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Name: ______________________________________ Date: ______________

Grade & Section: ___________________________ Score: ____________

MARCH 21 – APRIL 1, 2022

1. Analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of art and

Learni crafts inspired by the different creative expressions in Mindanao
ng 2. Identify the different characteristics of art and crafts in specific areas
Comp in Mindanao
etency 3. Appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of its function and
their distinct use of art elements and principles .

A. Traditional Clothing of the B’laan
The Bilaan or B’laan is an ethnolinguistic group that inhabits some parts of South
Cotabato, North Cotabato and Davao del Sur. B’laan is a combination of two
words, “bila” that means house and “an” that means people. They are known for
embroidery, brass ornament and beadwork that are integrated in their traditional
Takmun – sequin-like capiz shells used to give s distinct design and color to their

B’laan Woman’s Shirt

Ikat – it is a process of dyeing fabric from B’laan, Bagobos and T’bolis where the
yarns are tightly wrapped with string and dyed before weaving.
The textiles usually contain three colors:
 Shades of black or brown
 Red or darker shades of orange
 Ecru (color of undyed abaca)

B. Traditional Clothing of the Bagobo and the T’boli

The Bagobos are group of people that live in Davao. “Bago” means new and “obo”
means growth. T’boli or Tagabili to lowlanders are an animist ethnic group
inhabiting highland areas in southwestern Mindanao.

T’nalak – is woven from deep brown abaca treated in the ikat process to obtain
intricate design. Only women are allowed to weave this fabric.
✓ Men wear t’nalak short, undershirt and t’nalak coat
✓ Women wear wrap- around t’nalak skirts and blouses. They also wear rows of
bells around their waists and ankles that produce tinkling sounds when they walk.

C. The Traditional Clothing of the Maranao


The word Maranao means “People of the Lake”.

Malong – is a traditional Filipino tube skirt that is made of hand-woven or

machine-made multicolored cotton cloth. It can be used in different ways.
Kapa Malong or Sambisa Malong – is a traditional dance which demonstrates the
various ways of wearing malong and its uses.

D. The Traditional Clothing of the Yakans

Basilan is the home to the Yakans.

Badjulapi – is a tight blouse with long sleeves

Pinalantupan – a type of skirt that is layered over trousers
Sawal – is the traditional tight-fitting trousers made of Yakan fabric characterized
by its vertical stripes
Seputangan – square cloth used by Yakans women as a head cover or as belt


1. Sarimanok - It is a legendary bird of the Maranao. It comes from the words
“sari” which means cloth and “manok” which means chicken. A symbol of
good fortune.

2. Orik - It refers to traditional and unique carving. Its name originated from
old Malayan word which means carve or “ukit”.

3. Wedding Attire from Yakan

a. For Male
Pis and Kandit – hand-woven head cloth
and 15-meter belt or sash which serves as
protection from spears or knives.
b. For Female
Short skirt over trousers
c. Both
Saruk – hat worn to add elegance
d. Ornaments
Maniktegiyas – a necklace or bracelet
of beads from dried fruit seeds to protect
them from illness.

4. T’boli Accessories
a. Hilot – is a heavy brass belt worn by women during festivals.
b. Suwatlmimotis – is a wooden comb with colored glass beads hanging from it,


worn towards the back of the head.

5. Brass Making
a. Kulintang – is a musical instrument composed of eight different sized brass gongs laid
upon a wooden rack.

Activity Directions: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Write your answer on
1 the blank.

_______________1. A traditional dance which demonstrates the various ways

of wearing a malong and its uses.
_______________2. Sacred cloth which is exchanged during marriages and
used as a cover during births.

_______________3. The traditional tight-fitting trousers made of a Yakan

fabric characterized by its vertical stripes design.
_______________4. Sequin-like capiz shells used to give a distinct design and
color to their clothes.
_______________5. Most common material used by the ethnolinguistic groups
in Mindanao for weaving cloth.
_______________6. A process of dyeing the fabric in which the yarns have
been tie-dyed before weaving.
_______________7. A square cloth used by the Yakan women as a head cover
or as belt.
_______________8. The common color tones found in a Bagobo's t'nalak.
_______________9. The common color tones found in a t'boli's t'nalak.
_______________10. They are known as “People of the Lake”.

Directions: Match Column A with Column B

the correct answer in Column B.
Write only the letter of your
2 answer on the blank. Column A
______1. The legendary bird of the a. Sarimanok
Maranao which is said to be a b. Kandit
symbol of good fortune. c. Manik tegiyas
______2. It came from an old d. Okir
Malayan word which means carve e. hilot
or "ukit" in Filipino. f. Kulintang
______3. It serves as protection g. pegupaan
from spears and knives during
combat and may be fastened h.Suwatl
around the trousers. mimotis
______4. It is a bamboo container i. Pis and Kandit
for the paraphernalia used in j. Lutuan
chewing betel nut.
______5. A heavy brass belt
commonly worn by T'boli women
during festivals
______6. A wooden comb with seed
beads hanging from it. It is worn
toward the back of the head.
______7. An instrument that
consists of a row of small brass or
bronze gongs horizontally laid
upon a wooden rack.
______8. A charmed necklace or


bracelet made from fruits and
flowers beaded together to protect
them from illness.
______9. A small bronze box with
engravings carried at the waist
______10. It is hand-woven head
cloth and 15-meter belt or sash
which serves as protection from
spears or knives.

“T’nalak Design”
The different ethno-linguistic groups of Mindanao have distinct cultures and
traditions as displayed in their arts and crafts. Their art forms can be easily
recognized through the use of different materials, patterns, colors and design
Activity motifs. To show appreciation to their arts and crafts, do the following activity.
3 1. Create a textile pattern that represents an image from your dream patterned
from the T’nalak design.
2. Draw this on a piece of oslo paper using different colors such as red, white, and
black. Once you are done, discuss your artwork with the group and present the
design as if it is a part of your attire.

Rubrics 5pts Excellent 4pts 3pts 2pts Below 1pt

Above Average Average Average Unsatisfactory
Craftsmanship The artwork was With a little The student The student The student
/ Skill beautifully and more effort, the showed average showed below showed poor
Consistency patiently done. work could have craftsman- average craftsman-ship;
been ship; adequate, craftsman-ship; evidence of
outstanding; but not as good lack of pride in laziness or lack
lacks finishing as it could have finished work. of under-
touches been; a bit standing
Creativity/ Illustrates/ Shows original The student Does not try The student
Originality shows ideas and tries an idea, new idea nor shows no
original ideas interpretations but it lacks innovate on the evidence of
and but does not originality, does materials used. original
interpretations innovate on the not innovate on thought.
of the given materials used the materials
activities or used.
artworks and
innovates on
materials used
Effort and The activity is The activity is The activity is The artwork was The artwork is
Perseverance beautifully and finished and finished and passed on time unfinished and
neatly finished passed on time passed on time but unfinished. was not passed
and passed on but shows lack but needs many on time.
time. of effort improvements.
Refer Music and Arts Learning Materials
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