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Preparation for Week 7: worksheet

Time: 15.00-16.40 (0027&0028)/13.20-15.00 (0026)


Dear students, please study and analyze the following paragraphs.

1 1. Topic
2. Topic sentence
3. supporting sentences:
So on
4. concluding sentence
5. verbs:
so on
6. Time order words:
So on
2 1. Topic
2. Topic sentence
3. supporting sentences:
So on
4. concluding sentence
5. verbs:
so on
6. Time order words:
So on
3 Pollution of the oceans can lead to the spread of disease. 1. Topic
Phosphates and nitrates from fertilizers plus human waste 2. Topic sentence
eventually flow into the oceans. These pollutants result in the 3. supporting sentences:
increased growth of tiny plants called algae. These plants provide a -
home for cholera, a deadly disease. The infected algae can stick to -
ships, which then carry the cholera germs all around the world. So on
Germs of the disease recently rode on ships going from India to 4. concluding sentence
South America. There, thousands of people have died from the 5. Cause(s)
resulting epidemic of cholera. So, this disease is disseminated -
along the contaminated oceans. -
so on
6. effect(s)
So on
4 The greater numbers of reported ear infections could result from 1. Topic
social and economic factors. Parents may be more aware of the 2. Topic sentence
importance of treating the condition. Doctors may have more time 3. supporting sentences:
for such simple ailments, now that more dangerous diseases are -
controlled by immunization. Economic factors may influence -
parents as well, since some health centers charge very little for So on
visits. Some doctors who are paid for each visit might have an 4. concluding sentence
economic interest in paying attention to ear infections. Thus, 5. Cause(s)
parents are encouraged to check their children condition -
regardless the social and financial problems for lesser problems, -
especially ear infections. so on
6. effect(s)
So on

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