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Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 1 of 42


• According to Ezra 1:1, Who was the king of Persia?

• According to Ezra 1:1, Cyrus was the king of what country?
• According to Ezra 1:1, What year of the reign of Cyrus king of Persia was it?
• According to Ezra 1:1, when Ezra made the proclamation to let the children of Israel go back to Israel
and build the temple, whose prophesy was this fulfilling?
• According to Ezra 1:1, What did the Lord do to Cyrus, king of Persia?
• According to Ezra 1:1, Where did Cyrus make a proclamation?
• According to Ezra 1:1, Cyrus was serious about his decree, because he did what with it?
• According to Ezra 1:2, Who said that the Lord God of heaven had given him all the kingdoms of the
earth, and has commanded him to build God a house at Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:2, What did Cyrus say the God of heaven had given him?
• According to Ezra 1:2, What did Cyrus say the God of heaven had commanded him to do?
• According to Ezra 1:2, In what city and province was Cyrus going to build the God of heaven a house?
(2 points)
• According to Ezra 1:3, What question did Cyrus ask in his decree?
• According to Ezra 1:3, Whom did Cyrus ask to be with those who were going up to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:3, To what city and province did Cyrus say the people of God could go?
• According to Ezra 1:3, What did Cyrus say the people of God were to do, once they got back to
• According to Ezra 1:4, Who was supposed to give money, goods, and offerings to help build the Temple
in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:4, who needed to help finance the building of the Temple in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:4, Cyrus said whoever was left and was not going to Jerusalem had to donate what,
in addition to goods, livestock, besides freewill offerings? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 1:4, What did Cyrus say the people who were not going to Jerusalem should give
toward the building of the Temple, in addition to gold and silver, livestock, and freewill offerings? (1 pt)
• According to Ezra 1:4, What did Cyrus say the people who were left who did not go to Jerusalem should
bring to help build the Temple, in addition to gold and silver, goods, and freewill offerings?
• According to Ezra 1:4, What did Cyrus say the people who were not going to Jerusalem should bring to
help build the Temple, in addition to gold and silver, goods, and livestock?
• According to Ezra 1:4, For what purpose were the people who were left supposed to give gold and
silver, goods, livestock, and freewill offerings?
• According to Ezra 1:4, What five things did Cyrus say the people who were left should give to help
build the temple? (5 pts)
• According to Ezra 1:5, Who were stirred up to go build a house for the Lord, besides the priests and
Levites, and anyone else whose spirits God had moved to build the house of the Lord which is in
• According to Ezra 1:5, From what area of Israel were most of the captives?
• According to Ezra 1:5, Who else wanted to go up and build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, besides
the heads of the father's houses?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 2 of 42

• According to Ezra 1:5, Who else wanted to go up and build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, besides
the heads of the fathers' houses, and the priests and the Levites?
• According to Ezra 1:5, What did the people want to go to Jerusalem to do?
• According to Ezra 1:5, Name the 4 types of people who wanted to go up to Jerusalem and build the
house of the Lord. (4 points)
• According to Ezra 1:6, Who encouraged the people with gifts?
• According to Ezra 1:6, What was the effect on the people, when they saw their friends and neighbors
bringing articles of silver and gold, goods, livestock, precious things, and other things willingly offered?
• According to Ezra 1:6, According to Ezra 1:6, the people brought articles made from what two precious
• According to Ezra 1:6, What items did the people bring to help build the temple, in addition to silver and
gold, livestock, precious things, and all that was willingly offered?
• According to Ezra 1:6, What did the people bring to help build the temple, in addition to silver and gold,
goods, precious things, and all that was willingly offered?
• According to Ezra 1:6, What did the people bring to help build the temple, in addition to silver and gold,
goods, livestock, and besides all that was willingly offered?
• According to Ezra 1:6, What did the people bring to help build the temple, in addition to silver and gold,
goods, livestock, and precious things?
• According to Ezra 1:6, Name the six things that the people brought to help build the temple. (6 points)
• According to Ezra 1:7, Who ordered the articles of the house of the Lord be taken out of
Nebuchadnezzar's god's temple?
• According to Ezra 1:7, What did Cyrus bring out of the temple of Nebuchadnezzar's god?
• According to Ezra 1:7, Cyrus was returning the articles of the house of God that who had taken from
• According to Ezra 1:7, Where had Nebuchadnezzar put the articles of the house of the Lord?
• According to Ezra 1:8, who was the king of Persia?
• According to Ezra 1:8, Cyrus was king of what country?
• According to Ezra 1:8, Who was the treasurer for Cyrus, King of Persia?
• According to Ezra 1:8, What was Mithredath's job?
• According to Ezra 1:8, Who was the prince of Judah?
• According to Ezra 1:8, What was Sheshbazzar's title or job?
• According to Ezra 1:9, Yes or No: They knew the exact number of gold platters, silver platters, and
knives that were going back to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:8, how many gold platters were returned to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:9, How many silver platters were going back to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:9, How many knives were going back to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:10, how many gold basins were going to go back to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:10, how many silver basins were going back to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:10, how many other unspecified items were going back to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:11, How many articles of gold and silver were there in total going back to
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 3 of 42

• According to Ezra 1:11, Who took all the gold and silver vessels, and the captives back to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 1:11, Whom did Sheshbazzar take with him, in addition to the 5400 articles of gold
and silver?

• According to Ezra 3:1, In which month did all the people who were in the cities gather to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 3:1, The childrend of Israel who lived where, all gathered together as one man to
• According to Ezra 3:1, When the seventh month had come, what did the people do?
• According to Ezra 3:2, Who was the son of Jozadak, who arose and built the altar of the God of Israel?
• According to Ezra 3:2, Who was the father of Jeshua?
• According to Ezra 3:2, Who built the altar of God, along with Jeshua and Zerubbabel?
• According to Ezra 3:2, Who was the son of Shealtiel who helped build the altar of God with Jeshua the
son of Jozadak and the priests?
• According to Ezra 3:2, Who built the altar of God with Jeshua the son of Jozadak and the priests?
• According to Ezra 3:2, Who was the father of Zerubbabel?
• According to Ezra 3:2, Who else helped Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the priests build the altar of God?
• According to Ezra 3:2, What did Jeshua the son of Jozadek and Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel with
their brothers do?
• According to Ezra 3:2, Why did Jeshua and Zerubbabel build an altar?
• According to Ezra 3:2, According to what instructions did Jeshua and Zerubbabel and their brothers
build the altar of God?
• According to Ezra 3:3, How were the people feeling, because of the people of the other countries?
• According to Ezra 3:3, How did the people of the other countries make the children of Israel feel?
• According to Ezra 3:3, What did they set on its bases?
• According to Ezra 3:3, On what did they set the altar?
• According to Ezra 3:3, What did they do with the altar after they set it on its bases?
• According to Ezra 3:3, What times of day did they offer sacrifices? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 3:4, What multi-day festival that is in the seventh month of the year did the Children
of Israel keep in Jerusalem that year?
• According to Ezra 3:4, Why did the children of Israel keep the Feast of Tabernacles?
• According to Ezra 3:4, What did the children of Israel offer during the Feast of Tabernacles?
• According to Ezra 3:4, How did the Children of Israel decide how many sacrifices to make every day of
the Feast of Tabernacles?
• According to Ezra 3:5, After the Feast of Tabernacles was over, what else did they start offering, besides
the New Moon sacrifices and all the sppointed feast of the Lord, and the free-will offerings?
• According to Ezra 3:5, for what occasion did the children of Israel start offering sacrifices, along with all
the appointed feast of the Lord, and the regular burnt offerings, and any free-will offerings?
• According to Ezra 3:5, for what occasions did the children of Israel start offering sacrifices, along with
the regular burnt offerings, the New Moons, and any free-will offerings?
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• According to Ezra 3:5, for what occasions did the children of Israel start offering sacrifices, along with
the regular burnt offerings, the New Moons, and for all the appointed feast of the Lord that were
• According to Ezra 3:5, List the 4 types of sacrifices that the children of Israel started doing after the
Feast of Tabernacles was over that year? (4 points)
• According to Ezra 3:6, On what day of the seventh month did they begin to offer burnt offerings to the
• According to Ezra 3:6, What did they begin to do on the first day of the seventh month?
• According to Ezra 3:6, On the first day of the seventh month, they began to offer burnt offerings to the
Lord, even though what had not happened yet?
• According to Ezra 3:7, What did the children of Israel give to the masons and carpenters?
• According to Ezra 3:7, To what two types of construction workers did the children of Israel give money?
(2 points)
• According to Ezra 3:7, With what three things did the children of Israel pay the people of Sidon and Tyre
to bring cedar logs from Lebanon to them for the temple? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 3:7, To whom did the Children of Israel give food, drink, and oil?
• According to Ezra 3:7, Whom did the Children of Israel pay to get cedar logs from Lebanon brought to
• According to Ezra 3:7, Why did the children of Israel give the people from Sidon and Tyre food, drink,
and oil?
• According to Ezra 3:7, From where did the people of Sidon and Tyre bring the cedar logs? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 3:7, From where did the cedar logs originate?
• According to Ezra 3:7, How did the people of Sidon and Tyre get the logs from Lebanon to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 3:7, Through what city did the cedar logs have to come?
• According to Ezra 3:7, Who had given the children of Israel permission to transport cedar logs from
Lebanon to the sea, to Joppa?
• According to Ezra 3:8, What month of the second year they were come out of captivity did Zerubbabel
and Jeshua start working on the temple construction?
• According to Ezra 3:8, What year was it that they had come out of captivity that Zerubbabel and Jeshua
start working on the temple construction?
• According to Ezra 3:8, Who was the son of Shealtiel?
• According to Ezra 3:8, Who was the father of Zerubbabel?
• According to Ezra 3:8, Who was the son of Jozadak?
• According to Ezra 3:8, Who was the father Jeshua?
• According to Ezra 3:8, Who else helped Zerubbabel and Jeshua start construction on the temple?
• According to Ezra 3:8, Out of what did the those who helped Zerubbabel and Jeshua come?
• According to Ezra 3:8, The Levites who worked on the construction of the temple where how old and
• According to Ezra 3:8, Who were appointed to work on the construction of the Temple, who were
twenty years old and above?
• According to Ezra 3:8, What were the Levites who were twenty years old and above appointed to do?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 5 of 42

