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Prioritization of Community Health Problems

1. Ineffective Community Therapeutic Regimen Management as Health Resources Problem

2. Increased Susceptibility to Disease due to Incomplete Immunization as Health Status Problem
3. Improper Waste Disposal (Burning)
4. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirement as Health Resources Problem
5. Ineffective Health Maintenance as a Health Status Problem
6. Presence of Unvaccinated Animals as Health Related Problem
7. Presence of Breeding Sites of Vectors and Rodents as Health Related Problem
8. Unhealthy Personal Choices/Practice as Health Related Problem
9. Family size beyond what family resources can adequately provide as a health resources problem
10. Knowledge Deficit: Unawareness and Utilization of Community Health Programs on Diarrhea
control as a Health Status Problem
Ineffective Community Therapeutic Regimen Management as Health Resources Problem

In continuous changes in healthcare, empowering people to be active participants in their care is

critical. Each patient faces more complex therapy regimens that must be managed both in the hospital
facility and at home. Furthermore, not every patient can reach and access healthcare specialists, and
they are expected to manage the complexities of their sickness on their own. 75-100% of the community
is affected. Though many individuals want to be active participants and partners in their own care,
poverty and the lack of support systems are barriers to accessing health care when needed.


Nature of the Problem 2/3x1 0.67 Ineffective community

therapeutic regimen
management in the
community is considered as
health resources problem
since lack of medical
materials in community will
limit the care that the
community clinic can provide

Magnitude of the 4/4x3 3 75-100% of the people in the

Problem community are affected
since almost everyone
needs a health clinic nearby
for emergency situations.

Modifiability of the 2/3x4 2.67 The problem is moderately

Problem modifiable since requesting
for adequate health material
for the community has a long
process and a budget before
being approved

Preventive Potential 1/3x1 0.33 The problem cannot be

prevented from occurring
since a big budget is needed
for medical supplies for the

Social Concern 2/2x1 1 This problem needs an

urgent solution because it
may limit the promotion of
health and prevention of
disease in the community

Total 7.67
Increased Susceptibility to Disease due to Incomplete Immunization as Health Status Problem

In the community of Brgy. Atlu-Bola, Pampanga, increased numbers of individuals were found to
be unvaccinated or have incomplete childhood vaccines which is conducive to the health and wellness of
the community as this may elevate scourge of disease without proper management.


Nature of the problem 3/3 x 1 1 The result of low

immunization in the
community is considered
as a health status problem
as this may pose
increased susceptibility to
illnesses and diseases as
well as inability to maintain
wellness. These vaccines
serve as protection
against harmful disease.

Magnitude of the 3/4 x 3 2.25 Majority of the population

problem were not able to complete
their immunization,
particularly with the DPT
vaccine with a total of 66
% unvaccinated people
and the timely Covid-19
vaccine with 64.1 %. This
only means that a lot are
affected by this problem,
therefore it was scored as
3 since the affected
percentage of the
community were ranging
from 50%-74%.

Modifiability of the 2/3 x 4 2.67 This problem is

problem moderately modifiable as
routine immunization for
children can still be aided
through the
implementation of catch-
up immunization activity of
the National Immunization
Program, however, it does
not cover missed vaccines
for seniors. In addition, the
outbreak of vaccine-
preventable disease can
also be avoided through
the community-based
Measles-Rubella and
Tetanus-Diphtheria (MR-
Td) Immunization activities
of the Department of
Health. Similar to the
COVID-19 vaccine as
immunization is still on-

Preventive potential 2/3 x 1 0.67 This problem is

moderately preventable
through proper health
teachings, since if people
were educated about the
importance of having
these routine and covid-19
vaccines, then they might
understand the
importance and benefits of
it and then eventually, get

Social Concern 2/2 x 1 1 The community expressed

readiness for this social
concern through taking
the vaccine shot against
COVID-19 as well as
expressed willingness to
get routine immunization
to prevent potential health

TOTAL:  7.56

Improper Waste Disposal (Burning)

Majority of households in the community of Brgy. Atlu-Bola, Mabalacat, Pampanga practice
proper waste disposal by means of garbage collection. However, 28.57% or 8 households in the
community dispose of their waste by burning, this practice can negatively affect their health and

Nature of the 1/3x1 0.33 It is a health related

Problem problem because the
health impacts of burning
poses a risk to the
environment, and the
people in the community.
Moreover, it can also
aggravate the condition of
people with existing
diseases such as asthma,
heart disease and other
respiratory diseases.

Magnitude of the 2/4x3 1.5 28.57% or approximately

Problem 8 households are
practicing improper waste
disposal by burning.

Modifiability of the 3/3x4 4 The modifiability is high

Problem because most people in
the community use
garbage collection in
waste disposal. So, to the
percentage of the
community who uses
burning as waste disposal,
a proper education about
the risks of it can be given.

Preventive Potential 3/3x1 1 This problem can be

prevented through doing
proper waste
management such as
utilizing garbage collection
completely and avoiding
other waste disposal

Social Concern 1/2x1 0.5 The community

recognized it as a problem
but did not need urgent
attention because they are
accustomed with this
malpractice and it is easier
than hauling it to the local
disposal site or collecting
their garbage for waste
collection service.

