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Developing Reports and Dashboards with SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services La...

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Developing Reports and Dashboards with SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Ser

After com pleting this lab, you w illbe better able to:

 C reate and configure Reports

 C reate and configure Filters
 C reate and configure a D ashboard
 Explore the deployed D ashboard and interactivity features

The lab scenario centers around the sales activites of the Adventure W orks com pany. This com pany m anufactures and sells bicycles and related products to various globalm arkets via reseller and internet channels.

Estimated time to complete: 60 m in

Computers used in this Lab:

The passw ord for the Adm inistrator account on allcom puters in this lab is: Password;1

Exercise 1 - Developing PerformancePoint Reports and Dashboards

In this exercise, you w illcontinue to develop the w orkspace created in Exercise 1 by creating reports, filters and a dashboard.

Task 1: Opening the Reseller Sales Workspace

C om plete this Task on:

a. Launch the Configuration Wizard for this Lab by running the Setup.cmd script located under the C:\LabFiles\Labs\SQL10R2UPD03-HOL-02\Source\Setup folder of this lab. Installany pre-requisites that are
If your setup fails, please restart the VEGAS Virtual Machine by hitting Start | Restart, give it a few minutes to restart on the backend then connect to the lab again, then repeat the step above.

b. W hen prom pted by the com m and prom pt, enter 1 for 1 - Default and press Enter.

c. W hen prom pted by the com m and prom pt a second tim e, enter 1 forhttp://vegasand press Enter.

d. Start Internet Explorer from Start | AllProgram s | Internet Explorer.

e. N avigate to the SharePoint2010InsightsLab site that w as created during the setup operations of this lab using the Business Intelligence Center site tem plate.

Note: The URL for the SharePoint2010InsightsLab site will depend on the SharePoint site collection you choose during the setup operations of this lab. For example, if you used http://vegas as the site collection, th

f. O n the hom e page, hover over the Create D ashboards label(located in the bottom right).

g. In the left pane, click the Start U sing Perform ancePoint Services link. 5/26/2011
Developing Reports and Dashboards with SharePoint 2010 PerformancePoint Services La... Page 2 of 22

Figure 1.

h. W hen the Perform ancePoint Service page loads, click Run D ashboard D esigner.

i. W hen prom pted, click Run.

Note: Dashboard Designer is now available from All Programs | SharePoint | PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer.

j. W hen D ashboard D esigner opens, on the H om e ribbon tab, inside the Im port group, click Im port Item s.

k. In the Im port Item s w indow , navigate to Ex2-DevelopingPpsReportsAndDashboards\Begin in the Source folder of this lab, select the Reseller Sales.ddw x w orkspace file, and then click O pen.

l. In the Im port Item s to SharePoint w indow , for the D ata Connections library, in the C opy To colum n, click (not selected).

m . In the Add Lists w indow , select the D ata Connections library, and then click O K.

n. Repeat the last tw o steps to associate the Perform ancePoint C ontent list also.

o. In the Im port Item s to SharePoint w indow , click N ext. 5/26/2011
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Figure 2.

p. W hen the im port process has com pleted, click Finish.

Figure 3.

Task 2: Creating the Sales and Profit Report

C om plete this Task on:

Note: In this task, you will design a pie chart to report sales and profit measures. The background of the chart will be configured to accept filter values when the chart is embedded into a dashboard.

a. To add a report to the w orkspace, in the W orkspace Brow ser, ensure the Perform ancePoint Content list is selected, then on the C reate ribbon tab, inside the Reports group, click Analytic C hart.

b. In the C reate an Analytic Chart Report w indow , select the Adventure W orks data source, and then click Finish. 5/26/2011
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Figure 4.

c. To renam e the report, in the W orkspace Brow ser, m odify the report nam e to Sales and Profit, and then press Enter.

d. To assign the report to a folder, in the D esign pane, click the Properties tab, and then in the D isplay Folder box, enter Reports.

e. In the design pane, click the D esign tab.

f. To set the report type, on the Edit ribbon tab, inside the View group, click Report Type, and then select Pie Chart.

