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ABSTRACT: The goal of this study was to estimate the accuracy of

concentric-needle single-fiber electromyography (CN-SFEMG) for the diag-

nosis of myasthenia gravis (MG). A consecutive series of patients referred
for CN-SFEMG was evaluated by an investigator blinded to the results of
CN-SFEMG in order to determine the presence or absence of MG using an
independent reference standard. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values,
and likelihood ratios were calculated. The study population included 51
patients (21 with MG). CN-SFEMG was normal in 34 patients (67%) and
abnormal in 17 (33%). The sensitivity of CN-SFEMG for the diagnosis of MG
was 0.67 and the specificity was 0.96. The positive likelihood ratio was 16.8
and the negative likelihood ratio was 0.34. The positive and negative pre-
dictive values were 0.93 and 0.76, respectively. These results indicate that
CN-SFEMG showing abnormal jiggle is extremely useful for confirming the
diagnosis of MG, but that CN-SFEMG showing normal jiggle has limited
utility in excluding the diagnosis.
Muscle Nerve 34: 163–168, 2006


Department of Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, 1365A Clifton Road NE,
Atlanta, Georgia 30322, USA

Accepted 14 March 2006

Single-fiber electromyography (SFEMG) is a tech- the low-frequency filter raised from 500 Hz to 2 kHz,
nique in which the temporal relationship between to record apparent single-fiber action potentials
the firing of action potentials from a pair of muscle (ASFAPs), the firing patterns of which may similarly
fibers within the same motor unit is used as a mea- provide a measure of the variability (jiggle) of neu-
sure of the variability (jitter) of neuromuscular trans- romuscular transmission.3–5,19,21
mission time. SFEMG typically requires the use of a The published data, albeit limited, suggest a
specially constructed single-fiber needle electrode good correlation between jiggle analysis with a con-
with a small recording surface and is primarily used centric or monopolar needle electrode and jitter
to investigate disorders of neuromuscular transmis- analysis with a single-fiber needle electrode in
sion such as myasthenia gravis. SFEMG with a single- healthy subjects and in patients known to have my-
fiber electrode (SF-SFEMG) is uncomfortable3 and asthenia gravis (MG).3–5,19,21 However, there has
time-consuming, and the use of a reusable recording been no formal attempt to estimate the diagnostic
electrode has raised concern regarding the risk of accuracy of concentric-needle SFEMG (CN-SFEMG)
transmission of infectious agents such as prion dis- in the population of patients in whom the test is
ease.19 These limitations have prompted several in- most likely to be used—patients in whom the diag-
vestigators to evaluate the possibility of using either nosis of MG is suspected but not yet confirmed by
a monopolar or concentric disposable needle, with other diagnostic methods. The aim of this study was
to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of CN-SFEMG in
the frontalis muscle in this population of patients.
Abbreviations: ASFAP, apparent single-fiber action potential; CI, confi-
dence interval; CN-SFEMG, concentric-needle SFEMG; EMG, electromyo-
graphy; LR⫺, likelihood ratio negative; LR⫹, likelihood ratio positive; MCD, MATERIALS AND METHODS
mean consecutive difference; MG, myasthenia gravis; MSD, mean sorted
difference; SFEMG, single-fiber EMG; SF-SFEMG, single-fiber needle SFEMG
Key words: concentric-needle SFEMG; likelihood ratio; myasthenia gravis; Study Subjects. Subjects for this study were retro-
sensitivity; single-fiber electromyography; specificity spectively identified from the electromyography lab-
Correspondence to: M. Benatar; e-mail:
oratory database of Emory University. The study pop-
© 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online 26 April 2006 in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.
ulation comprised a consecutive series of patients
com). DOI 10.1002/mus.20568 evaluated with CN-SFEMG between July 2003 and

