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ro Coenen Units Cin pees Unity Lisenig: An teen ‘ia mrtg meager Sy Sc ae te = ae alg SOS ‘Comparing = fen score Seon maven =. =... inom cro (en monger = Eee ma Sey Sou Retour saan Dass se Their whe Che cae of Sistmamgeme eager shopaing “Fanti Wa ding eve of dese andinals ora ecient Pe Seolacied ota Sean a Sos Sn” hey Wace Sainoming Zuma ceatngs ath pose ain compos ‘in ore oo ia Worcs nebohg Geng kw ieee pont cer rt Reign Weise Gnas) a Sper al oa) Sooo eam roe oer Wore dita Wading Os waco ‘siatntocos" Gian iets, aac Sine Seeks ‘ecting ‘Suprema cas mnt (noir ams vine ‘ae shui ade ‘hiking ses Ways of aing mp tou mpants metena Baan dete ror andcono ‘Steer | Reding Tek Sets om ula Beer gs, seine etn nth eden sls ‘Reading: Customers fst Shyson acuse ship eng Te Iago ses cE0 Feesterweste sath ge Inoapen es Rese agree Fences ‘nthe on euios Towne vemuting ets aes ropostons arding compas enna Scwtoatet Canasta ain tonne ‘pone ea ieee ar ote ‘epetorance os facagete mates veh eomplns Sens ovr pines otoee ting ep ‘regener Souther Stove lanes irene and cease pomas OVERVIEWY ec Poreern rae } See Reeereaniy, aeny tinea Cyetee iter ee Sate Cita wn cwsay HEESTTTIY 0 wtnaes a 00d communica? choot tre most impetan ator = ene rguge sams fo + mneteatg ay + pommel ocuey 2 Fengewed rer 1 ito ot oftekng mites + psa opprne + Shamans fina unguage © wit otner factors ae important for communication? @ discass these questions, 4 hat forms often and spoken communication can youthnko? For ample: eal, ierews 2 Whichoftheabove do youlike using? Why? 3 Wat problems can people have wth then? 4 How can these problems be sted? © hich words stow appiyto good communicators? Which apply te bad Good) cmmuncatrs? communicators | |§-—————_ — " aricie herent louent nt focssed | hesta hibited" pesusve antig | reorie sess nee D vvcahntor pe page 71 © Woien ofthe words in Exercise Ahave the following meanings? 4 conse 5 dearand eas to understand 2 reluctant speak 6 geodatinfuercngpeople 3 lalkngina confused way 7 outgoing 4 able to xeress ideas wel ' reacinginapostve way @ ompetethisttkby communication expert withthe verbs rom the ox -isten- cgess interupt expin. engage carly conse ane ‘Sood ommunistrs real. topeople they do need to use unanilatermiology they andtakein whatis aid. They mana eye contact “by giving an easy to understand and havea relaxed body language, buttheysekdom ample. Futhemre, although they may “and stop people alk. they dont Sandleave the main point to give Understand and want... .se!something, ational information and deta where ‘they alto sutale oppatiniy. appropriate they na oyun tandose Sight of ther main message, Really efectve hen speaking, fective communicators are good _atghing formation They da et Uherstener. They make their pins clay. They ll avol technical terms, abrevtionso Jargon tornmuniators whohave he ability ta ” with colleagues, employees customers ad Suppliers area valuable asset for any business” © (711 tistentothe tt and checkyouranswers. @ Tinker god communicator younow. Explain why they are good at communicating. * 2D sowutacary pe page 71 © (212 unentoe ist prt sf anitervew wth nj Khan, Martine Araagt tse matting sen oemoe mean ane woe 1 cdg fu an 2 nave cemmanatons irre yeast 1 tone mprove nie ae? 12 What example does he ge of banks improving communications wth customers? Improving ‘communications © (713 tented pr the tren 1 ata crepes oe ony onmnkan ekions? 2 peterson 4 tion 18) delays in Fixing communication systems 2 lets casas 2 Wht belong evetpmens in conmunetion bes kaa Gretsch! 2 er pat etnes 8 ores conan corm wth asters @ morcoelyatmatseve he nephew © or corn ete tes @ How do you think business communieatlon wil change inthe future? | communication © What are the advantages and diadvantages for companies of using e-mail? [ ication | © Ssetvesoftetens low wih nyu opinion best otto communication Improving communication, ‘st Tedtine open planes small teams voice mai strongcompoat identity emai Frequent meetings ral phones Sta partes Communication — it’s much easier said than done casas Trust is key in an open organisation Serene RG Pot e ene ele tpt hr a peer ‘ts ogee aghtmare tack ohare it "stag an oma eee ate fle compn haar hye “powers mater ter sign fal a crm the worn oer es commana sss siete TPREFERRED (7 WHEN AE HiD BEND HIS ConPUTER, spon Sly ES Dense writ thi opie Sa ita tach ‘i as an Minar sould et wa southeast oy 7 Malt ran edo. aban sng span ie ate iene thet ‘ane ate Pon ls rng to cue teerencise rs foneeirenye ae Seca the ay one woe reabiden ose tec ee may eto reso namo? ‘soe roweacurdng ve Ale Mason, rate af eet niet 15 Shwe goa itssben th "oupand th group da be communitoetie 1 tpn that pes ety em sae eng ep ens nse Intnl tre ere oe tik eres a nia ‘Ret he wo ewer ‘partis open ir 2 es ‘roxporut neneea ae Seria na ae ae eee rea ene saa on te, aoe Se i int 4 ‘akine surah erp fs Sao comma ee a a FINANCIAL TIMES, Communication © fead the ate again and answer these questions. 4 What communion problems di Gearbukhve? 2 How did Gearbuk overcome the problems? 3 Whatsoltons does Teabald recommend forthe above problems? 4 According the autor, why do sta fen receve too many eras? '5 Why were’ he two goverment departments Gesponsible fora safety) communicating? {6 What does the author think about sein people on communication courses? @ wo wort in cach up doesnot forma word partnersip withthe word inbold? 2 waste tine resources Information 2 face trouble problems cates 3 duplicate infomation tine wok 4 Install systems factories ccuipment 5 save money tine ceperence 6 develop tuth byaly tivation 7 share support information ideas B allocte tine eas resources 9 Interrupt als conversations meetings @ Discuss these questions. 4 “Facesoface communication cart be beaten” Do youagree? 2 How auld communication be improved in yeurargansation? 2 How il commuriationchange nthe ofc ofthe fue? D Vecabuiy fle page 173 © Compete these dloms wth the missing words from the bas Idioms print bush grapevine stick wavelength wes rushell plu tal_ purposes 9 toputtina, 1 togetsualght othe 0 to neat One nn @ toputyou inthe . 19 togetthe wrong end ofthe 1 tobeonthesame. @ cant make head ot Wtotakatcoss. D to beatabout the D 0 $e 0 nnn 08568 ont © Which ofthe ions in Exercise Amean the following? 4 tofalto understand anything 2 to shar sil opinions nd ideas 23 tosummarise briefly 4 tomisunderstand 51 delay talking about something 6 to ghe the latest information 7 totakabout the mostimportantthing {8 tohear about something pasedfom one personto another @ Complete the sentences with the idioms rm Exercise A 2 OK, ns aad wee going have toe ougo, 2 “Youand your boss seem to agree on mst hig "Yes, we ae 3 Sone inportant decisions were taken at yesterdays meting et me 4 Itinke a nnn meen nent manth, ot this month 5 Henever gv youa straight answer. He's aways. 6 that he’s been fied, se true? 7 W832 very complicated system, Bt nnn Works ently ke a ig hate 8 Hfyouthink ourbiggest problems marke share then you have 9 This reportmakes no Sens atl nen 10 retyone avd forthe meeting a ferent times We must have © Askyour partner the following questions. + Whathave you heard onthe grapevine ecerty? 2 When wasthe las time you got the wrong end ofthe stk? 3 Whenisitnecessary to put someone inthe picture? 4 Inna stuations fit good tobe about the bush? 5 Invhat tuations sit goodto get stright tothe point? 6 Canyou ve an example of when youwere talking at rss purposes? 