Chemical Process Technology Laboratory Manual: 5 Semester

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5th Semester

Department of Chemical Engineering

School of technology
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
• Carry the following things while attending the lab session:
• Lab Coat
• Lab manual
• Calculator
• Without above 3 things you will not be allowed to enter in the lab and marked
absent for that particular day
• Shoes are mandatory
• After attendance you will directed to move to the allotted group table/Instrument
• Group movement in lab for different experiments will be told to you before lab sess10ns
• Lab report is to be submitted in next lab. You will need to finish it in that week
• Bags, books, edibles, cell phones, laptops, walkman, iPods etc are not allowed inside UG
lab. Those will be confiscated if found.
• Indiscipline of any sort will not be tolerated and will attract punitive measures

DOs and DON'Ts in the Laboratory

• Do thoroughly clean the glassware before and after use

• Do handle the glassware carefully
• Do not handle chemicals with bare hands
• Do not blow out the last drop from the pipette. When the liquid has drained out
completely, touch the tip of the pipette to the inner surface of the vessel
• Do not add water to acids. Do always add acid to water
• Do use large volumes of water, when a person is splashed with acid to prevent
serious burns
• Do weigh the articles in a balance only at room temperature
• Do use different pipette for different reagents
• Do not pipette out acids and other toxic reagents by mouth
• Do read the level of the curve (meniscus), in all volumetric glassware, with the eye at
approximately the same level as the curve of solution.
Experiment No.: 3

Aim: - To prepare soap in the laboratory and to carry out its cost analysis.

Apparatus: - Beaker, Stirrer, Steam bath, weight box, Measuring cylinder,

Chemicals: - Oil, NaOH, NaCl.

Theory: -

Soaps are defined as salt of long fatty acids. Most common soaps are of Na and K salts.
Ammonium, amine and heavy metals soaps are also included. Soap is produced using
following reaction.

3NaOH + (C17H35COO)3C3H5 → 3C17H35COONa + C3H5(OH)3

caustic glyceryl sodium glycerin
soda stearate stearate

Most of the marketable soaps are beads of coconut oil of follow.

The surface activity of soap results from soap molecule having a hydrophobic hydrocarbon
group at one end and hydrophilic carboxylic group at the opposite end. These special
properties are used in soil removal.

In the aqueous solution this results in the formalin of oriented hydrophobic change pointing
outward. In the body of the solution the soap molecule aggregate into micelle. This
phenomenon is responsible for dispersing and emulsifying. Properties that make soap
solution are such that they remove soil particles. In the hard water soap forms precipitates
of calcium and magnesium which reduce the activity.
Procedure: -

Take 100 gm of oil in 500 ml beaker. In another beaker prepare 100 ml of 20 % slurry
of NaOH.

Hot Process: -

Heat both the beakers simultaneously on the steam bath of hot plate. When the beakers
attain same temperature add aqueous NaOH to the oil with stirring slowly. Then during
the process when hydrolysis is complete add NaCl to salt out the soap. Separate the
soap from glycerin and leave it dry. The soap is obtained.
Cold Process: -

With continuous stirring of oil, NaOH solution is added till two layer of solid soap in
glycerin are separated. Add little amount of salt and stir again and allow settling. Then
separate outs the upper layer and dry and weigh it. Then find out its cost/kg.
Result: -

Total amount of soap = 33.4

Total cost of soap = 13.912 Rs

Cost Analysis:

Costs of Items:

Items Quantity Price

Coconut oil 45ml 20
NaOH pellets 1Kg 170
NaCl 1Kg 360
Distilled Water 1 Lit 25
Electricity 1 Unit 4.85

Cost Per Mass Taken:

Items Quantity Price

Coconut oil 20 ml 8.89
NaOH pellets 20 gm 3.4
NaCl 2 gm 0.072
Distilled Water 5 ml 0.125
Electricity 0.5 unit 1.425
Total Cost: 13.912

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