Dot Mandala Record Lesson Plan

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Dot Mandala/Record Lesson Plan

Project Objectives:

● To attempt to not only understand Flow, but to experience it during a creative process.
● To use the state of Flow to enhance the creative process and tap into an inner space that can make
students stronger artists, more thoughtful and intuitive.
● To exercise a certain mental discipline needed for the meditative state of Flow.
● For record mandalas, to use the skills we’ve learned about creating mandalas to make an artistic piece

Today, we are bombarded by information and stimuli at all times. We lose chances for reflective and meditative
states. We lose chances to be in a state of “Flow,” defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi as “A state of
heightened focus and complete immersion in activities such as art, play and work.” Flow can enhance focus
and skills, and provide creative openness during artmaking.

This project aims to give students the chance to explore and experiment as contemporary artists, considering
their senses and trying to understand how these “accidental” skills lead to great art making (as opposed to
traditional studio skill building). Students will explore mark making in a variety of ways, utilizing technical
skills, a variety of media, tactile performance methods, and experimentation. In addition to personal
experimentation in their art, students will be encouraged to talk and write about their art in new ways.

This lesson was implemented in the second quarter. We spent the first quarter exploring drawing processes,
exploring media possibilities and use (or unusual use) of media, drawing limitations, and how to unlock the
imagination. This lesson came after all of that exploration in order to pull students forward into thoughtfulness
and mindfulness. I'm hoping that after this they can step forward into an even more aware and thoughtful
artistic process.

Through this project, we explored the following Essential Questions/Avenues of Inquiry:

● How do people access creativity and freedom while in a state of Flow?

● How can meditation or day-dreaming connect to Flow?
● How can we achieve a heightened sense of awareness of Flow?
● How can Flow be used to create artwork?

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