Total 7.33

Imbalanced Nutrition: Less than Body Requirement as A Health Resources Problem

Families of Barangay Atlu-Bola are experiencing a malnutrition problem, which affects their
overall capacity to maintain proper nutrition. The gathered data showed that 65.41% of barangay Atlu-
bola, Mabalacat, Pampanga’s population, counting one hundred (100) residents of the community is
suffering from this. Financial inadequacy is the most prominent factor that contributes to this problem.
With a focus of promoting health, problems originating from this aspect hinders families in obtaining
optimum level of wellness.
Nature of the problem 3/3x1 1 It is a health status problem
because a great number of
residents in the said
community are considered
underweight. Hence, majority
of the residents do not achieve
adequate nutritional intake,
which hinders them in
reaching the optimum level of
Magnitude of the 3/4x3 2.25 More than half of the total
problem population in the community is
affected by this problem.
Which in return, may hinder in
promoting the community’s
overall performance in
improving health.
Modifiability of the 2/3x4 2.67 Problem regarding malnutrition
problem is not eradicated quickly, thus
classified to be modified
moderately. There are several
ways of managing it, the
progress is not considered to
be rapid, however it will be
seen soon after.
Preventive potential 2/3x1 0.67 As explained from the previous
criteria, this problem will be
addressed; however the
duration of the process itself is
gradual. The effects posed by
the problem itself are not
controlled in just a short period
of time, thus classified as
moderate. Nevertheless, the
progress will be attained in a
slow but definite way.
Social Concern 2/2x1 1 The families in the community
expressed their
acknowledgement of the
existing problem, as well as
their inclination to slowly
manage the problem making
the promotion of health be
achievable eventually.
TOTAL: 7.59
Ineffective Health Maintenance as a Health Status Problem
In the community of Brgy. Atlu-Bola, Mabalacat, Pampanga, 52.94% of the population currently
has hypertension. Without proper management, common illnesses can later become serious
complications when it comes to the health and wellness of the people in the community.

Nature of the Problem 3/3 x 1 1 It is a health status problem

that could affect people's
productivity and capacity to
be healthy in the
community that may lead to
a serious problem if actions
are not immediately

Magnitude of the 3/4 x 3 2.25 The half of the population in

Problem the community ranges to
52.94% affected by

Modifiability of the 2/3 x 4 2.67 The problem is moderately

Problem modifiable since it is a
lifetime condition however,
student nurses are certain
with proper nursing
intervention, and
cooperative community,
any complications will be
avoided before it manifests.

Preventive Potential 2/3 x 1 0.67 The problem is moderately

preventive if the community
is cooperative with the
health teachings of the
nursing students on how to
manage and control the
existing disease such as
maintaining a good lifestyle
including healthy diet,
physical activity or
exercises, and medications
that is prescribed by the
doctor, which can be
access through the help of
primary healthcare facility
in the community.

Social Concern 1/2 x 1 0.5 The community recognized

the problem but since this
health problem never
became a threat to the
community, people chose
to focus on the family's
needs and other much
bigger problems.

Total 7.09
Presence of Unvaccinated Animals as Health Related Problem

       There are a total of 103 domestic animals in the community of Atlu Bola; 61 dogs and 42 cats.
However, only 43.7% of the total number of domestic animals were vaccinated.


Nature of the Problem 1/3x1 0.33 It is a health related problem

because it imposes a threat
to the community in the form
of rabid bites especially that
more than half of the
population of domestic
animals are not vaccinated.

Magnitude of the 3/4x3 1 56.3% or approximately 16

Problem households of the community
are affected.

Modifiability of the 3/3x4 4 The problem is highly

Problem modifiable because there are
enough resources to solve
the problem such as the
vaccination drive offered by
the Local Government Unit.

Preventive Potential 3/3x1 1 The preventive potential is

high because the problem
would be completely
eradicated once it is
addressed with proper
interventions mainly focusing
on having the pets

Social Concern 1/2 x 1 1 It is recognized as a problem

but does not need immediate
attention as there are other
things in the community that
need to be prioritized first.

Total 6.83
Presence of Breeding Sites of Vectors and Rodents as Health Related Problem
In the community of Brgy. Atlu-Bola, Mabalacat, Pampanga, 53.57% of the household has an open
and stagnant drainage which can be considered as a breeding site for vectors and rodents that may
cause diseases in the people of the community.

Nature of the Problem 1/3x1 0.33 Presence of breeding sites of

vectors and rodents in the
community is considered as a
health-related problem since it
promotes the growth of
vectors and rodents that may
cause various diseases in the
community such as dengue

Magnitude of the 3/4x3 2.25 53.57% of the community is

Problem affected.

