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_—== SPEED and ENDURANCE STUDIES>=— o0K M-UP B MERS> SF R. For ALL LEVELS from Beginners to Advanced DEVECORES At IKE Grove School of Music INTRODUCTION Being a drummer calls for a great deal of physical stamina and strength, which is why I wrote this book of speed and endurance exercises, However, these exercises should be practiced with smoothness in mind, rather than speed Speed will come gradually, if you practice every day. It's very important for you to be relaxed and comfortable while you're play- ing these exercises. Work on them one page at a time. Don't push yourself: play up to your top comfortable speed. After playing a page, stop for a few minutes and then return to the same page. You'll notice how much easier it will feel My sticking notation is very important . . . you'll find notation for single and double stroke rolls, and paradiddles (which are a combination of singles and doubles). The sticking can get tricky, but as you become familiar with it, it will feel more natural AND it will strengthen both hands After you've mastered the sticking, and become comfortably acquainted with the exercises, you'll only have to go through this book once a day to feel your hands improvel These exercises should serve you well, and will keep your hands in great ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nick Ceroli, born in Niles, Ohio, attended the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music for one and a half years, and then went on the road with Ralph Marterie. After a two year stint traveling with Ray Anthony, he moved to Los Angeles in 1960, where he played with all the local bands, from Stan Kenton’s to Les Brown's. In the prime role of studio musician, he’s worked with greats Peter Matz, Allyn Ferguson and Carmine Coppola and can be heard with Ray Brown and Dudley Moore in the score of Moore's movie “Six Weeks.” He's performed and recorded with singers Peggy Lee, Jack Jones, Steve Lawrence and Evdie Gorme, Vicki Carr, Irene Kral, Dave Fishberg and Cleo Laine! = Ceroli’s recorded with a myriad of jazz stars including Zoot Sims, Al Cohn, Bob Florence, Mundell Lowe, Jack Sheldon, Don Menza, Alan Broadbent, Pete Christlieb, Warne Marshe, Stan Kenton, Bill Berry, Richie Kamuca and Ray Brown. In addition to all the recording, studio and performing work, Ceroli performed on the Merv Griffin Show for seven and a half years, as well as subbing on the Tonight Show. He was also on the faculty at the Dick Grove School of Music, where he taught a weekly drum class == SPEED and ENDURANCE STUDIES==_ by NICK CEROLI CONTENTS SECTION ONE Accented Endurance Exercises-Groups of Four ..... a Single Stroke Endurance Exercises . Endurance Exercises s 7 Accented Endurance Exercises-Groups of Three - More Single Stroke Endurance Exercises More Endurance Exercises Accented Endurance Exercises-Groups of Two Still More Single Stroke Endurance Exercises . .. Endurance Summary 1........ Double Strokes . SECTION TWO Paradiddles....... Sixteenth Note Triplets . Single Stroke/Double Strokes Double Paradiddles i Still More Sixteenth Note Triplets . .-.-and Paradiddles . Fast Double Strokes ........ Fast Double Paradiddles Simple Accents...... SECTION THREE Syncopated Accents ......... Accented Sixteenth Note Triplets Even More Sixteenth Note Triplets . Thirty-Second Notes/Single Strokes . Double Strokes............... ©Copyright MCMLXXXII by Dick Grove Publications Copyright assigned MCMLXXXV to Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in USA. SECTION ONE This section initially presents warm-ups for each individual hand, and then puts the two hands together. By stressing the accent (with the snap of your wrist), you will build strength in your hands, as well as endurance. STAY RELAXED! SSS Accented Endurance Exercises-Groups of Four (GSE snap oF west) > > > > > > 0 0-0 ca eS @ @ wo © Reee Single Stroke Endurance Exercises > » @r > > BIPL RE LOLELL Cel... ote 6 ce pate ee cece lL Endurance Exercises witc ee eee Ceiect et Meme ee ee ceieimiecicc. ememee ee imlarmeccoe fers... Saee Tees oo .etees ee. eeeececeere = MeLeeeioy eck Thiele e eee Pree - BUGL Ree ee eeimeri ce reree apa a Cocca Ree eee SSS Accented Endurance Exercises-Groups of Three Ge o More Single Stroke Endurance Exercises > > > > CC Che ete Boren eC “asso EDP > 2 oe ens 2 >in > > MUPTORL .-- --on ee MERC OO re: Re 1 2 LF ULo Rane CAINCAT arenas Peres Sal Soe ele CRU RLe LL Leeee 12 SSSSSSSSaq—a—]—= More Endurance Exercises @ @ieeeee @ Cee Ce Cee SE CL Cet one roo. CLELRERCGER “ee © eee Ce CRC CERO Do 13 Rreckc eee. Rie R Ree CecereimieLeieLR ELLE Portio== Ree eee S 22a errs Gee rece ar = TeCeeec ele SSS Accented Endurance Exercises-Groups of Two 2 SSS Still More Single Stroke Endurance Exercises W7 tara. a Bu Oe Ss hs a oS a SARE Endurance Summary 1 Tec Re Mier et Ae eR Lee Pepe = nea ee Te rere ere LEC cose a, saasSass=eao ee TCE = ae inane ideale! Sepeeeesen ans + So SRRALeCRS EE ES. . one eee a Se RLRE 19 pa ES PC Re. on2 ee ara = Sa ae ee Rea =e RieC PRC | 20 Now, here are double strokes. . . It’s very important for you to make each stroke sound the same, so that this: ae RROL will sound the same as this: aap When your speed increases, you can bounce the second stroke of each double, but when you play at slower speeds, you should use your wrists for each stroke: SLOW SPEED: W=Wrist B=B FASTER SPEED: Remember, smoothness before speed. SSS x Double Strokes 21 See eee eae Gor e—e © Ferree. ee = (REVERSE STECKENG ON REPEAT 22 SSS More Double Strokes Wc Cc MPL AL BOLL MPLL LAR Lieer eee cierePL ae Wer ee eee fare ene panne GALL ALL eel APLAR LL@eiem cLPRLPLLRe ~~~ WW 23 teu =---@U eel eR Lee SS=eetenmee 2 ee ec ee eu wer icee Ce AR Ce ciee LRRD Ge te ure ee fineness LC Rercee emieece cee cleRce Me ee Pe eR Rt Me Ree eee Ce MOLL MPL REPELS 24 SECTION TWO Before going on to the paradiddle section, practice single paradiddles for awhile to warm-up: > > atae irate Start slowly and gradually build to your top, comfortable speed. Hold that top speed as long as you can; keep in mind that you don't want to tighten up. If you feel that you're getting tight, gradually slow down to your starting speed Watch for the accents in this paradiddle section and in the double paradiddle pages that follow. SSS Paradiddles i Pcl ica a it eclaa pki pi = ®; Tiere cee T@eLRLL cee cuet meer e ceeeeL ec Tieeiea Pete CML eRe ee Aree MeL AL LARC Meer! CRICRL Rem Meee LMR Meee CR PLM 25 rire ee eerT @ @ieec@c@ ai eee Le teu mime CALL AL LRM ML PURE DR RL ELL TOP URLL MURR AL CRE pigs eee t Mee ce ee iiaraienbenreta: Ree Ree MLee cee eLee@L Pie RLMeL A ee TEE Cece eee Le MM Mee Ce RL ROE Beer cere RUPP URL Te Rc eee we RRC R ie RRRLA Re Ce eree teu Pe cee : Preece Rceeiee ee CM AL RRR LE CRE 26 SSS Sixteenth Note Triplets Pre cee Cre cer erece 2 cee ete Lececeiereeee 27 TEELCERD TCteRte 28 Still More Sixteenth Note Triplets (REVERSE STECKENG ON REPEATS) Sheesh = cee ee) = Lou evecec REEL ALE LL RURLeL 29 2ee cee 3 Laveen. ” ee cece CL Ree RuRceL —__ eeewee sos 2 @ weer & eee | 30 SSS Single Stroke/ Double Strokes ‘SENGLE STROKES) Rcece 31 (Bouse atenes\ ROLUREZL LoL FLL TU Ulead RURe eee Ru eeReoReea CUECRP COREE "Re OP IEP Ro IR SLERRLERE fo SUMP E E Rec Rec eee ARriekRe OL Weert eec_ eeu eerL_ eRe err Rec eee cu Re Le RAL AR RURAL RLALAL ARCO RRLL ARLE ALACRA Aiki AL KR RAC eRLL SSS Double Paradiddles == — ee oe ——————— CeCEC EOL 2 Lee en Henkes terme mmemem mon & Cceierer@imei