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Hossam Abdalla

Abbreviations ‫االختصارات‬
AC After Christ ‫بعد الميالد‬
AH After Hijrah ‫بعد الهجره‬
AI Amnesty International ‫منظمه العفو الدوليه‬
AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency ‫مرض االيدز (مرض نقص المناعه‬
Syndrome ) ‫المكتسبه‬
AL Arab League ‫جامعه الدول العربيه‬
a.m. anti meridiem ‫صباحا‬
A.M. Air Mail ‫بريد جوي‬
ARE Arab Republic of Egypt ‫جمهوريه مصر العربيه‬
BBC British Broadcasting
BA Bachelor of Arts ‫بكالوريوس في الفنون‬
BC Before Christ ‫قبل الميالد‬
BC Bachelor of Chemistry ‫بكالوريوس في الكيمياء‬
CE Chemical Engineer ‫مهندس كيميائي‬
CIA Central Intelligence Agency ‫مركز المخابرات االمريكيه‬
cv curriculum vitae ‫سيره ذاتيه‬
e.g. exempli gratia ‫علي سبيل المثال‬
ESL English as a Second Language ‫اللغه االتجليزيه كلغه ثانيه‬
FO Foreign Office ‫وزاره الخارجيه‬
H1N1 Swine Influenza ‫انفلونزا الخنازير‬
H5N1 Bird flu ‫انفلونزا الطيور‬
hg high quality ‫جوده عاليه‬
I.e Iraq dinar ‫دينار عراقي‬
i.e. id est ‫أعني‬
LT Local Time ‫التوقيت المحلي‬
MA Master of Arts ‫ماجيستير في االداب‬
Math mathematics ( American ) ‫رياضيات‬
Maths Mathematics (British ) ‫رياضايات‬
MH Medal of Honor ‫ميداليه الشرف‬
Mr Mister ‫سيد‬
Mrs Mistress ‫سيده‬
NASA North Aeronautics and space ‫االداره القوميه للمالحه الجويه‬
administration ‫والفضاء‬
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
NATO North Atlantic Treaty ‫حلف شمال االطلسي‬
pc Per centum ‫في المائه‬
Ph.D Philosophiae Doctor ‫دكتوراه في الفلسفه‬
p.m. post meridiem ‫مساء‬
PM Prime Minister ‫رئيس الوزراء‬
P.W Prisoner of war ‫أسير حرب‬
R.I.P Rest In Peace ‫أرقد في سالم‬
SOS Save Our Souls ‫أنقذوا أرواحنا‬
st saint , state , street ‫ شارع‬, ‫ دوله‬, ‫قسيس‬
tele television , telegraph ‫ تلجراف‬, ‫تلفزيون‬
UK United Kingdom ‫الممكله المتحده‬
UN United Nations ‫االمم المتحده‬
UNO United Nations Organization ‫منظمه االمم المتحده‬
USA The united States of America ‫دوله أمريكا‬
vs versus ‫ضد‬
W.C Water Closet ‫دوره مياه‬
WHO World Health Organization ‫منظمه الصحه العالميه‬
WTC World Trade Centre ‫مركز التجاره العالمي‬
WWW World Wide Web ‫الشبكه العالميه الدوليه‬
WWW World Without wars ‫عالم بدون حروب‬
xt Christ ‫المسيح عليه السالم‬
XX female ‫أنثي‬
XY male ‫ذكر‬
ZHOUR Zero Hour ‫ساعه الصفر‬
ZO Zionist organization ‫منظمه صهيونيه‬

Idioms and proverbs ‫مصطلحات وأمثال‬

