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3. Clu trite 1 bai lug Mo bai (Opening paragraph) (3 cau) Than bai (Body paragraph) (23 doan) eer “Clin 2-3: (thesis statement) dua ra tau td li cho cau hai trong ¢* bai. Cau tr I 58 dug cy thé hom trong ede doa. thin bai sinh bay phan ‘Cau 1: din dit, gidi thigu vao dé bai (Viét Iai gitt nguyén ¥, Khong chép Iai) (PARAPHRASE)_ ‘Cau 1: (opie sentence): dién ta¥ sé néi trong c& doen, iu 2,34...(Gupporting sentences)tré [bi cho y da néu trong cau 1 bing cée lip lugn, dn chimg. ‘Cliu 1: (topic sentence): dign ta y s® n6i trong ea dogn. Kétluin (Conelussion paragraph) (2-4 cau) ‘Ci 2,3,4... Supporting sentence): tr Ibi cho ¥ da néu trong eau 1 bing ee —>} Tom tit lai ¥ chinh di néu 6 phan trén ure quet bing Camcanner [ORIG Te oly way To move safety aor ace eto give wh iter ponishments on dv bayou agree or dsaree™ Thascsson of wad salty ody many —| telieve a erackdown on tie vilatons is the ey to achieving this end Persovally, although Istonely support a ertlemace approach thee ae effective alematver Ma need considering. ‘nthe one hime and ——] ‘ueompromising sentences are deterent to feet awe ears, In fet, the power of fas punishments on kivingintactions is inthe pune ‘ature trugh which deingents wl be sary ofthe consequences aftr fens, stations ofthis can be seen in big etic, namely New York, Coventry or Metboune inthe lt tentth century. The numberof alcohol-related acident recorded in there this have fille remarkably since the Enforcement of immediate arestonduak | inerease (N) solve (V) > solution (N) ‘thought thatthe pie of petrol should be increased to solve growing trafic and pollution "Some people think that an increase in the price of petrol isthe best solution to growing trafic and pollution problems. (Sede mi “Ie” "itis important i Dig edn nhc: > "Some people think that ars inthe ptrol price i the answer to Gach 2: glintidp dia topic thanh § cia ngudi Khe Vid: some people say that the best wa facilities, others, however, say tha are required.” Saperts are sharply divided on the dessin ofthe best (Cu 2-3 gh thig chin pawn rong bai “ins essay wil discus in dtl the advantages and disadvantage ‘Vay hb vit Ep trang pit win 2 eink: “adhanagesv logn 2. New vid 66 th thé 135 ey ith ign quan Sin eae the price of petrol to solve growing trafic and pollution problem” improve puis by inreaing the nuke of pos hs wuld av ite fet on pbc hedihand it ohcr mess > “People have dieing views about he best way to improve public health.” hage ‘way to improve public health” ure quet bing Camcanner heavy traffic and pollution probes 3 oftame scooting into’ we “disadvantages” trong thin bi dost! tn "ny op na Nl a you oyu gee wi tsa (goin of iw Nh Bie i wd yo dy ha exe do you a st ret nd dang “ong bi vik eb nb ng cbt lpg tae, trio dong ‘Mth th ign qu dig nin eo Heston) hints a. hay onion, ‘fares am eoncered, Ivy point of view! n my viewpoin {rw nu ding" betes” et hg hopin” na 2 Than bat ‘Nau ifn ding 62 doan vin tp tang i aj nang. don. Néusane doy the 31h 25 nan thi itso exch JS Tate, rnc pu to