4 Management Functions

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Today, I will be discussing Management.

I will be discussing 4 aspects in management, the

functions, levels, level managers, and skills.

4 Management Functions
Planning involves deciding where to take a company and selecting steps to get there. It requires
awareness in facing challenges in their businesses, and it requires knowing economic conditions.
Then set objectives to reach by certain deadlines and decide on steps to reach them.
Organizing consists of ensuring that work is accomplished by assigning tasks, coordinating
them, and allocating necessary resources.
Leading requires motivating employees, guiding, and directing the behaviour of employees to
achieve business objectives and goals.
Controlling is a function of management that measures accomplishments against established
objectives and goals, identify any problem that is keeping the company from achieving goals,
and provide changes if necessary.

Management Levels
There are 3 types of management levels, the top management, middle management, and the low
Upper/Top Management requires exerting more effort in planning and organizing. People who
make plans.
Middle Management requires all 4 functions, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
People that interprets the plans.
Low Management requires only leading and controlling. People that implements the plan.

Level Managers
We’re done with management levels, going deeper in management levels, there are people who
are in charger per management. There are 3 types of level managers, the top-level managers, the
middle-level managers, and the lower-level managers.
Top-level managers
- The top-level managers are responsible for controlling and overseeing the entire organization.
They develop goals, strategic plans, company policies, and make decisions on the direction of
the business.
* The board of directors, president, vice-president, and CEO.
Middle-level managers
- Execute organizational plans to achieve the objectives of the top management.
- Discuss objectives from the top management to lower management
- Inspire and provide guidance to low-level managers towards better performance.
* General managers, branch managers, and department managers.

Low-level managers
- Assign employees tasks.
- Guide and supervise employees on day-to-day activities.
- Ensure the quality and quantity of production.
* Supervisors, section leads, and foremen.

Management Skills
There are 3 management skills that each level requires but the equality of these skills are also
different by level.
The 3 management skills are technical skills, human skills, conceptual skills.
Technical skills tend to be more important for low management. This is because low
management typically manage employees who use tools and techniques to produce the
organization's products and services.
Human skills are equally important at all levels of management, because all managers must deal
directly with people.
Conceptual skills are most important at top levels of management. Managers at top levels must
use conceptual skills to see the organization as a whole, to understand the relationships among
various subunits, and to visualize how the organization fits into its wider environment.

Grade-12 Management book

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