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Cyna Hope P.

Amonelo HUMSS 11-Garnet Creative Writing Q3-M3 Task 2

Love from a whispher of Death

Look at the stars Clyden they are shining bright and seems like smiling at the two of us." I look at him but he's
already staring at me with those sleepy eyes. He smiled and said "I know Reen, they are smiling because you are
beautiful." I laughed and hit him softly, "Stop it Cy I already know that." I turned my gazed at the sky, the wind
blows and I close my eyes to feel this moment.

For a minute both of us are silent and not doing anything, we are laying on the grass. He suddenly pinched my nose
and said "Come on it's your last day don't be sad, let's make it memorable." I open my eyes and smiled at him
while nodding. He suddenly stand up and held my hand "Come on Reen, stand up we're gonna dance." I stand up
while laughing, "There is no music how are we gonna dance?" "O come on Reen don't ruin our moment, we can
just swing while I'm humming." Once again I looked at him while thinking I'm really lucky to have this man.

He held my waist while I held on his shoulder, we are swaying softly while looking at each other's eyes.
"Remember our first encounter? You're an amazon, I'm not even doing something yet you look at me and yelled." I
laughed remembering those moments, it was the first day of school during freshman years in college. I thought
he's the one who's poking me nonstop that's why I shout at him not knowing that it's his friend. "Yes, I remember
that. How about that moment when you realized that I have a fever yet I still come to school." He suddenly
pinched my waist while saying "Yes I was really worried that time I thought you're gonna collapse. You're literally
hot those moments." I laughed and shake my head "Oh come on you're just over reacting."

We talked about our past and our golden memories when he cupped my face and said "Are you really going to
leave me?" I looked at him with teary eyes, "If I can only stop the time I will not." "You know that I'll be sad once
that happens." I hold his hands on my face and said "Don't be Cy, be happy even for me okay? I will miss you a lot
and being with you are one of my greatest memories." He looked at me and tears suddenly fall from his eyes. " I
don't also regret the part where I met you, having you was like a dream and I need to wake up." He kissed my
forehead while I closed my eyes savoring this moment.

His POV:

I kissed her for the last time, a minute later she's not moving. I hugged her while crying and saying "Sleep now
baby, you're an angel sent by God and now he's taking you."

And that's it class.

Ma'am did she really died or she's just sleeping?

Ma'am how about the boy what happen to him?

Ma'am how about the girl? Where is she?

Ma'ammm where is the boy now?

Before I can answer their questions someone suddenly knocked and open the door.

"Mommyyyyyy!" I laughed and held my baby boy.

So ma'am what happen to Clyden?

I smiled and answered "He's there at the door, currently smiling at me."

Even before they can ask again the bell rang indicating it's time to go home. I look at them and said "Okay class
that's all for today see you tomorrow." They bid their goodbyes and come out of my room. Clyden suddenly come
in and get Gabriel from me. He hug me while saying "I still can't believe that you are here alive and I'm holding you
in my arms." I smiled and just hug him while saying "God said I should not die because I need to take care of the
two of you."

I really thought I died that night, but Clyden said after a minute my hand suddenly moved. He rushed me to the
hospital and gladly the doctor revived me. And now we are 5 years married with a cute son. God is really good all
the time.

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