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Colegio de lA InmACUlADA Concepcion, Inc.

Member: Daughters of Charity- St. Louise de Marillac Educational

System Basic Education Department
SY 2021-2022

Individual Work 2B-1

(Heat and Temperature)
Changes of state involve changes in temperature as the particles of the substance alter their
relationships with one another. How does heat differ from temperature? What are the different sources
of heat and its effect on a body?

Objectives: At the end of this activity, you will be able to:

1. differentiate between heat and temperature at the molecular level;
2. enumerate and describe the modes of heat transfer;
3. analyze heat vs temperature graph by applying the concept of phase change; and
4. investigate the effect of temperature to the speed of sound.*

Rubric :
Content - 15
Neatness - 2
Punctuality - 3

Main Activity

As you review your previous lesson on Heat and Temperature, answer the following conceptual
1. What is the difference between heat and temperature?
2. What are the different modes of heat transfer? Describe and cite one example for each.

Alternative Activity:
INSTRUCTION: Shade/Check the box of the alternative activity you want to work on. Do one among
the following activities.
 Alternative Activity 1: Research about thermal expansion. Print /draw pictures about how
thermal expansion becomes an advantage (2 pictures) and a disadvantage (2 pictures).
Analyze the graph on the left side.
 Alternative Activity 2: Color the area below the graph:
YELLOW if the phase is liquid,
YELLOW GREEN if the phase if both liquid
and gas
GREEN if the phase is gas
ORANGE if the phase is both solid and liquid,
RED if the phase is solid.

Process Questions:
1. What temperature does the substance change
phase from solid to liquid, and from liquid to gas?
2. What do you call these processes of phase
3. How do you call the reverse processes of these
phase changes?
 Alternative Activity 3:
Read A Closer Look – The Sound of Climate Change on page 47 and A Closer Look
Explained on page 64 of your Science textbook and answer the questions below:
1. What are the factors affecting the speed of sound in the ocean?
2. Can sound monitor climate change? Explain
3. Is there such thing as sound of climate change?
Colegio de lA InmACUlADA Concepcion, Inc.
Member: Daughters of Charity- St. Louise de Marillac Educational
System Basic Education Department
SY 2021-2022

Individual Work 2B-1

(Answer Sheet)

Grade and Section:

Main Activity:

Alternative Activity Number:

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