7 lsthereanting youcart make head ortalof? Dealing with communication breakdown + Communication © What expressions can youuse onthe pone in thefllowingsuations? 1 yaudorthear what someone sys 2 thepeson peat orto aulty 2 yudort understand word exresson they use 4 youwantochecthe sptingof someting 5 youwantmoriformston abouta subj 6 the ceeconis at god an you ca cnt th cmersaton 7 yeu wanto check the key pits © O14 unten otetepone mvstan etn Bd an lh ch th pons tne xt heetepeier haen boris @ 0 45 Listen tothe to speakers in asimitar conversation Explain why the second conversations bat ive as ay easons sou can, © (+55 ustento the conversation again and complate these extracts with words repression fom he conversation. 4 Thats good. - white aetapen 2 Sony Bernard | : senses Could you ‘alin please need to take noes 3 Let Enon thal 200 posters, pens and penis and so bags. : i 4 Seal sony, couldyou snes, pee, ‘Bemard don think know te company? 5 “They placed an defor 18 ofthe new asers.Somy, mo lasers” 6 Sorry dor otow you, What “roltout 2 7 But need detals about the company. Sony re COU YOU wer Feat hear you ver wal £8 Sony sill cart hear you. maybe thee wl be bate, ( Now match each exras-8 tothe points you discussed in Exercise A. © Workin pars. note pay. Marketing Manager turn to page 15; Overseas agent; tun to page so. While doing the role ply, practise some ofthe expressions youcan use for dealing with breakdowns In communication. Useful language ‘Asking or repetition What oes mean? Solving problem Sonyculdyourepeatthat? Sory.tmnatwityou. _Sormifsatadtne. Cant Ida) catcrthat. Sor Ldortfotow you, eaoudeak? auld youspeakup pease? Col youveme some Caulsyousty thatagan, moved, please?” Summarisng the cll plese? Cid youtetmehaverore etme goover what we've imation? treed Asking for clarification Coudyeuexsnthath» Laine ist summarise Woldicoudyouspelita, “mae sta pease! ouyoutat tat? CGniveadthatbscktoyeut Could youte more spect, Whatdoyoumsanbya? “pease? HOPS sa private health care ‘organisation based in Gener, Sivertnd tofessdvetoa Secu Se ‘treatment to wealthy people andl. ‘become more centralised, with company employees all over the “more decisions heing made by world. Its advertising ‘the top management at head See eet ‘office. The working language of to the individual's needs. eerer nie ‘The HCPS group was formed yearago following a keener of HP by Sanicor, ancer health # Communication problems Following the takeover a umber asses ‘Read the emails sent by Gloria Richter, Office Manager and by ‘Unula Krieger, Sales Director. Tn your opinion, what isthe ‘mast important problem rmenuioned inthe emai | Se Subject [Enaiis 1 Each day we ecole a huge numberof mals fom éalleogus inside the company and rrm overseas ‘ustomers Some are important many re not My aa ster to spend al dy eecing and voring omel hich ime cansuming and roan thom netting ‘ther die, 2 My sta don undestand why you go dof tho stat | Smet st [.Jlowswine (Trem. | [Bene ner] jC | subject [Communications problems] cate: [are — thay oa get @ GUC answer when they wart ‘ten eH ot up me anmere! | Desiree Roland Consultants SA The Present of HOPS, Susin Wesook, | recent contact firm of management consultants, Desiree Roland Constants SA, tse in Prance She ake them to ane the ‘communication problems in HCPS and to sen ‘na report The constants interviewed saat allies in the company ‘uae nenbersofDesee Roland Constants Workin smal groups. Make i ofl the ‘onamncaion pobiens nthe company, “Thana pede node of prance ‘Whatactone oyeusuageeto soe the ‘emanation roblems? Diszssyourieasin groups, then eet as one ‘poup nd wok eta acon pan, Which shouldbe aan 4) nmetity? 1 Inte rertar © 19 Listen wo sme ypical comments and ‘complete thee wih formation rom the Fistening extrac Type of problem Description of problem Organisation a ere eccae Doaimit es aay cto Customer relations Other problems 017 Nowtsten the President ofthe company, WA Sian Westok talking Chis Weigh ‘ites foow-ap ema fom the cons Managing Director Who do youagre withthe euaing the hemes President or dhe Managing Director? Why? D Wrving fe page 9 aap to arts (Dy faneure review Noureompaunasand METI © ncotone sand in ach ofthese categories which ismarketed Internationally food dink electical equipment cothing constracton ] © discus these questions 4 What are the advantages fora company of expanding beyond its domestic market? 2 What nds of problems do companies face when they go interational? '3 What methods can compariesuseto enter overseas markets? D reaver page 171 HERSEY 0 nen ewe nino Collocations Tying abi government bureaucracy ‘monetary regulations ‘economic situation Income distbtion politcal stabiity 1 Because oftight taken outofthe curity. ‘company profits could not be 2 Re tape and other oxamples of. soo hindera ‘companys envy into armarket +3 The country i atractveto exporters because thes enjoyed Tor thelast 5 years ‘4 The purchasing behaviour of consumes canbe described a helt 5 The ‘ ‘cali Shared count, © discuss these questions 4 Whatare sone ofthe man benets optical stabity2 2 How would you describe the present economic situation of your country Compared a1 years ago? 1s improving leading aise in employment isa term used by economists to describe how 3 Isitposibleto achieve equal income dsroutionin a county? Explain why cory ot. @ Look atthe words and phvases below. Undertne the od one out. 4.8) growing market B) developing market, 2 2) questionaire 1) focus group 3 3) market sector 1B) matketresearch 43) iteration market, © exondingnaret 6) dectning maret ©) promotion @ survey ©) matket segment 4) market rene ©) domestic market Correct the aad launch ata later date 5 “ust is anexample ofa 6 Whats the difeence between aretller and a wholesale? 3) overseas market 4) wortwide market 5 a) launenaproduct, ©) bring outa product, B)wihdtowaproduct 4) inroduce a product, 6 2) slogan ©) ascount 1) feesamole special oer 7) tetaler ©) wholesaler 1 aistrautor 6) manufacturer © Compete this exercise and then compare answers witha partner. 1 Givean example ofan expanding market in your county. 2 Give some examples of products or services which are targeted at rche markets 3 Anothername fora home markets 3 nensne Mh 1 Ha producthasa design aut a company may decide. =k i | © Answer there questions Coffee culture} + Whichhot rinks ae popular in your county? 2 Whats your favourite hot nk? 3 Which ve words do you associate with coffe? Coffee culture comes to FINANCIAL TIMES ‘Adapting to nares 2 Intemational maretng J ‘Ngentna Peru Chile Braz Colombla Venezuela Mexico US 4 People inthis country woul rather drink ea than coe, 2 Peopeinthis country woul rather dink instant caffe 2 Inthis county coffee is usualy fee ater anne inrestauranis, 4 Inths country people drink 345 cups of coffee a yet 5 Inthis country people drink gk of whol or ground coffe bean per yea, @ Answer these questions. 1 Where and when di Starbucks begin? 2 How many stores does it on ina) North America?) the est ofthe world? 3 Now many stores doesit allow othersto operate ina) Notth Ameria? B) the restoftheworld| 4 Which overseas market od Starbucks enter ft? 5 Inwhat sort of places can young Starbucks’ sales polts? 6 According tothe article what four problamshas Starbucks had? © wien ofthe foiowing verbs can form a word partnership with) a product, Dyamarket? 