FRP Project 2

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Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term


CFRP Prestressed Double-T
Bridge Girders
Design Criteria:
1-Design Codes:
 Live loads were applied to the bridge in accordance with the M-23 Michigan standard
 All sections for the bridge structure elements were designed in accordance with the ACI
440.1R-03 Code with the limitations of ACI-318-02 Code.
 All the structure elements were designed to fulfill the deflection and serviceability limits
of the ACI 440-.1R-03 Code.
 Prestressed Members were designed in accordance to ACI 440.1R-03 Code and ACI-
318-02 Code.

2- Structural Material Specifications:

 FRP bars used for non-prestressing are CFCC with 7 strands and nominal diameters of
12.5 mm manufactured by Tokyo Rope and have a guaranteed tensile strength of 1870
MPa and Modulus of Elasticity of 137 GPa.
 FRP bars used for pretensioning are CFRP of diameter 10 mm manufactured by
LeadlineTM (MCC) and have a guaranteed tensile strength of 2260 MPa and Modulus of
Elasticity of 147 GPa.
 FRP bars used for post-tensioning are CFCC with 37 strands and nominal diameter of 40
mm manufactured by Tokyo Rope and have a guaranteed tensile strength of 1410 MPa
and Modulus of Elasticity of 127 GPa.
 Concrete topping reinforcement is NEFMACTM2 sheets of ultimate strength of 1500 MPa
and Modulus of Elasticity of 86.5 GPa.
 The grade of concrete used for Precast beams and concrete topping is 4000 Psi.

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

3-Design Assumption:
a. General:
 Structural analysis was performed according to the AASHTO specification using the
loads from the M-23 truck in addition to the dead loads from the own weight of the
 Each structure element was designed to resist safely (according to the ACI 440.1R-03
Code) the straining actions subjected to it according to the structural analysis.
 The bridge girders are designed as simply supported beams resting on the bridge
abutments. Diaphragms are utilized to distribute the loads laterally between the beams
and for the lateral stiffness of the beams.
 A load distribution factor of 0.6 is used according to the AASHTO standards. This value
was chosen as it is more conservative than the experimental value of 0.42 and in the same
time it is more economical than the 0.8 of the AASHTO LRFD standards.

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

Bridge Layout

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term


Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

Moment Due to Live Load:

ML = 156 x 10.2 – 38.83 x (10.2-3.799) – 59.12 x (10.2 – 3.799 – 3.734) – 58.05 x (2.591/2)
ML = 1109.78 KN.m

Concrete Dimensioning for the Section:

(Recommended for steel reinforced Bridge Girders)

Depth = mm
Increase the depth due the use of FRP reinforcement with lower Modulus of Elasticity than steel
Take h = 1065 mm
Distance between the 2 webs = 1220 mm
:Properties of Area
1- Section A (without the concrete topping)
Area = 871575 mm2

IXX = 9.512 x 1010 mm4

2- Section B (with the concrete topping)

Area = 1030575 mm2

IXX = 1.2203 x 1011 mm4

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

Dead Loads and Moments:

For Section (A):
Area = 871575 mm2
Assume Con = 24 KN/m2

WDL = 24 x = 20.918 KN/m/

PD1 (from diaphragms) = 24 x 0.5 0.8 x 2.12 = 20.35 KN

PD2 (from diaphragms) = 24 x 1x 0.4 x 2.12 = 20.35 KN
PD1 = PD2

M DA = 20.918 x KN

For Section (B):

SideWalk Left Railing Right
SEC A Railing


 WDB = 31.8 KN/m/

MDB = KN.m

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

C) Moment Capacity Calculation: (Over reinforced section)
 C = Ku dm

 Ku =

 A=

Afb = Area of bonded prestressing tendons in each row = 3×71.6×2 = 429.6 mm2

Ef = Modulus of elasticity of bonded tendon (MPa) = 147×103 MPa.

εpbji = Initial strain in bonded prestressing tendons of an individual row
= 0.00606× = 0.005823 (for row # 1→4) = 0.00606 (for rows # 5→8)

Afu = Total cross sectional area of unbonded post-tensioning tendons(mm2)
=3×752.6=2257.8 mm2

εpui = Initial strain in unbonded post-tensioning tendons
= = 0.004661

Efp= Modulus of elasticity of unbonded (MPa)=127×103 <Pa

εcu = Ultimate compressive strain in concrete = 0.003.

