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Activity 1: Consider a research topic and justify why you

have chosen it along the 5 guidelines. (Deadline : March 17, 2022)

Research Topic:
Guidelines in Choosing a Topic Justification

1.       Interest in the Subject Matter

2.       Availability of Information

3.       Timeliness and Relevance

4.       Limitations on the Subject

5.       Personal Resources

Activity 2: Narrow down a chosen research topic along your field of study using the
Journalistic Questions*(DeADLINE: March 21, 2022)

A Case Study on the StressThreshold (how the body or mind react) Vis-a-Vis(in relation)
Compensation Package Prior to and During Covid-19 Pandemic


__________________________________________ Write your

revised title here.


__________________________________________ Write your

revised title here.


__________________________________________ Write your

revised title here.


__________________________________________ Write your

revised title here.

__________________________________________ Write your

revised title here.

Write your working research title below:



Activity 3: Writing a Problem Statement(DEADLINE: March 24, 2022)

Working in teams, work through the boxes from top to bottom to craft a statement. This page is a
description of each box. The next page contains a completed sample of the worksheet. A blank
copy of the worksheet appears on the last page. Anchor your answer to your research agenda.

State the initial issue you are interested in

Original problem or focusing question exploring, or write a focusing question about that

Stakeholders who are most affected by the Who is most directly impacted by this problem?
Alternately, who would benefit the most if this
problem problem were resolved?

For example, skills, attitudes, knowledge, or

resources. Some problems are about attitudes
(people feel fatalistic about confronting the
lifestyle issues that lead to Type 2 Diabetes. If we
Type of problem could only change hearts and minds, we could end
that epidemic. Or, people do not have access to
healthy food in neighborhoods that are most at
risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes.) Suspected
cause of the problem Based on interviews,
research, data analysis and/or the

Based on interviews, research, data analysis

and/or the root cause analysis, what do you think
is/are the most significant cause(s) contributing to
Suspected cause of the problem this problem? What, if addressed, would make the
greatest impact on resolving the problem?
(Include specific evidence - or a plan for getting
specific evidence).

The wishes, dreams, and general vision describing

how you envision your design to impact the
Goal for improvement and long-term impact problem. You will write a clearer, measurable goal
statement later on in the process. For now, stay
with your vision of what success could be.
Plan your strategy for addressing the problem. Use
research, local knowledge, and local expertise to
Proposal for addressing the problem guide you. (Note sources if possible). This will
become the basis for subsequent action planning.

Tie the above statements into 3–5 coherent

Final problem statement sentences that could be easily understood by a
wide range of stakeholders.


Too many students in Cleveland are not reading at

grade level by grade 3. Many studies have shown
Original problem or focusing question that if students are not at grade level by year 3,
they will continue to struggle throughout their
school years.

Stakeholders who are most affected by the Third grade students, teachers, administrators,
problem and parents in Cleveland.

We are proposing this is primarily a problems of

resources: Without proper resources, training
programs suffer. Schools are over crowded and
Type of problem record-keeping is not consistent. Without good
information about where our kids are starting, we
have no way of knowing if our goals may be

Teachers don’t get sufficient training and support

Suspected cause of the problem in our reading programs. Students’ reading levels
are not measured accurately in grades K–3.

We want all our third graders to read at grade

Goal for improvement and long-term impact level or above.
Start a teacher mentoring program in reading.
Proposal for addressing the problem Implement more rigorous reading assessments in
grades K–3.
Many third grade students in Cleveland do not
read at grade level.

We believe that this is a result of teachers not

having sufficient training in our reading program
and not accurately measuring students’ reading
levels in grades K–3. We want all third graders in
our schools to read at grade level or above.
Final problem statement
Final problem statement

We will start a teacher mentoring program

focused on reading and implement more rigorous
reading assessments in the primary grades. At the
same time, we will implement a system that will
more accurately record and report student
reading ability in K-3 throughout the system.

Worksheet Number 3

Original problem or focusing question

Stakeholders who are most affected by the

problem Nurses

Type of problem

Suspected cause of the problem

Goal for improvement and long-term impact

Proposal for addressing the problem

Final problem statement

Activity 4 (Deadline: March 28, 2022)

Directions: List all the terms that you will use in your paper and define the terms.

Term Definition

COVID-19, Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an

infectious disease caused by a newly discovered
coronavirus. The virus that causes COVID-19 is
mainly transmitted through droplets generated
when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or
Covid -19 exhales. These droplets are too heavy to hang in
the air, and quickly fall on floors or surfaces. You
can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are
within close proximity of someone who has
COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface
and then your eyes, nose or mouth.

Pandemic, an outbreak of a disease that occurs

over a wide geographic area (as multiple countries
Pandemic or continents) and typically affects a significant
proportion of the population: a pandemic
outbreak of a disease.

Activity 5

Directions: Write the Importance of the Study and Scope and limitation of
your study. (Note: Your answer must be related and anchored to your research agenda and
previous activities).

Importance of the Study


Scope and limitation of the Study



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