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1. My family has described me as a person who is both open and close to social
relationships. I pick what I share to them especially when it comes to my opinion on
things and relevant stories to talk with.
2. My school and community influenced my growth in a way that my opinion sometimes
and somehow depends on what people are going to think of me. I sometimes perform
duties not for myself but for other people to be pleased of my character as a whole
3. I see my self making a great contribution in the society as someone who is capable of
realizing her mistakes and is able to grow from them. I believe some are afraid to
commit mistakes and are pressured, however, it is empowering for me to know that
even if we fall in life at times, we can always have a deep breath and rise. We can grow
from what we have gone through in order for us to be shaped into the best versions
that we can be.

1. Are humans really political in nature?

Aristotle believed that humans were "political animals" in his political sciences because
they were social beings with the power of language and moral reasons. Therefore, it is
clear that the state is a creation of nature and that human beings are essentially
separated from politicians.
Man becomes who he is and live in a society dominated by law and customs. The man
develops his potential and realizes his natural purpose in a social context.
2. If we are political by nature, how do you explain the fact that we can hardly live in
harmony in the society?
As individuals who grew with different people and different environment, we have our
own beliefs, intellects, and tastes. There is always a group that enforces different laws
and presents ideas and concepts to everyone in society. Everyone behaves like a
politician or a leader. Individuals are presidents of their lives, and in order to live in
society, they need to maintain their own sense of harmony, which helps them to feel in
sync with others. It is to the point that it’s either they adapt or contradict the opinion of
Performance Check (scaffold 7)

Period I often relate to the I performed the following

following groups… roles…
Early Childhood Ages 5 and below I play with them and share
my toys
Elementary Ages 6-12 I still play with people of the
same age. I am the one who
suggests what to play or
what to improve in a certain
High School Almost all age groups I listen to people who are
older than me and give
advice to people who are
younger than me.
What significant changes have you noticed in your relationship with others throughout your

As someone who is both closed and open to social groups, the drastic change I’ve noticed in my
relationship with others was the fact that I first was in a small world but sees a big world and is
now realizing that I am actually in a big world but is growing and still is being shaped in a
smaller world. I was enclosed with a smaller group before but is now facing a bigger world with
bigger responsibilities within.

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