• According to Ezra 3:9, Who with his sons and brothers, along with Kadmiel with his sons, and the sons
of Judah arose as one to oversee the working on the house of God?
• According to Ezra 3:9, Who with his sons and brothers, along with Jeshua with his sons and brothers,
arose as one to oversee the working on the house of God?
• According to Ezra 3:9, The sons of what tribe arose to work on the house of God with the Levites?
• According to Ezra 3:9, What did Kadmiel with his sons, and the sons of Judah do with Jeshua and the
• According to Ezra 3:9, Who, along with their sons, helped both Jeshua and Kadmiel with the
construction of the House of God?
• According to Ezra 3:9, The sons of Judah helped their brethern from what tribe to work on the
construction of the House of God?
• According to Ezra 3:10, When the builders did what, the priests stood in their apparel with trumpets, and
the sons of Asaph praised the Lord with cymbals?
• According to Ezra 3:10, When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord, Who stood in
their apparel with trumpets?
• According to Ezra 3:10, When the builders laid the foundation of the temple, The priests were doing
• According to Ezra 3:10, When the builders laid the foundation of the temple, What were the priests
• According to Ezra 3:10, the sons of Asaph were from what tribe?
• According to Ezra 3:10, Who had the cymbals to praise the Lord, when the builders laid the foundation
of the temple of the Lord?
• According to Ezra 3:10, What did the sons of Asaph have to praise the Lord, when the foundation of the
house of the Lord was laid?
• According to Ezra 3:10, Why did the sons of Asaph have cymbals?
• According to Ezra 3:10, Why was it that the sons of Asaph had the cymbals to praise the Lord, and not
anyone else?
• According to Ezra 3:10, How did the Levites and the priests sing with each other when the foundation of
the house of the Lord was laid?
• According to Ezra 3:10, What were the sons of Asaph and the priests and Levites doing while the
foundation of the house of the Lord was laid?
• According to Ezra 3:10, What words were the sons of Asaph and the priests and Levites singing
• According to Ezra 3:10, What did all the people do after the priests and Levites sang responsively?
• According to Ezra 3:10, Why did all the people shout with a great shout?
• According to Ezra 3:12, Of what three occupations were the ones who had seen the first temple, who
were weeping, when they saw the foundation of the new temple being laid?
• According to Ezra 3:12, According to Ezra 3:12, Was it the old people or the young people who were
crying when the foundation of the temple of the Lord was laid?
• According to Ezra 3:12, What did the priests and Levites and the heads of the fathers' houses, old men
who had seen the first temple, do when the foundation of the temple was laid before their eyes?
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• According to Ezra 3:12, Even though some people were crying, what were many others people doing,
when the foundation of the temple of the Lord was being laid?
• According to Ezra 3:13, Ezra said they could not tell the difference between what two kinds of noises,
when the foundation of the temple was laid? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 3:13, Ezra said they could not tell the difference between the noise of what, or the
noise of the weeping of the people, when the foundation of the temple was laid?
• According to Ezra 3:13, Ezra said they could not tell the difference between the noise the the shout of
joy, or what other noise, when the foundation of the temple of the Lord was laid?
• According to Ezra 3:13, Describe the shout that the people made, when the foundation of the temple of
the Lord was laid?
• According to Ezra 3:13, How loud was the shout that the people made when the foundation of the house
of the Lord was laid?
• According to Ezra 4:1, Who heard that the people who had come back from the captivity were rebuiding
the temple?
• According to Ezra 4:1, Whom had the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard were rebuilding the
temple of God?
• According to Ezra 4:1, What had the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard was going on in
• According to Ezra 4:2, To whom did the adversaries of Judah come, besides the heads of the fathers'
houses, pretending to want to build with them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, To whom did the adversaries of Judah come, besides Zerubbabel, pretending to
want to help build the temple with them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, What did the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin say to Zerubbabel and the heads
of the fathers' houses that they wanted to do with them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, What reason did the adversaries of Judaha nd Benjamin give to Zerubbabel and
the heads of the fathers' houses, that they wanted to help build the temple with them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, For how long did the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin say they had been
sacrificing to the God of the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:2, What had Esarhaddon, king of Assyria done to the people of the area who now
said they wanted to help build the temple with them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, Who, along with Jeshua and the rest of the heads of the fathers' houses, told the
people of the area they could not help them build the temple with them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, Who, along with Zerubbabel and the rest of the heads of the fathers' houses, told
the people of the area they could not help them build the temple with them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, Who, along with Zerubbabel and Jeshua, told the people of the are they could not
help them build the temple with them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, How did Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and the heads of the fathers' houses respond to the
offer of the people of the area to help them?
• According to Ezra 4:2, Whom did Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of the fathers' houses
of Israel say could build the temple of God?
• According to Ezra 4:2, Who had given the command to start building the temple of God?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 7 of 42

• According to Ezra 4:4, Who tried to discourage the people of Judah?

• According to Ezra 4:4, The people of the land tried to discourage whom?
• According to Ezra 4:5, What did the people of the land hire against the people of Judah?
• According to Ezra 4:5, Why did the people of the land hire counsellors?
• According to Ezra 4:5, When did the people of the land start to hire counsellors against the people of
Judah, to discourage them?
• According to Ezra 4:5, The people of the land tried to discourage the people of Judah all the days of
Cyrus king of Persia, until whose reign?
• According to Ezra 4:5, From what two kings of Persia did the people of the land try to discourage the
people of Judah? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 4:6, During whose reign did they write another accusation against the inhabitants of
Judah and Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 4:6, During what part of the reign of Ahasuerus did the the people of the land write an
accusation against the inhabitants of the land?
• According to Ezra 4:6, What did the people of the land write, during the beginning of the reign of
• According to Ezra 4:6, Against whom did the people of the land write accusations, in the beginning of
the reign of Ahasuerus?
• According to Ezra 4:7, During the days of what ruler did Bishlam, Mithredath, and Tabel write letters
against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:7, During the days of Artaxerxes, who wrote a letter against the Jews in Aramaic, in
addition to Mithredath, and Tabel?
• According to Ezra 4:7, During the days of Artaxerxes, who wrote a letter against the Jews, in Aramaic,
in addition to Bishlam, and Tabel?
• According to Ezra 4:7, During the days of Artaxerxes, who wrote a letter against the Jews, in Aramaic,
in addition to Bishlam, and Mithredath?
• According to Ezra 4:7, During the days of Artaxerxes, who wrote a letter against the Jews, in Aramaic,
in addition of Bishlam, and Mithredath, and Tabel?
• According to Ezra 4:7, In what language was the letter that Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabel, and the rest of
their companions wrote to Artaxerxes, King of Persia?
• According to Ezra 4:7, To whom did Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabel, and the rest of their group write a letter
against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:7, into what language was the letter that Bislan, Mithredath and Tabel translated, to
send to King Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 4:7, In the days of Artaxerxes, what three named people wrote a letter to the king in
Aramaic? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 4:8, Who was the commander who wrote a letter against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:8, What was Rehum's occupation?
• According to Ezra 4:8, Who was the scribe who wrote a letter against Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 4:8, What wa Shimshai's occupation?
• According to Ezra 4:8, What did Rehum the commander and Shimshai the scribe do?
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• According to Ezra 4:8, To whom did Rehum the commander, and Shimshai the scribe write?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Who wrote a letter to the king, along with Shimshai the scribe, against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Who wrote a letter to the king, along with Rehum the commander, against the
• According to Ezra 4:9, Who wrote a letter to the king, along with Rehum the Commander, and Shimshai
the scribe?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Representatives of what people group, along with the Apharsathchites, the
Tarpelites, the people of Persia and Erech and Babylon and [f]Shushan, the Dehavites, the Elamites, and
the rest of the nations whom Osnapper took captive wrote a letter with Rehum the Commander against
the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Representatives of what people group, along with the Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the people of Persia and Erech and Babylon and [f]Shushan, the Dehavites, the
Elamites, and the rest of the nations whom Osnapper took captive wrote a letter with Rehum the
Commander against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Representatives of what people group, along with the Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, and Erech and Babylon and [f]Shushan, the Dehavites, the Elamites, and
the rest of the nations whom Osnapper took captive wrote a letter with Rehum the Commander against
the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Representatives of what people group, along with the Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the people of Persia and Babylon and [f]Shushan, the Dehavites, the
Elamites, and the rest of the nations whom Osnapper took captive wrote a letter with Rehum the
Commander against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Representatives of what people group, along with the Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the people of Persia and Erech and [f]Shushan, the Dehavites, the
Elamites, and the rest of the nations whom Osnapper took captive wrote a letter with Rehum the
Commander against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Representatives of what people group, along with the Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the people of Persia and Erech and Babylon and the Dehavites, the
Elamites, and the rest of the nations whom Osnapper took captive wrote a letter with Rehum the
Commander against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Representatives of what people group, along with the Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the people of Persia and Erech and Babylon and [f]Shushan, the
Elamites, and the rest of the nations whom Osnapper took captive wrote a letter with Rehum the
Commander against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, list the representatives of the people groups that wrote a letter with Rehum the
Commander and Shimshai the scribe. (9 points)
• According to Ezra 4:9, Representatives of what people group, along with the Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the Tarpelites, the people of Persia and Erech and Babylon and [f]Shushan, and the
Dehavites, wrote a letter with Rehum the Commander against the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:9, Who took many nations captive and then settled them in the cities of Samaria?
• According to Ezra 4:9, What did Osnapper do to the people of many nations? (2 points)
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• According to Ezra 4:9, Where did Osnapper settle the people of many nations after he took them
• According to Ezra 4:9, Where else did Osnapper settle captives, other than in the cities of Samaria?
• According to Ezra 4:11, How do we know what Rehum wrote to the king?
• According to Ezra 4:11, To whom did Rehum the commander and all the people groups address their
• According to Ezra 4:11, Which servants of King Artaxerxes wrote the letter?
• According to Ezra 4:11, What was the purpose of the letter to King Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 4:11, About whom is the letter to King Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 4:11, To what city had the Jews come, after they had left Babylon?
• According to Ezra 4:11, What two adjectives did Rehum use to describe Jerusalem? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 4:11, What general activity that the Jews were doing is Rehum reporting to the king?
• According to Ezra 4:11, What other building activity is Rehum reporting to the king that the Jews are
doing, other than repairing the foundation?
• According to Ezra 4:12, What other building activity is Rehum reporting to the king that the Jewsare
doing, other than finishing the wall?
• According to Ezra 4:13, What did Rehum want to be sure had happened with the king?
• According to Ezra 4:13, Under what conditions, other than if the walls were completed, did Rehum the
commander say the Jews would not pay tax, tribute, or custom, and the king's treasury will be
• According to Ezra 4:13, Under what condiditons, other than if the city is built, did Rehum the
commander say the Jews would not pay tax, tribute, or custom, and the king's treasury will be
• According to Ezra 4:13, Rehum said to the king that he thought the Jews would not pay what, besides
tribute, or custom, if their city and walls were rebuilt?
• According to Ezra 4:13, Rehum said to the king that he thought the Jews would not pay what, besides
tax or custom, if their city and walls were rebuilt?
• According to Ezra 4:13, Rehum said to the king that he thought the Jews would not pay what, besides
tax or tribute?
• According to Ezra 4:13, Rehum told the king he thought what would happen if the Jews stopped paying
revenue to the king?
• According to Ezra 4:13, What two building projects did Rehum tell the king the Jews were doing, and if
they were completed, he didn't think they would pay taxes anymore? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 4:13, What three types of fees/taxes did Rehum tell the king he didn't thing the Jews
would pay, if they rebuilt the city and the wall?(3 o
• According to Ezra 4:14, What was the main motivation for Rehum and his group to send a letter to the
king against the Jews, besides him saying he didn't want to see the king be dishonored?
• According to Ezra 4:14, What was the "polite" reason Rehum and his group gave for telling him they
thought the Jews would not pay taxes, in addition to the fact that he and his group got monetary support
from the king?
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• According to Ezra 4:14, Since Rehum and his group got support from the palace, and they didn't want to
see the king's dishonor, what did they feel they needed to do?
• According to Ezra 4:14, Give the two reasons Rehum gave for telling the king they thought the Jews
would stop paying taxes if they rebuilt their city and wall? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 4:15, What did Rehum ask the king to do?
• According to Ezra 4:15, For what did Rehum want the king to search?
• According to Ezra 4:15, What did Rehum want the king to find?
• According to Ezra 4:15, What did Rehum say the king would find out about the city of Jerusalem, by
looking in the old records?
• According to Ezra 4:15, Rehum told the king that Jerusalem had been harmful to what two types of
rulers in the past? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 4:15, What serious charge against Jerusalem did Rehum and his group bring to the
• According to Ezra 4:15, What did the accusers say was the result of Jerusalem's sedition in former
• According to Ezra 4:15, According to Rehum, if what two things happened, the result will be that the
king will have no dominion beyond the River? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 4:16, According to Rehum, he told the king if Jerusalem was rebuilt and its walls are
completed, what did he say would happen?
• According to Ezra 4:17, Who sent a letter, answering Rehum the commander?
• According to Ezra 4:17, To whom was the letter from the king addressed, in addition to Shimshai the
scribe and the rest of their companions who dwell in Samaria, and the remainder beyond the River?
• According to Ezra 4:17, To whom was the letter from the king addressed, in addition to Rehum the
Commander, and the rest of their companions who dwell in Samaria, and the remainder beyond the
• According to Ezra 4:17, To whom was the letter from the king addressed, in addition to Rehum the
Commander, and Shimshai the scribe and the remainder beyond the River?
• According to Ezra 4:17, To whom was the letter from the king addressed, in addition to Rehum the
Commander, Shimshai the Scribe, and the rest of their companions who dwell in Samaria?
• According to Ezra 4:17, List the four people or groups of people to whom the king wrote his letter. (4
• According to Ezra 4:17, What was the king's salutation in his letter back to Rehum the Commander,
Shimshai the Scribe, the rest of their companions who dwell in Samaria, and to the remainder beyond
the River?
• According to Ezra 4:18, What had been clearly read before the king?
• According to Ezra 4:18, What had happened to the letter Rehum and his group sent to the king?
• According to Ezra 4:19, What had the king done, after he got Rehum's letter?
• According to Ezra 4:19, The king gave a command, and what happened after that?
• According to Ezra 4:19, The king gave a command, and a search was made in the records. What did they
find out about the city of Jerusalem in former times?
• According to Ezra 4:19, When had the city revolted against kings?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 11 of 42