Afj = Area of tendons = 429.6mm2 for Lead line pre-tensioning tendons rows # 1→8
=2×76×2=304 mm 2 for CFCC (12.5) non pre-tensioning rows #
=4×76×2=608 mm 2 for CFCC (12.5) non pre-tensioning row # 6
=10×71.6=716 mm2 for lead line non pre-tensioning at the top of
=9×71.6=644.4 mm2 for lead line non pre-tensioning at the bottom
of flange.
 Efj = 147,000 MPa for lead line (pre-tensioning and non pre-tensioning for flange) =
137,000 MPa for non pre-tensioning web.
A = [429.6×147×103×5×(0.005823+0.00606)+2257.8×0.004661×127×103-
0.31×3010.4×127×103)] ×

= = 0.04749

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

 B=

hj = 520,590,660,730,800,870,940,1010mm for 1→8 rows of lead line tendons (pre-

= 230,400,570,740,910,1080mm for 1→6 rows of non pre-tensioning web
= 115mm for top non pre-tensioning tendons in the flange
= 175mm for bottom non pre-tensioning tendons in the flange
du = distance from centroid of unbonded post-tensioning to extreme composite fiber =
β = 0.003 [429.6 ×147×103×(520+590+660+730+800+870+940+1010)
+ 304×137×103×(230+400+570+740+910+2×1080)
+ 716×147×103×115+644.4×147×103×175
+ 0.31×2257.8×127×103×900] ×

= 0.03235

Ku =

= = 0.2052

C = Ku dm = 0.2052×1010
C = 207.2mm. > Cb = 190.09mm ƒƒ < ƒƒu

D) Compute strains in tendons / strands:

 ε,ƒ&F in bonded pre-stressing tendons

εpbj = (dj – C ) + εpbji
1st row d1=520mm, εpbji = 0.005823 εpb1 = 0.01035, ƒpb1= 147×103×0.0101=1521.65<2860 MPa
ƒpb1= = 653.702 KN
2nd row d2=590mm, εpbji= 0.005823, εpb2=0.011365, ƒpb2=1670.7 MPa <ƒƒu, Fpd2 =717.7 KN
3rd row d3=660mm, εpbji= 0.005823, εpb3=0.01238, ƒpb3=1819.9 MPa <ƒƒu, Fpd3 =781.83 KN
4th row d4=730mm, εpbji= 0.005823, εpb4=0.013392, ƒpb4=1968.6 MPa <ƒƒu, Fpd4 =845.7 KN
d5=800mm, εpbji= 0.00606, εpb5=0.014642, ƒpb5=2152.4 MPa <ƒƒu, Fpd5 =924.7 KN
d6=870mm, εpbji= 0.00606, εpb6=0.015656, ƒpb6=2301.4 MPa <ƒƒu, Fpd6 =988.7 KN
d7=940mm, εpbji= 0.00606, εpb7=0.01667, ƒpb7=2450.5 MPa <ƒƒu, Fpd7 =1052.7 KN
d8=1010mm, εpbji= 0.00606, εpb8=0.01768, ƒpb8=2599.3 MPa <ƒƒu, Fpd8 =1116.7 KN

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

 ε,ƒ&F in non pre-stressing tendons in the web: CFCC(1×7 Tokyo Rope) 12.5mmØ

εpnj= (hj-C) , ƒpnj = Eƒnεpnj , Fpnj = ƒpnj Aƒn

C = 207.2 Eƒn= 137×103MPa Aƒn1→5 =2×76×2=304mm2
ƒƒun = 2100 MPa Aƒn6 = 4×76×2=608mm2
h1 = 230 , εpn1=0.00033, ƒpn1=45.21MPa <ƒƒun , Fpn1=13.7 KN

h2 = 400mm , εpn2=0.00279, ƒpn2=382.23MPa <ƒƒun , Fpn2=116.2 KN

h3 = 570mm , εpn3=0.005253, ƒpn3=719.7MPa <ƒƒun , Fpn3=218.8 KN
h4 = 740mm , εpn4=0.007714, ƒpn4=1056.82MPa <ƒƒun , Fpn4=321.3 KN
h5 = 910mm , εpn5=0.01018, ƒpn5=1394.7MPa <ƒƒun , Fpn5=424.0 KN
h6 = 1080mm , εpn6=0.01264, ƒpn6=1731.7MPa <ƒƒun , Fpn6=1052.9 KN