en ‘hoa ht el 8 deg tog thn ei Phong inn vn gu qu eu bi Jog de 8 § hin ag ‘Strotia u ting dn ching mosh ge yd viet ong dogs gn tng aes ui vit tng cn in nex iri 8 i yc 8 ty chinh sb gma dogn vi cho bal vie Di theo so dB rén di chi, mi dogn vn rong thin lmctgn Wi cy 1.2 hay 3 dog rong pin than ‘Si hoy paragraphs) ein un the ee: 1: (topic sentence dit 8 nl rong cd dan (Cau 2-hEt sunporing sentences): ii hich cho ei chi 8 qua ch din cig lip un vi [ Tore sentence: Theleve tere are three main pint in suppor oF ‘Nesbit ch Hing 63 iu lca hi dy | military obligation. ghia uaa sy hat, Supporting sentence 1 Joti 1: ing sp cho dt mde | Fisly, all countries needa military Force deTending| ‘the citizens in times of war and ence al sides should make some contribution. ‘Supporting sentences “The Second reason is more ofa primary Toi ich2: 6 ch cho hg thing ping hi ia ait _| determinant to many counties. Ifa county is [= ‘unable otro sufficient volunteers tothe serve it an hardly operate as superior defence. “The third explanation often baled by older tsneration ina society is that military service is an fTetve discipline for young people: Not only does each them practical and; social skills bt also | encourages them to take responsibility for | ‘themselves and others A society with compulsory niltary service wil therefore enjoy enhanced secu, | | Sipportng sentences Teich 3: day neu tw V8 tn ut, rch mig. ding “the second reason” hay “ibe third explanation” th ng vic th ding “Secondly ng ich hy 8 chia ce in ip nau. Quan trol en dence thich hop 2 hin van ge pe anya " nom, Mt si liga tir ¢6 thé ding trong thin bai nhur [Bé sang] Fabtech [Tha iki ‘a ig L sheath rc Tar Net Foreaniie Moreover However? Then forint |Furtemore | Neverttess | Hruiyy Sicha Beier Wheres Secon. Aereese by ‘io Ato Fintof al Inteese of Aovllas senthough | Tost begin wth ‘esting |Letsene inspite despite! | Inte fiat pace tnparcaar Simi sib Fistnd foremost | Consquely | Parl Ube otwitsaning | Foran Saimegienly [Tate moe ‘rg quet ng Camscanner | Additionatty Otherwise! | Finally” Eventually ‘Thats to say } 7 Meanwhile a Soe grieemes iu nhc Ii cut cho edu di cia dé bai (vit Iie gi nung in nia), Khing dva cle thong tin ma dé bai hing yéu elu. Dieu ny Ii tr vit dy vit van eta ge sinh ‘Vigt Nam li 4 vt thi et phi ma ring § a tse othe. Dogn ket trong Ibi hinh vin kiéu An ein dae dig o& chit Ia § nim ting kétnhtng gi da vie tn, Vide: DE bu “What are the causes and effects of noise pollution in metropolitan cities?” Et bai chi cdn néu nhimg ¥ di n6i 6 tren theo yéu cau cia 6 bai rang: “in summary, several underlying reasons (such a...) and consequences of ns metropolis have been mentioned in tanh eso fl su 2 phn mes bai - thesis statement hoe bd sung them ce Tit ks trong gn han bl cing duge. Khong Cin mG ng thém nig ea ‘nhu “Solutions need to be implemented to handle noise pollution” vi dé bai chi yéu clu nguyén nn va ‘nfu qui ci 6 nhiém dm thanh chi khdng d&i hi gi php gh dua rat ngudi viet. Mist s6 eich viet mé div cho két laf sum [To summarize ___[inconclusion | To conclude Mat 6 