4 retreat fom 4 breakinto 7 saturate 10 rollout 2 launch 5 penetate 8 withdraw 4 iense 3 puilostor 6 insoduce getafoctholdin a2 phase out © Which othe verbs in Exercise 0 ae connected toa) entering a markt, 6) leaving a market? Use a good dictionary te help you. © (7 21 Listen tothe fist part ofthe interview with Paul Smith, a marketing specials. What questions should you consider before entering an overseas market? | © ©) 22tisten tothe second part of the interview. What problems or challenges does Pal Smith mention? @ What protems might a forelgn producer ofthe fllowing products have In ‘ying to marke thelr goods in your county: 2) luxury crs, b) shampoos, breakfast cereals? Noun compounds ‘and noun phrases 1A compound nown i two nouns together Noun compounds are “common in bsinessDeeuse they ate shorter and more convenient than potn phrases. For example ‘next ene ater than a ec ert ‘onmumerproeson ew rater Wha la or the praaon of ommers ‘Longe noun phrases ae also common. They may consist of adver, aijeives and compound noun. The flowing pate typical ‘Adverbs ‘Adjective / | ing partie Increasingly | diel Jong-tezm expanding Find noun phrases inthe atte on page 6 which have similar meanings tothe phrases below. 4 the key facts about someone who buys goods o services (paragranh 3) 2 the actity of visting outlets hat sell hot beverages to 2 lot of people (paragraph 8 5 places that sll unusual products that re diferent in some way (paragroh 7) 4 the amount of gods or materia used by each person na parclar pariod oftime (aragraph 8) 5 8 soup of people tying to stop nteational companies controling the ‘word economy (paragraph 33) ‘ne word in each group does not make compouné noun withthe word in bold, Coss out 4 marketing campaign budget / leader / strategy 2 research survey check sector 3 market / ange /eatures/ manager 4 ‘campaign / exchange / agency / slogan 5 awareness / Iya | image / contact ‘ ‘gues /condtions | forecast targets 7 promation rise / product range ‘The words in each ofthe noun phrases blow are Inthe wrong order Wite the phrases in ther correct form. 4 impressive gues sales realy 2 department new public relations 3 high research market ambitious programme 4 overseas expanding operations 5 rapidly sheet balance improving 6 extremely ate exchange volte 1 highly warketing report confidential instorming © Braiestorming is uot way of generating creative dessin mectings. Decide which tips below are good advice and which ones you disagree wth ‘Then compare your answers with apart a 4 5 ‘ 7 8 Explain the purpse ofthe meeting clearly. -Askeach person to speak tum starting wth the most senlog, Announce the time iit fr the meting. Avo citing or judging ideas during the session, Encourageidess however unusualthey may be. Dont interupt when people are offering suggestions. ake sure everyone keeps tthe pont Dont spend tine on detail imited. Then answer these questions. ‘What isthe purpose ofthe meeting? ‘What tyes of promotion are mentioned by prtelpants? © (724 worsen there ete mean an sane hese quests What other ideas for promoting the website are mentioned by aticipats? When isthe nest meeting? What information wll the participants gt then? © Watenthe comments made by the participants tothe headings in the Useful language box blow: You can use th Audio scripts on pages 8 and 59 to check the context ofthe comments. Some comments car be put Under mare ‘than one heading) 1 Freaway, 17 That might be one way 2 Beelet {Would itbe worth sponsoring 3 Ithink wed each wide audience some kindof vent? 44 Weshoul defintely do some ofthat. 9 would be area todo a 5 Absolutely 6 What about pres advertising? presentation 0 What about hat? Useful language | Stating objectives Expressing enthusiasm ldeas,however any You Theputpose ofthe meetng Thats peat! thinkthey ae thsmerning st ‘That's he Beste Ve heard hativeneedtoschiove "fora longtime Agrecng todays ‘Thats anexclent suggestion, Yes thats a good es ‘ouradecve hee isto Because Encouraging contusions bolt because Making suggestions Dont hold ck Bact because thine oul. Saywhatever comes to mind, You abel) right sues w ayatherisas?| ecuse COnething we could dos. Atthis stage we want alyour @ Choose one ofthe situations below and hold brainstorming meeting. ‘Your company has developed anew sports or music magazine. Branstomm ‘ideas for an advertngcampaln ‘Your company wil shel be receving avs rom some important Chinese businesspeople wh wish ose up jon venture with you im. Balrstom ideas or suitable gts forthe thre Chinese vistors be 4 mf Cat Posty S Background Q 25 Listen w this excerpt from a radior programme, Basinest Today. Riarlo onsale, Zumospa's President, discusses “umnospa’s plans to globalise Make noteson the company results future plans and competitive atantage Marketing + Launched in the mie 1980s, Positioned sx an energy prodict for fitnex-conscious people, especially sportsmen and women, between the ages of 20 and 4 + Disuibuted mainly through grocery stores, convenience stores and supermarkets, Also through sports clubs, Additonal sales are generated through contracts with Professional league, sich as football, gol + ress, TV and radio advertising is hacked up ty endorsement contract wih famous European footballers and tennis tars + Zumo is offered in four lavours and its price iin dhe medium range jeveloping a global brand Zumaspa needs o reposition itfor the global market Initial rseareh suggests that Zamo's perceived asa Spanish drink; and its clove entiation wth Spain ay not be suitable when developing a global brand, “Zama would like to launch a global campaign focussing fist on South Amerie, Mexico the Southern states ofthe US and Japan, where they have regional offices, A ‘decision has been taken to use a standavdived Advertsing theme in these market, although the copy of the advertisements and language ofthe TVand radio commercials ll be adapted wo local needs Before sting up focus groups in these areas Marketing Department of Zamospa have onganied an informal departmental meeting to brainstorm ideas for their global marketing strategy Yous membersfthe Marken Deparment of “umospa, Works group andbransom te pots lated terug ts. On person inthe group Shou taertes. Then meet sone gro and ‘let some othe best suggestions outer sty. Brainstorming Session Docs Zume need anew name? fon what? Introduce new Zume varieties for ifirent market segments eg Diet Zumo? Other versions? Reckesign Zune belles? Ife, how? Create new sagan? Suggestions? ‘eas for TV or radio advertisement? Also, neuspapers and magazines? Price = medium range? How to compete agains sitar products fom Coke, Pepsi: Heinz, ete? ‘New market opportunities for Zumo? Crate a special division to market Zumo worldwide? Apply tobe oficial sponsor at next Clyopic Games? As Marketing Manager for Zumospa, write an ema wo the directors ofthe company informing them of the key ideas which cane ‘out of the brainstorming session you attended. You should indicate which ideas you frvour and why Wing filepage 189 i) OVERVIEWY Yea Desc ane teeing feats ina titrant featng Peereeret eee cal Opaeaeer sl iering aestudy Sct fron ou 6 4 relationship is tike a shark, you om eee a ETT © viscuss these questior 4 What re the most important relationships for you a at your place of work, ‘of study?) outside your place of werk or stuay? 