g. To configure the report design, in the D etails pane, expand the M easures category, and then drag the R eseller Sales Am ount m easure into the Bottom Axis drop zone.

h. Repeat the last step to add the Reseller G ross Profit m easure beneath the Reseller Sales Am ount m easure in the Bottom Axis drop zone.

i. In the D etails pane, expand the D im ensions category, expand the Reseller dim ension, and then drag the Business Type hierarchy into the Series drop zone.

j. To configure filter endpoints, from the D etails pane, drag the follow ing hierarchies into the Background drop zone:

Dimension Hierarchy
D ate Fiscal(located in the Fiscalfolder)
Product Categories
Sales Territory Sales Territory

Note: The Background drop zone is used to slice the query result - like a hidden axis. In this design, no members on the hierarchies have been selected to filter the query result. When you configure the dashboard later
to which filter values will be passed.

k. Your report design should resem ble the follow ing:

Figure 5.

l. To show the chart inform ation bar, on the Edit ribbon tab, inside the View group, click Settings.

m . In the View Settings w indow , check Show Inform ation Bar and then click O K.

Figure 6.

Note: The Information Bar appears across the top of the chart area and displays filter context. Presently, it confirms our understanding that no background selections exist.

n. Right-click any blank area surrounding the pie charts. Review the options, but do not select any.

Note: In PerformancePoint Services 2010, the designer supports the same interactive experience that the end user will have in the published dashboard. Also, new in this release is the ability for the user to interact with

You will explore the interactivity features in the published dashboard as part of the last task in this exercise. 5/26/2011
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o. Right-click the Reseller Sales Am ount chart label. Review the available options, but do not select any.

p. In the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Sales and Profit report, and then click Save.

Note: While pie charts may look interesting, be aware that they are usually not an effective data visualization. Readers of pie charts have difficulty determining the relative size of the pie slices. Furthermore, as the pie s
understanding the data. To compensate for these short falls, readers can hover over the pie slices and a tooltip will provide contextual information.

Task 3: Creating the Salesperson Summary Report

C om plete this Task on:

Note: In this task, you will design an Analytic Grid report to detail individual employee sales contributions. The background of the grid will be configured to accept filter values when the report is embedded into a dashbo

a. To add a report to the w orkspace, in the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Reports folder, point to N ew , and then click Report.

b. In the Select a Report Tem plate w indow , select the Analytic G rid tem plate, and then click O K.

Figure 7.

c. In the Create an Analytic G rid Report w indow , select the Adventure W orks data source, and then click Finish.

d. To renam e the report, in the W orkspace Brow ser, m odify the report nam e to Salesperson Sum m ary, and then press Enter.

e. To configure the report design, in the D etails pane, drag the follow ing hierarchies and m easures to the respective drop zones:

Type Dimension Measure / Hierarchy Drop Zone
D im ension Em ployee Em ployees Row s
M easures N /A Reseller Sales Am ount Colum ns
D im ension D ate Fiscal(located in the Fiscalfolder) Background
D im ension Sales Territory Sales Territory Background

f. Your report design should resem ble the follow ing:

Figure 8.

g. To select the em ployee m em bers, in the Row s drop zone, click the dow n arrow ( ) next to the Em ployee Em ployees hierarchy.

h. In the Select M em bers w indow , right-click the AllEm ployees m em ber, point to Autoselect M em bers, click Select AllD escendants, and then click O K. 5/26/2011
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Figure 9.

i. To rem ove em pty grid row s, on the Edit ribbon tab, inside the Q uery group, click Filter, and then click Filter Em pty Row s.

j. To show the inform ation bar, on the Edit ribbon tab, inside the View group, click Settings.

k. In the View Settings w indow , check Show Inform ation Bar, and then click O K.

Figure 10.

l. To form at the grid background color, on the Edit ribbon tab, inside the Font group, click the FillColor button, and then select a light color.

Figure 11.

m . To m odify the num ber form at, select any cellw ithin the Reseller Sales Am ount colum n, and then on the Edit ribbon tab, inside the N um ber group, click the com m a button ( ).

