Makalah B. Inggris Kelompok 9

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Supervisor :
Lecturer Novi Harina, M.Pd

Arranged :

Adelamailani (12110621738)
Halimatu syakdiah (12110621617)
Rona asrita (12110621264)
Muhammad fajri (12110611974)



Praise and gratitude we give to Allah SWT who has given His mercy and grace and
abundant love to the author so that he is still given the opportunity to finish this paper. universe.
Don't forget to pray along with our greetings to the great prophet Muhammad SAW, whose
blessing has brought us human beings from the realm of ignorance to a world full of knowledge.
In this case, the author intends to make a paper about the “Descriptive Text” and independent
clauses and dependent clauses. Although the purpose of making this paper is actually to fulfill
the tasks given by the lecturer which is the scope of lecture studies. the future can be useful for
anyone. Even though there are still many shortcomings. The author does not forget to thank
my family and friends, who have helped a lot even though not directly, but for their
understanding and attention to the author. So that this paper can be completed on time.

Pekanbaru 25, September 2021

Grub 09

Foreword ...................................................................................................................
Table of contents ......................................................................................................
Chapter 1 introduction ............................................................................................
Background ..............................................................................................................
Formulation of the problem ....................................................................................
Purpose of writing ....................................................................................................
Chapter 2 discussion ................................................................................................
Definition of descriptive text ...................................................................................
Description Text Structure......................................................................................
general characteristics of descriptive text..............................................................
Chapter 3 conclusion ...............................................................................................
Conclusion ................................................................................................................

1.1. Background
Description is a rule of data processing efforts into something that can be stated clearly
and precisely with the aim that it can be understood by people who have not directly
experienced it themselves. In science, descriptions are needed so that researchers do not forget
their experiences and so that these experiences can be compared with the experiences of other
researchers. So that it is easy to check and control the description.
In general, descriptions define something, what it looks like, how it sounds, how it feels,
and so on. Detailed descriptions are created and used in the disciplines as engineering terms.
When the data collected, description, analysis, and conclusions are presented in numbers, this
is called quantitative research. On the other hand, if the data, description, and analysis of the
conclusions are presented in words, it is called qualitative research.

1.2. Formulation of the problem

The formulation of the problem is:
a. What are complex feelings?
b. What are independent clauses?
c. How to understand dependent clause?

1.3. Writing purpose

a. Explain the meaning of complex sentence
b. Explain independent clauses.
c. Understanding dependent clauses.
1. Definition of descriptive text
The word description comes from the Latin word decribere which means to
describe or give something. In terms of terms, description is a form of essay that describes
and describes something in accordance with the actual situation. So that the reader can
image (hear, see, smell, and feel) what is described in accordance with the author's image.
That is, the author wants to convey impressions about something, with its nature and
movements. Description is a writing technique using pictures with the aim of making the
reader feel as if they are in the scene, feel, experience, see and hear about an event or scene.
Writing a description can make the character described more vivid in the reader's mind.
Descriptive text is a text that describes a picture of a person or thing. Its purpose is
to describe or reveal a particular person, place or thing. A descriptive sentence is a sentence
that can contain a description of the properties of the object being described.