cdch Khe nhur "In a nutshell “To recap” cua di trang trong nén han ché ding. 6.Céch tin aiém hin chang, miki th hing nim, tig ci chim biéy dim time tinh phn i 6 nh sy thay i shit dinh. Tuy nhign yu chung i, bn tig chi Ln di gi nit ba vit ne sau Dap dng yéu ei (Task response): Ng chim mun xem gu edt 1 eho edu hd dB bao trong phin mé bai, ©6 di ¥ tuéng phi hyp dé minh hoa, din chimg, vi du cv thé...hay khdng? Chiéu dai cia ci ‘bai 66 phii hop hay khong? [Ngin agi sie dung (Lexical resource): Chim xem ding tr vue lin hoat, chin xe, da dang a phit tren eu hay Lng > nga ding tr mang tin hoe that chi king pi ve ni, nén vit edu pit, ea ‘hep Khong ai dong 6 dal sang dng thir ba nhumg phai en th vi e6 thé gay lang cig, khong x inh duge vé chinh, phy.. ‘Tinh chit ché vi meh lac (Coherence & cohesion): Chim xem bai viét e6 logie hay khing? C6 tr Ibi diy di cau hoi dé dua ra hay khdng? C6 eh§t ché hay bj lan man, dia ra ¥ tung khong phi hop hay ning? gir phip (Grammatical Accuraey): Chim xem ligu ngudi vig 6 ding ding ngt php, cn dua ra wong bi hay King 7. Cie yu tb khién hoe sinks mt diém TA. Tirvung 71. Tie weg Bg mag tinh hoc dat pollution (ike... in urge quet bing Camscanner gu vit in inh sidan cei elly" era ot" a ous i yf hang kh ene inh hoe that hung duge sit dyng trong vain ni nh hom. Vi theta cn tm nhng thse ede Ronugt tome dooms Vit oe marie Ne det think that he university entrance exam s very ul (06 very" -> ink X tht the university enone ex cdi tac6 thé sit dung "definitely/extremely/absolutely” Ngodi rata c6 thé dim cho “very” nhur sau: z : cue cote aie SO COM TU THAT TMi ceraranaianannanae] [Faint ding Ven” [hi ay ding. “Trinh ding Ven" [Whi iy ding afraid terrified fearful eat immaculate [ane furious ois deafening [hod awful old ‘ancient [Beautiful wrgeousTexquisite perfect flavless [his massivelimmense ower compelling [esicie Tuminous/dazzli ‘poor ‘destitute busy swamped quiet silent capable ‘accomplished risk perilous cheap stingy roomy, spacious, Telean ‘spotless old ‘ancient clever brilliant rich, ‘wealthy/ affluent clear obvious ide vulgar cold ‘reezing serious solemn [colori vibrant sh Timid ‘confused perplexed ‘small tin conventional conservative soft downy dirty filthy/squalid special ‘exceptional ey arid/parched ‘Sure eer easy effortless ‘Strong, unyielding exciting exhilirating ‘stupid idiotic ‘expensive, costlyfexorbitant tasty delicious fa ‘obese thin gaunt fast ‘quick talented sifted fierce ferocious ‘all towering funn; hilarious, this parched good superb’ tere tired ‘exhausted happy elated jubilantlec-statte_| ve! hideous Teaden ‘unhapp) miserable soaring valuable precious, sweltering/scalding | upset distressed ravenous/ starving | weak feeble! frail crucial essential ‘wet soaked captivating willing ‘eager colossal villainous vivacious ‘expansive, Tengthy/extensive sagaeious. adored distressed/ansious ‘ure quet bing Camscanner ‘much’ a great amount of (tnnse dant tr klying dé due) cae ‘anya great amber of tre dan ULV EN). bch hte Bis nto chong tp ning done. Nest Kanal tong cit nu tong Ee gtr ty Vaio course (a