Note: In PerformancePoint Services 2010, the designer can now format grid colors and number formats. Note that if the measures are sourced from Analysis Services cubes the measures are likely already formatted.

n. In the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Salesperson Sum m ary report and then click Save. 5/26/2011
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Figure 12.

Task 4: Creating the KPI Details Report

C om plete this Task on:

Note: In this task, you will create a KPI Details report.

a. To add a report to the w orkspace, in the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Reports folder, point to N ew , and then click Report.

b. In the Select a Report Tem plate w indow , select the KPI D etails tem plate, and then click O K.

Figure 13.

c. To nam e the report, in the W orkspace Brow ser, m odify the nam e to KPI D etails, and then press Enter.

d. Review the available properties, but do not change any. 5/26/2011
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Figure 14.

Note: In PerformancePoint Services 2010, this new report type is used to present details of the selected KPI metric.

e. In the W orkspaceBrow ser, right-click the KPI D etails report, and then click Save.

Task 5: Creating the Time Filter

C om plete this Task on:

Note: In this task, you will define a Time Intelligence filter that will allow users to filter the dashboard by different time periods. In PerformancePoint Services 2010, filters are now a first class element that can be reused

a. To add a filter to the w orkspace, in the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Perform ancePoint C ontent list, point to N ew , and then click Filter.

b. In the Select a Filter Tem plate w indow , select the Tim e Intelligence tem plate (be carefulnot to select the last tem plate w hich is the Tim e Intelligence Connection Form ula), and then click O K.

Figure 15.

c. In the Create a Filter w indow , click Add D ata Source.

d. In the Select a D ata Source w indow , select the Adventure W orks data source, and then click O K.

e. In the Create a Filter w indow , click N ext. 5/26/2011
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Figure 16.

f. To add a tim e form ula, in the Form ula box, enter M onth, and then in the D isplay N am e box, replace the value w ith This M onth.

Note: The Time Intelligence (TI) filter allows designers to enter one or more TI formula expressions. Each formula expression becomes a filter item. Because you configured the Time properties for the Adventure Works
the TI formula to the equivalent Fiscal hierarchy member(s) based on the current date.

g. Configure the follow ing additionaltim e form ulas:

Formula Display Name
Year.FirstM onth : M onth YTD M onth
Q uarter This Q uarter
Sem ester This Sem ester
Year This Year
Year-1 Last Year
Year-2 Tw o Years Ago
Year-3 Three Years Ago
Year-4 Four Years Ago

Figure 17.

Note: The Adventure Works sample data ranges from 2005 to 2008. In order to see data in the dashboard you may need to use the latter formulas to navigate from your current date.

h. To preview the form ulas, click the Preview button. 5/26/2011
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Figure 18.

i. Review the form ula and m em ber sets, and then click Close.

j. In the C reate a Filter w indow , click N ext.

k. In the Select D isplay M ethod page, notice the default selection, and then click Finish.

Figure 19.

l. To nam e the filter and assign it to a folder, in the design pane, click the Properties tab.

m . In the N am e box, replace the text w ith Tim e.

n. In the D isplay Folder box, enter Filters, and then click the Editor tab.

o. In the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Tim e filter, and then click Save.

Task 6: Creating the Category Filter

C om plete this Task on:

Note: In this task, you will define a Member Selection filter that will allow users to filter the dashboard by the product categories.

a. To add a filter to the w orkspace, in the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Filters folder, point to N ew , and then click Filter.

b. In the Select a Filter Tem plate w indow , select the M em ber Selection tem plate, and then click O K. 5/26/2011
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Figure 20.

c. In the Create a Filter w indow , select the Adventure W orks data source, and then click N ext.

d. To select the m em bers, in the Select M em bers page, click Select D im ension.

e. In the Select D im ension w indow , select the Product.Product Categories hierarchy, and then click O K.

f. C lick Select M em bers.

g. In the Select M em bers w indow , expand the AllProducts m em ber, and then check each of the four product categories:

h. Right-click the Bikes m em ber and then select Set as D efault Selection.

i. Your selection should resem ble the follow ing:

Figure 21.

j. Click O K.