• According to Ezra 4:19, What two serious crimes against a monarchy had been committed in Jerusalem
in times past?
• According to Ezra 4:20, What type of kings did the king find out that Jerusalem had in the past?
• According to Ezra 4:20, To what extent of Israel's did the king say the records showed?
• According to Ezra 4:20, What did the current king of Persia tell to Reuhm and the other people about
what type of money the people from beyond the River had to pay to the mighty kings of Israel, other
than tribute and custom money?
• According to Ezra 4:20, What type of money did the king find records in Persia that the people Beyond
the River had to pay to a king of Israel, other than tax and custom money?
• According to Ezra 4:20, What type of money did the king find records in Persia that the people Beyond
the River had to pay to a king of Israel, other than tax and tribute money?
• According to Ezra 4:20, What did the king of Persia find in his records that made him want to stop the
Jews from rebuilding Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 4:20, To whom did the archeological records that the king of Persia found that the
people beyond the River had to pay tax, tribute, and custom?
• According to Ezra 4:20, List the three types of money that the people beyond the River had to pay to the
mighty kings of Israel in the past?
• According to Ezra 4:21, What did the king tell Rehum to tell the Jews?
• According to Ezra 4:22, True or false? The king gave the command to restore and build Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 4:22, The king told Rehum to tell the Jews to stop building the city, until what
• According to Ezra 4:22, What did the king stress to Rehum the Commander about the command to stop
building the city of Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 4:22, Why did the king emphasize to Rehum that he must not fail to tell the Jews to
stop building Jerusalem and the wall?
• According to Ezra 4:23, Who had written the letter to Rehum?
• According to Ezra 4:23, To whom was the letter from King Artaxerxes read, besides Shimshai the scribe
and their companions?
• According to Ezra 4:23, To whom was the letter from King Artaxerxes read, besides Rehum and their
• According to Ezra 4:23, To whom was the letter from King Artaxerxes read, besides Rehum and
Shimshai the scribe?
• According to Ezra 4:23, After they heard the letter from Artaxerxes, where did Rehum and Shimshai,
and their companions go?
• According to Ezra 4:23, What did Rehum and his group do once they got to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 4:23, What happened to the construction of the temple at Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 4:23, How long did the work of the house of God cease?
• According to Ezra 5:1, What prophet besides Zechariah prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and
• According to Ezra 5:1, Who was the son of Iddo, who was also a prophet?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 12 of 42

• According to Ezra 5:1, What prophet besides Haggai prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and
• According to Ezra 5:1, Who was Zechariah the prophet's father?
• According to Ezra 5:1, What profession were Haggai and Zechariah the son of Iddo?
• According to Ezra 5:1, What did Haggai and Zechariah do?
• According to Ezra 5:1, To whom did Haggai and Zechariah prophesy?
• According to Ezra 5:1, In whose name did Haggai and Zechariah prophesy?
• According to Ezra 5:1, To which Jews did Haggai and Zechariah prophesy?
• According to Ezra 5:2, Who was the son of Shealtiel, who rose up to build the house of God with
• According to Ezra 5:2, Who was Zerubbabel's father?
• According to Ezra 5:2, Who was the son of Jozadak, who rose up to build the house of God with
• According to Ezra 5:2, Who was the father of Jeshua?
• According to Ezra 5:2, What did Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and Jeshua the son of Jozadak do?
• According to Ezra 5:2, Who also helped Zerubbabel and Jeshua build the house of God?
• According to Ezra 5:3, Who was the governor of the region beyond the River?
• According to Ezra 5:3, What was Tattenai's job title?
• According to Ezra 5:3, Who came with Tattenai to talk to Zerubbabel about building the temple and the
• According to Ezra 5:3, Who else came with Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai to talk to Zerubbabel and
Jeshua about building the temple and the wall?
• According to Ezra 5:3, What did Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai do?
• According to Ezra 5:3, What did Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai ask Zerubbabel and Jeshua, besides why
were they finishing the wall?
• According to Ezra 5:3, What did Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai ask Zerubbabel and Jeshua, besides why
were they building the temple?
• According to Ezra 5:3, What two named governmental officials came and asked Zerubbabel and Jeshua
who had given them a command to build the temple and the wall? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 5:3, What two things that Zerubbabel and Jeshua were doing did Tattenai and
Shether-Boznai ask why they were doing them?
• According to Ezra 5:4, What did Zerubbabel and Jeshua tell Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai?
• According to Ezra 5:5, What unique way did Ezra describe that God was watching over the elders of the
• According to Ezra 5:5, What could Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai not do until a report could go to Darius?
• According to Ezra 5:5, Only after what had been done, could Tattenai and Shethar-Bozni stop the work
that Zerubabel and Jeshua were doing?
• According to Ezra 5:5, What came back from the king?
• According to Ezra 5:6, What did Tattenai send to the king?
• According to Ezra 5:6, What was Tattenai's title?
• According to Ezra 5:6, Who wrote the letter to Darius, besides Shethar-Boznai and his companions?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 13 of 42

• According to Ezra 5:6, Who wrote the letter to Darius, besides this man's companions, and the governor
of the region beyond the River?
• According to Ezra 5:6, Who wrote the letter to Darius, besides the governor of the region beyond the
River and Shethar-Boznai?
• According to Ezra 5:6, Of what ethnicity were the people who were in charge of the region beyond the
• According to Ezra 5:6, To whom did Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai and his companions write a letter?
• According to Ezra 5:7, What did Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai send to the king?
• According to Ezra 5:7, To whom was the letter written by Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai?
• According to Ezra 5:7, What was the salutation of the letter written to Darius the king by Tattenai and
• According to Ezra 5:8, Whom did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai tell they went to the province of Judea?
• According to Ezra 5:8, Where did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai tell King Darius they went?
• According to Ezra 5:8, What did Tattenai and Shether-Bozai tell King Darius was being built with heavy
• According to Ezra 5:8, What did Tattenai and Shether-Bozai go in the province of Judea?
• According to Ezra 5:8, What was being used to build the temple of the great God?
• According to Ezra 5:8, What was the building material used for the walls of the temple of the great God?
• According to Ezra 5:2, How did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai describe the work ethic of the people who
were building the temple?
• According to Ezra 5:2, Yes or No? Did Tattenai think the Jews were doing a good job in building the
• According to Ezra 5:9, To whom did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai tell Darius they had spoken about
building the temple and the wall of Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 5:9, What question did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai tell Darius they had asked the
Jews, besides finishing the walls?
• According to Ezra 5:9, What question did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai tell Darius they had asked the
Jews, besides why were they building the temple?
• According to Ezra 5:9, What two questions did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai tell Darius they had asked the
Jews? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 5:9, What else did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai tell the king they had done to inform
• According to Ezra 5:9, What reason did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai give to the king for why they asked
the names of the people?
• According to Ezra 5:9, Whose names did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai want to write to the king?
• According to Ezra 5:11, Yes or No? Did the Jews give an answer to Tattenai?
• According to Ezra 5:11, Whose servants were the Jews, that they told Tattenai and Shethar?
• According to Ezra 5:11, What did the Jews tell Tattenai and Shethar-Bozai they were doing?
• According to Ezra 5:11, Who originally built and completed the temple of God?
• According to Ezra 5:11, What did the Jews tell Tattenai a great king of Israel had done?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 14 of 42

• According to Ezra 5:12, What was the reason the Jews gave to Tattenai and Shethar-Bosnai that the
temple was in ruins in the first place?
• According to Ezra 5:12, Into whose hand had God given the Jews?
• According to Ezra 5:12, Nebuchadnezzar was the king of what country?
• According to Ezra 5:12, King Nebuchadnezzar was of what ethnicity?
• According to Ezra 5:12, What did the people tell Tattenai and Shethar-Bosai that King Nebuchadenzzar
had done to them, besides carried them away to Babylon?
• According to Ezra 5:12, What did the people tell Tattenai and Shethar-Bosai that King Nebuchadnezzar
had done to them, besides destroyed the temple?
• According to Ezra 5:12, What two things did the people tell Tattenai, who was telling this to King
Darius? (2 Points)
• According to Ezra 5:13, In what year did Cyrus king of Babylon issue a decree to build the house of
• According to Ezra 5:13, Which king of Babylon issued a decree to build the house of God?
• According to Ezra 5:13, What did King Cyrus do in his first year?
• According to Ezra 5:13, In the first year of Cyrus, he issued a decree to do what?
• According to Ezra 5:14, What kind of articles of the house of God were taken to Babylon? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 5:14, Articles of what material, in addition to articles of silver of the house of God
were taken by Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon?
• According to Ezra 5:14, Articles of Gold, in addition to articles of what material, were taken from the
house of God to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar?
• According to Ezra 5:14, Who had taken the gold and silver articles of the house of God, and put them in
the temple of Babylon?
• According to Ezra 5:14, Where did Ezra tell Tattenai, who was telling Darius in this letter, where the
articles of silver and the articles of gold from the temple of God in Jerusalem were taken?
• According to Ezra 5:14, Who took the articles of silver and articles of gold of the house of God out of
the temple of Babylon?
• According to Ezra 5:14, From where did King Cyrus take the gold and silver articles of the house of
• According to Ezra 5:14, To whom were the articles of silver and articles of gold from the house of God
• According to Ezra 5:14, What was Sheshbazzar's occupation or title?
• According to Ezra 5:15, Who was telling Sheshbazzar to go and carry the items from the house of God
back to Jerusalem and rebuilt a temple to God?
• According to Ezra 5:15, What was Sheshbazzar supposed to bring to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 5:15, Where was Sheshbazzar supposed to take the articles of God that had come
from the temple in Babylon?
• According to Ezra 5:15, What had Cyrus said should be done?
• According to Ezra 5:15, Where did Cyrus say to build the temple to God?
• According to Ezra 5:16, yes or no? Did Sheshbazzar start to build the house of God?
• According to Ezra 5:16, What part of the temple did Sheshbazzar build?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 15 of 42

• According to Ezra 5:16, Yes or No? Did Sheshbazzar finish building the temple?
• According to Ezra 5:16, What was the status of the temple of God, from Sheshbazzar's time until the
time of Zerubbabel?
• According to Ezra 5:16, What was the current status of the temple of God?
• According to Ezra 5:17, What polite way did Tattenai ask the king to look for a decree from Cyrus, to
verify what Zerubbabel and Jeshua had told him?
• According to Ezra 5:17, Where did Tattenai suggest the king look for a decree issued by King Cyrus
about rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 5:17, In what city did Tattenai suggest they look for a decree issued by King Cyrus
about rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 5:17, For what did Tattenai suggest to King Darius look, in the king's treasure house
in Babylon?
• According to Ezra 5:17, What decree of Cyrus did Tattenai ask King Darius to try to find?
• According to Ezra 5:17, What did Tattenai ask King Darius to do, after he had looked for the decree of
• According to Ezra 6:1, Who issued a decree to search the archives of the records of Babylon?
• According to Ezra 6:1, What happened after King Darius made a decree?
• According to Ezra 6:1, Where did they look for a record to build the temple in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 6:2, In what city did they find a scroll that had the record of the decree by Cyrus to
rebuild the temple at Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 6:2, Where in the city did they find the scroll that had the record of the decree by
Cyrus to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 6:2, In what province was hte city of Achmetha?
• According to Ezra 6:2, What did they find in Achmetha?
• According to Ezra 6:3, When was this original decree issued, that they found at Achmetha?
• According to Ezra 6:3, Which king's decree had they found at Achmetha, concerning the house of God at
• According to Ezra 6:3, They found which decree of King Cyrus at Achmetha?
• According to Ezra 6:3, What did Cyrus say was to be done with the temple in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 6:3, What did Cyrus say should be rebuilt, in addition to the house of God?
• According to Ezra 6:3, What did Cyrus say should be 60 cubits high by 60 cubits wide?
• According to Ezra 6:3, Name the dimensions that Cyrus authorized the temple in Jerusalem to be? (2
• According to Ezra 6:3, What was the height of the temple supposed to be, according to the decree of
• According to Ezra 6:3, What was the width of the temple supposed to be, according to the decree of
• According to Ezra 6:4, Cyrus said there should be how many rows of heavy stones in the temple
• According to Ezra 6:4, Cyrus said there should be how many rows of new timber in the temple
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 16 of 42

