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Pathfinder Fair

Drill Demonstration
Drill Demonstration - Any club may enter the drill demonstration event. The size of the drill team
may vary from the minimum of 4 Pathfinders on up including the whole club. The uniforms must
consist of the Pathfinder Dress Uniform including scarf, sash, and dark shoes. (No sandals - make
your club look uniform.) Distinctive variations such as hats, gloves, berets, etc., may be worn by the
drill team members. There will be two areas - Basic and Fancy drill demonstrations. Each
Pathfinder club may enter only ONE of the areas.


Each Drill Team that enters will be allowed a maximum of 4 minutes to perform any or all of the
basic drill team movements. The following commands are to be included in the Basic Drill:
Attention, Parade Rest, Stand at Ease, Dress Right Dress, Prayer Attention, Present Arms, Order
Arms, Right & Left Face, About Face, Mark Time, Forward March, Right & Left Flank, Column
Right & Left, To the Rear March, Halt, Fall Out.

Bring 3 type-written copies of the command order you will use for the judges. Judging will be for 1)
overall appearance including dress, 2) proper execution, 3) alignment, and 4) 4 minute time limit.
Make your drill team look sharp.


Each Drill Team that enters will be allowed 5 minutes to perform all of their fancy drill movements.
A list of commands in the order of execution must be given to the judges. The following commands
are to be included in the Fancy Drill:

A. Perform four (4) fancy drill routines, one which includes combination commands:
Backward March, to Winds, Counter March, Squads - Units or Files Flank March,
Halves to the Rear March, By Squads - Rear March, Columns to Winds, Counter Form,
Squads Halt.

B. Two (2) different cadences at close and normal intervals: Double Time, Quick Time,
Normal Time.

C. Other commands to include: Right & Left Oblique, Right & Left Flank, Right & Left
Column, Attention, Salute, Fall Out.

Drill master must furnish 3 copies of the list of commands in order for the judges. Judging will be
for 1) overall appearance including dress uniform with scarf, sash, belt, and dark shoes (no sandals)
properly worn, 2) proper execution of the list provided for the 3 judges, 3) alignment, 4) uniqueness,
and 5) 4-5 minute time limit. Make your drill team look sharp.


1. Basic and Fancy Drill requirements are taken from the Drilling & Marching, and
Advanced Drilling & Marching honor.

2. A club may use flags, guidons, banners, streamers, ribbons, etc. to make your Fancy
Drill unique. Points will be lost for those not properly wearing the Pathfinder dress
uniform including scarf, sash, belt, and dark shoes. No sandals.

3. Each Drill Team will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place by the judges.

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