sangha kning dn yc chan vé quan diem. ching 65 INE thay hing a ee tebe at apparent that, it cannot be deni at i Ssietableta ferwitoaesving tn, isanundapaeundone fot st Staal be deel at 1.2. Tr veg quad Ad ung dng sai hoe sp ip trite tsa (collocation) si “hi i at dae ee eke ve ett vc Un Wg tna a ‘meron ba Dy sce do atl wn ing dang dng toe VN. Teh hp Bay durge higu img tich cyc lén ngudi chim; néu diing sai th ngudi chim sé trir diém ning vi khién ej, ‘in tri nén khé higu. Ngodi r,t vung mang nfing tinh hoe thudt eling edn &n khp voi mpi. dung ting, Moc ih chink win orm ish dy st pe ct Ng ye "ryan v8 gin ti. Tham vod, dng a collocation (i it) & Kign ba viet tr mgm RBS hug Sumida ngti tinge Side Thisesay wil soe the isu of unemployment oman sstainabl developmen ofa cont Solve he robin ding ono" plete se 7.1.3. Ditmg tit tuyét di (extreme words) 5 7 “xreme word” ter mang a wy icing hp hu alVvery.." Na ing ty. vide sz bj cot lt Khong Khich quan, ching hyn Ki vit ve val tb ela vgs oe Sich 6 ban vie ring “Everyone knows ha eading bess seen) Tu"Eveyjone" wong lth cl ning Kash quan tng chet cd moi neu te iia so, bung nr neu vid Tom i Ah vb gu vic he ty 8 nt i gee get eal cng gh tn tyme, Kine 548 ach nl ca nh ing cae “exes ‘words htm. Ngut Vit che vin nd mga Gaye dig minh man at ng ede thm vo ras a penne one mgt sb mang i gidm nhe, ching han nh: “it scam hey that everyone knows tha eng Saks is teeeeey. ng hu) “sermineeepone nwa eninge ce. se ga -Almost / nearly everyone knows that reading is neces Vins hév gan mibur tit c€) 7.2. Nate pip " pe > 75.1 Dine phn big ps hp Dangling prices) “Traimg op ny thong ad) Fa neh i gon. Na? v8 chang chi ng, ‘thin V-ing (dang cha dng) hoe Past Participle (dang bi dng). LBi sai xiy ra k chi 2 chi ng Khde nhau Sel: Going ot ofthe oom is rend eae in, Cus gb la“When he went ou ofthe room, his ends came in” thi he vd Wise nhau. ca Sat Dee oft ih he ping acto an xing eve Cis ge “As he farmers were deprived of thi sighs he ape a Farmers" Ii ching vé | kh wi ching vE2 1 uprising” nen Eto eo 7.22 Cia dit doom (Sentence Fragment) ng thé ding chung du Cis di don, king ho chs m1 hung pp ki Secon nn oe Vic dns eng ing Ate cs one ras ict nhieu ngs vit tidy ee yéu tb co bin eu thinh newer See Ger pate ippirs ‘nén e8u d0i khi chi e6 ménh dé phu thuse = Vidyt gud video hire akhi vé true vi vse is friends” ei hi chi? ‘ure qt bing Camscanner Sa: Working very anton weekdays (Tia dt, "working very on wes yn dan Segui im cne Sok wing on weekdays isha Working ig im chin,“ ding te) ve EA tome studens are distracted by mobile games when staying at home (aga 8 sau “AS <8 Sung ge do cin tn ey ge go in ng weenie) Dine ALsome stent ae diately plying obi games whe syns home ti aadoni Fevfemsnce at school may bepeor. (Tel cae efancs mgn Op lp ch gu eia anal pthc “APN 3 cag (um on sence) Dis BA nga i ding ot oh png I hi noe du eu ing p 1d el pyc th de dine 3 ehep ma ade tp. : Sai: ang otal sare ay to sty ape, Kees players to conune huge amount of oo Vier ‘ing: Playing fool is great way to stay in shape beau it quires is players to