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I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
a. define aerobic exercises, muscle-and bone- strengthening exercises,
b. familiarize various locomotor movements in day-to-day living,
c. perform various locomotor movements.
a. Specific Topics: Aerobic exercises, Muscle-and Bone-Strengthening Exercises, Basic Strength
Training Exercises
b. Most Essential Learning Competency (MELCs)
 Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF). status, barriers to physical activity assessment
participation and one’s diet
 Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on training principles to achieve
and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF).


Physical education is the earliest form of education known to human beings. Learning the most basic
functions as turning over, sitting up, jumping and running are just few of the essential skills a student like you
has to learn. In this lesson, we are going through different exercises in connection with the essential skills stated
above. Stay foot grade 11!

Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic Exercise is a physical activity performed with moderate intensity. This also includes the
process of inhale and exhale. Walking and running are examples of this exercise. To know more about this and
its benefits, read page 36 of your book.

Muscle-and bone- strengthening exercises

Muscle-and bone-strengthening exercises produce increases in both muscle and bone strength of the
body a (barbel lifting for example). This is very different from aerobic exercise. To have a clearer
understanding of this topic and the benefits of muscle-and bone-strengthening exercise, read page 37 of your

Various locomotor movements

In Physical education, simple movements of our body are important for it always concerned with our
health. These movements are called locomotor movements. To have a clearer understanding of this, read page
39 of your book.

Basic strength training exercises

Basic strength training exercises are specific trainings that you may perform to strengthen your muscles
and bones. These trainings should be done repetitively to see the outcome in your body. To have a deeper
understanding of strength training and its examples, read pages 39-40 of your book.

Aerobic Exercises

Task # 1: Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. If you are given a chance to perform an aerobic exercise, what is it and why?
2. Based from your answer in question number 1, what are the benefits of performing such exercise? Give
at least 3 benefits of it.
Muscle-and bone- strengthening exercises

Task #2: Directions: Answer the following questions.

3. If you are given a chance to perform a muscle-and bone-strengthening exercise, what is it and why?
4. Based from your answer in question number 1, what are the benefits of performing such exercise? Give
at least 3 benefits of it.

Basic Strength Training Exercises

Task #4: Performance-Based Activity
Direction: Choose from the list below of locomotor movements or basic strength training that you want
to perform in this activity. Record (video) yourself at least 3-4 minutes using your phone and post it in the
“SOCIALS” part of our Silid classroom. You may ask for help from your parents or guardians.
List of locomotor movements:
1. Walking
2. Running
3. Hopping
4. Jumping
5. Sliding
6. Push-up

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