• According to Ezra 6:4, From what source did Cyrus say the expenses for building the Temple would be
• According to Ezra 6:5, What had Cyrus declared should be taken back to the temple which is in
Jerusalem? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 6:5, Whom did Cyrus say had taken the articles of gold and silver from the temple
which is in Jerusalem in the first place?
• According to Ezra 6:5, From where did Cyrus say Nebuchadnezzar had taken gold and silver articles?
• According to Ezra 6:5, Where did Cyrus say Nebuchadnezzar had taken the gold and silver articles from
the temple that was in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 6:5, What did Cyrus say should be done with the gold and silver articles that
Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 6:5, Yes or No? Was there a specific place for each article of the temple of God?
• According to Ezra 6:5, Where did Cyrus say all the articles of silver and gold were supposed to go, once
they got back to Jerualem?
• According to Ezra 6:6, To whom was Darius writing, along with Shethar-Boznai, and his companions?
• According to Ezra 6:6, Who was the governor of the region beyond the River at the time of Darius?
• According to Ezra 6:6, Tattenai was the governor of what area?
• According to Ezra 6:6, To whom was Darius writing, along with Tattenai and his companions?
• According to Ezra 6:6, Of what ethnicity were the companions of Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai?
• According to Ezra 6:6, What did Darius tell Tattenai, Shethar-Boznai and their companions to do?
• According to Ezra 6:6, To whom did Darius say to stay far away from the building project in Jerusalem?
(3 points)
• According to Ezra 6:6, What did Darius say Tattenai, governor of the regions beyond the River, and
Shethar-Boznai should do, regarding the temple of God?
• According to Ezra 6:6, Darius told Tattenai that somebody else, in addition to the elders of the Jews
could build the house of God, along with the elders of the Jews. Who was he?
• According to Ezra 6:6, Darius told Tattenai that some people could build the house of God, along with
the governor of the Jews. Who were they?
• According to Ezra 6:8, For whose benefit was the decree that Darius wrote?
• According to Ezra 6:8, what kind of document did Darius do for the elders of these Jews, to insure the
building got built?
• According to Ezra 6:8, For what building project did Darius authorize taxes on the region beyond the
River to be spent?
• According to Ezra 6:8, What was in the decree that Darius wrote for the elders of the Jews?
• According to Ezra 6:8, When were the taxes gathered from the region beyond the River to be given to
the elders of the Jews for the building project?
• According to Ezra 6:8, Why did Darius authorize tax money to be given to the elders of the Jews?
• According to Ezra 6:9, What did Darius tell Tattenai to provide to the priests in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 6:9, List the item that Darius authorized Tattenai to give the priests in Jerusalem, in
addition to these items: rams, and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt, wine,
and oil.
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 17 of 42

• According to Ezra 6:9, List the item that Darius authorized Tattenai to give the priests in Jerusalem, in
addition to these items: young bulls, and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, wheat, salt,
wine, and oil.
• According to Ezra 6:9, List the item that Darius authorized Tattenai to give the priests in Jerusalem, in
addition to these items: young bulls, rams, wheat, salt, wine, and oil.
• According to Ezra 6:9, List the item that Darius authorized Tattenai to give the priests in Jerusalem, in
addition to these items: young bulls, rams, and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven, salt,
wine, and oil.
• According to Ezra 6:9, List the item that Darius authorized Tattenai to give the priests in Jerusalem, in
addition to these items: young bulls, rams, and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven,
wheat, wine, and oil.
• According to Ezra 6:9, List the item that Darius authorized Tattenai to give the priests in Jerusalem, in
addition to these items: young bulls, rams, and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven,
wheat, salt, and oil.
• According to Ezra 6:9, List the item that Darius authorized Tattenai to give the priests in Jerusalem, in
addition to these items: young bulls, rams, and lambs for the burnt offerings of the God of heaven,
wheat, salt, and wine.
• According to Ezra 6:9, How did Darius make known to Tattenai what he should give to the people in
Jerusalem to help with the building and services of the temple?
• According to Ezra 6:9, How often did Darius say Tattenai should give the priests in Jerusalem these
various provisions from the king's treasury?
• According to Ezra 6:9, List the 7 things Darius told Tattenai to provide to the priests in Jerusalem at their
request. (7 points)
• According to Ezra 6:10, For what purpose were the animals and food items given to the priests? What
was going to be done with them?
• According to Ezra 6:10, To whom was Darius wanting sacrifices done for him?
• According to Ezra 6:10, What were the priests supposed to do while they were sacrificing the animals
that Darius was providing?
• According to Ezra 6:10, For whom did Darius want the priests to pray, in addition to Darius' sons?
• According to Ezra 6:10, For whom did Darius want the priests to pray, in addition to Darius himself?
• According to Ezra 6:10, List the two groups of people for whom Darius wanted the priests to pray?
• According to Ezra 6:11, Who would fall under the judgement of this decree, and have a timber pulled
from his house and erected, and let him be hanged on it; and let his house be made a refuse heap because
of it?
• According to Ezra 6:11, From where would the timber that a person who altered Darius' decree be taken,
on which he would be hung?
• According to Ezra 6:11, What would be done with a timber from a person's house, who altered this
decree of Darius?
• According to Ezra 6:11, What would be done to the person who altered this decree, in relation to a
timber from that person's house?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 18 of 42

• According to Ezra 6:11,Describe the four things that would be done to a person and his house, if he
altered the decree. (4 points)
• According to Ezra 6:12, Who else did Darius ask to destroy any king or people who put their hand to
alter the decree he had just made?
• According to Ezra 6:12, What did Darius ask God to do to any king or people who put their hand to alter
his decree?
• According to Ezra 6:12, Whom did Darius ask God to destroy, in addition to any people who put their
hand to alter his decree?
• According to Ezra 6:12, Whom did Darius ask God to destroy, in addition to any king who put their hand
to alter his decree?
• According to Ezra 6:12, For what other crime did Darius ask God to destroy the purpetrator, besides just
altering the decree that he had just made?
• According to Ezra 6:12, the house of God in what city was being protected and provided for by Darius?
• According to Ezra 6:12, Who was the ruler who issued the decree that the temple be continued to be
built in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 6:12, How did Darius expect his decree to be obeyed?
• According to Ezra 6:13, Who was the governor beyond the River who diligently carried out Darius'
• According to Ezra 6:13, What was Tattenai's title?
• According to Ezra 6:13, Who else, besides Tattenai and his companions, diligently did what king Darius
had sent?
• According to Ezra 6:13, Who else, besides Tattenai and Shethar-Boznai, diligently did what king Darius
had sent?
• According to Ezra 6:13, What did Tattenai, governor of beyond the River, Shethar-Boznai, and their
companions do?
• According to Ezra 6:14, What did the elders do because of the prophesying of Haggai the prophet?
• According to Ezra 6:14, Through what prophet, in addition to Zechariah the son of Iddo, did the people
get inspired enough to finish building the temple?
• According to Ezra 6:14, Through what prophet, in addition to Haggai the prophet, did the people get
inspired enough to finish building the temple?
• According to Ezra 6:14, What did Haggai and Zechariah inspire the people to do?
• According to Ezra 6:14, Whose command were they following to finish the temple, in addition to the
commands of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 6:14, Whose command were they following to finish the temple, in addition to the
commands of the God of Israel, Darius, and Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 6:14, Whose command were they following to finish the temple, in addition to the
commands of the God of Israel, Cyrus, and Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 6:14, Whose command were they following to finish the temple, in addition to the
commands of the God of Israel, Cyrus, and Darius?
• According to Ezra 6:14, Over what territory were Cyrus, Artaxerxes, and Darius kings?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 19 of 42

• According to Ezra 6:14, Name the 4 authorities who commanded the people to finish the temple. (4
• According to Ezra 6:14, Because of which two prophets did the children of Israel finally complete the
temple? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 6:14, During the reign of which three authorities in Persia was the temple built and
finished? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 6:15, On what day of the month was the temple finished?
• According to Ezra 6:15, In what month was the temple finished?
• According to Ezra 6:15, In what year of King Darius' reign was the temple finished?
• According to Ezra 6:15, During whose sixth year was the temple finished?
• According to Ezra 6:16, Who celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy, in addition to the
priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the children of the captivity?
• According to Ezra 6:16, Who celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy, in addition to the
children of Israel, the levites, and the rest of the children of the captivity?
• According to Ezra 6:16, Who celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy, in addition to the
children of Israel, the priests, and the rest of the descendants of the captivity?
• According to Ezra 6:16, Who celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy, in addition to the
children of Israel, the priests, and the Levites?
• According to Ezra 6:16, What did the children of Israel, the priests and the Levites, and the rest of the
descendants of the captivity celebrate with joy?
• According to Ezra 6:16, How did the children of Israel feel when the temple was completed?
• According to Ezra 6:16, List the four people groups who celebrated the completion of the temple with
joy? (4 points)
• According to Ezra 6:17, What did the children of Israel do at the dedication of this house of God?
• According to Ezra 6:7, How many bulls were sacrificed at the dedication of the house of God?
• According to Ezra 6:17, How many rams were sacrificed at the dedication of the house of God?
• According to Ezra 6:17, How many lamb were sacrificed at the dedication of the house of God?
• According to Ezra 6:17, Why were 12 male goats sacrificed at the dedication of the house of God?
• According to Ezra 6:17, How many goats were sacrificed as a sin offering for all Israel?
• According to Ezra 6:17, Why were 12 rams sacrificed as a sin offering?
• According to Ezra 6:18, Whom did they assign to their divisions, in addition to the Levites?
• According to Ezra 6:18, What did they assign to the priests?
• According to Ezra 6:18, Whom did they assign to their divisions, in addition to the priests?
• According to Ezra 6:18, What did they assign to the Levites?
• According to Ezra 6:18, What were the priests and Levites assigned to do in their divisions?
• According to Ezra 6:18, How did they decide how to divide up the duties of the priests and Levites?
• According to Ezra 6:19, Who kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month?
• According to Ezra 6:19, What did the descendants of the captivity keep on the fourteenth day of the first
• According to Ezra 6:19, When did the descendants of the captivity keep the Passover? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 6:19, What month of the year is the Pasover?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 20 of 42

• According to Ezra 6:19, What day of the first month is the Passover?
• According to Ezra 6:20, Who purified themselves so that they could slaughter the Passover lambs? (2
• According to Ezra 6:20, What did the priests and Levites do before they slaughtered the Passover lambs
for the children of Israel?
• According to Ezra 6:20, the priests and the Levites were clean in what way, before they slaugtered the
Passover lambs for everyone?
• According to Ezra 6:20, What did the priests and Levites do after they were ritually clean?
• According to Ezra 6:20, For whom did the priests and Levites slaughter the Passover lambs in addition
to for their brethern the priests, and for themselves?
• According to Ezra 6:20, For whom did the priests and Levites slaugher the Passover lambs in addition to
for the children of the captivity, and for themselves?
• According to Ezra 6:20, For whom did the priests and Levites slaughter the Passover lambs, in addition
to for the children of the captivity, and for their brethern the priests?
• According to Ezra 6:20, List the three types of people for whom the priests and Levites slaughtered the
Passover lambs? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 6:21, What two groups of people ate the Passover together? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 6:21, Who ate the Passover with all those who separated themselve from the filth of
the nations of the Land?
• According to Ezra 6:21, What did the children of Israel who had returned from the captivity do with the
people who separated themselves from the filth of the nations of the land?
• According to Ezra 6:21, Who ate the Passover with the children of Israel who had returned from the
• According to Ezra 6:21, Why did the children of Israel eat the Passover?
• According to Ezra 6:22, What seven-day Feast did the Children of Israel keep?
• According to Ezra 6:22, How long did the Children of Israel keep the Passover?
• According to Ezra 6:22, Describe the feelings the children of Israel had when they kept the Feast of
Unleavened Bread?
• According to Ezra 6:22, By them celebrating the Feast of Unleavened Bread, what result did that have
with the King of Assyria?
• According to Ezra 6:22, Whose heart was turned toward them, when the Children of Israel kept the Feast
of Unleavened Bread with joy?
• According to Ezra 6:22, When God turned the heart of the king of Assyria toward the Children of Israel,
how did it affect them?
• According to Ezra 7:1, True or False? Ezra came to Jerusalem after they had celebrated the first Passover
in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:1, During whose reign did Ezra come to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:1, During the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, who came to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the son of Seriaiah?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the grandson of Azariah?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the great-grandson of Hilkiah?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 21 of 42

• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the father of Ezra?

• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the son of Azariah?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the grandson of Hilkiah?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the grandfather of Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the father of Seriaiah?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the son of Hilkiah?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the great-grandfather of Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the grandfather of Seraiah?
• According to Ezra 7:1, Who was the father of Azariah?
• According to Ezra 7:1, list the geneology of Ezra to Hilkiah, starting with Ezra. (4 points)
• According to Ezra 7:1-2, Who was the father of Hilkiah?
• According to Ezra 7:1-2, Who was the son of Zadok?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was the grandson of Ahitub?
• According to Ezra 7:2, List the geneology of Ezra through Ahitub. (7 points)
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was the father of Shallum?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was the son of Ahitub?
• According to Ezra 7:2, List the geneology of Ezra through Ahitub. (7 points)
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was the grandfather of Shallum?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was the father of Zadok?
• According to Ezra 7:1-2, List the geneology of Ezra through Ahitub. (7 points)
• According to Ezra 7:2-3, Who was the father of Ahitub?
• According to Ezra 7:2-3, Who was the son of Azariah?
• According to Ezra 7:3, Who was the grandson of Meraioth?
• According to Ezra 7:3, Who was the father of Amariah?
• According to Ezra 7:3, Who was the son of Meraioth?
• According to Ezra 7:3, Who was the father of Azariah?
• According to Ezra 7:3, Who was the grandfather of Amariah?
• According to Ezra 7:1-3, List the geneology of Ezra through Meraioth, starting with Ezra. (10 pts)
• According to Ezra 7:3-4, Who was Meraioth's father?
• According to Ezra 7:4, Who was the son of Uzzi?
• According to Ezra 7:4, Who was the grandson of Bukki?
• According to Ezra 7:4, Who was the father of Zerahiah?
• According to Ezra 7:4, Who was the son of Bukki?
• According to Ezra 7:4, Who was the grandfather of Zeraiah?
• According to Ezra 7:4, Who was the father of Uzzi?
• According to Ezra 7:4-5, Whow was the son of Abishua?
• According to Ezra 7:1-4, List the geneology of Ezra through Bukki. (13 points)
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Phinehas' son?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Eleazar's grandson?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Aaron's great-grandson?
• According to Ezra 7:4-5,Who was Abishua's son?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 22 of 42

• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Aaron's grandson?

• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Eleazar's son?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Abishua's father?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Aaron the chief priest's son?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Phinehas' father?
• According to Ezra 7:2, Who was Abishua's grandfather?
• According to Ezra 7:5, Who was Abishua's great-grandfather?
• According to Ezra 7:5, Who was Phinehas' grandfather?
• According to Ezra 7:5, Who was Eleazar's father?
• According to Ezra 7:5, Who was Ezra's 14th-great-grandfather?
• According to Ezra 7:5, What was Aaron's title?
• According to Ezra 7:2, List the geneology of Ezra through Aaron the chief priest. (17 points)
• According to Ezra 7:6, Where was Ezra, before he came to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Who was a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses, who came up from Babylon?
• According to Ezra 7:6, What was Ezra's talent, and profession?
• According to Ezra 7:6, In what area was Ezra a talented scribe?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Who was the real author of the Law of Moses?
• According to Ezra 7:6, True or False? Ezra was not allowed by the king to visit Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Why did Ezra think the king was granting him his request to go to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Who went to Jerusalem with Ezra, in addition to the priests, the Levites, the
singers, the gatekeepers, and the Nethinim?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Who went to Jerusalem with Ezra, in addition to some of the children of Israel,
the Levites, the singers, the gatekeepers, and the Nethinim?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Who went to Jerusalem with Ezra, in addition to the Some of the children of
Israel, the priests, the singers, the gatekeepers, and the Nethinim?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Who went to Jerusalem with Ezra, in addition to the Some of the children of
Israel, the priests, the Levites, the gatekeepers, and the Nethinim?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Who went to Jerusalem with Ezra, in addition to the Some of the children of
Israel, the priests, the Levites, the singers, and the Nethinim?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Who went to Jerusalem with Ezra, in addition to the Some of the children of
Israel, the priests, the Levites, the singers, the gatekeepers, and who else?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Where did Ezra and a group of people go in the seventh year of Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 7:6, In what year of King Artaxerxes did Ezra and a group of people go to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:6, Ezra and a group of people went to Jerusalem during the seventh year of whose
• According to Ezra 7:7, Name the six type of people who went to Jerusalem with Ezra in the seventh year
of Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 7:8, In what month did Ezra arrive in Jerusalem, in the seventh year of King
• According to Ezra 7:8, In what year of King Artaxerxes did Ezra go to Jerusalem?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 23 of 42

• According to Ezra 7:9, On what day of the first month did Ezra begin his journey to Jerusalem from
Babylon, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 7:9, On the first day of what month did Ezra begin his journey to Jerusaelm from
Babylon, in the seventh year of Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 7:9, From what city did Ezra start his journey to Jerusalem on the first day of the first
month of the seventh year of Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 7:9, On what day of the fifth month did Ezra get to Jerusalem, in the seventh year of
• According to Ezra 7:9, On the first day of which month did Ezra get to Jerusalem, in the seventh year of
• According to Ezra 7:9, To what city did Ezra come on the first day of the fifth month?
• According to Ezra 7:9, How long did it take for Ezra to get from Babylon to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:9, To what did Ezra credit his journey from Babylon to Jerusalem being so well?
• According to Ezra 7:10, What had Ezra prepared, to teach statues and ordinances in Israel?
• According to Ezra 7:10, What had Ezra prepared his heart to do, in addition to teaching statutes and
ordinances in Israel?
• According to Ezra 7:10, What else was Ezra prepared in his heart to do, and not just seek the Law of the
Lord, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel?
• According to Ezra 7:10, What two things had Ezra prepared his heart to teach in Israel? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 7:10, Where did Ezra want to teach the statues and ordinances of the Law of the
• According to Ezra 7:11, What did Ezra have from King Artaxerxes when he left for Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:11, Ezra had a letter from somebody, when he went from Babylon to Jerusalem.
Who had given Ezra a letter?
• According to Ezra 7:11, Ezra was of what profession, in addition to being a scribe, and an expert in the
words of the commandments of the Lord, and of His statutes?
• According to Ezra 7:11, Ezra was of what profession, in addition to being a priest, and an expert in the
words of the commandments of the Lord, and of His statutes?
• According to Ezra 7:11, Ezra was of what profession, in addition to being a priest, and a scribe?
• According to Ezra 7:11, In addition to being and expert in the words of the commandments of the Lord,
in what else was Ezra considered to be an expert?
• According to Ezra 7:11, list the three titles or job descriptions that Ezra had. (3 points)
• According to Ezra 7:12, Who was the king of kings that wrote a letter to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:12, What was Artaxeres?
• According to Ezra 7:12, To whom had King Artaxerxes written his letter?
• According to Ezra 7:12, What was Ezra's title in King Artaxerxes' letter?
• According to Ezra 7:12, What was King Artaxerxes' salutation in the letter he wrote to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:13, What kind of letter was Ezra carrying from the king?
• According to Ezra 7:13, Whom did King Artaxerxes authorize to go with Ezra, in addition to priests and
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 24 of 42

• According to Ezra 7:13, Whom did King Artaxerxe authorized to go with Ezra, in addition to all those of
the people of Israel who would volunteer to go with him? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 7:13, True or False? King Artaxerxes was forcing the people of Israel, and the priests
and Levites to go back to Jerusalem with Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:13, With whom did King Artaxerxes say the people of Israel, the priests, and the
Levites may voluntarily go to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:14, Who, along with his seven counsellors, was sending Ezra and the people of
Israel who wanted to go voluntarily to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:14, Who, along with the king, was sending Ezra and the people from Israel who
wanted to go with him, to Jerusalsem?
• According to Ezra 7:14, About which two geographical places were Ezra and the other people from
Israel going to inquire, with regard to the Law of their God?
• According to Ezra 7:14, What was the main purpose that Ezra and the priests and Levites wanted to go
to Judah and Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:14, Where were Ezra and the priests and Levites carrying the Law of God back to
• According to Ezra 7:15, What two items did the king give to Ezra and his group of priests and Levites to
carry to Jerusalem? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 7:15, Who, besides the counsellors, had given Ezra silver and gold for an offering to
the God of Israel?
• According to Ezra 7:15, Who, besides the king, had given Ezra silver and gold for an offering to the God
of Israel?
• According to Ezra 7:15, For whom was all the gold and silver that Ezra and his group were to carry to
• According to Ezra 7:15, Where did the king think the God of Israel lived?
• According to Ezra 7:16, What else could Ezra and his group bring to Jerusalem that they could find in all
the province of Babylon?
• According to Ezra 7:16, Where else could Ezra and his group find gold and silver to take with them to
Jerusalem, along with the offering of the king and his counsellors?
• According to Ezra 7:16, Whose freewill offering could Ezra and his group also bring with them to
Jerusalem, other than the offering of the king, his counsellors, and the people of the province of
• According to Ezra 7:16, What was the purpose of the priests and Levites giving silver and gold?
• According to Ezra 7:17, How were Ezra and his group supposed to pay for bulls, rams, and lambs as
burnt offerings to God from the king?
• According to Ezra 7:17, What three types of animals were Ezra and his group supposed to buy with the
money from the king, to be used as burnt offerings? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 7:17, For what else was the money from the king to be used, in addition to buying
animals, and drink offerings?
• According to Ezra 7:17, For what else was the money from the king to be used, in addition to buying
animals, and grain offerings?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 25 of 42

• According to Ezra 7:17, On what were the people to offer the animals and grain offerings, and drink
offerings that the king was providing?
• According to Ezra 7:17, List the 5 things the king told Ezra to buy with the silver and gold he was
sending with him and his group, as offerings to God in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:18, Who could make decisions as to what else to buy with the money from the king,
once they got to Jerusalem? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 7:18, What could Ezra and his group use to pay for anything they needed for doing
the will of their God with the offerings and sacrifices? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 7:18, What was the overall criteria Ezra and his group were to use, when deciding
what to purchase out of the offering money the king had sent with them to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:19, What other type of offering did the king and his counselors give, in addition to
money as silver and gold?
• According to Ezra 7:19, Why was the king sending other types of articles, in addition to cash silver and
• According to Ezra 7:19, Where were Ezra and the rest of his group supposed to bring the offering
• According to Ezra 7:20, What else could Ezra take out of the king's treasury?
• According to Ezra 7:20, When could Ezra take money out of the king's treasury for the house of God?
• According to Ezra 7:20, If Ezra saw anything that the house of God needed when he got to Jerusalem,
where could he get money to buy it?
• According to Ezra 7:21, Who was the king that said all the treasurers in the region beyond the River had
to give what Ezra asked them to give for the use of the temple?
• According to Ezra 7:21, To what officers in the region beyond the River did Artaxerxes the king say they
had to give to Ezra whatever he needed?
• According to Ezra 7:21, To what treasurers did Artaxerxes the king say they had to give Ezra what he
• According to Ezra 7:21, To whom were the treasurers in the region beyond the River supposed to give
money, if he asked them?
• According to Ezra 7:21, What was Ezra's job title?
• According to Ezra 7:21, How were the treasurers in the region beyond the River supposed to handle
Ezra's requests for money?
• According to Ezra 7:22, Ezra was allowed to ask for up to 100 of these units of silver from the treasurers
across the River. What was the unit?
• According to Ezra 7:22, How many talents of silver was Artaxerxes willing to have the treasurers across
the River pay to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:22, Ezra was allowed to ask for up to 100 of these units of wheat from the
treasurers across the River. What was the unit?
• According to Ezra 7:22, How many kors of wheat was Artaxerxes willing to have the treasurers across
the River pay to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:22, Ezra was allowed to ask for up to 100 of these units of wine from the treasurers
across the River. What was the unit?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 26 of 42

