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Data Collection Method

1. Survey
2. Experiment
3. Observation
4. Experiment
5. Survey
6. Observation
7. Survey
8. Survey
9. Experiment
10. Observation

Data collection method: Survey
Answer: 111,846,516

Data collection method: Experiment
Answer: Yes

Data collection method: Observation
Citation: (Abrenzosa M.J., 2022)
Answer: 9 cups a day
Data collection method: Survey

Data collection method: Observation
Answer: Yes

Guide Questions
1. Who is Nick Vujicic?
Nick Vujicic is an Australian preacher and a motivational speaker. He was born on December 4,
1982 with Tetra-Amelia Syndrome. This is a rare symptom characterized by the absence of all
four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally, emotionally, and physically, but eventually dealt
with his disability and at the age of 17 started his own non-profit organization, Life Without
Limbs. rice field. Nick didn't allow the disability to affect him all his life, so he learned to drive a
car, hit the drums, write an autobiography, use a computer, play tennis, and even surf. He is
most famous for giving motivational speeches around the world about discovering life, hope
and meaning of life with disabilities.

2. What did you feel when you watch the video?

I felt overwhelmed and more inspired when I watched the video. It was really motivating for me
to know someone labeled as “disabled” to be able to do a lot of things and to have no arms nor
legs, but still can be thankful in life.

1. Explain the difference between “I-it” and “I-thou” relationship.
I-Thou is a subject-subject relationship, but a I-it is a subject-object relationship. In the I-Thou
relationship, people are aware of the existence of unity and people do not perceive each other
as being composed of specific isolated features, but rather enter into a dialogue that involves
the entire existence of each other. On the other hand, in the I-It relationship, people see
themselves as part of a world of things, as they see themselves as being made up of certain
isolated qualities. Finally, I-Thou is a relationship of interrelationships, mutuality and
reciprocity, while I-it is a relationship of separation and detachment.
2. How are you going to accept differences with other people?
For me, it’s really easy to understand the variations of humankind. We all grew up with
different families to begin with. We were all nurtured differently. We faced different situations
in life before knowing each other. Even those who grew up together have their own differences
because they encounter different circumstances as well that shaped them up to who they are

1. I believe that people who are disabled and underprivileged are still able to contribute to
society through their own ways because each one of us has our own capabilities to
share. For example, the blind people on the mall that I went to before offers incredible
body massage. I concluded that since they are not able to see, they are able to feel
things more effectively and apply this through their massage techniques.
2. I will show appreciation by congratulating them if I know one. Sometimes I see people
with disabilities who make their own business and I’ll buy one of their products. Finally,
to at least appreciate their skills and talents, I can verbally compliment them or even
clap for them.

Sexual reproduction (left side)

 involves two parents

 produces offspring that are genetically unique
 the species can adapt to new environments due to variation, which gives them a survival
Asexual reproduction (right side)

 involves one parent

 produces offspring that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent
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 both produces a new specie

 results in a formation of new life

Questions 1-3
1. Genetic engineering is the process of a combination of one or more genes to alter the
genetic makeup of an organism to come up with a desired phenotype.

2. The first process involves identification of the gene interest then its isolation. Next is
amplifying the gene to produce many copies and then, associating the gene with an
appropriate promoter and poly A sequence and insertion into plasmids. Then, multiply
the plasmid in bacteria and recover the cloned construct for injection. Afterwards, the
transference of the construct into the recipient tissue, usually fertilized eggs, integration
and expression of gene into recipient genome takes place. Finally, the inheritance of
gene through further generations would be the last process.

3. Genetic engineering is changing the world in a way the it helps cure the diseases
effectively. The complexity of DNA is gradually increasing and genes are improving.

Pros and Cons Of GMO

Pros/ advantages

 It can improve the nutrition, taste, and growth rate of crops.

 It can lead to crops which have natural pest resistance.

 It can boost the positive traits in every life form.

 It is a process that could improve human health at the cellular level.

 It can be used to improve our current pharmaceuticals.

Cons/ Disadvantages

 It can create less nutritional value in some foods.

 It creates the potential for problematic pathogens.

 It could create new diseases.

 It creates the potential for unwanted side effects.

 It can reduce the amount of diversity in our food supply.

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