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The City School

Unified End of Year Examination 2020-21



SCIENCE June 2021

CLASS 5 1 hour 30 minutes

READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST --- For Examiner’s use only ---
 Write your School/Branch Name, Examination Question Max. Marks
Roll Number and Examination Room Number in No. Marks Obtained
the boxes at the top of the page. 1 15
 Read and follow the instructions given for each 2 15
question. 3 15
 Answer all questions in the space provided. 4 15
 Check your answer paper before you hand it to
5 6
the invigilator.
6 7
 Marks for each question are mentioned with the
question. 7 6
8 7
9 5
10 5
11 4

Invigilated by: ______________________________

Marked by: ________________________________ Total 100

Marks entered by: __________________________ Percentage

The City School / Unified End of Year Examination, June 2021 / Science / Class 5 Page 1 of 14
Section A Objective Marks 60
Q.1 Multiple choice questions: [_____/15]
For every statement there are four options A, B, C and D given, encircle the best
suitable option.
i. Why don't all seeds grow into new plants if they fall under the parent plant?
A Because of lack of space or air
B Because of lack of water
C Because of lack of minerals
D All of the above
ii. Which seeds use the wind to travel away from the parent plant?
A Acorns
B Coconuts
C Apple seeds
D Dandelion seeds
iii. Observe the diagram on right. These structures are found in
a flower. What is the name of the structure labelled as “X”?
A Stamen
B Carpel
C Anther
D Filament

iv. Extinction will occur when ____________________________________.

A The last of a species dies
B There is no chance of recovery for a species even if some remain alive
C The species numbers decline rapidly
D A species is moved from its habitat
v. What is seed germination?
A The process of planting seeds
B The process of seeds sprouting plants
C The process of harvesting seeds
D The process of cleaning seeds out from fruits

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vi. Which of the following is accompanied by losing heat?
A Evaporation
B Condensation
C Vaporization
D None of these
vii. Why does the Sahara desert have very little evaporation?
A It is too cold for evaporation to occur.
B The water moves to fast for it to evaporate.
C There is not much water to be evaporated.
D None of the above.
viii. Water will evaporate faster if the weather is______________.
A rainy and windy
B cloudy and windy
C sunny and windy
D snowy and rainy
ix. Condensation is when __________________.
A steam is made
B liquid water becomes water vapour
C water vapour becomes liquid water
D a solid dissolves in water
x. The first person to look Earth from space was ________________.
A Evelyn Glennie
B Yuri Gagarin
C James Simpson
D Neil Armstrong
xi. Which of the following statement is not true?
A the Earth revolving around the sun
B the Sun rotating on its axis
C the moon revolving around the Earth
D the Moon rotating on its axis

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xii. How did ancient people who built sundials know that it was noon based on the
sun's location?
A When the sun was located straight above them in the sky
B When the sun seemed to be directly to the right
C When the sun seemed to be directly to the left
D When the sun was not seen in the sky
xiii. About how many days does it take the Moon to go through its cycle?
A 20 days
B 21 days
C 28 days
D 30 days
xiv. The temperature on the surface of Sun is _______________.
A 5000 ℃
B 6500 ℃
C 6000 ℃
D 4500 ℃
xv. Which of the pictures below show the correct relationship between the Earth,
Moon and Sun in space?

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Q.2 Read the given statements and correct the underlined word. [____/15]
i. Once the plant has leaves it is called as a new plant.


ii. After fertilization the pollen tube turns into a fruit.


iii. The moa bird became extinct 4700 years ago.


iv. Petals protect the flower before it opens.


v. The seeds of Protea bushes will only germinate once they have been soaked with


vi. Sleet, hail and snow are all part of the transpiration process of water cycle.


vii. Condensation is a reverse of freezing.


viii. Drying of a muddy puddle is an example of condensation.


ix. Room temperature is about 37 ℃.


x. The temperature of water does not change while it is solid.


xi. The first ship to sail all round the world was the victory.


xii. Prediction is an information that helps us to know that something is true.


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xiii. The path that Earth follows around the Sun is called as axis.


xiv. xiv. In spring the angle between the Sun and the horizon of Earth is large in UK.


xv. xv. The surface of the Moon is covered with ice and rocks.