• According to Ezra 7:22, How many baths of wine was Artaxerxes willing to have the treasurers across
the River pay to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:22, Ezra was allowed to ask for up to 100 of these units of oil from the treasurers
across the River. What was the unit?
• According to Ezra 7:22, How many bath of oil was Artaxerxes willing to have the treasurers across the
River pay to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 7:22, Ezra was allowed to ask for something without any prescribed limit. What was
that item?
• According to Ezra 7:22, How much salt was Ezra allowed to ask from the treasurers across the River?
• According to Ezra 7:23, Whose command was Artaxerxes obeying, when he authorized the money for
Ezra to use for the temple offerings?
• According to Ezra 7:23, How should the treasurer's respond to Ezra's request for items needed for the
House of the God of heaven?
• According to Ezra 7:23, Why did Artaxerxes want to make sure the offerings for the God of heaven were
• According to Ezra 7:23, Artaxerxes didn't want God's wrath to be against whose realm, including the
king's sons?
• According to Ezra 7:23, Artaxerxes didn't want God's wrath to be against the realm of the king, and who
• According to Ezra 7:23, Against what two groups of people did Artaxerxes not want God's wrath to be?
• According to Ezra 7:24, True or false? Everyone had to pay taxes to Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 7:24, Artaxerxes decreed that the priests, Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Nethinim, or
servants of the house of God did not have to pay what three types of tolls to the government? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 7:14, What three occupations did not have to pay tax, tribute, or custom to
Artaxerxes, besides the gatekeepers, Nethinim, or servants of the house of God? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 7:14, What three occupations did not have to pay tax, tribute, or custom to
Artaxerxes, besides the priests, Levites, and singers? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 7:24, List the 6 occupations that Artaxerxes said did not have to pay tax, tribute, or
custom. (6 points)
• According to Ezra 7:25, Who was supposed to set up magistrates and judges in the region beyond the
River that knew the laws of God?
• According to Ezra 7:25, To whom did Artaxerxes attribute Ezra's wisdom?
• According to Ezra 7:25, Ezra was to choose what two types of legal professionals to be set up in the
region beyond the River that knew the laws of God, or could be taught them? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 7:25, In what disctrict of Artaxerxes' jurisdiction was Ezra allowed to set up
magistrates and judges that knew the laws of God?
• According to Ezra 7:25, What qualification for being a magistrate or judge was Ezra to use when picking
the people to fill those positions, besides being willing to learn what some people already knew?
• According to Ezra 7:25, If a magistrate or ruler didn't already know the laws of God, what was Ezra
supposed to do?
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• According to Ezra 7:26, If someone would not do what, or observe the law of the king, he would suffer
death, banishment, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment?
• According to Ezra 7:26, If someone would not observe the law of Ezra's God, or what else, he would
suffer death, banishment, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment?
• According to Ezra 7:26, What would happen speedily, if someone would not observe the law of Ezra's
God, or the law of the king?
• According to Ezra 7:26, What type of judgement could a person face, if he didn't keep the laws of God,
or the king, other than banishment, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment?
• According to Ezra 7:26, What type of judgement could a person face, if he didn't keep the laws of God,
or the king, other than death, or confiscation of goods, or imprisonment?
• According to Ezra 7:26, What type of judgement could a person face, if he didn't keep the laws of God,
or the king, other than death, or banishment, or imprisonment?
• According to Ezra 7:26, What type of judgement could a person face, if he didn't keep the laws of God,
or the king, other than death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods?
• According to Ezra 7:26, List the four ways someone could be punished for not observing the law of
Ezra's God, or the law of the king? (4 points)
• According to Ezra 7:26, Name the two lawgivers
• According to Ezra 7:27, Whom did Ezra praise, after he recorded the letter/decree from Artaxerxes
• According to Ezra 7:27, Whom did Ezra think that put the idea in Artaxerxes' heart to make such a
wonderful decree of support for the temple, and the people to obey God's laws?
• According to Ezra 7:27, What did Ezra say God had done with Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 7:27, About what was the summary of the document from Artaxerxes?
• According to Ezra 7:27, Which house of God was Artaxerxes supporting?
• According to Ezra 7:28, What type of favor did Ezra say he had gotten from the king, because God had
put the idea of supporting the temple in Artaxerxes' heart?
• According to Ezra 7:28, From whom else, did Ezra say he had gotten mercy, besides the king and his
mighty princes?
• According to Ezra 7:28, From whom else, did Ezra say he had gotten mercy, besides the king and his
• According to Ezra 7:28, How did Ezra feel after he had received the letter from the king?
• According to Ezra 7:28, How did Ezra describe the feeling he got about God being with him?
• According to Ezra 7:28, Whom did Ezra gather to go with him to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 7:28, List the three types of government officials that were favorable toward Ezra,
because God putting it in their hearts? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 8:15, By what natural landmark did Ezra gather the people that were coming with
• According to Ezra 8:15, Ezra gathered the people by the river that flows to what city?
• According to Ezra 8:15, How many days did Ezra and the people camp by the river that flows to Ahava?
• According to Ezra 8:15, Among what two groups did Ezra look for anyone who was of the sons of Levi?
(2 points)
• According to Ezra 8:15, What could Ezra not find among the people and the priests?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 28 of 42

• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Ariel,
Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and
Elnathan, men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Eliezer,
Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and
Elnathan, men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Eliezer,
Ariel, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and
Elnathan, men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Eliezer,
Ariel, Shemaiah, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and
Elnathan, men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Eliezer,
Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and
Elnathan, men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Eliezer,
Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and
Elnathan, men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Eliezer,
Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and
Elnathan, men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Eliezer,
Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, and Meshullam, leaders; also for Joiarib and
Elnathan, men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, For whom did Ezra send to give them guidance by the river besides Eliezer,
Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, leaders; also for Joiarib and Elnathan,
men of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:16, Ezra sent for these men. What was there occupation? Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah,
Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam?
• According to Ezra 8:16, Ezra sent for two men listed as men of understanding. Who was the other man,
besides Elnathan?
• According to Ezra 8:16, Ezra sent for two men listed as men of understanding. Who was the other man,
besides Joiarib?
• According to Ezra 8:16, Joiarib and Elnathan were listed as men of what, to help Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:16, Who were the nine leaders for whom Ezra sent, to give them guidance by the
river? (9)
• According to Ezra 8:16, Who were the two people of understanding for whom Ezra sent, to give them
guidance by the river?
• According to Ezra 8:16, Name the eleven people for whom Ezra sent to give them guidance by the river?
(11 points)
• According to Ezra 8:17, Who was the chief man at the place Casiphia?
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• According to Ezra 8:17, What was Iddo's title?

• According to Ezra 8:17,Where did Iddo work?
• According to Ezra 8:17, Yes or no? Did Ezra coach the men what to say to Iddo at the palace?
• According to Ezra 8:17, To whom were Ezra's people supposed to talk at the place Casiphia, besides
• According to Ezra 8:17, What did Ezra ask Iddo and the Nethinim at the place Casiphia?
• According to Ezra 8:17, Why did Ezra want servants?
• According to Ezra 8:18, By what means did Ezra say they brought them a man of understanding?
• According to Ezra 8:18, Sherebiah was considered to be a man of what?
• According to Ezra 8:18, Sherebiah was of the sons of whom?
• According to Ezra 8:18, Shereibiah of the sons of Mahli, was of what tribe?
• According to Ezra 8:18, Levi was the son of whom?
• According to Ezra 8:18, What was the name of the man of understanding that they sent to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:18, Who also came along with Sherebiah to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:18, How many people came to Ezra with Sherebiah?
• According to Ezra 8:19, Who else of the sons of Merari came with Sherebiah and Jeshaiah to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:19, Who else of the sons of Merari came with Sherebiah and Hashabiah to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:19, Hashabiah was of the sons of whom?
• According to Ezra 8:19, Who else came with Hashabiah and Jeshaiah to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:19, How many people of the sons of Merari came to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:20, Who else were appointed by David and the leaders for the service of the
• According to Ezra 8:20, Who had appointed the Nethinim to help the Levites?
• According to Ezra 8:20, What were the Nethinim appointed by David to do?
• According to Ezra 8:20, how many Nethinim were sent to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:20, What was special about the way the Nethinim were designated to help the
• According to Ezra 8:21, What did Ezra proclaim, that everyone was supposed to do?
• According to Ezra 8:21, Where did Ezra proclaim a fast?
• According to Ezra 8:21, What was the purpose of having the people fast?
• According to Ezra 8:21, What was Ezra seeking, with the fasting and prayer by the river of Ahavah?
• According to Ezra 8:21, Ezra proclaimed a fast, to ask God the right way for who to go, in addition to
their little ones, and their possession?
• According to Ezra 8:21, Ezra proclaimed a fast, to ask God the right way for them, who else, and for
their possessions?
• According to Ezra 8:21, Ezra proclaimed a fast, to ask God the right way for them, their little ones, and
what else?
• According to Ezra 8:22, How did Ezra feel about asking the king for an escort of soldiers and horsemen
to accompany them to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:22, For what was Ezra too ashamed to ask the king to provide for them on the road
to Jerusalem?
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• According to Ezra 8:22, What would be the purpose of the king providing soldiers and horsemen to
• According to Ezra 8:22, To whom had Ezra spoken, before they had set out on the road to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:22, What had Ezra told the king, as the reason they did not need soldiers or
horesmen as guards along the road to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:22, What did Ezra tell the king about how God felt about those who forsake Him?
• According to Ezra 8:23, What did Ezra and his group do, besides pray to God for protection?
• According to Ezra 8:23, What did Ezra and his group do, besides fasting?
• According to Ezra 8:23, What did Ezra say was the result of their fasting and praying?
• According to Ezra 8:24, How many leaders of the priests did Ezra separate out from the group?
• According to Ezra 8:24, Of the twelve leaders of the priests, two were named: Who was the other leader
besides Hashabiah?
• According to Ezra 8:24, Who was the other named leader of the priests whom Ezra separated, other than
• According to Ezra 8:24, how many other leaders of the priests did Ezra separate out, besides Sherebiah
and Hashabiah?
• According to Ezra 8:24, Name the two leaders of the priests that were named, as part of twelve priests
that Ezra separated from the group. (2 points)
• According to Ezra 8:25, What did Ezra weigh out to the twelve leaders of the priests, besides the gold,
and the articles that were the offering of the king and the people?
• According to Ezra 8:25, What did Ezra weigh out to the twelve leaders of the priests, besides silver and
articles for the offering that the king and other people had given?
• According to Ezra 8:25, What did Ezra weigh out to the twelve leaders of the priests, besides,
• According to Ezra 8:25, For what were the silver, gold, and other articles that Ezra weighed out to the
leaders of the priests going to be used?
• According to Ezra 8:25, Who had given the silver and gold, and other articles as an offering to God,
besides the king's counsellors, his princes, and all Israel who were present?
• According to Ezra 8:25, Who had given the silver and gold, and other articles as an offering to God,
Besides the king, his princes, and all Israel who had been present with them?
• According to Ezra 8:25, Who had given the silver and gold, and other articles as an offering to God,
besides the king and his counsellors, and all Israel who had been present with them?
• According to Ezra 8:25, Who had given the silver and gold, and other articles as an offering, to God,
besides the king, his counsellors, and his princes?
• According to Ezra 8:25, How did Ezra get all the gold, silver, and other articles they were carrying?
• According to Ezra 8:25, What three types of valuables were they carrying that the king and the other
people had offered to God? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 8:25, Who had given Ezra an offering of silver, gold, and other articles? (4 points)
• According to Ezra 8:26, How many talents of silver did Ezra weigh to the twelve leaders of the priests?
• According to Ezra 8:26, How many talents' worth of silver articles did Ezra give to the twelve elders of
the priests?
• According to Ezra 8:26, How many talents of gold did Ezra weigh to the twelve leaders of the priests?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 31 of 42

• According to Ezra 8:26, list the valuables that Ezra weighed out to the twelve leaders of the priests. (3
• According to Ezra 8:27, How many gold basins did Ezra weigh out to the twelve leaders of the priests?
• According to Ezra 8:27, the twenty gold basins were worth how much?
• According to Ezra 8:27, How many vessels of fine polished bronze did Ezra give to the leaders of the
priests to carry on the journey?
• According to Ezra 8:27, There were two vessels of what material, that were as precious as gold?
• According to Ezra 8:27, The two vessels of fine polished bronze were as precious as what?
• According to Ezra 8:28, What did Ezra tell the priests, to encourage them?
• According to Ezra 8:28, What did Ezra tell the priests about the articles they were going to carry?
• According to Ezra 8:28, What did Ezra say all that gold and silver was that they were going to be
carrying to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:29, What two things did Ezra tell the leaders of the priests to do, after he weighed
out the money to them? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 8:29, How long were the leaders of the priests supposed to watch and keep the
treasures they had been given?
• According to Ezra 8:29, Before whom would these leaders of the priests weigh their offerings, once they
got to Jerusalem, besides the Levites, and the heads of the fathers' houses of Israel?
• According to Ezra 8:29, Before whom would these leaders of the priests weigh their offerings, once they
got to Jerusalem, besides the Levites, and the heads of the father's houses?
• According to Ezra 8:29, Before whom would these leaders of the priests weigh their offerings, once they
got to Jerusalem, besides the heads of the priests and the Levites?
• According to Ezra 8:29, Where were the leaders of the priests that were going to carry the offerings
• According to Ezra 8:29, Where was all the gold and silver and offering money eventually going to be
stored, once they got to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:29, Before whom would the heads of these priests be weighing their offerings that
they were supposed to carry to Jerusalem? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 8:30, Who, along with the Levites received the silver and the gold and the articles to
carry to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:30, Who, along with the priests, received all the silver and the gold and the articles
to carry to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:30, What types of valuables did the priests and Levites carry to Jerusalem, besides
gold, and other articles?
• According to Ezra 8:30, What types of valuables did the priests and Levites carry to Jerusalem, besides
silver, and other articles?
• According to Ezra 8:30, What types of valuables did the priests and Levites carry to Jerusalem, besides
silver and gold?
• According to Ezra 8:30, To what city were the priests and Levites carrying the offering to God,
consisting of silver, gold, and articles?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 32 of 42