2 What beefs do you gt tom each eatonsip? © nn ti Rn na nian ina nie as rere res Senate tee a me @ (a1 utente trv and checkthe predons yu mad brat © Answer the questions nthe quiz. Then tm to page 53 tofind out how good you are at bullding relationships. P Yevsreina roam wih ageoup st pope fy Ontesine cosine Now Yo do you | who do now each ter Bo you Bieictimagoadecemyecrn | 2) ator someone to say sorting? ow? |) edi ators ofcomerouont 1) contematr ©) ioduce yur? ©) rp oo cards cee? PP Winenyou wenvediced to peel, you f) Do youtink ama skis 7 remember 4) enjoyable? | 2) thi name? ) avast of tne? | |) their face? ©) dificult to do wall? | | @) trcton | Ls) ding eainshipe J Do you thot have conversations 8) ith people whe shire your tress? 1) to sociale often with caloagues? ) wah almost anyone? ©) tosociaise with coleagues ony ifyou __€)wth people who are your social equals? have? © The verbs below are often used withthe word relations. Use them to complete the table. Describing, relations beakof beléup cement fester cutoff develop disupt encourage establish endanger improve jeopardise maintain ‘strengthen promote restore resume damage sour undermine Paste mening build up celations negate mening break off lations © choose the correct verb in each sentence 4 Sales staff ho are impolite to customers dnp / damage the reputation ofscampany 2 We ar planing promot / establish branch oes in Singapore. 3 Bye wih compa we peat svergtbened mated ou salestoee 4s Out mage has been fostered / undermined by porate sales seve. 5 Thanks ta new communiatons syste, we ae souig | proving rotons with uppers {Aste ato foto resumed/dsrpted production fo several eek. 7 Wecoul ot agree on several points so we boke efit oftalks repoang eter {The success fo new product aunch was resume eoparised by an Unimagnatve advertising campaign. {9 Inorderto gan market share China, we ar buling up| etng off soles retork thee sofas betwee the tw counts have been endangered /steredby fils an trae eens @ Match the folowing sentence halves. Then make ive more sentences with the verb in Exercee and B. 4 Widespresd umoursofahostle 2) area credit toitshighl effective PR takeover bid are certain Deparnent 2 The Accounts Departments very) have cemented relations between slow payment of rwoices ‘hetwe companies, 3 The long-term contacts, which «ls close relations wth several vlan forthe next ve years, major foreign vests have been 44 The exelent relations the Iroparise, company enoys withthe local 4) is ausing stomy relations with ‘community some ofthe company’s supplies. 5 Asaresutofthegovernments _¢) tostrainrelatons between the two impostion ofcurency controls, leading French software companies. Ia Ls sutsingelationships © (222 ustento the est pat of the interview with Agnes Chena Chinese businas executive, who aves frequently on verses tips, Maks notes on the following pont, 4 Doing business n South America 2 Doing business in Cina 3 The best way to bulld a business relationship. Relationships in global market © (astistento the second pr ofthe Interview and give an orl summary of using the following word and phreses. Glearobjectves beginning achive anddever trust 1 Aone Chon timetotime promise deliver fac-tosace contact. review ‘open ad sharing relationship SEE | © what ares of business do you think the company American intemationat ‘roup (Ai) is involved in? Is ita) tobacco? b) insurance? ot? ‘packaging? Skim the article qulely to find the answer. } © wnat ote towing numbersnthe atic refer 166 1992 1919 80,000 190 @ Who are the following people mentioned nthe atl Comelus onder Star Edmund Te? lice Greenberg, © ‘According tothe articte what are the main factors responsibe fo AG's ‘success in Ala? © ead the articte and answer these questions. 1 What objective does AI have Ia China? 12 What dos i Greenberg see as his ole inthe company? 3 Why is siaimportant to ANG? @ Fine the verbs inthe artce which combine withthe noun elatonshis to mean develop. @ Fine phrases (aective and nour) inthe aril which mean the folowing. 4 unused possiblities (paragraph 3) 2 continuing inthe same place fora great length of tine Garagraph 3) 3 unlimited entry (paragraph 8) 4 representatives connected toa company (paragraph to) 5 developing sales areas (paragraph 12) 6 important tks (paragraph 3), 17 mast mportant counties (paragraph 3) © discuss these questions 4 What can spoil relations between companies? 2 Aforeign company s opening a branch n your country. What Factors should iteansier? 3 Inyour experience are certain nationalities better at buling relationships than others? Iso, which ones? 4 How can you build good busines relationships? a) D vocuttry pe page 173 AIG knows everyone in Asia 2 Badges | | ! | By Shawn Donnan etal | | [ butngrettosips ‘Multi-word verbs 3] ‘ulyord vers are particularly common in spoken English. They ate made ‘vith a verb and particles such as a aay, down and af Four ype te 1 Without an object, im going tbe ted pn meting day. 2 withan objec = separable etic exstemon of beating off he compton, manages bse ered ay ete exten Beating ihe open off manages sm ered 3 with an object inseparable Titook into he mtr ret, 44 yu ro pares Cngonistion are bsg to wake wp to thee stepparents, Doaest © (724 two managers ae talking about bulding lationship with agets. Pathe conversation nthe core oder Then listen nd chek our answer [7] Wet thopeyou get est must be going. ve gotta draw upan agency agreement mye, ve pt ta fa to lng aad. ») hat exact waste problem? 0) Yes ur rests were ter, We treo ald up market share butt lus dirt happen. We st managed told ono what we Rad 71a nortatty cur agen at us down. We thought we could count on hima boos salesbut he had na comment no mothation (72 He shouldbe He got ver good vack recor. Wels upa meeting on Fay but he hata cl off -something cameo. [TZ] 0 Hows goin in Franc, Gina We cdr do too wal hr ast eae, @ wet suppose you terminated is contract then [Good ets hope hee better than the lt one. 1) Althebest. Speak youz00n 1D Yes, there was no way we cold ene We sounded ota few pessibleepacerens and foun someone else Wegeton ely wel © Underine at the mult ord verbs in the conversation in Exercee A. Then ‘machen one to verb phrase witha silar meaning below. 1 havea rend elationslp 2 cependon /tvon ‘ 2 moke bigger /stonger 7 4 ep maintain 8 range 9 5 postpone / delay compile | wsite down 40 cance @ Rephrase these comments using the mul-word verbs from Exercise A 4 We cant hala the meeting tomorow We havetoeall the meeting offtmoron 2 Letshave the presentation next week--we'e to busy at the moment '3 Wealnays know ou supplies wil meet hel eadns. 44 Wehave now established ast lass dstibution network in Europe. 5 oud you please prepare a contacts soon as possible? {6 Could you ia meeting wth them for next week? 7 Weve kept the same marketshare as we hadlas yea. '8 Thenew sles manages very popula: wth his eam find ot opinions intentions \isappoint Useful language _3 Bung relationships | © Oss networking its parof extablshing good busines lions ten to our cnveraons tues efoeces aech tne dele winter the sneer recuse ale, 4a) Thefstspeakerintoduces herself staghtaway. 1) The second spetker doesn't remember her unl she introduces here. 2 a) The second speaker knows that Henry Wills in New York 1) The second speaker offers to contact the New York ofce 23-2) Both speakers know Jn Stuart. 1b) The second speaker ft able oof any hep. 4-8) Both speakers have been doing business in Asia for some tine. 1) Intheent they establish an aea of common terest © (725 ustento the telephone conversation, then answer the questions. 