Basic Swimming Techniques

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BASIC SWIMMING TECHNIQUES r ae Backstroke Technique: BUN e tN RCO EMT D eNOS oNEMIM mE NER U TINO Mm Unto n the water. Here's how it works: >Move arms alternately in a windmill pattern. PAG M ITSM U em INTTTHNTOR SICH TIO Reo nek TT Re) aii eee ams TORTORU TEN EVR UTIToa Ce ETAT EHH) Torta PA SORT EN MMe TEM ELE Le CMTC Pa Geer wi consult iry Patan aca > Emphasize the upward kicking motion. pea econ m BL een) Breaststroke Technique: It's all about timing with this basic swimming technique. The body moves up and down while the swimmer coasts through the water. Try these tips to improve your breaststroke swimming technique. > Keep arms overhead when beginning the stroke. Ped ssa liga Tete CONN Lome nCccs ee HTC ol Ove aCe e Co »Cup hands, » Return arms to starting position. PACE WH em <(6 CINIE TUM TO IM ciracr ote UT on Comoe Hexem tire push backward, and snap legs together. This pushes the water ETC RScsTUU Coa uaTHNTHTCo ms CO GUC »Take a breath each time you make an arm stroke. Butterfly Technique: The butterfly is one of the most difficult swimming strokes. Swimming the butterfly stroke relies on precision timing. Plus, arm strength is a definite benefit for successfully swimming this stroke. Time it like this: > Move the arms together while pulling through the water. PAG UTM TRATUM Helin Ee rntea te PATA TST NCTA ETC TLE Mies} e TOUCHY oT eaR TE TEST Code LO eae te > Bend knees slightly and keep them together, then straighten the knees and push downward. > Whip feet down. PA Gon cen ee

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