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Batch: — 30 Roll no: 046 | Western Political Philosophers __ Test [ #4 hat is the concept of stake. Tohn Locke and _Rouseau- Ans: 1 chon = l Thomas 4\olobes js considered as father ch : oO with | Thomas —— Alot ¢ Mate ‘a Social._Contract_as_presented by 7 locke and Poucceau explain ed the existence OF ciety in. theo different waye wile Plailocorplacy Of. social keeping the mai cotract Sa in_@ wa the Vion are Greody ies nature where as jr, Locke | precenteck mati AS. , civilised __ bet boy nature | = ma tna peycan wiho | their ch a paca a wheyeas Poucscoouy f i Tmodewazed nese tuo —exhome comer approach. t and E yothe y a — Peat in the stare of nahite ant 18 —protect his (fe and pia ety Hobbes aid trot in_netive man was alanye selfish and wanted to cttettin for_himtelf. tle nevey 4vougnt fF a greater cause - 9 Unequad distribution of yecources nee Said eat In//lavs of Nature , resource Were distributed anéqually because pawwerfus or more while Weaker (eff behiact - ii). ¥ He. further navaked Hat due 4) there unsgual_ to. _agveement {0 __c4 Sige ms a In thi contac: Si 1 S| hawaled tn ———_social conhach can A= Conran weasthh by i Sweveiqn can altain be tamman Wealth He can ako => Ho the lel thot was | contyact was I John Locke | time of the was inf isech Akkain _if he Aimcelf 1S _paworfil ©) all - FEAR- fies ced me Powers fo ane : | Peaple submitted avs their mange 5 Penpenty ok Sovereign in such becames fb two wp Institution ower, if all will ingly | ws { Stoty s Of Sovereiqn t thou boy any means devivative Q Ahis 4 | Gorn in the | Revelukien ©) Britain by hi time: innocent Was. by nature war alwonis _q_hismble being! He was civilized and _selfless- He never | wanted blood Shed + laws Op nature i | Hobbes ctnire ‘hat peaple were a. | | never quavelsome VA bewawiac was nodhsally [ney will _bestnus their same eights and | -tim - \ _ = ] were bene wlent on him Nature Was gcarev Oss fo every person I b_ Generous Nature OF Man | j Man was by nature, very generous: He wae cl ped aay— ya pet io evoryone” in te state Gl Nakure Lis reper: \ibey:- Ou \) ye ha ver bestoused eve induviduas the ight of life _, property ani! Moor ty eaysaliy and without any AigKvienina entity over Naeduyallu given ol night et) _ewve human instinct - $o +n ett juct wanted +o oO i +i whi he will potect thoi vigats | ly G of vi si vod. * aL According tn _tHoldaes Only some Gh |e yialte wene, uwvendored tp she. soveves: ue any Confederacy . In _4hii _vuay this waa _ensunty to -theiv \ life, pro peviny liberty. a SecialContract “Theory of Rousceau: | ean Acq ae jues_Rovigenu was not fron a vory off. family and i ——Childhood. AN these havd ships moulded | Rouscoau’s mind +o the world in 5 e - s_tue wnse. $0 ha 2 frottteps of Hobbes and backe he also wrote . politicos phitossph oct ontrack: jb Mon was genornus and laws _©h Nature ¥ | were benevolent: t Rouscoau sine: tual man was genatou) ~ ———_by_ nature and in ne ake x i the lows of nature weve also bene va. i {=lenr upon him. There was peace every- | . |- ushere - \ i) Civili cod i ity. | Pouce au awa wor “rek wWhan man wad | 7 sLarting tn tye" in_qyoups dnd then alo! i | Wager cvilizanons en man became + es owing the. wealth of others. This thing ! 74 | produced ineqra tity. | t ity Lnequatity needed tp have a soca corhact- ant { Duo ty inequality eh ¥o 3 Ne i | wanted an the vich Wanted | - 4p Wave jhe wafers of thoy Ife and a Ahe _propevtu- | a | Mot the wpogaked 4 duce | i Ms ver - ic Sovevefan Can Come. I a . ‘ v « = ies long oy tance or explicit consent | i ———b Hobbes ma! L ey boo mild nhs the lotur isin. pe man as qrectiss men | Were very _inpécent by nature Born? _ of the y_extrome - Not all | —____men all veodk oy _ dawn 70O%h naturally: Nature's dictribuon is unequal. —— ii)_Concept of Sovereign: | According tn Hobbe he propagated to _nane Monarch over jhe indinduass {n the _ sociad_comracr to cub their yeedy note. [While Locke was of he view that __comstituh ena democra woud be best _-forna_of _qovernaent— -Bousenss approved fristocvacy i i “concept - Mi these | forms Of Gow went Or _Soveverqn were i . . . | ( new vespechve +imey - There i . ‘can nok be applicable on all around the \ of-_civilsadnons __-o_Secio contract’ Civilizations also __hewe | many benefits if _not_-tao mvch. They _pmvide _sense_of __securtty avd happiness - Solely culation can not be blamed - y r— | < Gondusio: —__ | 4 ing nurche ll, : wi) +nese a ~ | contact ee “1 ~__ Thomas