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Week Number 6:

GE Art1 – Art Appreciation

(Mr. Javier B. Baarde Mr. Van Holden M. Murillo)
Year level:
Date Submitted:
Title: Answer Me
Things to do:
Answer the following questions.

1. What are the elements of art?

2. In two-dimension artworks such as paintings, cite the elements and

principles of art that when utilized in the composition of the
artwork, will help simulate or suggest the three-dimensional

3. What is the relevance of combined arts and hybrid art in the

twenty-first century?

4. How does light affect the intensity of color?

5. What is the difference between the positive area and negative area
in a work of art?

6. How are curve lines allied to feelings?

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
Week Number 6:
GE Art1 – Art Appreciation
(Mr. Javier B. Baarde Mr. Van Holden M. Murillo)
Year level:
Date Submitted:
ASSESSMENT (Summative)
Title: Painting Analysis
Things to do:
Analyze the painting below and answer the following questions.

Weeping Woman', Pablo Picasso, 1937

1. What does the painting “say” to you personally?

2. What connection do you see between the subject matter and the
techniques used?

3. What is your cultural meaning and context of the work of art?

Scale Description Points

Facts are consistently detailed/precise and very relevant.
5 points Uses correct spelling and grammar effectively almost all of
the time. Addresses the question completely.
Most facts are detailed/precise and relevant. Uses spelling
4 points and grammar with considerable accuracy and effectiveness.
Addresses the question, but left out few details.
Lacks few substantial details and examples to support ideas.
3 points Spelling and grammar require moderate editing. Addresses the
question, but provided few details.
More specific details and examples are needed to support
2-1 points opinions. Spelling and grammar require considerate editing.
Addresses the question, but in very few details.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
Week Number 6:
GE Art1 – Art Appreciation (Mr. Javier B. Baarde)
Year level:
Date Submitted:
Title: Make me. Describe Me
Things to do:

Do It: Create a simple artwork (painting or drawing) through the use

of all the principles of art. Put it in any art work materials
(example: illustration board, canvas, olso paper, etc.). You have also
the option what colored material you want to use. And submit to
Answer the following.
1. Describe: If you create your own art, tell where the different
letters of your names or nicknames are found in your design.
Identify the art media you used to create the different areas.

The letters of my nickname is emphasize in the middle. The letter E will serve as the boundary of the two
areas of blue and white. On both sides, I used a square shape with one big size and the rest are moderate
sizes in both equal parts. In the half color blue of the art, there is a square and a dot inside of it. The big
square shows the harmony of a chain and a horizontal and vertical line the same as the square on the
other side. The white area also consists of squares with a flower inside and on the outside part, which
shows one movement and a pattern. Below, a small flower shows the scale of big leaves. 

2. Analyze: Name the principles of art highlighted in every area of

your own design.

First is Balance, the two area is equally divided which shows

balance and as well on the squares are equal on both side.
Second, the small flower with big leaves pertains to scale and
proportion. Third, emphasis, the letters of my nickname shows
emphasis because of its colors which is the highlight of my
artwork and forth, the blue and white are shows the contrast.
Fifth and six, the designs and color that I have used in my art
shows unity and variety and it also shows harmony because of
interconnected. Next, the square in both sides shows movement and
rhythm and last the flowers as well as the squares shows
repletion and pattern.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
3. Judge: Tell whether your design clearly highlights each principle
of art. Tell which section of your design you think is the most
successful. Explain your answer.

yes, my design clearly highlights each principle of art because the edges, shapes, colors, and design I have
used can be recognized. The section of my design that is most successful is the letters of my nickname
because I placed them in the middle and I used colors which highlight each letter. The black color helps it
to highlight yellow and the letters from the rest of the color, which greatly draws attention. 

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7

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