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5 ways to write “5 ways of Something…..


I found a way to cure my “Fintiposis” FTPS- a disease roughly translated as “

Fingertip itching sensation for web publishing”! I know there are quite a lot of friends
out there also suffering from FTPS.

When Linkedin allowed us to publish, I decided to get the cure ASAP. I see many
articles, posts and blogs on this famous “5 ways”, ’10 ways” and “8 places..” etc.
Some of them are really genuine and useful; many belong to “5 ways to time pass’

Many of us also want to be Authors of “5 ways of Something”. This is a sincere effort

to help all of us! I have no intention to hurt anybody. If you felt hurt, please wait for
my next post “ 5 ways to handle yourselves, when you are hurt”!!

Where do we start? Easy….First 4 ways to write any 5 ways - follow simple well
known secret principle of PDCA!

Plan.. Do… Check.. Act. That’s all!

Let us take an example… 5 ways to handle a tough boss!! Start the keyboard

1. Observe the Boss : ( Plan) .. what he likes, what he dislikes, when he smiles,
when he frowns etc.

2.Align with Him: ( Do) .. Follow the leader .. When he smiles, you smile. When he
frowns, have a long face..

3. Use informal channels: (Check) Collect feedback from different sources on his
opinion about you

4. Fine tune: (Act) : Modify your behaviour and monitor.

In all the four steps, to make the article spicy, you can add some serious references
like Prof. Jim once mentioned “ Every leader is a follower of his Leader” etc..
Nobody is going to ask you who is Prof. Jim and where did he say so. Believe me..
People have no time.. They need to read next “8 Ways to spend your time usefully
during commute”!!

If you are too scared, you can mention “ A dog barketh; An Idiot talketh”-
Anonymous. No risks!! It is critical keep the line in italics, Bold style, to ensure, it
appears like an important Quote. Needless to say, Quotes shall be within “ Quotes”..
( I think that is why they got the name?!)

The 5th Way is very crucial, Take a simple U turn!

5. Your Boss actually may not be tough!: How do you say your boss is tough? He
has a family. He loves kids. He listens to music. He may have a kind heart and look
for it!

Your post is ready! If you plan to write about “5 Ways to have a Flat tummy” – You
may want to say on the 5th way- Why do you need a flat tummy? Beer Belly has
many uses- Your kids can use as pillow and sleep; when you fall flat, it acts as shock
absorber –Blah-Blah-Blah

Then, how do you write “10 ways or 8 ways”? Simple! split the steps above.

Still, Why do I read all these “5 ways” stuff? I have an internal search engine. I
search answers outside for my own internal issues.

If I spend time on thinking over the question, I would find an answer; but I expect
“Instant” solution- pre-cooked- ready to eat- That is the core of the issue for me.

In reality, my answer to my problem is always better than others answer to my

problem! .

Life always presents Problems with Solutions together. When I reflect internally, my
chance of arriving at a solution is much better.

So, are we ready for Internal reflection? How do we do it?

Wait for read my next article on “ 5 ways to have best internal reflection”

Synopsis: 1. Choose a quiet place 2. Reflect.. Reflect.. Reflect..3. Record the

experience.. 4. Improve :… 5: Internal or External??

Now you got it!



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