Note: Creating filters based on selected members is not recommended when the membership of the hierarchy may change. Note that if additional product categories were added to the dimension, they would not appear
Query filter. You will create an MDX Query filter in the next task.

k. In the Create a Filter w indow , click N ext.

Figure 22.

l. In the Select D isplay M ethod, click Finish. 5/26/2011
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m . In the W orkspace Brow ser, m odify the nam e of the filter to Category, and then press Enter.

n. In the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Category filter, and then click Save.

Task 7: Creating the Sales Territory Filter

C om plete this Task on:

Note: In this task, you will define an MDX Query filter that will allow users to filter the dashboard by members of the different levels of the Sales Territory hierarchy (groups, countries or regions).

a. To add a filter to the w orkspace, in the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Filters folder, point to N ew , and then click Filter.

b. In the Select a Filter Tem plate w indow , select the M D X Q uery tem plate, and then click O K.

Figure 23.

c. In the Create a Filter w indow , select the Adventure W orks data source and then click N ext.

d. To retrieve allleaf m em bers from the Sales Territory hierarchy, in the Enter M D X Form ula page, type the follow ing M D X code:

[Sales Territory].[Sales Territory].Members

e. Click N ext.

f. In the Select D isplay M ethod page, select Tree, and then click Finish.

g. In the W orkspace Brow ser, m odify the nam e of the filter to Sales Territory, and then press Enter.

h. In the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Sales Territory filter, and then click Save.

Task 8: Creating the Reseller Sales Dashboard

C om plete this Task on:

Note: In this task, you will create a dashboard that consists of two pages: Sales Performance and Product Profit by Month.

The first dashboard page, named Sales Performance, will present a Time filter that can be used to filter the Sales Performance Scorecard scorecard and Salesperson Summary report. Additionally, a connection will be de
scorecard Sales Territory member is selected. Finally, a connection will be defined to pass the selected cell context of the scorecard into the KPI Details report.

The second dashboard page, named Product Profit by Month, will present the Time, Category and Sales Territory filters. A Time filter selection will result in a set of related months appearing on the columns axis of the S
Profit report. The Category filter selection will result in the set of related subcategories appearing on the rows of the scorecard. The Sales Territory filter will filter both the scorecard and the report.

a. To add a dashboard to the w orkspace, in the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Perform ancePoint Content list, point to N ew , and then click D ashboard.

b. In the Select a D ashboard Page Tem plate w indow , note the default selection, and then click O K. 5/26/2011
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Figure 24.

c. In the W orkspace Brow ser, m odify the nam e of the dashboard to Reseller Sales, and then press Enter.

d. In the D esign pane, click the Properties tab.

e. In the D isplay Folder box, enter D ashboards, and then click the Editor tab.

f. To nam e the page, in the Pages section, replace the text w ith Sales Perform ance in the N am e box.

g. To add a filter to the H eader zone, in the D etails pane, expand the Filters category, expand the Perform ancePoint Content list, expand the Filters folder, and then drag the Tim e filter into the H eader zone.

h. Repeat the last step to add the Sales Perform ance Scorecard scorecard to the Left Colum n zone, and the KPI D etails report to the Right Colum n zone.

i. To add a new zone, right-click the border of the Right Colum n zone, and then click Add Below .

j. Scrollto the bottom of the D ashboard C ontent pane to locate the new zone, right-click the border of the new zone, and then click Zone Settings.

k. In the Zone Settings w indow , in the N am e box, replace the text w ith Footer, and then click O K.

l. Add the Salesperson Sum m ary report to the Footer zone.

m . To configure the connections from the Tim e filter, select the Tim e filter in the H eader zone and then click Create C onnection on the Edit ribbon tab.

n. In the Connection w indow , in the Send Values To dropdow n list, select Left C olum n - (1) Sales Perform ance Scorecard.

Note: The notation used to uniquely identify dashboard items is: [Zone Name] - ([Display Position Within Zone]) [Item Name].

Figure 25.

o. Click the Values tab, select Page in the Connect to dropdow n list and then select M em ber U nique N am e in the Source Value dropdow n list. 5/26/2011
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Figure 26.

