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Elegir plan


aggressive behavoir


what is aggressive
A disruptive or aggressive passenger is
someone who, by stated action or
intention, endangers or may endanger the
safety of the aircraft, the persons or
property on it, or the accepted level of
good order and discipline on board.

There are numerous factors and triggers that can lead a typical member of the traveling public into
undisciplined behavior. These include, but are not limited to:
• Intoxication and / or drug use (both prescription and non-prescription).
• Mental health problems.
• Anxiety (including fear of flying).
• Frustration as a result of personal problems or dissatisfaction related to travel, such as:
o Pre-boarding issues.
o Departure delays (and lack of timely information).
o Lost connections.
o Post-boarding issues.
o Overcrowded conditions.
o Unserviceable equipment (seat will not recline, in-flight entertainment system not working, etc.).
o Nuisance individuals in the neighborhood (loud or loud passengers, seat kickers, crying babies, etc.)

Behavior in the face
of violent attitudes

1. Calm the people involved, try to smooth the

situation. • Maintain - Natural and relaxed posture -
Calm, security and control of the situation - Tone of
voice and adequate distance with the passenger • Try
- Listen and ask questions to understand the conflict -
Trying to put yourself in someone else's shoes.
Empathy • Avoid - Challenging looks - Threatening

Behavior in the face
of violent attitudes

Physical reduction: - Use of force in a

reasonable way - Maximum efficiency and
discretion - Reduction equipment: Restrain 1
Kit (Bridles, Scissors) Immobilize the hands by +$(,
placing the arms behind the back with the
palms facing out, without cutting the

Address passenger complaints - Detect
conflictive behavior - Act effectively -
Notify any conflict to the captain - In
notable cases, present the
corresponding complaint to the


what is food
Food poisoning, also called "foodborne
illness," is an illness caused by eating
contaminated food. The most common
causes of food poisoning are infectious
organisms - including bacteria, viruses, and


Symptoms of food poisoning vary
depending on the source of the
contamination. Most types of food
poisoning have one or more of the
following signs and symptoms:
• Nausea
• vomiting
• Watery or bloody diarrhea
• Abdominal pain and cramps
• Fever

If you are sick, it is not okay to spread it to others. On board

we also have the elderly and children. As for the most
serious medical problems, we prefer that they be treated on
land, where there is access to hospitals, rather than having a
medical emergency at 10,000 meters above sea level, where
our capacity to act is limited. Flight attendants are all
trained to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, use
automated external defibrillators and give first aid, but we
cannot make diagnoses or give treatment as a doctor would.

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