4 Whatis the purpose of thecal” 2 Doesithave sucess ouzome? Why? Why ok? © Oss Howser apn and one xa tm te comet, A bocce YOUdOH me «Silvana sat wouid probably be OK 2 site ve @ 1g 0F COMET EAU asec 81 beter inc? 3 sivana that you might beable 10... me on franchising conta 4 Mmm, | don’ krow| could maybe gv youa Ite hep, but know someone 7 : eres at are, 5 You have’ got herphone number 6 Can ene see whe Vallee © Workin pars and ote play these situations. 1 The owner ofa department store ists Moscow to finda supple of amber Jewelery. He/She phones a Russian contact recommended by a colleague. ‘The onner wants to fad out ifthe Russian is terested in dong business vith is her company 2 You are networking at conference about sports goods. You ae ether «Soles Manager, tun to page 46 ‘Asking or help contacts Metiosng people yeu know Cant mention your name when cl in? Han Kaufman suggested gave you cal, etaiatees iat eee Bosley ws Iva gen your name bln Stu Youarent got his phone number by any chance? i Isthis convenient time or shal cal ack late? Shing advice \ "Suggest you ge hera cal Refering to previous meetings You cout yo rack him down hough our Haver we metsomeutere before? New vorafe. Webotn went to that presentation. Establishing common interests | Maybewe could ip you out there, Are oun sales predict development? | ber | Problems. Solutions Intense competition is forcing Kimsoong to A customer loyally programme will be consider new ways of generating business. developed bythe Canteen Services ‘Management believe tha ifthe company Department at head olfce It ill be loots after existing customers well they may aval to all European franchises and buy dhe orfour Kimsoong vehicles over” cost will be shaved 50/50 with head lie, tenyear period. Therefore, Kimsoong’s new ts aime ate ‘tegy isto hold on exising customers» to build up long-term customer and increase customer loyalty, They aso ‘elationships, thereby increasing profits hope to developamoreaceursteiuyer” —_« wineremerarans ae Drolet presen dts om ¢ 10 ra up an accre baer profile uestionnressentocatomersflloing —T wencoue sey sles bt only 40% are retuned). However,” bulditg me geodon tees peace ate ale Sine alae A : : —_ 1 g/g Hea ense 2 Spot 8 Bean, Sot PTheans J Ermonmens 3 Pee ister ncone Iioceneome ke lonericome (Stowers) Bourn acanpatiremecel 5% Disatsedwinsenico 20k 2 me Rebates % 3 Relay loner ive ss 4 Mens serice Dortnaw * ‘Workin smal groups. You workin Customer Senices at head ofc, 4 Think fe ideas to inca In Kimsoong's customer loyalty programe. 2 ()7 istento two directors ofthe company exchanging ideas about howto foster customer oyaly Make noes ‘onthe five suggestion they ake 3 Consider your ideas and those ofthe decors. Choose the best four ideas to incu nthe company’s progrenme. 4 Meet as one group. iscuss your ideas and decide onthe est four to Incude inthe customer eves propane, Choose a company you ate fifa with Wiitea sales letter to Roger Eastwood, ‘one of group of priority customers { Outline a special offer which you are _making to this provty customer group. Make your leer appear as personalised as posible D wring flepage 198 TT 6 He only place where success before workis nthe dctonany. "Wa Seon at OVERVIEWY Netter bueess (C)Peeuson ding Stele Language review Cr presente pttnces ON” egotog nn Osment fa EEMTTTY © what makes peop sucessut2 Add more words tothe tis below. The choose the five most Important. charisma tive Tools nepotism siping edication imagination luck ruthlessness money © Takaout person you know whos success. Why are they sucess? 2D vost fe pages 71-17 @ atarete best inators ofan inurl of sucess How Important re thefatwing in your tare? feotchlieys cosmetic suey designer dates domestic lp Chaufeu(s)_epensvelewelery topotthesang cars) Intel ends lsu actives peg pets nuryhonels) © conpletethese statements using words from the box. leader casiomer brand profit headquarters workorce subsidiaries "people innovation. shares A successful business. 2) 1s atays making money and Incr 5 nn ‘is ten the markt. ve © is moving forward and interested in rasa metvated rasa ya... base ‘has a word famous -and an instantly recognised logo. 1158005 nmsonnnnn Which are worth millon onthe stock markt Whasits na prestigious lation, D has branches ad nnn allover the Word D treats ts employees well ands ovenate, 2) 4 Success © O41 catherine ng established an electronic watch company with six ET 0 Croce merchant sues] ayes tacomin erect 2 Gaerne es Neorspce need by 4005 bye ent st er 3 inte sattm te epee, 4 Produ wth ine nodes become tre abe, 3 Th conan cps ra pede, 6 They sured nking moe dca eer aces canons © Cezusentote second pt the ere and severe lining outa £ tate te natant athe Msc 2 tad des seepage olin nce © Workin pas. on of you reads about Puma blow the other eas about ‘Adidas Ssloman on age 15. Then use the pont below to give an orl Sole broth summary of our texto your partner, + Name of founder + ate of gong public Founding date + Sponsorship + Type ofproducts + Dversitation + Chief Execute officer © Expansion © Discuss what the companies havein common and how they are diferent. Sole Brothers PUMA In 148 Redo asso ie hie bars company Adan stp hi om hae compy, Pome ten ‘and tlaios tack, Puma became tinted s panera hd frer surcosss at ha Oyape Games ané ‘Wort ups th yes ase ee ome rein ‘oot SUcess ihn shoe anty In 198 Puma lntd spo 18188 mary Anais etal ars were sing Puta 2 laehhed a eaten with ‘hows. atthe tmis stars Mari evtiove and Sande Bore Bectarwan Be Winbleden urement weeny even Panes, Ih 200, Pus sch In 1805 Punsbecame a corgraton nd ware success inte ft 18 ontieMunichand Farkttaeck exchanges a) ton ston snd eloting noe wh ‘Av tht ne, Pure duced many lvoe in many lad dese sos design such os be Tinomi unde ese 3 neha lang a ates : forbusnssvavelarsto waren tues ip, isten 2a as appoltodCEDin 18 ard a ear Pura pods ray ep Now modes or 1 ler Puna ao art fr bw fst since gang shes ar snapped wp by fai conse ous peop. ate Tek pues ar ousoues an gatibtd one ‘hand cursos Puna oe pling awa uot tircocopt terest epee mate Ua secese © tore you read the article say what you know about the folowing: Steve Jobs] + bil cates 2 Stevelods 3 Tin arnersLee The Guardian profile: Steve Jobs ‘By Duncan Campbel dot ie ound of Ap he ‘mud beth Tie apr ato frm ee acta “Gorton Haynie sist an ern Gees ve Steven Paul was adopted 2008 aerate Ha el Gat Sih pret Monti Ya inSain fer png NEN hl in scale enor 4 Bat droppel ox shar ow at Be Care fee's ron atte asco | 2 Clap Tout! alg ik toler yng ef it ‘Sir con lee ce ‘i: eve Roma is Yori hen Sls wa 21, bo = ge Mei are en Gaertn Soe my grace, ‘ior a minon os ira ena as ie “Pity atereerie A Ed somaya 35 2 their way. The amet onan opie london By toe ets exw in ype nu nn suber by ato seagate dehy tee jac eens peed aed Yano Stee Taree roa Seer meee pobeim eran Sa eee eon aot chee Saeed eee Scere entero eee eeaeeoereeaey coe oe ee © Answer the folowing questions. 1 iy were the following dates important? 2) 1976 B)3985 O:997 2 What was Steve fobs fist success? 3 What made ins 2) anilionae? 6) abitionie? 14 Why die leave Ape? > en ie in Ts bag bam ee ther lore The hss oan a way ttaregs the see ra et ‘nls that inet he nee, "Bulthen dab dona bl useing i empanie Th wl go dows in cory aa the heal “pin Yor thse inte, erie tet oh 1s dotratte who have followed hearer hare ao enter it is prema hen ha onal eH rot Kwa fr “We cat have «hare fire witha "2 fat fava tee sc scoment of Dard Peto ‘tig pole ware hs year ita paper dete caer trogen etree {ncn ht poole fb so etn Wile rene ongh ny "cr eg ans Sd theyte wrong No, wae ava “Wee mht on fend ‘hegre sa Bat Pol ado: Thee in Way the aso hae ian bre ete that nopes foutdcne” If thre haa heen heme Jo een ha sw ia oper ing alone ero rom the Guan 5 Why dae come back? 6 How long did itaketo tur Apple round? 