consume a huge mount of ener weve Paying fot ia great way to stay in shape: equ its plyers to consume a huge amount of Miao: Sai: He good at istening sil ‘ing: Hei good at listening sil 72. Cv at (4 choppy sentence) : Gaudin hin sa sv rt na php thi chi ing, vn hi ng chm doe mt logt ng clu don qi gin gp, ngewe tre im do bf ea lngho min vong eich thé én. Thay ‘i dst nén ding ning elu php, cu phe ebm mid tinh ph nh quan eum dan i 8 cfu thea chu vn pong vit be tht bo. ‘Wid: Kh nn: In todays word there is boom of eleainment. One ofthe most popular frm oft is online pes. is considered ahnd of soci lady. This neds posching Forth ‘én in tody's worl thee ia boom of enerainmen, oe of he most popu form of which online zs consiered a kindof social malay tht needsproserbing forth, (gu vst Xd | Tost ‘néah dé quan ni oho cued chung hin hin ash mt), 7.2.5. Cm xn pretence) Tange hon ton Gi i chopy sentence ben rn, iy 1 xy ai ng vem bm gu bu rah dle lp gp vio mt el, fam dng qt ic gy i Khia nade fom, Khong 4 8 mc chinh/ phy a. Mot nguyen nin a Kg cho eo Kh Ne hv et hi 8 ge Ki aut hi cu due ding ma ng php King cht ch. Do d, nau vig nn eh hin vi ng hen share dng ql nl i ih "oy etn”, gn Jn case we goon holiday during Te, we ought to setup appropriate plan at least a month in advance, 50 in onde todo this, we should write down a to-do lists so0n a posible, whichis quite important in any ‘ipso asroto mis anything however, his speaking skills are relatively bad. however, his speaking sls are relatively ba. In case we go on holiday during Tet, we ought ose up appropiate plans at least month in advance, Ia order to do this, we should write down a o- list a soon as possible so as nt to miss anything, which is (quite impo in any tip. 724 Cau cu ting gang ng (Non parallel structures) ‘iy cg tp bién vit ng Anh ie tht rong dy gui Vit, sa hg enh” "rdung” “hoe”. hi eln i 1 dag. rong ing Any, rae vs ng ten “and “ba ‘ure quet bing Camscanner ‘8g phy ve re. Gilt, rude “and” dant th sau “el ing im a “Si cng dn ona Si soe ning mil cheskspat es twice a year and aid smoking at al nice mates cnclep te 3carand viding king stall cos, Dine inertness ng im a ‘ie i dings lar hg nub vil ch me. id nyc gus Ein cn pinta ingohnen nga pape We ena, Gng tye hs hg bl fH tong ay gp Ei ng wt gun ode Keg Shh cing ni neh ned Tech 602 Say tds aye ag hned foe co bin: ; SNE chase bing ani 2 gig hg doen 8 ai, ‘ge Ten and Toma god ted GH 2 oul bn te) Nisese ching ni nou ung "ands Bn lng gt ing gt due cia 8 Vg Bread and pase my vote lft, eT mn nk pa) Nev nt mi vl i bing" hor ner nor eer, not only but aso" dng ciate cn ene we Net Mary nr er ens are here Netter er nde nor May ihre =v. eat wl dar 38, ghia sb Cl i ng 6 even cack” i sau Bingsand th dng cng chia Ss Vide Exetoy and exch ths ire oiions “Many 2 dah abel sve” Viger Many ase tves pn ota Conde oe nv nual oes tan, "wgeter wit slong wit, “Seconpned bh ng esha te sh gts vier Mr Jo tpt ihe students tie is ude topter ith Mh ee . -Neov of Onasch of Every OE f+ anh is du + dg tha i vee Once my eds coming ere : Tc lmg al) of a td ing in due +d chin