Concentric-Needle SFEMG in MG MUSCLE & NERVE August 2006 163

March 2005 as part of the diagnostic work-up for (1) elevated anti–acetylcholine receptor antibody ti-
suspected MG. A HIPAA (Health Information Port- ter or (2) sustained clinical improvement in re-
ability and Accountability Act) waiver was obtained sponse to either acetylcholinesterase inhibitor or im-
from the Emory University institutional review board munosuppressive therapy as determined by the
for review of medical records. patient and treating neurologist. As a result of the
retrospective nature of the study and the fact that
SFEMG Recording and Analysis. Volitional CN-SFEMG many of the patients referred to our EMG laboratory
in the frontalis muscle was performed using a con- for CN-SFEMG do not receive their ongoing care
centric-needle electrode with a recording area of within our institution, antibody and Tensilon testing
0.03 mm2 and a Synergy electromyograph (Oxford either were not performed or the results were not
Instruments, Eynsham, UK) with low- and high-filter available to us. For the same reasons, the details of
settings of 2 kHz and 10 kHz, respectively. The clinical follow-up were sometimes unknown. An in-
Synergy automatic jiggle meter requires a stable re- vestigator blinded to the results of CN-SFEMG used
gion on the rising phase of the spikes in order to the reference standard to determine the presence or
measure interpotential intervals. The Synergy system absence of MG. Subjects in whom the treating neu-
does not provide a measure of individual spike rise- rologist no longer suspected MG during follow-up
time; therefore, only those potentials with a visibly (because of a change in symptom profile or negative
fast rise-time, a clear separation from baseline, and tests results, or because an alternate diagnosis was
an amplitude of at least 50 ␮V were selected for made) were classified as not having MG. Subjects for
analysis. Overlapping spikes were discarded. At least whom there was insufficient information (e.g., resid-
20 different ASFAP pairs were sampled from each ual clinical suspicion for MG but with insufficient
subject and 50 –100 consecutive action potential follow-up time to determine response to therapy)
traces were recorded for each. The mean value of were classified as having an uncertain disease status.
consecutive differences (MCD) and mean sorted dif-
ferences (MSD) for each ASFAP pair were calculated Statistical Methods. Two-by-two tables were con-
and the smaller of the two values used as a measure structed to determine the relative frequencies of
of neuromuscular jiggle. The overall mean jiggle was abnormal CN-SFEMG among patients with and with-
calculated by summating the jiggle for each ASFAP out MG. These tables were used to calculate the
pair and dividing by the total number of ASFAP sensitivity and specificity for CN-SFEMG. The 95%
pairs. Subjects were labeled as having abnormal neu- confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated using the
romuscular transmission if the jiggle of more than exact binomial method. A sensitivity analysis was per-
10% of muscle-fiber pairs was abnormal or if the formed in which the subjects with unknown disease
overall mean jiggle was increased on the basis of status were in turn classified as having or not having
published age-adjusted reference data based on mus- MG in order to set “confidence limits” around the
cle-fiber action potentials recorded using a single- estimates of sensitivity and specificity. The estimates
fiber electrode.6 of sensitivity and specificity were used to calculate
The CN-SFEMG examination was performed ei- the positive and negative likelihood ratios. Likeli-
ther by a board-certified electromyographer with 1–2 hood ratios are useful measures for estimating the
years of experience with the SFEMG technique or by posttest probability of disease. The positive likeli-
a neurophysiology fellow under the supervision of hood ratio (LR⫹) is calculated as sensitivity/(1 ⫺
the more senior electromyographer. The electro- specificity) and represents the ratio of the probabil-
myographer elicited a brief history and performed a ity of an individual with disease having a positive test
focused examination prior to the EMG study, but divided by the probability of an individual without
was otherwise unaware of the results of acetylcholine the disease having a positive test. The negative like-
receptor antibody assays or Tensilon tests. Several lihood ratio (LR⫺) is calculated as (1 ⫺ sensitivity)/
patients had received an empiric trial of acetylcho- specificity and represents the ratio of the probability
linesterase therapy that was prescribed by the refer- of an individual with the disease having a negative
ring physician before the patient was seen in the test divided by the probability of an individual with-
EMG laboratory, but these agents were always discon- out the disease having a negative test.8 Likelihood
tinued at least 24 – 48 hours prior to the study. ratios greater than 10 and less than 0.1 generate
large and often definitive changes from pretest to
Reference Standard. The reference or gold stan- posttest probability; likelihood ratios between 5–10
dard used for determining the presence of MG re- and 0.1– 0.2 lead to moderate changes in pretest to
quired that one of the following two criteria be met: posttest probability; and likelihood ratios between