2. Description Text Structure

In a text, of course, there is a writing structure, as well as descriptive text. Check out the
details below:
- Title
It describes the content of the text.
- Identification/Overview
Contains the name of the object being described, its location, history of birth, meaning
of the name, or other general statement about the object.
- Section Description
Contains details of the object part, can contain what the author saw, heard, or felt.
- Conclusion/Impression
The closing part that contains the author's impression of the things described.
The characteristics of the content of the descriptive text :
- The content of the text is broken down into parts of objects
- The contents of the text describe concretely (what the scene looks like, its nature
and so on.)
- Personal nature with emotional content so use words with strong emotions (my
mother is tough, my father is patient, the waves crash, the beauty of the beach,
and so on).
a. Example of a Description Text about Nature
Beautiful Parangtritis
One of the mainstays of Yogyakarta City tourism is Parangtritis Beach.
Precisely Parangtritis Beach is located in Kretek District, Bantul, Yogyakarta Special
Region. This beach is located about 27 km south of Yogyakarta.
The view of Parangtritis Beach is very charming. On the left, we can see a very high
cliff, on the right, we can see a large rock that seems ready to guard against the
onslaught of the waves that come at any time. The beach is clean with white foam
grading gray and a combination of green is really beautiful.
The beauty of the beach feels perfect in the aftsernoon. In the afternoon, we can
see the sunset which is a very special moment. Beautiful nature painting. A tinge of
golden red in the sky with the sheen of the beach water in the afternoon sun is a stunning
sight. The feeling of warmth mingled with the gentle breeze of the afternoon, enveloped
the whole body.
The number of tourists who always visit Parangtritis Beach makes this beach
never empty of visitors. On this beach we can see a crowd of children playing in the
sand. Young and old enjoying the fresh sea breeze. We can also ride a horse or a kind
of carriage transportation that can take us to the coral reef area which is really very

Structure explanation :
Title: From the title alone, we can already know that the text will talk about the beauty
of Parangtritis Beach.
Identification/Overview: The first paragraph of the text explains the general description
of Parangtritis Beach, starting from what Parangtritis Beach is to the location details of
this beach.
Section Description: A detailed explanation of Parangtritis Beach is explained by the
author in paragraphs 2 and 3. The author writes a description according to his vision
which is seen in the sentences "clean beach with white foam", "very high cliff", "golden
red tinge on the beach". sky", and so on.
Conclusion/Impression: The conclusion and impression from the text above is that the
author really admires the beauty of Parangtritis Beach and there are many activities that
tourists can do on this beach to enjoy its beauty.
b. Example of a descriptive text about traditional dance
Saman dance
Saman Dance has been registered in UNESCO as the Representative List of
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since November 24, 2011. Initially, Saman
Dance was a medium to convey messages (da'wah) and was danced by men. This dance
contains religious education, manners, heroism, cohesiveness, and togetherness.
There are an odd number of Saman dancers. They sang Gayo-language songs mixed
with Arabic while dancing. In addition to singing, the movements of the Saman dancers
are accompanied by musical instruments in the form of drums, the sound of screaming
dancers, clapping of hands from dancers, clapping of dancers' chests, and clapping of
dancers' thighs. The movements in this dance are called shaking, kirep, lingang, and
surang-saring (all the names of these movements are Gayo).
The costumes or special clothes for the Saman Dance are divided into three
parts. On the head is used headdress teleng and edit kepies. On the body, a pocket shirt,
pants, and sarong are worn. On the hands wear bracelets and handkerchiefs.
The use of songs, movements, and dancers' costumes in Saman Dance is very important
because it contains values that show the cultural identity, cohesiveness, wisdom,
strength, courage, and harmony of the wearers.

Structure explanation :
Title: briefly states the contents of the article that discusses the Saman Dance.
Identification/Overview: The first paragraph contains an identification or general
description of the Saman Dance. Starting from the excellence, the achievements of the
Saman Dance, to the goals of the Saman Dance.
Section Description: Meanwhile, paragraphs 2 and 3 are section descriptions. The
author provides details about the number of dancers, dance movements, songs, to the
costumes used by the dancers.
Conclusion/Impression: In the closing section, the writer's general impression of the
Saman Dance is written which contains many cultural and moral values.
3. general characteristics of descriptive text
1. Each paragraph contains content in the form of a description or description.
2. which is used to describe something very detailed and detailed.
3. Involving sensory impressions that can make the reader feel what is being discussed
in the text.
4. Explaining more about physical or psychological characteristics so that it focuses on
one thing that is described.

Descriptive text is a writing that describes an object based on the observations, feelings,
and experiences of the author. This text usually contains sentences that describe an object
(object or living creature), so that the reader gets the impression as if they can see, hear, and
feel the object. So Descriptive text contains the description of a particular object, place, or
event so that it can be felt, seen, smelled, and heard by the reader. Descriptive text is often
called descriptive response text.

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