7 Wy does bs think is atest venture wil be tuning point for ‘the muse industy? £8 Why do you think Steve obs is suceesta? a sce Gi ee Present and past | | jer or pump tenses | | weserne to desert aeons and | stustions which ae generally tue Wesel ur prods i mary marke. 2 We wsethe tn dese compleed actions tor events which took place ata panicle or over a pesodof tine ln the pst She spond eyed Hehe Chie sce 2005. Wes the to deste cutent or temporary stations Per geting mare epee by he werk: She wrk Poland face conrad 4 We us the to descr ie experiences present eu of past actions ar announce ews The copay ha done wll ay Dower © discuss these questions about the article on page. 4 Inpargraphs thre, fur and seven which tenseis mainly used and why? 2 fied examples ofthe present perfectin paragraphs eight andten and say why itis use 53 Inpararaphs one nine and eleven find ane example of the present simple andsay why suse, © Research steve jobs onthe internet and wit a paragraph saying what hetedaing nom @ wie sn ate on TOYS*87US* for busines mage Use the notes Delon paling te vers in bracts I poroptt ese. a ERE RS a Some ee a aa era 19 owe re ero l pecs cere ee 2 ie ass Sy BE ton wymamernt eu a eunore® ance ace tee Seis stare chan tn wa WW Cy pus i) ae Man — : 1 ie aaa = Success =a © The folowing words formed with prefix are from the article on page 32 cofounder, renamed, undersllng. Match the common prefiaes rom te DOX withthe correct meaning below. ‘verproduce misinterpret outvote covounder renamed sophisticated expesident deactvate underseling 4 to0 much 2 better / more than 3 badly 4 extremely 5 former 6 oposite with 8 too tle 9 again © Undertin te od one out in each group. 4 under perform /rate/ charge / profit 2 <0 producer / worker / boss / author 310 Launch engineer oat / decide 4 er spend / estimate / supply lose 5 mis manage judge / aula / lok 6 outperform id lass / win 7 attra ficient / cautious / modern / big Bex boss / rector employe / tah 9.40 merge /nationaise/ regulate / gow @ Complete the sentences with the cerect word frm Exercise B. 4 Seva sales staff ude last year and didn't meet thelr targets 2 Smith and Tamer were the 90 wn of the report 23. We il wenn OU! POMUC! a 500M 2 We hae Fished the moaieaions, 4 We. ssn the number of people who would buy our product Asi, '5 Because the company has Beth sno fOr Years we are close to bankrupt 6 They had0 thelr to take over the company, 7 Oita factory has state-otthe-at machinery. amy. a8 impossible to wock with 0 et the company. 19 Many state companies inEastem Europe ae being. D vase fe pages 171-173 -_—O © tore ey sts nnegouaing 1 sigatng (raving attention to what you about sy) 2 checkingundestanding 3 Summarne ‘Study the examples of each inthe Useful language box. Language ‘Signaling Checking understanding Summarlsing Faltheto mate Somycouldyourepeat™ Can welust summarise Suggestion. ttinkwe that theo weve apeed should leave this point Ae yousayingyou dort oar? ndcomebacktok later, have thatquanttyin. OK spve'e agreed, You't want aska question, stock? ay or detery an get Howarewe glngtopey Somhatyouresayingis eveything tous the fortis? ‘youvil enaatune © sow read he negotiation between the Commercial Director ofa car ‘manufacturer and the General Manager ofa business equipment fem. Undetine any examples of signllng, checking understanding or ‘summarising Director Wee wiling to gto you 2% count on ou ist price you bay ‘ver 30 vehicles thats OK. Il mean youl be paying just under £400 reach vehicle But thats providing you dot have any special requirements which cost us more money. Manager Special requirements? What do you mean exact? Director Oh, [dont knomif you want the itera ofthe cart be changed for example. The price weve agreed ifr ou standard mode OF Ifyou wanted a modiiation wich casts money, more storage compartments, for example. ‘Manager Right ttre, some cf ourtop sales staff can be uss. don’t naw though, weld stl tke a 12% discount, ven the ie of our ore Director Mmm, OK let me make a suggestion. We gve you 12% butt someone wants extras orammadifiation, we'll you a 0% Aiscounton that ar. Thats fir enough. sn? Manager Of, so yu'e saying you wil modify the carifwe ast youto? Director Exact. Manager — Right then let's see what weve got. The rice willbe £4,400, providing there are no entras or nadficatons tothe Inert. You make small changes I we ask you, but reduce the ascount by 2%. Director Tha’sit, OX, Lt tak about delivery nom © (stent sone xpresos wih we used tein the sane sega icone teapot Sang eng tauertoaig sana Role pay the olowing situation. ‘Anita shoe manufacture ha produced anew range of wom eather boots ‘XGerman etl consiseng placing an orer or aso pars ofeach designe Sales Manager and Che Buyer egntite the conrac ‘Sales Manager turn to page 149. Chiof Buyer tur to page 47 Background Camden Football Cub is one of the great) 44 Listen wan interview on succes stories in English football Today, it a week television programm fore [sthird inthe Premier Divison (the wp Alision) and tas reached ofthe European Champio competition, The ca the progr als toa footall manager about Cam Foothall Chub Take noes ofthe ky p Current situation (Camden's current fouryear sponsorship deal with an insurance company about to fins Sophie Legrange is considering new and hetter deal with United Media ple, the power publishing, TV production and mobile phone froup. Its not only the increased money fom Sponsorship which appeals to Camden, However. United Me's broad range of business aetvtes a ‘would offer many other \\\ Representatives of Camden and United Media are mectng shortly cise x possible sponsorship d ‘opportunities to increase United Media is interested in (Camden because the elib’s sucees has brought it over 4m fans in the UR and 40a i the Far East Camden played friendly match recently in China which was watched Ise bya Chinese suience of over 250m, ‘uare menbers ofthe nepotiting tam of ether Camden F turn to page 47) ot Unt Meda ple uno page 50 4 Read youl card and rept othe negation Wor ou yer objectives pris, Stag and tacts. Think carefully about wat Concessions yu ae wlio make. An agen has been prepared in aavance of the met 45 Listen the excerpt from the radio programe Sporting Wd Hordes it affect the result of your negotiation? oe oe era Deer eras 5 et Laie ee) 7 00m ar 1 the negotiation was succes write a press release from the poin of view of ether Camden FC or United Media outlining the main points ofthe agreement and the beets to the organisation you represen, The tone and sje of the mesmge should express pleanire and optimism. 21 the negotiation was unsuccessful write a letter to your opponite number inthe negotiation expressing our regret that you were unable to make a deal, However, you shoul indicate that you might be willing to reopen negotiations inthe future a clearly there could be areas of mutual benefit Wing le pages 138 and 141 OVERVIEWY. ca Sere nd ed sui Osean tite OO Sat cen sey Cte hwo Ctseeserri ae tn ‘Synonyms ‘and word building sl ae rs) © whieh of the fotowing would motivate you to work harder? Choose your top fiveand rank them in order of pitty. Explain your pris. bonus more responsibilty working fora succesful company bigger salary threat ofredundancy after working envionment Commission hard-working bass _promation opportunites praise noodcoleagues perk or fing Dents © discuss these questions, 1 ArecentUS survey showed chien prefered patents to go out and ear money rather then spend more time wth them, What does this shown yout opinion? 