Using Word Parts To Determine The Meaning of Words: Learning Objectives

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Using Word Parts to Determine

the Meaning of Words

Fifth Grade, Sixth Grade Reading, Writing

Give your readers the tools to decipher the meaning of Greek and Latin based words. In this lesson they review
the meaning of commonly used prefixes, suffixes and roots and then practice constructing and deciphering

Learning Objectives

Students will learn how to use word parts (prefixes, suffixes and roots) to help determine the meaning of words.

Materials and preparation Key terms

Class set of the Common Root Words and their prefix

Meanings worksheet suffix
Class set of the Common Prefixes and Their root word
Meanings worksheet
Class set of the Common Suffixes and their
Meanings worksheet

Introduction (5 minutes)

Write the following word on the board: ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM

Ask students if they recognize any word or word parts. Have them share the word parts that they see,
and as they share, underline or circle those word parts.
Example: Anti-dis-establish-ment-arian-ism
Have students practice saying the word on the board, just for fun. Students love this word!
Explain that when you know what each of the word parts means you can use those meanings as clues to
figure out the meaning of the whole word.
Ask students if they have heard of any other words that use any of these word parts (prefixes or suffixes).
Example: Anti → Antiperspirant. Explain that to perspire is to sweat so what might ANTIperspirant
be used for?

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (15 minutes)

Distribute worksheet #1 on roots. Introduce the grid, pointing out the root word column, the meaning
column, and the example column. Have students work in small groups for 10 minutes to see how many
additional examples they can generate using the roots provided.
After 10 minutes, share examples.

Guided Practice (15 minutes)

Distribute worksheet #2 on prefixes. Have students work in small groups for 10 minutes to see how many
additional examples they can generate using the prefixes provided.
After 10 minutes, share examples.

Independent working time (20 minutes)

Distribute worksheet #3 on suffixes. Have students work individually (or in groups if desired) for 10
minutes to see how many additional examples they can generate using the suffixes provided.
After 10 minutes, share examples.
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Using the back of one of the sheets from the lesson draw a line splitting the page in half vertically and
horizontally, creating four rectangular sections. Then have students create four nonsense words (using
word parts) and define them, putting one in each box on their sheet. If they finish early they may
illustrate their nonsense word.
Example: reautographer = one who follows around a famous person who is giving autographs and
signs their name again, more neatly.

Related books and/or media

BOOK: Happy Endings: A Story about Suffixes by Lynn Rowe Reed and Robin Pulver


Support: Allow students to use the computer and search “words ending in -XXX” when they are stuck.

Enrichment: Have students think of more than one word in each row.

Technology Integration

It may be helpful to have students use the internet to look up words with certain prefixes, roots and
suffixes if they are struggling.

Assessment (15 minutes)

Give students words with a prefix, root, and suffix and ask them to use what they know about the word
parts to determine the meaning.
Example: autobiography = self + life + writing = when one writes about their own life

Review and closing (10 minutes)

Share nonsense words as a class. Have students guess the meaning of the nonsense words using the
meaning of the roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

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