Statement of Purpose: Academic Background

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I Raju Jakkireddy, I am highly motivated and enthusiastic person. I love to learn new things. I
am prepared to further deepen and refine my expertise through Masters in Civil Engineering in
one of the best University; my decision to pursue this course is underscored by my desire to
take my ideas to Future Level.

Academic Background
I’ve completed my secondary school certificate, 10th from Vivekananda High School,
Siddipet in 2013 I done my diploma in civil engineering from symbiosis institute of
technology and science. Hyderabad in 2016 and Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering
from Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, India and completed in 2019 in these
four years of study, I have strived to maintain an approach-oriented learning in all my
endeavors. During my school and college years, I was a very active, diligent and honest
student who took part in extracurricular activities. I have enjoyed working in a team while
planning for the organization's activities. Apart from these, I have represented my college as
vice-captain of the cricket team winning the Inter sports meet for our college. I appeared for
the IELTS test on 1st Aug, 2019 and my overall band score is 6.0, each band are Listening
7.5, Reading 5.5, Speaking 6.0, Writing 5.5. My impressive and consistent career record,
along with intense involvement in study of English medium subjects from the past years
education with my ability to learn and adapt makes me the right candidate for this course.
            I am optimistic and hardworking and strongly believe in maintaining ethical integrity
in all my endeavors. My family maintains a highly motivated ambiance conducive to
academic pursuit. This has ingrained the desire of competition and achievement and
temperament of scientific inquiry in my character. Consequently, I topped every class I
attended in school and high school. My hard work and perseverance paid off when I scored in
top 500 of students in ECET Entrance Examination for admission in India’s premier
technology colleges, the Mallareddy Engineering College.

            In the previous years, I have paved a way to shape my career but I realized that
undergraduate education has given me an only glimpse of knowledge in this field. My
decision for a Masters in Civil Engineering is an effort to quench my thirst for knowledge and
contribute to the field by positive research. From the consultants of my professors, the
guidance of my seniors and careful perusal of web-pages of the university, I am convinced
that my career will be in the best hands at your University. Not only was I attracted by its
distinguished faculty, excellent laboratory facilities, and a high reputation but also by the
quality of research going on. My choice of this specialization is motivated by its
multidisciplinary nature which will broaden my horizons and give me flexibility in
professional practice
Why This University
This University is my uttermost desirable destination because it has a distinguished and
multidimensional approach towards Engineering education and prestigious institutions in the
nation for higher learning.

The facilities offered by the school will help me to gain great experience be it social,
recreational or my personal development. This University will grant me with theoretical
understanding, an in-profundity idea of practical approaches in aiding administrative decision
making and research skills to enable me to develop an expertise in the core areas of
construction and management studies. Also, the calibre and credentials of the academic staff
members is believed to be very impressive.

What has led me to do higher education in USA?

The reason for choosing the USA as my study destination is because the USA offers world
class reputed education and many people from India have had successful careers in the USA
after completion of their education. In addition to that, USA is safe and peaceful nation.

About sponsorship
The expenditure for my higher education in the USA will be partly financed by my family
and me.

I have done enough research and discussion with friends and experts before taking the
decision for higher study in the USA. I am convinced that the program will prepare me for
pursuing a successful career in the field of construction studies in India.

The further procedures for the completion of my application and securing admission require
obtaining a student visa for the USA. I am looking forward to that. I request you to peruse my
application for a visa to your satisfaction and consider it for approval.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to express myself.


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