164 Concentric-Needle SFEMG in MG MUSCLE & NERVE August 2006

61) for men and 51 years (41– 60) for women. Thirty-
three subjects were referred for evaluation of purely
ocular symptoms and 18 subjects presented with gen-
eralized symptoms. Among the 21 patients diag-
nosed with MG, 13 (62%) were classified as class I
(ocular MG) and 8 (38%) as class II (mild general-
ized MG), using the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation
of America grading system.9 Elevated titers of anti–
acetylcholine receptor antibodies formed the basis
for the diagnosis of MG in 4 patients, with the diag-
nosis based on a favorable response to therapy in the
remaining 17 patients.

Jiggle Analysis. The mean jiggle (⫾ standard devi-

FIGURE 1. Flow diagram outlining the use of the index test
(CN-SFEMG) and the reference standard to determine the pres-
ation) among the 23 subjects without MG was 29.1 ␮s
ence or absence of myasthenia gravis. (⫾ 12 ␮s) and among the 21 subjects with MG was
47.3 ␮s (⫾ 29 ␮s). Among the 4 MG patients with
elevated titers of acetylcholine receptor antibodies,
2–5 and 0.2– 0.5 result in small changes in probabil- the mean jiggle (⫾ SD) was 73 ␮s (⫾ 64 ␮s). Exam-
ity. Likelihood ratios between 1–2 and 0.5–1 rarely ples of CN-SFEMG recordings are shown in Figure 2.
alter pretest probability.8
The study design, data collection, and subse- Test Results and Estimates. CN-SFEMG was normal
quent result reporting incorporated guidelines out- in 34 (67%) patients and abnormal in 17 (33%)
lined by the Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic (Table 1). CN-SFEMG is estimated to have a sensi-
Accuracy (STARD) initiative.1 Data were analyzed tivity of 0.67 (95% CI, 0.47– 0.86) for the diagnosis of
using SAS version 8.02 (SAS Institute, Cary, North myasthenia (ocular and generalized disease com-
Carolina). bined) and a specificity of 0.96 (95% CI, 0.78 – 0.99)
(Table 2). These estimates of sensitivity and specific-
ity yielded an LR⫹ of 16.8 and LR⫺ of 0.34. The
sensitivity of CN-SFEMG for the diagnosis of gener-
Study Participants. The study population com- alized MG is 0.75 (95% CI, 0.45–1.00), which is
prised 51 patients (25 men and 26 women). Subject better than the sensitivity of 0.62 for the diagnosis of
flow through the study is summarized in Figure 1. ocular MG (95% CI, 0.35– 0.88). The specificity for
Median age (interquartile range) was 50 years (36 – both ocular and generalized MG is 0.96 (95% CI,

FIGURE 2. Examples of apparent single-fiber action potential pairs recorded with a concentric-needle electrode. (A) Normal jiggle. (B)
Increased jiggle. The trigger gates have been used to exclude apparent single-fiber action potentials with differing morphology.

Concentric-Needle SFEMG in MG MUSCLE & NERVE August 2006 165

Table 1. Frequency tabulation of CN-SFEMG results.
Myasthenia gravis
Ocular Generalized No myasthenia gravis Unknown Totals
CN-SFEMG negative 5 2 22 5 34
CN-SFEMG positive 8 6 1 2 17
Totals 13 8 23 7 51