dang it Tech's ume le 6-)* ofan tsb ides npc ne ai Vise Ha te students ae absent afte popsaton nr ith is ses, Ti namie an ala +g hia (Sg ng...) + A umber dani + ding eins Mtb nhong) vee The nan fogs isncrasing Auer of ae bigs os _Mitb dag hid the" hang nc sn ein dg ti dn it + Mining oe: Matematis,Pysles, zonomies Ling ae + Bish meses, mumps iss die, ela {inti ats abi 4 Mtb he! nev his econ, vide: The news spreading fist ure quet bing Camcanner _ ptr sh ang (thing Lhe = "477° nung hin elt sb hit adn in ng dng SPRUE USS foto ch ge eh the a va : share consrvative nga. Tee pur eumner tech : Ta eto anh ch tp th Gea Sita eh gt deh & vay sty pes strat (Cf cig md esa ing) MUA opossum: newt tong gdh de mh hing) NSE esd at, en ye Oo hg toon chi View "hoist dsc om Hani to Loon Suk Sig chingh pls dg tthe tho chi gt chin wong ch rece Vee Isher stuns whothat fen tease ht 1 Vang Taide Peer eneenpocaes hilo hg ay vie hi cng dg gun nha hay vivo bl a Dap dba chee chan kin guti vie mit cm v vn phong ng An oe tuft kg chp nha fn. cool, roup, team, government.) th tu nhdn mo vo img nin rong tng thd [ vile Vide ang Faaait am He- She -Watant He = She Tes (000 ou We They rea You- We -They are ot = aot (i i) a sulsouldhad (ay gd cn) oan il noha not | {fona/vanna ing tanto 732 Det etu hit i ny rt hay gp Ki ng vid cha e6 nid kin nghigm vigt vin le tuft. Tw duy ola ngudi vide vin mang ning tw duy khi viet van tiéng Vigs, ring nén dit cdu hoi dé cho edu nghe luyén Liy tu tir hon. ‘Trong van viét tiéng Anh, ngudi chim cin edu tra loi tir phia nguisi viét cho cau hoi tir dé bai chir khong cin tri Woi cdu hoi eta ngudi viét. Newoi chim can chim ¥ ciia nguibi vidt chit khOng e6 trich nhigm tra feta vias ‘Thar are man reasons why the Internet ninboluony 234. Chipy npnén ab Nhigu ngudi viet bj anh huimg céia vin tiéng Vigt ld ludn phil chép lai dé bai clin thin vio phigu tra loi dé 15 a cd in by. Ty nda Sei gut iim nu lan ce gs ‘ng it vin km, Kg vt Ii git nguyn § (paraphrase) dye. Do dd, kh vit Wd, ng vit cin vid igi dé git nguyen jehir khong chép la Visa bi “Nowadays many teenagers no longer irs trans ut hy tun ot ends for aie, What “Rept many tem eng ep ty et rf rai Nauchep ly nguyen cu "Nowadays, many kenages no inmportant, Why? Fistly...(“Why" I hod toda this thi, tes thee parents but they tm to ure quet bing Camscanner {ends for ave.” ee cin suing de dh i co. Tay vin 6, tM it gs “inthis day and ag, thor exists several eons felted othe ste of eenagers ees in iu of thee Biologia pres". 73:4. Doon qué di hove qu A : ea Diy tr ty rg oy a wi 8 ht vo mt on 8 hn ig ba an wg ving at an 8 i dog cn tog pn hin bi, Gi i 68 “eso “scons a tn quan rng aang ha dod. ib dog cing en oN Sng «ln Ksng ih dogn gd tn 10-1 dang. dog eon fa che 80 4-5 dng dave 75-5 Sai (ri en ita vit eszayipareareph) ; os Bi niy nd th TELTS th gp tng vile ue nh hung thi quen vi ch tr thi ting ph ‘et ang neu ca th bao ghd ong ele bth hye itu ny vin thé xy a. Vi ogy, ‘i thi ei 6 mt dogn, King duge xudng dng trong Ki vet bal vin gm nhiu oan th ps 8 ub ling. Nea sid, ngud vit br dif lt ning. 7.36 Ding