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F 7190 Total Pages: 2 Reg No, Name: APJ ABDUL KALAM TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY THIRD SEMESTER B.TECH DEGREE EXAMINATION, DECEMBER 2017 Course Code: C8361 ‘Course Name: SOFT COMPUTING (CS) Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours PART A Answer all questions,each carries 3 marks Marks 1 Explain the different learning mechanisms used in Artificial Neural Networks (3) with the help of necessary diagrams. 2 With the help of an example, state the role of bias in determining the net output (3) of an Artificial Neural Network. 3 Illustrate the different steps involved in the training algorithm of Perceptrons. (3) State the concept of delta-rule used in, Adaptive Linear Neurons, (3) PARTB Answer any two full questions, each carries 9 marks. 5 Design a Hebb network to realize logical OR function, (9) 6 Implement AND logical function using Perceptrons. (9) 7 a) How is the training algorithm performed in back-propagation neural networks? (5) b), With graphical representations, explain the-activation functions used in. Artificial (4) Neural Networks. PART Answer all questions, each carries 3 marks. 8 List and explain the various operations that can be performed in fuzzy relations. (3) 9 Law of contradiction and law of excluded middle cannot be applied to fuzzy sets. (3) Give proper justification to the statement. 10 With the help of a figure, explain the features of fuzzy membership functions, (3) i How can the role of lambda-cuts in defuzzification be justified? Give examples. (3) PART D Answer any two full questions, each carries 9 marks. 12 a) Given two fuzzy sets, M, and N., such that M_ {e+ Se See 02,07, 1, 07, 02, 0 + Se Se Sa Se SS}. construct a relation 0, 08 0 ©) Introduce another fuzzy set Mi {a+ } Find M;,oR, ©) cat gat iat xt is using max-min composition, 13a) Consider the following two fuzzy sets: @) i Ot 23} (+ S++ ree ota So cancervuca 4 7 18 19 20 b) a) b) b) a) bi a) b) b) £7190 ot, 02, 02, 1 g-(F+ + S43 Find the algebraic sum, algebraic product, bounded sum, and bounded difference of the given sets. Using inference method, find the membership values of the triangular shapes; (5) isosceles (I), right angled (R), isosceles and right angled (IR), equilateral (E), and other triangles (T); for a triangle with angles 60, 55, and 65. 1 08 0 01 02 (45) 04 0 09 Consider the following fuzzy relation, R, a OHO) 0 1 Os 0 os 1 Also, show that the 2-cut relatior relation. lation results in a crisp tolerance (4.5) Answel *s 10 marks. “A compound rule may to a number of simple (6) canonical rule forms”, E re lo so. How can one perform the f @ With the help of necess: Fuzzy Inference Systems. With the help of examples, explain the various fixzzy propositions. © Explainithe different methods for fuzzy approxim: nig. 4) Explain the different methods of encoding that are possible ir ic algorithm.) “Termination efiterion for a genetic algorithm brings th h alt”, 4) Mamdani and Sugeno (10) Explain the various termination techniques. With the help of examples, explain the various crossover techniques employed in (10) genetic algorithms. Illustrate the different steps in genetic-neuro hybrid systems with the help of a (6) neat block diagram. Distinguish between the processes of tuning and learning in genetic-fuzzy rule (4) based systems. see reat Wo cancervusa

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