Holbbes font aie nature Gh wan Lon Nef Hic side while locke +tnok tt {___ on _vightich: _ owsseous had precented I { Alc conte! in_a Much balanced Way « Wc concept of sociad contract is much proctical_ “than Others and _ +0 same extent _ applica\ie tod.cuy: x ee | Q#2- Critica examine the concept oF "Jus Hee — lay Ploko Intvoduction:___ Plato_was_loorn in Athens ho 327] Be 1 wal Mears lang had drained all -the resources Athens fara tiato sar eruing exer Cvony deeply: Lhe time. of Pelopawessian War in Greece. This 20, The_econowaie adword _inctaidility 6h Athens | [led Plate to _waike ht pati | which was solely aimed having a better palit _dishearted ou Ae Unjust: death Oh his teaches t r wate sever si @h__prouailieg crisis eh Adivens ond what sated tod_socta) system iq Mihens. Plats war also | re Tora 21 BC Aton 7 | can __protecr ii)_The statesman )_The Republics (Famous) ‘iy The ogy iy) The Laus- ! The Republics was Ini famous tveatise in| which he advocaked" a just society and “justice as _a_usiable lan hic book he wrote dou the stake, | justice , educohan history, communisna | fosee | og fornily _commaunisn of property and rw Pnitosa prey King - He also wore Abou Wome; eel Plato vada Ase iqys wscs4 ¢ wiitings ne preferred. 40 _ysc! 4 a4 --forra : “in tne oma way be _dedated the "OS ; definition 6) Justice jn Ins owen wien. He + presented four chawcrers in his book the" _ Republics - These _ytve Ce vpo\us Polemarchus — (hit son), Gvasymachus and Glacom: +e inquired ——— fron os Ins chavackers tok whore is | — Justice Upon wid each vetenked hig Guy _Voysor ) Justice Ceplaius said," Speaking ‘he truth § passing Ones _dglts Polemarchus said, " Helping one frierds -Ondharcoing ane» _enermni¢a is justice”, Evasymachus card,” Will Of the stronaesk is justio® Uyoo this _Glacorn said," need Gy ne poor’ | He aso narrate Z poink ey vious Gy ft “his teacher socal) who bed sasd. | « Supreme austhoytty who (s_ strongest § : laws ave vada Under his will” (Socrates) [Plots nullified ai wir views and =; | nawoked thal: wong Gh) +he Aefiniten was __completod _and__all_were externa) and i nothing intemal: So _Plokn __ parrared Wy. definition Ob Tusro _ac ___" Giving eweryane his due" ‘ex. \ Her explained thor qucnce. ach was _ _ Xe name by quing— query person \nvs | dug whether ine Ig viclh ay pace fay, : “pun” he meant viqhis And cuistieg” hate “jndiwawals ave “4p nae _ov give ta a ocr ehy. ‘fication of Individuals: Piotd _classifed ‘he masses into -tnyee a yn his juste - dase, are. ) Reason Bulling Class: This class _was “the nding, class be cause weve Ness UNO wsigdown + Trey nad the akithy in comty.a\ _4the_masco> and wn, jnem . * wa iiy Appetite class: There ware the pooy. and needy . their wenn din mas the odtninment Sh food -Thic WAS theiv only Purpose Of \fe gine nocd “no need OF _thinleing beyond ik - il) _Soldiey class: _ Those were physically chrome weve _¢ I seperaye Aa : id ul Uiilize thew ood ily Strength +o f protect the county and sociesy. i —viain warraxedt Haake | Head {s always Above oyms | This__meant tha iw ere Always | | above Soldier and (ke charge . i i I | { i i ar — Mainly Pl sei poink in hi Aneon4 © Tustice ty Tndividuals ae iwi be § estas! nd srowd learn to be self less Yather greedy 7 and _serfis\- : iy Socio’, | ; Sout ds_a wiglé crowd Coapemte fr ihe _qveaker caue . Individuals ln a society! Jwcr think ly coc dtiner- lI . 5 Plako wad” devised an eclucotton | __ ustenn to juctGy hic juchce in a [well org avi ed seiety. He __intracluced the fir i in Groece- He _a)so deri nameck "The Readers in_which dyictotle oO suctiedk y_ 35 vueors: Plains & i suctom contained fnur + Places - [phase-[_ (3-18 years) In his first phase was fer the childven from Syeay © 18 ueaye He ax nase _childvon showia be +nught | Gummostics_» Lite vakure and Drausin in WW init Ys + Aics will help in lopelily hea tn oc a. sound body produ sound mind. Litevature ws ill provide bare Ficen pact im devise srategies for future. |_depavt from jyese he alio sara to teach _| 4 __Geamety_, Madhematics ty produce sound | al [miata be functinigtngiity ] Phase - {18-20 years) | - | Students who qo th h phase T Ove screened sexoude—t fest Gnd those | who fail pr ed \aloo! a | where ar trove. wha pass gue _to wave | x lin Phase T ecucati — _4p_study Gurnnoctics §_naititary *raining- Those | i | Who pas. move 4a phase MT § those who fail | 7 Will _constituye tke militany clacs ~ I 20- eays \ \ Now the

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