0.78 – 0.99) (Table 2). Inclusion of subjects with un- of this test are likely to be found in the differences in
known disease status among those with MG reduces study design between this and prior studies. These
the sensitivity of CN-SFEMG for the combined diag- design issues include the patient population studied,
nosis of ocular and generalized MG to 0.57 (95% CI, the reference standard used to determine the presence
0.40 – 0.76). Inclusion of subjects with an unknown or absence of MG, the sample size, the threshold used
status among those without MG reduces specificity to for designating jiggle as abnormal, the muscle studied,
0.90 (95% CI, 0.75– 0.99). The positive predictive and the type of needle (concentric or single-fiber)
value of CN-SFEMG for the diagnosis of MG is 0.93 used to measure jiggle/jitter.
and the negative predictive value is 0.76. The most obvious difference between our study
and previously published studies is that we used a
DISCUSSION concentric-needle electrode rather than a single-
fiber electrode to measure apparent single-fiber
This study has examined the diagnostic accuracy of
muscle action potentials. Critics of this technique
volitional CN-SFEMG examination of the frontalis
muscle in a population of patients in whom the might raise two objections. First, they may question
diagnosis of MG was suspected clinically. This test whether the potentials recorded using a concentric-
was found to have a sensitivity of 67% and a speci- needle genuinely represent potentials from single
ficity of 96%, and LR⫹ and LR⫺ were 16.8 and 0.34, muscle fibers or whether they represent spike com-
respectively, indicating that an abnormal test result ponents of electrical activity from more than one
(i.e., abnormal jiggle) results in a large and often muscle fiber. Second, they might point out that we
definitive change from pretest to posttest probability used normative data based on true single-fiber re-
of MG, but that a negative test result produces only cordings and that these are of questionable rele-
a modest reduction in probability of the disease. vance to concentric-needle ASFAP recordings.
Perhaps more important given the nature of the There is little evidence upon which to base a re-
study population is the finding that the positive and sponse to these concerns, but the published litera-
negative predictive values of CN-SFEMG for the di- ture suggests a good correlation between jitter mea-
agnosis of MG are 93% and 76%, respectively. These surements with a single-fiber electrode and jiggle
results suggest that an abnormal CN-SFEMG is ex- measurements with a concentric or monopolar elec-
tremely useful for supporting or making the diagno- trode,3–5,19,21 and the jiggle recorded in this study in
sis of MG, but that a negative or normal result does subjects without myasthenia is comparable to that
not preclude the diagnosis. reported by other investigators in healthy subjects
A sensitivity of 67% is reasonably good considering using single-fiber,2,5 monopolar,3,4 and concentric-
the population examined in this study, but it is substan- needle electrodes.5,19 It is conceivable that, although
tially lower than that observed in prior studies of the jiggle values might not differ substantially from jitter
diagnostic accuracy of SFEMG. The reasons for the values when recorded from normal motor endplates
discrepancy between these estimates of the sensitivity (given the small range of jitter values under these

Table 2. Accuracy of CN-SFEMG for the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis.

N Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV LR⫹ LR⫺
All MG 21 0.67 0.96 93% 76% 16.75 0.34
Ocular MG 13 0.62 0.96 89% 81% 12.4 0.40
Generalized MG 8 0.75 0.96 86% 92% 15.0 0.26

MG, myasthenia gravis; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.

