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Make a timetable of the COVID-19 transmission

Date Event/Facts
January the world is encountering a mysterious source like disease spreading from Wuhan
2020 around China to neighboring countries South Korea and Japan.
January 14, First monitored case of Covid-19
January 21, Philippine health secretary Francisco Duque III orders the bureau of quarantine to
2020 strengthen surveillance of incoming travelers from China.
January 29, Francisco Duque is summoned to the House of Representatives he says it would be very
2020 tricky if the Philippines singles out China for a travel ban.
January 30, The first case of Covid-19 in the Philippines, was a Chinese woman who travelled from
2020 (Wuhan)China to the Philippines.
Francisco Duque recommends travel restrictions from mainland China. In the same day,
Health Organization declares the novel coronavirus a public health emergency of
international concern the sixth since 2009.
January 31, President Rodrigo Duterte imposes a travel ban on Chinese citizens coming from Hubei
2020 Province and other areas of China.
February 02, The DOH reports the first death outside China. A 44-year-old Chinese male who dies in
2020 the Philippines. The patient was the travelling companion of the first confirmed case in
the country.

February 03, President Duterte rejects calls to ban all Chinese from entering the country.
2020 This is the first time that the president speaks about the virus.
February 04, Senators drill Duque for the shortcomings in leadership but he points at the DOH
2020 epidemiology Bureau instead

February 05, DOH confirms the third case of Covid-19 in the Philippines. A 60-year-old woman
2020 from Wuhan.
A first case of a Filipino infected by the disease was also. A crew ship member of
Diamond Princess.
February 10, President Duterte said that he wants the military and police to instill public order when
20202 the spread of the corona virus worsen

February 26, The WHO says that the Philippines shows Covid-19 can be contained since it has
2020 recorded no new positive cases for two weeks
March 06, DOH confirms two Filipinos having the virus. One is a man who frequented a Muslim
2020 prayer hall in San Juan City
March 07, DOH confirms local transmission. Covid-19 is loose among the populace
March 09, President Duterte declares a public health emergency but still rejects the idea of Metro
2020 Manila lockdown.
March 11, The Philippines records the first local death caused by Covid-19. She is the wife of the
2020 34th case who attended a senate hearing on March 05. Leads to prompting of several
senators to quarantine in a house hearing on the corona virus. Duque admits that
problems in the DOH reporting system caused the delay in confirming cases.
March 12, President Duterte announces that Metro Manila will be placed on lockdown.
March 14, The day before the lockdown begins, thousands of Filipino rushes out of the Capital
2020 region. Checkpoints are set up all over the metro police.
March 15, The lockdown starts.
March 16, No physical distancing appears to be enforced in public transports many pedestrians
2020 dodge temperature. In the evening the President Duterte announces the entire Luzon be
placed under enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). It enforces home quarantine for
all households with minimal exemptions for essential tasks and health workers.
Senator Juan Miguel Zubiri, test for positive for Covid-19 (high ranking official to
contract the virus).
Philippine Covid-19 cases are now at 142. Officials says a patient (first, a Filipino) has
recovered from the virus.
March 17, At the stroke of midnight, the Luzon lockdown begins. Mass public transport suspended
2020 is up to local governments to provide transportation for those who must continue
Metro-empty streets, people rushing to get home and traffic build up around boarders.
The DOJ says the police can make warrantless arrest for lockdown violators.
President Duterte declares a state of calamity in the whole country for 6 months.
187 confirmed cases of covid-19, with 4 recoveries and 12 deaths.
March 20, In midnight, President Duterte warrants all the local officials to follow all the national
2020 government orders or risk leasing administrative cases.
March 25, President Duterte signed into law a bill that grants him 30 special powers to address the
2020 novel corona virus outbreak or the Bayanihan to heal as one act
April 01, 21 residents in Barangay San Roque Quezon City were arrested for staging a protest to
2020 demand help amidst the government lockdown.
At midnight, President Duterte orders police and soldiers to shoot residents causing
trouble during the lockdown.
April 06, President Duterte says to inclined to extend the lockdown up to April 30, 2020.
April 24, President Duterte announces to extend the lockdown in Metro Manila and other high-
2020 risk areas until May 15, 2020.
May 12, Authorities announced the ECQ will be replaced by a modified enhanced community
2020 quarantine in Metro Manila, Laguna and some areas in Central Luzon from May 16-21,
Under a modified GCQ, local governments can allow the limited resumption of public
transportation, certain industries can operate at half capacity and people can leave their
houses only for essential goods and work.
Physical school remained suspended
2. Examples of both the private and public sector who were involved during the outbreak of COVID and
give their contribution in preventing its spread
- Private Sector: Dr. Mahar Mangahas, president of Philippine-based opinion survey firm Social
Weather Station. He says in that the lockdown lacks pandemic logic with unnecessary restrictions on
personal movement he adds curfews and checkpoints do not make sense adding these promote crowding
he concludes what is truly essential is for the people to be able to freely earn a living.
- Public sector: The President Rodrigo Duterte has contributed through imposing a travel ban on
Chinese citizens coming from Hubei Province and other areas of China, giving instructions to military
and police to instill order to help in preventing the spread of covid-19, announcing that Metro Manila will
be placed on lockdown , declaring the entire Luzon be placed under enhanced community quarantine,
signing into law a bill that grants him 30 special powers to address the novel corona virus outbreak or the
Bayanihan to heal as one act, warranting all the local officials to follow all the national government
orders or risk leasing administrative cases, announcing to extend the lockdown in Metro Manila and other
high-risk areas until May 15, 2020.

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