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King Rexel F.


1st Year BS in Criminology


Activity #2 – Pillars of Philippines criminal justice system

Pillars of CJS Definition

1.)community >>>Community-based justice systems reflect the
inherent importance of communities as a part of
justice system processes as opposed to simply
being subjected to it. Much of what we know and
understand about community involvement in the
justice system consists of community-based
corrections both in adult and juvenile systems.
Extensive bibliographies have been completed on
adult community corrections (see the Oxford
Bibliographies article in Criminology “Community
Corrections” by Beth M. Heubner) and juvenile
community corrections (see the Oxford
Bibliographies article in Criminology the “Juvenile
Justice System” by Terrance J. Taylor), yet
developments in these areas warrant additional
citation. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports at
the end of 2014, approximately 4.7 million adults
were under community corrections supervision,
with an additional 1.5 million adults incarcerated
in prisons and jails, and, as such, community-based
justice alternatives to incarceration are an
important feature in the justice system as a way to
divert individuals convicted of certain types of
crime from detention, jail, or prison, and to
attempt to deliver punishment and seek
rehabilitation and reintegration in the community.
Further, community justice aims to restore victims
and repair communities affected by crime. A broad
literature exists surrounding the practices and
policies in this area to be evidence based, with
special attention to those alternatives that achieve
the best outcomes, such as reductions in
recidivism or substance use. In addition to these
important justice-related outcomes, the cost-
savings ratio of supervising convicted persons in
the community rather than in prisons is significant,
according to the Washington State Institute for
Public Policy. In the early 21st century, these
efforts toward evidence-based practices and cost
beneficence are discussed nationally and
internationally via legislation on justice
reinvestment. The following article presents the
most-important works spanning community-based
justice efforts across the field.

2.) law enforcement >>>Law enforcement is the next element of the

criminal justice response; its purpose is to prevent,
detect and investigate firearms offences. ... The
success of the criminal justice response depends
on many factors, among others the availability of
resources, as well as the level of training of
criminal justice agents.
3.)prosecution service >>>The investigation and prosecution of all cases
involving violations of penal laws are lodged with
the Department of Justice (DOJ) through its
National Prosecution Service (NAPROSS). The DOJ
is headed by the Secretary of Justice with three
Undersecretaries assisting him.
4.) court >>>Court, also called court of law, a person or
body of persons having judicial authority to hear
and resolve disputes in civil,
criminal, ecclesiastical, or military cases. The
word court, which originally meant simply an
enclosed place, also denotes the chamber, hall,
building, or other place where judicial proceedings
are held.
5.)correctional system >>>Punishment is the isolation of the convicts by
imprisonment for the periods laid down by the
courts or in extreme cases, their execution by the
method prescribed by law—and correction and
rehabilitation are functions undertaken by the
institutions set up by law, e.g., the Bureau of
Prisons, Parole and Probation Administration.

Comparison of criminal justice system

Philippines USA
>>>The Philippine Government has organized and
established institutions which serve to maintain
peace and order. These institutions are >>>The U.S. Criminal Justice System
responsible for preventing crimes, enforcement of
laws, and apprehension and prosecution of those A criminal justice system is an organization that
who violate the law. If the courts of law find them exists to enforce a legal code. There are three
guilty of committing a crime, they shall be confined branches of the U.S. criminal justice system: the
in order for those people to be rehabilitated and police, the courts, and the corrections system.
to be reintegrated into the community as law
abiding citizens.

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