2 Would you prefera mae or female boss? Why? 3 For what easons might you change jobs? How often would you expect odo so in yourlifetine? Is changing jobs often a sign of success in your culture? D vette le pages 171-1 2 filepoges 171-173 + Tum to page 257 forthe quiz ‘Are you in danger of burning out?” Match the toms which are siitarin meaning. 1 buresuracy| a) assessment 2 autoromy remuneration 3 burnout Ofinge benefits 4 par severance package 5 appraisal independence 6 pats ‘)breakdoum 7 goldenhandshate —g)redtape SE satisfaction | Staff satisfaction survey lon Take 5 Jo satin | © Complete the sentences with words or phrases from Exercise A. 4 Most people ike to have control ovr thelr wrk and therefore put near thet of thei is of matting factors 2 Dealing with sn isa very time-consuming demotiating problem which affects large businesses and organisations. 3 Overwork ean ead itnot spotted ery. 4 Many ob satisfaction studies, perhaps eu singly, have found that often snot the most motivating factor. 15 fet nnn father than salary crease canbe a way of retaining employees in wadtionaly high etal turnover indus, 6 He received a very generous seus whe heeft the company 7 One way for managers o monitor and develop staf ae ayaly iby using Interv @ Compete each sentence withthe correct form ofthe word in bol Sometimes youll need touse «negative form 4 salty 8) The suvey showed that staff working ibe hours were more ith thers than these working fied hours 1) Low pay and por working conditions erate workers 19 Small European companies are top afjob league tales. 2 motivate 2) What the strongest factors in pple tes? 1) Workers become nan hey werk ng hous fr low pay ©) What was your fr becoming salesperson? 2 frustrate 3) Youcould see the. lng up inthe wore 1) Hrd taking to i. because he never listens, HL 50. wth ther atu that decided to resin, 4 What do you a satishing ad rustating about your worker tues? 2 Who or whatinsires you at work? 3 How true do you thnkthe follwing statements are? 2) There no such thing as company oyalty these days. ) True futlmencan only come witha job you ove © Yousheuié ware lve nt ive to Work, © Hetentuckeristuman Resources Director at Procter and Gamble. Each year, the company conducts a survey throughout thet organisation to ind out how satisted thelr staff are in ther obs. Write down five questions thal you tink will appear Inthe survey. © (7s: tientethe tat prt eth nen Wit or queso dens tence menor? bo [5 pbsaistacton © 51 tsten tothe it pat agin. Nate doun al questions inte sey. Conpreyar ane ate nemsers aa fs © sz usentotn stand pret te nea nove hese avn 4 What tree ways hav job pss changed in ecent years? 2 What examples des Helen Tucker give of fexble working programmes? 3 Apart rom Redbe working contions, what ther factors might persuade peopl join Procter and Gamble? 4 Why dd Procter and Gamble introduce a car share scheme? © What ind o pers would yout to have when joining anew company? Perks that work © ‘nvtichns are ths es mene 1" noes pratt hana cnpany 2 thing empoyes mae choke how ty oan rn ana fom wik 3 te dont faethe pet 4 ceatng amano and te wich empoes fly ant 3 wanes ouput pes ftedy eco computer } 4 te lcesed eels gta @ Lookin te article to complete these word partnerehips For example: persona problems 1 personal.f00blem.. 5 common... 2 Moan nnn 6 social 3 10D rn 7 corporate BEN nn 8 employee. © Complete these sentences with word partnerships fom Exercise C. 4 He has resigned after having. 6 Of nnn enn tS YOR 2 BUI UP nn is important with unemployment at 3 record on 3. OWE ern sa 8 ncharge of runing the company and for making joint strategic decision wth the CEO. 4 The new CEO transformed the bureaucratic —) pofttminded entrepreneurship. 5 Companies who polute the environment ae lgnoring their ethical and 6 The sn should getthe biggest bonuses 7 We need 1 use logic and sot nnn MO OUFemONS 10 maketh decision, @ discuss these statements, 4 Companies shouldbe uly involved inthe ves ofthe employees, 2 ‘Sick days'area perk. 13 Apayrise sete than a jab in acing company. Perks that work By Robert Burke Keping pope hp san nen tough eth templet cod wn ong ig st abot ann reainempoee, ‘Sly Debory of he New Sowers ening fen Wiliam tower Neteny ae els in amped, thy tne more money, ote benef an el wih oma poems ck child ret hacia pong ros once sco ech inereion Retention sno ine un esos ae, {sss Doky "prc colony companies fee ttightt bor mares, toy hme ben th st ernie sing ys to pwc Hero bot NADI Comments fr aml. poste perme Fed whet of oy as Tina BMW 32310123. Iicnsuneey Vine mow pea ater {thane al os npg on Caribe cruises Sah eit gre rte cop but do hye tenet company? Mare, ‘Bry alco inn tale Teor hy dont cre oes ee at it pret’ Do’ how enya ‘Tater eh wate Same ys don anys ter Pets an benefits can be Grae athe ‘St-fioteconpry end Setter sco Den odd wpe tec ey seam 5 nh satistacion | ike ht tend, he ys. Too ‘fen tees depron Sometimes ost ating, fads very expense? Mero, which tpt Iowor sing ae th yu, hasten stinking ees, for example "We compates sl fice aor cancer hat a ely rt. ow do yp kop worn? Stat by making the el hey pt ‘ofa spc place with «wig cau“ We want fo hr people ‘haar olan weit oe ‘als ys Tm Hava ener ‘mange for South Dake (Gate 2,20-anpaye call ‘eter and manatring fay in Hanpon Hone, efiseny ayes reper team caring conan ese nd fi, Those ar alae hat we lie by’ Richmond based Xperts lb ies y the wl, Founder and CEO Witla yer ss ong sy of ie ith sense ol repens ‘ores can dosnt which nr rf romps Xp ontaerfr evap A Strong clr uke it ha fo 6 people lave, Tere Thy onthe an ug ese becuse they've ound tome, Thay rh Note torpor cue su dou ay much about Starches or rte Azide employer conte approach “Tru ky of ‘ea, hey eal gong oy, = "ay meer ney” But a note th yer sys. What ‘People eating or "A ce tha ooking ot forme ‘What tht mans ng employees coe wih tems he ase fice “That isha companie ca ld temple yay ys Baars Hai of Wills Mewes vo Richman oie Ose poe twos eanging ene plies terete fee lee hk “ha puta employes evento a ‘ingle cates Employes ae tos ime off when they poo and © Mmaten semences 12th sicheangs below. romise nation / request speculating about the etre mang rfecng one past _ vie / warning thet 4 They wouldve gone bust fhe taken his advice. 2 Il ere you redesign your website '3 Wel deliver within 24 hours you order online. ‘4 Wel be abe to expand if they come up withthe nance. '5 you reduced your pie by 8%, wel increase our erder substan, 6 Your money back Frat 00% satsed, 7 fe go online our overheads wil fal 8 if you woul ke to app, cll Human Resources 0n0207753 3420. 9 Ifyou orderby the end ofthe month we can ave you a discount. 0 | would dothat if were you 14 weld hada better website, wet have attracted more customers. 