A chip of the old block ‫ٕزا اىؾثو ٍِ راك االعذ‬
Always has been , always will be ٔ‫ٍِ ؽة ػيي ؽئ ؽاب ػيي‬
Do good and cast it in the sea ‫أػَو اىخيش ٗأسٍئ في اىثذش‬
The end justifies the means ٔ‫اىغائ ذثشس اى٘عيي‬
Every tide has its ebb ٓ٘‫ىنو ج٘اد مث‬
Has a big nose ‫ؽخص دؾشي‬
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
Mr .Right ‫اتِ اىذاله‬
Any horse may stumble , any sage mar err ٓ٘‫ىنو ج٘دا مث٘ٓ ٗىنو ػاىٌ ٕف‬
Even Homer sometimes nods ٓ٘‫ىنو ج٘دا مث٘ٓ ٗىنو ػاىٌ ٕف‬
Like a dog with two tails ‫في ٍْرٖي اىغؼادج‬
The last straw ‫اىقؾح اىري قضَد ظٖش اىثؼيش‬
Money is in a cold storage ُ٘‫اىَاه في اىذفع ٗاىص‬
Don’t overstep your mark! ‫اىضً دذٗدك‬
There is no dice ‫ٍفيؼ ّصية‬
Kill your darlings ‫االيذ اىيي ذ٘جؼل اقطؼٖا‬
You are a chicken ُ‫اّد جثا‬
It's not my cup of tea ‫ٍؼ ػيي ٍضاجي‬
A friend indeed is a friend in need ‫اىصذيق ٗقد اىضيق‬
A bird in the hand worth ten in the ٓ‫ػصف٘س في اىيذ ٗال ػؾشٓ ػيي اىؾجش‬
A cat has nine lives ‫صي اىقطظ تغثغ أسٗاح‬
A drowning man will clutch a straw ٔ‫اىغشيق يرؼيق تقؾاي‬
A man cannot serve two masters ‫صادة تاىيِ مزاب‬
A penny saved is a penny gained ‫اىقشػ االتيض يْفغ في اىيً٘ االع٘د‬
A tree us known by its fruit ّٔ‫اىج٘اب تايِ ٍِ ػْ٘ا‬
A man can do no more than he can ‫ال ينيف هللا ّفغا اال ٗعؼٖا‬
All is not gold that glitters ‫ىيظ مو ٍا ييَغ رٕة‬
Birds of feather flock together ‫اىطي٘س ػيي أؽناىٖا ذقغ‬
Blood is thicker than water ‫اىذً ال يصثخ ٍاء‬
Charity begins at home ‫االقشتُ٘ اٗىي تاىَؼشٗف‬
Cleaning is next to godliness ُ‫اىْظافح ٍِ االيَا‬
Prevention is better than cure ‫اى٘قايح خيش ٍِ اىؼالج‬
Grasp all , lose all ‫اىطَغ يقو ٍا جَغ‬
Everything comes to him who waits ‫اىصثش جَيو‬
A soft answer turneth a way wrath ٔ‫اىنيَح اىطيثح صذق‬
Have feet of clay ُ‫ؽخص جثا‬
Come hat in hand ‫يأذي ٍؼرزس‬
An apple a day keeps doctor away ‫ذفادٔ يٍ٘يا ذغْيل ػِ اىزٕة ىيطثية‬
No gains without pains ‫ٍفيؼ دالٗج ٍِ غيش ّاس‬
To err is a human ‫مو اتِ أدً خطاء‬
A fox is not taken twice in the same ِ‫ال ييذؽ اىَؤٍِ ٍِ دجش ٍشذي‬
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
As you sow , you will rap ُ‫مَا ذذيِ ذذا‬
Demands cut diamonds ‫ال يفو اىذذيذ اال اىذذيذ‬
In the long run ‫في اىَغرقثو‬
When the cat is a way the mice play ‫اُ غاب اىفاس اىؼة يا قظ‬
Walls have ears ُ‫اىذيطاُ ىٖا ٗدا‬
There is no rose without a thorn ‫ال ذ٘جذ صٕشٓ تذُٗ أؽ٘اك‬