 ε,ƒ&F in non pre-stressing tendons at flange:

Top εpnt= (C – dt), ƒpnt= Eƒnεpnt, Fpnt=ƒpnt×Aƒnt

Bottom εpnb= (C – db), ƒpnb= Eƒnεpnb, Fpnb= ƒpnb×Aƒnb

dt= 115mm Eƒn=147×103MPa Aƒnt=716mm2
db= 175mm Aƒnb=644.4mm2

εpnt= 0.001335 , ƒpnt= 147×103×0.001392 = 196.24 MPa<ƒƒun= 2860 MPa,

Fpnt= =140.508 KN

εpnb= 0.0004662, ƒpnb= 68.53 MPa< ƒƒun= 2860 MPa, Fpnb= 644.4× = 44.16 KN

 ε,ƒ&F for post –tensioning:

εpu = εpui+ Δεpu du= 900mm

= εpui + Ωu (du-C)
= 0.004661 + 0.31 × (900-207.2)
εpu = 0.007771
ƒpu= εpu×Efpu= 0.007771×127×103
ƒpu= 986.9MPa<ƒfuu= 1870 MPa
= 2257.8× = 2228.2 KN

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

E) Compute Resultant forces in tendons/strands and concrete:

 Ct + Cf = 0.85ƒ΄c bht+ 0.85ƒ΄c b (β1- ht)

Ct = resultant compression force in concrete topping, KN.
Cf = resultant compression force in flange of precast DT-beam, KN.
Ect = modulus of elasticity of concrete topping, MPa =31.6×103 MPa.
Ec = modulus of elasticity of precast concrete, MPa = 36.7×103 MPa.
ht = topping height, mm = 75mm.
Ct + Cf = 0.85 ׃΄c × b × [ ht + (β1c- ht)]

= 0.85 × 53.8 × 2120 ×

=12,247,357.02 KN = 12,247.4 KN

 C = Total compression force = Ct + Cf + Fpnt+Fpnb

= 12,247.4 + 140.508 + 44.16
=12,432.07 KN
 FR = Total resultant tension force

= 7081.732 + 2146.9 + 2228.2

= 11,456.832 KN
FR = = 11,944.5 KN

F) Ultimate moment capacity:

 d = location of c.g. for the tension force resultant from extreme compression fiber
= [(653.702×520) + (717.7×590) + (781.83×660) + (845.7×730) + (924.7×800) +
(988.7×870) + (1052.7×940) + (116.7×1010)] + [(13.7×230) + (116.2×400) +
(218.8×570) + (321.3×740) + (424×910) + (1052.9×1080)] + [2228.2×900] +
= 833.96mm.

 a = β1c
= 0.66×207.2 = 136.75mm

 = distance of the c.g. for the compressive force resultant from the extreme compression.

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

= =


 Mn = 11,944.5 × (833.96 - 71.79)

= 9,103,739.6 KNmm
= 9,103.74 KNm

ØMn = 0.85 × 9,103.74 KNm

= 7,738.2 KNm > Mu = 4,648.81 KNm
ØMn = 1.66 Mu

G) Compute stresses due to service loads:

Mservice= MD+ML
= 1972.982 + 1109.78
= 3082.762 KN.m
Since the section will not crack under service load Mservice < Mcr
the section properties will remain as it was, and the stresses can be calculated as follows:

Maximum compression stress in concrete at the extreme compression fiber:

= - 3.442 + 9.667 - 2.0446 + 6.729 - 10.4912

= 0.4182 MPa (tension) < 0.6 ƒ΄c = 0.6 × 53.8 = 32.28 MPa.

i - Precast section: Sec A Pre-tensioninginitial MDSecA(precast)

Fpreti = 4000 KN only
MD of sec A = 1400 KN.m

= - 4.59 + 0.4843 – 5.87553

Advanced Composite Materials for Structures Term

= - 9.981 MPa < - 0.6 ƒ΄ci = - 0.6 × 53.8 = - 32.28 MPa

= - 4.59 – 8.226 + 9.8

= - 3.017 MPa. < - 0.6 ƒ΄c i = - 32.28 MPa
< = 22 MPa.
ii – Sec A, Fprete,Fposti,MDsecA Pre-tensioningeffective,Posti,MDsecA

= - 3.443 + 0.3632 – 2.065 + 3.217 – 5.87553

= - 7.803


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