Human Resource Management Technique

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Executive summary

The summary includes the key factors such as the employment laws operating in the working
environment of an organization, the HR consultancy provided by the firm in different contextual
situations which need consultation and advisory. The key takes away taken from this segment of
the report are included in the body of the report section which includes different situations faced
by the employees of BBA and the possible way out formed based on the advice provided by the
HR consultant who is the professional in providing consultancy of different related matters of the
company. All these factors are included in this part of the report segment which are the
highlighted summary factors of BBA company taken for evaluation of different matters.
Table of Content

Executive summary……………………………………………………………….02


Body of the report………………………………………………………………….04

Conclusion and recommendation……………………………………………………09

1. Introduction

This report is about the consultancy services provided by the HR consultant of Brightman
Brother Accountancy (BBA). The managing director of the company is experiencing
some of the issues related to different events incurred in the firm from the recent time.
The report highlights the matters incurred and possible solutions available to those issued
as reviewed by this section of the report segment. There are multiple situations and
events incurred in the company before and after chirms leaves that need to be evaluated
by all the senior managers of the company to highlight the impact of those events on the
future operations and success factors of the company in the consultancy industry. The HR
consultant is the advisor who will advise on the issues that occurred by the company in
recent times in order to make effective solutions to the management of BBA.

2. Body of the report

There are multiple situations incurred by the company in recent times which need certain
consideration to account for the impact on the performance of the company. All the
questions and their related answers are provided in detail in this section of the report,

EVA had been facing some serious issues related to the event that occurred on a
Christmas party event of the company. She had been forfeited below the average
standards set at any party by having to sit on the lap of the senior manager for 15
minutes which was very much an embarrassing situation for him as far as other
people and behavior is concerned in that party. She left the party after doing the
forfeit required by the game members and felt very uncomfortable on again
joining the company premises.
The potential legal issue that could be faced by the party members is insulting the
member of the company by including the sexual factors in the poem reading
game. If the poem is not read well, the forfeit to sit on the lap of any of the
members of the company is one of the most embarrassing factors of consideration
as it contains sexual insult of any female member of the company who had been
working for the company from past years. (Adams, J. (2007)  Eva could be
awarded some legal assistance by the company in order to punish the culprits who
had been involved in this game insult which had a deep impact on the health and
comfort level of Eva on rejoining the office premises. The people who are
involved in this scenario should be punished and fined according to the HR policy
set by the company. The company should also seek legal advice related to this
insulting issue that occurred at a party of the company which should be
highlighted in future time so that this type of event could be avoided in the future
As an HR consultant, Eva should take legal advice related to that issue that
occurred on the party from the legal advisors of the company. The company
should provide Eva with legal assistance related to this matter that had a deep
impact on the life of Eva which had resulted in frustration and embracement while
rejoining the company for work. As Eva had returned to work after the Christmas
holidays, she is feeling much more uncomfortable as she is not in a position to
forget what had happened at the part of her sexual insult. As the HR consultant of
the company, legal assistance should be provided as soon as possible as the event
is quite complex as far as physical health of Eva is concerned. She is very much
disturbed about what happened at the party so she is unable to continue to work
with that devotion and resilience which was required by the company to perform
the operations of the company. All these factors should be considered in detail in
order to provide justice to Eva so that she could be mentally satisfied according to
the designation she had been assigned in the company. If she is not provided with
legal assistance, then she may be more frustrated about the working environment
of the company and may not feel comfortable working on the premises. (Adams,
J. (2007) 

The junior accounts of BBA had gross misconduct regarding the use of service
provided by the company in excess. He had used the company telephone for his
personal calls to his girlfriend which amounts to almost $200 for the month.
MARK is in clear breach of the ethical code of conduct provided by the ethical
considerations of the industry in which BBA is performing its operations. The
gross misconduct by the junior accountant of the company is serious misconduct
as far as the rules and policies of the company have adhered to. The accountant
had misused the facilities provided by the company in excess of the limit set by
the standards of the company.
The use of excess facilities provided by the company should be dealt with by-
laws and regulations set by the firm related to the employment laws of employees.
The employment law of a company prohibits the use of excess facilities provided
by the company which is seen as a bad practice in any of the company premises.
The employees of the company should not use the facilities of the company which
is outside their limit of use and it is ethically considered bad practice as far as the
industry standards related to employment law are concerned. (Adams, J. (2007) 
Jack is set to dismiss Mark over the excess use of telephone facility used by him
for calling his girlfriend in the past few months. Jack could seek legal
correspondence before dismissing Mark over the excess use of the facility
provided by the company and the ethical code of conduct should also be evaluated
in order to make assurance on the matter that occurred at the company related to
excessive use of telephone facility of the company. The matter should be
discussed with a higher level of management of the company which should be
considered by the relevant functional department that allows the use of telephone
facilities for the employees of the organization. Jack could personally discuss the
matter with Mark in order to know about the severity of the matter. If the amount
of telephone expense is deductible from the salary of Mark, then a deduction
should be made from the salary of that particular employee in order to cover the
loss faced by the company due to the excess use of the telephone facility of the
company. These all factors should be considered in detail before making the final
decision of the dismissal of Mark on the grounds of excess use of telephone
facility of the company. Other factors related to this particular issue should also
be analyzed in order to understand the complexity of the situation and the amount
of loss suffered by the company by the excess use of telephone facility by Mark.
The employee of the company EDWINA is facing some serious issues related to
her health position after a serious injury caused by a car accident in the past few
months. She had been paid full salary for the first six months after the leave due
to an accident which was then reduced to half-pay the first six months passed.
Edwina’s manager is concerned about the situation and had suggested Jamie
dismiss Edwina on the basis of ill health which is a genuine reason for her leave
from the company. Jamie is not feeling much comfortable with the advice
provided by the manager of Edwina because her leave from office is one of the
genuine reasons that should be considered by any company on the basis of health
issues faced by any employee of the company.
As the HR consultant of the company, a particular piece of advice that should be
given to the manager of Edwina is to make sure her about her probable rejoining
of the company before making a final decision of her dismissal from the
company. If she is unable to give any solid justifications about rejoining the
company, then a decision could be sought related to the dismissal of Edwina on
the basis of ill-health issues faced by her from the recent past few months. The
employees of a company are an asset of the company which should be dealt with
care in order to make a good reputation of the company in the industry in which
the firm is carrying its obligations. The final decision related to the dismissal of
an employee should be made after consulting with higher-level management and
managers of that particular employee’s consent. (Adkins, T. (2006) If the issue
could be resolved by consulting that particular employee, then the decision of
dismissal of that employee should be withheld as the issue is resolved by
consultation with that particular employee of the organization. the ill health issue
of Edwina is one of the most general issues that could be faced by any of the staff
members in the organization as this is a natural incident that could happen with
any of the employees of the company. So dismissal of that employee based on this
natural issue is not a wise decision so as far as the context of HR consultant is
concerned, the employee should discuss his rejoining of company data in order to
resolve this issue before making dismissal decision of that particular employee of
the firm. All these factors should be evaluated by the firm before finalizing the
decision to make dismissal an employee of the organization who had been
working for the company for the past few years, the decision of dismissal should
be considered as a last resort if no other solution could be found of that particular
problem faced by the company related to a particular employee. (Adkins, T.