ng the? "you" "Nhigage sith quen ding "you" tong bi vin eda minh. Day 1 du Khdngnénv “You” ch xg 8 ie khién ng cha in tng La dang ain 1 chin ng chen nr dang dy bo hho cin tm thé ny thé no. Ding “you” cba Kh edu vn td nn thin mst us, gid nu ba be ni huygn din mt vi nha ei hg edn Kb don van mang tn hoe tht nia. Ds dm bo in chi Jn, Kch quan ei i vd, te mening nde hoe china gid nh". TA mh, new 10 “your opinion on sth eh ding "I" dave 7.3.7. Bt dw cd bing in te "FANBOY. Diy li van viet hirktng ph vin i. VI the, nu ce lin tr*FANBOYS” (For An Nor! Bul Or! Yeu So) dimg ds cu thi cu gia tinh hoe tt ang tong, 208 sang 1 vn ni Ching cin uae At git cs vi I tr di ha man vi nha. 2.38 Lom cng thanh nition) hode cum dng (peasl ver) [Niu be sin hi chuyén dt dinh nhigu tho gjan Gn uyén eum ding ti (hrasl vert vl thin nait (Giom) nén cong quen dp dung lun vio bit viEL Bly dieu Kong nén v1 2 dng etn ph bgp cho vin 6 hog 1 viet hoa mi trong vin tho om ing Ba vit 6 tinh ang on ao : 7.3.9. Dara nhs dn chi King is thay pe Cig ciu trong phn thin bi cin e6 ng din ching thuyét phe ngudi chim tn vio lug dim ngubi ‘itd ra Tuy nig, King phi din ching no cng 3 st thuyet phy. Dus diy Ts hal dng a ‘hig din inh ry: ' Dang I: din ching chi quan iy tknh nig, tei gig ig eda maui v8 ‘yz Having har dyed common tend in today’s world For example, my rend, Quynh ded het hair in pink ast week [Nha vit “Qu” Ion vit qu chung chung Khia ngui doc Kh he nm bt dupe diy ih. ng 2: ly sé iu, din ching qu cy he ‘VE sau ki ie di hoe, trong qu rah lim nin cy, gud vito htm thd tn et ida rnguin:Intemet, bf, dai, TV..d& b8 sung liga vio bil vit cia minh. Nhung day, nt roy tang, bgp Ki hi, net vit king ti wan vt hong da hp racing tin it ga lid r,t sinh Kg dae dng bit it gu no ca. Vay thong tin 3b eu ly @ di a? ~ Néu s igus ey th, chi tt gui chim 38 cho ring th sinh dang bia sete Vids Cancer i a serious disease in today's world. For example a record number of 94,768 cases were witnessed lst year in Viera ony. zi ‘isa i tal con 894,768 ly & dau ra? Con sé ny 6 thé due iy ding trem mang Internet ‘hung nu xd vé han cin nu tn vig nb duge ting tin chi tn vy Ist kh kei, Doo rutin din chime 3 nmi dang we ching “approximately rough about thinén th 8 hop i hom, 7a, Vay vit thé no a8 deg dig cao [Nie tong phi 6 di nu in cc tnd cia me bi lu, didn ge diém ego th diém te ‘urge quet bang Camscanner . Do dé, 1 bai lugin duge diém eao la khi: phan tgo thanh diém téng eding phai - Dap img yeu cau (Task response): tra Idi duge 13 ring, rinh mach cu hoi trong dé bai bing nhimg lip ludn sic sio, thuyét phyc. - Ng6n tir str dung (Lexical Resources): ding tir khdng bj Kip, khong sai chinh ta, ding ngit cénh, ding, khé cao. Tir ngit duge bién déi dang hop | - Tinh chiit ché va mach lac (Coherence & Cohesion): vi hich hop. Cac edu e6 sur két hop khéo Iéo: cu don, cau phite, cau gl ‘Tinh chinh xc vé ngtt php (Grammar Accuracy): ngit phap ding t6t, khong sai sot duéi bat ki dang gi. Tign mach, logic, khong ri rae bing ede lién tir ‘urge quet bang Camscanner

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