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Name: Jafphet P.

Section: 12-Ampere
Subject: Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Activity 1: Count Me In
Directions: Write five (5) disastrous events in the Philippines in the last five years
that you could still recall.
1. 2019 Davao del Sur earthquake.
2. 2018 Naga, Cebu landslide
3. 2019–2021 Polio outbreak in the Philippines
4. Star City fire
5. Taal Volcano eruptions 2020

Activity 2:
Direction: Analyze the given situation by identifying the correct risk factor.

Situation Factor Underlying Disaster

1. Unwillingness to assume their roles Weak Governance

and responsibilities in governing disaster
risk department

2. Rising sea levels Climate Change

3. Cities located in low-altitude estuaries Poorly planned and Managed Urban

such as Marikina City, Philippines are Development
exposed to sea-level rise and flooding.
4. Houses are built with lightweight Poverty and Inequality

5. Deforestation that can lead to Environmental Degradation


6. Global Warming Climate Change

7. Garbage slide killed that over 200 Poverty and Inequality

people in an informal settlement in
Manila, the Philippines,

Activity 3:
Knowing that a disaster disturbs the usual pattern of life and can cause both physical
and emotional harm among people, how would you ensure that you are prepared to
face the possible effects of ANY disaster that you may encounter in life?
I can ensure that I am prepared to face the possible effects of any disaster that i
may encounter in my life by; Identifying the risks, creating family disaster plans,
building or buying disaster supply kits, preparing the needs of the children or the
elders, Learn rescuing skills like cpr or first aid, and eliminating potential hazards
inside our house.

Activity 4:
Directions: Consider yourself as a friend to the following people. Given their
situations and the fact that they are suffering from a previous disaster, state the
impact / effects of the disasters they are experiencing and what tips, advice or words
can you give them to help them recover?

1. Dale Marc is a 16-year-old student. He lives in Taal, Batangas, together with

his family. Fishing is their primary source of income. They found out that the Taal
volcano had erupted. What are the possible effects of this condition on their family,
and what advice are you going to give him?

When the Taal Volcano erupts in the water or ocean of Taal Batangas, I'll encourage Dale
to leave the region forever. The fish will perish as a result of the volcanic explosion, and
Dale's family will be unable to catch fish and earn money. As a result, it is best for their
health and survival to relocate permanently out of that place. After He moved out of the
neighborhood, I will suggest Dale to start a new business so that they can have financial

2. Anna is a primary school teacher in Cainta, Rizal. She used to be the mother of two
beautiful children. Their community was hit by a Super Typhoon submerging and
washed away their homes and properties. It is noticeably clear to her mind how her
two children tried to hold their hands tightly, but their hands slipped away. What
would be the potential effects of the Super Typhoon teacher Anna is experiencing?
How do you think can she be helped in coping up from the tragedy?

I will give Teacher Anna emotional and financial assistance. Assistance in the
search for her kid might also be provided to give her peace of mind. It's possible
that her house may be washed away, leading them to lose their home. Her two
children may have suffered injuries as a result of the flood, and their valuables may
have been washed away. She won't be able to return to work right soon since
schools may have been washed away or damaged as well. It's probable that their
home and possessions were all wiped away as a result of the hurricane. Schools
may be damaged, leading lessons to be suspended. Her children may have also had
injuries as a result of being swept away.
Activity 5:
Considering different perspectives of the occurrence of a disaster do the following:
1. Make a simple survey from your family members at home of effects/observation
of disasters that they have experienced in their lifetime.
2. Categorize their responses as physical, psychological, socio-cultural, economic,
political, and biological.
3. Create a table similar to the example given below and answer the questions that
Family Disaster Physical Psychological Socio-cultural Economic Political Biological
Member experienced
Ex: Mother Unroofed Fear from Houses were High Programs are Death of
Typhoon House whistling built to prices of diverted animals
winds and withstand coconuts toward
heavy rain typhoons disaster
1. Fat Earthquake Cracked Fear of Japanese High Programs are Death of
her Walls shaking of the Houses were prices of diverted Friends
ground or built to goods toward and pets
terrain withstand disaster
instability earthquakes preparedness
and financial
2. Mo Fire Destroye Fear and Buildings are Loss of Health Aid, Death of
the d Building irritation to managed jobs Financial Aid people
r smoke well in case because and Disaster stuck
of Fire of the preparedness inside the
destructio programs building
n of the

Guide Questions:
a. What aspect/perspective affected your family members the most? Economic and
b. What aspect/perspective affected your family members the least? Socio-cultural
c. What preparations must your family do to mitigate the effect of certain types of
disaster? Have additional knowledge on disaster preparedness, Look or start
business which can ensure financial stability and Always be alert and prepare
emergency disaster kits at all times

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