Note: This connection will pass Time filter's member unique value(s) to filter the scorecard.

p. In the C onnection w indow , click O K

q. Select the Tim e filter again, and configure a connection to the Footer - (1) Salesperson Sum m ary, passing M em ber U nique N am e to the D ate Fiscalhierarchy.

Figure 27.

Note: Recall that Date Fiscal was introduced into the background of the Salesperson Summary report to receive filter values.

r. To configure the connection to the KPI D etails report, in the Right C olum n zone, select the KPI D etails report, and configure a connection from Left Colum n - (1) Sales Perform ance Scorecard, passing the scorecard Ce

Figure 28. 5/26/2011
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Note: This connection will pass the selected scorecard cell context to the report. Only the cell context can be passed into a KPI Report, and is sufficient for the report to display contextual information about the selected

s. To configure the connection to the Salesperson Summary report, select the Salesperson Summary in the Footer zone, and configure a connection from Left Column - (1) Sales Performance Scorecard, passi
Sales Territory.

Figure 29.

Note: Recall that the Sales Performance Scorecard scorecard was configured to include the Sales Territory hierarchy on the rows. The connection created in the previous step will pass the member unique name of the se

t. To add a second page to the dashboard, in the Pages section, click the N ew Page button.

u. In the Select a D ashboard Page Tem plate w indow , note the default selection, and then click O K.

v. To nam e the new page, in the Pages section, in the N am e box, replace the text Page 1 w ith Product Profit by M onth.

w . To add filters to the page, in the Pages section, right-click the border of the H eader zone, and then select Zone Settings.

x. To present the filters vertically, in the Zone Settings w indow , click the O rientation tab, select Vertical, and then click O K.

Figure 30.

y. From the D etails pane, add the follow ing three filters, positioned in this order, to the H eader zone: Tim e, Category and Sales Territory.

z. Add the Sales Profit Scorecard scorecard to the Left Colum n zone.

aa. Add the Sales and Profit report to the R ight C olum n zone.

Note: The formulas required in the following step may be copied from the Assets\Snippets.txt file in the Source folder of this lab.

bb. U se the follow ing table to com plete the required connections. Each row in the table represents a new connection. Select the item in the G et Values From colum n, and then on the ribbon, click C reate Connection. C on
table. If the Connection Form ula colum n contains a form ula, click the C onnection Form ula button, and then enter the form ula.

Get Values From Send Values To Connect To Source Value Connection Formula
H eader - (1) Tim e Left Colum n - (1) Sales Profit Scorecard Colum n M em ber U nique N am e D ESCEN D AN TS(< < U niqueN am e> > , [D ate].[Fiscal].[M onth])
H eader - (1) Tim e R ight C olum n - (1) Sales and Profit D ate Fiscal M em ber U nique N am e
H eader - (2) C ategory Left Colum n - (1) Sales Profit Scorecard Row M em ber U nique N am e D ESCEN D AN TS(< < U niqueN am e> > , [Product].[Product Categories].[Subcategory], SELF_AN
H eader - (2) C ategory R ight C olum n - (1) Sales and Profit Product C ategories M em ber U nique N am e 5/26/2011
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H eader - (3) Sales Territory Left Colum n - (1) Sales Profit Scorecard Page M em ber U nique N am e
H eader - (3) Sales Territory R ight C olum n - (1) Sales and Profit Sales Territory M em ber U nique N am e

Note: The connection formulas allow the passed value to be intercepted and transformed. The <<UniqueName>> token represents the member(s) being passed.

The first formula transforms the member(s) passed in from the Time filter (which is based on the Adventure Works data source which was configure to use the Date.Fiscal hierarchy) to pass on the Month members that
columns of the scorecard.

The second formula transforms the member passed from the Category filter to produce a set of members that represent the selected category and the related subcategories. This set will be passed to the rows of the sco

cc. To save the dashboard and w orkspace, click the O ffice button, and then click Save All.

Figure 31.