12 | woul be grate you would advise your taf as soon as possible © decide whether each othe situations below is key orb) unlikely to happen toyou. Ther, tell our partner what you wil or would do, 4 yougetapayrisenest year 4 youtravel abroad next year 2 youwlnalatofmoney 5 youhaveto give presentation n English 3 your computergetsavius 6 yourcompanyistaken over bya competitor Discuss what went wrong the following situation, Use the notes from the joblist extract below. For example, they setup the ste propery, they ‘wouldnt hove hed so many complaints. is nthe Itemet shopping business. In oder to save money when redesigned ils website sixmonths ag, decided nat to employ 2 Specialist design company. stead, the work was dene by sore ofits own employees who ad United experience. Technical problems have nw led to ‘lstomer complaints, which Rave impacted on sales = seh site op property etree use an expert ~ not try to cat corners = alloente a bigger budget ~ veeoynise problems enrfier = listen ta eustomer feedbask ~ do more resenrel, | © 274 Roger Maris, Head of Business Development at Smarterwork, gives Sarrrone| 2prcenatonto some cstmes Listen tthe ist exractand answer these questions. 1 What sevice does Smarterwork offer? 2 What do these gues referto? a) 4 B) 60,000 € 90 3 Who ae its wo types fuses? © Crsuiten tthe secon ec and camp thst inthe procs. N + The cintpots poet Supls isthe st and ake Bis ON 5 + The lent transfers the fe toa holing account. {The ask gets completed and the cent sigs ff the work + Smarterwork takes a commission, © Aratisen sennheiser 2 bette toning des Ree doa te statis presetin? 2) introduce himsalt fp telastory 1) greetthe audience ‘Baska question 2 Complete what Roger sys a the start of his presentation This morning takto you about Smarter. going to ‘in overview of Smarterwork, then >youabout ‘urtwo types of users ad inaly “how alors. Feel ee to.askany quastons youtke as we go along ‘(17s tisten again tothe second extract. Note down the language Roger toes to ntrodue the stages Inthe proces. Fr example, Fstly © match these expressions from the presentation to headings in the Useful language bor. 1 Canyou jst ase yourhands? 4 Right. Themes thing ke to 2 The great thing about the dois Internets '5 Asyoucansee,toutlines the 53 What hat means is steps involved. Useful language l ‘commenting Involving audience Emphasisng eferingtovisals | CammerteS nwrestog Ofchatssartenork?Ujustke to highlight. Lets tok a the chat. because Rowmanyofyoutove iketostesstne. Let me daw your IMhint what ths meansis "hear. impotence of titenton othe table ‘Changing subect, Turing naw {@ Prepare athee-minute presentation ona subject of your choles. For example, {produc or service your organisation or Istution, or act you know wel Is Lu I Cf Background KGV is a traditional highstreet_ music retaler: Based in Amsterdam, it has 12 stores in the Netherlands, three of which ate ino the rex of Europe and now cons 68 The company is at present going through dificult period, Over the las three yeas, profits Have steadily fallen, from €150 hillion to €200 million, The megaston sales have riten by 8%, accountng for 5 ofthe company’s tumover bu the ie revenue has been achieved only by heavy advertising and promotion Free competition, x narow product range anita lack of innovation are some of the reasons for KGV's poor performance. The management are concerned, espera that they are not exploiting the opportunities ‘offered by sling through the Internet. expendinureo ot anneat ste nace Market study A sudy by KGV's Marketing Department following ating 1 eis estimated tha in fire yearstine, 70% ofall sie products wl be bought ‘athe incemet 2. Shaye percent of consumers under the {age of 30 prefer to do ther shopping va he teres, 13 KGYS customers would Ike stores to rovidea wider product range (ee chart I) 4 Average spending per month in KGV's Imediumszed stores is highest among the Al-€0 age group (se care 2) 5 Spending on music products bythe over: (60 age group wilinerease signa in the nent en oar in Europe 6 The various age groups have car preferences a5 the eype of musi they Soy and purses (oe chare 3). 178 Listen w a conversation between Mictse Johnson, a director o KY, and Hanna Driesen, the recently appotited Financial Director ofthe company They are discussing the company strategy before a fortheoming management meeting about IKGV's future. Make short notes on the ‘opinions they express, 7 ecommerce | CINE rane for ain ‘MKT: Prfrencs cana for msi prods \ o easyer, =| ew | ‘Unease spending pr month na 4 oO ee 5 1A You are amember of KGVs management n smal soups, prpare and ie a presentation fr your Colleagues concering KGW ature state. Your reser shuld onside the floning questions: 4 Should KGV keep same of ther stores but slat least som ofthe goads vate Intemet? 2 Should hey dos altheir sores and oer atotl online sere so: 4) hat sks would be voted? 1) how would the costs ofthe bisiness change? 1 what orzanisstonal changes wou the Company have to make? 3 Should KG stayas is, butfolow Hanna acbice 8) outsource advertsig and promotion ) introduce new produ, which ones? ©) consider targeting new Segments ofthe marke, 4 Wit are tre conseauences ofthe chosen tater) How can the poems be minimised? B thet as one group. On of ou shoud lend the Mettng Decide what NG's ture statgy should be and workout an ato plan forthe net yor, e Managing Director of KG. al toa director of the company as unable to ated the ‘ceting. In the eal, sum discussion and decisions ofthe meeting and ask the director for his/her comments D Wien te page 139, Vocabulary 2] © ea the sentences and supply the missing vowels foreach word. 4 Our new managers very p_13__s_¥.-Evenone agrees todo hat she wants us todo. “TheCEO made an_|_qu_nlspeech,inwhich every singe sentence had anima onthe audience, +5 They made an foto keep ther nstructons sc _ct so as ott conse us. 2 tis ver rewarding when people ina meeting are sp _ns v_andask ts of questions. 5 Oursales epsare god communicators, and theyre alf__ntin two foreign languages. 6 tiewasarather_=_t_ speaker, who ep searching fois words © Compete the dfrtions with a suable adjective fromthe box. Tie aherent’ entovert focused ohibited reserved acute 4 Hfyu do ot easily som your felis 0 express yOu onan, YOU ae em 2 youd not se sight ofthe man message when You speak, OUR nnn 5 you express youre ina cleat and structed Wa, OU a nn 8G 15 ifyouare hay nd vey i socal stations, you at. § ypuare oven OUR embarassed and ind it ict to behave natal. 6 you ate seven ther paople's eed or fetngs, ou cae about them and topnatte cause ofence, @ Complete the sentences with the corect form ofa word from the box. clay conse digess engage plain teupt — Uten ramble 1 The peste oven Bf ge the audlence some background infomation {Despite your explanation, Pm ot sure | understand S01 Hp OU nnn your postion soa. _5 Good communicators ald complicated terminology an jagon sas not to re tte 14 Sur dctnIon Ha nnn Sel pone ca, so soOn os the thread. 5 Thebes sales reps ae those Who CN nnn with costoers as wel as with colleagues. 6 Practical examples, iustrations ad raps can ll be mre useful han words when sou ae ting to rev eomathing COMPS 17 Te speaker teed 0 ov-nne- lt 50 that many inthe aulence forget what the mantopienas or topped loge ead the e-mail opposite rom your companys HR manager. Then write reply in ‘approximately 200 words. Collocations Bret tf [eee end © choose the corect items fom the box to complete the pars of symanyms below, mesic ceashgovesms state getafeolhoain Soming_ttnch erento wna Kane 1 agroing mara aa 2 tointadace product sprout 3 ntrationa masts = mara 4 tobeakito amare, a amaret © Adee aproprate items fromthe box the nous below to make compounds. Trond wader segment consanay pe suategy. gues product tages 4 mata 4

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