eee eee cecerereree ce veeere RieceercecRcr Acer ee K\k cei Ru Kcereecereci Ace TCOLSCLALMLL Mei AR LALALL SLeteKLKikcl CLeLLL LKR LR LAreececee cecece @recee LRrew LLecke ceeeker Ree 33 EB ‘ = RM ec Acerca Acecee\ creck Kiki kc Lceckr ececee reer Ree RE ceRPL PLAC RR ALR MLL MLR ML RL ML REC eceL TURE LL ur RCRC RL RRLL RE CRLR RL RR Reece ARC Mee CAcMLAL Mike MLRL RAL ALM LARA ALL a 2 Rec ARcRcAce ALAceR ic kere Rik. ek eeLe RELL Re cAIRLL 34 Still More Sixteenth Note Triplets FESR LS Se SS eee Re RPC Oe es eee eS freee Lac ere 35 Re@rececee cer eel ere Ree ier. eR cK Le Meier | 36 More Sixteenth Note Triplets . .. and Paradiddles (REVERSE STEERING week TABEEATED) 3 Teer kt RELRUMALR LO Mee MPL ACRE RL Ee (ec ALeL eee MMe RLRK ceLALALeLMeLeLe LRiL?e “ececec ec ee ce MCR c ere Me Ler@rec@ce RieceRc_@_ee Lacece Zi teL ALAR LAL MLR Le CRLALALALL LeveL RL 37 = ce au Le oe Reece ee =C@et RRL R Lee === Gee vecete cee 2 38 SSS Fast Double Strokes TEU ee ee RAL CeeReC Re ree CLERIC RL 39 eRicekec_ Arce ieee Ae ec Rice rce\eirceer eR eueee eecceec Ace weRete Ace Merc ee Kerr ec ei ace to@@ec LOL Per ee cree Ac ee reece NAcc eRLKLL MR eerreeie Creer eeueer eck ieee eer Mecikecr RCRA Ree 40 Fast Double Paradiddles {| (GUE Cee a sa= = er a Te ep eal Dia bh STS, ls y y Tlaceeteceuceieiee Ace Rie eee Ale RL ee y COLA erecee@ cece Ai ekcee Lee cece Lere Lev 41 oes Pe Sai 5 Jo Io v Jo Cvereerceceria err Rrec Meer erereeLAre Leceee oie 3 Sica ig Seas v@reer ere ra ee cet AL eceer Rca Le Lee @ Reever tere @ie@e@ rece. Krecee cece Rcecercer eer > ees 3 Cec ere merece cece Kiereerer Mic MLR LEE | 42 Up until now you have only had to deal with occasional accents. From here on, accents become more syncopated and plentiful. Be sure to play them correctly. ‘Once again, start slowly and strive for smoothness, Don't get anxious. Stay relaxed! SS Simple Accents (REVERSE STECKING ON REPEATS) TRUAR CRE Sa @CRRCRCC RRR CALL RAL LAL RLALR RE) LU RCERIRRERELRUERR CRLCRERRERLRERLE 43 2 Rue Vale cece eLee CecRecececeeceu! zoe Lee Rec Reece Ree v LRc@cecerceercen 2. 2 = RLRe LeLcRceecece Sao ame CRRGRE UaLee eRe: CRC RRA LR Lecece. 3 e g 2 el w a 2 S e 44 SECTION THREE SSS Syncopated Accents PLAY ToP STECKING ThRouGHouT THE PAGE, HEN REPERT THE PAGE USING THE BoTfom STICKING, 45 RURL Conese 46 SSS Accented Sixteenth Note Triplets: ca TOP STZCKENG THROUGHOUT THE PAGE, \ THEN REPEAT THE PAGE SENG THE BOTTOM STECKING 23i> 93> G53 23 2 3 53s cee 3} @ 3 3 oO CECCRCE= Reh Cee Cle hs eo Ree LRLR Leeete RE Eee bem epee 2 Pe m3 3 a3 > @ 23 gz = & z & SSS 47 >3 3 93 (LDL Seer) Pc chee 23 3 23 3 Rx ic eS BRA Sains 48 55 sg£-=_ Even More Sixteenth Note Triplets Ga TOP STLCKING THROUGHOUT THE PAGE, \ THEN REPEAT THE PAGE USING THE Bottom STICKING. > > >3 > 3 3 49 a3 23 33 al >3 >3 2333, 50 SSS The Last Group of Sixteenth Note Triplets (PLAN ToP StcKING tHtoueHoeT “He PAGE, \ THEN REPEAT THE PAGE USING THE BOTTOM STICKING. 23 3 > 3 3 3 > 3 = eae & cz z iE U ie ar ae 51 52 Thirty-Second Notes/Single Strokes REVERSE STEEKENGS ON REPEATS) RLRLRELRLRLL RLRLRR RARE eee, eee RREKR ARK CeLee LRLRLL RRLRLR LU RLRLRR LRLR, CURR RECRURLL AERC 2 RLRL. Laue LL RAL RE LRLALL RRL Ect eet 53 54 SSS Double Strokes (REVERSE STECKENES on REPEATS) RELL RRR RRR LLLRLL LURRLL LLLERRLLRR er Pr ar £ RRLLRRILRRLL RRLULRR RRRR R LERRLERRLLRR LORRLL LLL -RR LIRR LURELLRR LLRR LURRLC RR CORR LE RRLL -LL RRLLRR LURR LL RR LURE LL RELLER eevieas, aa Pare = cree 6 8 i PLAY ToP STECKING THROUGHOUT THE PAGE. THEN REPEAT THE PAGE USING THE BOTTOM STZCKING. 57 RURR CRU RRR LRLL RLRL % CRECRERRERLE RRR LAER RLRL _-__ KERR LELL U@c@ LITT CRE ELRR RIL RRR IRLE RELL % CRCORERR RCC RERR LORE LCRRLRIRIR % LECORURE RL |

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