Task 9: Deploying and Exploring the Reseller Sales Dashboard

C om plete this Task on:

Note: In this task, you deploy the dashboard to SharePoint and explore the interactivity features available in the dashboard.

a. To deploy the dashboard to SharePoint, in the W orkspace Brow ser, right-click the Reseller Sales dashboard, and then click D eploy to SharePoint.

b. In the D eploy To w indow , select the D ashboards library, select v4 in the M aster Page dropdow n list , ensure that the Include Page List For N avigation checkbox is checked, and then click O K

Figure 32.

Note: The dashboard is deployed to the selected library using the selected master page. Each dashboard is published as a folder that consists of a web page for each page within the dashboard. 5/26/2011
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c. W hen the dashboard page renders in Internet Explorer, notice that the tw o dashboard pages appear as links above the Tim e filter.

Figure 33.

d. N otice the available Tim e filter options. Select Three Years Ago, and notice the updated scorecard and report (located beneath the scorecard).

e. N otice the scorecard toolbar, and click the C ollapse Allbutton.

Figure 34.

f. Expand the AllSales Territories m em ber, and the click the Sales Target cellfor U nited Kingdom .

g. Review the KPI D etails report (located on the right). Review also that the Salesperson Sum m ary report (located below the scorecard) has been filtered by U nited Kingdom to revealthe salespeople'sales contribution 5/26/2011
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Figure 35.

h. To explore and analyze the sales for José Edvaldo. Saraiva, scrollto the bottom of the report (the scrollbar is located on the far right), right-click the value in the Reseller Sales Am ount cellfor that salesperson, and t

i. In the new Internet Explorer w indow , click the blue bar, and then in the floating pane, click the Show Properties tab. N otice the properties associated w ith the em ployee m em ber. 5/26/2011
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Figure 36.

j. In the Expand To tab, click the D ate dim ension, and then click the FiscalQ uarter level.

Figure 37.

Note: The decomposition tree produces a breakdown of the sales into fiscal quarter for the salesperson.

k. To view the statistics about the m em ber, hover over one of the fiscalquarter bars and review the tooltip that appears.

l. To drillacross to product categories, click a fiscalquarter, in the floating pane, click the Product dim ension, and then click the C ategory levelof the C ategories hierarchy.

m . To drilldow n w ithin the Categories hierarchy, hover over the Bikes m em ber, and click the expand button located on the left. 5/26/2011
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Figure 38.

n. Repeat the last step to drilldow n to the Product levelof the hierarchy for the Road Bikes m em ber.

o. N otice w hen there are too m any m em bers to display on the page that you can navigate using the last m em ber in the list.

p. To further analyze the data in grid form at, click the Product m enu at the top of the tree level, and then click G rid.

Figure 39.

q. N otice the Analytic G rid representation of the decom position tree node, including the Inform ation Bar beneath the toolbar that provides context to the data.

r. Close the Internet Explorer w indow .

s. To explore the second page of the dashboard, click the Product Profit by M onth link (located above the Tim e filter).

t. N otice the three filters, and that the Tim e filter retains the value selected on the previous dashboard page.

u. To filter by a particular sales territory, click the AllSales Territories filter link, expand the AllSales Territories m em ber, and then select N orth Am erica.

v. N otice the scorecard updates. N otice also the dim ensionality of the scorecard, w ith M onth m em bers across the colum ns and the filtered Product Category m em ber and related Product Subcategory m em bers across the
scorecard. The Inform ation Bar m ay not be large enough to display the entire text, so hover over the bar to revealthe filter context applied to the report. H over over the pie slices to view their statistics. 5/26/2011
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Figure 40.

w . To add additionalm easures to the report, right-click a blank area w ithin the Sales and Profit report, and then click Select M easures.

x. To list m easures from one m easure group, in the M easure G roup dropdow n list, select Reseller Sales.

Figure 41.

y. C heck the D iscount Am ount and Reseller O rder Q uantity m easures, and then click O K.

z. N otice that tw o additionalpie charts are added to the report. 5/26/2011
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Figure 42.

Note: In PerformancePoint Services 2010, additional measures can now be added to the Analytic Chart and Analytic Grid reports by the user.

aa. To finish up, close the Internet Explorer w indow . 5/26/2011

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