• According to Ezra 8:30, Where in Jerusalsem were the priests and Levites carrying the offering to God,
consisting of silver, gold, and articles?
• According to Ezra 8:31, Where had Ezra and the group been camping and fasting, from where they
departed to go to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:31, What day of the first month was it when they left their camp at the river of
• According to Ezra 8:31, What month was it when they departed from the river of Ahava, to go to
• According to Ezra 8:31, What day of what month was it when Ezra and his group departed from the
river of Ahava to go to Jerusalem? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 8:31, Where were Ezra and his group going, after they left the river of Ahava?
• According to Ezra 8:31, Ezra said what was the reason they did not get harmed on the road to
• According to Ezra 8:31, From what two things did Ezra say that the hand of God had delivered them,
along the road to Jerusalem? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 8:32, Where did Ezra and his group go and stay three days?
• According to Ezra 8:32, After they got to Jerusalem, how long did Ezra and his group stay?
• According to Ezra 8:33, On what day after they got to Jerusalem was the money weighed out to
Meremoth the son of Uriah the priest?
• According to Ezra 8:33, What three types of things were weighed out to Meremoth the son of Uriah the
priest, on the fourth day that they got to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Where was the money weighed out, on the fourth day that they got to
• According to Ezra 8:33, To whom did Ezra and his group weigh out their offering money, along with
Eleazar, Jozabad and Noadiah?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Meremoth was the son of whom?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the father of Meremoth?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the other person to whom Ezra and his group weighed out the offering
money, along with Meremoth, Jozabad, and Noadiah??
• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the father of Eleazar?
• According to Ezra 8:33, From what tribe were Jozabad the son of Jeshua, and Noadiah the son of
• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the son of Jeshua?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the other person to whom Ezra and his group weighed out the offering
money, along with Meremoth, Eleazar, and Noadiah?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the father of Jozabad?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the son of Binnui?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the other person to whom Ezra and his group weighed out the offering
money, along with Meremoth, Eleazar, and Jozabad?
• According to Ezra 8:33, Name the four men to whom Ezra and his group weighed out the offering. (4
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 33 of 42

• According to Ezra 8:33, Who was the father of Noadiah?

• According to Ezra 8:34, What was written down about the offering at that time, besides the weight of
• According to Ezra 8:34, What was written down about the offering at that time, besides the number of
• According to Ezra 8:34, What did they do to record the offering at that time?
• According to Ezra 8:35, Who offered burnt offerings to the God of Israel?
• According to Ezra 8:35, What was special about these people who were offering burnt offerings to God
in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 8:35, What were the children of those who had been carried away doing in
• According to Ezra 8:35, How many bulls did the children of the captivity offer to God at this time?
• According to Ezra 8:35, How many rams did the children of the captivity offer to God at this time?
• According to Ezra 8:35, How many lambs did the children of the captivity offer to God at this time?
• According to Ezra 8:35, How many male goats did the children of the captivity offer to God as a sin
offering at this time?
• According to Ezra 8:35, These animals that were sacrificed to God were what kind of offering?
• According to Ezra 8:36, What did Ezra deliver to the king's satraps and governors in the region beyond
the River?
• According to Ezra 8:36, To whom did Ezra deliver the king's orders, besides the governors in the region
beyond the River?
• According to Ezra 8:36, To whom did Ezra deliver the king's orders, besides the king's satraps?
• According to Ezra 8:36, in what area did Ezra deliver the king's orders to the satraps and governors?
• According to Ezra 8:36, What did the satraps and governors in the region beyond the River do for Ezra?
• According to Ezra 8:36, The satraps and governors in the region beyond the River gave support to
whom, as well as for the house of God?
• According to Ezra 8:36, The satraps and governors in the regions beyond the River gave support to the
people, as well as to what other project?
• According to Ezra 8:36, The king commanded that which two types of leaders needed to help support
the people and the house of God? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 8:36, What two types of projects did the satraps and the governors in the region
beyond the River need to support for Ezra? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 9:1, When did the leaders come to Ezra, "the Levites have not separate themselves
from the peoples of the lands?"
• According to Ezra 9:1, About whom did the leaders came to Ezra to say that they had not separated
• According to Ezra 9:1, From whom did the leaders say the people of Israel have not separated
• According to Ezra 9:1, With respect to what had the people not separated themselves from the people of
the lands?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 34 of 42

• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what areas, in addition to
the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the Amorites?
• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what areas, in addition to
the Canaanites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the
• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what areas, in addition to
the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians,
and the Amorites?
• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what areas, in addition to
the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians, and the
• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what areas, in addition to
the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians,
and the Amorites?
• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what areas, in addition to
the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians,
and the Amorites?
• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what areas, in addition to
the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians,
and the Amorites?
• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what areas, in addition to
the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Ammonites, the Moabites, the Egyptians,
and who else?
• According to Ezra 9:1, The leaders came and told Ezra that the people of Israel, and the priests and
Levites had not separated themseves from the abominations of the citizens of what 8 areas? (8 points)
• According to Ezra 9:2, Whom had some of the children of Israel taken for wives for themselves and
their sons?
• According to Ezra 9:2, some of the children of Israel had taken the daughters of the lands for what
purpose for them and their sons?
• According to Ezra 9:2, Some of the children of Israel had taken the daughters of the lands as wives for
their sons and who else?
• According to Ezra 9:2, Some of the children of Israel had taken the daughters of the lands as wives for
themselves, and who else?
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• According to Ezra 9:2, What was the result of the marriages that had happened between the children of
Israel and the daughters of the other lands?
• According to Ezra 9:2, What two groups of people were the worst offenders, in the matter of taking the
daughters of other lands as wives for themselves and their sons? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 9:3, What happened that made Ezra tear his garment and his robe, and pluck out some
of his hair and beard, and sit down in astonishment?
• According to Ezra 9:3, What two things did Ezra tear, when he heard that the leaders and rulers had
taken daughters of the other lands for their wives, and wives for their sons? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 9:3, Ezra pulled out his hair from what two places, after he heard that the leaders and
rulers had taken daughters of other lands for their wives, and wives for their sons? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 9:3, What else did Ezra do, after he heard that the leaders and rulers had taken
daughters of other lands for their wives and as wives for their sons, besides tearing his garment and his
robe, and plucking out the hair of his head and beard?
• According to Ezra 9:3, List all the things Ezra did when he heard that the leaders and rulers had taken
the daughters of the land for their wives, and as wives for their sons? (5 points)
• According to Ezra 9:4, Who came to Ezra, and was there with him, while he sat astonished until the
evening sacrifice?
• According to Ezra 9:4, Where did everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel go?
• According to Ezra 9:4, Why did everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel go to Ezra?
• According to Ezra 9:4, who had transgressed the law, by marrying the daughters of the foreign lands?
• According to Ezra 9:4, How long was Ezra sitting astonished?
• According to Ezra 9:4, What was Ezra doing until the evening sacrifice?
• According to Ezra 9:5, When did Ezra stop sitting in astonishment?
• According to Ezra 9:5, What had Ezra also been doing, while he had been sitting in astonishment?
• According to Ezra 9:5, What two things had Ezra torn earlier in the day than the evening sacrifice?
• According to Ezra 9:5, What act of worship and supplication did Ezra do before God, at the time of the
evening sacrifice, besides spreading out his hands to God?
• According to Ezra 9:5, What act of worship and supplication did Ezra do before God, at the time of the
evening sacrifice, besides falling on his knees?
• According to Ezra 9:5, List the two acts of worship Ezra did before God, at the time of the evening
• According to Ezra 9:6, What did Ezra say to God he was too ashamed to do?
• According to Ezra 9:6, Why did Ezra not feel he could lift up his face to God?
• According to Ezra 9:6, What did Ezra say had risen higher then their heads?
• According to Ezra 9:6, Ezra said their iniquities had done what?
• According to Ezra 9:6, Ezra said their guilt had grown to what place?
• According to Ezra 9:6, What did Ezra say had grown up to the heavens?
• According to Ezra 9:7, How long did Ezra say the children of Israel had been guilty of breaking God's
• According to Ezra 9:7, What did Ezra say they had been, since the days of their fathers to this day?
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• According to Ezra 9:7, Because of what had they, their kings, and their priests been delivered for
punishement by various means?
• According to Ezra 9:7, What three people groups did Ezra say had been punished by various means
because of their iniquities? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 9:7, What punishments did Ezra say they had suffered, because of their iniquities,
besides being delivered to the sword, to captivity, to plunder, and to humiliation?
• According to Ezra 9:7, What punishments did Ezra say they had suffered, because of their iniquities,
besides being delivered to the hand of the kings of other lands, to captivity, to plunder, and to
• According to Ezra 9:7, What punishments did Ezra say they had suffered, because of their iniquities,
besides being into the hands of other kings, to the sword, to plunder, and to humiliation?
• According to Ezra 9:7, What punishments did Ezra say they had suffered, because of their iniquities,
besides being delivered into the hand of kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to humiliation?
• According to Ezra 9:7, What punishments did Ezra say they had suffered, because of their iniquities,
besides being delivered into the hand of kings of the lands, to the sword, to captivity, and to plunder?
• According to Ezra 9:7, What punishments did Ezra say they had suffered because of their iniquities? (5
• According to Ezra 9:8, What did Ezra say had been given to his people for a little while?
• According to Ezra 9:8, What did Ezra say God had allowed to happen, by His grace?
• According to Ezra 9:8, What small item of the tabernacle did Ezra use as a comparison of the amount of
people who had come back from Babylon?
• According to Ezra 9:8, According to Ezra 9:8, What phrase did Ezra use about their eyes, in describing
the grace that God had given them?
• According to Ezra 9:8, Of what did Ezra say God had given them a measure, in their bondage?
• According to Ezra 9:9, Ezra said they had been, what? but now they had been given mercy in the sight of
the kings of Persia?
• According to Ezra 9:9, Ezra said that even though they had been slaves, what did God do for them?
• According to Ezra 9:9, Ezra said God had extended mercy to them in whose sight?
• According to Ezra 9:9, Ezra said that God had made the kings of Persia do what for them?
• According to Ezra 9:9, What did Ezra say God had let the kings of Persia do for them, in addition to
letting them repair the house of God, to repair its ruins, and to give them a wall in Judah and Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 9:9, What did Ezra say God had let the kings of Persia do for them, in addition to
reviving them, and letting them rebuild the ruins of the temple, and to give them a wall in Judah and
• According to Ezra 9:9, What did Ezra say God had let the kings of Persia do for them, in additon to
reviving them, letting them repair the house of God, and giving them a wall in Judah and Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 9:9, What did Ezra say God had let the kings of Persia do for them, in addition to
reviving them, letting them repair the house of God, and to rebuild its ruins?
• According to Ezra 9:9, What did Ezra say God had let the kings of Persia do for them? (4 points)
• According to Ezra 9:10, What question did Ezra ask God, because they had forsaken God's
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 37 of 42

