Fce Writing Assessment

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as described in FCE HANDBOOK (page 22)

All writing is assessed based on the following criteria:

Content: Candidates should include all the content points required in the task and expand them
appropriately by providing explanations and/or examples.

Accuracy: Candidates should have minimal language errors.

Range: Candidates should use a very good range (=variety) of structures and vocabulary.

Organisation and cohesion: A good answer should be clearly organised with suitable use of cohesive

Register (=style) and format: The register (formal/informal) should be appropriate to the task and the
right format should be used, and follow the correct format and conventions.

Target reader: Candidates should have in mind the reasons why they are writing (to inform, complain,
describe, persuade, entertain). A good answer should achieve the desired effect on the reader.

FCE Written Paper - General Mark Scheme

Band 5

fully achieves the desired effect on the target reader

all content points are included and expanded appropriately

ideas organised effectively

use of a variety of linking devices

wide range of structure and vocabulary, language is well developed

any errors that do occur are minimal and perhaps due to ambitious attempts at more complex language

register and format consistently appropriate to task and audience


Band 4

achieves the desired effect on the target reader

all content points are included

ideas are clearly organised

use of suitable linking devices

good range of structure and vocabulary

any errors that do occur are mainly due to attempts at more complex language

register and format on the whole appropriate to task and audience


Band 3

on the whole achieves the desired effect on the target reader

all content points are included

ideas are organised adequately

use of simple linking devices

adequate range of structure and vocabulary

a number of errors may be present, but they do not impede communication

reasonable, if not always successful, attempt is made at register and format which is appropriate to task
and audience


Band 2

message is not clearly communicated to the target reader

some content points inadequately covered or omitted, and/or some irrelevant material

ideas inadequately organised

linking devices are rarely used

range of structure and vocabulary is limited

errors distract and may obscure communication at times

attempts at appropriate register and format are unsuccessful or inconsistent


Band 1

has a very negative effect on the target reader

notable omission of content points and/or considerable irrelevance

lack of organisation

lack of linking devices

range of structure and vocabulary is narrow

frequent errors obscure communication

little or no awareness of appropriate register and format


Band 0

Too little language for assessment, totally irrelevant or totally illegible

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