Q.3 Match the following. Read the terms given in column A and match them with their
correct interpretation in column B. Write your final answer in column C. [___/15]
Column A Column B Column C
i. Rotation of Earth a. Not much rain in this season i. _____
ii. Pollen grains b. Another name for rain ii. _____

iii. Condensation c. Swollen base of carpel iii. _____

iv. Cross pollination d. When the Moon looks like a complete iv. _____
v. Wind blowing from e. Occurs within the same plant v. _____
South West in India
vi. Style f. It takes 28 days vi. _____
vii. New Moon g. It takes 24 hrs vii. _____

viii. Evaporation h. Powdered substance produced by anther viii. _____

ix. Ovary i. It takes 365 days ix. _____

x. Wind blowing from j. Formation of clouds x. _____

North East in India
xi. Precipitation k. A lot of rain in this season xi. _____

xii. Self pollination l. A long neck like structure of carpel xii. _____
xiii. Revolution of Earth m. When the Moon looks like a thin crescent xiii. _____
xiv. Full Moon n. Occurs between two different plants xiv. _____

xv. Phases of Moon o. Drying of wet clothes xv. _____

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Q.4 Fill in the blanks. [___/15]

i. If animals and plants do not reproduce they become ______________.

ii. When pollen grain reaches to ____________ it is called pollination.

iii. Strawberry plants grow as _____________.

iv. The small ___________ present under the hard part of an orange are remains of
tubes carrying water to its slices.

v. The seeds of ______________ are dispersed by water.

vi. Sometimes people build dams to trap water in _______________.

vii. The temperature of water never goes above _____________.

viii. Materials can change state by changing ________________.

ix. Paint is a mixture of water and a coloured substance called _______________.

x. Horizon appear as ______________ to people sitting in aero planes that fly too

xi. In sundials the shadow of the gnomon moves around the _____________ to tell
the time.

xii. The tilt in the axis of Earth causes __________________.

xiii. The Sun is higher in the sky in summer, and the days are ___________.

xiv. The Moon also spins on its axis once every __________ days.

xv. Earth is spinning at about _______________ km/h.

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Section B Subjective Marks 40
Q.5 Answer the following questions [____/6]
(a) What part of the flower develop into a seed? [1]


(b) Draw lines to match the seeds with the animal that disperse the seeds. [3]

(c) Explain how the parrots disperse seeds. [1]



(d) Unwanted plants that come from other places are referred to as “alien plants”.
How can people spread the seeds of these alien plants without knowing that they
are doing this? [1]



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Q.6 Answer the following questions [_____/7]
(a) The following diagram shows the structures of a flower after pollination.
Label the mentioned parts. [4]

(b) Identify the process shown in the diagram above. [1]


(c) Explain why pollen grains come in different shapes and sizes. [1]



(d) What do flowers provide insects such as bees? [1]


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Q.7 The following diagram shows the water cycle. Observe it carefully and answer the
following questions. [___/6]

(a) Which numbered arrow in the diagram best present the process of evaporation?


(b) Which numbered arrow in the diagram best present the process of transpiration?


(c) Which numbered arrow in the diagram best present the process of infiltration? [1]


(d) What is the source of energy in water cycle? [1]


(e) What would happen if there are no reservoirs in the country to trap water? [2]



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Q.8 Hadi is investigating factors that affect rate of evaporation. He poured hot coffee in
two different cups as shown below. [____/7]

(a) Which factor is Hadi investigating in evaporation? [1]


(b) Name two factors he should keep the same to make the test fair. [2]



(c) What do you predict will happen and why? [2]



(d) What will happen to the temperature of coffee after sometime in both the mugs?


(e) Write down one use of evaporation in our daily life. [1]


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Q.9 Answer the following questions [___/5]
(a) Why does the Earth have day and night? [1]


(b) When the Earth is facing away from Sun what time of day is it? [1]


(c) Why is it colder at night? [1]


(d) Why is it day at one side of the Earth and night on other side? [1]


(e) Why does the Sun appear to move across the sky through the day? [1]


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Q.10 Look at the diagram below and answer the questions that follows. [___/5]

(a) Which hemisphere is having summer? [1]


(b) Explain your answer. [1]


(c) If you lived at Y, would you need a thick coat outside? [1]


(d) Explain your answer. [1]


(e) What will be the length of the day at position Y? [1]


Q.11 Give scientific reasons for the following: [___/4]

(a) After every four years we have an extra day in a year. [2]



(b) We always see the same side of Moon. [2]



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