One of the employees of the company Michelle is being considered as a culprit of
disappearing of personal possessions of one of the employees of the organization.
the employee who is the culprit in this scenario is one of the most trusted
employees of the company having a good disciplinary record in the recent past
related to the working environment of the company. (Adkins, T. (2006)  Michelle
is a cleaner who used to do cleaning stuff in the company of different staff
members offices, the mobile phone and credit card of an employee which was
disappeared from the 10th floor of the company had been found in the locker of
Michelle. This is one of the most important issues of consideration as far as the
safety and internal control environment of the company is concerned.
The organization should provide a safer environment for the personal possessions
of employees by making strong internal controls related to valuable assets of staff
company, if the internal controls are not effective then there will be issues of theft
as faced in this context of the scenario. (Adkins, T. (2006)  The theft of personal
possessions of staff of the company is an indicator of weaker controls operating in
the company which leads to this type of theft of certain personal things of
employees of the organization.
The personal possession of the employees is found from the locker of Micelle is
an indicator of poor controls operating in the working environment of the
company which should be taken into consideration by the management of the
company. The management of the company had the responsibility of maintaining
effective internal controls in the company which should be continuously
monitored in order to operate effectively in the company premises. Recently,
Michelle had talked about his financial worries with different colleagues of the
company which is also an indicator of possible theft by him of the personal
belongings of the employee’s mobile phone and credit card. Further investigations
should be conducted from Michelle in order to find any evidence of theft and
other cleaners within the organization should also be interviewed about the
relevant theft of personal belongings of the employees working in the
organization. the advice should be given to the management of the firm who plays
the main role in the effective operating effectiveness of employees working in the
organization. The employees who are working in the organization should be
provided with security related to their personal things which are their right to
receive as far as the internal environment of the company is concerned. All these
factors are important in order to understand the context of the situation which
should be considered in detail before making a final judgment about Michelle in
order to make effective evidence related to the theft of personal belongings of
employees of the organization. (Armstrong, M. (2014) 

3. Conclusion and recommendation

This report is prepared in the context of different issues faced by BBA company which is
a leading firm providing consultancy services to different clients. Different scenarios are
elaborated in order to understand the context of the situation and possible advice is
sought against those issues faced by the BBA. An HR consultant had advised on different
matters faced by the company in order to maintain the effectiveness of decisions related
to different incidents and events faced by the company. The HR consultant is one of the
most important people who is involved in the hiring of employees in the company and
has the ability to advise on certain important matters of the company that should be
resolved in order to make effective operations of the organization. (Armstrong, M.
(2014)  The matters faced by the company are of significant importance that should be
guided in detail in order to analyze the internal control environment of the firm to form a
view on the overall effectiveness of the company operations. These all factors are
discussed in this segment of the report in order to analyze the contextual feature of the
different situations encountered by the company in the short and long run. The impact of
those situations is analyzed on the operating effectiveness of the company by considering
the industry standards related to those particular situations in hand for the HR consultant.
The recommendation is to provide advice on certain potential matters faced by the
company and HR advisory related to those matters that require the insight of a
professional before making the final decision of dismal of many employees of the firm
who ha breached the company’s code of conduct and ethical considerations. (Armstrong,
M. (2014) 

4. References

Adams, J. (2007) Managing people in organisations: contemporary theory and practice.

Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Adkins, T. (2006) Case studies in performance management: a guide from the experts.

Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley.

Aguinis, H. (2014) Performance management. Third edition ; Pearson new international

edition. Harlow: Pearson.

Anderson, V. and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2013) Research

methods in human resource management. 3rd edition. London: Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development.

Anderson, V., Rayner, C., Schyns, B. and Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
(2009) Coaching at the sharp end: the role of line managers in coaching at work. London:
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Armstrong, M. (2014) Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice.
Thirteenth edition. London: Kogan Page.

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