Modifiability of the 2/3x4 2.67 The problem is moderately

Problem modifiable and can be solved
when proper interventions
such as maintaining the free
flow and keeping the
surroundings clean from trash
will be done as well as having
the cooperation of the people
of the community. With the
help of student nurses,
identifying and having health
teachings in the community
regarding the risks of having a
breeding site will also help the
community control this

Preventive Potential 2/3x1 0.67 The vector-borne diseases

are moderately preventive if
the community will do
interventions to eliminate the
vectors such as maintaining
the cleanliness of the
drainages and making sure
that it is free flowing and not

Social Concern 1 /2 x 1 0.5 The community recognized

the presence of breeding sites
as a problem. However, this
does not need urgent
attention since it is free
flowing most of the time and
the households in the
community have their own
way of eliminating vectors and
Total 6.42

Unhealthy Personal Choices/Practice as Health Related Problem (deficient knowledge as health

In the community of Brgy. Atlu-Bola, Mabalacat City, Pampanga, 60.71% of the household seek
the quack doctor (albularyo) as their first consultant in times of illness. The community also lacks
healthcare resources such as materials, personnel, facilities, funds, etc. and because of this, there is a
possibility that the health of the people in this community may be in danger.

Nature of the Problem 2/3x1 0.66 This is a health resources

problem since there is a lack
of materials, personnel,
facilities, funds, etc. that could
make the people in the
community choose other
options than seeking
healthcare workers.

Magnitude of the 3/4x3 2.25 The problem affects 60.71%

Problem of the community population.

Modifiability of the 2/3x4 2.67 The problem is moderately

Problem modifiable and may be
handled with the necessary
activities, such as teaching
the community to seek
professional health care,
promoting, recognizing, and
putting out health instructions
in the community on good
health choices and avoiding
harmful practices. To
overcome this problem, it will
need time and community
engagement, with the help of
student nurses.

Preventive Potential 1/3x1 0.33 The removal of unhealthy

choices and practices is lowly
preventative, as it takes time
for the community to excute
new learnings that are
somewhat contrary to their
beliefs. Adapting to changes
and implementing having a
private bathroom rather than
a communal one requires
money and work. It will also
demand the use of available
clinical professionals, and a
clinic to diagnose and counsel

Social Concern 1/2x1 0.5 The community is aware that

the unhealthy practices and
choices they partake have
been identified as a problem.
However, this does not seem
to require immediate attention
as most of them still seek
albularyos, do not complain
and are accustomed with
these practices and choices.

Total 6.41
Family size beyond what family resources can adequately provide as a health resources problem
In the community of Brgy. Atlu Bola, Mabalacat, Pampanga, most of the population have a family
size beyond what family resources can adequately provide. This becomes one of the barriers to
achieving optimum health and attaining wellness since the need for support of each family member is not
fully provided.


Nature of the 2/3x1 0.67 It is a health resource problem

Problem because a large family size
with minimal resources can
reduce the ability to attain
good health and wellness.

Magnitude of the 4/4x1 1 78.57% of the population is

Problem affected because they have
an income lower than the
average income that they
should earn a month. Wherein
there is a total of 64.28% of
the community which is
composed of more than 5
members each family.
Simplify, low income should
not be included.

Modifiability of the 2/3x4 2.67 The problem is moderately

Problem modifiable because the family
size cannot be modified but
the resources could be if the
family will be able to
understand the importance of
having an enough savings
from source of income
especially if their family size is
too large and cannot support
their needs because of
inadequate resources.

Preventive 2/3x1 0.67 The problem can be

Potential prevented moderately if the
community is aware of family
planning because a total of
51% of the community is not
aware and does not utilize
family planning.

Social Concern 1/2x1 0.5 The community recognized

the problem but did not need
immediate attention because
there is a more serious
community health problem
that they need to focus on.
Monetary resources
Total 5.51

Low family income possible problem

Knowledge Deficit: Unawareness and Utilization of Community Health Programs on Diarrhea

Every community has different health services that are offered to the community, but not all
services are utilized and known by the families. Immunization is the community health program utilized
and familiar to all families residing at Brgy. Atlu-Bola, Mabalacat, Pampanga. However, most of the
families are not aware and do not utilize Diarrhea Control which can lead to serious complications and
life-threatening if left untreated.

Nature of the problem 3/3x1 1 Unawareness regarding

diarrhea control program is
considered health status
problems as they increase
the risk of morbidity,
mortality, and fertility due to
lack of health and family

Magnitude of the 4/4x3 3 93% of the community is

problem affected.

Modifiability of the 2/3x4 2.67 The problem is moderately

problem modifiable and the
percentage of families who
are unaware and do not
utilize diarrhea control will
be decreased if proper
intervention was
implemented. Through the
help of student nurses,
educating families in the
community and promoting
the program that could help
in controlling the problem.

Preventive potential 2/3x1 0.67 Unawareness and non-

utilization is moderately
preventive if the barangay
health center properly
promotes the program by
means of posters, flyers, or
home visits for the
announcement and

Social Concern 0/ 2 x 1 0 The community does not

recognize the unawareness
and non-utilization of
diarrhea control as a
problem. Lack of promotion
and lack of access in
barangay health centers
due to distance problems
and considering diarrhea
as not a serious problem.

Total 7.34

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