The way to the man's heart is through ٔ‫أقصش طشيق اىي قية اىشجو ٍؼذذ‬
his stomach
The spirit is willing but the flesh is ٓ‫اىؼيِ تصيشٓ ٗااليذ قصيش‬
The darkest hour is that before the ‫اُ تؼذ اىؼغش يغش‬
Talk of the devil, and he is sure to ٔ‫اىيي يخاف ٍِ اىؼفشيد يطيؼي‬
Speech silver but silence is gold ٍِ ‫ارا ماُ اىنالً ٍِ فضٔ فاىغن٘خ‬
Silence gives consent ‫اىغن٘خ ػالٍٔ اىشضا‬
Poverty is no sin ‫اىفقش ٍ٘ػ ػية‬
Spare the rod and spoil the Child 42 ‫امغش ىيثْد ضيغ يطيؼٖا‬
Out of sight out of mind ‫اىثؼيذ ػِ اىؼيِ تؼيذ ػِ اىقية‬
One man's meat is another man's ‫ٍصائة قً٘ ػْذ قً٘ ٍصائة‬
No one is perfect ٓ‫اىنَاه هلل ٗدذ‬
Never too old to learn ‫اطيث٘ا اىؼيٌ ٍِ اىَٖذ اىي اىيذذ‬
Never put off till tomorrow what can be ‫ال ذؤجو ػَو اىيً٘ ىيغذ‬
done today
Necessity is the mother of invention ‫اىذاجٔ اً االخرشاع‬
More haste less speed ‫في اىؼجيح اىْذاٍح‬
Money begets money ‫اىفي٘ط ذجية في٘ط‬
Many hands make light work ٓ٘‫االذذاد ق‬
Man proposes and god disposes ‫اّد ذشيذ ٗاّا أسيذ ٗهللا يفؼو ٍا يشيذ‬
Make hay while the sun shines ّٔ‫مو ؽيء ٗىٔ اٗا‬
Like father like son ‫ٕزا اىؾثو ٍِ راك االعذ‬
Knowledge is power ‫اىؼيٌ ّ٘س‬
It is no use crying over the spilt milk ‫ال ذثني ػيي اىيثِ اىَغن٘ب‬
If you sing before breakfast you will ‫اىذّيا غذاسج‬
cry before dinner
Mr. Hossam Abdalla
He laughs best who laughs last ‫ٍِ يضذل أخيشا يضذل مثيشا‬
God helps them who help themselves ‫يذ هللا ٍغ اىجَاػح‬
Forbidden fruit is sweet ‫اىََْ٘ع ٍشغ٘ب‬
Every why has a wherefore ‫ىنو عؤاه ج٘اب‬
When pigs fly ‫في اىَؾَؼ‬
Patience is the key to relief ‫اىصثش ٍفراح اىفشج‬
Hunger is the best sauce ‫اىج٘ػاُ يأمو اىضىظ‬
Dog doesn’t eat dog ‫ال ىيخياّح‬
Cut your according to your cloth ‫ػيي قذ ىذافل ٍذ سجييل‬
Contentment is an inexhaustible ‫اىقْاػح مْض ال يفْي‬
Every dog has his day ٌ‫ىل يً٘ يا ظاى‬
Choose your neighbor before you ‫اىجاس قثو اىذاس‬
choose your house
Care killed the cat ‫ٍِٗ اىذة ٍا قرو‬
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder ‫اىقشد في ػيِ أٍ غضاه‬
Barking dogs seldom bite ‫اىنالب ذؼ٘ي ٗاىقافيح ذغيش‬
A good workman is known by his ُ‫ػْذ االٍرذاُ ينشً اىَشء اٗ يٖا‬
A big cheese ٌٍٖ ‫ؽخص رٗ ٍْصة‬
An arm and a leg ‫اىنثيش ٍِ اىَاه‬
Ball of five ‫ّؾيظ‬
Donkey work ‫ صؼة‬, ‫ػَو ٍَو‬
Have clean hands ‫غيش ٍزّة‬

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