166 Concentric-Needle SFEMG in MG MUSCLE & NERVE August 2006

circumstances), increased jitter from an abnormal for the overall mean jitter for all pairs combined)
motor endplate might be masked by the dominance has the effect of increasing sensitivity. The mean age
of normal motor endplates when recording with a of patients in their study was 51 years.13 Based on the
concentric needle (given the possibility of recording published reference values of the Ad Hoc Commit-
spike components from more than one muscle fi- tee of the AAEM Single Fiber Special Interest Group,
ber). We do not think that there is any way to re- with correction for the use of stimulated SF-SFEMG
spond definitively to this objection based on the (stimulated SFEMG jitter ⫽ volitional SFEMG jitter/
available data. 公2), the upper limit of normal for the jitter of a
Critics of the use of CN-SFEMG might also point single-fiber pair in the orbicularis oculi muscle at
to the fact that our finding of a sensitivity of 67% is this age is 39 ␮s and the upper limit of normal for
substantially worse than the sensitivity of SFEMG the overall mean jitter is 28.9 ␮s,2,5 suggesting that
performed with a single-fiber electrode. However, all Oey et al. set the threshold for defining abnormal
previous studies of the accuracy of SF-SFEMG for the jitter too low. Ukachoke et al. reported a sensitivity
diagnosis of MG were characterized by important of SF-SFEMG of 87%.20 Similar to the study by Oey et
methodological shortcomings, and therefore reli- al., this relatively high sensitivity may have resulted,
able estimates of the sensitivity of SFEMG for the at least in part, from the low threshold used to
diagnosis of MG are lacking. Most studies of the definite jitter as abnormal. The low threshold in this
utility of SF-SFEMG have been performed in popu- study is attributed to the authors’ requirement that
lations of patients who are already known to have only a single muscle-fiber pair display abnormal jitter
MG.7,10,14,17 These studies reported that the fre- rather than the customary requirement that the jit-
quency of abnormal SF-SFEMG in patients with MG ter of more than 10% of muscle-fiber pairs (i.e., 3
ranges from 79%10 to 95%.17 These estimates of the muscle-fiber pairs out of a total of 20) be abnor-
sensitivity of SF-SFEMG for the diagnosis of MG are mal.2,5
of questionable clinical relevance because SF- Rouseev et al. reported a sensitivity of SF-SFEMG
SFEMG for diagnostic purposes is not typically per- of 100%.16 This estimate was based on the finding of
formed in patients who are already known to have abnormal SF-SFEMG in only 5 patients with MG. The
MG. The inclusion only of patients already known to limitation of their study is that the diagnosis re-
have MG represents a form of selection bias known mained indeterminate in 18 patients. Sensitivity
as spectrum bias in that the study does not include a analysis in which these 18 patients are included
certain spectrum of patients (in this case, those with among those with definite myasthenia would reduce
suspected MG). The result is an inflated estimate of the diagnostic sensitivity to 69%. Specificity in their
the sensitivity of the test. Other studies that have study was reported to be 67%, but this would de-
included patients with already confirmed MG are crease to 53% if the 18 patients with an indetermi-
susceptible to the same bias,12,18 even if healthy sub- nate diagnosis are included in the group without
jects or those with other neurological diseases are MG. The implication of this analysis is that the pre-
also included. cision of the estimates of sensitivity and specificity
Among studies that have included both patients are relatively low.
with and without MG,11,12,15–17,19,20 in only a select In the study by Padua et al., abnormalities on
few has the study population comprised a series of SF-SFEMG formed part of the reference standard for
patients in whom the diagnosis of MG was suspected the diagnosis of MG, a source of error known as
and in whom SF-SFEMG was performed as part of incorporation bias.15 Use of the test whose diagnos-
the diagnostic work-up,11,13,15,16,20 and these patients tic accuracy is under investigation as a component of
were consecutive in even fewer studies.15,20 Because the reference standard has the effect of increasing
these studies examined the diagnostic accuracy of the estimate of the test’s sensitivity. These investiga-
SF-SFEMG in the very population in whom the test tors reported that SFEMG has a sensitivity of 100%
would be used in clinical practice (i.e., those in and is therefore probably an overestimate.
whom the diagnosis is considered, but not yet The spectrum of patients included in our study,
proven), these studies are of the most clinical rele- with inclusion of those with milder disease and a
vance. high proportion of seronegative subjects, may also
Oey and colleagues reported a sensitivity of have contributed to the relatively low sensitivity we
SF-SFEMG of 94%.13 This high sensitivity may at least observed. In this regard it is relevant to note that
in part have resulted from the nature of the criteria jiggle was abnormal in all seropositive myasthenics
used to define jitter as abnormal. The use of a low and that the jiggle among the 4 patients with ele-
threshold (30 ␮s for each single-fiber pair and 20 ␮s vated anti–acetylcholine receptor antibody titers

Concentric-Needle SFEMG in MG MUSCLE & NERVE August 2006 167

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