• According to Ezra 9:10, Why did Ezra have nothing to say to God?
• According to Ezra 9:11, Whom does Ezra quote in his prayer to God?
• According to Ezra 9:11, What did God tell Moses about the land they were about to posses?
• According to Ezra 9:11, What did God say had caused the land they were about to possess to be an
unclean land?
• According to Ezra 9:11, How had the peoples who were living in Canaan before the Israelites made their
land unclean?
• According to Ezra 9:11, To what extent did God say the land had been made unclean by the previous
peoples' iniquity?
• According to Ezra 9:12, What did Ezra say the prophets had said about to whom they should give their
daughters to marry?
• According to Ezra 9:12, What did Ezra say the prophets had said about whom they should not take as
wives for their sons?
• According to Ezra 9:12, What did Ezra say the prophets had said about the Israelite's interactions with
the people of the land that had lived there before them?
• According to Ezra 9:12, If they didn't intermarry with the inhabitants of the land, or seek their peace or
prosperity, what did God say would be the benefit to them, in addition to they would leave the land as an
inheritance to their children forever?
• According to Ezra 9:12, What did the prophets promise about the land, if they didn't intermarry with the
inhabitants of the land that were there before them?
• According to Ezra 9:13, What two reasons did Ezra cite as the reasons they had been punished in the
past? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 9:13, Yes or No? Did Ezra think they had been punished fairly for their evil deeds and
for their great guilt?
• According to Ezra 9:13, Even though they had sinned, and were punished less than they deserved, what
had God sill given them?
• According to Ezra 9:13, How did Ezra view the practice of intermarrying with the people that were
committing abominations? It was doing what, in regard to God's commandments?
• According to Ezra 9:13, What actions regarding marriage, did Ezra say they had done, and broke God's
commandments again?
• According to Ezra 9:13, How angry did Ezra think God was going to get with them, if they continued to
marry the people of the land that were committing these abominations against God?
• According to Ezra 9:13, How thoroughly did Ezra think God would consume them, in his anger with
them over marrying people who were committing abominations?
• According to Ezra 9:15, How did Ezra describe the God of Israel?
• According to Ezra 9:15, How did Ezra describe the people who were left?
• According to Ezra 9:15, What time period did Ezra describe to God?
• According to Ezra 9:15, Where did Ezra say they were, in relation to God?
• According to Ezra 9:15, How did Ezra judge them to be, in regard to marrying the inhabitants of the
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• According to Ezra 9:15, Whom did Ezra think could stand before God, in the matter of marrying the
inhabitants of the land?
• According to Ezra 10:1, What was Ezra doing, in addition to confessing, weeping, and bowing down
before the house of God?
• According to Ezra 10:1, What was Ezra doing, in addition to praying, weeping, and bowing down before
the house of God?
• According to Ezra 10:1, What was Ezra doing, in addition to praying, confessing, and bowing down
before the house of God?
• According to Ezra 10:1, What was Ezra doing, in addition to praying, confessing, and weeping?
• According to Ezra 10:1, While Ezra was praying, confessing, weeping, and bowing down before the
house of God, a large assembly of what 3 types of people were there, too? (3 points)
• According to Ezra 10:1, From what country were a large assembly of men, women, and children
gathered with Ezra while he was praying before the house of God?
• According to Ezra 10:1, What was the great assembly of men, women, and children doing with Ezra,
while he was praying before the house of God?
• According to Ezra 10:2, Who was the son of Jehiel, of the sons of Elam, who said that they had sinned in
taking foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:2, Who was the father of the Shechaniah who said they had sinned in taking pagan
• According to Ezra 10:2, Who was the grandfather, or geographical area from which Shechaniah the son
of Jehiel was?
• According to Ezra 10:2, To whom did Schechaniah the son of Jehiel, of the sons of Elam say that they
had sinned because of their pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:2, What had the children of Israel done, when they took Pagan wives for
• According to Ezra 10:2, In what way did Shechaniah say they had tresspassed against God?
• According to Ezra 10:2, Did Shechanaiah offer any hope to the people who had taken foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:3, With whom did Schechaniah propose they make a covenant, since they had
taken foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:3, What did Shechaniah propose they do with God, to remedy the fact they had
taken foreign wives in the past?
• According to Ezra 10:3, What did Shechaniah propose the people do, who had taken foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:3, Who else did Shechaniah propose the people put away, in addition to foreign
wives they had married?
• According to Ezra 10:3, Shechaniah said Ezra was what relation to him?
• According to Ezra 10:3, Whom did Shechaniah say should be willing to put away their foreign wives
and children that were born to them from the foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:3, Why did Shechaniah say this was a good thing to do, to put away their foreign
wives, and the children that had been born to them from their foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:3, Shechaniah encouraged the people to put away their foreing wives and children,
saying it was their what?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 39 of 42

• According to Ezra 10:3, By saying what, how did Shechaniah encourage the men to be able to put away
their foreign wives and children?
• According to Ezra 10:3, Did Shechaniah realize this would be a hard thing to do, to put away their
foreign wives and children?
• According to Ezra 10:3, What final words did Shechaniah say to the men, after telling them to be of
good courage, before they put away their foreign wives and children?
• According to Ezra 10:5, After Shechaniah's encouraging speech, who stood up to adminster the oath that
the men would put away (divorce) their foreign wives and children?
• According to Ezra 10:5, Who took the oath to put away their foreign wives and children, in addition to
the Levites, and all Israel?
• According to Ezra 10:5, Who took the oath to put away their foreign wives and children, in addition to
the leaders of the priests, and all Israel?
• According to Ezra 10:5, Who else took the oath to put away their foreign wives and children, in addition
to the leaders of the priests and Levites?
• According to Ezra 10:5, What did the leaders of the priests, the Levites, and all Israel do, with Ezra
• According to Ezra 10:6, What did Ezra do before he went into the chamber of Jehohanan?
• According to Ezra 10:6, To whose chamber did Ezra go, after the men swore an oath to put away their
pagan wives and children?
• According to Ezra 10:6, Who was the son of Eliashib?
• According to Ezra 10:6, Who was the father of Jehohanan, to whom Ezra went, after the men swore an
oath to put away their foreign wives and children?
• According to Ezra 10:6, What two things did Ezra NOT do, after he got to the chamber of Jehohanan? (2
• According to Ezra 10:6, Why was Ezra fasting from food and water?
• According to Ezra 10:7, What did Ezra and Jehohanan send out to the descendants of the captivity?
• According to Ezra 10:7, In what two geographical areas did Ezra and Jehohanan say all the children of
the captivity must come to Jerusalem? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 10:7, To whom did Ezra and Jehohanan send a proclamation to summon to come to
• According to Ezra 10:7, What was in the proclamation of Ezra and Jehonan to the descendants of the
captivity? What were they supposed to do?
• According to Ezra 10:7, Where was everyone who had been a descenndand of the captivity< where were
they all supposed to go, because of the decree that Ezra and Jehanan issued?
• According to Ezra 10:8, In this proclamation, how long did Ezra allow for all the captives of Judah who
had returned to Judah and and Jerusalem to get to Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 10:8, Who else was endorsing Ezra's proclamation for everyone who had returned
from the captivity to assemble in Jerusalem in three days?
• According to Ezra 10:8, What was the penalty for anyone who was a person of the captivity who did not
go to Jerusalem in three days, in addition to being separated from the congregation of those who had
been carried away?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 40 of 42

• According to Ezra 10:8, What was the penalty for anyone who was a person of the captivity who did not
go to Jerusalem in three days, in addition to having all his property conviscated?
• According to Ezra 10:9, all the men from what two tribes assembled in Jerusalem on the 20th day of the
ninth month?
• According to Ezra 10:9, All the men of Judah and Benjamen went to what city?
• According to Ezra 10:9, Within how many days were all the men of Judah and Benjamin assembled in
• According to Ezra 10:9, In the twentieth day of what month of the year did all the men assemble in
• According to Ezra 10:9, In what day of the ninth month did all the men from Judah and Benjamin
assemble in Jerusalem?
• According to Ezra 10:9, In what place in Jerusalem were all the men of Judah and Benjamin assembled?
• According to Ezra 10:9, For what reason, in addition to the heavy rain, were the men of Judah and
Benjamin trembling?
• According to Ezra 10:9, What was the reaction of the men who came to Jerusalem, because of the matter
of the foreign wives, and the rain?
• According to Ezra 10:9, What was the reaason the men of Judah and Benjamin were trembling, in
addition to the matter of them having foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:9, For what two reasons were the men of Judah and Benjamin trembling, in the
open square of the house of God? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 10:10, Who was the main speaker at the assembly of the men of Judah and Benjamin?
• According to Ezra 10:10, What did Ezra tell the men of Judah and Benjamin at the assembly in
Jerusalem, that had caused them to add to the guilt of Israel?
• According to Ezra 10:10, Ezra said that by taking pagan wives, the men of Judah and Benjamin had
done what?
• According to Ezra 10:11, What did Ezra ask the men to do, in addition to doing the will of God, and
separating themselves from the peoples of the land, and from the pagaan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:11, Why did Ezra want the men to separate themselves from their pagan wives?
He wanted them to do whose will?
• According to Ezra 10:11, How were the Israelites supposed to relate to the peoples of the land and their
pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:11, From whom were the children of Israel supposed to separate themselves, in
addition to the peoples of the land?
• According to Ezra 10:11, From which two people groups did Ezra say the men were supposed to
separate themselves? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 10:12, Who agreed with Ezra that they had to put away their pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:12, What did the people say, after Ezra told them they needed to put away their
pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:13, True or false? There were just a few people who had married pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:13, What season was it in Jerusalem at the time of this meeting?
• According to Ezra 10:13, Because it was the season of heavy rain, what could the people not do easily?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 41 of 42

• According to Ezra 10:13, What length of time did the people say it would take more than, to get sorted
out who had married pagan wives, and who hadn't?
• According to Ezra 10:13, Why did the people think it would take more than two or three days to find out
who had married pagan wives, and who hadn't?
• According to Ezra 10:14, Whom did the people say should administer the paperwork of the men putting
away their wives, in addition to their own cities'
• According to Ezra 10:14, How would the men come and meet with the elders and judges of the cities, to
take care of putting away their pagan wives and children?
• According to Ezra 10:14, What two types of people were supposed to help in the matter of all the
divorces that needed to happen with the men who had married pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:14, What did the people say would happen after they had separated themselves
from their pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:14, What did the people say would be God's reaction after they got rid of their
pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:14, What did the people suggest be done as a way to handle the recording of who
had taken pagan wives, instead of doing it right then in the rain?
• According to Ezra 10:15, Who was the son of Asahel who opposed the plan of coming by appointment
to take care of the divorces?
• According to Ezra 10:15, Who was the father of the Jonathan who opposed the plan of coming by
appointment to take care of the divorces?
• According to Ezra 10:15, Who was the son of Tikvah who opposed the plan of coming by appointment
to take care of the divorces?
• According to Ezra 10:15, Who was the father of Jahaziah?
• According to Ezra 10:15, Who, along with Shabbethai the Levite supported the only two dissenting
votes to the plan to come by appointment to take care of the divorces?
• According to Ezra 10:15, Who, along with Meshullam, supported the only two dissenting votes to the
plan to come by appointment to take care of the divorces?
• According to Ezra 10:15, What did Meshullam and Shabbethai the scribe do for Jonathan the son of
Asahel and Jahaziah the son of Tikvah?
• According to Ezra 10:15, list the two people who voted against the plan of everyone to come by
appointment to the leaders and judges of their cities, to take care of the divorces? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 10:15, list the two people who supported Jonathan the son of Asahel and Jahaziah the
son of Tikvah, who opposed the plan of coming by appointment to take care of their divorces? (2 points)
• According to Ezra 10:16, Who were willing to record they had taken foreign, pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:16, Who was in charge of recording who had taken pagan wive, in addition to
certain heads of the fathers' households?
• According to Ezra 10:16, Who else was helping Ezra record all the men of the descendants of the
captivity who had taken pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:16, How were the other heads of the father's households chosen, who were to help
Ezra record who had taken foreign wives?
Ezra 1-10 Questions and Answers Page 42 of 42

• According to Ezra 10:16, How specific did they get in choosing the people to help Ezra, from the heads
of the fathers' households?
• According to Ezra 10:16, On what day of the tenth month did Ezra and the heads of the fathers'
households sit down to try to record the men who had taken foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:16, In the first day of what month did Ezra and the heads of the fathers'
households sit down to try to record the men who had taken foreign wives?
• According to Ezra 10:16, What did Ezra and the heads of the fathers' houses sit down to do, on the first
day of the 10th month?
• According to Ezra 10:17, What day of the first month were they finished questioning all the men about
their pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:17, On the first day of what month were they finished questioning all the men
about their pagan wives?
• According to Ezra 10:17, On the first day of the frst month, what did they finish doing?
• According to Ezra 10:17, On the first day of the first month, they finished questioning all the men about
what topic?
• According to Ezra 10:16-17, How long were Ezra and his helpers recording men who had taken foreign

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