cavitation

6. A large body of infinite heat capacity is known as

A. Thermal Energy Reservoir (TER)

B. Mechanical energy reservoir (MER)
C. Thermometer
D. Heat pump

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Thermal Energy Reservoir: A thermal energy reservoir (TER) is defined as a large body of infinite heat
capacity, which is capable of absorbing or rejecting an unlimited quantity of heat without suffering
appreciable changes in its thermodynamic co-ordinates

7. “Heat always flows from a body at a higher temperature to a body at a lower temperature” is the
statement of

A. First law of thermodynamics

B. Second law of thermodynamics
C. Third law of thermodynamics
D. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Second law of thermodynamics states that heat flows naturally from an object at a higher temperature
to an object at a lower temperature, and heat does not flow in the opposite direction of its own.

8. The network output for any heat engine is given by

D. 2QL
QH = Magnitude of heat transfer between heat engine and source.

QL = magnitude of heat transfer between heat engine and sink.

Answer – Option C

Explanation –



QH = Magnitude of heat transfer between heat engine and source.

QL = magnitude of heat transfer between heat engine and sink.

9. A cyclic device which produces work continuously at the expense of heat input is known as

A. Refrigerator
B. Heat pump
C. Heat engine
D. Throttling

Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Heat Engine: A heat engine is a device that converts chemical energy to heat or thermal energy and then
to mechanical energy or to elect rical energy. It is a cyclic device which produces work continuously at
the expense of heat input.

10. A liquid forms an interface with another liquid or gas; the surface energy per unit area of the
interface is known as

A. Surface tension
B. Specific energy
C. Specific heat
D. Suction energy

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Surface Tension: Surface tension is measured as the energy required to increase the surface area of a
liquid by a unit of area. The surface tension of a liquid results from an imbalance of intermolecular
attractive forces, the cohesive forces between the molecules.

11. According to Darcy’s law, for laminar flow in a saturated soil, the rate of flow is proportional to the

A. Cross sectional area

B. Hydraulic gradient
C. Coefficient of permeability
D. Porosity of the soil

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Hydraulic Gradient: The hydraulic gradient is a vector gradient between two or more hydraulic
head measurements over the length of the flow path. According to darcy’s law, for laminar flow in a
saturated soil, the rate of flow is proportional to hydraulic gradient.

12. The efficiency of perpetual motion machine-ll (PMM-II) is

A. 0%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%

Answer – Option D

Explanation –
P M M – II Machines are those machines which violate the second law of thermodynamics because such
machines will absorb continuously heat energy from a single thermal reservoir and will convert the
aborbed heat energy completely into work energy.

P M M II efficiency is approximately 100%

13. A thermal energy reservoir that supplies the heat is known as

A. Refrigerator
B. Source
C. Sink
D. Heat engine

Answer – Option B

Explanation –

Source is a thermal energy reservoir that supplies the heat and Sink is a thermal energy reservoir that
receives the heat.

14. Thermal efficiency of heat engine may be defined as

A. 1–(Q2Q1)
B. 2–Q1Q2
C. 1∗(Q1Q2)
D. 4–Q1Q2
Where, O1 = magnitude of heat transfer between heat engine and source

Where, Q2 = magnitude of heat transfer between heat engine and sink.

Answer – Option A

Explanation –

Thermal efficiency of Heat engine,

i.e, η=WnetQ1=QnetQ1=1–Q2Q1

where, Q2⇒ Heat rejected

Q1⇒ Heat supplied

i.e, η=1–T1T2

15. “ Theoretical limits” for the performance of commonly used engineering systems is determined by

A. Zeroth law of thermodynamics

B. First law of thermodynamics
C. Second law of thermodynamics
D. Third law of thermodynamics
Answer – Option C

Explanation –

Second law of thermodynamics is used in determining the theatrical limits for the the performance of
commonly used engineering systems, such as heat engines and refrigerators et

1. Radiation of a black body, in terms of its temperature follows:

A. Newton’s law of cooling

B. Plank’s law
C. Stefan’s law
D. Einstein Bose equation

Answer – Option C

2. Consider that two solid bodies A and B are touching each other and transmitting heat through
conduction. In the graph below, OX represents the first body and XY represents the second body.

State True (T) or False(F).

1) Temperature gradient is more in A than in B

2) The heat flow is determined by Fourier’s law
3) Area under the curve represent s heat dissipation rate.
A. T, T, T
B. T, T, F
C. T, F, T
D. F, F, T

Answer – Option C

3. Stefan Boltzmann Law is applicable for heat Transfer by :

A. Conduction
B. Convection
C. Radiation
D. All of these

Answer – Option C

4. The bending of bimetallic strips during rise in temperature is due to difference in their :

A. Coefficient of linear expansion

B. Thickness
C. Thermal conductivity
D. Elastic properties

Answer – Option A

5. Steady State Heat flow implies

A. negligible flow of heat

B. no difference of temperature between the bodies
C. constant heat flow rate i.e. heat flow rate independent of time
D. uniform rate in temperature rise of a body

Answer – Option C
6. Which of the following fluid flow conditions has high heat transfer coefficient?

A. Free convection in air

B. Forced convection in air
C. Free convection in water
D. Condensation of steam

Answer – Option D

7. The value solar constant is

A. 1353 kW/m2
B. 1353 W/m2
C. 1353 J/m2
D. 135 kJ/m2

Answer – Option B

8. “At thermal equilibrium, the ratio of the total emissive power to the total absorptivity is
constant for all bodies” is known as

A. Kirchhoff’s law
B. Wien’s displacement law
C. Maxwell’s theory
D. Stefan Boltzmann law

Answer – Option A

9. The substance for which Prandtl number (Pr) ≪ 1 is characterized by

A. High rate of heat diffusion

B. Low rate of heat diffusion
C. High rate of mass diffusion
D. Low rate of mass diffusion
Answer – Option A

10. The critical radius of insulation of cylinder is given by

A. k/h
B. 2k/h
C. k/2h
D. k/4h

Answer – Option A

11. 41. Maximum spectral emissive power at temperature (T) is proportional to

A. T4
B. T5
C. T52
D. T3

Answer – Option B

12. The radiation energy emitted by the Sun between the wavelength of 0.4 μn to 0.76 μm is known as

A. ultraviolet radiation
B. infrared radiation
C. thermal radiation
D. visible radiation

Answer – Option D

13. To reduce the heat loss with insulation in sphere the following condition should be satisfied

A. rinsulationthickness≫rcritical
B. rinsulationthickness≪rcritical
C. rinsulationthickness=rcritical
D. rinsulationthickness=0

Answer – Option A

14. The peak frequency at which energy is radiated from a black body radiator is dependent on

A. color
B. distance
C. intensity
D. temperature

Answer – Option D

15. Heat transfer takes place according to

A. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

B. First Law of Thermodynamics
C. Second Law of Thermodynamics
D. Third Law of Thermodynamics.

Answer – Option C

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